Biogas Plants
Biogas Plants
Biogas Plants
A technology is appropriate if it gains acceptance. Biogas plants have hitherto gained little
acceptance. Simple biogas plants have up to now presumably been inappropriate. Bicycles are
appropriate: if a person buys a bicycle, he is proud. It is a sign of his advance, his personal progress.
The bicycle is appropriate to the need for social recognition. If the person mounts the bicycle and falls
off because he does not know how to ride it, it is not appropriate to the abilities of its owner. The
person learns to ride and thus adapts himself to his cherished bicycle. The person goes to work on
his bicycle. It is appropriate to his need for convenience and low-cost transport. The bicycle breaks
down. The person has no money to spare to have it mended. He saves on other expenditure, because
the bicycle is important for his pride and his convenience. He walks long distances to the repairer. He
adapts to the needs of the bicycle.
The person can afford this expenditure without getting into economic difficulties. The bicycle is
appropriate to his economic capacity.
A biogas plant is correctly operated and maintained if it satisfies the user's need for recognition and
convenience. He for his part is then prepared to adapt to the needs of the biogas plant.
Biogas plants are appropriate to the technical abilities and economic capacity of Third World farmers.
Biogas technology is extremely appropriate to the ecological and economic demands of the future.
Biogas technology is progressive.
However, a biogas plant seldom meets the owner's need for status and recognition. Biogas
technology has a poor image ("Biogas plants are built by dreamers for poor people". If you do not
want to seem one of the poor, you do not buy a biogas plant. The image of the biogas plant must be
The designer makes his contribution by supplying a good design. A "professional design" that works.
One that is built in conformity with contemporary requirements and models. The biogas plant must be
a symbol of social advancement. The biogas plant must be technically progressive.
A biogas plant as an investment is in competition with a bicycle or moped, a radio set or diesel pump,
a buffalo or an extension to the farmhouse.
The economic benefit of a biogas plant is greater than that of most competing investments. However,
the plant must also be worthwhile as a topic for the "chat in the market place".
A good biogas plant is appropriate. Appropriate to the needs of its owner and his abilities and capacity.
It is appropriate to the necessities of the future.
Fig. 1: A farmyard biogas plant
This is a floating-drum plant with internal gas outlet. The gas pipe is securely mounted on the wall
and leads directly to the kitchen. Ideally, as in this example, the digester should be located directly
beside the animal shelter, which should have a paved floor. Urine and dung can be swept into the
inlet pipe with little effort. The plant has a sunny location, and the vegetable garden is situated directly
adjacent to the digested slurry store. The well is an adequate distance away from the biogas plant.
Benefits and costs of a biogas plant
A biogas plant supplies energy and fertilizer. It improves hygiene and protects the environment. A
biogas plant lightens the burden on the State budget and improves working conditions for the
housewife. A biogas plant is a modern energy source. A biogas plant improves life in the country.
A biogas plant can satisfy these high expectations only if it is well designed.
A biogas plant supplies energy. However, a biogas plant also consumes energy. Energy is already
consumed in the production of the construction material:
Energy is consumed in transporting the materials of a biogas plant. Construction and maintenance
also consume energy:
A biogas plant must operate for one or two years before the energy put into it is recovered.
The degree of digestion increases with the retention time. Long retention times save energy. The net
energy gain is smaller with short retention times: if the retention time for 50 kg of cattle dung is reduced
from 90 to 45 days, some 790 kWh or 240 m³ of biogas per year is lost.
A biogas plant eases the work of the housewife. However, a biogas plant also creates additional work
for the housewife: dung and mixing water have to be supplied to it. The fermentation slurry has to be
mixed. Long retention times help the housewife. Biogas plants with short retention times need more
labour: To replace 20 kg of firewood by biogas, a housewife must supply 121 kg of dung and 121
litres of water if the retention period is 45 days. For a 90-day retention period, only 84 litres of dung
and of water are required. This represents a difference of nearly 9 kg of dung and nearly 9 litres of
water per m³ of gas per day.
If the plant is filled only every other day, working time is saved - because of the saving of preparation
If the biogas plant is too far from the source of water or from the animal housing, the housewife must
perform additional work: the housewife's workload is lightened by a biogas plant only if the distance
to the water source and that to the byre together are less than a quarter of the distance to the wood
collection point.
The least amount of work results from locating the biogas plant directly beside the animal shelter
(byre), which should have a paved floor. This makes it easy to sweep urine and dung into the plant's
inlet pipe. Often enough, no extra mixing water is needed' and the gas yield is considerably higher.
The designer decides in whose interests the biogas plant is economic: a biogas plant for short
retention times is economic for a farmer with many animals and cheap labour.
The personal benefit of a biogas plant to the owner depends on how he previously met his energy
and fertilizer requirements: the benefit is greater the more energy had to be bought in (diesel oil, coal,
wood) and the higher the cost of that energy. However, there is always a close relationship between
energy costs and those of construction.
Energy costs are set out in the tables in Fig. 38 (page 44).
Previous wood consumption say 200 kg/ month,
Biogas equivalent (Fig. 38): 0.18 m³/kg, Comparable biogas volume: 0.18 x 200= 36 m³, Required
daily biogas volume: 36/30= 1.20 m³.
