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AfriSam Technical Ref Guide Update 2018 PDF

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Eighth Edition

www.afrisam.com Creating Concrete Possibilities

On the cover:
Once an agricultural export facility the Grain Silo Complex As a proud sponsor of this space for contemporary African
in Cape Town is gaining a second life as a contemporary art AfriSam is delighted to enable the Zeitz MOCAA’s
art museum. One of the most important aspects of reviving innovative designs with our equally innovative materials.
this magniicent building is to maintain its historic industrial With AfriSam’s help the possibilities of this amazing
character, celebrating its heritage and bringing the past, structure are becoming a reality.
present and future together.

First edition 2003

Second edition 2006
Third edition 2009
Fourth edition 2013
Fifth edition 2014
Sixth edition 2015
Seventh edition 2016
Eighth edition 2017
ISBN No. 978-0-620-50534-5

Every effort has been made to ensure

the accuracy of the data and information
presented, and no liability is accepted
for errors or omissions.

A guide to the use

of our products for
both the professional
and the enthusiast.
To add value to our
unique product range,
we give you access
to the combined
knowledge of all our
staff members.


The origins of the AfriSam Technical Reference Guide go back ifteen years to an
A4 ring-bound ile, which included information from Hippo Quarries' publications
on aggregates, relevant readymix information, and a brief Alpha Cement section.
The Holcim Materials Handbook 2005 (with its 2006/2007 update) and the subsequent
AfriSam Technical Reference Guide 2009, ampliied the value of the original publication
by adding more product information and a concise summary of our products.

In this new AfriSam Technical Reference Guide, we have not only updated information
about our Cement, Aggregate and Readymix products, we have updated and moved
all the information formerly split into different categories (speciication, manufacture,
handling and applications) into the relevant sections, i.e. the Cement section now
includes details on the manufacturing process, cement chemistry, speciications,
handling and applications.

Rob Wessels
Acting Chief Executive Oficer
AfriSam (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd

The Concrete section gives the reader guidelines to achieving good concrete practices for
both readymix and site-batched concrete, and the section on the properties of hardened
concrete covers other intrinsic and extrinsic factors that can affect strength, deformation
and durability, and the measures that can be taken to minimise or avoid these factors.

We hope that this new format with its accompanying electronic version will be of even
more use to our customers, students and everyone involved in the construction and
related industries.

The AfriSam Technical Reference Guide continues to be the repository of the combined
knowledge of both past and present staff members, and I would like to thank all involved
for their input.

AfriSam Shared Service Centre (Head Ofice)

T: (011) 670 5500

F: (011) 670 5793

A: Constantia Ofice Park,

Cnr 14th Avenue & Hendrik Potgieter Road,
Weltevreden Park

Contact us for
all your cement,
aggregate and
Readymix concrete

iv www.afrisam.com Reg No. 2006/005910/07 | VAT No. 4710234701


AfriSam Cement, Aggregate & Readymix

Customer Contact Centre

Telephone Fax Email

Customer Service 0860 141 141 customer.service@za.AfriSam.com

AfriSam Cement

Central ordering/
011 670 5555 011 670 5797 cement-orders@za.AfriSam.com

Exports 011 767 7278 011 767 7078 chris.pagel@za.AfriSam.com

Lesotho sales ofice 00266 22 32 3144 00266 22 32 3142

Swaziland sales ofice 00268 25 18 7078 00268 25 18 5081

AfriSam Aggregate

Gauteng 011 670 5666 011 670 5798 aggregatesgp-orders@za.AfriSam.com

Western Cape 021 521 6100 021 521 6100 cape.tenders@za.AfriSam.com

0800 313 151

KwaZulu-Natal 031 460 9030 kznsales@za.AfriSam.com
031 460 9000

AfriSam Readymix
0860 200 500
Gauteng 011 670 5828 readymix.orders@za.AfriSam.com
011 670 5777

Western Cape 021 521 6100 021 521 6150 cape.tenders@za.AfriSam.com

0800 313 151

KwaZulu-Natal 031 460 9030 kznsales@za.AfriSam.com
031 460 9000

Centre for Product

011 758 6000 cpe@za.AfriSam.com


Corporate 1 Concrete 66
Quality control 3 Factors affecting workability 69
Quality assurance 3 Quality control 71
Environmental 5 Concrete production 74
Health and safety 8 Handling concrete on-site 78
Corporate social responsibility 9 The use of GGBFS in concrete 84
The use of CSF in concrete 85
The use of admixtures in concrete 87
Minimising cracking 89
Cement 10
Concrete in adverse temperatures 91
Introduction 12
Concrete industrial loors 93
Volume mixes 12
Mass concrete on-site 95
Cement products 12
Soil stabilisation 97
Cement speciication 23
About concrete loors 99
Cement manufacture 26
The four attributes of a good loor 99
Chemistry of Portland cement 28
20 Steps to avoid common loor deiciencies 103
Handling cement 31

Hardened Concrete 108

Aggregate 34
Compressive strength 110
AfriSam Aggregate plant locations 36
Deformation of concrete 114
Products and properties 37
Modulus of elasticity 116
Aggregate production 40
Thermal movement 120
Technical support 40
Drying shrinkage 121
Properties and characteristics of aggregate 42
Creep 126
Applications and requirements 43
Durability 129
Minimising the risk of corrosion 131
Sulphate resistance 135
Alkali-aggregate reaction 137
Readymix 54
Resistance to acid attack 140
AfriSam Readymix plant locations 56
AfriSam Readymix: Application brands 58
AfriSam Readymix: Speciality products 63
Readymix services 65 References 142


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Founded in 1934, AfriSam has established itself as a formidable company committed
to making growth on the African continent possible. Today, we continue to be the
leading supplier of superior quality construction materials and technical solutions.

AfriSam is passionate in the collective cause to conserve our planet and has the utmost
respect for the environment. As such, we use natural resources in a deliberated way and
actively pursue activities that support sustainable development. We direct much effort
towards environmental stewardship, ensuring life for future generations.

We embrace our cultural heritage and see ourselves as part of the communities within
which we operate.

AfriSam is committed
to producing quality
construction products.

We strive for a responsible and engaging approach with all stakeholders and
support the communities in the areas within which we operate through ongoing
community upliftment initiatives.

To deliver value to our customers, we are uncompromising in our drive to deliver superior
performance on all frontiers. We are renowned for our technical expertise, providing
superior quality construction materials and services and always striving to exceed the
expectations of our customers. We conduct our business with unquestionable integrity,
ethics and professional standards.

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Core values
“ AfriSam captures the
essence of what we are: ‘Afri’
refers to our African heritage,
People: We strive to conduct business dealings
and communication with integrity and in a
professional, courteous and honest manner.
and ‘Sam’ relates to the word
Planet: We are responsible for the impact of
cement in six of South Africa’s our actions on the community and environment.
official languages.

We embrace our cultural heritage and have a
responsible approach to all stakeholders. We use
natural resources in a way that will sustain life for
AfriSam Cement, Aggregate and Readymix operations have future generations.
ISO 9001 certiication. In addition, our cement operations
have ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certiication, and the Performance: We are uncompromising in our
Centre of Product Excellence laboratories at our Roodepoort professionalism and strive to be the best in
operation has ISO 17025 accreditation. everything we do. We utilise our time, energy and
resources to make a valuable contribution to our
customers, colleagues and business partners.

2 For more detailed information regarding AfriSam activities, see our website: www.afrisam.com

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Quality control
AfriSam offers customers cement, aggregate and readymix Aggregate laboratories
concrete products of the highest possible quality and, in
Samples are taken on an ongoing basis and subjected to
order to do this, we apply a range of quality control tools.
grading analysis and lakiness index testing (in the case of
stone) to ensure that no non-conforming aggregate leaves
Quality control services include process control testing
the quarry or crushing plant. Grading and density results
of cement, readymix and aggregate products, ongoing
form the basis of concrete mix designs.
monitoring of the performance of cements in concrete
and involvement in ongoing and special research projects.
Results of all these tests are closely monitored for deviations
beyond pre-set tolerances, and are analysed to identify Readymix laboratories
trends in order to implement preventive action and Samples of concrete leaving the plant (and where required,
to continuously improve our products. on-site) are subjected to slump tests to check workability
against customer requirements, and made up into cubes for
Plant laboratories based at AfriSam Cement, Aggregate testing compressive strength to ensure ongoing compliance
and Readymix operations carry out ongoing process with strength requirements.
control testing on our products.
Non-conforming results are reported immediately to
management for in-depth investigation. In addition, results
are captured to centrally-based customised computer
systems for analysis and preventive/corrective action.

Quality assurance
AfriSam’s Centre of Product Excellence (CPE), based in
Roodepoort, provides extensive quality assurance services
Quality control during and support to all AfriSam’s business units, interacting with
sales and technical staff and responding to direct requests
manufacture, and quality from our customers.

assurance support.
Technical assistance
The CPE develops and tests products to comply with
requirements for specialised applications and project
speciications, and also conducts extensive analyses and
forensic investigation to determine the root causes of
shortcomings and develop solutions.

Technical advice includes assistance in designing mixes

Cement laboratories
for specialised applications. CPE consultants are available
Routine chemical and physical tests are carried out on an countrywide to provide trouble-shooting services and
ongoing basis on raw meal, in-process material and end technical assessment of materials and processes at the
product to assist the production staff to control cement customer’s site. Where required, our consultants arrange
quality during the entire process, from selection of blast for trial mixes and other testing services to be carried out
sites in the quarry, through raw meal proportioning, in controlled laboratory conditions at Roodepoort.
adjustment of kiln temperatures and grinding parameters,
to blending proportions and inal product. The department is able to conduct detailed investigations
into situations where concrete has not achieved the required
performance characteristics for which it was designed.

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Centre of Product Excellence (CPE)
laboratories Universities and technikons
The CPE Chemical, Physical and Materials Laboratories carry The CPE runs an annual programme to promote Civil
out a wide range of tests on cements and concrete, including Engineering student interaction with AfriSam processes at
mix optimisation and durability index testing. various levels. Courses, practicals and site visits for students
from the Universities of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
Process control test results from all AfriSam plant and Pretoria, as well as UNISA ensure that these students
laboratories are captured to a cement monitoring gain detailed knowledge of cement manufacturing
programme. In addition, the performance of AfriSam processes, our products and quality controls, and a better
and other cements in concrete is monitored by ongoing understanding of concrete durability issues.
compressive strength testing using standard reference
materials. The electronic monitoring report correlates all This programme includes organising access to AfriSam
these results and gives managers immediate access laboratories in the Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng
to trend analysis reports, with the consequent ability for UNISA Civil Engineering students completing their
to make decisions concerning raw meal proportioning practical assignments.
to ensure that the required performance criteria are
maintained at all times.
Input to industry boards
The CPE provides critical professional input to numerous
Product development industry boards, and also serves on various committees
Projects researching different properties of cements, including South African Bureau of Standards (SABS),
supplementary cementitious materials, aggregates and The Concrete Institute of South Africa and Association
concrete, are initiated and carried out in conjunction with of Cementitious Materials Producers (ACMP), playing a
customers, universities and other bodies. Current projects leading role in the different technical work groups.
include an eight-year assessment of the effects of highly-
corrosive environments on concretes made with differing
proportions and types of raw materials. These test results
form the baseline for a custom-built computer programme
which enables architects and contractors to specify the
correct grade of concrete for the prevailing environmental
conditions. This programme is available on request; contact
the CPE or visit the AfriSam website for further details.

CPE Training Academy

Internal training is provided by the CPE to assist sales and other
staff members who deal directly with customers, covering
product knowledge and best construction practices to assist
them in adding value during customer interactions.

External training typically results from investigation into

problems encountered on-site, and focuses on taking product
and application knowledge to AfriSam customers, as well
as ensuring that customers are aware of correct sampling
and testing issues.

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AfriSam’s irst environmental policy was published in 1994, Chamber of Commerce “Business Charter for Sustainable
committing us to ongoing optimal utilisation of resources Development”, AfriSam reconciles the “initeness” and, as
and to rehabilitating our mining sites to self-sustaining, such, non-sustainability of our mineral resources with the
positively-usable landforms on inal closure. policy goal of supporting “sustainability”.

We conduct our operations in such a way that we minimise Planning and foresight govern our surface mining, and
any potentially adverse effects of the processes involved the subsequent rehabilitation of mines is a land use
in manufacturing cement, readymix concrete and aggregate transformation that not only contributes to current needs
on the environment, the community and ourselves. We for construction materials, but also allows the return of the
promote eco-eficiency, conservation of non-renewable mined land to a new land use once mining operations end.
resources and recycling of waste materials.
All AfriSam mines operate in terms of approved
The current worldwide focus on reducing carbon emissions Environmental Management Programme that encourage
has been an environmental target for AfriSam for more optimal utilisation of resources. A Trust Fund provides
than a decade. Accurate technical reporting has further for rehabilitation on closure to a positively useful or
enabled AfriSam to calculate both total (gross) and speciic self-sustaining landform. Typically this includes the
(CO2 per ton of cement) emissions since 1990. This development of ofice parks, shopping complexes, sports
measurement, coupled with our benchmarking programme facilities, residential areas, water storage, or even landills
for energy saving and emission reduction, has enabled for waste generated by surrounding communities.
management to set ambitious CO2 reduction targets.

Signiicant CO2 reductions have resulted from reduced AfriSam Cement

clinker content of cement, increased fuel eficiencies
AfriSam can accurately calculate CO2 emissions for the
resulting from improved kiln iring, heat recovery and more
cement business unit, and constantly strives towards
eficient mining equipment. In addition, capital investment
remaining one of the lowest CO2 generators per ton of
in electrically-eficient cement plant equipment has
cement in Africa. As a result of our energy eficiency and
decreased electrical consumption dramatically.
clinker reduction programme, AfriSam has been able to
reduce speciic CO2 emissions per ton of cement produced
To assess our performance against our policy goals, AfriSam
by more than 30%, making a signiicant contribution to
subscribes to scheduled audits of environmental systems
minimising potentially adverse effects on the community,
by certiication bodies such as SABS and SGS. We also
the environment and ourselves. By conducting extensive
participate in industry association improvement programme
research into the effect of increased contents of secondary
conducted by ASPASA and ACMP. Our environmental
materials from other industries, we not only decrease the
policy commitment to continual improvement is assured
CO2 footprint of cements, but also decrease the amount of
by implementation of corrective and preventive actions
usable material that would otherwise end up in landills.
stemming from these audits, and via regular management
The CO2 footprint rating stamps on AfriSam cement bags,
an industry irst, are the result of calculation of the CO2
AfriSam is committed to producing environmentally-
footprint in g/kg of each cement product from each plant
responsible building materials without compromising
by an independent consultant in terms of the Cement
on product function or performance. In continuing to
CO2 Protocol developed by the World Resources Institute
seek ways to improve systems and processes to surpass
(WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable
environmental norms, we have not only quantiied the CO2
Development (WBCSD). The Cement Sector Initiative CO2
footprints of our production facilities and products, we have
methodology used takes into account not only production
even quantiied the footprints of our administrative ofices
data on raw materials, fuel consumption and kiln running
in Gauteng, Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal.
costs, but also internal transport costs for each AfriSam
Cement operation (scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions).
AfriSam mining
In terms of mining, both for raw materials for cement and
for aggregate, by adopting the principles the International

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Table 1: AfriSam’s achievements

Year Programme Industry status

1992 Environmental department established First

1994 Environmental policy published and principles of Sustainable Development SA irst
1994 to 1996 Participation in TC207, SA Technical Committee informing 14001 development process SA irst
“Project Green Cement” implemented: signiicant reduction of clinker content of cements, reduction in use of
2000 SA irst
non-renewable resources, cement compliance with SABS speciications
2002 Annual spot measurement of metals, dioxins, furans and PCBs in kiln emissions introduced SA irst
2002 to 2005 OPSIS continuous emissions monitoring system installed in cement stacks SA irst
2002 to 2008 ASPASA About Face Environmental Management Programme: top awards Leader
2003 Bag ilters installed at Lichtenburg cement plant SA irst
2005 Energy Eficiency Accord signatory Leader
2006 to date Environmental Awareness Programme run for all employees Leader
2008 NBI Energy Eficiency Sector winners of electrical energy savings SA irst
2009 CO2 footprint quantiied at all 17 quarries and 40 readymix operations World irst
2010 Cement CO2-rating system calculating CO2 generated per ton of each AfriSam cement introduced Leader
2010 EC Standard 76/2000/EC emission limits for kilns utilising alternative fuels met World irst
2010 Eco Building Cement with carbon footprint less than half world average launched Industry irst
2010 Eco Readymix concrete products launched Industry irst
2010 Nedbank Green Mining Award in Environmental Category for CO2 reduction and labelling initiative
2011 Mail & Guardian Greening the Future Awards in the Energy Eficiency and CO2 Management categories Ongoing
2011 Green Star acceptance in the South African Building Industry improvement

2011/12 CRF Institute’s Best Employer Certiication

2012 Signing up for the Eskom 49M initiative Leader

Currently our Eco Building Cement and

Dudield Quarry topsoil is
All Purpose Cement products' average carbon replaced in depleted shallow
footprints are nearly half the 960 calculated for workings, and the mined land is
manufactured CEM 1. returned to grazing within two
See Cement for average carbon footprint scoring.

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Continuous improvement AfriSam Readymix

We continue to improve our performance by numerous The CO2 footprints of all AfriSam Readymix plants have
benchmarking programmes and initiatives including: been quantiied since 2009. We have also quantiied
• New kiln technology the carbon footprints of our readymix products, and are
now able to compare our AfriSam Readymix concretes
• Kiln eficiencies with typical industry products, and show the percentage
reduction in carbon emission of each.
• Reduced particulate emission
Our OPSIS Continuous Emission Measuring equipment To effect ongoing improvement in environmental issues
on kiln stacks measures 13 gas streams on a minute- in Gauteng, we have increased the standard nominal stone
by-minute basis. In addition, we conduct annual size (19mm to 22mm, and 26,5mm to 37,5mm) to give mix
measurements on 13 metals as well as on dioxin, furan designs with reduced water content. This means a reduction
and PCB emissions, all of which fall within international in the amount of cement for the same water:cement ratios
and World Health Organisation limits. (W/C), and thus further reduces the carbon footprint
of the concrete.
• Installation of bag-house ilter technology
for reducing kiln emissions. In addition, a target for all AfriSam Readymix plants is to
move towards the goal of Zero Efluent. Where possible,
• Process optimisation return-load concrete is recycled at our plants or quarries,
AfriSam actively pursues the use of alternative fuels and and at most operations fresh water consumption has been
resources (AFRs) as safe substitutes for fossil-derived signiicantly reduced through recycling of water on-site,
fuels and non-renewable resources in production in some instances by up to 70 litres/m3 of concrete.
processes. See Readymix for current product CO2 ratings.

