ICS 23.040.60
SANS 1123:2003
ISBN 0-626-14416-7 Edition 3
Pipe flanges
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Table of changes
Change No. Date Scope
Standards South Africa wishes to acknowledge the valuable assistance derived from publications of
the following organizations:
This South African standard was approved by National Committee STANSA SC 5120.12D, Water
supply, equipment and systems – Copper pipes and steel pipes, and fittings, in accordance with
procedures of Standards South Africa, in compliance with annex 3 of the WTO/TBT agreement.
This edition cancels and replaces the second edition (SABS 1123:2000).
Annex A forms an integral part of this standard. Annex B is for information only.
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 3
3 Definitions............................................................................................................................... 3
Bibliography............................................................................................................................... 52
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Pipe flanges
1 Scope
This standard specifies requirements for the material and dimensions of six types of flange suitable
for working pressures up to 4 000 kPa and working temperatures in the range -10 °C to +200 °C.
NOTE 1 Flanges used for the connection of pipes to a pressure vessel should comply with the relevant requirements
of the standard in accordance with which the pressure vessel was manufactured.
NOTE 2 In the case of flanges for use at pressures and at temperatures outside these limits, see EN 1092-1.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute
provisions of this standard. All standards are subject to revision and, since any reference to a
standard is deemed to be a reference to the latest edition of that standard, parties to agreements
based on this standard are encouraged to take steps to ensure the use of the most recent editions
of the standards indicated below. Information on currently valid national and international standards
can be obtained from Standards South Africa.
SANS 936/937 (SABS 936/937), Spheroidal graphite iron castings and Austenitic spheroidal
graphite iron castings.
SANS 1109-1 (SABS 1109-1), Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads –
Part 1: Designation, dimensions and tolerances.
SANS 1109-2 (SABS 1109-2), Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads –
Part 2: Verification by means of limit gauges.
SANS 6892/ISO 6892 (SABS ISO 6892), Metallic materials – Tensile testing at ambient
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following definitions apply:
acceptable to the authorities administering this standard, or to the parties concluding the purchase
contract, as relevant
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
nominal size (DN)
reference size of a flange that corresponds to the nominal size (bore) of the pipe to which it is
intended to be fitted.
pressure rating
maximum allowable working pressure of an installation of which the flange is intended to be a
working pressure (NP)
maximum pressure to which the installation, of which the flange is intended to be a component, will
be subjected under normal working conditions.
NOTE – These ratings are based on design pressures applicable to installations subject to moderate shock such as
might occur in well-designed and efficiently operated boiler feed mains. Where a system might be subject to severe
shock, it is the responsibility of the purchaser to make a suitable allowance when selecting the pressure rating of the
4.3 Identification
A flange shall be identified by the nominal size (bore) of the pipe with which it is intended to be
used, and a designation that is used as the table reference and that consists of the numerical value
of the flange pressure rating, in kilopascals, followed by its type number (such numerical value and
type number being separated by an oblique stroke, for example, 250/2). Figure 1 shows the variety
of flange types covered in this standard. The table headings identify the flange in terms of rating,
type and description.
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
5 Constructional requirements
5.1 Material
5.1.1 Steel flanges
Weldable low carbon steel shall not contain more than 0,25 % (by mass) of carbon or 1,5 % (by
mass) of manganese.
Cast steel shall not contain more than 0,05 % (by mass) of sulfur or phosphorus.
The mechanical properties of cast steel shall comply with the following:
The material of cast iron flanges shall comply with at least the requirements for grade 250 castings
of SANS 1034.
The material of ductile iron flanges shall comply with at least the requirements for grade 42 castings
of SANS 936/937.
When so required (see annex A), the manufacturer shall make available to the purchaser test
certificates that cover the chemical analysis and the physical properties of the material from which
the flanges in each consignment were made.
5.2 Dimensions
5.2.1 Nominal size
The nominal size of a flange shall be as required (see annex A) and shall be one of the sizes given
in column 1 of tables 250/2 to 4000/8, as relevant.
5.2.2 Tolerance General
Except as allowed in terms of 5.3 and 5.4, the dimensions of a flange shall, conform to the
appropriate of the following tolerances, appropriate to the required nominal size of flange:
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
1 2 3
Flange outside diameter mm
Machined Not machined
Up to and including 150 ±1 ±2
Over 150 up to and including 300 ± 1,5 ±3
Over 300 up to and including 400 ±2 ±4
Over 400 ±2 ±5
1 2
Tolerance on machined
Nominal size of flange
bore size
Up to and including 300 +2
Over 300 up to and including 1 200 +4
Over 1 200 +6
1 2 3
Flange thickness mm
Machined at back Not machined at back
Up to and including 35 -0,5 +1,5 -0,5 +3
Over 35 -1,0 +3 -1,0 +5
Except for integral flanges.
