Online Resources Educational Sites and Portal
Online Resources Educational Sites and Portal
Online Resources Educational Sites and Portal
Website and portal both have a web-based interface; a website is the collection of web pages whereas
a portal acts as a gateway to world wide web and provides many services. An organisation owns
a website. On the other hand, A portal is user-centric which means a user can probably provide
information and data.
A website is the group of web pages which are placed in a location on the internet and accessed
through a web address. Content on a website is globally visible, publically used, remains same for
the different individuals. Users need not to login for accessing the website. The user can perform
any specific task, and the website supports it. There is no use of a personalized database, and the
website does not usually reference it.
A web portal is a typical knowledge management system that delivers the facility for
organisation or companies to build, share, interchange and reuse knowledge. It is the private
location on the internet retrieved through a unique URL (web address), and probably login id and
password. Web portal content is login protected and user specific and its interface could be public
and private. It allows access to multiple user roles. Contents in a web portal are dynamic and
changed frequently. The visibility of one content changes from person to person which means a
content could be unique to a user based on group member settings. Contents are collected from
the different and diverse sources.
Comparison Chart
1. A website is a set of interlinked web pages hosted from the same domain, which can be accessed
through a web address. As against a portal is a custom-made website which involves information
from a broad class of sources in a persistent manner.
2. A portal is usually user-centric whereas a website is owned by an organization or company etc.
3. There is no intercommunication between the website and the user. On the contrary, a user can
interact with the portal.
4. A website is not a primary knowledge domain whereas portal is the passage to knowledge
management system.
5. The information is regularly updated in case of a portal. In contrast, the information sources in a
website are rarely updated.
What is the right mindset of a teacher in using the digital tool?
With the fast-paced development of technology, educational sites, portals, or applications, change is
inevitable. Working on a articular tool at the moment will for sure change, as designers continually work
to upgrade the features and design the tool to integrate new aspects. This is expected. That is why,
knowing a digital tool and its features may not be enough because there is a tendency of it evolving
through time.
As you prepare to become a teacher by learning how to utilize these digital tools, you need to have the
right mindset or a way of thinking how these tools can be effectively integrated in the lesson. A lot of
teachers may find it daunting to use a technology tool in a lesson. The anxiety to explore the possibility
can be overwhelming, but for one who has the openness to learn and continuously study the features of
the tool can possibly lead to a more productive way of designing a technology-enhanced lesson.
Hold on to the positive attitude and openness to learn. Nurture the curiosity and sustain the passion to
improve practice. Persevere as you learn to adapt to the evolving digital tool.
Once you get the habit of exploring the tools perhaps taking one step at a time and expanding your ideas
on how to creatively use the appropriate tool in a class, you will eventually see your transformation as a
teacher who is becoming more relevant and effective in teaching content while at the same time develop
learners’ capacity to be creative and think critically, and become collaborative and effective
communicators in the 21st century.
A. Write an essay on The Profile of a Modern Teacher. How do you appraise your views on the
characteristics, behaviors, or practices as one who is preparing to become a modern teacher?
B. Write an essay on Change your Words – Change your Mindset. How do you relate this practice of
using the right words to change your mindset in becoming a modern teacher who knows how to
look for digital tools, materials, educational resource portals, and sites in the web?
Directions: Familiarize yourself with the following tools. Study the description of each tool and identify
the category to which it belongs by writing the letter corresponding on the space provided. Write your
answer on a ¼ sheet of paper. To be passed on 11/11/2019, until 9:00am only. Pass your activity to the
section mayor. Late papers will not be accepted.
_____ 1. Audacity is a free, open source, cross-platform software that is used for recording and
editing sounds.
_____ 2. MakeBeliefsComix is an easy and fun way to create a comics strip. You can create a story
dialogue by choosing interesting characters. Adding thought balloons, you can add the lines and
make your characters converse. Also, you can add a background, panel prompts, and interesting
objects to spice up the story. When you are finished with your comic strip, you can print or email
it as an image file.
_____ 3. EndNote makes it easy for you to organize your research work through flexible tools for
searching, organizing, and sharing your work. It enables you to create your bibliography and write
your research paper. Once you mastered the unique features, you can save time to automatically
find full text and updating records.
_____ 4. Pixton uses a revolutionary patented technology that makes it easy to create comic. From
characters to dynamic panels, bubbles and props, they can be controlled by dragging it.
_____ 5. Easy Test Maker is a test generator that can help you create your own test. You can make
different test types such as multiple choice, fill in the blank, short answer, alternate response.
Instructions can be inserted as you divide your test into several sections.
_____ 6. Corkboard Remember shares what is important to you. You can collaborate with others
in this tool by posting and accessing the postings. Also, you can share what you post on your
Facebook wall and get notifications as well.
_____ 7. Hot Potatoes is a tool that you can use to create six types of questions in an interactive
quiz: crossword, multiple choice, short answer, gap fill, matching/ordering and jumbled sentence.
_____ 8. Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy Citation Wizard – Free is a tool that gives
three Citation Styles: APA, CSE, and MLA. Since these publication formats vary in certain details,
feature specific templates for citing online journals, web pages with or without authors, electronic
books and databases are arranged according to the desired formatting style.
_____ 9. Free Digital Photos allows you to download royalty free photos and images and
illustrations for websites, newspapers, magazines, video and TV productions, iPhone applications,
powerpoint presentations, forums, blogs, and school work.
_____ 10. Toondoo is a quick way to create cartoons.
_____ 11. PollDaddy is an easy-to-use survey tool. It can create pools and surveys in a quick time.
Responses via email or website, Facebook or even Twitter can be collected and generated into an
easy-to-read report. This can then be easily shared.
_____ 12. Public Domain Photos provide access to thousands of free photos and free cliparts. All
photos on this website are public domain. You may use these images for any purposes, including
_____ 13. Padlet is a tool that allows you to post comments on a what looks like a sticky note which
you can post on a blank page (a wall). It is easy for young learners to use. You can pose a question
and get their answers to which you can provide a feedback. This is done on one page.
_____ 14. SurveyMonkey is a popular online survey tool. It is easy to create a survey tool
(questionnaires, polls, customer feedback and market research) and send it to target respondents.
You can use professional templates available in the tool.
_____ 15. Google Hangouts is a communication software product developed by Google. Hangouts
brings conversations to life with photos, emoji, and even group video calls for free. Hangouts
allows conversations between two or more users.