Dudfield Kiln 3 upgrade reduced energy

consumption by 15%. Environmental sponsorships
AfriSam is a patron member of the Wildlife and Environment
Society of South Africa (WESSA) and a Corporate Member
AfriSam Aggregate of the Worldwide Wildlife Foundation of South Africa
In 2009, the CO2 footprints of all AfriSam quarries were (WWF-SA). We have been active members of these
quantiied. To assist in reducing the quarry carbon footprint, organisations donating land with high conservation status,
an agreement was reached with AfriSam’s Gauteng and building and subsequently upgrading an educational
readymix plants to increase standard stone size to 22mm, facility chalet for WESSA in the Umgeni Valley, Howick.
with an ongoing added beneit being that the production
of larger stone sizes requires less energy! Our investments in the community include sponsoring
diverse environmental education initiatives such as:
All AfriSam Aggregate operations participate in the • The National Qualiications Framework accredited
Aggregate and Sand Producers of South Africa’s (ASPASA) Teacher’s Training course at Delta Environment Centre,
About Face Environmental Management Programme. Delta Park, Johannesburg.
This programme is run across the industry every two years
and is audited by independent environmental auditors • The AfriSam Activity Centre at the Two Oceans
under the leadership of an accredited Lead Auditor. AfriSam Aquarium in Cape Town.
has occupied top award positions in this competition since
its inception. • Four bursaries covering all aspects of study and
accommodation for deserving conservationists
at the South African Wildlife College.

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Health and safety
AfriSam recognises the right of employees, contractors and Appropriate health and safety training is provided for all
customers to a safe and healthy working environment and employees and contractors in order to foster suitable levels
therefore strives for Zero Harm to all. Appropriate health and of competency, enabling them to undertake work activities
safety programmes are implemented at each cement, readymix safely and responsibly. AfriSam employees are encouraged
and aggregate production operation, with operation-speciic to participate in health and safety structures and forums
occupational health and safety objectives. to enable them to identify and measure key safety
behaviours in the workplace.
Health and safety objectives and targets are set annually.
Performance is monitored, evaluated and measured on a In addition, all AfriSam operations aim to act as
continuous basis to improve health and safety structures, “exemplars” in health and safety matters in relation
with the emphasis on performance measurement and review to AfriSam stakeholders. This includes setting health
to ensure that health and safety activities are more closely and safety contractual obligations and standards for
aligned with the overall risk management framework. suppliers and contractors to “push” health and safety
compliance down the supply chain, and making
arrangements to monitor compliance with those standards.

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Corporate social responsibility

We place a high priority on our community involvement,
and believe that, as a responsible corporate citizen, it is our AfriSam CSR involvement includes:
role to help uplift communities in which we operate. • Whole School Development Programme,
aimed at improving the running of nominated
A clearly deined mission guides our corporate social disadvantaged schools, and turning them into
responsibility (CSR) initiatives: community-friendly centres of knowledge and
• Understand the needs of societies and communities practical life skills.
in areas where we do business, and make meaningful
and sustainable contributions to their upliftment. • Entrepreneurial development projects to train
community members (particularly the youth),
• Concentrate efforts where we believe we can be providing them with skills to obtain
most effective, and select projects that will, over time, employment or open up small businesses.
be sustained from within the community itself.
• Tertiary education and learnerships for
• In the education area, aim to empower and equip engineering students.
communities with knowledge and skills, while
providing them with tools and facilities to become
self-reliant and sustainable. Applicable speciications
ISO 9001:2008/Cor 1:2009: Quality management systems
• Empower host communities in environmental matters
– Requirements
affecting our common heritage and livelihoods.
ISO 17025:2005: General requirements for the competence
of testing and calibration laboratories
In addition, we are actively involved in initiatives that
SANS 14001:2005/Cor 1:2009: Environmental
seek to establish and promote provincial and national
management systems – Requirements with guidance for use
programmes supporting AfriSam’s business objectives
OHSAS 18001:2007: Occupational health and safety
and our community involvement policy, including
management systems – Requirements
HIV/Aids projects, low-cost housing and provision
of assistance for disasters such as loods.

Employee Involvement Programme

Recognising that our employees are major stakeholders
in providing additional value to our CSR initiatives, we
have implemented an ongoing Employee Involvement
Programme, through which employees can become
active participants in the quest to give back to the
community. The programme, called Mbeu, which is a
Tshivenda word meaning seed, aims to further our vision
of building strong foundations in the communities in
which we operate. The initiative involves staff participation
programmes in which employees raise funds for various
causes and in some instances, get down to physical labour
to assist charity organisations.

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With operations in Southern Africa, and a majority interest in the Tanga Cement Company
in Tanzania, we have the capacity to produce and deliver over ive million tons of cement
annually. We continuously monitor, review and improve our production processes to
ensure optimal eficiency with the lowest possible impact on the environment.

AfriSam’s cement
products have been
used in South Africa
for three quarters
of a century.

Cement operation locations:

1 Vanderbijlpark 7 Maseru
2 Bloemfontein 8 Matsapha
3 Brakpan 9 Queenstown
4 Dudfield 10 Roodepoort
5 East London 11 Ulco
6 Lichtenburg 12 Port Elizabeth


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Introduction Volume mixes
AfriSam products are the result of years of thorough To ensure that concrete made with our cement achieves
research and development by a dedicated team of cement the required workability and potential strength, the
technicians. The performance of our cement products with following standard volume mixes are printed on each
C-Tech is constantly monitored to maintain quality and Eco Building Cement and All Purpose Cement bag:
strength in compliance to the requirements of SANS 50197. • Concrete: Mixes for different strength classes and
In addition to ISO 9001 certiication of all manufacturing • Mortar: Mixes for Class 1 and 2 mortars.
and blending operations, all AfriSam cement has the SABS • Plaster: Mixes for interior and exterior plastering.
mark, and is subject to ongoing sampling, testing and
monitoring to rigorous standards. Both quality control and For example, using Eco Building Cement, the mix for
quality assurance systems are in place. See also Corporate. concrete for 10MPa foundations for a residential
application speciies four builder’s wheelbarrows
As part of AfriSam’s dedication to best practice in the of 19mm stone, four builder’s wheelbarrows of good
industry, a CO2 rating scheme has been implemented and quality sand, and two 50kg bags of Eco Building Cement
is maintained for all our cement products. The rating stamp with suficient water to just make the mix workable,
on each AfriSam cement bag indicates the carbon footprint i.e. 100mm slump.
of each product relative to manufactured CEM I cement.

In this edition of the AfriSam Technical Reference Guide,

CO2 ratings are based on calculation of values, and
Cement products
CO2 /ton. Request current CO2 footprint values from the To simplify identiication and make best use of the
AfriSam Centre of Product Excellence, e.g. for Green different product features, AfriSam products are identiied
Star-rated projects. by brand names, and by colour-coding on bags
or bulk transport seals.
In addition, a customer support service is offered to make
AfriSam’s product knowledge base available to professionals Table 2: AfriSam brand name products
involved in design, speciication and construction where
cement, aggregates and readymix or site-batched concrete Brand name Classiication
are used. The service is aimed at providing information and
Rapid Hard Cement CEM I 52,5R
promoting good concrete practice. See also Corporate.
High Strength Cement CEM II &
For more information about the effect of good site practice 52,5N
on concrete quality, see Concrete.
All Purpose Cement 42,5N
Brochures giving guidance on using the products are
available on request. Eco Building Cement CEM III A 42,5N
Starbuild CEM II and CEM V 32,5N
For actual information on product composition and Roadstab Cement CEM II and CEM V 32,5N
performance, request current data from the AfriSam
Centre of Product Excellence.


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Rapid Hard Cement (RHC)

RHC is ideal for use in the Table 4: Typical chemical composition

precast concrete industry
where faster demoulding Chemical compound CEM I
times are required, as well (% by mass, ignited basis) 52,5R
as for fast-track construction
projects to facilitate earlier Loss on ignition 2,9
stripping of formwork, earlier SiO2 20,7
bridge launching or higher P2O5 0,0
sliding rates.
Al2O3 4,6
Fe2O3 2,6
The secret to its faster
strength development is the milling of the cement CaO 65,0
to a carefully controlled ineness as well as the inclusion MgO 1,7
of a performance modiier. K2O 0,4
TiO2 0,3
Na2O 0,1
Features, applications and beneits
SO3 2,9
• High early strength Mn2O3 0,1
RHC is ideal for the precast industry (faster
demoulding), fast-track construction projects (earlier
Table 5: Typical performance in relation to
stripping of formwork) and for bridge launching
SANS 50197-1 criteria
with faster sliding rates. It can also be used for post-
tensioned and pre-stressed members. SANS 50197-1
Criteria requirement
• Cold weather concreting class 52,5R
High early liberation of heat due to hydration can offset Physical
the retardation effect of low temperatures. Where
Early (2-day) strength,
durability is of paramount importance, RHC can be ≥30 34,0
further blended on-site with GGBFS, Fly Ash (FA)
28-Day strength, MPa ≥52,5 62,5
or condensed silica fume (CSF).
Initial setting time,
minutes ≥45 219

Table 3: Typical physical characteristics Le Chatelier ≤10 1
expansion, mm
Physical characteristics Chemical
Relative density, g/ml 3,12 Sulphate content, % ≤4,0 2,9
Loose bulk density after consolidation, kg/l 1,26 Chloride content, % ≤0,10 0,04


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High Strength Cement (HSC)
Table 6: Typical physical characteristics
HSC is a specially developed
Composite cement for use Physical characteristics
in brick- and block-making, Relative density, g/ml 2,96
reservoirs, precast operations,
Loose bulk density after consolidation, kg/l 1,26
structural concrete, shotcrete
and mining operations.
The strength development Table 7: Typical chemical composition
of this cement is more than
suficient to allow normal Chemical compound
(L) A-M (V-L)
progress of building (% by mass, ignited basis)
52,5N 42,5R
operations, and is ideal for
Loss on ignition 3,8 4,3
use in specialised applications.
SiO2 20,0 24,1

P2O5 0 0,1

Al2O3 4,0 7,2

Features, applications and beneits Fe2O3 2,5 2,7

• Versatility CaO 63,7 59,3

Whether on its own, extended with selected mineral MgO 2,9 1,6
components or used with plasticisers, HSC can be used
K2O 0,7 0,5
by concrete product manufacturers for readymixed
TiO2 0,2 0,5
or site batched concrete to produce a wide range
of cost-effective solutions in terms of workability, Na2O 0,1 0,1
strength and durability. Applications include lowable SO3 2,4 2,5
or self-compacting concrete, and pumped concrete
Mn2O3 2,0 0,1
for slabs on the ground.

• High early-age strength Table 8: Typical performance in relation to

The typical high early-strength of HSC offers
SANS 50197-1 criteria
outstanding beneits in terms of time-saving and CEM II CEM II
meeting production deadlines. Applications include Physical SANS
A-M (L) A-M (V-L)
properties 50197-1
post-tensioned and prestressed members, early stripping 52,5N 42,5R
of formwork in Initial set, minutes ≥60 195 270
fast-track construction and concreting in cold weather. .
Soundness, mm ≤10 1 0

• Workability and durability ISO mortar prism strength results

The mineral components used in HSC improve the Early strength at 2 days, MPa ≥20 28,5 27,0
durability of concrete in aggressive environments, such Strength at 28 days, MPa -
≥42,5 ≤62,5 57,0
as sewage treatment works and concrete structures
Strength at 28 days, MPa ≥ = 52,5 62,0 -
in marine environments. The extremely ine particles
of the mineral components act as nuclei for the Chemical testing
formation of calcium silicate, giving a ine-iller effect Sulphate (SO3) content, % ≤3,5 2,4 2,5
to produce a more dense and more homogenous Chloride (Cl-), % ≤0,10 ≤0,10 ≤0,10
microstruture in the hardened cement paste and in the
aggregate-paste interfacial zones. Typical concrete strength at a w:c of 0,67
1-Day, MPa - 12,5 14,0

7-Day, MPa - 34,5 33,5

Note: Request specialist technical advice before 28-Day, MPa - 40,5 38,5
concreting in aggressive environments.


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All Purpose Cement (APC)

Table 9: Typical physical characteristics
A specially engineered
Physical characteristics
composite, high quality
cement for use in a wide Relative density, g/ml 2,79
variety of different building Loose bulk density after consolidation, kg/l 1,19
and masonry applications.
Consistent strength,
workability and durability Table 10: Typical chemical composition
give consistently excellent Chemical compound
results every time. CEM II CEM lll A CEM V A
(% by mass,
B-Lww 42.5N (S-V)
ignited basis)
Loss on ignition 9,4 1,5 1,7

Features, applications and beneits SiO2 20,2 29,8 32,4

P2O5 0 0 0,1
• Versatility
Applications include brick- and block-making, reservoirs, Al2O3 4,2 9,3 12,9

swimming pools, precast operations and shotcrete, Fe2O3 2,4 1,4 2,4
as well as structural concrete, plaster and mortar. CaO 66,3 48,6 44,7
MgO 2,7 4,7 2,6
• Improved cohesiveness K2O 0,7 0,6 0,6
The addition of GGBFS, FA or limestone to Portland
TiO2 0,2 0,5 0,7
cement has a ine-iller effect, giving mortars and
Na2O 0,1 0,2 0,2
plasters made with APC improved water demand. This
SO3 2,3 2,2 3,0
increases the cohesiveness of the mix, and improves
its workability. Mn2O3 2,1 0,4 0,3

• Reduced permeability Table 11: Typical performance in relation to

Mineral components improve concrete density, reducing SANS 50197-1 criteria
the potential of penetration of harmful substances
such as oxygen, moisture, carbon dioxide, chlorides performance
or sulphates, thus minimising the risk of corrosion and Criteria 50197-1 CEM II CEM CEM V
improving durability. class 42,5N B-L lll/A A(S-V)
42,5N 42,5N 42,5N
• Mass concrete structures Physical
For low heat of hydration.
Early (2-day)
≥10 23,0 14,5 14,5
strength, MPa
APC has been specially formulated to use less water, thus ≥42,5≤62,5 46,0 49,5 44,5
strength, MPa
increasing the workability and strength of the concrete. Initial setting
≥60 180 255 330
time, minutes

Le Chatelier ≤10 0 1 1
expansion, mm

Sulphate ≤3,5
2,3 - 2,0
content, % CEM II, CEM V
Sulphate ≤4,0
- 2,2 -
content, % CEM III
≤0,1 0,04 0.02 0,04
content, %


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Eco Building Cement (EBC)
Table 12: Typical physical characteristics
EBC has a low impact on the
Physical characteristics
environment due to the unique
combination of Portland cement Relative density, g/ml 2,94
and mineral components, as well Loose bulk density after consolidation, kg/l 1,22
as the lower CO2 emissions
associated with manufacturing. Table 13: Typical chemical composition
Available in user-friendly 50kg Chemical compound
packaging, EBC is the ideal CEM III
(% by mass, ignited basis)
choice for the environmentally
conscious home owner for ensuring dense, impermeable Loss on ignition 0,37
and durable concrete, mortar and plaster. EBC is also SiO2 29,57
ideal for DIY projects such as ishponds and other garden P2O5 0,05
Al2O3 9,19
Fe2O3 1,66
AfriSam’s Eco Building Cement is the most
environmentally responsible cement available, with a CaO 48,63

CO2 footprint almost half that of CEM 1, a milestone MgO 4,96

achievement reached without compromising product K2O 0,78
performance. The product is SABS approved and fully TiO2 0,52
complies with the CEM III 42,5N requirements given in
Na2O 0,26
SANS 50197.
SO3 2,89
Mn2O3 1,03

Features, applications and beneits

Table 14: Typical performance in relation to
The cement offers consistent strength, workability and
SANS 50197-1 criteria
durability, making it ideal for many concreting applications,
including structural concrete, mortar and plaster.
SANS 50197-1 Typical
class 42,5N performance
An AfriSam brochure giving mix designs for low, medium,
high and ultra-high strength mix designs for volume Physical
batching using EBC, as well as brochures on plastering Early (2-day) strength,
≥10 16
and bricklaying are available on request. MPa
28-Day strength, MPa ≥42,5 ≤62,5 48
Initial setting time,
≥60 250
• Economical mix design for residential applications. Le Chatelier ≤10 1
expansion, mm
• Improved cohesiveness, therefore better workability Chemical
and good site practice will ensure no segregation, Sulphate content, % ≤3,5 2,89
honeycombing, etc.
Chloride content, % ≤0,1 0,06

• Reduced permeability: Supplementary mineral

components improve concrete density, reducing the
potential of penetration of harmful substances when
cured adequately.