The tolerance on the welding neck length h1, and on the boss length h shall be +3 -0.
– ± 1,4 mm for bolts of size above M24 up to and including M45, and Bolt hole diameters and centre-to-centre distances of adjacent bolt holes
The tolerance on the bolt hole diameters and on the centre-to-centre distances of adjacent bolt
holes shall be
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
– ± 0,7 mm for bolts of size above M24 up to and including M45, and Maximum permissible eccentricity of outside diameter D and pitch circle diameter d
in relation to the inside diameter
1 2
Nominal size of flange Eccentricity
mm mm
Up to 300 1
Over 300 up to and including 1 200 2
Over 1 200 5
Except when a raised joint face is required (see annex A), the mating face of a flange shall be flat.
The appropriate value of the thickness b, shall apply over the whole of the raised face of a flange.
Screwed flanges shall be screwed in accordance with SANS 1109-1 and SANS 1109-2.
5.3.2 Welding neck flanges (type 2), plate flanges (type 3) and slip-on boss flanges
for welding (type 5)
The flanges shall have machined bores of the required diameter (see annex A) appropriate to the
OD of the pipe for which it is intended. The free end of welding neck flanges shall be machined to a
flat surface that is perpendicular to the axis of the bore and the outside edge shall be bevelled for
5.3.3 Except when a raised joint face is specified by the purchaser, the mating face of a flange
shall be flat. The appropriate value of the thickness b, shall apply over the whole of the raised face
of a flange.
Unless otherwise required (see annex A), the backs of flanges may be left unmachined. Machining
of the backs shall be either by spot facing at the bolt holes or by back facing (at the discretion of the
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Unless a specific manufacturing process and corresponding surface finish are required (see
annex A), the surface finish of the flange jointing face shall be as given in table 1:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a a
Approximate Approximate Approximate Ra Rz
Method of depth of radius of pitch of µm µm
machining serration tool nose serration
mm mm mm Min. Max. Min. Max.
NOTE For certain applications, for example, searching media such as low-temperature gases, and
flanges of NP 150 and above, it might be necessary to stipulate closer control of the surface finish.
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
7.2 Marking
7.2.1 Details of marking
At least the following information shall be hard stamped on either the back face or the outer
circumference of each flange. (This requirement is not applicable to flanges that are integrally cast
on pumps and valves.):
The details required in terms of 7.2.1(b), (c) and (d) shall be grouped together and given in the form
and sequence shown below:
– nominal size, pressure rating, type number, for example, 250 – 1000/3.
Key to figure 1
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Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Figure 1(f) — Type 6: Steel loose flange for welded-on lapped pipe ends
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Nom. Flange Raised face Drilling
size Bolts
DN D b d3 f No. d1 d d2 r
10 75 12 33 2 M10 4 11 50 20 4
15 80 12 38 2 M10 4 11 55 26 4
20 90 14 48 2 M10 4 11 65 34 4
25 100 14 58 2 M10 4 11 75 44 4
32 120 14 69 2 M12 4 14 90 54 6
40 130 14 78 2 M12 4 14 100 64 6
50 140 14 88 2 M12 4 14 110 74 6
65 160 14 108 2 M12 4 14 130 94 6
80 190 16 124 2 M16 4 18 150 110 8
100 210 16 144 2 M16 4 18 170 130 8
1251) 240 20 174 2 M16 8 18 200 160 8
150 265 20 199 2 M16 8 18 225 182 8
1751) 295 22 230 2 M16 8 18 255 210 8
200 320 22 254 2 M16 8 18 280 238 8
2251) 345 22 282 2 M16 8 18 305 264 10
250 375 24 309 2 M16 12 18 335 284 12
300 440 24 363 2 M20 12 22 395 342 12
350 490 26 413 2 M20 12 22 445 392 12
400 540 28 463 2 M20 16 22 495 442 12
450 595 30 518 2 M20 16 22 550 494 12
500 645 24 568 2 M20 20 22 600 544 12
5501) 705 26 620 2 M24 20 26 655 590 12
600 755 30 667 2 M24 20 26 705 642 12
6501) 810 26 720 2 M24 20 26 760 690 12
700 860 24 772 5 M24 24 26 810 746 12
750 920 26 830 5 M24 24 26 865 790 12
800 975 24 878 5 M24 24 26 920 850 12
900 1 075 26 978 5 M24 24 26 1 020 950 12
1 000 1 175 26 1 078 5 M24 28 26 1 120 1 050 12
1 200 1 405 28 1 295 5 M30 32 33 1 340 1 264 16
1 400 1 630 32 1 510 5 M30 36 33 1 560 1 480 16
1 5001) 1 730 34 1 590 5 M30 38 33 1 660 1 580 16
1 600 1 830 34 1 710 5 M30 40 33 1 760 1 680 16
1 800 2 045 36 1 918 5 M36 44 39 1 970 1 878 16
2 000 2 265 38 2 125 5 M36 48 39 2 180 2 082 16
2 200 2 475 42 2 335 6 M36 52 39 2 390 N/A 18
2 400 2 685 44 2 545 6 M36 56 39 2 600 N/A 18
2 5001) 2 800 46 2 650 6 M42 58 45 2 710 N/A 18
2 600 2 905 46 2 750 6 M42 60 45 2 810 N/A 18
2 800 3 115 48 2 960 6 M42 64 45 3 020 N/A 18
3 000 3 315 50 3 160 6 M42 68 45 3 220 N/A 18
3 200 3 525 54 3 370 6 M42 72 45 3 430 N/A 20
3 400 3 735 56 3 580 6 M42 76 45 3 640 N/A 20
3 600 3 970 60 3 790 6 M48 80 52 3 860 N/A 20
1) Non-preferred size.
