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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Mandaue City
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) in Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions

06:30- 08:30 am Mon ABM 2

Name of Teacher: Jerson T. Anana School: Mandaue City Comprehensive National High School
Position/Designation: Special Science Teacher 1 Division: Mandaue City
Contact Number: 09082540503 Email address: jerson.cnu@gmail.com

Learning Area: Contemporary

DLP No.: Grade Level: 12 Quarter: 2nd Duration: 2 hours
Philippine Arts from the Regions
Code: CAR11/12TPP-0c-e-11; CAR11/12TPP-0c-e- Date: September 16, 2019
12; CAR11/12TPP-0c-e-13
Learning Competency/ies:
The learners…
Identifies local materials used in creating art
Critiques available materials and appropriate techniques
Justifies the use of materials and the application of techniques
Key Concepts / Understandings to be Developed:
Domain Adapted Cognitive Process Dimensions (D.O. No. 8, s. 2015)
1. Objectives
Categories: Behavioral Verbs:
Remembering identify, retrieve, recognize, duplicate, list, Describe the materials used by contemporary artists
memorize, repeat, describe, reproduce
Knowledge in producing their artworks

Understanding interpret, exemplify, classify, summarize, infer,

compare, explain, paraphrase, discuss

Applying execute, implement, demonstrate, dramatize, Make an artwork using selected materials creatively
interpret, solve, use, illustrate, convert, discover

Analyzing differentiate, distinguish, compare, contrast,

organize, outline, attribute, deconstruct
Evaluating coordinate, measure, detect, defend, judge,
argue, debate, describe, critique, appraise,

Creating generate, hypothesize, plan, design, develop,

produce, construct, formulate, assemble, devise

Categories: List of Attitudes: Explain the importance of technology to the

1. Receiving Phenomena Self-esteem, Self-confidence, development of contemporary art
Behavioral Verbs: ask, choose, Wellness, Respect, Honesty,
describe, erect, follow, give, hold, Personal discipline,
identify, locate, name, point to, reply, Perseverance, Sincerity,
select, sit, Study, use Patience, Critical thinking,
2. Responding to Phenomena Open-mindedness, Interest,
Courteous, Obedience, Hope,
Behavioral Verbs: aid, answer,
Charity, Fortitude, Resiliency,
assist, comply, conform, discuss, greet,
Positive vision, Acceptance,
help, label, perform, practice, present,
Determined, Independent ,
read, recite, report, select, tell, write
Gratitude, Tolerant, Cautious,
3. Valuing
Decisive, Self-Control,
Behavioral Verbs: work, complete, Calmness, Responsibility,
Attitude demonstrate, differentiate, explain, Accountability,
follow, form, initiate, invite, join, Industriousness, Industry,
justify, propose, read, report, select, Cooperation, Optimism,
share, study Satisfaction, Persistent,
4. Organization Cheerful, Reliable, Gentle,
Behavioral Verbs: adhere, alter, Appreciation of one’s culture,
arrange, combine, compare, complete, Globalism, Compassion, Work
defend, explain, formulate, generalize, Ethics, Creativity,
identify, integrate, modify, order, Entrepreneurial Spirit,
organize, prepare, relate, synthesize Financial Literacy, Global,
5. Internalizing values Solidarity, Making a stand for
Behavioral Verbs: act, the good, Voluntariness of
discriminate, display, influence, listen, human act, Appreciation of
modify, perform, practice, propose, one’s rights, Inclusiveness,
qualify, question, revise, serve, solve, Thoughtful, Seriousness,
verify Generous, Happiness, Modest,
Authority, Hardworking,
Realistic, Flexible,
Sympathetic, Frankness
Categories: List of Values: (Makabansa) Appreciation of the Philippine’s work
1. Receiving Phenomena 1. Maka-Diyos of art and to be well- rounded individual in the
Behavioral Verbs: ask, choose, Love of God, Faith, Trusting, aspects of physical well- being, culture and the arts.
describe, erect, follow, give, hold, Spirituality, Inner Peace, Love
identify, locate, name, point to, reply, of truth, Kindness, Humble
select, sit, Study, use 2. Maka-tao
2. Responding to Phenomena Concern for Others, Respect
Behavioral Verbs: aid, answer, for human rights, Gender
assist, comply, conform, discuss, greet, equality, Family Solidarity,
help, label, perform, practice, present, Generosity, Helping, Oneness
read, recite, report, select, tell, write 3. Makakalikasan
3. Valuing Care of the environment,
Behavioral Verbs: work, complete, Disaster Risk Management,
demonstrate, differentiate, explain, Protection of the Environment,
Values Responsible Consumerism,
follow, form, initiate, invite, join,
justify, propose, read, report, select, Cleanliness, Orderliness,
share, study Saving the ecosystem,
4. Organization Environmental sustainability
4. Makabansa
Behavioral Verbs: adhere, alter, Peace and order, Heroism and
arrange, combine, compare, complete, Appreciation of Heroes,
defend, explain, formulate, generalize, National Unity, Civic
identify, integrate, modify, order, Consciousness, Social
organize, prepare, relate, synthesize responsibility, Harmony,
5. Internalizing values Patriotism,
Behavioral Verbs: act, Productivity
discriminate, display, influence, listen,
modify, perform, practice, propose,
qualify, question, revise, serve, solve,
2. Content Materials used in Contemporary arts
3. Learning Resources PowerPoint presentation
4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory Activity (15 minutes) The teacher will let the students recall the arts’ composition, elements and principles.
4.2 Activity (10 minutes) The teacher will let the students enumerate all the materials that are commonly used by
Filipino artists in creating arts. After the activity, the students will share their answers
to their classmates.
4.3 Analysis (5 minutes) The teacher will ask the following questions:
1. If you were to create an art, what type of art will it be?
2. What are the materials will you used to create your art?
4.4 Abstraction (50 minutes) The teacher will discuss the following through PowerPoint Presentation:
• Contemporary artists need materials to be able to create their masterpieces.
• In the past, the concept of materials for Filipinos has been very traditional.
Literary artists- use pen and paper or a typewriter
Musicians- instruments and music sheets
Visual artists- paint, paper, or canvass
• Some artist use recycled materials and have also rediscovered and combine
indigenous materials.
• They combine various found objects in order to create images that portray
everyday human life and depict socially relevant issues
• Nowadays, contemporary artists have many choices.
• For example, Levi Celerio, National Artist for Music was known for making
music using a leaf with his lips.
• Question: What is meant by local in contemporary arts?
• Examples of local materials:
• Abaca
- Initially used as material for rope
- Durability
- Also called manila hemp, abaca is extracted from the leaf sheath around
the trunk of the abaca plant (Musa textilis), a close relative of the banana,
native to the Philippines and widely distributed in the humid tropics.
Harvesting abaca is labour intensive as each stalk must be cut into strips which
are scraped to remove the pulp. The fibres are then washed and dried.
• Coconut shells
- Are considered at par with the quality and appearance of turquoise
shells or ivory
• Bamboo
- Sturdy and can give your home a laid-back tropical vibe.
- Bamboo originates from the grass family (also known as Poaceae)
• Rattan
- Made of climbing palm tree leaves, the rattan is another favorite of
many designers
• Question: What is the importance of technology in creating a work of art?
- Artists have to upgrade their skills and learn to use of computer
programs and its applications to be able to produce new art.
- Examples are digital art
4.5 Application (30 minutes) Localization and Contextualization
In groups, the students will create their own contemporary masterpiece using found
objects in their environment and they should be creative in choosing their materials.
(The students extend their time at this part)

