Performing Arts Assignment
Performing Arts Assignment
Performing Arts Assignment
Assessment Details
Course Name: Learning through the Performing Arts: Music, Dance, Drama/Role play
Task Title: Create a rationale for a time bound performing arts project to be implemented in
a private school setting
Task Description: Create a rationale for a time bound performing arts project to be implemented in a school
setting. The chosen theme / story should be:
relevant to the specific needs and interests of the target age group
explored through the medium of dance, music and/or role play and the performance
should be between 5-15 minutes in duration
1. A general overview of the project, the context in which it would take place and a general
Special Instructions:
profile of the learners.
2. A justification for implementing the performing arts project with this specific group of
young learners. This would include an explanation of:
the relevance of the project to the current unit of study and/or the specific needs and
interests of the group
the educational benefits of engaging children in drama, movement and music activities
in the preschool
an acknowledgement of any difficulties you encountered (including personal, cultural,
logistical, resource problems) and the strategies used for overcoming them during the
implementation of the project
3. A detailed plan (see example planner attached) which includes:
the title and duration of the performance
the type of organisation required
all necessary resources
the specific aims of the project in terms of the aspects of drama, movement and music
to be developed
the script for the performance including specific roles of both individuals and groups of
children and the teacher
extension ideas
4. Documentary reflection about the process and the success of the final performance.
Include reference to what your objectives were and how the children were able to achieve
these objectives. Link to areas of development with specific focus on creative development.
A Reference List of sources cited in the assignment.
Weighting: 40%
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Grading/Marking Your grade will be determined using the relevant criteria from the attached rubric.
Late Penalty: Unless special circumstances are agreed with the course teacher regarding late
submission, work submitted 1 working day late will be deducted 10%, 2 days late
20%, 3 days late 30% and any work submitted more than 3 days late will get a zero
Academic Honesty: Breaches of Academic Honesty will be treat ed with the utmost seriousness. You are
reminded the penalties for cheating or plagiarism include dismissal from the HCT.
(for more information please refer to Academic and Student Regulations, HCT
Academic Honesty Policy, Student Handbook)
4. Technological Literacy ☒
7. Vocational Competencies ☒
8. Mathematical Literacy ☐
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Course Assessment/Student Details
Course Name: Learning through the Performing Arts: Music, Dance, Drama/Role play
Task Title: Create a rationale for a time bound performing arts project to be
implemented in a private school setting
Student Name:
Student ID:
Final Grade/Mark
General Comments
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Course Name: Learning through the Performing Course Code: ECE2603
Arts: Music, Dance, Drama/Role
Task Title: Create a rationale for a time bound performing arts project to be implemented in
a private school setting
Student Name:
Late Penalty:
Unless special circumstances are agreed with the course teacher regarding late submission, work
submitted 1 working day late will be deducted 10%, 2 days late 20%, 3 days late 30% and any work
submitted more than 3 days late will get a zero mark.
Academic Honesty:
Breaches of Academic Honesty will be treated with the utmost seriousness. You are reminded
the penalties for cheating or plagiarism include dismissal from the HCT.
(for more information please refer to Academic and Student Regulations, HCT Academic Honesty
Policy, Student Handbook)
Student Declaration:
This assignment is entirely my own work except where I have duly acknowledged other sources in
the text and listed those sources at the end of the assignment. I have not previously submitted
this work to the HCT. I understand that I may be orally examined on my submission.
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Achievement that does not meet requirements
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awareness of strengths and weaknesses
personal strengths
and weaknesses
Experimentation/ Little or no engagement with Unable to identify Operates within familiar and Evidence of exploration of Evidence of conceptual risk Unfamiliar conceptual
Exploration of ideas (10%) alternative ideas and problems; does not well established ideas, processes, media and taking / using own analysis territories may be
Problem solving, risk taking, processes understand the processes, media and/or materials; may lead to to inform further cycles of explored
experimentation and purpose of risk taking materials; some evidence of potential directions for future inquiry and potential future
testing of ideas and or exploration of exploration work directions
materials in the realization alternatives
of concepts
Collaborative professional Does not collaborate with Collaborates Some ability to work Productive and positive but Demonstrates initiative and Consistently provides
working (10%) others reluctantly collaboratively, but is requires some guidance from respects team members. leadership as well as
Suitable behavior for inconsistent. the team. Contributes ideas and support. Compromises to
working with others and in solutions to problems or accommodate common
diverse teams conflict. goal. Contributes
positively and
productively. Takes
initiative and
References (5%) Little or no referencing Inadequate Evidence of referencing, but not Adequate referencing, but Fully-formed references Fully-formed and accurate
Bibliography, citation, in Irrelevant or inappropriate referencing with a throughout. some inconsistencies. with minor errors references.
text citation, referencing selection of references. significant number of Few references and many are Limited number of Limited number and Extensive selection of
(APA style format) No citations in text. inconsistencies not suitable or reputable. references, but not all are selection of reputable and reputable and suitable
Few references that Few citations with little or no suitable or reputable. suitable references. references.
are not suitable or links to your ideas. Few citations that are not Many citations are Well selected citations
reputable. directly linked to your ideas. appropriate but only used that support ideas.
The citations have no as an association to your
links to your ideas. ideas.
Clarity and accuracy (15%) The whole text is unclear. Mostly unclear with Sometimes clear, with patches Generally clear and accurate. Clearly expressed, with Clearly expressed
Clarity of message, accuracy Errors are numerous and patches of significant of confusion. Accuracy is Errors can cause only occasional errors that throughout. Consistently
of grammar, vocabulary, cause significant break down. Errors inconsistent. Errors cause misunderstanding in places. do not cause accurate. Requiring a
spelling, punctuation misunderstanding. can cause significant misunderstanding. Correction Still some correction misunderstanding. minimal amount of
sentences misunderstanding required. required. Requiring a minimal correction.
and require amount of correction.
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Word limit (5%) Word limit severely Inattention to the Insufficient words to complete The additional words, or lack Task was completed well Completed exceptionally
(refer to section 5i of the interfered with potential to word length the task requirements, or of required word length within the word limit task well and within the
Assessment Handbook) achieve the task. guidelines too many words which did not detracted from the intent of range. word limit range.
jeopardized the enhance your response. the task.
completion of the
task to a higher
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An example of a Performing Arts Project Planner:
Set up materials I let the students use the materials within their
role, like the casher will use the casher thing.
Tell the them the story and let them memorize The students had one day to memorize the
the sentences sentences and practice together at the break
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Extension Ideas:
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