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Nom. Flange Raised face Drilling
size Bolts
DN D b d3 f No. d1 d d2 r
10 75 12 33 2 M10 4 11 50 20 3
15 80 12 38 2 M10 4 11 55 26 3
20 90 14 48 2 M10 4 11 65 34 4
25 100 14 58 3 M10 4 11 75 44 4
32 120 16 69 3 M12 4 14 90 54 5
40 130 16 78 3 M12 4 14 100 64 5
50 140 16 88 3 M12 4 14 110 74 5
65 160 16 108 3 M12 4 14 130 94 6
80 190 18 124 3 M16 4 18 150 110 6
100 210 18 144 3 M16 4 18 170 130 6
1251) 240 20 174 3 M16 8 18 200 160 6
150 265 20 199 3 M16 8 18 225 182 6
1751) 295 20 226 3 M16 8 18 255 210 8
200 320 22 254 3 M16 8 18 280 238 8
2251) 345 24 282 3 M16 8 18 305 264 8
250 375 24 309 3 M16 12 18 335 284 10
300 440 24 363 4 M20 12 22 395 342 10
350 490 26 413 4 M20 12 22 445 392 10
400 540 28 463 4 M20 16 22 495 442 10
450 595 28 518 4 M20 16 22 550 494 12
500 645 30 568 4 M20 20 22 600 544 12
5501) 705 30 618 5 M24 20 26 655 590 12
600 755 30 667 5 M24 20 26 705 642 12
6501) 810 32 694 5 M24 20 26 760 690 12
700 860 32 772 5 M24 24 26 810 746 12
750 920 34 826 5 M24 24 26 865 790 12
800 975 34 878 5 M24 24 26 920 850 12
900 1 075 36 978 5 M24 24 26 1 020 950 12
1 000 1 175 36 1 078 5 M24 28 26 1 120 1 050 12
1 200 1 405 40 1 295 5 M30 32 33 1 340 1 264 12
1 400 1 630 44 1 510 5 M30 36 33 1 560 1 480 12
1 5001) 1 730 46 1 610 5 M30 38 33 1 660 1 580 12
1 600 1 830 48 1 710 5 M30 40 33 1 760 1 680 12
1 800 2 045 50 1 918 5 M36 44 39 1 970 1 878 15
2 000 2 265 54 2 125 5 M36 48 39 2 180 2 082 15
2 200 2 475 60 2 335 6 M36 52 39 2 390 N/A 15
2 400 2 685 62 2 545 6 M36 56 39 2 600 N/A 15
2 5001) 2 800 64 2 650 6 M42 58 46 2 710 N/A 15
2 600 2 905 64 2 750 6 M42 60 46 2 810 N/A 15
2 800 3 115 68 2 960 6 M42 64 46 3 020 N/A 15
3 000 3 315 70 3 160 6 M42 68 46 3 220 N/A 15
3 200 3 525 76 3 370 6 M42 72 46 3 430 N/A 15
3 400 3 735 80 3 580 6 M42 76 46 3 640 N/A 15
3 600 3 970 84 3 790 6 M48 80 52 3 860 N/A 15
1) Non-referred size.
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1) Non-preferred size.
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1) Non-preferred size.
