Theo Finals
Theo Finals
Theo Finals
Common Good The principle also reminds us of our responsibility to look after
Common Good is defined by Gaudium et Spes as the ―sum the decency of the life of other people, and the provision of their
total of social conditions which allow people either as groups basic needs, because their utter poverty and deprivation will
or as individuals to reach their fulfilment more fully and more become insurmountable obstacles for them to live full and
easily (GS 26 & CSDC 164). decent human lives.
The Church‘s teaching on the common good is rooted in our The principle also reminds us of the legitimacy of our private
Christian anthropology which views the human person as properties but only as a means. The goods of this world always
basically oriented towards his/her relationship with other maintain a social character, and they must be used not only for
beings, especially his fellow human beings. the good of the owner but also for humanity in general.
The Church‘s principle of the common good is its response to The Catholic social tradition also reminds us that social
both the extremes of any form of totalitarianism that was at the dimension of property goes beyond the financial and material
core of the socialist, communist and fascist governments on the resources, and it also includes other resources like technical
one hand, and of a kind of individualism that has become know-how, and other skills. There is always a moral call for
negligent of the importance of the cohesion of our communities those who are more capable to help in the empowerment of the
on the other. less capable and weaker ones.
The Catholic social teaching continues to argue that we build a There is a CALL to look into the way we SHARE our
community both RESOURCES and on how we allow everyone to participate in
1) because it is our nature to come together as a community the efforts for CAPACITY BUILDING
because we find fulfillment in the company of one another,
2) also because our social relationships are among our best Participation
resources that will help us address the undeniable The Compendium (CSDC 189) again asserts that individuals
vulnerabilities that characterize our finite human existence. must contribute to the economic, social, and political life of the
communities where s/he belongs.
Universal Destination of Goods
This principle calls to facilitate the conditions that will be This is the Church‘s reaction against the manipulative
necessary for integral human development so that everyone can tendencies of the market forces including the institutions that it
contribute to making a more humane world. nurtures like the media. This principle is rooted in our
understanding of our rationality and freedom, which allows us
to resist the labeling of the human person as mere cog in a
Theo Finals
The principle of participation is a direct consequence of the Christian understanding of justice goes beyond the
principle of subsidiarity and the practice of social inclusion. understanding of justice as retributive. Christian justice is
transformational and liberative. Justice has to lead to the
Solidarity CONVERSION of both the victim and the oppressor; but
The Compendium describes this principle as a firm and CONVERSION is best guaranteed by the act of love
persevering determination to commit oneself to the common
good, and not a ―mere feeling of vague compassion or shallow The ACT of CHRIST on the CROSS is the best illustration of
distress (CSDC 193). justice: it pays for our SINS but such an act of sacrifice and love
transforms us (restores us) to who we really are as persons.
This is the Church‘s response to the growing culture of apathy Following the social teachings of the Church, we can affirm the
and indifference. The principle is rooted in our understanding following:
of ourselves as basically in need of others, and who are 1. It is true that the world is NOT a perfect place. This is the
incapable of a self-sufficient existence. The principle comes CITY OF MAN, tainted by sin, and where people are prone
from the realization that we are all vulnerable and are in need to fall into the temptation of sinning.
of others. 2. The Church however reminds us that we are not fully
This is a call to pursue the PATH towards authentic GOOD, and such goodness could never be totally corrupted.
brotherhood (what does it really mean to become a brother, a 3. There is then the invitation to continuously attempt to BUILD
sister, a neighbor in our time, and how much of our traditional A CIVILIZATION of love and make our world a better place
conceptions (like bayanihan ) have been challenged by our to live in.
contemporary culture of individualism
Theo Finals
- Conversion which is non-violent Evangelical poverty is a counter witness to the growing
- Hopeful preparation for its realization in the future. materialism of the world. It‘s a radical statement about man‘s
confidence in the providence of the community and God.