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Table 15: Typical chemical composition
AfriSam’s STARBUILD is a 32,5N
cement and cost-effective Chemical compound CEM V/B CEM II/B-M
(% by mass, ignited basis) (S-V) 32,5N (L) 32,5N
alternative for applications not
requiring high early-strength Loss on ignition 1,9 8,1
development. It is suitable for
SiO2 35,8 23,3
a limited range of applications
P2O5 0,1 0,2
in the build environment where
it offers consistent performance. Al2O3 15,6 6,8
Fe2O3 2,2 2,8
CaO 38,9 61,9
MgO 3,8 1,8
Features, applications and beneits
K2O 0,8 0,6
• It delivers normal performance, durability and
TiO2 0,8 0,4
• It has moderate strength gain (16MPa at 7 days) Na2O 0,2 0,0
• It is an economical alternative for residential application SO3 1,8 2,3
mix designs Mn2O3 0,4 0,5
• It has a low carbon footprint from its use of mineral
Table 16: Typical performance in relation to
• With the correct mix designs, this cement can produce
SANS 50197-1 criteria
high strength concrete, medium strength concrete and
low strength concrete and mortar and plaster mixes SANS CEM II/B-
Criteria 50197-1 M
(S-V) 32,5N
requirement (L) 32,5N

7-Day stength, MPa ≥16,0 19,5 35,5
28-Day strength,
≥32,5, ≤52,5 36,5 44,0
Initial setting time,
≥75 375 195
Le Chatelier ≤10 0 1
expansion, mm

Sulphate content, % ≤3,5 1,8 2,3


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Roadstab Cement
Table 17: Typical physical characteristics
Roadstab Cement is a specially
engineered composite, Physical characteristics
high quality cement for use Relative density, g/ml 3,05
speciically in road stabilisation, Loose bulk density when luidised, kg/m3 1 100
ensuring uniform distribution
Loose bulk density after consolidation, kg/m3 1 500
of the stabilising agent
throughout the stabilised layer.
Table 18: Typical proportions
Consistent stabilisation
Mineral CEM II B-L CEM V A (S-V)
properties give bound material components, % 32,5N 32,5N
signiicant strength results for
Limestone 21–35 –
road sub-bases every time.
FA – 18–30

Features, applications and beneits GGBFS – 18–30

Roadstab Cement has been developed and tested

Table 19: Typical performance in relation to
to achieve superior performance across a broad range
SANS 50197-1 criteria
of road material types, reducing the plasticity of the soil
and ensuring durability, stability and strength. Typical
SANS 50197-1 performance
Class 32,5N CEM V
Proven performance A (S-V)
Roadstab Cement’s binder composition fulils the
7-Day strength,
following requirements of a stabilising agent: MPa
≥16 >30 >20

• Reduces the plasticity of soil. 28-Day

≥32,5 ≤52,5 40 40
• Ensures durability, stability and strength. strength, MPa

• Works across a range of different road materials. Initial setting

≥60 180 315
time, minutes

Roadstab Cement also allows for longer setting times in the Soundness:
Le Chatelier ≤10 1 1
32,5 strength class, even with soils with plasticity indices expansion, mm
greater than 12, making it ideally suited for applications
requiring longer placing and compacting times.
≤3,5 2,4 1,9
content, %
≤0,1 0,01 0,04
content, %

Soil stabilisation is the process of mixing a stabilising agent As stabilisation projects are generally site-speciic, the required
such as Roadstab Cement with sub-standard soil, then spread (bags/kg per m2) of Roadstab Cement must be based on
dampening and compacting the sub-base layer to provide laboratory testing of the in-situ soil.
a strong and durable road base, with potential savings
(materials, costs, future maintenance) in the road For more information on soil stabilisation processes,
surfacing layers. see Concrete.


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Slagment (GGBFS)
On its own, Ground Slagment applications
Granulated Blastfurnace
Many readymixed concrete operations use slag in addition
Slag (GGBFS) will not hydrate
to cement as part of the cementitious or binder material
on contact with water or
in their mix designs. Bulk slag is delivered to the plant by
harden at the same rate as
tanker, pumped into silos and then automatically weighed
Portland cement (CEM I),
and batched at the same time as the cement.
but requires the presence
of an alkaline activator such
Slagment is also used in soil stabilisation, either on its own
as milled clinker to initiate
or with lime and/or other cementitious material.
its inherent cementitious
See Concrete.

Commercially available composite cements contain a Table 20: Typical physical characteristics
percentage of secondary cementitious materials such as
GGBFS in varied amounts as prescribed by SANS 50197-1. Physical characteristics

Relative density, g/ml 2,89

The advantages of using slag in concrete, either as a
component of composite cements or as part of the mix Loose bulk density after consolidation, kg/m 1 000
proportions in a site blend, include improved durability Compact bulk density, kg/m 3
1 200
as a result of:
Fineness (Blaine), cm2/g min >3 600
• Improved impermeability.
Absorption Not hygroscopic
• Improved freeze/thaw characteristics.
• Resistance to chemical attack. Glass content, % min 67

• Reduced potential for alkali-aggregate reaction.

• Lower heat of hydration. Table 21: Typical chemical composition
• Reduced creep and shrinkage. (major oxides)

Chemical compound (% by mass, ignited basis)

Chemical characteristics SiO2 39,2
The chemical compounds in slag are similar to those CaO 37,5
in cement clinker, but the proportions of the constituents
Al2O3 13,2
in the two materials are different.
MgO 7,8
In essence slags have complex mineralogical structures, S 1,1
but the chemical composition of GGBFS is generally
K2O 0,9
very consistent, as the iron-making process and the
composition of the slags are interdependent. Fortunately, MnO 0,8
slag requirements for quality iron coincide with those for
FeO 0,5
good cementitious properties.
SO3 0,3

P2O5 0,01
Slagment is the registered trade name for GGBFS produced
by AfriSam. AfriSam’s Vanderbijlpark plant produces over
800 000 tons of GGBFS annually.


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Dry Mortar
AfriSam Dry Mortar is a natural extension of our product Performance
range and a complementary pre-blended dry mortar mix
The AfriSam Dry Mortar performs in line with the SANS
ideal for use on medium- to large-scale construction
2001 – CM1:2012 criteria for dry mortar.
projects. It is a Class 2 mortar specially engineered product
with dual applications as it can also be used in certain
plaster applications.

The product is supplied in convenient, easy-to-use silos
which can be itted with optional mixer pumps to achieve
a ready-to-use mix. It offers our customers a numbers of

• It is pre-blended to the correct mix-proportions – just

add water.
• It is specially formulated to achieve a minimum strength
of at least 5MPa at 28 days.
• It produces a mixture with good workability and
• It produces a product with dual applications – it can
also be used in certain plaster applications.
• It is a cost-effective solution as it minimises waste
on site.
• It eliminates some of the common construction
problems associated with mix-designs.
• It allows for dust-free production.
• It reduces theft of product from site.

Strength of mortar:

Table 22: Minimum comprehensive strength at 28 days (MPa)

Mortar class Preliminary laboratory tests Work tests

I 14,5 10

II 7 5


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AfriSam Premixes
AfriSam’s premix range of products offer a complementary AfriSam Screed Mix
range of high quality branded products comprising
of AfriSam Concrete Mix, AfriSam Plaster Mix, AfriSam
Screed Mix and AfriSam Building Mix. These products are
easy to use and correctly formulated – just add water.
They are blends of quality aggregate material and cement
in a bag.

AfriSam Concrete Mix

This product is suitable for general loor levelling under

ceramic tiles. It is designed for domestic use and is easy
to place and inish.

AfriSam Building Mix

This product is suitable for small concrete repair jobs,

footings, foundations, fence and washing line posts
and other minor structural applications.

AfriSam Plaster Mix

This product is suitable for making mortar for general brick

and block laying. It can be used with all types of bricks and
offers proven quality.

This product is suitable for general plaster or repairs and

offers reduced cracking and improved workability.


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Additional products based on GGBFS include:
• Conbex • Fillcem
A binder used for backill in the mining industry, A binder designed for use with classiied or unclassiied
generally for cut-and-ill or room-and-pillar backilling mine tailing in backill systems in deep level mining.
where high early strength gain is not required. Fillcem can be used on its own or with Fillgel to produce
rapid gelling and stiffening of backill slurry.

GGBFS and carbon footprints

Using supplementary cementitious materials such Manufacturing cement uses energy (energy consumed
as slagment in our cement and/or in concrete makes during quarrying, as kiln feed and during grinding).
good sense in terms of energy eficiency, carbon No additional heat is required to produce GGBFS, thus
emissions and the effective use of a secondary product conserving heat resources.
that would otherwise be dumped to landill.
An added bonus is that concrete made with cement
Cement extenders dramatically reduce carbon containing GGBFS is more workable when fresh, and
emissions by reducing the clinker factor in cements. more durable and less permeable when hardened. This
By replacing speciied proportions of cement with affects not only cover to reinforcement and subsequent
GGBFS in different cement products, composite non-corrosion of the steel, but also water tightness
cements make good use of by-products from other of dams, reservoirs, etc. Where sulphate attack,
industries, signiicantly reducing the carbon chloride ingress, permeability and/or alkali-aggregate
footprints of these cements. The average emission reaction are of concern, the use of composite cement
value of CEM I cement is 990kg CO2 /ton, while the containing GGBFS and/or PFA is recommended. See
average emission value for Slagment is 90. also Properties of hardened concrete.

Using GGBFS has a positive effect on depletion of Extended durability also advantageously affects life
inite natural resources (limestone, clay and shale) cycle cost: durable buildings last longer. This in itself
used to produce cement, and also reduces the amount has a spin-off, by not reinvesting in materials and
of embodied energy required to manufacture a ton energy sooner than is necessary.
of cement.

Reducing our
Carbon Footprint


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Cement speciications
Technological advances in the production of cement,
such as performance modiiers, plant control systems All AfriSam cements are SABS approved.
and alternative fuels, have given the cement producer In addition, all cement bags bear the
the lexibility to use a wider range of supplementary
cementitious materials. SANS 50197 allows the use of
E-mark and indicate the carbon footprint
GGBFS, FA and limestone in different proportions within of each product.
speciied limits with Portland cement, to produce cement
with improved technically-acceptable properties.
This assures the customer that:
Requirements for the composition, rate of early strength • The performance of the cement is controlled.
gain, 28-day mortar prism strength, and other physical and • The product complies with speciied performance
chemical properties are deined by the speciication for each and compositional requirements.
type and strength class of cement, and the product code • A formal management and process control system
is required to indicate this. is in place.
• The mass of each bag complies with tight
All components of cement products manufactured and tolerances.
sold in South Africa are obliged by law to comply with the
following performance-based national speciications:
Cement types available in South Africa
• SANS 50197 for cements.
• SANS 55167 for GGBFS. • CEM I Portland cement.
• SANS 50450 for FA. • CEM II Portland-composite cement.
• SANS 1841 for bag mass compliance. • CEM III Blastfurnace cement.
• CEM IV Pozzolanic cement.
• CEM V Composite cement.

Table 23: Cement class strength requirements

Comprehensive strength of mortar prisms, MPa Soundness

Strength Initial setting
Early Standard (expansion),
class time, minutes
2-Day 7-Day 28-Day
32,5N - ≥16 ≥32,5 ≤52,5 ≥75 ≤10
42,5N ≥10 0 ≥42,5 ≤62,5 ≥60 ≤10

52,5N ≥20 - ≥52,5 ≤52,5 - ≤10

CEM II A-M (L) 32,5N R/N/L

Type and Mineral Rate of

composition component Strength class strength gain

Figure 1: Cement type and composition


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SANS 50197 requirements: Strength class
Composition Cement is produced in 32,5; 42,5 and 52,5 strength classes.
The range of proportions of each constituent material is Standard strength tests are routinely conducted on mortar
speciied for each cement type, e.g. CEM II A-M (L) consists samples made with a standard sand and ixed water:cement
of clinker with 6 to 20% GGBFS. Included in the range of ratio, to deine and verify the performance of different
permitted mineral components may be up to 5% additional strength classes of cement in terms of mortar strength,
constituents. setting time and expansion (soundness). The cement in each
strength class must meet the requirements given in Table 20.

Description Composition %
0 100 Note that cement strength classiications do not indicate
Portland cement CEM I 6 potential concrete strength. To verify compliance with SANS
50197-1 strength requirements, mortar prisms made under
Portland CEM II A-M
20 carefully controlled laboratory conditions are tested in
accordance with SANS 50196-1 (see Figure 3).
The actual strength of the concrete made with a cement
relates to cement performance, water:cement (W/C) ratio,
CEM III A admixtures and properties of the actual aggregate used,
and is tested by carrying out compressive strength testing
Blastfurnace 65 on concrete cubes in accordance with SANS 5863.
CEM III B See also Properties of hardened concrete.

Pozzolanic 35 30
18 18

GGBFS Clinker Limestone Fly Ash

Figure 2: Cement type and composition

In practice the proportions of GGBFS (S), limestone (L)

and FA (V) are generally ixed within the limits of the Figure 3: Mortar prism test
speciication. Therefore the quantities of the mineral
components do not vary signiicantly in the short-term
and are continuously adjusted over time to ensure Our sales consultants can advise you, and will arrange
consistency of performance, i.e. proportions of to supply samples of the cements available in the different
supplementary cementitious materials in the different geographical areas.
products may vary within the speciied limits.


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Rate of strength gain

The sufix N, R or L at the end of the description of a
cement type indicates rate of early strength gain: Normal, 45

Rapid or Lon. Rapid requires a higher mortar prism 40

compressive strength at two days (see Table 20 and
Figure 4).
Strength class 32,5 Strength class 42,5 Strength class 52,5
70 70 70

62.5 No Limit
60 60 60 20
52.5 52.5
Min 52.5R
50 50 50 15
Min 42.5R Min 52.5N
40 40 40 10
Min 32.5R Min 42.5N Age (days)
30 30 30 5
Min 32.5N
20 20 20 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

10 10 10
(V-L) 42,5R (L) 42,5R 32,5R (V-S) 32,5R A 42,5N



2 7 Days 28 2 7 Days 28 2 7 Days 28

In spec Out of spec (Adapted from Memento Cement Beton)

Figure 5: Same inal strength, different cements

Figure 4: Rate of strength gain for Normal

and Rapid cement classes Any special requirements such as early strength of concrete
or durability requirements must be indicated in the project
speciications to ensure that the mix design takes these
Specifying the correct cement requirements into account.
The proportions of different mineral components impart • The early rate of strength gain varies with different
different properties to the cements and consequently to the types of cement. If early strength is of importance for
concrete (or other applications) made with these cements. early stripping of formwork or precast moulds, the
Prior to specifying cement type/product and entering into concrete speciication must indicate a minimum early
contractual negotiations, on-site trials using the speciied strength gain requirement, e.g. 8MPa at three days.
aggregate and admixtures should be carried out to verify
that the actual concrete, mortar or plaster made with the • Specifying concrete to achieve long-term durability in
cement performs as required in practice. aggressive environments, e.g. marine wharfs, requires
special attention.
When selecting the most advantageous cement for a speciic
See also Concrete.
application, the speciier, engineer or architect should:
• Understand what SANS 50197, 55167 and 50450
mean in terms of speciied physical requirements Where sulphate attack, chloride ingress, permeability
in the inal product. and/or Alkali-Aggregate Reaction (AAR) are of concern,
composite cements containing GGBFS and/or FA are
• Understand how these properties affect the properties recommended.
of the fresh and hardened concrete (or other product) See also Properties of hardened concrete.
required for the project.

• Apply this knowledge to the cements available

in different geographical areas.

• Factor in additional savings gained by using

alternative cement and/or aggregate types, or using
chemical admixtures.


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Cement manufacture
Feed Bins

Sampling Station


Crushing Plant(s) Raw Materials Storage & Preblending Corrective Materials

Homogenising and Precipitator
Cooler Dedusting Storage Silo

Raw Meal
Air-to-Air Coal Water
Cooler Mill

Rotart Kiln Preheater Conditioning Tower

Mineral Bulk Packing

Clinker Cooler Gypsum Components Dispatch Machine Bag Palletisation

Cement Cement
Silo Silo
Storage Cement Mill

Figure 6: Typical cement manufacturing process

Materials used in the manufacture Typical cement manufacturing process

of cement • Raw material preparation – mining
Cement is manufactured from a carefully controlled mixture and crushing
of calcium oxide, silica, alumina and iron oxide. Calcium is Limestone is mined in open-cast quarries using drilling
generally obtained from limestone. Silica, alumina and iron and blasting techniques. The limestone is then reduced
are generally obtained from clay or shale and iron oxide. in size by crushing to smaller than 75mm particles.
The limestone is stacked onto special homogenising
To make cement with speciic characteristics, these minerals stockpiles to obtain as consistent material as possible.
must be carefully proportioned. These raw materials occur
naturally so their chemical make-up can vary, meaning • Additives
a great deal of care must be taken in their selection and Depending on the mineral content of the limestone,
in post-mining blending. additional silica and/or iron oxide are added prior
to the milling process to ensure that the chemical
Special materials are often added to the base (Portland) composition is within tight tolerances.
cement to modify its qualities. These materials include
GGBFS, FA, Condensed Silica Fume (CSF) and limestone.

A small amount of gypsum is also added to the cement

to control the setting time of the inal product.


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• Milling Cement milling

The various components are milled and dried in a
Cement mills are rotating tubes illed with steel balls. A roller
vertical roller or mill. Heavy rollers are positioned over
press is sometimes used to assist in the size reduction process
a rotating table and the coarse material is milled until it
before the clinker is fed into the mill to produce a very ine
is ine enough to be conveyed by air to a homogenising
grey powder. Vertical roller mills such as those installed at
raw meal silo.
Roodepoort are a new development and are known for their
energy eficiency.
• The burning process
The milled blended raw material is transported to the
Controlling the cement ineness assists in determining the rate
top of the kiln preheater tower. The kiln is ired by inely
of strength gain rate of the cement in mortar and concrete.
ground coal or AFRs and is designed to maximise the
During milling, gypsum is added to control the cement’s
heat transfer from the ignited coal to the clinker. In the
setting time.
preheater, the raw materials are heated rapidly to
a temperature of about 800°C, where carbon dioxide
The base cement is stored in homogenising silos to ensure
is driven off from the limestone.
the most consistent product possible.