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Nom. Flange Drilling
size Bolts
DN D b No. d1 d
10 75 10 M10 4 11 50
15 80 10 M10 4 11 55
20 90 10 M10 4 11 65
25 100 10 M10 4 11 75
32 120 10 M12 4 14 90
40 130 10 M12 4 14 100
50 140 10 M12 4 14 110
65 160 10 M12 4 14 130
80 190 10 M16 4 18 150
100 210 10 M16 4 18 170
1251) 240 12 M16 8 18 200
150 265 12 M16 8 18 225
1751) 295 14 M16 8 18 255
200 320 14 M16 8 18 280
2251) 345 16 M16 8 18 305
250 375 16 M16 12 18 335
300 440 20 M20 12 22 395
350 490 22 M20 12 22 445
400 540 22 M20 16 22 495
450 595 25 M20 16 22 550
500 645 25 M20 20 22 600
5501) 705 28 M24 20 26 655
600 755 30 M24 20 26 705
1) Non-preferred size.
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Nom. Flange Raised face Drilling Neck
size Bolts
DN D b d3 f No. d1 d d2 r
25 115 16 65 2 M12 4 14 85 50 4
50 165 18 99 2 M16 4 18 125 84 5
65 185 18 118 2 M16 4 18 145 104 6
80 200 20 132 2 M16 8 18 160 118 6
100 220 20 156 2 M16 8 18 180 140 8
1251) 250 22 184 2 M16 8 18 210 168 8
150 285 22 211 2 M20 8 22 240 195 10
1751) 308 24 240 2 M20 8 22 258 210 10
200 340 24 266 2 M20 8 22 295 246 10
2251) 368 26 293 2 M20 8 22 325 264 12
250 395 26 319 2 M20 12 22 350 298 12
300 445 26 370 2 M20 12 22 400 348 12
400 565 26 480 2 M24 16 26 515 456 12
450 615 28 530 2 M24 20 26 565 502 12
500 670 28 582 2 M24 20 26 620 559 12
5501) 730 30 632 2 M24 20 26 675 607 12
600 780 34 682 2 M24 20 26 725 658 12
6501) 840 34 740 5 M24 24 26 780 712 12
700 895 34 794 5 M24 24 26 840 772 12
750 965 35 850 5 M30 24 33 900 813 12
800 1 015 36 901 5 M30 24 33 950 876 12
900 1 115 38 1 001 5 M30 28 33 1 050 976 12
1 000 1 230 38 1 112 5 M30 28 33 1 160 1 080 16
1 200 1 455 44 1 328 5 M36 32 39 1 380 1 292 16
1 400 1 675 48 1 530 5 M36 36 39 1 590 1 496 16
1 5001) 1 785 48 1 640 5 M36 40 39 1 700 1 560 16
1 600 1 915 52 1 750 5 M42 40 45 1 820 1 712 16
1 800 2 115 56 1 950 5 M42 44 45 2 020 1 910 16
2 000 2 325 60 2 150 5 M42 48 45 2 230 2 120 16
2 200 2 550 N/A 2 370 6 M48 52 52 2 440 N/A 18
2 400 2 760 N/A 2 570 6 M48 56 52 2 650 N/A 18
2 5001) 2 860 N/A 2 675 6 M48 60 52 2 750 N/A 18
2 600 2 960 N/A 2 780 6 M48 60 52 2 850 N/A 18
2 800 3 180 N/A 3 000 6 M48 64 52 3 070 N/A 18
3 000 3 405 N/A 3 210 6 M56 68 60 3 290 N/A 18
1) Non-preferred size.
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Flange Raised face Drilling Neck
size b Bolts
DN D d3 f No. d1 d d2 r
25 115 16 – 65 3 M12 4 14 85 50 4
50 165 20 19,0 99 3 M16 4 18 125 84 5
65 185 20 19,0 118 3 M16 4 18 145 104 6
80 200 22 19,0 132 3 M16 8 18 160 120 6
100 220 24 19,0 156 3 M16 8 18 180 140 6
1251) 250 26 19,0 184 3 M16 8 18 210 170 6
150 285 26 19,0 211 3 M20 8 22 240 190 8
1751) 315 26 20,0 240 3 M20 8 22 270 212 8
200 340 26 20,0 266 3 M20 8 22 295 246 8
2251) 370 26 22,0 293 3 M20 8 22 325 264 8
250 395 28 22,0 319 3 M20 12 22 350 298 10
300 445 28 24,5 370 4 M20 12 22 400 348 10
400 565 32 24,5 480 4 M24 16 26 515 456 10
450 615 32 25,5 530 4 M24 20 26 565 502 12
500 670 34 26,5 582 4 M24 20 26 620 559 12
5501) 730 35 30,0 632 5 M24 20 26 675 607 12
600 780 36 30,0 682 5 M24 20 26 725 658 12
6501) 840 38 32,5 740 5 M24 24 26 780 712 12
700 895 40 32,5 794 5 M24 24 26 840 772 12
7501) 965 42 35,0 848 5 M30 24 33 900 814 12
800 1 015 44 35,0 901 5 M30 24 33 950 876 12
900 1 115 46 37,5 1 001 5 M30 28 33 1 050 976 12
1 000 1 230 50 40,0 1 112 5 M30 28 33 1 160 1 080 12
1 200 1 455 56 45,0 1 328 5 M36 32 42 1 380 1 292 15
1 400 1 675 62 46,0 1 530 5 M36 36 42 1 590 1 496 12
1 5001) 1 785 65 48,0 1 640 5 M42 40 45 1 700 1 560 12
1 600 1 915 68 49,0 1 750 5 M42 40 45 1 820 1 712 12
1 800 2 115 70 52,0 1 950 5 M42 44 45 2 020 1 910 15
2 000 2 325 74 55,0 2 150 5 M42 48 45 2 230 2 120 15
1) Non-preferred size.