If daily gas production is at least 1.20 m³, all fuel costs are saved. The excess is available free of
charge; The excess can be counted on the credit side only if practical use is made of it.
The benefit of the fertilizer depends primarily on how well the farmer knows how to use it. Assuming
that the digested slurry is immediately utilized - and properly applied - as fertilizer, each daily kg can
be expected to yield roughly 0.5 kg extra nitrogen, as compared with fresh manure. If the slurry is first
left to dry and/or improperly applied, the nitrogen yield will be considerably lower.
If parasitic diseases had previously been common, the improvement in hygiene also has economic
benefits (reduced working time). The more fully the sludge is digested, the more pathogens are killed.
High temperatures and long retention times are more hygienic.
The following are the principal organisms killed in biogas plants: Typhoid, paratyphoid, cholera and
dysentery bacteria (in one or two weeks), hookworm and bilharzia (in three weeks).
Tapeworm and roundworm die completely only when the fermented slurry is dried in the sun.
The digestion process
Biogas is produced by putrefactive bacteria, which break down organic material under airless
conditions. This process is called "anaerobic digestion".
- acid formation,
- methane formation.
In the first phase, protein, carbohydrate and fat give rise to fatty acids, amino acids and alcohols.
Methane, carbon dioxide and ammonia form in the second phase. The slurry becomes somewhat
thinner during the process of digestion.
The better the two phases merge into each other, the shorter the digestion process. The conditions
for this are particularly favourable in the "fermentation channel" arrangement (Fig. 27,b).
The following types of digestion are distinguished according to the temperature in the digester:
- psychrophilic digestion (10-20 °C, retention time over 100 days), - mesophilic
digestion (20-35 °C, retention time over 20 days),
- thermophilic digestion (50-60 °C, retention time over 8 days).
The pH of the fermentation slurry indicates whether the digestion process is proceeding without
disturbance. The pH should be about 7. This means that the slurry should be neither alkaline nor acid.
Biogas can in principle be obtained from any organic material. Cattle manure can be used as a
"starter". Feed material containing lingnin, such as straw, should be precomposted and preferably
chopped before digestion. More than ten days' preliminary rotting is best for water hyacinths. Gas
production is substantially improved if the preliminary rotting time is twenty days.
- organic
solids, - inorganic
solids, - water.
The biogas is formed by digestion of the organic substances. The inorganic materials (minerals and
metals) are unused ballast, which is unaffected by the digestion process.
Adding water or urine gives the substrate fluid properties. This is important for the operation of a
biogas plant. It is easier for the methane bacteria to come into contact with feed material which is still
fresh when the slurry is liquid. This accelerates the digestion process. Regular stirring thus speeds
up the gas production.
Slurry with a solids content of 5-10% is particularly well suited to the operation of continuous biogas
Fresh cattle manure is made up of 16 % solids and 84% water. The cattle dung is mixed with water
in the proportions of 1:1. The prepared fermentation slurry then has a solids content of 8% and a
water content of 92%.
All feed materials consist to a great extent of carbon (C) and also contain nitrogen (N). The C/N ratio
affects gas production. C/N ratios of 20:1 to 30:1 are particularly favourable. Mixtures of nitrogen-rich
feed material (e.g., poultry manure) and carbon-rich feed material (e.g., rice husks) give high gas
If there is any suspicion that the digestion process is impaired by pollutants (Fig. 2), water or "clean"
feed material must be mixed in. This reduces the concentration of toxic substances.
During the digestion process, gaseous nitrogen (N) is converted to ammonia (NH3). In this water-
soluble form the nitrogen is available to the plants as a nutrient. A particularly nutrient-rich fertilizer is
obtained if not only dung but also urine is digested.
Compared with solid sludge from fermented straw and grass, the liquid slurry is rich in nitrogen and
potassium. The solid fermentation sludge, on the other hand, is relatively richer in phosphorus. A
mixture of solid and liquid fermented material gives the best yields. The nutrient ratio is then
approximately N:P2O5:K2O= 1:0.5:1. A fermented slurry with a lower C/N ratio has better fertilizing
characteristics. Compared with fresh manure, increases in yield of 5 - 15 % are possible. Particularly
good harvests are obtained from the combined use of compost and fermentation slurry.
The fertilization effect depends on the type of crop and on the soil. Information given in specialized
literature is seldom applicable directly. Tests of one's own are always better. Reliable information is
possible only after three to five years.
When fermentation slurry is used as fertilizer for years, the soil structure is improved. The proportion
of organic materials in the soil is increased, enabling the soil to store more water.
If fermentation slurry is to be stored before spreading on the field, it should be covered with earth in
layers. This reduces evaporative nitrogen losses even further.
Biogas is somewhat lighter than air and has an ignition temperature of approximately 700 °C (diesel
oil 350 °C; petrol and propane about 500 °C). The temperature of the flame is 870 °C.
Biogas consists of about 60 % methane (CH4) and 40 % carbon dioxide (CO2). It also contains small
proportions of other substances, including up to 1% hydrogen sulphide (H 2S). See also the table in
Fig. 38 on page 44.
The methane content and hence the calorific value is higher the longer the digestion process. The
methane content falls to as little as 50% if retention time is short. If the methane content is
considerably below 50 %, biogas is no longer combustile. The first gas from a newly filled biogas plant
contains too little methane. The gas formed in the first three to five days must therefore be discharged
The methane content depends on the digestion temperature. Low digestion temperatures give high
methane content, but less gas is then produced.