2. Christ as a Liberator. Christ heals and liberates people both
from physical and spiritual illness. Christ’s liberation is also The emerging Ideologies of the Modern Time
at the same time a restoration (personal and communal). DARK Ages (Medieval Period) VS Age of EnLIGHTenment
• Two things are easily identified with the age of
The early Christian community has endeavored to follow enlightenment: use of reason (as opposed to faith) and the
the examples of Christ. The Early Christian’s ability to autonomy (as opposed to obedience).
instruct one another on the Social Involvement • The Church during the Middle Ages according to
1. Duty to give (Act 2:4445; 20:35; Tim 6:17-19). It is not right enlightenment thinker's values faith and obedience which are
for one to live in luxury while others live in want. – Clement instruments of ignorance and oppression.
of Alexandria • Enlightenment period brought about changes in the society
2. Deposits of Piety - used in feeding the needy, in burying including the Industrial Revolution and the two ideologies of
them, in support of youths and maidens destitute of means Capitalism and Socialism.
and deprived of their parents, in the care of the aged, and the
relief of the shipwrecked. Industrial Revolution
3. Endeavor to establish unity and solidarity (Gal 3:28; Col - Roughly 1760 to 1850
3:11). - Started parochially in England
- Introduction of New technology
What the early Church has attempted to do is to find a way to - Rise of factories and salaried workers
incarnate the examples of Christ in their own social contexts - Mass production leads to surplus
and practices. - Surplus that results to profit
- Emergence of market
The Middle Ages and the Continuing Catholic Social - Gave birth to capitalism
Teaching Tradition
Even with the institutionalization of the Church within the The Birth of Capitalism and the Critique of Socialism
Roman Empire, she remained to be an active agent for social • Capitalists aimed towards profit.
justice. • Markets are constructed for the interest of those who have the
capital, who makes use of the same capital in order to
ST. THOMAS AQUINAS on: generate more income or more profit, and thereby further
1. Distribution of Wealth – It requires Justice which is a “habit enlarging the initial capitals.
whereby man renders to each one his due by a constant and • Private ownership however has implications:
perpetual will.” a) Private property means absolute ownership: No one could
impose on the owner the manner of using the owned
2. Just War War was commonly accepted as a legitimate property.
means to further the political influence of a particular city or b) Private property means exclusive use: we take note here of
state. the stark distinction between this modern understanding
and that of Aquinas‘ concept of private property which
St. Thomas Aquinas identified three requirements that need allows common use of property if there is a dire need
to be present before a party could justifiably wage a war (situation of great fear or worry).
against another:
✓ The legitimate authority: Thomas Aquinas‘ political John Locke argues that any person is justified to gather as much
philosophy assigns legitimate power to an authority for the property as he could as long as the acquisition is done through
management of the citizens‘ well-being. his/her legitimate labor. Hence, one‟s labor is seen as the
✓ Just Cause: There has to be just causes for engaging into a justification for one‘s acquisition of private properties. This has
war, like restoring a lost social order. later on emerged as a doctrine of “entitlement,” which is also a
✓ Right intention: the ruler who declares war must have the central doctrine in the capitalist ideology.
right intention, like upholding the state‘s order and
bringing out a certain good John Locke entertained a moral question on the issue of
acquisition. He asked, is there a limit to what we can own? His
Two important considerations then are included in a just war: answer was “spoilage” of one person‘s produce suggests excess
Jus ad bellum (considerations on “why” we are going into of one‘s acquisition. But, as long as there is no spoil, the extent
war and Jus in bello (considerations on “how” are we of one‘s acquisition remains justified. However, this moral
supposed to engage in war). limitation set by the Lockean provision by the use of money.
3. Evangelical poverty. The practice of evangelical poverty
refers to the voluntary giving up of personal possessions. This
is usually enclosed in the evangelical vows of those who enter
the consecrated life.
Theo Finals
Two Values Promoted by Capitalism:
1. Social Mobility – capability to rise from one social status to
a better one depending on the effort one exerts.
