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New Technologies of Active Distribution Network in Smar Grid

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New Technologies of Active Distribution Network in

Smart Grid

Zheng Chen, Student Member, IEEE, Xiangning Xiao, Member, IEEE, and Chao Luo
State Key Laboratory for Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources
North China Electric Power University
Beijing, China

Abstract-With the rapid development of smart grid, large power electric traction drive system with particular
amount of distributed energy resources (DER) integrate into characteristics, and varieties of commercial and household
traditional distributed network, that makes the network faces equipments constitute new features load.
some new challenges. This paper firstly describes the practical,
science and technology issues of modern distribution network, One solution of energy conservation and emission
then introduces the implication of active distribution network reduction is to make the distribution network active, which will
and several new concepts. New technologies for the development lead to the deep change of the grid structure and the way of
of active distributed network are also analyzed. Integrated control and management. Under the basic conditions of safety,
application of these new technologies will provide an extensive reliability and economy, if the number and capacity of DER
and far-reaching significance. increasing in power grid, that requires the enhancement of
tolerance and economic utilization ratio of diverse power
Keywords-active participation; smart distribution network; source in some aspects as planning and design, operation
automatic optimization; distributed energy resources(DER); control, as well as market management.
coordinated utilization
The power quality and reliability of smart distribution
network need to be promoted by economic levers. Firstly,
power supply of smart distribution network is highly reliable,
Due to the development needs of digital economy society, whose reliability reach up to 99.99%, and in some area even up
the requirement of safety, reliability, economy for power grid is to 99.9999%. Secondly, electric power needs to be supplied by
increasing, which makes smart grid becomes the focus of different quality grades, prices of electric power should be
attention among the related practitioners in power system [1-3]. determined according to competitive power quality.
It is an urgent demands for user-oriented distribution network
to improve the utilization efficiency of power and quality of Smart distribution network should possess the operation
service, and that becomes an important part of the smart grid ability of automatic balance seeking of multi-indices and self­
research. When building the new power grid mode in future, it monitoring. Three main types of the network's optimizing
should enhance the importance of the distribution network in indexes include high security, high power quality, high
power system [4]. However, from the perspective of the efficiency.
existing infrastructure and applications of advanced technology, The objective function=min {average annual outage rate of
traditional single direction power transmission mode causes the users, unqualified rate of voltage, transmission losses, network
fact that the construction of distribution network is lagging far construction costs} (1)
behind the transmission grid [5-6].
However, the present distribution network structure in
Development of the distribution network faces challenges China is relatively weak, equipment aging and the coverage of
such as energy demand, security and quality requirement [7-9]. distribution automation is less than 9%.
When improving the application of science and technology
application and management level, some new concepts and
technologies should be gradually formed.
At present, electrical infrastructures in most countries of the
world are in the form that a large-scale power generation centre
connect with the transmission grid closely, and power can be
transmitted to users through distribution network in single
Direct utilization of traditional energy sources (such as direction. However, new trends change toward distributed
fossil oil and natural gas, etc.) turns to secondary electric generation development, which makes energy conversion
energy, that makes the increase of electric power demand and system more closely to the energy consumption area, and a few
the characteristic of new electrical equipment becomes more large power stations are replaced by many small and medium
complex. For example, the electric railway, city subway, light power generation units.
rail train(LRT) and electric vehicles(EVs) constitute the high-

This work is supported by the National High Technology Research and

Development of China 863 Program (201IAAIIA279, 201IAAIIA280),
Project Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China

978-1-4673-4933-8/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE

Smart grid is a intelligent power system with advantages of To achieve the interactivity between distribution network
automatic balance seeking, self-monitoring, and it is able to and user, new features of user-oriented should be concluded:
accept any convertible energy and transmit power to terminal
• Large and middle microgrids which contain DER.
users in various forms [10]. Fundamental reasons of
developing smart grid are expected to achieve lower energy • Residential microgrids which contain renewable
costs, higher reliability, high energy efficiency, higher power energy power generation or energy storage system
quality as well as energy independence. Many new concepts in (ESS).
power grid emerge as the development in this field, the typical
example is active smart distribution network [11]. • Active management of active loads. Coordinated
control strategies should be taken according to the
Active distribution network is proposed to make traditional generation characteristics of different micro power
passive distribution network infrastructure adapt to large sources.
numbers of new distributed participants (generation units and
power consumers) which expected to emerge in the distribution • Safe and high quality power supply for sensitive loads.
network, as Figure 1 shows. It is characterized by the following When making full use of renewable energy generation,
aspects, such as rapid change of demands and generation, power with high quality can be provided for sensitive
electric power service provided by distributed participants, bi­ loads with special needs by utilizing of controllable
directional energy flow, the enhanced information interaction, DER.
application of smart electrical equipment, etc. That is, it needs
With sufficient and high level of information technology,
controllable and scalable network structure.
distribution network will admit multiple DER flexibly and
make good use of them. Until then, a really intelligent and
economical interactive distribution network will be shown.