The methane content depends on the feed material. Some typical values are as follows:
Cattle manure 65%
Poultry manure 60%
Pig manure 67%
Farmyard manure 55%
Straw 59%
Grass 70%
Leaves 58%
Kitchen waste 50%
Algae 63%
Water hyacinths 52%
Biogas plants
Feed methods
Batch plants are filled completely and then emptied completely after a fixed retention time. Each
design and each fermentation material is suitable for batch filling.
Large gasholders or a number of digesters are required for uniform gas supply from batch plants.
Continuous plants are filled and emptied regularly -normally daily. Each design is suitable for
continuous operation, but the feed material must be flowable and uniform.
Continuous plants are more suitable for rural households. The necessary work fits better. into the
daily round. Gas production is constant, and somewhat higher than in batch plants.
If straw and dung are to be digested together, a biogas plant can be operated on a semibatch basis.
The slowly digested straw-type material is fed in about twice a year as a batch load. The dung is
added and removed regularly.
- Plant types
Three main
types of simple
biogas plants
can be
(see Figure): -
balloon plants,
floating drum
plants, fixed
dome plants.
Balloon Plants
A balloon plant consists of a plastic or rubber digester bag, in the upper part of which the gas is stored.
The inlet and outlet are attached direct to the skin of the balloon. When the gas space is full, the plant
works like a fixed-dome plant - i.e., the balloon is not inflated; it is not very elastic.
The fermentation slurry is agitated slightly by the movement of the balloon skin. This is favourable to
the digestion process. Even difficult feed materials, such as water hyacinths, can be used in a balloon
plant. The balloon material must be UV-resistant. Materials which have been used successfully
include RMP (red mud plastic), Trevira and butyl.
Low cost, ease of transportation, low construction (important if the water table is high), high digester
temperatures, uncomplicated cleaning, emptying and maintenance.
Short life (about five years), easily damaged, does not create employment locally, little scope for self-
Balloon plants can be recommended wherever the balloon skin is not likely to be damaged and where
the temperature is even and high. One variant of the balloon plant is the channel-type digester with
folia and sunshade.
A fixed-dome plant (Figure 4) consists of an enclosed digester with a fixed, non-movable gas space.
The gas is stored in the upper part of the digester. When gas production commences, the slurry is
displaced into the compensating tank. Gas pressure increases with the volume of gas stored,
therefore the volume of the digester should not exceed 20 m³. If there is little gas in the holder, the
gas pressure is low.
Fig. 4: Fixed-dome plant 1. Mixing tank with inlet pipe. 2. Digester. 3. Compensating and removal
tank. 4. Gasholder. 5. Gaspipe. 6. Entry hatch, with gaslight seal and weighted. 7. Difference
in level = gas pressure in cm WC. 8. Supernatant scum; broken up by varying level. 9.
Accumulation of thick sludge. 10. Accumulation of grit and stones. 11. Zero line: filling height
without gas pressure.
If the gas is required at constant pressure (e.g., for engines), a gas pressure regulator or a floating
gasholder is required. Engines require a great deal of gas, and hence large gasholders. The gas
pressure then becomes too high if there is no floating gasholder.
Low construction cost, no moving parts, no rusting steel parts, hence long life (20 years or more),
underground construction, affording protection from winter cold and saving space, creates
employment locally.
Plants often not gaslight (porosity and cracks), gas pressure fluctuates substantially and is often very
high, low digester temperatures.
Fixed-dome plants can be recommended only where construction can be supervised by experienced
biogas technicians.
Floating-drum plants (Figure 5) consist of a digester and a moving gasholder. The gasholder floats
either direct on the fermentation slurry or in a water jacket of its own. The gas collects in the gas drum,
which thereby rises. If gas is drawn off, it falls again. The gas drum is prevented from tilting by a guide
Fig. 5: Floating-drum plant 1. Mixing tank with inlet pipe. 2. Digester. 3. Overflow on outlet pipe. 4.
Gasholder with braces for breaking up surface scum. 5. Gas outlet with main cock. 6. Gas
drum guide structure. 7. Difference in level = gas pressure in cm WC. 8. Floating scum in the
case of fibrous feed material. 9. Accumulation of thick sludge. 10. Accumulation of grit and
stones. 11. Water jacket with oil film.
Simple, easily understood operation, constant gas pressure, volume of stored gas visible directly, few
mistakes in construction.
High construction cost of floating-drum, many steel parts liable to corrosion, resulting in short life (up
to 15 years; in tropical coastal regions about five years for the drum), regular maintenance costs due
to painting.
Floating-drums made of glass-fibre reinforced plastic and highdensity polyethylene have been used
successfully, but the construction cost is higher than with steel. Floating-drums made of wire-mesh-
reinforced concrete are liable to hairline cracking and are intrinsically porous. They require a gaslight,
elastic internal coating. PVC drums are unsuitable because not resistant to UV.
The floating gas drum can be replaced by a balloon above the digester. This reduces construction
costs (channel type digester with folia), but in practice problems always arise with the attachment of
the balloon at the edge. Such plants are still being tested under practical conditions.
