Auroville Report
Auroville Report
Auroville Report
Sourav Singh
• Introduction
• Philosophical Foundation
• Genesis
• Matrimandir
• Governing Bodies
• Problems Identified
• Suggestions
Tamil Nadu, India
-Sri Aurobindo-
Auroville is located in
Vanur Taluk, Villuppuram
district, in the state of Tamil
Nadu. The centre of
Auroville is located at a
distance of 150 km, south
of Chennai, 12km. North of
Puducherry, around 7 km,
from east coast road and
5km from NH66 (Tindivinam
highway). The Vanur Block
is one of 22 blocks in the
Padiyachar District in Tamil
Nadu, south. This block, located along the Corromandel Coast covers 45 000
square kilometres. The Vanur Block is an approximately contiguous watershed;
and this ‘bio region ‘can be defined by the large marsh, Kaluveli Tank, to the
north, the Bay Bengal to the east, Pondicherry City to the south, and Ousteyri
Lake to the west. The “outlying lands “are located within a 7 km. radius from the
centre Auroville, and include the following village Panchayats. Population of
Auroville consisting of resident - Aurovilians has increased from 320 in 1972 to 676
in 1980; presently it is 2400. Development of the Auroville Township and the
growth of its surrounding region are linked to each other inextricably. Over the
last decade, the Puducherry region (including the districts of Viluppuram and
Cuddalore in Tamil Nadu) has witnessed a significant increase in population,
reflected by the growth rate of nearly 20 percent between 2091 and 2011.
The French born Mitra Alfassa, who found
Auroville in 1968, was among these. After
visiting Sri Aurobindo in 1914, she returned in
1920 to support Sri Aurobindo in his vision and
practice of Integral Yoga. Taking on all of the
practical aspects of managing the people
who flocked to be near the increasingly
recluse Sri Aurobindo, she became known as
"The Mother," and established Sri Aurobindo
Ashram in 1927 – a residential, spiritual
homestead for those who wished to devote
themselves to a spiritual life of practice.
Following Sri Aurobindo's passing in 1950 (three
years after India achieved independence on his birthday, 15 August) the Mother
registered the Sri Aurobindo society under the Societies Registration Act with the
aim of promoting the ideals of Integral Yoga and the "attainment of a
spiritualised society as envisioned by Sri Aurobindo," in 1960.
"There should be somewhere on earth a place which no nation could claim as its own,
where all human beings of goodwill who have a sincere aspiration could live freely as
citizens of the world and obey one single authority, that of the supreme Truth."
In 1954, Mirra Alfassa also known as the mother, published her well-known text ‘A
Dream’. In it she described “a place shares the relations among human beings,
usually based almost exclusively upon competition and strife, would be
replaced by relations of emulation for doing better”, for collaboration relations
of real brotherhood. She envisioned Auroville as a universal township, to give
concrete form to Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy of human unity and evolution.
However, just as mind emerged out of life the ‘super mind’ that the perfection
dreamed of by mankind can manifest.
On 28 February 1968, for the inauguration ceremony of Auroville,127
representatives from
124 nations and 23
Indian states placed
handfuls of earth from
their native lands in an
urn situated at the
centre of the township.
It symbolized the
creation of the city and
its goal of human unity.
On this day, the mother read in French the aspiration of the ideal city in the four-
point ‘charter of Auroville’:
• Auroville belongs to nobody in particular.
• Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole. But to love in Auroville
one must be the willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness.
• Auroville will be the place of an unending education, of constant
progress, and a youth that never ages.
• Auroville wants to be the bridge between the past and the future.
• Taking advantage of all discoveries from without and from within,
Auroville will boldly spring towards future realizations.
• Auroville will be a site of material and spiritual researches for a living
embodiment of an actual human unity.
The city is being planned and designed to house 50,000 inhabitants from around
the world. At present Auroville is an emerging township of over 2400 residents,
representing 49 countries from all age groups, social backgrounds and cultures.
130 (NB: Though established in India, two-third of Aurovilians are non-Indians).