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1) Non-preferred size.
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Pipe Flange Raised face Drilling
Nom. size outside Boss
DN diam. d2
D b h d3 f No. d1 d
6 10,2 75 8 14 32 2 M10 4 11 50 20
8 13,5 80 8 14 38 2 M10 4 11 55 25
10 17,2 90 8 14 40 2 M12 4 14 60 30
15 21,3 95 8 14 45 2 M12 4 14 65 35
20 26,9 105 8 16 58 2 M12 4 14 75 45
25 33,7 115 8 16 68 2 M12 4 14 85 52
32 42,4 140 10 20 78 2 M16 4 18 100 60
40 48,3 150 10 20 88 3 M16 4 18 110 70
50 60,3 165 10 20 102 3 M16 4 18 125 85
65 76,1 185 12 26 122 3 M16 4 18 145 105
80 88,9 200 12 26 138 3 M16 8 18 160 118
100 114,3 220 12 32 158 3 M16 8 18 180 140
1251) 139,7 250 14 36 188 3 M16 8 18 210 168
150 165,1 285 16 38 212 3 M20 8 22 240 195
1) Non-preferred size.
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1) Non-preferred size.
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Nom. Flange Drilling
size Bolts
DN D b No. d1 d
10 90 10 M12 4 14 60
15 95 10 M12 4 14 65
20 105 10 M12 4 14 75
25 115 10 M12 4 14 85
32 140 10 M16 4 18 100
40 150 10 M16 4 18 110
50 165 12 M16 4 18 125
65 185 12 M16 4 18 145
80 200 14 M16 8 18 160
100 220 14 M16 8 18 180
1251) 250 16 M16 8 18 210
150 285 18 M20 8 22 240
1751) 315 20 M20 8 22 270
200 340 18 M20 8 22 295
2251) 370 18 M20 8 22 325
250 395 20 M20 12 22 350
300 445 22 M20 12 22 400
350 505 25 M20 16 22 460
400 565 25 M24 16 26 515
450 615 30 M24 20 26 565
500 670 32 M24 20 26 620
5501) 730 35 M24 20 26 675
600 780 38 M24 20 26 725
1) Non-preferred size.
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Nom. Flange Raised face Drilling Neck
size Bolts
DN D b d3 f No. d1 d d2 r
10 90 14 41 2 M12 4 14 60 28 3
15 95 14 46 2 M12 4 14 65 32 3
20 105 16 56 2 M12 4 14 75 40 4
25 115 16 65 2 M12 4 14 85 50 4
32 140 18 76 2 M16 4 18 100 60 5
40 150 18 84 2 M16 4 18 110 70 5
50 165 20 99 2 M16 4 18 125 84 5
65 185 20 118 2 M16 8 18 145 104 6
80 200 20 132 2 M16 8 18 160 120 6
100 220 22 156 2 M16 8 18 180 140 6
1251) 250 22 184 2 M16 8 18 210 170 6
150 285 24 211 2 M20 8 22 240 190 8
1751) 315 24 240 2 M20 8 22 270 217 8
200 340 24 266 2 M20 12 22 295 246 8
2251) 370 26 293 2 M24 12 26 325 273 8
250 405 26 319 2 M24 12 26 355 296 10
300 460 28 370 2 M24 12 26 410 350 10
350 520 30 429 2 M24 16 26 470 410 10
400 580 32 480 2 M24 16 26 525 458 10
450 640 40 548 2 M24 20 26 585 516 12
500 715 44 609 2 M30 20 33 650 576 12
5501) 775 44 632 2 M30 20 33 710 636 12
600 840 44 720 2 M30 20 33 770 690 12
6501) 860 42 740 5 M30 24 33 790 723 12
700 910 40 794 5 M30 24 33 840 760 12
750 970 42 850 5 M36 24 39 900 815 12
800 1 025 42 901 5 M36 24 39 950 862 12
900 1 125 44 1 001 5 M36 28 39 1 050 962 12
1 000 1 255 46 1 112 5 M36 28 39 1 170 1 076 12
1 200 1 485 52 1 328 5 M42 32 45 1 390 1 282 12
1 400 1 685 58 1 530 5 M42 36 45 1 590 1 482 12
1 5001) 1 795 58 1 640 5 M42 40 45 1 700 1 390 12
1 600 1 930 64 1 750 5 M48 40 52 1 820 1 696 12
1 800 2 130 68 1 950 5 M48 44 52 2 020 1 896 15
2 000 2 345 70 2 150 5 M56 48 60 2 230 2 100 15
1) Non-preferred size.