Design of biogas plants
A biogas plant should be watertight. The gasholder must be gaslight. For this reason a biogas plant
must have no cracks. But structures of masonry or concrete always crack. One can try to keep the
cracks small. And one can determine the position where the cracks are to arise.
Cracks always arise where the tensile stresses are highest. Tensile stresses arise from tensile forces,
flexure, displacements, settling and temperature fluctuations. When mortar or concrete sets,
shrinkage cracks also form.
Stresses are high where the "external" forces are high. "External" forces are earth pressure, dead
weight and applied load. Stresses are highest where the "internal" forces are highest. "Internal" forces
are flexural, normal, gravitational and torsional forces.
The "external" forces can be reduced by favourable shaping of the structure. The liquid pressure and
earth pressure are less in a low biogas plant. This is because both depend directly on the height (see
Figure 57).
The "internal" forces can also be reduced by favourable shaping of the structure. If the "external"
forces can act in one direction only, high "internal" forces arise. If, however, the "external" forces can
be distributed in a number of directions, small "internal" forces arise. This is the case with all curved
surfaces or "shells" (see Figure 16).
Slabs will support a heavier load than beams for a given thickness of material. A curved shell supports
more than a flat slab. A shell cuned in more than one dimension supports more than a shell of simple
curvature. Curved structural components are more rigid; the stresses are smaller in them. Just
imagine how thick the shell of a hen's egg would have to be if it were shaped like a cube!
Cracks arise where stresses are high. Particularly high stresses - "peak stresses" - arise at points
where the stress pattern is disturbed.
Such disturbances occur at edges, angles, corners and under concentrated, applied or other loads.
Disturbances arise along the line of intersection of surfaces. Cracks form at these points due to peak
Peak stresses always arise at the edges of angular structures. For this reason the gas space of a
fixed-dome plant must never be angular.
Cracks arise owing to tensile stresses. If a component is under compression, it is free from cracks.
The gas space of a fixed-dome plant should therefore always be under pressure at every point.
The liquid pressure of the fermentation slurry is directed outwards. The earth pressure is directed
inwards. If the two forces balance reliably, the load on the structure is relieved. In a vaulted shape'
the external loading is obtained even if the earth is stiff and cracked owing to drought (Figure 17-19).
Same volume - different shape
Different shapes have different stress
patterns under the same load (a and b).
The round shape has lower stresses.
The angular shape has high stresses
and many stress peaks. Different
shapes are often loaded differently. In a
vaulted shape, the loads acting in
different directions are more reliably
balanced than with a vertical wall (c and
Pattern of stresses in a
fixed-dome plant of
masonry construction Top:
empty; bottom: filled and
with maximum gas
pressure. The peak
stresses shown are those
resulting from the first
approximation calculation.
In practice they are reduced
by deformation (with or
without cracking). Positive
(+) tensile stresses do not
occur in the gas space.
Cracks in the gas space of a
fixed-dome plant Angular gas
spaces must on no account be
used (a)! The transition from the
roof arch to the wall must never
be at a higher level than the
lowest slurry line (b). Inlet and
outlet penetrations must never be
situated in the gas space (c). The
gas space must remain
undisturbed. Only the entry hatch
at the top is allowed, because it
can easily be checked.
A round shape is always a good shape, Because a round shape has no corners. Because its load
pattern is more favourable. And because it uses less material. A round shape is often easier to build
than an angular one (see Section 5.3). The rounder the better!
Bottom slab
The bottom slab is loaded at its edge by the weight of the digester wall. In the case of a spherical
shell, the weight of the earth load also acts on it. The bottom slab distributes the weight over the
ground of the site. The larger the foundation area, the less settlement will be experienced. The more
even the loads, the more even the settlement. The more even the settlement, the less the risk of
The weight of the fermentation slurry presses uniformly on the ground. Where the ground is of unequal
consistency (e.g., boulders in loamy soil), loads must be distributed within the bottom slab. If the slab
is too weak, it will break and cease to be watertight.
A vaulted shell is the best foundation shape. But a concial shell is easier to excavate. The only
implement required is a straight piece of wood.
Building material available locally is used for the bottom slab. One of the following will be chosen on
grounds of economy:
Steel ring reinforcement at the outer edge increases the loadbearing capacity of the bottom.
However, such reinforcement is not usually necessary. It is more important for the ground to be firm
and clean. If the soil consists of muddy loam, it must first be covered with a thin layer of sand.
The bottom slab A flat slab must
be flexurally rigid if it is to
distribute the edge loads over
the entire surface (a). Shells ate
flexurally rigid (b). Proceeding
from a conical shell to a
spherical shell (c). Possible
forms of construction:
Quarrystone with cement
mortar (d). Masonry with
cement floor (e) and concrete
(f). Underneath the wall the
bottom slab should be made out
of massive concrete.
The construction of a spherical shell from masonry (Figure 21) is completely problem-free. Every
bricklayer can master this technique after once being shown how to do it. Concreting a vault, on the
other hand, calls for much more skill and craftsmanship owing to the complicated formwork - the one
exception being when the masoned shell is intended to serve as permanent formwork. A spherical
shell of masonry is simple to construct because the radius always extends from the same centre. A
trammel (A) is the only aid required. Bricks are stacked to get the right height for the centre. Lean
mortar is used for the stack, which is subsequently demolished (M). No centring is necessary for
laying the bricks.