The charter identifies Auroville as a place for endless learning and
experimentation (at all levels- individual, collective, academic, social,
economic and spiritual). This gives Aurovilians abundant freedom and scope to
excel internally and externally. The former involves discovering and fulfilling their
individual spiritual goals and ideals in the material existence. The latter involves
building and developing the township and also trying to practice the ideals of
the charter in reality.
The Mother appointed Roger Anger, a French architect, to design the city,
based on her original 1965 conception. The city is designed in the shape of the
spiral galaxy divided into 4 zones radiating out of the Matrimandir. The
International, Cultural, residential and Industrial.
Spread across the zones, the Auroville community currently encompasses over
one hundred settlements(sub-communities). Around these zones lies the green
belt -the environmental research and sustainable rural development area that
includes farms, diaries, forestry, a botanical garden, medicinal and herbal
plantations, water management stations and bio-reserves. As for the activities of
community members, they engage in educational research, small scale
industries, village development, community services, healthcare, organic
agriculture, water management administration and cultural activities.
Unlike most cities, the heart of Auroville is not a
Though the Mother did not say it explicitly these gardens as a whole seem to
represent what the Mother calls “the twelve Powers of the Mother manifested
for her work”.
Sri Aurobindo explained that these “12 powers are the vibrations that are
necessary for the complete manifestation”.
It is probably because “the manifestation” is not yet “complete” and all these
powers and vibrations haven’t “manifested” fully as yet that the Mother said
that these twelve gardens must “be an expression of that consciousness
which we are trying to bring down”. This explains also why the architect keeps
on stressing that these gardens will evolve with the consciousness of the
● Ferro cement
● On the other hand, the work (or nominal) dimensions of length (l), width (w)
and height
(h) which will determine bonding patterns. For this reason, as a rule, compressed
block production has mainly used dimensions consistent with a unit weight in the
● Hollow blocks generally the voids of hollow blocks account for a total of 5 to
10%, and to
30% using sophisticated techniques. Voids can improve the adherence of the
mortar and
● Perforated blocks these are light but required fairly sophisticated moulds and
compressive force. They are suitable for reinforced masonry (in earthquake
● Interlocking blocks these can be assembled without mortar, but they require
sophisticated moulds and highly compressive force. They are often used for non-
bearing structures.
● The position of the compressed earth block relative to other masonry materials
can be
● Health and safety aspects the emission of dangerous fumes, radioactivity etc.
luminosity, etc
● Social aspects economic and social spin-off resulting from job creation, socio-
acceptability, etc.
centre to centre.
● Available as woven/Interlocking mesh and welded mesh.
The behaviour of such vault depends upon its supports condition. If the vault is
supported continuously along it's longitudinal axis, it's behaves like a series of
independent arches parallel to one another and principle stresses on the
surface will be one directional.
To span over rectangular bays, the vault domes or rotational surfaced domes
were used in historical structures. The vault domes were obtained with the
intersection of vaults as cloister vault and groin vault or with ribbed domes.
Cloister vault is
formed by the
intersection of
two or more
vaults forming a
ridge at the
Composition of a
cloister vault may
be of one of the
vault surfaces or
may be
composed of
different forms. No matter how it is compressed, each surface carriers its own
Groin vault is obtained by the intersection of the two or more cylindrical of two
or more cylindrical vaults forming diagonal arches over the space to be
covered. So, instead of continuous boundaries, they have widely spaces corner
supports. The open periphery of the groin vault necessitates a stiffener as an
arch or a quadrant dome.
Buttressing forces are required to stabilize these diagonal ribs. When they are
aligned one after another, the components of the thrusts are cancelled outs by
equals thrusts in adjacent bays excepts the two ends. The ribbed vaults with
webs in between also bring all loads to separated points. The ribs that stiffen and
carry the web vaults act as a free-standing arch. The vault web between the
adjacent ribs behaves as groin vaults. The web vault's form may be of any vault
This method is unique since an element called 'guns tube' is used which consists
of tapering conical, burnt clay pipes adapting them to come together, socket
into one another and stacked in a curved form along the centring formwork. A
series of such arches make a barrel vault capable of withstanding considerable
loads. The top of the roof is given a later finish. After joints are filled and topped
with plaster, the roof becomes rigid and water proof, doing totally without steel
or timber. Air inside the hollow-tile proof protects from heat and old. It is
fabricated and ready for use within three days and requires no maintenance
having a life span of more than 50 years. Being light in weight these variations of
the vault roof is safe even in earthquake prone areas.
