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FS E4 - Answered

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Observation Sheet #4.

Resource Teacher: Jefferson Molina________________ Teacher’s Signature: _____________
School: MPGCHS_______________________________Grade/Year Level: ___Grade
Subject Area: __Advance Algebra__________________ Date: __________________

What learning activity/ies in the classroom did I observe

Bloom’s level of processing cognitive activities
in each level?

The students were asked to recall the lesson they had

last meeting.

The teacher asked the class to interpret the theme in

2. Comprehending
the short story that she read.

The teacher had presented different issues

corresponding with audiovisual wherein the students
3. Applying
may able to internalize certain behavior of what the
theme is all about.

The teacher asked the students to discriminate the

4. Analyzing theme about the positive and negative behavior of the
short story.

The students answered some short story guided


Learners were asked about other theme that weren’t

mention that may use as a guide in real life scenarios.

Levels of Processing Write down instances where Teacher made learners to do any these.

Information – Students gave information asked.

The teacher asked the learners about how they will help the community
by their own little way.

Mental procedures – Students determined if information is accurate or

1. Retrieval Students also were asked the difference between the positive and
negative side of not helping the community.

Psychomotor procedure/ motor or physical skills – Students

executed/performed procedures.
The teacher asked one of the learners to demonstrate on how they will
help the community.

Students constructed symbolic representation of information.

The learners were asked to draw to represent on how they will help the
2. Comprehension community.

The students elaborate and discussed on how they will help the

Levels of Processing Write down instances where Teacher made learners to do any these.

The teacher asked them of what are the consequences when they will
not help the community.

The students write a summary of the benefits if they will contribute to

help especially the needy of the community.

Students find out the positive side/results of they will continue to help
3. Analysis the community and negative side/results if they will not participate to the
community to help.

The students are able to classify the positive side and negative
side/results of not or helping the community.

The students are able to compare and contrast the cause and effects of
helping the community especially the needy ones.

The teacher is presenting some point of views or situations via

audiovisual in relation of helping the community where learners are able
to continuing contribute their own part of helping.
4. Knowledge utilization
The teacher made them act what they usually do and ask them if it is
consider in helping the community.

Observation Sheet # 4.2

Levels of Processing Write down instances where Teacher made learners to do any these.

The teacher helps the student to identify the problem arise in the
community as basis for their judgment.
The teacher helps the students to comprehend scenarios and events
that will help their judgment and conclusion.

The teacher help the students to comprehend and didn’t specified the
lessons according to each learner in a wholesome manner.

The teacher always monitors the student’s learning by employing oral

5. Meta-cognitive system
recitations in regards to the subject matter.

Through rubrics from teacher as this will guide if the students learned
the subject matter or not.

Levels of Processing Write down instances where Teacher made learners to do any these.

The teacher give emphasizes the importance and functions of every


6. Self-System The teacher encourages the students to engage in social or community

  activities by helping from their own little way.

The teacher motivates the students to create their own cause in helping
the community
My Analysis

1. Were all Bloom’s levels of processing information demonstrated by the learners

in the class? Why or why not?
 Not all Bloom’s level of processing information demonstrated because there was
one class which I observed they just have a spelling the whole period.
2. Which levels of processing cognitive information in Bloom’s taxonomy was most
displayed? least demonstrated? Give proofs.
 The most displayed level of processing information was comprehension almost
all the class that I observed understand the lesson but unfortunately there was
also least demonstrated which is creating.
3. Were all of Kendall’s and Marzano’s levels of processing of information, mental
and physical procedures demonstrated by the learners in class? Why or why
 Not all, especially the metacognition and the self-system level of processing
information were not observed It well although there are two classes that I
observed this two, but not really satisfying for the student.

4. Which levels of Kendall’s and Marzano’s processing information was most

demonstrated? least demonstrated? Give proofs.
 Retrieval was the most demonstrate process because all of the classes I’ve
observed did recalling of the lesson and the least demonstrated was
metacognitive and self-system which is out of focus in classes.
5. Are Bloom’s cognitive taxonomy of learning activities (cognitive, affective and
psychomotor) very different from the new taxonomy of Kendall and Marzano
(informative, metacognitive and psychomotor)? Explain your answer.