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Flange Raised face Drilling Neck
size b Bolts
DN D d3 f No. d1 d d2 r
10 90 14 n/a 41 2 M12 4 14 60 28 3
15 95 14 n/a 46 2 M12 4 14 65 32 3
20 105 16 n/a 56 2 M12 4 14 75 40 4
25 115 16 n/a 65 3 M12 4 14 85 50 4
32 140 18 n/a 76 3 M16 4 18 100 60 5
40 150 18 19 84 3 M16 4 18 110 70 5
50 165 20 19 99 3 M16 4 18 125 84 5
65 185 20 19 118 3 M16 4 18 145 104 6
80 200 22 19 132 3 M16 8 18 160 120 6
100 220 24 19 156 3 M16 8 18 180 140 6
1251) 250 26 19 184 3 M16 8 18 210 170 6
150 285 26 19 211 3 M20 8 22 240 190 8
1751) 315 30 20 240 3 M20 8 22 270 217 8
200 340 30 20 266 3 M20 12 22 295 246 8
2251) 370 32 22 293 3 M20 12 22 325 273 8
250 405 32 22 319 3 M24 12 26 355 296 10
300 460 32 24,5 370 4 M24 12 26 410 350 10
350 520 36 26,5 429 4 M24 16 26 470 410 10
400 580 38 28 480 4 M24 16 26 525 458 10
450 640 40 30 530 4 M24 20 26 585 516 12
500 715 42 31,5 582 4 M30 20 33 650 576 12
5501) 775 48 36 670 5 M30 20 33 710 636 12
600 840 48 36 682 5 M30 20 33 770 690 12
6501) 860 54 40 760 5 M30 24 33 790 723 12
700 910 54 39,5 794 5 M30 24 33 840 760 12
750 970 58 43 850 5 M36 24 39 900 815 12
800 1 025 58 43 901 5 M36 24 39 950 862 12
900 1 125 62 46,5 1 001 5 M36 28 39 1 050 962 12
1 000 1 255 66 50 1 112 5 M36 28 39 1 170 1 076 12
1 200 1 485 N/A 57 1 328 5 M42 32 45 1 390 1 282 15
1 400 1 685 N/A 60 1 530 5 M42 36 45 1 590 1 482 15
1 5001) 1 820 N/A 63 1 650 5 M42 40 45 1 710 1 390 12
1 600 1 930 N/A 65 1 750 5 M48 40 52 1 820 1 696 12
1 800 2 130 N/A 70 1 950 5 M48 44 52 2 020 1 896 15
2 000 2 345 N/A 75 2 150 5 M56 48 62 2 230 2 100 15
1) Non-preferred size.
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1) Non-preferred size.
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Nom. Flange Drilling
size Bolts
DN D b No. d1 d
10 90 10 M12 4 14 60
15 95 10 M12 4 14 65
20 105 10 M12 4 14 75
25 115 10 M12 4 14 85
32 140 10 M16 4 18 100
40 150 10 M16 4 18 110
50 165 12 M16 4 18 125
65 185 12 M16 4 18 145
80 200 14 M16 8 18 160
100 220 14 M16 8 18 180
1251) 250 16 M16 8 18 210
150 285 18 M20 8 22 240
1751) 315 20 M20 8 22 270
200 340 22 M20 12 22 295
2251) 370 22 M20 12 22 325
250 405 25 M24 12 26 355
300 460 28 M24 12 26 410
350 520 30 M24 16 26 470
400 580 35 M24 16 26 525
450 640 40 M24 20 26 585
500 715 40 M30 20 33 650
1) Non-preferred size.