The most ingenious feature of the csv (Centre of Science for Villages) model is
the timber less roof or the ' Guna ' roof -- ' Guna ' in Telugu means a burnt clay
tapering pipe. Splitting this pipe into two results in semi-circular pan-like tiles.
These ' Guna s' can be socketed into one another, forming an arch over a
suitably curved shuttering. A series of such arches can make a barrel-shaped
vault which is capable of withstanding considerable loads. After the joints are
filled and topped with plaster, it becomes rigid and waterproof. The entire roof
does not incorporate any high tensile material like steel or timber. Following are
the advantages:
The compressive strength of rammed earth can be up to 4.3 Mpa. This is less
than that is a similar thickness of concrete, but more than strong enough for use
in domestic buildings. Indeed, properly built rammed earth can with stand loads
for thousands of years, a many still-standing ancient structures around the world
attest. Rammed earth using re-bar, wood or bamboo reinforcements can
prevent failure caused by earthquake or heavy storms.
Since the heat
gain from the roof
is the highest, if the
filler slab could be
done using hollow
materials, we get
advantages -
passive solar
cooling where the
voids reduce the heat transfer, lesser roof weights thanks to the
hollowness, different looks when seen from the room below, reduced
sound transmission between the floors thanks to the voids in between and
reduction of steel consumption considering greater distances between
them. Once the roof centring in complete, it is levelled by a layer of
stabilized mud or very weak cement mortar.
First the roof centring is complete, it is levelled by a layer of stabilized mud
or very weak cement mortar. First the roof blocks are placed end to end
as per the structural engineer design, placing them closely and
compactly. The minor gaps in between are sealed with the same lean
mortar to reduce curing water flowing down after the roof casting. A
layered of
thin steel
rods is
onto top,
are tied
and the
roof is concreted as usual. The Hourdi block is also used as the hollow
material, which is produced by the Auram press 3000 is used to create
floors and roofs (available locally).
Raymond wrote, “the purpose of the dormitory was not primarily the housing of the
disciples; it was the creating of an activity, the materialization of an idea, by which the
disciples might learn, might experience, might
develop, through contact with the erection of
a fine building.”
▪︎ Number of rooms: 51
▪︎ FAR: 0.774
▪︎ Independent column footing in high strength R.C.C. with all concrete surfaces
left from finished without plaster.
The Governing Board consists of seven members to be nominated by the
Central Government from amongst persons who have,
• rendered valuable service to Auroville;
• dedicated themselves to the ideals of life-long education synthesis of
material and spiritual researches or human unity;
• contributed significantly in activities that are being pursued or are envisaged
to be promoted in Auroville, including activities relating to the environment,
afforestation, arts and crafts, industry, agriculture, humanities, sciences and
integral yoga;
and of two representatives of the Central Government itself.
The members, who do not live in Auroville, hold office for a period of 4 years.
The Governing Board meets at least twice a year in Auroville.
The present members:
The Central Government, vide Ministry of Human Resource Development’s
dated 29 June 2017, nominated new members of the Governing Board
including its Chairman for a fourth term of four years with the following
As every other system, Auroville has its own downsides and defects along with
the pros:
• Anyone who so ever is coming to Aurovilians needs some asset for future
purposes and a person can not practically sustain only on FOOD, JOB
• Aurovilians should encourage the people from the nearby village to
develop with them regarding any field of work.
• Personally, I think, there was huge amount of superstitious belief of “the
mother” in the mind of most of the Aurovilians!
• There are many minutes yet delicate points which were fishy in Auroville,
but there is no one who can come up with proper explanation of why
and how Auroville is working and sustaining in this current economy.
Thank You