CaCO3 + heat = CaO + CO2

Once this process is complete, the material drops into At this point, the required proportions of supplementary
the rotating kiln where its temperature is raised to cementitious materials such as GGBFS and/or FA are
1 450°C. At this stage the various minerals start to fuse blended with the cement to produce the inal products.
together to form predominantly calcium silicate crystals
(clinker). This semi-molten material is then cooled as
rapidly as possible in a cooler and stored in a clinker silo
The manufacture of slagment
ready for inal milling.
In the manufacture of iron, blastfurnaces produce molten
Reactions during the cooling of clinker iron and liquid slag. The liquid slag loats on the top of the
pool of molten pig iron, and is periodically tapped from the
The cooling process plays a decisive role in the quality and
furnace. The slag has potentially cementitious properties,
grindability of the clinker. Rapid cooling stabilises the C3S
but these can only be achieved by quenching the very hot
and improves the quality of the aluminate phases.
(1 450°C) material with water. This rapid cooling converts
the slag into an amorphous granular material or Granulated
Slow cooling leads to the transformation of C3S into free
Blast Furnace slag.
CaO and C2S with low hydraulicity. The kinetics of the
cooling process play a major role in the subsequent
The granulated particles are dried to less than 1%
grindability of clinker. Depending on the type of cooler in
moisture, and are then ground in a ball mill to a Blaine
use, the clinker is cooled from about 1 100˚C to between 2
ineness of 3 500cm /g. This minimum speciic surface
50˚C and 300˚C.
area is tailored to match those of South African cements
and provide the optimal combination of reactivity,
workability and economy.


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Chemistry of Portland cement
Portland cement is a hydraulic binding material. When • Between 500 and 700˚C, the MgCO3 decarbonates.
water is added to cement, hydration takes place and the
cement paste which is formed sets and hardens, producing • At 600 to 900˚C, the decarbonation of limestone
strong, hard and durable cement-based composite building CaCO3 takes place.
materials such as concrete, mortar and plaster.
• At 900 to 1 000˚C, new crystalline phases such as spinel
Portland cement is made by intergrinding clinker and a set and cristobalite are formed.
regulator (generally gypsum).
CaCO3 CaO + CO2 – Q (Q = 1 800 J/g)

Portland cement clinker

Clinker results from calcination at high temperature (1 300 Solid-solid reactions between 1 000
to 1 450˚C) of a homogenous ine mixture consisting mainly and 1 450°C
of limestone and clay (see Cement manufacture).
At this stage, the following solid phase reactions take place:
• CaO and SiO2 reactions
2CaO + SiO2 → 500 to 1 100˚C 2CaO.SiO2 (C2S)
Mineralogical composition of
C2S + CaO → 1 000 to 1 200˚C 3CaO.SiO2 (C3S)
Portland clinker CaO + SiO2 → 1 100 to 1 300˚C CaO.SiO2 (CS)
Portland cement clinker is an artiicial stone composed • CaO and Al2O3 reactions
mainly of minerals, also called clinker phases: 3CaO + Al2O3 → 600 to 1 100˚C C3A
• Alite phase: Ca3SiO5 or 3CaO.SiO2 (C3S). • CaO + Al2O3 and Fe2O3 reactions
• Belite phase: Ca2SiO4 or 2CaO.SiO2 (C2S). CaO + C3A + Fe2O3 → 500 to 1 200°C C4AF
• Tricalcium aluminate phase: Ca3Al2O6 or 3CaO.Al2O3(C3A).
• Tetracalcium alumino-ferrite phase: Ca4Al2Fe2O10 or
4CaO.Al2O3.Fe2O3 (C4AF). Solid-liquid reactions between 1 338
and 1 450˚C
Pure clinker phases are products of high temperature At these temperatures:
reactions of a stoichiometric mixture of CaO, SiO2, Al2O3
• The aluminates melt.
and Fe2O3.
• Alumino-ferrites phases are initiated.
• The liquid phase becomes 25 to 35% of the
Industrial clinker minerals contain several minor impurities
sintering mass.
resulting from minor impurities in the raw materials and in
• Crystal growth of C2S and CaO is followed by an
the fuels.
intensiication of their transformation into C5S.
• Recrystallisation and growth of C3S and C2S follows.
• Volatile compounds are completely evaporated.
Reactions taking place during
clinker formation
From 100 to 1 000˚C, as the raw materials in the kiln are
heated, the following reactions occur:
• At 100 to 300˚C, the raw meal loses its physical and
adsorbed water, H2O.

• Between 300 and 400˚C, clay raw material begins to

dehydrate, i.e. the clay loses chemically bound H2O.

• Between 400 and 600˚C, the dehydration process

intensiies and inishes, and the clay mineral undergoes
structural modiication.

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Reactions during the cooling

of clinker The role of water in the cement paste
Water is a chemical reagent, reacting with the cement
The cooling process plays a decisive role in the quality and
phases to produce different hydrates.
grindability of the clinker. Rapid cooling stabilises the C3S
and improves the quality of the aluminate phases.
Generally, the amount of water necessary for complete
hydration is 20 to 22% of the mass of the cement.
Slow cooling leads to the transformation of C3S into free
CaO and C2S with low hydraulicity. The kinetics of the
For a cement paste with normal consistence, more water
cooling process play a major role in the subsequent
than that involved as a “chemical reagent“ is required.
grindability of clinker.
This supplementary water is used as a rheology agent
and plays a physical role by lubricating the cement paste.
Depending on the type of cooler in use, the clinker is
Supplementary water evaporates, leaving pores in the
cooled from about 1 100˚C to between 80 and 300˚C.
concrete or voids between the aggregate particles, which
are detrimental to the mechanical strength and durability
The hydration products of Portland cement are far from
of concrete.
being the pure hydrates that we describe here. They
contain impurities, which may play an important role in
mortar or concrete, particularly when admixtures are used.

Table 24: Chemical composition of Portland cement

CaO SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO SO3 R2O*
Main oxides, %
45 to 65 20 to 25 4 to 8 2 to 4 <5 <3,5 <1
*R = 0.568K + Na

Table 25: Mineralogical composition of Portland cement

Percentage of C2S C2S C3A C4AF
Minimum 40 5 2 0

Maximum 70 25 15 15

Average 60 15 9 8

Hydration of the silicate phases There are two main types of CSH, depending on the
lime:silica ratio present in the cement:
The mechanisms involved in hydration of silicate phases can
be explained as: • CSH (I), if: 0.7 <CaO/SiO2 <1
• CSH (II), if: 1.0 <CaO/SiO2 <1.5
• C3S + 3H2O → CaO.SiO2.H2O (CSH ) + 3Ca(OH)2
• C2S + H2O → CSH + Ca(OH)2
Ca(OH)2 is one of the mechanisms through which
chemical attack of the concrete occurs. It reacts with
Calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) ibres form a network in the
different aggressive chemical agents, liquid or gas,
cement paste, leading to an impermeable, dense structure.
causing damage to the concrete structures (see Properties
CSH is responsible for the strength of the cement paste,
of hardened concrete).
mortar or concrete.


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The hydration of ferrite and aluminate phases Set regulators of cement other
In the absence of gypsum, the reaction between the than gypsum
aluminate and ferrite phases and water is fast and The following chemical admixtures are used to accelerate
highly exothermic. or slow cement hydration reactions during concreting
operations, e.g. for speciic placing and inishing
The reaction produces hexagonal calcium alumino-hydrates, requirements (see also Concrete).
C2AH8 and C4AH13. At ambient temperature these hydrates
• Retarders are generally used to slow cement
are unstable and transform into cubic and thermally-stable
hydration reactions, e.g. where extended setting
calcium alumino-hydrates, C3AH6:
times are required for special concrete applications.
Hydroxycarboxylic acids or salts and lignosulphonates
2C3A + 21H2O → C2AH8 + C4AH13 → 2C3AH6+ 9H2O.
are commonly used organic retarders.

Hydration in the presence of gypsum Some inorganic salts such as borates, phosphates,
Gypsum is interground with clinker to regulate the setting Pb and Zn salts are strong retarders.
process of cement.
• Accelerators shorten the setting time of cement and,
C3A + 3CaSO4.2H2O + 26H2O → C3A.3CaSO4.32H2O, in many cases, increase the rate of early strength
ettringite, tri-sulphoaluminate (TSA). development. Triethanolamine (TEA), oxalic acid and
gluconate are used as accelerators. However, their
The C4AF is believed to react in the same way as C3A to accelerating ability depends on the dosage.
produce a type of ettringite with iron content,
tri-sulpho-alumino-ferrite (TSAF). Inorganic salts such as carbonates and chlorides
accelerate the setting and hardening of cement.
If the amount of C A present in hydrating cement is more Depending on the dosage, carbonates may also
than required and when gypsum is totally consumed, lead to a strong retardation.
ettringite reacts with C A and transforms into
mono-sulphoaluminate (MSA):
False set
C3A.3CaSO4.32H2O + 2C3A + 4H2O → 3(C3A. In the presence of an excess of hemihydrate CaSO4.0.5H2O,
CaSO4.12H2O) cement undergoes another type of rapid set called “false
set” or the rehydration of hemihydrate with a subsequent
Microstructure of the main product of formation of gypsum CaSO4.2H2O.
hydration: CSH
Intense mixing can reverse false setting, allowing the
Micro-calorimetry proves that the Portland cement
cement paste, mortar or concrete to regain its original
hydration process is governed by the hydration of calcium
plasticity. Strength development is not seriously affected.
silicates. Thus CSH plays a major role in concrete or mortar.

Flash set
In the absence of gypsum or in the presence of an insuficient
amount of gypsum, cement undergoes a quick set generally
called “lash set”.

The phenomenon is characterised by intense evolution of the

heat of hydration and loss of workability, with subsequent
poor strength development.


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Handling cement
Depending on customer requirements, our products are: Transporting bulk cement
• Loaded into road or rail bulk tankers for delivery Road transport and rail transport both offer timeous
to cement depots or customer silos. and convenient delivery of bulk cement.
• Loaded from cement depot silos into mini bulk silos
for delivery to construction sites. Road transport
• Packed via sophisticated packing machines into 25kg
To ensure reliable distribution throughout our market area,
or 50kg bags, and palletised. The palletised bags
our road transport system consists of:
are wrapped in plastic and dispatched on trucks to
hardware stores, building yards or building sites. • Thorough mass-measuring procedures for loading
at plants and depots as well as ofloading on- site,
ensuring that orders and deliveries can be
Advantages of using bulk cement accurately reconciled.
• An eficient computerised transport management system.
delivered in tankers include:
• The elimination of loss through the breakage of bags. Rail transport
• The elimination of extra handling: direct transfer from
A close partnership exists between AfriSam and Spoornet
the transporting vehicle to the silo to the mixer.
to ensure that trucks and tankers transported by rail are
• Reduced labour complement on-site.
delivered to key distribution points around the country.
• Improved housekeeping, with no unsightly empty bags
littering the site.
• Automatic irst-in, irst-out use of stock.
• Weatherproof storage: the cement will not be exposed Handling bulk cement
to moisture and will not hydrate even after relatively Storage of bulk cement either in the customer’s bulk silos or
long storage periods. in mini bulk silos provided by AfriSam involves close liaison
• Maximum security and control of stock. between customer and supplier. Factors such as providing
• Appropriate methods of transport and storage on-site. adequate vehicle access, ilters, foundations and seals, etc.
need to be discussed in advance.
• Vehicle access
Bulk cement product identiication The gross vehicle mass of a fully-loaded road cement
To ensure that the correct product and amount of cement tanker is up to 60t, the length may be 22m and
is received and ofloaded into the correct silo, check that: the diameter of the turning circle is approximately
20m. Good access to the ofloading point is essential,
• The seals on the tanker are intact.
and ideally, the left-hand side of the tanker should be
• The colour of the seals corresponds with the assigned
adjacent to the silo connection coupling.
product colour.
• The number on the seal corresponds with the number
• Bulk silos
on the AfriSam cement delivery note.
When establishing new bulk cement silos on-site,
a registered structural or civil engineer should ensure
that adequate foundations provide structural stability
Tankers are sealed. Before accepting the load, check that under all load combinations and weather conditions.
the seal is intact, and that the seal number corresponds
with that on the delivery note. Break the seal and ensure Alternatively, the road tanker should be able to reverse
that the tanker ofloads into the correct silo. so that the back of the tanker is next to the silo
connection coupling.


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A silo aeration system is recommended for all silos • Silo ilters and silo safety pressure
holding more than 50t. The air supplied to the silo for release valves
aeration should be clean and dry. It is normally only Inspection and maintenance of silo ilters, safety valves
necessary to aerate a silo at the beginning of a shift. and air release pipes should be carried out at regular
The cement will then stay suficiently luid for intervals. Failure to do this can result in excess dust
trouble-free extraction, provided that regular being discharged from the silo, long discharge times
extractions are made during the shift. and, in the worst case, the silo exploding because
of pressure build-up during illing.
Silos are resupplied by bulk tanker in pay-loads
of 34t.
Hot cement
• Mini bulk silos
The mini bulk silo system (certain areas only) obviates Hot cement or even warm cement direct from the cement
AfriSam customers laying out working capital for factory can be very luid. A shut-off valve should be itted
conventional cement silos or cement storage sheds. between the silo and the screw feed when the friction
provided by the screw feed is not strong enough to stop
An AfriSam vehicle delivers the silo to site. Depending free-lowing cement.
on the user’s speciic requirements, the silo may be
empty or preloaded with up to 10t of cement.
The vehicle places the silo on a pre-laid concrete slab Stock control and reconciliation
or on its own base plate extensions. The bulk density of cement varies considerably depending
on whether it was freshly pumped into the silo or has been
Make sure that the site is level and accessible by an allowed to consolidate overnight. Consequently, always
articulated bulk vehicle for silo delivery, collection or determine the “height of cement” in the silo when the
illing. In all cases, ensure that ground conditions will cement is in the same state of luidisation.
support the loads induced by the silo footings or the
vehicle tyres, even after prolonged rainfall. To improve accuracy, determine cement levels in a silo at
the start of each working shift before any luidisation
In addition to cost advantages, the silo can be or extraction of the cement takes place. Run silos empty
padlocked to provide complete stock control and as often as possible. As soon as they are empty, reconcile
security. An internal hand-operated paddle allows the amount of cement used since the silo was last empty
accurate monitoring of stock holding levels so that against the amount used in production.
timeous reordering can take place to ensure
continuous production. Check that scales for weighing cement are calibrated
beyond their normal operating range. A scale that
Provision needs to be made for the silo-placing vehicle is under-reading can rapidly lead to excess cement
to gain access to the site at the end of the contract being used.
to remove the silo.

• Steel supply pipes to silos • Use leftover cement – do not scatter on-site.
These should always be kept as short as possible and • To avoid increasing CO2 levels, do not burn empty
should be either horizontal or vertical to keep tanker cement bags. Put them in rubbish bins to be used
discharge times to a minimum. Pipes should enter the as landill.
silo tangentially and the air vent pipe should originate
from the centre of the silo. Each pipeline should be
clearly marked with the AfriSam colour code and name
of the relevant cement product.


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Cement is a non-renewable resource.

Maximise its potential by:
Reducing our
Storing cement bags correctly Using cement responsibly Carbon Footprint

• Store bags in a closed shed or area – keep windows • Mix (or for readymixed concrete: order) only enough
and doors closed. concrete to keep up with your placing team.
• Store bags off the ground (e.g. on pallets or • Place and compact before the concrete starts setting.
plastic sheeting). • If concrete starts setting/hardening before it can be
• Do not pack more than 12 bags high, and do not placed, do not use/remix: discard.
pack against outside walls. • Do not leave left-over mortar or plaster overnight
• Remove and use bags in irst-in, irst-out sequence. and then retemper (add cement, water) the next
• Shelf-life is approximately three months (see date morning: mix only enough for use in the next
stamp on bag). few hours.
• Discard cement with lumps you cannot easily break
by hand.

• Use barrier cream or safety gloves and goggles when exposed to cement dust.
• Cement dust irritates the eyes. Irrigate eyes with large amounts of water.
• Cement bags are heavy. Avoid neck and back injuries by using appropriate bending
and lifting action.

Applicable speciication SANS 50196-3: Methods of testing cement

Part 3: Determination of setting times and soundness
SANS 1841: Control of the quantity of contents in
SANS 50196-4: Methods of testing cement
prepacked packages within the prescriptions of legal
Part 4: Quantitative determination of constituents
metrology legislation
SANS 50196-5: Methods of testing cement
SANS 50197-1: Cement. Part 1: Composition, speciications
Part 5: Pozzolanicity test for pozzolanic cement
and conformity criteria for common cements
SANS 50196-6: Methods of testing cement
Part 2: Conformity evaluation
Part 6: Determination of ineness
SANS 50450: Fly Ash for concrete Part 1: Deinitions,
SANS 50196-7: Methods of testing cement
speciications and conformity criteria
Part 7: Methods of taking and preparing samples
Part 2: Conformity evaluation
of cement
SANS 55167: Ground granulated blast furnace slag for use
in concrete, mortar or grout
Part 1: Deinitions, speciications and conformity criteria
Part 2: Conformity evaluation

Test methods
SANS 50196-1: Methods of testing cement
Part 1: Determination of strength
SANS 50196-2: Methods of testing cement
Part 2: Chemical analysis of cement


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AfriSam Aggregate products are available in Gauteng, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal and
the Western Cape, allowing builders, developers, architects and engineers access to AfriSam
expertise, technical backup and quality assurance, based on years of experience in the
aggregate market.

Our Customer Service Centres in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban, and all AfriSam
Aggregate operations, including the plant laboratories have ISO 9001 certiication,
ensuring that our aggregates are fully compliant with the relevant speciications and
with the customer’s requirements.

AfriSam has the

capacity to produce
over 10 million tons of
aggregate per anum
from our quarries and
crushing plants.

As members of ASPASA, our plants are subject to regular inspection, and our ASPASA and
DME awards are on display in the relevant plant ofices. We are also fully committed to
complying with relevant statutory and regulatory requirements, as well as our own AfriSam
Environmental, Health and Safety, and B-BBEE policies.

The AfriSam Aggregate product range ensures that every need in the aggregate
ield is met:
• Roadstone is a high quality product with speciic grading, shape and wearing
properties for asphalt and road surfacing applications.

• Concrete aggregates include a wide range of stone sizes within target gradings, as
well as washed and unwashed crusher sands for use in all on-site and readymixed
concrete applications.

• Road-layer works material includes the base and sub-base materials that provide
the supporting, interlocking structure in road design. The different categories
of graded material cater for varying load designs.

• Speciality aggregate include railway ballast, gabion and other larger sized crushed
stone used in erosion protection, architecture and landscaping.