Construction of a spherical shell
from masonry
When the bricks are laid, it is
important for their tops to be
parallel with the bottom edge of
the trammel (B), from the very first
course. The bricks
are laid
perpendicularly and centrally to
the trammel (C). In the upper part
- when the trammel is standing at
a steeper angle than 45° - the first
brick in each course must be held
until the circle is complete. Each
brick inbetween must be held only
until the next brick is set. For this
purpose, clamps (D) or
counterweights of stones tied
together (E) are used. The bricks
can also be supported with sticks.
When backfilling, the footing point must be tamped particularly well: one man filling and two men
tamping (H).
The mortar and bricks should have about the same strenght. If the bricks are soft, the mortar must
also not be too hard. If a good brick is thrown on to the ground three metres away, it must not break.
If the bricks are of poor quality, the walls must be thicker. Mortar consists of sand, water and the
binders. Cement gives a solid, watertight mortar. Cement mortar is brittle in masonry construction.
Lime gives a soft, sticky mortar.
For masonry construction, cement mortar should always include a certain amount of lime. This makes
it more workable, and the masonry becomes more watertight.
Mixing ratio:
important part of the mortar is the sand. It must be
clean. It should not contain any loam, dust or
organic matter. Mortar sand with a high proportion
of dust or loam "eats up" much more cement than
clean sand.
Fig.: T
esting of mortar sand 1. Fines
(loam, dust): Water glass 1/3
sand, 2/3 water. stir vigorously.
Leave to stand for one hour.
Measure fines. A maximum of
10 % of the amount of sand is
permissible. 2. Organic matter:
Bottle with stopper (not cork) to
be filled with 1/3 sand and 2/3
soda lye (3 %). Shake
repeatedly within an hour.
Leave to stand for 24 hours.
Water colour clear or light
yellow: good; red or brown: bad.
The bricklayer or works foreman must check the sand before use (Figure 22). Sand may contain not
more than 10% dust or loam, otherwise it must be washed. Soda Iye can be used to test whether the
sand contains excessive organic matter. The following points are important when rendering:
The feed material is mixed with water in the mixing tank. Impurities liable to clog the plant are removed
here. The fermentation slurry flows through the inlet into the digester. A stick is inserted through the
inlet pipe' to poke and agitate the slurry. The bacteria from the fermentation slurry are intended to
produce biogas in the digester. For this purpose they need time. Time to multiply and to spread
through- ' out the slurry. The digester must be designed so that only fully digested slurry can leave it.
Partitions ensure that the slurry in the digester has long flow paths. The bacteria are distributed in the
slurry by stirring. If stirring is excessive, the bacteria have no time "to eat". The ideal is gentle but
intensive stirring about every four hours. Optimum stirring substantially reduces the retention time.
Fig. 23:
Mixing tank at inlet Grit and
stones settle at the bottom of
the mixing tank. For this
reason the inlet pipe (p)
should be 3-5 cm higher than
the tank bottom. A round,
cylindrical shape is cheapest
and best for the mixing tank.
If the tank is filled in the
morning and then covered,
the slurry heats up in the sun
until the evening (c). Only
then is the plug removed (s).
Fig. 24:
The inlet The inlet must be
straight. The axis of the inlet
pipe should, as far as
possible, be directed into the
centre of the digester. This
facilitates stirring and poking.
The inlet should be as high
as possible, so that gritty
deposits do not block the
inlet pipe. In fixed-dome
plants, the inlet pipe must not
pass through the gas space
(a). For fibrous feed material,
the diameter should be
200-400 mm.
Fig. 25:
Path of the fermentation
slurry in the digester Fresh
fermentation material is
lighter than fully digested
sludge. For this reason the
former quickly rises to the
surface and then sinks
only gradually. The
digestion process has two
phases. The better these
phases are separated, the
more intensive the gas
production. The
fermentation channel (A)
satisfies these conditions
best. Tandem plants are
expensive and
complicated (D). The
deeper the digester, the
lower and less uniform its
Fig. 26: Hemispherical plant with partition wall The principle of the fermentation channel is obtained
by the fact that the inlet and outlet pipes are close together. The partition wall extends up
above the surface level of the fermentation slurry. The gasholder must therefore float in a
water jacket. The "horizontal KVIC gobar gas plant", which is similar in design, works
perfectly with high gas production.
Fig. 27:
Stirring facilities in the digester The
impeller stirrer (a) has given good
results especially in sewage
treatment plants. The horizontal
shaft (b) stirs the fermentation
channel without mixing up the
phases. Both schemes originate
from large-scale plant practice. For
simple household plants, poking
with a stick is the simplest and
safest stirring method (c). What
matters is not how good the stirring
arrangements are but how well the
stirring is performed.
The fully digested slurry leaves the digester through the outlet (Figure 28).
Fig 28:
Outlet (overflow) of a
floating-drum plant The
outlet should be placed
below the middle of the
digester, otherwise too
much fresh feed
material will flow out of
the plant too soon, thus
reducing gas
production by as much
as 35 % (b). The height
of the outlet determines
the level of the surface
of the fermentation
slurry (c-f). This should
be 8cm below the top
edge of the wall. If this
is not the case,
difficulty will be
experienced in
painting. If the outlet is
too low, digester
volume is lost (d). If it is
too high, the slurry will
overflow the edge of
the wall (e).