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Nom. Flange Raised face Drilling Neck
size Bolts
DN D b d3 f No. d1 d d2 r
10 90 14 41 2 M12 4 14 60 28 3
15 95 14 46 2 M12 4 14 65 32 3
20 105 16 56 2 M12 4 14 75 40 4
25 115 16 65 2 M12 4 14 85 50 4
32 140 18 76 2 M16 4 18 100 60 5
40 150 18 84 2 M16 4 18 110 70 5
50 165 20 99 2 M16 4 18 125 84 5
65 185 22 118 2 M16 8 18 145 104 6
80 200 24 132 2 M16 8 18 160 120 6
100 235 24 156 2 M20 8 22 190 142 6
1251) 270 26 184 2 M24 8 26 220 162 6
150 300 28 211 2 M24 8 26 250 192 8
1751) 330 28 248 2 M24 12 26 280 217 8
200 360 30 274 2 M24 12 26 310 252 8
225 395 32 302 2 M24 12 26 340 274 10
250 425 32 330 2 M24 12 26 370 304 12
300 485 34 389 2 M24 16 26 430 364 12
350 555 38 448 2 M30 16 33 490 418 12
400 620 40 503 2 M30 16 33 550 472 12
450 670 46 548 2 M30 20 33 600 520 12
500 730 48 609 2 M30 20 33 660 580 12
5501) 785 48 665 2 M36 20 39 710 620 12
600 845 58 720 2 M36 20 39 770 684 12
6501) 895 50 770 5 M36 24 39 820 725 12
700 960 50 820 5 M36 24 39 875 780 12
750 1 020 54 874 5 M42 24 45 935 836 12
800 1 085 54 928 5 M42 24 45 990 882 12
900 1 185 58 1 028 5 M42 28 45 1 090 982 12
1 000 1 320 62 1 140 5 M48 28 52 1 210 1 086 16
1 200 1 530 70 1 350 5 M48 32 52 1 420 1 296 18
1 400 1 755 76 1 560 5 M56 36 60 1 640 1 508 18
1 5001) 1 865 80 1 670 5 M56 36 60 1 750 1 620 18
1 600 1 975 84 1 780 5 M56 40 60 1 860 1 726 20
1 800 2 195 90 1 985 5 M64 44 68 2 070 1 920 20
2 000 2 425 96 2 210 5 M64 48 68 2 300 2 150 20
1) Non-preferred size.
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Flange Raised face Drilling Neck
size b Bolts
DN D d3 f No. d1 d d2 r
25 115 18 n/a 65 3 M12 4 14 85 50 4
50 165 22 19 99 3 M16 4 19 125 84 5
80 200 26 19 132 3 M16 8 19 160 120 6
100 235 28 19 156 3 M20 8 22 190 142 6
1251) 270 30 19 184 3 M24 8 26 220 162 8
150 300 34 20 211 3 M24 8 26 250 192 8
1751) 330 34 22 248 3 M24 12 26 280 217 8
200 360 34 22 274 3 M24 12 26 310 252 8
2251) 395 36 22 306 3 M24 12 26 340 274 10
250 425 36 24,5 330 3 M24 12 26 370 304 10
300 485 40 27,5 389 4 M24 16 26 430 364 10
350 555 44 30 448 4 M30 16 33 490 418 10
400 620 48 32 503 4 M30 16 33 550 472 10
450 670 50 34,5 548 4 M30 20 33 565 520 12
500 730 52 36,5 609 4 M30 20 33 660 580 12
5501) 785 54 42 670 5 M36 20 39 710 620 12
600 845 56 42 720 5 M36 20 39 770 684 12
6501) 895 58 46,5 770 5 M36 24 39 820 725 12
700 960 N/A 46,5 820 5 M36 24 39 875 780 12
750 1 020 N/A 51 880 5 M42 24 45 935 836 12
800 1 085 N/A 51 928 5 M42 24 45 990 882 12
900 1 185 N/A 55,5 1 028 5 M42 28 45 1 090 982 12
1 000 1 320 N/A 60 1 140 5 M48 28 52 1 210 1 086 12
1 200 1 530 N/A 69 1 350 5 M48 32 52 1 420 1 296 12
1 400 1 755 N/A 74 1 560 5 M56 36 62 1 640 1 508 12
1 5001) 1 785 N/A 78 1 620 5 M56 40 62 1 700 1 560 12
1 600 1 975 N/A 81 1 780 5 M56 40 62 1 860 1 726 12
1 800 2 195 N/A 88 1 985 5 M64 44 70 2 070 1 920 15
2 000 2 425 N/A 95 2 210 5 M64 48 70 2 300 2 150 15
1) Non-preferred size.
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1) Non-preferred size.
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1) Non-preferred size.