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AfriSam Aggregate plant locations

Western Cape
1 Peninsula
2 Philippi
3 Rheebok

Gauteng and Mpumalanga

1 Eikenhof 5 Roodekrans
2 Ferro 6 Rooikraal
3 Juksei 7 Sub-Nigel
4 Olifantsfontein 8 Zeekoewater

1 Coedmore 4 Pietermaritzburg
2 Ladysmith 5 Umlaas Road
36 3 Newcastle 6 Verulam

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Products and properties: Gauteng and Mpumalanga

Plant and rock type


(Midrand) Granite

FERRO (Pretoria)

Reef quartzite

bank) Felsite
pan) Granite




Concrete 22mm



Crusher sand Unwashed


-5mm washed



Base G1



Sub-base G5



Roadstone 19mm




Ballast Minus 73mm


Builder's blend

Dumprock selected

Dumprock unselected

Shot rock

Properties Eik Ferro Juk Oli Rood Rooi Sub-N Zeek

RD 2,94 2,66 2,65 2,86 2,76 3,0 2,77 2,67

Water absorption, % 0,5 0,3 0,5 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,4 0,3
ACV, % (dry) 5,9 13,1 21,7 12,8 17,7 8,9 12,7 13,3

Available Not available


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Products and properties: Western Cape
Plant and rock type





Concrete aggregate 53mm
Crusher sand Unwashed
Base G1
Sub-base G5
Roadstone 19mm
Ballast 53mm


6mm Flats
Gravel, 25mm

Grit, -4mm/2mm
9/25 ROC
9mm UTFC

Properties Peninsula Rheebok

RD 2,72 2,62
Water absorption, % 0,4 0,4
ACV, % (dry) 7,9 14,9
10% FACT, kN (dry) 480 300
PSV 54 52
Los Angeles Abrasion, % 11,7 13,4

38 Available Not available

*Available on request

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Products and properties: KwaZulu-Natal

Plant and rock type

COEDMORE (Bellair)








Concrete aggregate 53mm
Crusher sand Unwashed
Base G1
Sub-base G4
Roadstone 26,5mm
Rolled-in chips 19mm
Ballast 63mm


Builder's blend

First crush

Properties Coed Lady (dol) Lady (silt) Newcastle PMB Umlaas Rd Verulam
RD 2,7 2,97 2,75 3,0 2,92 2,71 2,69
Water absorption, 0,8 0,5 2,7 0,5 0,7 0,85 0,9
ACV, % (dry) 16,6 10,1 11,5 12,8 11,5 11,9 13,3
10% FACT, kN (dry) 240 383 362 325 385 350 308
PSV 53 - - - - - 52

Available Not available


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Aggregate production
Most commercially available coarse aggregate and crusher Throughout the production processes:
sands in South Africa are materials processed from a • Fine material (sand) falls onto conveyors or stockpiles
wide range of geological rock types, rather than naturally to be moved to a stockpile (unwashed crusher sand)
found deposits of pebbles, etc. Sands may be from natural or to a washing plant for removal of excess ines and
sources, e.g. pitsand or river sand, or may be produced by dust (washed crusher sand).
crushing and screening in an aggregate plant.
• Oversize material is diverted back to the previous process.
The production of crushed aggregate may include quarrying
(drilling and blasting) from solid rock, or may start with Roadstone is generally subject to washing to remove excess
selected secondary material from mines, building rubble or dust, drying and further crushing/shaping by passing
the metallurgical industry, etc. through a tertiary crusher (Barmag, Hazemag).

The sourced material is reduced into smaller particles by a The different grades of road base materials (G1 to G10)
primary crusher (Nordberg, Symons). This material is moved relate to speciic proportions of parent and non-parent
onto an intermediary stockpile or surgepile to ensure that rock as given in the COLTO speciication, and are produced
the crushing plant has a constant supply of raw material via by layering different stone and sand materials on large
conveyer belts. stockpiles, and then cutting down through the layers to
achieve the required pre-compaction gradings.
Crushing plant equipment settings are changed in response See Figure 7.
to the aggregate product required. The secondary crushers
reduce rock particles further, after which the product
is screened through different sized sieves to separate
the particles into speciic gradings. The different sized
Technical support
stones fall onto conveyor belts which move the material Our Product Technical Managers offer technical advice
to the different saleable product stockpiles, e.g. 26,5mm ranging from assistance in choosing the correct aggregate
or 9,5mm stone, or sand, or to be blended with other product for the application and troubleshooting, to
material, e.g. for basecourse material or builder’s blend. facilitating trial runs using AfriSam materials.

Regular testing is carried out in accordance with standard

During processing, material is sampled and tested to assist test methods for compliance of all aggregate products from
in optimising crusher settings and checking screen integrity. each plant with relevant national and internal speciications.
As part of the quality control regime, each inal product Grading results are captured daily to a central computerised
is tested against target gradings, dust content, ineness system for continuous analysis to ensure consistence in
modulus and lakiness index to ensure that no non- product quality. Test results are available on request.
compliant material leaves the plant.


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Primary crusher


Sand wash plant

crusher sand
Secondary Unwashed
crusher crusher sand

Wash plant
Process control

Vibrating screens

Base course Tertiary

6,7 Vibrating screens

Concrete stone 19
Quality control

Delivery to customer

Figure 7: Typical quarrying and crushing processes

(Note that product range for specific plants differs due to rock
type, equipment, etc. Not all plants produce all of the products
given schematically.)


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Properties and characteristics of aggregate
To assist in choosing the correct product for the application, ACV and 10% FACT
some technical detail regarding the inluence of various
characteristics and properties of aggregate in relation The tests for Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV) and
to the required application is necessary. FACT (10% Fines Aggregate Crushing Test) measure
the crushing strength of broken rock. These results
do not necessarily relate to the lexural or compressive
strength of concrete made with that aggregate, but
Apparent relative density are a useful index of overall quality.
Relative density inluences the choice of an aggregate for
a speciic application where concrete density is an important Normal values for ACV range from 14 to 30%, and for
factor, e.g. concrete used for radiation shielding is made 10% FACT from 100kN to 300kN. There is generally good
from high-density aggregate. In addition, the relative correlation between ACV and 10% FACT values.
density of the aggregate is used in calculating the absolute
or solid volumes of materials in a concrete mix and thus
the yield. Polished Stone Value and
Los Angeles Abrasion
The apparent relative density of aggregate generally varies
between 2.5 and 3. The Polished Stone Value (PSV) is indicative of a stone’s
ability to offer skid resistance, while values for Los Angeles
Abrasion of aggregate relate to resistance to abrasion. Both
Water absorption values are important indicators in the provision of hard,
sound and durable materials for use in asphalt roadworks.
The extent to which pores in the aggregate structure can
ill with water may affect the performance of concrete High abrasion resistance of aggregate is of less importance
made with these aggregates. An aggregate with a water in concrete roadworks, as it does not seem to be an
absorption of less than 1% is unlikely to inluence concrete indicator of good abrasion resistance of the concrete.
performance, but values above 1% may lead to slump
loss and cause dificulties with concrete placing, as well See also Properties of hardened concrete.
as affecting shrinkage and creep.

The percentage water absorption of aggregates can

also potentially inluence the amount of bitumen used
in asphalt mixes.


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Applications and requirements

Aggregate for concrete • Water requirement of concrete
The volume of water (measured to the nearest 5 litres)
Table 26: Quick guide to stone sizes for to provide the target slump ±15mm using the materials
different concreting applications provided, taking the water demand of the sand into
26,5mm Deep suspended slabs • Dust content
Industrial floors thicker than 120mm Material passing the 75µm sieve.

• Fines content
22 or 19mm Floors, paths, patios and driveways Material passing the 4,25µm sieve.

• Clay content
Thin suspended slabs, precast lintels, Particle size <5µm.
flagstones, bricks, blocks; also other
13,2 or 9,5mm
elements with section thicknesses
ranging from 40 to 50mm

Deleterious impurities
Coarse and ine aggregate for use in concrete should During storage and batching, ensure that the aggregate
comply with speciied grading requirements (see Tables 24 has not been contaminated by leaves, excess dust or
and 25). Compliance with these requirements assists in by commingling with other products as this will affect the
ensuring that mix designs are both economical and produce potential strength of the concrete.
concrete with the required strength and other properties.
The following tests can be carried out to assess the
The grading of both stone and sand has a major inluence degree of contamination:
on the workability, cohesiveness and bleeding properties
• Organic impurities.
of concrete, and particle shape and surface texture have
• Presence of sugar in natural sand.
a signiicant effect on the water requirement of the mix.
• Soluble deleterious impurities in natural sand.
• Chloride content.
The water demand of the sand is also important. It affects
the cement content: the lower the water demand or
The strength of mortar or plaster may be affected by:
“thirstiness” of the sand, the lower the amount of cement
required for a given strength. • Solid deleterious impurities: The strength of mortar
specimens should be at least 85% of the strength
Concrete, mortar or plaster shrinkage may be affected by of washed sand mortar specimens.
the type of aggregate used. For more information on the
effect of aggregate properties on concrete, see Properties • Organic impurities: Unless the sand complies with
of hardened concrete. requirements for solid deleterious impurities, the colour
of the liquid above the sand should not be darker than
The following deinitions apply: the reference sample.
• Water demand of sand
The volume of water (measured to the nearest 5 litres)
to provide a slump of 75mm to 100mm using 22mm
stone and commonly used cement at a water:cement
ratio of 0:6.


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Stone and sand for concrete, mortar
and plaster
Coarse and ine aggregates used in concrete should comply
with SANS 1083, and sands used for mortar and plaster
should comply with SANS 1090.

Table 27: Requirements for coarse aggregate (stone)

Property Requirements

Grading limits, % m/m Normal aggregate size, mm

passing sieve sizes, mm
75,0 53,0 37,5 26,5 22 19 13,2 9,5 6,7
75 100 100
53 0 - 50 85 - 100 100
37,5 0 - 25 0 - 50 85 - 100 100
26,5 0-5 0 - 25 0 - 50 85 - 100 100 100
22,4 80 - 100
19 0-5 0 - 25 0 - 50 50 - 80 85 - 100 100
13,2 0-5 0 - 25 0 - 20 0 - 50 85 - 100 100
9,5 0-5 0-5 0 - 25 0 - 55 85 - 100 100
6,7 0-5 0 - 25 0 - 55 85 - 100
4,75 0-5 0 - 25 0 - 55
2,36 0-5 0 - 25
1,18 0-5
Dust content, % (m/m)

Flakiness index, % max 35

110 In concrete subject to surface abrasion, reinforced concrete structural elements or

prestressed concrete
10% FACT, kN min
70 For concrete not subject to surface abrasion

ACV, % max 29

Where required, and subject to commercial

practicalities, AfriSam Aggregate plants blend
and/or produce products to comply with specific
customer requirements and specifications.


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Table 28: Requirements for ine aggregate (sand)

Sand seals
Sand Sand
for for Fine slurry, grade: Coarse slurry, type:
plaster mortar
Fine Medium Coarse 1 2
13,2 100
9,5 100 85 - 100
6,7 100 100 85 - 100 70 - 90
4,75 100 100 100 82 - 100 70 - 90 60 - 80
Grading limits, % (m/m) 2,36 90 - 100 90 - 100 56 - 95 45 - 70 40 - 60
passing sieve sizes, mm 1,18 70 - 100 65 - 95 37 - 75 28 - 50 25 - 45
0,600 40 - 90 40 - 100 42 - 72 22 - 50 19 - 34 15 - 30
0,300 5 - 65 5 - 85 23 - 48 15 - 37 12 - 25 10 - 20
0,150 5 - 20 5 - 35 10 - 27 7 - 20 7 - 18 6 - 15
0,075 4 - 12 2-8 4 - 10
Fineness Modulous (FM)
Drying shrinkage of mix, 0,10* 0,12*
% max
Dust content, % m/m max 7,5 12,5
Clay content, % m/m max 2,0
Methylene blue absorption 0,7
value, max
Sand equivalent, min 35


• If the sand complies with the methylene blue or clay
content requirements, the limits for dust content may
be increased.

• If the dust content exceeds the limits, test for methylene

blue adsorption. If the adsorption value exceeds the
limits, test for clay content. If the clay content exceeds
the limits, discard the sand.

• *For mild exposure conditions or if the sand has been

used safely in the past, drying shrinkage limits may
be increased.


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Aggregate for concrete masonry units Fine gradings (i.e. small average particle size, high ines
content) will produce a close or ine-textured unit, but
Before settling on an aggregate source for precast units,
compressive strengths may be low. Excessive ines can
bricks or blocks, carry out trials using the relevant, speciic
result in “sticky” mixes, and the recommended FM
equipment to check:
is from 3.2 to 4.2.
• The performance of the aggregate or blends during
manufacturing processes. Consistent gradings of both stone and sand reduce
the need to constantly adjust mix proportions and
• Achievement of the “green” strengths required for equipment settings.
demoulding, handling during curing and stacking
operations, and transporting to site. • Stone size
The largest practical stone size should be used: reduced
• The quality of the inal product in terms of surface water requirement gives better strengths using the
texture, arrises, uniformity of size and shape and same cement content. Maximum stone size used is
density, and percentage handling breakages. normally 13,2mm, but stone size should not exceed 1/3
of the maximum hollow unit shell, i.e. 6,7mm for
• Achievement of the required ultimate strengths of the a 25mm shell thickness.
masonry units.
Also, stone size should not be so large that the mix
Where possible, take the following factors segregates in the mould, or that particles are plucked
into account: from the surface.
• Particle shape and surface texture
An elongated particle shape resists the low of concrete • Blends
due to particle interlock and high internal friction, A practical solution to inding the “ideal” aggregate for
whereas rounded shapes with smooth textures produce concrete masonry units in terms of availability, grading
concrete that lows and ills moulds easily. On the other and cost is often to blend up to three aggregates.
hand, elongated particle give extruded or demoulded Specialist advice may be required in order to calculate
units the “green” strength they need to avoid distortion ultimate voids content and thus an optimum blend.
and collapse.
An AfriSam brochure on brick and block making
Flaky particles are always unacceptable: they resist is available on request.
low, reduce internal friction and tend to create layers
or planes of weakness in the concrete.

• Grading
Coarse gradings (i.e. larger particle size, low ines
content) produce open- or rough-textured units, which
can be easily demoulded but may not have adequate
green strength.


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Aggregate for road layerworks

Crushed-stone base and sub-base materials provide the
support structure in roads and pavements. Material
classiication is given in Table 26.

Requirements for approved target grading

Build pile radially in horizontal layers, working from
SANS 1200-M and COLTO requirements state that the
materials as dropped from conveyor belt. A rock
aggregate for bases and sub-bases should be derived from
ladder may be needed in this setup.
hard, sound and durable rock.

Approved target gradings are determined by laying a

trial section using material complying with the grading
limits given in Table 27. Prior to compaction, six samples
of the material in situ are taken and subjected to grading
analysis. The resultant (smoothed) grading curve is then
classiied as the approved target grading for that speciic Place material so that aggregate remains where
project. placed and does not run down slopes.

All future grading results are evaluated against the Figure 8: Construction of a road base
approved target grading (within speciied tolerances). material stockpile

Table 29: G1 to G7 classiication

Use Classiication Normal maximum size, mm Aditional ines allowed

G1 37,5 Only from parent rock

Base and sub-base
G2 37,5 or 26,5 Up to 10% natural ines
G3 Crushed: 37,5 or 26,5 Up to 15% natural ines
Uncrushed: 53
Pavement layers G4 Crushed: 53
Uncrushed: 63
G5 Crushed: 53
Uncrushed: 2
/3 Of compacted
Natural materials
layer thickness
G6 Crushed: 75
Uncrushed: 2
/3 Of compacted
layer thickness
G7 N/A


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Table 30: Requirements for roadstone
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Properties Road layer works Asphalt Surfacing

Tolerances on
approved G4 Grades 1 and 2
Grading G1 G3 G5
limits, to to
Crushed In- Rolled-in chips Grade 3: as for Grades 1 and 2 with exceptions: 0 - 5; 0 - 10
% (m/m) G3 G7
crushed (additional req)

37,5 26,5 37,5 26,5 53 19 13,2 26,5 19 13,2 9,5 6,7 4,75 2,36
75 100
53 100 85 - 100 100
37,5 100 100 85 - 100 0 - 30 85 - 100 100
26,5 84 - 94 100 84 - 94 100 grading 0-5 0 - 30 85 - 100 100
19 71 - 84 85 - 95 71 - 84 85 - 95 60 - 90 modulous 100 0-5 0 - 30 85 - 100 100
13,2 59 - 75 71 - 84 59 - 75 71 - 84 0 - 20 100 0-5 0 - 30 85 - 100 100
4,75 36 - 53 42 - 60 36 - 53 42 - 60 30 - 65 0-5 0 - 20 0-5 0 - 30 85 - 100 100
2 23 - 40 27 - 45 23 - 40 27 - 45 20 - 50 0-1 0-5 0-3
0,425 11 - 24 13 - 27 11 - 24 13 - 27 10 - 30 0,5 max 0,5 max 0-5 0-5 0 - 100
0,075 4 - 12 5 - 12 4 - 12 5 - 12 5 - 15

Flakiness (-26,5 + 19) and (-19 + 13,2) mm fractions 35 (G1: all faces Flakiness Grade 1
index, % fractured; G2 and G3: at least one fractured face on half of index, 25 30
max stone particles) % max

100% FACT, min Grades

Hardness 2 and 3 30 35
Dry, kN Wet, kN Wet/dry % max Fines Grade 1 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 1 15
relation- content,
ship % max
Aranaceous rocks, without siliceous 140 75 27 Grade 2 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 2 2,5 15
cementing mix
Aranaceous rocks, with siliceous 110 75 29 Grade 3 2 2 3 3,5 15
cementing matrix
Diamecitites (tillite) 200 70 21 Dust Grade 1 2
Argilaceous rocks 180 125 24 Grade 2 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 1,5 1 2
Other rock types 110 75 29 Grade 3 1,5 1 5 1 2

Hardness For natural gravel and other crushed aggregate, use the
material if the electrical conductivity (EC) is 0.15Sm-1, but
The hardness of aggregate used in road layer works
pay particular attention to design and construction if the
is of importance for obvious reasons, and the particle
pH is = 6.0.
shape inluences the workability, compaction and
density achieved.
For stabilised material:
• If the pH is = 6.0, the EC is 0.02Sm-1 and sulphates
are not a problem, use the material. If not, analyse
Soluble salt requirements
the material in accordance with the customer’s
For quartzite, tillite, shale and G1 to G4 materials, measure instructions, and submit a proposal for use to the
the soluble salts against pH or electrical conductivity. customer for approval.
• Use the material if the pH is >10 after treatment at the
crushing plant, and subsequently remains = 8.0. • Where the salinity of water added for compaction
causes the salinity of the material to increase, determine
• If the pH is <6.0, treat with lime until the pH is = 10.0 soluble salinity within 24 hours of compaction, before
before use. prime coat is applied.


