Stress Management
Stress Management
Stress Management
I. Objectives
At the end of the 60-minute activity, students should be able to
1. Evaluate effective strategies for dealing with stress
2. Identify the things/situations that cause stress
3. Apply stress-management techniques to manage personal stressors
3. Present a role play on how to overcome stress
II. Content
1. Topic: stress management
2. Time frame: 60mins
3. Learning resources:
III. Procedure
A. Routinary act
1. 10 second cleanup
2. Prayer
3. Greetings
4. Attendance
5. Review
B. Motivation/Activity
1. Have the students perform the Cebuano nursery song “Balay ni Superman”
with actions.
2. Ask the students what they felt after doing the activity
C. Activity
1. On a piece of paper, let the students answer the question
As a student, I am stressed by –
D. Application
2. Group the students into 5 groups. Choose 5 situations at number 1 and
have the students do a role play on how they can overcome/manage the
E. Generalization
1. Do all people react to stressful situations in the same way? Why or why
2. What are some negative or unhealthy ways people might respond to these
stressful situations or events?
Becoming angry or upset
Blaming someone else for the stress
Acting out with physical violence
Ignoring a problem or avoiding a situation
3. What are some positive or healthier ways people might respond to these
stressful situations or events?
Get more information about the situation.
Talk about the situation with a friend or trusted adult.
Do something relaxing such as taking a bath or spending time in
Write about your feelings in a journal.
Talk to the other people involved in the situation to try to work things
Take a break