2. Self-Direction – one’s own future is one’s own
responsibility. It also highlights the principle of PRIVATE
However, there were those who were not convinced with the
capitalist ideology. An alternative ideology has flourished,
SOCIALISM, and it has several objections against the capitalist
1. The capitalist principles of self-direction and social mobility
are myths and are only true for the rich and able members of
the community.
2. Capitalism ignores, tolerates and even perpetuates unjust
situations of resourcedistribution: unequal distribution of
goods, and the gap between rich and poor.
3. Capitalism endorses the pathology of isolated existence.
Theo Finals
THE CATHOLIC SOCIAL ENCYCLICALS • RN argues that the divide between people may be
addressed if we move towards the improvement of the
What is an Encyclical? workplace.
A papal encyclical is a letter, usually treating some aspect of • Wages then become a central concern in the attempt of
Catholic doctrine sent by the Pope addressed either to the improving the social order.
Catholic bishops of a particular area or to the bishops of the • The encyclical argues ―that according to natural reason
world. The form of the address can vary widely, and often and Christian philosophy, working for gain is creditable,
designates a wider audience not shameful, to a man, since it enables him to earn an
honorable livelihood; but to misuse men as though they
The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church (CSDC) were things in the pursuit of gain, or to value them solely
clarifies that, the term “Social Doctrine” goes back to Pope Pius for their physical powers -that is truly shameful and
XI and designates the doctrinal body concerning issues relevant inhuman (RN, 20).
to society which, from the Encyclical Letter Rerum Novarum
• Mutual consent of both parties then, because of the unequal
of Pope Leo XIII, developed in the Church through the
powers between the employer and the worker, could not
Magisterium of the Roman Pontiffs and the Bishops in
guarantee the strict requirements of justice.
communion with them (CSDC, 87).
• The encyclical is therefore clear that there is a requirement
of natural justice that goes beyond the mere consent of
The Church‘s social concern did not only begin with Rerum
contracting parties involved.
Novarum, the Church has never failed to show interest in the
society. Nonetheless, it adds, the Encyclical Letter Rerum • Correlative to the issue of wages, are the issues on the
Novarum marks the beginning of a new path. Grafting itself protection of workers. RN argues acceptable number of
onto a tradition hundreds of years old, it signals a new work hours for daily labor, should be so regulated as not to
beginning and a singular development of the Church's teaching be protracted over longer hours than strength admits (RN.
in the area of social matters (CSDC, 87). 42).
• It is only by the labor of working men that States grow rich.
RERUM NOVARUM (Of New Things) Justice, therefore, demands that the interests of the working
Leo XIII, 1891 classes should be carefully watched over by the
Context: administration.
• The central issue in Rerum Novarum is the “labor question”.
3. Solidarity and the workers’ unions
• RN examines the condition of salaried workers, which was
particularly distressing for industrial laborers who languished • Noting the disparity in the powers of the employer and the
in inhumane misery. employee, the government must have a preferential
attention to the condition of the poor and wage-earners,
• The labor question is dealt and explored in all its social and
which could even justify government interventions in the
political expressions in the light of the doctrinal principles
workplace through legislations (RN, 37)
founded on Revelation and on natural law and morality
(CSDC, 89). • RN supports the working men‘s unions.
• Workers’ unions are mechanisms not for its own sake but
1. Property Issues and the Inequalities among People to ensure that the conditions are set so as to allow workers
• Mass migration of people from the rural areas to urban to maximally perform and use their full potentials for.