The biogas is collected and stored until the time of consumption in the gasholder. The prime
requirement for the gasholder is that it must be gaslight. Floating gasholders are held by a guide.
In fixed-dome plants, the compensating tank acts as a storage facility for the slurry displaced by the
biogas. In this case the gas is collected and stored in the upper part of the digester.
The gas pipe carries the biogas to the place where it is consumed. Condensation collecting in the gas
pipe is removed by a tap or water trap. Flexible gas pipes laid in the open must be UV-resistant.
The gas drum normally consists of 2.5 mm steel sheet for the sides and 2 mm sheet for the cover. It
has welded-in braces. These break up surface scum when the drum rotates.
The drum must be protected against corrosion. Suitable coating products are oil paints, synthetic
paints and bitumen paints. Correct priming is important.
One coat is as good as no coat. Two coats are not enough. There must be at least two preliminary
coats and one topcoat.
Coatings of used oil are cheap. They must be renewed monthly. Plastic sheeting stuck to bitumen
sealant has not given good results. In coastal regions, repainting is necessary at least once a year,
and in dry uplands at least every other year. Gas production will be higher if the drum is painted black
or red than with blue or white, because the digester temperature is increased by solar radiation. Gas
drums made of 2 cm wire-mesh-reinforced concrete or fibrocement must receive a gaslight internal
The gas drum should have a slightly sloping roof (Figure 29), otherwise rainwater will be trapped on
it, leading to rust damage. An excessively steep-pitched roof is unnecessarily expensive. The gas in
the tip cannot be used because the drum is already resting on the bottom and the gas is no longer
under pressure.
Fig. 29:
The gas drum The gas drum should
have a slightly sloping roof. When
the cover plate is cut, a wedge (k)
should be cut out. The cover plate
must be rather larger than the
diameter of the drum (see
calculation at bottom left).
Inaccuracies can more easily be
corrected if a lateral overhang of 2
cm is allowed.
Fig. 30:
Forces on the gas drum The gas
pressure and the weight of the
metal itself give rise only to tensile
forces in the jacket sheet.
No reinforcements are necessary
for these to be withstood (a). The
loads from the guide tube must be
reliably transmitted to the cover
plate (b). A flange plate (b1 ) or
angle iron (b2) is required for this
purpose. The braces are stressed
when the drum i,s rotated (c).
They should not simply butt on to
the metal but end in a corner (c, )
or at an angle (c2).
The side wall of the gas drum should be just as high as the wall above the support ledge. The floating-
drum must not scrape on the outer walls. It must not tilt, otherwise the paintwork will be damaged or
it will jam. For this reason a floating-drum always requires a guide (see Figures 31 and 32). The guide
frame must be designed so that the gas drum can be removed for repair. The drum can only be
removed if air can flow into it, either the gas pipe should be uncoupled and the valve opened, or the
water jacket emptied.
Fig. 31:
Floating drum guide frame An
external guide frame (A) is
cheapest. It is made of tubular steel,
sectional steel or wood. The guide
tube also acts as the gas outlet.
With scheme (B), the open pipe is
problematic. It cannot be reliably
painted. The tidiest, but also the
most expensive, solution is a guide
with internal gas outlet (C). For the
water trap (D) see also Figure 40.
Guide frames for heavy gas drums
must withstand large forces. All
joints and anchor points must be just
as strong as the pipes themselves.
Fig. 32:
Unsuitable guidance systems for
floating drums With these guides,
the gas drum cannot be rotated.
This means that floating scum
cannot be broken up. The rollers
and bearings must be lubricated. In
arrangement (C), the paintwork of the
drum is damaged. Plant (B) is jammed
if only one of the guide rods is not
vertical. A central guide tube is always
Water-lacket plant
The water-jacket plant (Figure 33) is a special case of the floating-drum plant. The drum floats in a
water bath and not direct in the slurry. Water-jacket plants can handle substrates with a high solids
content without danger of drum blockage due to crust formation.
Fig. 33:
The water jacket.
The floating-drum must be
able to move freely up and
down in the water jacket. It
must be free to rotate. The
inner braces must not rest on
the inner edge of the wall (d).
They must therefore begin
offset at least 20 cm inwards
(i). The water jacket must
always be filled to the top, as
the gas space will otherwise
be reduced (c). A few drops
of oil slow down the
evaporation of water (g). The
inner wall must either be
gaslight at the base or rest
on a ring of "gaslight" mortar
(h). An overflow pipe can be
installed to keep excessive
rainwater from carrying off
the oil film during the rainy
season (k). The overflow
pipe must not protrude into
the water jacket.
The water-jacket is particularly suitable where human excrement is to be digested. Of all simple
systems, the water-jacket plant is the cleanest. The gas drum rusts less in the water jacket than if it
were floating directly in the slurry.
The water in the jacket evaporates quickly. For this reason the water level must be checked regularly.
A few drops of used oil on the water surface prevent rapid evaporation and protect against corrosion
(Figure 33,g). A rainwater overflow pipe can be quite helpful.
The inner wall of the water jacket is inside the gas space. Its upper part must receive a gaslight coating
or rest on a gaslight ring, otherwise the gas will escape through the porous wall (Figure 33,h).