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Aggregate for asphalt/roadstone Typical open-graded asphalts are:
• SMA (Stone mastic asphalt).
Asphalt is a mixture of inert mineral matter such
• Novachip.
as aggregate, mineral iller and bituminous binder
• Gripphalt.
in predetermined proportions.
• BRASO (Bitumen rubber asphalt semi-open).
Types of asphalt • BRAC (Bitumen rubber asphalt course).

Continuously-graded asphalts are mechanically mixed This type of layer is also used when ultra-thin pavements
asphalts in which the aggregate and the iller are distributed are constructed using pavers.
in size from coarse to ine fractions within a speciic smooth
grading envelope. Requirements for aggregate used in asphalt
Due to the importance of the aggregate in the mix,
Typical continuously-graded asphalts are:
understanding the impact of the following properties
• LAMBS (Large aggregate mixes for bases
is critical:
and surfaces):
• Grading.
A graded asphalt containing large aggregate up to
• Angularity of stone and sand particles.
37,5mm and meeting prescribed engineering properties
• Clay content (cleanliness).
for use as base coarse material.
• Toughness and/or hardness.
• Soundness.
• BTB (Bitumen treated base):
• Deleterious material.
A graded base-course layer with aggregate up to
• Water absorption and relative density.
26,5mm mixed with bituminous binder.
• Particle shape and surface texture.

• ACM (Asphalt continuously-graded medium):

When selecting an aggregate source, in addition to cost
An asphalt layer with aggregate up to 13,2mm. and availability of materials, take the following factors
into account:
• ACF (Asphalt continuously-graded ines): • Transport costs.
An asphalt with aggregate up to 9,5mm. • Physical properties, such as grading limits, ines and dust
content, lakiness index, FACT values, ACV and PSV.
• Slurry Seal: • Geological properties.
An ultra-thin layer with sand and bitumen, applied in • Skid resistance and trafic load.
a lowable form. • Moisture sensitivity and climate.
• Local experience.
Gap-graded and semi-gap-graded asphalt are mechanically
mixed asphalts from which some intermediate aggregate Coarse aggregate for asphalting should comply with
sizes are omitted to comply with a stepped grading SANS 1083 (see Table 24), and ine aggregate with
envelope. These asphalt layers either contain a 19mm SANS 1090 (see Table 25). Additional requirements
or 26,5mm maximum aggregate size. for rolled-in chips are given in Table 27.

Open-graded asphalt (aggregate skeleton mixes) are mixes

which normally require single-sized crushed aggregate (see
Table 27). The asphalt is constituted to give a rough surface
texture in the compacted state and is mechanically mixed.
This design normally focuses on very single sized material
(either 13,2mm or 9,5mm) combined with a minus 3mm
sand with a high dust content.


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Aggregate for surfacing In addition, the following requirements apply:

Aggregate used in the production of surface layers or seals • Hardness

for roads is usually applied by chip spreaders. Bitumen When tested in accordance with standard test methods,
binder is sprayed onto a prepared base-course layer, and the ACV should not exceed 21% and the 10% FACT
aggregate particles are applied immediately and rolled (dry) value must be at least 210kN. The wet:dry ratio
in to achieve a mosaic pattern, causing the binder to move should be at least 75%.
into the voids between the particles.
The PSV should be at least 50 unless otherwise speciied
• Single seals or approved by the engineer.
Used in the construction of new surfaces as well
as rehabilitation of existing surfaces. Trafic volume • Particle shape
determines the aggregate size, and a second binder Where stated in the project speciications, the average
layer may be applied if stone size exceeds 13,2mm. least dimension (ALD) should comply with the igure
Precoating may improve adhesion. indicated.

• Double seals • Sand properties and sand equivalent

Constructed in two layers, with the top layer containing Sand for slurry should be an approved crusher sand
smaller aggregate than the bottom. Use larger obtained from parent rock with an ACV not exceeding
aggregate sizes for roads carrying heavy trafic. 30%, or a mixture of crusher sand and not more than
25% clean natural sand.
• Slurry seals
Used to achieve uniform texture on roads with varying Sand for sand seals must comply with project
surfaces, and also for pretreatment before applying speciications, and may be crusher sand complying with
single or double seals (although this is not advisable). COLTO requirements or natural sand.
Slurry seals should not be used on smooth-textured
surfaces. For the best results, sand for ine and coarse slurries
and seals should be clean, tough, durable and angular
• Sand seals in shape, and the sand equivalent should be above the
minimum speciied.
Used in low-cost construction, for low-trafic roads, as
dust palliatives and also as pretreatment for single and
double layer surfaces. Water may be required to assist
in the screening process and to clean the sand of excess

Single-sized aggregate for surfacing and sands for slurry

and sand seals should comply with COLTO requirements
(see Table 27).


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Special products
Our range of special aggregate products can be supplied
Guidelines to sampling aggregates
either ex-stock (see Product availability and properties) on-site
or produced to order. Where samples are required for grading analysis, etc.,
take a representative sample.
Selected dump rock is produced and supplied for:
• Stockpile
• Architectural features in home and ofice block Take at least ten increments from different parts,
construction, etc. working from the bottom of the stockpile upwards.
• Landscaping to protect or improve environmental Avoid sampling in segregated areas, or from the
aspects, e.g. as low-maintenance ilters and surface.
channel linings.
• Gabions. • Bins or bays
Remove and discard 100mm to 150mm of material
Builder’s Blend and Block Mix (ungraded) is supplied from the surface, then take at least eight increments
to small, often informal businesses in the residential evenly spaced over the area.
construction and brick- and block-making industries.
• Vehicles
Other products such as Novachip and 6mm Flats are
Dig a trench across each of three approximately equal
crushed and screened to comply with speciic customer
sections, at least 300mm deep and approximately
grading envelopes and other required properties.
300mm wide, then take four increments equally spaced
from the bottom of each trench (push shovel down
Handling aggregate on-site
The following guidelines help ensure that our aggregate • Belt conveyor
products remain within speciication after tipping: Stop belt, remove approximately 1m length across the
width of the belt.
• Stockpile aggregates close to where they will be used,
but not exposed to excessive dust. Combine all the increments, mix and use the coning-and-
• Before starting to tip the aggregate, clear the area so quartering method or a rifler box to work the sample
that no debris, grass, mud or dirt contaminate the stone down to the amount speciied in the relevant test method.
or sand. Place the sample in a clean, dust-free container, and
• If possible, provide a slightly sloped concrete base label to indicate aggregate size and/or type, source, date
to allow for drainage. sampled and tests required before dispatching to the testing
• Keep access roads to stockpiles clear so that FELs laboratory.
do not track mud into the stockpiles.
• Keep stockpiles separate to avoid intermingling.
• If aggregate has segregated during transport, remix.
• Clearly identify stockpiles and bins: type, size, supplier.
• Build up stockpiles in layers (see Figure 8) and do
not over-tip.
• Remix road base material before use.

• Don’t stand behind lorries discharging loads.

• Don’t climb into the loadbed of a lorry at any time.
• Use protective equipment to avoid excessive exposure to dust.

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The following contaminants can affect the SANS 5848:2008: Polished-stone value of aggregates
performance of aggregate in concrete by causing SANS 5849:2008: Total water soluble salts contents
set retardation: of ines in aggregates
SANS 5854:2006: pH value of ines in aggregates for
• Tea residue thrown on stockpiles.
• Stockpiles used as urinals.
SANS 6239:2012: Aggregate impact value of
• Transporting aggregate in trucks used to haul sugar,
coarse aggregate
etc., or contaminated with other aggregate products
SANS 6240:2008: Electric conductivity of ine aggregate
like sand.
SANS 6242:2008: Acid insolubility of aggregates
SANS 6243:2008: Deleterious clay content of the ines
Applicable speciications in aggregate (methylene blue adsorption indicator test)
COLTO Standard Speciications for Road and
Bridgeworks for State Road Authorities, 1998
SANS 1083:2006: Aggregates from natural sources –
Aggregates for concrete
SANS 1090:2009: Aggregates from natural sources –
Fine aggregates for plaster and mortar
SANS 1200-M:1996: Standard speciication for civil
engineering construction. Section M: Roads (general)

Test methods
SANS 197:2006: Preparation of test samples of aggregates
SANS 201:2008: Sieve analysis, ines content and dust
content of aggregates
SANS 202:2006: Chloride content of aggregates
SANS 794:2009: Aggregates of low density
SANS 5832:2006: Organic impurities in ine aggregates
(limit test)
SANS 5833:2006: Detection of sugar in ine aggregates
SANS 5834:2006: Soluble deleterious impurities in ine
aggregate (limit test)
SANS 5835:2006: Estimation of the effect of ine
aggregate on the water requirement of concrete
SANS 5838: 2006: Sand equivalent value of ine
SANS 5841:2008: Aggregate crushing value of coarse
SANS 5842:2006: FACT value (10% ines aggregate
crushing value) of coarse aggregates
SANS 5844:2006: Particle and relative density of
SANS 5845:2006: Bulk densities and voids content
of aggregates
SANS 5846:2006: Abrasion resistance of coarse aggregates
(Los Angeles machine method)
SANS 5847:2008: Flakiness index of coarse aggregates


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AfriSam has more than 40 AfriSam Readymix plants in Gauteng, Mpumalanga, North West,
KwaZulu-Natal and the Western Cape. Customers are able to maintain a competitive edge
in the construction marketplace by making use of AfriSam’s expertise in choosing and
proportioning suitable and compliant raw materials, computerised weigh-batching, concrete
pumping services, technical backup and quality assurance.

AfriSam Readymix
plants have ISO 9001
certiication, and
AfriSam Readymix
is a member of
associated industry
related bodies.

Our Product Technical team is available for on-site technical advice for issues relating to
concrete technology, optimisation of mixes, and research and development.

AfriSam Readymix plants across Southern Africa have the capacity to produce over
1.8 million m3 of readymixed concrete annually. Our leet of 300 mixer trucks and pumps
ensures that concrete is delivered, discharged and placed on-site on time and as close
to its inal position as humanly possible.

Carbon footprint of readymix concrete

Since 2009, the CO2 footprints of AfriSam Readymix plants
and our application branded products have been quantiied
Reducing our
and monitored. Carbon Footprint


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AfriSam Readymix plant locations

6 4

21 9

7 5
19 13
14 12
10 18
3 2



1 Alrode 8 Olifantsfontein 15 Technikon
2 Eikenhof 9 Prolecon 16 Vanderbijlpark
3 Ferro 10 Roodekrans 17 Vereeniging
4 Jukskei 11 Rosslyn 18 Wadeville
5 Kwagga 12 Scoops 19 Wynberg A and B
6 Kya Sands 13 Spartan 20 Brentwood
7 Nancefield 14 Sub-Nigel 21 Laezonia


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2 1

Mpumalanga Western Cape

1 Evander A and B 1 Bellville
2 Ogies A and B 2 City A and B
3 Witbank 3 Peninsula
4 Middelburg 4 Philippi

3 2
1 1
Brits 2

Hartebeespoort Dam

North West KwaZulu-Natal

1 Brits 1 Coedmore 4 Newcastle
2 Marikana 2 Isipingo 5 Ottawa
3 Rustenburg 3 Ladysmith 6 Pietermaritzburg


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AfriSam Readymix: Application brands
By carefully designing and producing application-branded brand for smaller residential projects where speciied
mixes to comply with SANS 878, and for optimal strength relates directly to the application.
performance in terms of workability and rate of strength
gain as shown in Table 31, AfriSam Readymix takes the In addition, all our readymixed concrete products (with the
uncertainty out of decisions regarding cost-effective and exception of Foundation Mix) can be designed for placing
environmentally sound solutions for concrete for residential by pump (see Pumpable concrete).
and non-residential construction, and also for the Starmix

Table 31: Application brand performance matrix

Retainer Mix
Suspended Slab Mix
Rapid Surfacebed Mix
Column Mix
Post Tension Mix
Rate of Retainer Mix
strength gain Enhanced Surfacebed Mix Suspended Slab Mix
Column Mix
Blinding Mix
Standard Foundation Mix Retainer Mix

Target slump: Slump details available on request

The different strength gain options relate directly to the following application requirements.

Table 32: Strength gain solutions

Application brand Typical requirements

Foundation Mix Concrete does not normally require quick stripping times

Starmix Concrete needs to stiffen and gain strength rapidly for power-floating and joint cutting

Retainer Mix Concrete requires enhanced strength to facilitate stripping of formwork

Surfacebed Mix

Suspended Slab Mix Rapid strength gain to achieve the required 3-day hurdle and to allow for tensioning
Column Mix (see Figure 9)

Post Tension Mix


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Foundation Mix Surfacebed Mix

Foundation Mix is a branded product with speciic focus Surfacebed Mix is a branded product with speciic focus
on strength gain and workability that can be used for on strength gain, inishing and workability for slabs on the
all foundations. Foundation Mix has a target strength ground, e.g. factories, shopping centres and parking areas,
of between 10MPa and 35MPa, and a target slump as well as road paving elements such as culverts, drains, etc.
of 100mm.
Surfacebed Mix has a target strength of between 20MPa
Features of Foundation Mix and 40MPa, and a target slump of 100mm.
• Will low into dificult areas and shapes.
• Has increased resistance to aggressive environments Features of Surfacebed Mix
due to the GGBFS and/or FA content in the mix. • Easily compacted, loated and inished.
• Is a cost-effective solution. • Optimal cutting time.

Beneits of Foundation Mix Beneits of Surfacebed Mix

• Faster placing into irregular shapes improves productivity. • Optimal cutting time improves productivity.
• More durable concrete with less likelihood of
concrete deterioration.
Column Mix
Column Mix is specially designed with additional, selected
Retainer Mix ine material for increased paste and improved rheology
Retainer Mix is a branded product with speciic focus on to ensure effective pumpability and placeability. The
strength gain and workability, to ensure the mix is ideally concrete lows easily through areas congested with
suited to concrete wall applications. Retainer Mix has a reinforcement to give excellent protection of steel,
target strength of between 25MPa and 45MPa, and a impermeable cover to steel and good inish without
target slump of 125mm. honeycombing.

Features of Retainer Mix Column Mix is available in rapid and enhanced strength
• Suitable for direct, crane or skip discharge. gain options, and has a target slump of 125mm.
• Flows easily.
• Provides an excellent off-shutter inish. Features of Column Mix
• Has increased resistance to aggressive environments due • Pumpable due to high workability.
to the GGBFS and/or FA content in the concrete mix. • Excellent low of concrete into steel cages and
• Quick discharge due to high workability. around rebar.
• Excellent surface inish.
Beneits of Retainer Mix
• Improved off-shutter inish requires less remedial work. Beneits of Column Mix
• Allows for more durable concrete with less likelihood • Improved cohesion results in better off-shutter inished.
of concrete deterioration. • Denser, less permeable concrete to prevent penetration
• Minimal vibration required. of moisture and rusting of steel.
• Minimises honeycombing at foot of columns.


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Suspended Slab Mix Rapid strength gain is required in order for Post Tension Mix
to achieve the three-day hurdle, and allow for tensioning
Suspended Slab Mix is a branded product with speciic
of the slab. Figure 9 shows a typical strength curve of the
focus on strength gain and workability suitable for all slabs
expected MPa achievement over the 28-day cycle.
above ground, for high-rise buildings, parkades and hollow-
block systems. Suspended Slab Mix has a target strength of
The product offers a target strength of no less than 30MPa
between 20MPa and 40MPa with a target slump of either
at 28 days, and a guaranteed 18MPa after three days
100mm or 125mm.
(i.e. 72 hours after completion of pour) under standard
curing conditions. Target slump is 125mm.
Features of Suspended Slab Mix
• Pumpable due to high workability. Features of Post Tension Mix
• May be easily placed.
• Pumpable due to high workability.
• Makes for easy compaction.
• May be easily placed.
• A good surface inish is easily achieved.
• Makes for easy compaction.
• Is easily inished.
Beneits of Suspended Slab Mix • May be power loated.
• Allows for more eficient use of labour as a result
of easier placing, compacting and inishing. Beneits of Post Tension Mix
• Improved cohesion results in better off-shutter inishes.
• Guaranteed early strength performance (see Figure 9).
• Allows for more eficient use of labour as a result
Stripping of formwork of easier placing, compacting and inishing.
How long the formwork should remain in place to provide • Improved cohesion results in better off-shutter inishes.
the required inish is normally speciied. Table 29 should
be regarded as a guide only. In cool weather, stripping Post Tension Mix is available with a target slump of 125mm.
times are determined by interpolation between the periods
speciied for normal and cold weather.

Post Tension Mix

Post Tension Mix is a branded product with speciic focus on
strength gain, inishing and workability that can be used for
all post tension applications or areas where early strength
gain is a construction requirement.

Table 33: Guideline to stripping times

Rapid Enhanced
Strength gain category
Normal Cold Normal Cold

Slabs with props left in place 4 7 6 10

Beam soffits with props left in place and ribs of

7 12 10 17
a floor construction

Slab props including cantilevers 10 17 10 17

Beam props 14 21 14 21


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Compressive strength, MPa Starmix

Starmix is designed as the lowest-cost it-for-purpose
25 readymixed concrete solution for non-reinforced
residential and non-residential building applications,
20 and is manufactured in accordance with SANS 878 and
18 2001-CC1 speciications.