• RN has criticized the unequal distribution of wealth, and
Pius XI, 1931
the huge gap between the rich and the poor
• RN denounces the kind of equality envisioned by the
• The Reconstruction of the Social Order
socialists to do away with private property, and contend
that individual possessions should become the common • The publication was released soon after the Great Depression
property of all, to be administered by the State or by that happened in 1929 onwards.
municipal bodies (RN, 4). • The Great Depression is characterized by global hunger,
• The encyclical then affirms the tradition of the Church that massive unemployment, and extreme poverty.
defends the legitimacy of private ownership and argues that
private ownership is in accordance with the law of nature. 1. On Economic Dictators
Truly, that which is required for the preservation of life, • QA was also vocal about its criticism against the presence
and for life‘s well-being (RN, 9). of what it calls as Economic Dictators of the time: these
refer to monopolies and powerful states, like the U.S.,
2. Wage and Protection of Workers which dictated the global economy.
• RN criticizes the mentality that antagonizes one class • QA is also sensitive to the possibility of an emerging form
against another. of economic imperialism that becomes a result of an
• RN articulates the need for mutual agreement and internationalism of finance (QA 109).
cooperation, which will later be termed as “solidarity”. • Global agencies like IMF and World Bank have become
vehicles of powerful nations in their attempt to exercise
influence over the poorer States in the world.
Theo Finals
• QA argues that it is precisely the presence of these individual freedom amidst the increased intervention of the
economic dictators that make the capitalist system State (cf. MM, 59-67).
hypocritical. • The encyclical also encourages more cooperation among
the people, that is, people can create institutions in order to
2. On Totalitarian Governments make available those special services for the people‘s basic
• QA also spoke against the tendency to adopt “totalitarian” needs; and it agrees that state interventions and regulations
governments, which was also the direction that the socialist may be done in order to address this concern.
ideologies were heading. • The basic presupposition of the encyclical is the fact that
• Totalitarian governments mean those governments whose there are people who are simply rendered incapable to
common life is decided only by the government with very pursue even their basic needs because of their poverty.
minimal participation from the people. • MM believes that every person deserves to get the basic
needs regardless of his/her social condition, and so the
3. The Principle of Subsidiarity community must feel responsible in making sure that
• Just as it is gravely wrong to take from individuals what everyone is properly aided in the pursuit of their basic
they can accomplish by their own initiative and industry needs.
and give it to the community, so also it is an injustice and • Socialization is to be done where institutions have to be
at the same time a grave evil and disturbance of right order established in order to ensure that there are agencies that
to assign to a greater and higher association what lesser and would look into the distribution of basic services to all
subordinate organizations can do. For every social activity citizens.
ought of its very nature to furnish help to the members of • Development of the country areas: considerable thought
the body social, and never destroy and absorb them (QA, must be given, especially by public authorities, to the
79) suitable development of essential facilities in country areas
–such as roads; transportation; means of communication…
MATER ET MAGISTRA (Mother and Teacher) (MM 127).
John XXIII, 1961 • the encyclical is recommending that communities,
Context: especially through the agency of the government where
• Entitled as Christianity and Social Progress. everyone, especially the deprived poor, is provided with
• At the background of the encyclical are: their basic needs so they are able to at least live decent
• World Wars lives.
• Animosity between the East and West blocs dubbed as the
Cold War 3. Family Farms and Cooperatives
• The period of the 60‘s saw the major breakthroughs in the • MM point out its attention to the contribution of
modern technology. cooperatives and the kind of contribution that they can
• The rivalry between the US and USSR prompted the rivalry possibly give both for the empowerment of the workers and
in military technology known as the Arms Race and the in enhancing balance within the economy towards the
Space Race (the US first landed on the moon in 1969 ahead common good (cf. MM 85-90).
of the USSR), and later of that decade the internet will be • The encyclicals calls for the State‘s attention with regard
used (1969). to the education and support of these sectors in the
economy (cf. MM, 115).
1. A focus on the Agricultural Sector • The same support from the State for the well-being and
• MM calls for a balanced attention between industrial sustenance of cooperatives is particularly needed for the
progress and the development of the agricultural sector. growth of the agricultural sector, specifically the family
• MM talks about the common good (MM, 151), and the farms.
cooperation among nations, particularly the responsibility • The encyclical invites that the mechanism of the State
of wealthy nations (MM, 157). should also provide support for rural workers, especially
• As early as 1961, the Church has also tackled the issue of farmers, so they could take care of their own means of
population increase and economic development (MM 185) production and could productively participate in the affairs
of our political communities (cf. MM, 146).