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Nom. Flange Raised face Drilling Neck
size Bolts
DN D b d3 f No. d1 d d2 r
10 90 14 41 2 M12 4 14 60 28 3
15 95 14 46 2 M12 4 14 65 32 3
20 105 16 56 2 M12 4 14 75 40 4
25 115 16 65 2 M12 4 14 85 50 4
32 140 18 76 2 M16 4 18 100 60 5
40 150 18 84 2 M16 4 18 110 70 5
50 165 20 99 2 M16 4 18 125 84 5
65 185 22 118 2 M16 8 18 145 104 6
80 200 24 132 2 M16 8 18 160 120 6
100 235 24 156 2 M20 8 22 190 142 6
1251) 270 26 184 2 M24 8 26 220 162 8
150 300 28 211 2 M24 8 26 250 192 8
1751) 350 32 260 2 M24 12 26 295 223 8
200 375 34 284 2 M24 12 26 320 254 8
2251) 420 38 317 2 M30 12 33 355 280 10
250 450 38 345 2 M30 12 33 385 312 10
300 515 42 409 2 M30 16 33 450 378 10
350 580 46 448 2 M30 16 33 510 432 10
400 660 50 503 2 M36 16 39 585 498 10
450 685 57 548 2 M36 20 39 610 522 12
500 755 57 609 2 M36 20 39 670 576 12
5501) 835 60 680 2 M42 20 45 740 636 12
600 890 72 720 2 M42 20 45 795 686 12
1) Non-preferred size.
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Flange Raised face Drilling Neck
size b Bolts
DN D d3 f No. d1 d d2 r
10 90 16 n/a 41 2 M12 4 14 60 28 3
15 95 16 n/a 46 2 M12 4 14 65 32 3
20 105 18 n/a 56 2 M12 4 14 75 40 4
25 115 18 n/a 65 3 M12 4 14 85 50 4
32 140 18 n/a 76 3 M16 4 18 100 60 5
40 150 18 19 84 3 M16 4 18 110 70 5
50 165 20 19 99 3 M16 4 18 125 84 5
65 185 22 19 118 3 M16 8 18 145 104 6
80 200 24 19 132 3 M16 8 18 160 120 6
100 235 24 19 156 3 M20 8 22 190 142 6
1251) 270 26 23,5 184 3 M24 8 26 220 162 6
150 300 28 26 211 3 M24 8 26 250 192 8
1751) 350 34 28 260 3 M24 12 26 295 218 8
200 375 34 30 284 3 M24 12 26 320 254 8
2251) 420 44 32 315 3 M30 12 33 355 275 10
250 450 38 34,5 345 3 M30 12 33 385 312 10
300 515 42 39,5 409 4 M30 16 33 450 378 10
350 580 46 44 465 4 M30 16 33 510 432 10
400 660 50 48 535 4 M36 16 39 585 498 10
450 685 57 49 560 4 M36 20 39 610 522 12
500 755 57 52 615 4 M36 20 39 670 576 12
5501) 835 57 56 690 4 M42 20 45 740 617 12
600 890 72 58 735 5 M42 20 45 795 686 12
1) Non-preferred size.
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
For welding neck flanges of cast iron and ductile iron, see table 12 of ISO 7005-2.
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1) Non-preferred size.
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Dimensions in millimetres
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Nom. Flange Drilling
size Bolts
DN D b No. d1 d
10 90 12 M12 4 14 60
15 95 14 M12 4 14 65
20 105 14 M12 4 14 75
25 115 16 M12 4 14 85
32 140 18 M16 4 18 100
40 150 20 M16 4 18 110
50 165 20 M16 4 18 125
65 185 22 M16 8 18 145
80 200 22 M16 8 18 160
100 235 25 M20 8 22 190
1251) 270 28 M24 8 26 220
150 300 30 M24 8 26 250
1751) 350 32 M24 12 26 295
200 375 32 M24 12 26 320
2251) 420 35 M30 12 33 355
250 450 38 M30 12 33 385
300 515 40 M30 16 33 450
350 580 45 M30 16 33 510
400 660 50 M36 16 39 585
450 685 60 M36 20 39 610
500 755 70 M36 20 39 670
1) Non-preferred size.
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
Annex A
Notes to purchasers
A.1 The following requirements shall be specified in tender invitations and in each order or
e) when relevant, that flanges with raised joint faces are required (see 5.2.3);
f) in the case of flanges of types 2, 3 and 5, the diameter of the bore (see 5.3.2);
g) when relevant, that flanges without bolt holes are required (see 5.4);
h) when relevant, that the backs of flanges shall be machined (see 5.5.1); and
A.2 The following requirements shall be agreed upon between the purchaser and the supplier:
a) in the case of flanges of type 6, the size and configuration of the bore (see 5.3.3); and
b) when relevant, that bolt holes shall not be drilled (see 5.4).
Annex B
This eStandard is exclusively for Bateman Minerals and Metals Ltd for use on one standalone PC. To access it from a file server/
Intranet constitutes a violation of SABS copyright rules. Note that only one printout of this standard may be made.
SANS 1123:2003
Edition 3
EN 1092-1, Flanges and their joints-circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, PN
designated – Part 1: Steel flanges.
SANS 9001/ISO 9001 (SABS ISO 9001), Quality management systems – Requirements.