The water jacket must be kept absolutely free. If it is not, the floating drum cannot move up and down
without impediment. The inlet or gas pipes must of course not be fed through the water jacket (Figure
33, f). The water jacket must be wide enough to allow objects inadvertently dropped into it to be
retrieved (Figure 33, e).
The walls of the water jacket are as high as those of the gas drum.
If the drum is too high, the last gas cannot be used. The weight of the gas drum cannot then exert any
more pressure on the gas (Figure 33, a).
If the walls of the ring are too high, unnecessary construction costs arise.
Fig. 34: Comparison of floating drums for water-jacket plants (A) and for plants with internal gas
outlet (B): Bot types of plant are assumed to have the same gas-holding capacity. The
distance between the top rim of the gas outlet pipe and the slurry level (A) depends on the
shape of the drum. a: Overflow level or unpressurized slurry level; b: Pressurized slurry
level; c: gasholder configuration as in A; d: Comparison of sheet metal cutouts for drum lids.
Fixed-dome plants
The top part of a fixed-dome plant (the gas space) must be gaslight. Concrete, masonry and cement
rendering are not gaslight. The gas space must therefore be painted with a gaslight product.
Gastight paints must be elastic, This is the only way to bridge cracks in the structure.
Latex or synthetic paints (PVC or polyester) are suitable. Epoxy resin paints are particularly good.
Polyethylene is not very gaslight. Hot paraffin coatings also serve well. The walls are first heated with
a torch. Then hot paraffin (as hot as possible) is applied. Since the paraffin will only adhere to
thoroughly dry masonry, it may have to be dried out first with the aid of a charcoal fire.
Fixed-dome plants produce just as much gas as floating-drum plants - but only if they are gaslight.
However, utilization of the gas is less effective as the gas pressure fluctuates substantially. Burners
cannot be set optimally.
Fig. 35: Correct height of compensating tank The bottom of the compensating tank is at the level of
the zero line (filling line). The zero line is 25 cm below the head of the digester dome (c).
Wrong: (a) the bottom of the compensating tank is too low. Part of the slurry is always in
contact with air. Gas is lost. Unnecessary cost. (b) The bottom of the compensating tank is
too high. The gas pressure rises very fast and to a very high level.
Fig. 36:
Shape of compensating tank The
shape of the compensating tank
determines the height of the slurry
surface and hence the gas pressure
(cm WC). The lower the
compensating tank, the lower and
more even the gas pressure.
However, the lower the tank, the
larger the area exposed to
atmospheric oxygen. Differences in
building costs due to shape are
Fig. 37:
Detail of a fixed-dome entry hatch
The gas pipe penetrates the shaft a
few centimeters below the cover.
The cover is sealed with screened
and well-worked clay. The bottom of
the cover is sealed with paraffin.
Rocks are placed on the lid to weigh
it down, and the shaft is filled with
water to keep the clay gaslight. A
few drops of oil keep the water from
However, large floating drums quickly become awkward and heavy: to manufacture, to transport, to
A floating drum 5 m in diameter cannot be turned by one person. The surface scum in the plant is not
broken. It will become more and more solid. Gas production will fall. In plants with digester volumes
exceeding 50 m³, poking no longer provides sufficient agitation. Stirring or agitation facilities are
A floating drum with a diameter exceeding 5 m requires a more precise guide frame, otherwise the
drum will tilt so badly that it jams. Water-jacket plants are particularly at risk in this respect.
In fixed-dome plants, the gas pressure also varies directly with size. If the shape of the structure is
unaltered but the size is doubled, the gas pressure doubles. For this reason, large fixed-dome plants
always require a separate gasholder and an agitator.
In large plants, large quantities of feed material and water must be obtained and mixed. Mechanical
mixers become necessary. Large volumes of fermentation slurry require a larger drying area, as the
thickness of the slurry layer cannot be increased indefinitely. Feed material or fermentation slurry
often has to be stored for several weeks. This calls for large and expensive containers.
Simple biogas plants are usable only conditionally in tropical uplands or in temperate climatic zones.
At latitudes as high as only 25 - 30°, gas production in winter generally falls to about half the summer
Whether it is worthwhile to heat a plant must be decided on an individual-case basis. In Europe, large-
scale plants use up 20-30 % of their gas production for heating. Practicable heating systems for simple
plants have not yet been developed.
Utilization of solar energy in the mixing tank (Figure 23) and insulation by covering with straw are
insufficient where frost occurs. Floating drums have the highest heat losses. Underground fixed-dome
plants maintain more even but generally lower temperatures. Fixed-dome plants with floating
gasholders (Figures 3 and 52) may be a valid solution for cold regions although more expensive.
Good results are obtained with roofed-over biogas plants. However, the cost of a "greenhouse"
superstructure is relatively high. It is worthwhile only where low temperatures are combined with high
insolation. Good results have been obtained by placing the plant under a compost heap. If the digester
is surrounded externally by soft insulation, the wall cannot be "relieved of its load" by the earth
pressure (see Figure 17).
Again, insulation must always remain dry. The only exception is special insulation with closed pores.
Biogas plants are completely shut down in winter in the north of China; they are used for only six to
eight months per year.