2. The Principle of Socialization
• Continuing the tradition of revisiting the social questions 4. International Cooperation and the Responsibility of
that affect the society it reviews the social issues Wealthy Nations
confronted by the Church since Rerum Novarum. MM sees • As early as the 1960s, have already insisted on the
the irony of the social condition of the world of the early interdependence among nations (MM, §40).
1960s: despite the advancement of technologies, the • The need to address the gaps between the lifestyles and
encyclical observes, there remains an undeniable poverty social conditions of those people living in affluent nations
among peoples. from those who are living in less affluent ones.
• The principle is discussed within the context of increasing
intervention of the State to propel the social conditions of
the least among us vis-à-vis the danger of threatening
Theo Finals
John XXIII, 1963 (On the Development of Peoples)
Context: Paul VI, 1967
• The encyclical was published at the height of the Cold War. Context:
• The Berlin Wall was erected on March of 1962 and the Cuban • The encyclical is known for its emphasis on the talk about
Missile crisis of October 1962 almost brought the United development, and it is even referred to by some circles as the
States of America and Russia to another major war. “Catholic Social Teaching‘s Magna Carta on Development.”
Theo Finals
LABOREM EXERCENS (On Human Work) governs the relationship between the worker and his
John Paul II, 1981 employer.
Context: • For LE, just wage is family wage.
• John Paul II‘s third encyclical, but the first of his several • LE categorically defines just remuneration for the work of
encyclicals, was published on September 14, 1981. an adult who is responsible for a family to be sufficient for
• The encyclical offers the ―most comprehensive treatment of establishing and properly maintaining a family and for
human work in the corpus of Catholic social teaching. providing security for its future‖(LE, 19).
Theo Finals
especially with regard to the relationship of between religions COMPENDIUM OF THE SOCIAL DOCTRINE OF THE
and States. CHURCH
• Gaudium et Spesis the Second Vatican Council‘s Pastoral • If we are to talk about Catholic sources of its social doctrines,
Constitution of the Church in the Modern World, which we should not fail to mention this important compendium of
covers a wide range of topics including the talk of natural the Catholic social tradition that is dated until its publication
law, which becomes the basis for the talk about Catholic in 2004.
humanism, a concept that was hoped to provide a link • The document is released by the Pontifical Council for Justice
between Catholic social and political philosophy to those that and Peace to articulate the Social Doctrine of the Catholic
are coming from traditions other than Catholicism. Church.
• The Constitution also speaks of several themes that are
recurrent in the encyclicals including discussions on the
common good, solidarity, and human rights.
• Promulgated during the height of the cold war, the
Constitution speaks lengthily about peace and the avoidance
of war.
• This is a document that was published after the ordinary
Synod of bishops held in 1971.
• The document was authorized for publication on November
30, but was released only on December 9 in Italian.
• As the title suggests, the document primarily talks about
justice in the world, particularly on how the Church could
serve as witness to justice, how could the Church educate
people about justice, and how could the Church be an agent
of justice in the world.
• JPII‘s Familiaris Consortio is among the landmark Church
documents on Marriage and Family life, and is included in
the corpus of the social teachings of the Church because of
its discussions on gender, on the role of women, on the social,
cultural and economic factors that affect the family, and on
the role and contribution of the family in the wider society.
• Francis’ Evangelii Gaudium is primarily intended to talk
about the proclamation of the Gospel but it has devoted an
important chapter (Chapter 2.1) on social issues which talks
about the contemporary crisis on communal commitment.
• It is here where Pope Francis spoke lengthily about his
critique to the economic system that treats money as its lord,
and which promotes a throwaway culture marked by
indifference and exclusions.