Starmix is available to the builder at the speciied time and

place, in the correct quantities, in amounts from as little
as one cubic metre. By simply ordering Starmix and
specifying strength requirements, the builder has the
0 solution to all concreting applications.
1 3 7 14 27 28
• Unreinforced foundations (10MPa to 15MPa)
• Reinforced foundations (20MPa to 25MPa)
Figure 9: Typical minimum 28-day strength
• Non-wearing driveways (20MPa to 25MPa)
curve for 30MPa Post Tension Mix
• Suspended slabs (25MPa)

Depending on strength grade, excess or left-over Starmix

Special requirements for branded can safely be used for other residential applications,
products e.g. garden pathways, DIY projects, etc.
The mix designs for the products described above can be
modiied on request to comply with special requirements,
e.g. low carbon-footprint concrete for environmental
requirements, or for products to be placed by pump.

Table 34: Other applications

Excess application-brand concrete can be safely

used for the following construction elements:
Application brand
Foundations Retaining walls Columns Suspended slabs

Foundation Mix Vibrate thoroughly

Retainer Mix

Surfacebed Mix If same strength

Column Mix If same strength

Suspended Slab Mix If same strength

Post Tension Mix


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Eco Concrete Mix Features of Eco Concrete Mix
• Cost-effective building solutions for both short-
AfriSam’s industry-irst range of low carbon footprint,
and long-term compliance with Green Star
environmentally responsible readymixed concrete
system requirements.
is produced from a specially formulated blend of
high-performance cement and carbon-neutral
• Enables shorter building cycles
chemically activated mineral components.
(early strength gain).
All our it-for-purpose branded products for foundations,
retainer walls, surfacebeds, columns and suspended
Beneits of Eco Concrete Mix.
slabs can be designed to incorporate the environmental • All of the environmental advantages of using concrete,
advantages encapsulated in Eco Concrete Mix. Ultra-high with an extremely low carbon footprint.
performance Eco Concrete Mix with strengths of above
70MPa can be supplied.
Specify Eco Concrete Mix for any construction projects
where a low-carbon footprint is important.

Table 35: Eco Concrete Mix carbon footprint (based on 2011 values)

CO2 , kg/m3
Reduction in CO2
strength, MPa Typical concrete Eco Concrete Mix

25 227 122 46

30 227 141 49

35 309 152 51

Table 36: AfriSam application brands by strength

Slump 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Post Tension Mix 125mm slump 30 35

Surfacebed Mix 100mm slump 20 25 30 35 40

Suspended Slab Mix 125mm slump 20 25 30 35 40
Column Mix 125mm slump 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Strength Gain

Post Tension Mix 125mm slump 30 35


Retainer Mix 125mm slump 20 25 30 35 40

Surfacebed Mix 100mm slump 20 25 30 35 40
Suspended Slab Mix 125mm slump 20 25 30 35 40
Column Mix 125mm slump 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Retainer Mix 125mm slump 20 25 30 35 40

Foundation Mix 100mm slump 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Starmix 125mm slump 10 15 20 25


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AfriSam Readymix: Speciality products

To incorporate the full beneits of using speciality concretes performance requirements for concrete with enhanced
for speciic applications, our Product Technical team offers luidity without promoting the segregation normally
access to AfriSam experience and knowledge from design found in highly luid mixes, allowing greater lexibility in
stage through laboratory and site trials onwards. both design and construction. This concrete is designed
for strengths from 15MPa upwards for normal placing or
The following are typical examples of concretes designed pumping, and can be pumped from the bottom of the
in response to constantly changing industry and therefore formwork upwards.
customer requirements.
Once placed, the mix requires minimal compaction and
Hi-spec durability-grade concrete is virtually self-levelling, with no segregation and minimal
bleeding. The rate of strength gain and attainment of
Designed to comply with today’s stringent durability
speciied 28-day compressive strengths are the same as
requirements, this concrete has optimal cement contents
for normal concrete. Durability is enhanced due to
to meet required durability speciications.
improved compaction, and very high quality off-shutter
surfaces are obtained. Shrinkage characteristics are similar
The use of new-generation admixtures allows for a
to normal concrete.
reduction in design water content thereby improving
durability and compressive strength characteristics.
Features and beneits
• Faster discharge and ease of placement.
Self-compacting concrete • Less site equipment.
A combination of the following fresh concrete properties • Flows through narrow spaces and irregular shapes,
deines self-compacting concrete (SCC): congested reinforced concrete members, and into
areas not accessible to poker or other vibration,
• High luidity and deformability e.g. underground.
By limiting the coarse aggregate content, the increased • High quality off-shutter inshes.
paste content and the addition of superplasticisers • Increased free fall limits and deeper lifts
provide the necessary low under self-weight. without segregation.
• Improved level tolerances of loors and slabs.
• Resistance to segregation • High quality inishes can be achieved.
Because of a reduction in the water:powder content • Excellent workability.
and where necessary the addition of viscosity-modifying • No segregation or workability is achieved without
agents, SCC resists segregation during low and at rest compromising cohesion.
after placing. • Greater productivity or lexibility and eficient use
of labour.
• Ability to pass “obstacles” without
blocking Placement beneits
SCC passes through and around reinforcing bars • Ability to low laterally up to 15m without
without requiring additional mechanical vibration. mechanical propulsion.
• Lower pumping pressures and longer pipelines allow for
Trial mixes are recommended in a controlled laboratory less relocation of the pump during pours.
environment or on-site to achieve optimal SSC properties. • May be pumped over longer distances, due to its luidity
A slump low or spread diameter (mortar low cone) and ability to low past obstacles without segregating.
of 65cm and V-funnel low time of 10 to 20 seconds are • May be pumped at a faster speed over distance.
considered adequate to achieve the above properties. • Stable in fresh state, i.e. no segregation during pour
due to external factors.
• Use of retarders allows extended pour periods.

A specially modiied, highly workable, cohesive readymix
concrete designed to meet speciic placement and


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Fibre-reinforced concrete Mortars and plasters
AfriSam’s multiple-component ibre-reinforced concrete AfriSam Readymix supplies readymixed mortars and plasters
with an even distribution of polypropylene and/or steel in the following classes:
ibres throughout the mix is designed to comply with • Class I for highly stressed masonry incorporating
speciic project speciications provided by the engineer for: high-strength structural units in multi-storey buildings
and for reinforced masonry.
• Floor slabs, including heavy industrial applications.
• Concrete roads. • Class II for normal load-bearing applications as well
• Industrial and commercial parking areas. as parapets, balustrades, retaining structures and
• Warehouses. free-standing garden walls, as well as other walls
• Channel linings. exposed to possible severe dampness.

In the hardened state, the ibres enhance the properties Beneits of using readymixed mortar
of concrete: or plaster
• Inclusion of polypropylene ibres in the matrix reduces This service provides the same advantages as readymixed
plastic-shrinkage cracking. concrete, including:
• Reduced bleeding.
• Consistent product: the correct mix proportion
• Reduced surface permeability.
every time.
• Crack control.
• Guaranteed strength.
• Increased toughness, ductility and impact resistance.
• Savings on plant and labour costs.
• No cement required on-site: extra ordering, storage,
Special attention must be paid to joint detailing and handling and pilferage.
adequate surface inishing. • Reduced wastage: the exact quantity required,
in amounts from as little as one cubic metre.

In addition, retarded mortar with up to 36-hour workability

Poolmix can be supplied on request.
Poolmix is a semi-dry readymixed concrete speciically
designed for handpacking pools. A high cement and low
water content allows for high early strength development.
Blinding Mix
The mix facilitates handpacking and complex shaping, and Blinding Mix is available on request to provide a level
is very cohesive, allowing the walls and loor to form a surface over compacted subgrade to facilitate further
monolithic unit. construction activity.

No specialised equipment is needed, and noise and dust

pollution is eliminated. This makes Poolmix ideal for the
construction of swimming pools, water features, koi ponds
and drainage channels in domestic and other environments.

Recommended strength for most applications is 30MPa.

Poolmix uses a cement that promotes rapid strength gain.

See Concrete for specific requirements for

placing Poolmix.


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Readymix services
Pumping Service • For residential applications, pumping eliminates the
need to build ramps for wheelbarrows, to break
AfriSam Readymix can be placed using our range
down walls and to disturb established gardens.
of dedicated pump leet to service your individual
requirements. Pumping allows for the uniform placement
Factors that need attention when deciding
of concrete into areas not easily accessible by other means.
to pump
Pumped concrete is lowable and yet highly cohesive to
• There needs to be close communication between the
allow for easy placing, compaction and inishing. AfriSam
contractor and AfriSam to ensure the requirements
pumps have some of the longest boom reaches in the
of the project are met.
country, with outputs varying from 18m3 to 70m3 per hour,
• AfriSam needs to determine site accessibility for the
depending on the speed of the placing team and length of
truck-mounted pump and truck mixers.
the pipeline used.
• A wash-out area must be provided to allow for the
truck chutes to be cleaned and the pump and pipeline
segments to be washed out. NB: This water should not
Reasons for pumping
be allowed to drain into sewerage systems. If there
• The site or element to be concreted may be is no place to wash-out, prepare a sandbagged area.
dificult to reach. • Safety aspects need to be respected at all times as high
• Pumping allows for high speed of placing. pressures are used to force the concrete through the
• Pumps are suitable for highly congested sites with pipeline. Staff not directly involved should keep clear of
limited space for transporting concrete. the pumping area include the area underneath
• Pumps are suitable for high-rise projects and allows the boom.
for placing of concrete at various levels. • As far as possible, it is important for AfriSam to do
• Pumping offers a cost-effective solution in terms a pre-pump inspection as this allows us to check that
of reducing labour costs and saving time. all the requirements for pumping will be met.
• Pumping is a convenient option as concrete can
be placed where it’s needed, easily and eficiently.


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Whether readymixed or site batched, concrete is in a fresh state for only a few hours.
About three hours after water is added, concrete loses workability then gradually starts
to set, changing slowly from a plastic state into a rigid solid that, with adequate curing,
will continue to gain strength.

The properties of fresh concrete are important. They inluence the handling, ease of
compaction and the uniformity of distribution of the concrete constituents, each of
which inluences strength and durability of the hardened concrete.

Concrete is the
second-most widely
used material
on earth.

Workability of concrete may be deined as that property of freshly mixed concrete which
determines the ease with which it can be mixed, placed, consolidated and inished to a
homogenous condition, i.e. workability must relate to the way the concrete is handled on
site. The concrete must be capable of being transported by the designed method, must
be easily compacted, even into dificult sections, and must provide an acceptable surface
inish, either off-shutter or by power loating.

• Workability
is a composite property, and dificult to measure directly. It can, however, be assessed
in terms of consistence and cohesiveness.

• Consistence
describes mobility or ease of low and is related to the wetness of the mix. Wetter
concrete is usually more workable than dry concrete, but concretes of the same
consistency may vary in workability.

• Cohesiveness
describes the tendency to resist segregation and bleeding. There is a worldwide
tendency to produce concrete of higher workability to facilitate compaction and speed
up the construction process. AfriSam Readymix produces lowcrete with a slump in
excess of 200mm (low of 500mm to 600mm), as well as self-compacting concrete for
special applications.


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Concrete, a sustainable resource
Sustainability is about balancing the associated A model available freely from www.theconcreteinstitute.
economic, social and environmental factors, not only org.za takes into account “cradle-to-grave” emissions
at inception but during use. of common raw materials used in concrete, including
transport of those materials, and gives average emission
From an economic viewpoint, although cement is numbers expressed in kg CO2 /ton of material produced.
costly to produce in both inancial terms and in terms By using this data, the designer can experiment with
of embodied energy, the amount of cement used in different material combinations to minimise the
concrete is only about 10% of the total raw materials. environmental impact and quantify the effect of the
In turn, the combined embodied impact of cement, material properties on cost per cubic metre of concrete.
aggregates, water and admixtures used in concrete
accounts for only 10% of the impact of the operating For more about concrete’s innate cost-effectiveness,
phase of conventional buildings. energy eficiency, thermal mass, light relectance, ire
resistance, low maintenance, acoustic performance,
In the long-term, concrete’s durability, low maintenance pollution reduction, water conservation, construction
and reusability coupled with a myriad of other lexibility, retroitting, recycling and reusing, see the
environmental advantages have very positive long-term Concrete Institute’s series of booklets on sustainable
economic and environmental effects. In the construction concrete.
industry this balance is of great importance not only
before and during the construction stage, but is also
about making the right decisions at the design stage,
and choosing materials and construction methods
to ensure long-term sustainability. Reducing our
Carbon Footprint


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Factors affecting workability

Workability is affected by water content, actual Measuring consistency
proportioning of raw materials, aggregate and cement
The slump test is the universally accepted method of
types and characteristics, admixtures, time elapsed after
measuring consistency. Other methods incorporated
mixing, and ambient and concrete temperatures.
into SANS standard test methods include the Vebe and
Compacting Factor tests for low-workability mixes, as well
• Water content
as the Flow Test for high-workability concrete.
In an average concrete mix using 19mm stone, a total
water content of about 210 litres/m3 gives a slump
With the advent of self-compacting concrete, other tests
of 75mm. In a well-proportioned mix, an increase in
such as the slump low, Y-funnel and L-box are frequently
water content will make the concrete more mobile or

• Cement content and type

Generally, mixes with low cement contents are less
Control of consistence
workable and more dificult to inish; mixes with high For a mix of given proportions and materials, consistency
cement contents, typically above 500kg/m3, tend to be is mainly affected by the water content, which in turn
sticky and lose workability quickly. affects the water:cement ratio and strength. Slump test
results have conformance limits; see Concrete specification
Using cements containing Fly Ash (FA) gives concrete requirements.
improved workability.

Concrete has a “shelf life” of about three hours from

• Sand
adding water to initial set.
If the sand content is too low, the concrete will be
harsh. The sand content needs to be suficiently high
and contain about 30 to 40% material iner than
300µm. Coarse sands are often blended with ine sands
to overcome this deiciency.

• Aggregate characteristics
The characteristics of stone and sand inluencing
workability are shape, surface texture, average particle
size, grading and ines content.

Rounded particles with a smooth surface texture

improve workability (but in some instances may be
detrimental to strength).

The use of stone with a smaller maximum size improves

workability, as does graded as opposed to single-sized

The use of continuously-graded as opposed to

single-sized sands improves workabiity.

• Admixtures
The use of water-reducing admixtures allows for
increased workability without increasing the water
content of the concrete. In some instances, a
considerable reduction in water content can be
achieved while maintaining workability. See The use of
admixtures in concrete.

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The advantages of using readymixed
Bleeding is a form of segregation in which some water
migrates to the surface as the solid particles settle. This
concrete vs site-batching
may result in a layer of clear, greenish water forming on the • The supplier has the resources and technical expertise
surface of the concrete. This will continue until the concrete to provide a wide range of mixes.
has stiffened suficiently to prevent further settlement. • The supplier can more easily meet changes to the
construction programme.
The use of high extender contents and retarding admixtures • Better quality control: computerised weigh batching
will prolong the setting time and thus increase the time offers better ultimate concrete performance.
during which bleeding may occur. • Time, labour and cost-effective: no purchasing,
receiving, stockpiling of cement, stone and sand on
Defects attributed to bleeding include: site: less pilferage.
• Formation of voids under aggregate particles and • Concrete can be supplied to several locations at the
reinforcing steel. same time.
• Sand streaking resulting from the bleed water rising • Less labour required for loading mixers and transporting
up the surface of formwork, taking ine particles of concrete on-site.
sand and cement with it. • Speed of discharge meets tight construction deadlines
• The trowelling-in of bleed water on the surface of a and high rates of delivery are possible.
slab resulting in a weak dusty layer. • The supplier takes responsibility for raw material and
• Settlement cracking. process control testing during the production process.
• Availability of backup supply.
Bleeding may be reduced by: • Reduction of risk.
• Increasing the binder content.
• Using Condensed Silica Fume (CSF). Although site batching is frequently seen as a more
• Reducing the water content. economical option than readymixed concrete, the following
• Increasing the amount of minus 300µm material factors should be costed into site batching:
in the sand. • Wastage and theft of materials.
• Using an air-entraining admixture. • Handling and storage of materials.
• Plant hire/depreciation.
Basic production requirements are the • Plant establishment and removal.
same for both site-batched and readymixed • Plant operation.
concrete. However, on a daily basis the • Labour.
readymix producer accommodates: • Supervision.
• A greater variety of plant and process technology. • Technical requirements.
• A wider range and combination of cements and/or • Site transport equipment available to other trades at all
extenders, aggregates and admixtures. times rather than tied up transporting concrete on-site.
• Varying mix requirements in the fresh and
hardened states. Site-batched concrete is not subject to SANS 878
• A wide variety of speciications. requirements.
• Predetermined delivery times.
• Environmental restraints.


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Quality control
The quality of readymixed concrete is controlled by • Plant and equipment
compliance with SANS 878, both during production Storage of raw materials: Designed to minimise
(process control) and acceptance (or compliance) control. segregation, contamination or deterioration.

The principal elements of control include: Weighing equipment: Calibrate and check regularly,
• Identifying the properties of suitable raw materials with monitoring devices clearly visible to the operator.
and monitoring these properties.
• Proportioning these materials to produce concrete of Mixers (stationary or truck-mounted): Keep in good
the required quality in the fresh and hardened states. repair, check ability to fully mix concrete within the
• Identifying process variability to allow correct target required time.
strengths to be achieved.
• Adequate sampling and testing. • Production and delivery
• Statistical evaluation of results. Batch solid materials by mass. Batch liquids by mass
• Corrective action in the event of non-compliance. or volume. Make appropriate adjustments for moisture
in aggregates, particularly sand. Control amount of
In order to comply with SANS 878 requirements, the mix water by measurement and maintenance of slump
following factors should be in place: within speciied tolerances. Concrete should be delivered
• Contract with suficient workability for placement and compaction.
Types of concrete mixes, whether designed, prescribed, Slump tolerances should be within the speciied
or designed with special requirements (such as tolerance range for a period of three minutes from
minimum cement content or maximum water:cement arrival on site.
ratio) together with the minimum required information,
should be supplied by both purchaser and supplier to
Table 37: Slump tolerances
ensure that quotations accurately relect requirements.
Speciied slump, mm Tolerance, mm
• Materials should comply with the
following speciications: 50 And less -15 to +25
 Cements: SANS 50197-1. More than 50, up to 100 ± 25
 GGBFS: SANS 55167-1.