Where frost occurs, mixing and filling tanks must be roofed over. Transport of feed material is difficult
in snow. It is essential to consider in detail how the plant is to be operated before commencing
construction. Energy is particularly expensive in cold regions. This is why biogas plants have to be
used in these regions. Unfortunately, appropriate types of simple plants have not yet been developed.
Biogas utilization
Biogas can be used in the same way as any other combustible gas. When biogas is mixed with air in
the proportions of 1:20, highly explosive detonating gas forms. Leaky gas pipes in enclosed spaces
constitute a hazard! However, there have been no reports of dangerous explosions caused by biogas.
The calorific value of biogas is about 6 kWh/m³ - this corresponds to about half a litre of diesel oil.
The net calorific value depends on the efficiency of the burners or appliances (see Table, Figure 38).
Efficiency is high if, for example, a litre of water boils quickly. This takes longer if the burner is wrongly
set. Efficiency is then poor. The air supply substantially determines the efficiency.
A gas pressure of 5-20 cm WG is best for cooking. Lamps require a pressure of about 10 cm WG.
The hydrogen sulphide in the biogas combines with condensate to form corrosive acids. Water-
heating appliances and utensils and refrigerators are particularly at risk. The combustion chambers
and burners should be made of cast steel, high-grade steel or enamel.
With large volumes of gas, the filter material has to be replaced frequently and this becomes a
laborious task. In this case filtration should be omitted and high-grade steel utensils should be used
despite the higher cost. The gas does not have to be filtered for use in engines. The gas pressure
may be low because the engine aspirates the gas. It is seldom worthwhile using the gas from simple
plants to run engines.
Biogas cannot be economically liquefied. Gas pipes may be made of steel, copper, ruber or plastic.
Rubber hoses and rigid PVC pipes quickly become porous and leaky when exposed to the sun and
should therefore either be shaded or wrapped in some sort of protective material.
The longer the gas pipes are the greater is the decrease of pressure (Figure 39). The gas pipe must
have an outlet for perspiration water (Figure 40).
Fig. 39:
Pressure drop in gas pipes
The gas pressure (p) falls
with pipe length (L). The
density relative to air is
indicated by "s". The
pressure drop depends on
the pipe friction (c) and
especially on the diameter
of pipe (c = 2.24 in
galvanized steel pipes
(G.I.); c = 2.80 in smooth
plastic pipes). The curve
shows the gas flow (Q) in
a galvanized steel pipe
allowing for a pressure
drop of p = 1.25 cm WC.
Bends increase the
pressure drop.
Fig. 40:
Condensate trap Biogas contains
water vapour. If the gas is cooled,
condensate forms. It always
collects at the lowest point in the
pipe. It must be possible to drain
condensate from this point,
otherwise the pipe will be blocked.
Water pockets must be avoided.
Condensate may be drained by:
(a) a gaslight water tap (ball
valve), (b) a Patel type overflow
water trap, or (c) a simple U-
shaped trap (see also Figure 31).
Approach (d) is recommended for
cases involving a high
groundwater level.
Biogas appliances are domestic appliances. They serve a practical purpose. However, they are also
relevant to the self-image of the housewife or master of the house. The biogas plant will be looked
after better the higher the prestige value of the gas appliances. For this reason even simple,
inexpensive gas appliances made in the village should be of appealing design. They must be not only
cheap but also, and in particular, "modern".
Most households cook on two flames. Two-flame burners are preferred. The burners (Figure 41)
should be set initially and then fixed. Efficiency will then remain at a high practical level.
Fig. 41:
Diagram of a gas burner and a lamp
Burner: The values given are rules of thumb for
a gas pressure of 5-10 cm WG. If the pressure is
higher, the mixing chamber (M) must be
enlarged so that the gas particles can mix
adequately with oxygen. The gas/air mixture is
regulated by means of the adjusting screw (J). A
burner is correctly adjusted if only half of all the
flames are burning before the pan is placed in
Lamp: Things to watch for include the right area
ratio between the air hole and the gas nozzle (a),
adequately sized gas/air mixing chamber (b) and
an air trap (c) that ensures a sufficiently high
temperature around the gas mantle without
causing a shortage of oxygen for combustion.
Particular problems also arise with biogas-operated refrigerators. The composition of biogas varies
substantially from day to day. The gas pressure fluctuates excessively with the amount of gas stored
even in a floating-drum plant. Special' stable-burning jets are therefore needed - especially if the
refrigerator is thermostatically controlled and the flame burns only when required. On every ignition
there is a risk of the flame going out. Gas will then discharge without burning. The gas supply must
therefore automatically be cut off if the flame goes out.
A gas appliance specialist must always be called in where biogas is to be used in refrigerators!
Fig. 42: Gas connection to diesel engine.
The gas is drawn into the cylinders together with the combustion air. The connection to the
intake manifold may take different forms. Detail A2 gave the best results in Chinese tests.
Owing to the high ignition temperature of biogas, a diesel engine must always be operated
with a mixture of biogas and diesel oil. A spark-ignition engine will also operate on 100%
biogas. Biogas burns less rapidly than diesel fuel. Consequently, engines designed for less
than 2000 rpm are the better choice. Spark-ignition engines run about twice as fast as diesel
engines, thus leading to lower efficiency when operating on biogas.