4.6 Assessment (5 minutes)

Assessment Method Possible Activities
a. Observation Investigation, Role Play, Oral Presentation, Study the spaghetti food art by Andre Manguba and answer the
Dance, Musical Performance, Skill
following questions:
Demonstration, Group Activity (e.g. Choral
Reading), Debate, Motor & Psychomotor
Games, Simulation Activities, Science
b. Talking to Hands-on Math Activities, Written Work and
Learners / Essay, Picture Analysis, Comic Strip, Panel
Discussion, Interview, Think-Pair-Share,
Conferencing Reading

c. Analysis of Worksheets for all subjects, Essay, Concept

Maps/Graphic Organizer, Project, Model,
Learners’ Products
Artwork, Multi-media Presentation, Product
made in technical-vocational subjects
d. Tests Skill Performance Test, Open-Ended
Question, Practicum, Pen and Paper Test,
Pre and Post Test, Diagnostic Test, Oral
Test, Quiz 1.
What is the subject matter of the artwork?
Possible answers: Liza Soberano, a female celebrity or
artist, celebrity or artist
2. Identify the materials that are used in the artwork.
Possible answers: pasta, tomato sauce, tomatoes
4.7 Assignment (5 minutes).
• Reinforcing / strengthening the day’s lesson Research different techniques used in contemporary arts.

• Enriching / inspiring the day’s lesson

• Enhancing / improving the day’s lesson

• Preparing for the new lesson

4.8 Concluding Activity (5 minutes). (OPTIONAL)

5. Remarks

6. Reflections Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else
needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet
them, you can ask them relevant questions. Indicate below whichever is/are appropriate.
A. No. of learners who
earned 75% in the

B. No. of learners who

require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require

E. Which of my learning
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with other

Lesson 10 Materials Used In Contemporary Arts
Students’ Outputs

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