B. Integration of advanced technologies and equipments

From the technical perspective, the integration of
distribution generation technology, distribution network with
advanced automation technology, intelligent information and
communication technology are important driving forces to
promote the traditional distribution network become more

Based on before-mentioned technologies, then application

of advanced power electronic devices, fast breaking
equipments, intelligent protection devices, sensors with good
properties, advanced monitoring system for traditional
.. ... .. Information Flow
distribution network, and improve the level of comprehensive
automation, management and electricity marketization, that
Figure 1. Active distribution network in the future makes distribution network support the connection of a large
number of distributed generators, renewable energies, energy
storage devices and microgrids in different forms. Until then,
the active intelligent network is shaped, enhancing the bi­
directional interaction with users and realizing optimal
operation of this network.
A. Admitting multiple DERflexibly and making good use of
them Relying on advanced metering infrastructure(AMI), the
function of data measurement, collection, storage, analysis and
DER can be divided into two types (controllable and
bi-directional transmission will be achieved by smart meters.
uncontrollable). Conventional primary energy such as small
With optimizing asset utilization of the network, high quality
thermal power generation and small hydropower which are
power will be provided to consumers.
controllable can improve the reliability of power supply,
regulate and improve power quality. Due to the characteristics
of randomness, fluctuation and intermittent, uncontrollable C. DER penetration improvement and virtual power plant
primary energy such as wind power, solar power, can influence management
the safe operation of power grids and cause power quality Virtual power plant(VPP) is a technology proposed by
problems. European scholars which used to make large numbers of
distributed generation connect to the grid and achieve function
Under the framework of smart grid construction,
of DG penetration improvement. VPP consists of small or ultra
distribution network should play a significant role in fully
small DGs and flexible loads through the communication
accepting and making good use of local renewable energy and
network, and monitored by advanced power management
distributed generation which constituted of new energy
system. It focuses on biomass power generation, photovoltaic
generation. That will be a outstanding development.
power generation, fuel cells, combined heat and power(CHP),
wind power and small hydro power etc. By using VPP constant substantially, maintammg the voltage level of the
technology, it is able to coordinate and complement the whole distribution network and reactive power in a good state.
differences of multiple power sources. Power supply should in
line with the principle of proximity to reduce transmission
losses and adjust load requirements quickly according to the
actual needs. ®
' ---
Pilot node

From the function perspective, VPP can be divided into -



commercial virtual power plants(CVPP) and technical virtual


power plants(TVPP). As an agent of distributed generators,

CVPP participate in energy trading of the power market, the control
balance trade, ancillary services trade and other services. Based
on the distribution automation systems and energy
management system, TVPP implement the internal
coordination of various DGs, economic optimization and
accident handling according to CVPP's generation plan. With
this technology, power market and operation control of DGs
can be centralized administrated. Considering the
characteristics of multiple DGs, making controllable primary
energy (especially micro-gas turbine, CHP, distributed ESS) Figure 2. The centralized voltage control mode of DG and reactive power
compensation sources
integrate with uncontrollable energy (such as wind power,
photovoltaic power, etc.) and realizing unified internal
Figure 3 shows a voltage control mode based on DGs' self­
coordinated control of each unit, that makes VPP's external
adaption. Each distributed power plant use local measuring
characteristics represent as follows:
device to monitor the voltage change state, and adjust active
• To be a large-capacity power plants that participate in and reactive power output adaptively. That makes grid­
the auction of power market. connected nodes are in the acceptable limits of different
operating conditions, and participate in the optimization of
• To be a controllable power plant for the transmission voltage control.

Therefore, the VPP technology can improve the penetration HV/MV '
rate of DGs, reduce the required balance and reserved capacity
� Smart

of them, embody the economical efficiency.

agent unit .
.------ ------­
D. DGs participate in regulating network's voltage and . .....--'---.--
frequency •
DGs connect to distribution network in the form of
( P,Q , )
microgrid and provide power support to the grid, that is the � o
best way of developing the energy efficiency of them. o

Some European countries have made regulations for power

factor limit of DGs in rated power. Ireland requires wind
turbine that more than 5MW should have the ability to
participate in voltage regulation and reactive power
Figure 3. The distributed adaptive voltage control mode of DG
management. British requires wind turbine output reactive
power to achieve voltage regulation. Distribution network
management organization of Germany requires wind farms E. Active management and control mode in demand side
operate in a constant power factor or a given reactive power, From the demand side perspective, users immersed the
and participate the voltage control. The node voltage or the "passive state" in the past, consuming electricity unconsciously
reactive power parameter can be set by the dispatch centre. and have no other choice. Now, implement of price mechanism
As figure 2 shows, a centralized voltage control method makes electricity optional for users during peak and valley time

based on DG and reactive power compensation source which period, participating in orderly outages and orderly supply,
achieving the voltage coordination by multi-objective especially when users posses both DGs or storage capability.
optimization is proposed. Firstly, the voltage bus that has great That is called "active state".
effect on other nodes in the area is selected as pilot node. Then In the future, with the expansion of DGs, users can be
voltage deviation of the pilot node is ensured, and the active or integrated as a "virtual user" or join in "virtual power plants"
reactive power output of controllable DGs are adjusted when they consume power. Peak and valley modulation of
according to the centralized voltage control mode of multi­ loads, power generation or energy storage are realized
objective optimization. The set value of other reactive power according to local market conditions, management systems,
sources is also adjusted, so that the pilot node voltage remains and feasible technology. In this case, it presents the "leading
active state". For example, large-scale of pure electric vehicles ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
(EVs) or hybrid vehicles charge and discharge orderly will
This work is supported by the National High Technology
contribute to supervise a complex grid.
Research and Development of China 863 Program
Under the state of active management and control mode in (2011AAIIA279, 2011AA11A280), Project Supported by
demand side, utilization of point-to-point communication National Natural Science Foundation of China (51277067).
network between grid intelligent terminals, that will enhance
the distribution network's ability of self-healing and REFERENCES
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Active distribution network is the inevitable trend of

electric distribution network development, and it will become
an important part of smart grid development framework in the
future. Integrated application of new technologies will provide
an extensive and far-reaching significance.

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