 No. Bloom’s and Marzano’s are very similar. Their wording is almost exactly the
same. Bloom’s uses nouns while Marzano’s uses forms of verbs to show levels
of learning. Marzano’s categories do not build upon one another. When Bloom’s
was created, it was a framework for teachers to use to focus on higher order
thinking. Marzano’s provides a more research-based theory to help teachers
improve their learner’s thinking. Group Reflection
My Reflections

Analyzing the level as of processing that were demonstrated by students in the classes
that you observed, what conclusion can you draw regarding the level of processing of
information that takes place in schools? (Are all the higher levels of processing
information done in classrooms? or are classrooms limited mostly to the lower levels of
information processing such as remembering or retrieval?)
Bloom’s level of processing was mostly presented in the class. I can see that the
teacher is doing things according to the level of processing. She also had the ability to
make the learners’ motivated and attentive to the class. I can also see that she is really
doing her best to keep the class entertaining and enjoyable. I learned that, based on
what I have observed I can conclude that mostly teacher on classes are focused only on
the lower levels of information processing such as level of information such as
remembering and comprehension. There are few who really exerted effort in order to
imposed learning on the students but no to exert that could allow students to perform all
the given task. All I want to say is the reason why students go to school because they
wanted to learn and how could that be possible if the teacher doesn’t have the passion.
Write your reflections on the level of information processing among students in class.
Does teacher contribute to the level of processing that students do in school? If
students are engaged only in low level information processing, can teacher be blamed
for such?
Yes, teacher is to blame since they are the prime movers inside the class and level of
processing information must start within then for, they are primary source of knowledge
inside the class. The teacher encourages the class to remember the activities each
learner is doing in their own houses and classifying them if it’s a good deed or a bad
deed. She presented lots of scenarios that are very common to each learner and
according to their level of thinking. The level of processing cognitive information that is
least used is the creating. She is more in the remembering. As for the Kendall’s and
Marzano’s level of processing information, I think most of it are presented and used in
the class. The teacher is guiding the class in making decisions, she also presented
scenarios that is very common in each learners’ everyday life.  Kids learn so much more
when they are interested in what they doing and they have some input into what they
are studying. So, by using these various strategies teachers allow students to have
some control over their education and have high level of processing information. No
child likes to be told everything that they have to do; they like to be able to make some
choices for themselves.
My Learning Portfolio

Based on the K to 12 Curriculum Guide, (for BEED students, subject of your choice;
BSED, your specialization), write competencies that are fit for each of the following:
A. Bloom’s levels of processing a learning activity: (Just in case you can’t find one,
make one). Give the other levels of information processing not given.
1. Remembering
The teacher asked the students on what is the previous lesson they had discussed.
2. Comprehending
The teacher asked the students of what are function of an adjectives and how they
will use it.
3. Applying
The teacher presented couple of describing words and ask to students to use it in
constructing a sentence.
4. Analyzing
The teacher gives the task to students to determine what type of an adjectives they
used and explain it in the front of the class.
5. Evaluating
The students had answered guided questions in regards to the subject matter.
6. Creating
The students were asked about what other function of an adjectives and how they
will used in a daily life conversation which they going to use in their real-life
B. Kendall’s and Marzano’s Levels of Processing Information: (Just in case you can’t
find one, make one).

Information – The students were asked on how they will add the colors and daily
conversation meaningful with other people.
Mental Procedures – Students were asked the definition of an adjectives.
Psychomotor – Students were demonstrating on how to construct sentences which
going to use in daily conversation meaningful with the use of an adjectives.

Students were asked of what are the functions of an adjectives and how they going to
use it.

Students were asked of what are the advantages and disadvantages of using an
adjective in a sentence.

Knowledge Utilization
The teacher presents some situations or scenarios via audiovisual on how an adjective
will use to make daily conversation more meaningful at the time they going to use it in
their real-life situations.
Teacher made them to demonstrate via performance on how they will use an adjective
using a dialogue.

Metacognitive system
The teacher always monitors and check their comprehension regarding the subject
matter through oral recitations.

The teacher gives some point of view of what are the importance of an adjectives in a

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