More than 100 ± 40
FA: SANS 50450-1.
 CSF: SANS 53263-1. Where applicable, air content tolerance: ±1.5%
 Aggregates: SANS 1083, or have a proven record
of satisfactory use in concrete.
 Chemical admixtures: International standards such
It is common practice to use at least two cementitious
as ASTM C494/C494 -08a.
 Water: SANS 51008. Test if the quality is in doubt.
materials, two ine and coarse aggregate products and
more than one admixture in the production of concrete.
Where wash-out water is used in concrete, water
To control the combined effects imparted to concrete
density should be closely monitored to restrict solids
by all these constituents, comprehensive quality control
programmes have become essential.

• Batching tolerances should be speciied,

typically as follows:
 Cement: Cumulatively by mass to within 2%.
 Aggregate: To within 3%.
 Admixtures: To within 2% or 50ml.
 Water: To within 2%.


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• Sampling and testing freshly mixed AfriSam Readymix process
concrete control testing
Should be strictly in accordance with the relevant
All AfriSam Readymix plants have sampling protocols to
standard test methods.
ensure that suficient slump and compressive strength test
results are available for statistical analysis by an advanced
• Compressive strengths for process and
customised computer programme, allowing full evaluation
acceptance control
of all results and indicating the status of concrete
performance on an ongoing basis. These results are
Process control tolerances: No individual result should
available on request.
fall below the characteristic strength minus 3MPa, and
the average of 30 valid cube results should exceed the
To ensure that the delivered concrete meets the speciied
speciied strength by at least 1.64 times the current
requirements in the hardened state, the customer or
standard deviation.
sub-contractor must take full responsibility for all
subsequent on-site actions (see Handling concrete on-site).
Acceptance control is carried out by the customer
on-site to verify process control.

Receive concrete Sample & test

Tolerances: No individual compressive strength result
should fall below the characteristic strength minus
3MPa, and the average of three consecutive and
Slump Cubes
overlapping results should be at least equal to the
speciied strength plus 2MPa.
Accept OK Acceptance
If acceptance control values are not met, cores may be
taken to verify strengths. Cores are generally drilled to strength
verify the strength of defective concrete (i.e. potential Place
low strengths, honeycombing, cracks, etc.). They may
also be drilled to verify the strength of concrete where
Not OK
no other data is available, e.g.: Compact

 When doing a condition survey to evaluate the

health of an existing or damaged structure. Further
 When cube specimens or results go missing.
 If an owner wishes to impose additional load on an
existing structure and needs to get some idea of the
Protect & cure See Properties of
inherent strength of the existing concrete elements. Hardened Concrete

Figure 10: Accepting concrete on-site


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Sampling and testing guidelines The inherent dificulties of drilling into

defective concrete combined with often
Sampling of freshly mixed concrete
restricted access and other very dificult
(SANS 5861-2)
conditions on-site make the following
• Avoid taking samples from the irst or last 10% of the
pre-drilling checks very important:
contents of the mixer.
• Get the engineer’s permission to core – drilling may
• Do not allow the mix to drop through a height of more
cause structural damage.
than 500mm before the sample is taken.
• Use the best equipment possible for coring.
• Ensure that the sample is at least 1.5 times the amount
• Check plans and use a metal detector/electrical
required for test specimens.
conductor detector to ensure that you do not drill
into electrical conduits, water pipes or areas where
Dimensions, tolerances and uses of cast test
groundwater looding may be a hazard.
specimens (SANS 5860)
• Check for rebar using a cover meter: the problem
• The tolerance on the basic dimension between each
often is not identifying where the rebar is, but rather
face of a specimen is 1.0%.
identifying areas where there is NO steel. If possible,
• The basic dimension should be at least four times the
try to drill into the area with the deepest cover meter
maximum aggregate size.
• Load-bearing surfaces to be lat to within 0.0005d.
• The minimum core diameter is ideally at least four times
the size of the aggregate in the concrete, i.e. a 100mm
Making and curing test specimens core is good for 19mm stone, but not where 37,5mm
(SANS 5861-3) stone has been used.
• Prepare three specimens per test per age. • Unless coring for durability index (DI) testing, drill core
• Ensure thorough compaction. specimens as long as possible: the surface concrete may
• Label each specimen with a unique identiication. not have been adequately cured. If necessary, cut away
• Prevent the top surface from drying out for the irst any reinforcing steel to reveal a representative specimen
24 hours. of pure concrete from deep within the structure.
• Demould the cube and place under water at a
temperature of 22 – 25ºC. Use an experienced coring contractor, and
• During transportation to the laboratory, prevent loss during the drilling operation ensure that:
of moisture and damage.
• The drill is anchored by at least one rawlbolt to ensure
Coring concrete on-site
• Plenty of water is used to lush out the core barrel.
Problems encountered during drilling • Drilling proceeds cautiously, carefully, diligently and with
may include: great patience.
• Shattering already distressed concrete, with • Cores are labelled as soon as they have been drilled,
subsequently loosened concrete particles jamming the and core identiication is cross-referenced to the
barrel of the core drill. building plan.
• Cutting into rebar, which will “snatch”or break off the • Fragments of shattered core specimens are reassembled
core drill, resulting in skewed, banana-shaped or in the order they were extracted (i.e. as they existed
too-short cores. within the structure) and stored in suitable, labelled core
• Drilling through prestressed and (particularly dangerous) boxes.
post-tensioned concrete, which may cause the slab to
collapse, or may result in a safety hazard due to the
catapulting effect of the suddenly-released energy.


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Concrete production
The production of concrete, whether site batched or Production activities
readymixed for delivery to a construction site, involves
the activities outlined in Figure 11.
• Raw material speciication requirements
Cements: See Cement. Stone and sand: See
Prior to initiating the production process Aggregates.
on-site or ordering readymixed concrete, it is
necessary to check: • Materials handling and storage
• Speciications, drawings and bill of quantities for the An appropriate sampling and testing procedure for raw
performance requirements of the concrete. materials should be in operation.

• Methods of handling fresh concrete on-site, together Cementitious products, aggregate and admixtures
with other construction requirements, e.g. early must be checked as far as this is practical to ensure
strength for post-tensioning. compliance with the purchase order, both in terms of
quality and amount, before discharged into the correct
Once the requirements have been identiied, the bay, bin, silo or store.
contractor or readymix supplier selects suitable raw
materials, calculates mix proportions and carries out trial Storage and handling should minimise contamination,
mixes. Materials and mix proportions usually require segregation or deterioration.
approval from the site engineer.
Clean drinkable water should be available for use as
mixing water in concrete. If not, check suitability against
SANS 51008.


Raw materials Approval Mix designs

Order, receive, Sample & test Calculate batch Trial mixes

inspect & store masses

Place order Generate


Batch Batch record

Mix Sample & test* *To verify that the required

workability and strength
requirements will be met, ongoing
process control testing is carried out.
Deliver/transport Contractor/Supplier Contractor/Engineer

Figure 11: Producing concrete


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Screw conveyors from silos to hopper Aggregate storage bins

Cement Extender
silos silos

Aggregate hopper

Water fed ia
low meter

Admixture fed via

dispenser into
water system

Figure 12: Production equipment

Batching by mass site operation with few mixes, but more complex for
a readymix operation where a large number of mixes
Batching by mass is preferable to volume batching,
are routinely available.
although liquids are often batched by volume.
The batching operation may be manual, semi- or fully-
Cementitious materials should be batched cumulatively
automatic. Manual batching is suitable for low production
in the same hopper.
rates, but for most applications semi- or fully-automatic
computerised systems are preferable. Interlocks should
For aggregate, the amount of moisture, particularly in the
be provided to ensure proper operation of the system
sand, must be taken into account when calculating the
and traceability.
amount of water required to attain the speciied slump
and W/C ratio.
Effective stock and yield control is possible when using
batch computers capable of recording actual amounts of
Various mass measuring systems are available. Irrespective
material batched. Computerised management systems are
of the system used, it is essential that all batching
then used to analyse this data to generate automatically
equipment is routinely maintained, and that load cells or
downloaded batch exception warnings, correlate batch
scales are regularly calibrated and frequently checked to
weights with slump test and 28-day compressive strength
ensure compliance with required batch tolerances (see
results, and allow for scientiic mix optimisation.
Quality control).

Batch instructions giving the correct amounts of each raw

material speciied by the mix design for individual mixes
must be available at the plant. Batch details are simple for a


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Batching by volume Machine mixing
For mix proportions for low-, medium- and high-strength Mixing is usually carried out by a machine, the common
concrete, request our DIY brochures on concreting, types being non-tilting, tilting, reversing drum, split drum,
bricklaying, brick and blockmaking, and plastering. horizontal shaft and pan mixer.

Generally, 19mm and 26,5mm stone sizes are commonly Materials are loaded in a speciic sequence to minimise
available, but check with your supplier as stone sizes are mixing time, and a mixing time is established for the mixer
currently under review. used. The mixing cycle includes time to charge, mix and
discharge the mixer.
Only enough water should be added to give the required
consistency or slump. Adding extra (excessive) water will Undermixing can increase the variability of the concrete
reduce the concrete strength. from a workability and strength perspective, but
overmixing has minimal effect.
The overall strength of the concrete is signiicantly
inluenced by the quality of the sand. Where possible, Mixing is done until the concrete is of uniform consistence,
single-sized sands and sands with excessive ine material colour and texture. All batches should be inspected visually
should not be used. prior to being released.
• Empty the mixer completely after each batch.
• Clean the mixer/drum thoroughly after discharge.


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Adjusting mixes on-site

The mix proportions are calculated using average • If a thickness of mortar of more than a few millimetres
materials. is available at the surface when the concrete is loated,
the concrete is too sandy.
Check the irst batch of concrete. If the mix is dificult to
compact and it is not possible to achieve a smooth inish, In this case, increase the stone content by
the mix is probably too stony. If the mix is too sandy, the half a wheelbarrow and decrease the sand by
wearing properties of lat slabs may be reduced. a similar amount.

• Concrete is too stony if stones protrude above Figure 13 gives examples using APC, 19mm stone and
the surface when the concrete surface has been crusher sand.
loated. In this case, reduce the stone volume
by half a wheelbarrow and increase the sand by
a similar amount.


ULTRA HIGH STRENGTH CONCRETE 45MPa Columns, water 2 2 2 All Purpose Cement

HIGH STRENGTH CONCRETE 25-30MPa Columns, slabs, garage 2 21/2 21/2

loors, parking areas

MEDIUM STRENGTH CONCRETE 15-25MPa Concrete loors, 2 3 3

patios, footpaths, driveways Stone

LOW STRENGTH CONCRETE 10-15MPa Concrete foundations, 2 4 4

footings, fencing, poles

Mortar and plaster exposed to dampness Mix designs is based
on the use of good quality sands


Mortar and plaster exposed to dry conditions Mix designs is
based on the use of good quality sands

*CO2 footprint after dilution with sand , stone and water (g/kg).
For design of specialised structures, please consult a registered engeneer

Too Stony: Too Sandy:

Reduce stone by 0,5 | Increase sand by 0,5 [1 : 2.5 : 3.5] Increase stone by 0,5 | Reduce sand by 0,5 [1 :3.5 : 2.5]

All Purpose Cement All Purpose Cement

Stone Stone

Sand Sand

Figure 13: Mix adjustment


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Handling concrete on-site
Good concrete practice on-site is essential low-cost housing, but the principles outlined here are the
to ensure that: same for all concreting activities on-site or at precast yards.
• The quality of the fresh concrete, whether readymixed
or site batched, is maintained. An example of a site checklist is given below.
• The hardened concrete reaches its optimal potential
strength and durability.
Ordering readymixed concrete
On-site activities relating to handling concrete include
When an AfriSam customer requests and accepts a
ordering the correct concrete (site batched or readymixed),
quotation for readymix concrete, a tentative date is booked
transporting, placing, compacting, inishing and curing.
for delivery. When the customer conirms the date the site
will be ready to accept the concrete, loads are supplied
The scale of these activities ranges from high-rise
from AfriSam plants (generally from the plant/s closest to
buildings entailing the use of sophisticated equipment such
site) at speciied intervals, e.g. irst load at 10:00 am, with
as concrete pumps, poker vibrators, power loating and
subsequent loads every hour thereafter.
spray-on curing membranes to simple labour-intensive

Table 38: Pre-concreting check list

Site: Area to be concreted:

Inspected by: Date:

Item checked: Yes No Action

Formwork restrained against movement in all directions?

Formwork correctly aligned and levelled?

Are all the props plump and at right spacing?

All inserts and cast-in ixings in right position and secure?

Void formers irmly ixed or tied down?
All stop ends properly secured?
All joints sealed to avoid grout loss, especially against kicker?
Forms clean and free of rubbish (tie-wire cuttings, bits of
timber or metal)?
Release agent applied?
Correct release agent?

Correct reinforcement?

Enough spacers?

Correct depth of cover?

All kicker bars straight and correctly positioned?

Suficient access for placing concrete?

Adequate access for compaction?

All toe boards provided?

Guard rails provided?

Curing materials available?


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To take full advantage of this service, the customer should Placing

be aware of the following factors:
Ideally the time between mixing and placing a batch should
• A truck mixer takes approximately 30 minutes
not exceed 45 minutes. During delays, if the workability
to discharge a full load.
cannot be restored fully by turning the concrete over a few
• Concrete for foundations is usually poured directly from
times with spades, discard the batch.
the truck mixer chute into the trench.
• Make sure that good access is provided and that the
Extra water added to the mix to restore workability
edges of the trenches are irm enough to take the
(retempering) weakens the concrete.
weight of the fully-loaded truck, i.e. approximately
30 tons.
During placing, the aim is to maintain the quality and
• If it is necessary to move the concrete on-site by
uniformity of the concrete, i.e. prevent segregation.
wheelbarrow, 15 to 20 wheelbarrows will be required
• For foundations, dampen trenches before placing
for each cubic metre. Organise labour in advance.
the concrete.
• Ensure that site preparation is complete, e.g. required
• For reinforced foundations, ensure that the reinforcing
formwork has been erected and is clean and adequately
is ixed irmly to avoid displacement during pouring.
supported to retain the mass of the concrete, and that
Use spacers to lift the steel off the bottom of the
steel reinforcing is adequately secured before accepting
trench. Consider pumping concrete into place to ensure
the concrete.
adequate cover to reinforcement.
• For non-wearing loor slabs, place the concrete
onto well-compacted and slightly damp ill (no
Transporting concrete on-site standing water).
When selecting a suitable transporting • For driveways (and large slabs), divide the area into
method, assess: panels, e.g. 3m by 3m (not more than 4.5m by 4.5m)
• Site conditions. to prevent the formation of unsightly cracks due to
• Availability of site equipment such as cranes, especially contraction during hardening. Lay alternate panels
where used for moving formwork, etc. (1, 3 and 5) on the irst day, then remove crossforms
• Rate and volume of concreting. and lay ill-in panels against the hardened concrete
• Use of site-batched or readymixed concrete. the next day or later. Place the concrete as close as
possible to its inal position, and work the concrete
Whatever method is used to transport right into the corners and along edges with a spade
concrete, the following points need or trowel.
consideration: • Check for segregation when concrete is discharged
• The method must be appropriate for the type of mix. from a skip, chute or conveyor.
• Hourly rate must be compatible with mixing and • Check for damage or displacement of reinforcement,
placing operations. stressing ducts and formwork.
• Transporting should be fast enough to prevent drying
out or loss of workability. Flash set and false set: see Cement.
• Delays must be minimised to prevent the formation of
cold joints.
If the concrete is to be placed a considerable distance from
• There should be no contamination of the mix.
where the truck is parked, consider pumping. In this case,
• Segregation, including loss of ine material, must be
order the concrete and the pump at least two weeks
kept to a minimum.
in advance.

Concrete used in suspended slabs to ill areas between

elements and as a topping is generally pumped.
The precast slab or block supplier will supply details
regarding propping and the depth of concrete speciied.
Note that the heavy pressures placed on support work
by “wet” (fresh) concrete make suficient, accurately
vertical propping essential.

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Pumping concrete
The advantages of pumping concrete include: m
• Placing concrete faster. Pumped concrete is lowable,
yet highly cohesive, allowing for easy placing, 22

compaction and inishing. 20

• Placing concrete in areas not readily accessible, e.g.
into heavily-reinforced elements, underground or for
high-rise buildings. 16
• Convenience. On residential building sites, no ramps are 14
required to move concrete to irst loor decks, and there
is no need to break down garden walls to allow truck
mixer access. 10

In addition to the normal procedure for ordering concrete,
the customer needs to take the following factors into
account: 4

• Maintain close communication with the readymix

company/site batch operator throughout the
20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0m
pumping process.
• Order the pump and the readymix concrete at least 2

two weeks in advance, conirm date and time of pour 4

72 hours in advance.
• Liaise with the concrete supplier if the site will not
be ready in time to start the scheduled pump job 8

(to within 30 minutes). 10

• Where different concrete strengths are required for
different elements, supply a marked-up site plan
indicating placing requirements. 14

• For larger or more complicated pours, a pre-site

inspection may be arranged to assess access, pump Figure 14: Boom reach
and pipeline requirements, speciic safety aspects on
site and special site requirements.
The pump operation
The pump rig arrives on-site about 30 minutes prior
“Hidden” costs to scheduled pour, and the pump operator sets up the
• For tenders, include the cost of setting up the pump. equipment. A truck-mounted pump and truck mixers
If a static pump is required, a foundation may be required. need good, irm-access roads into the site. A truck
• To ensure minimal blockages, the pump and pipeline mixer loaded with 6m3 weighs 30t. The vehicle is 8m
are lubricated with a priming slush immediately prior long and 2.5m wide.
to pumping the irst load.
• Additional compacting and inishing equipment may be The pump, boom and pipeline are primed, and the slush
required as concrete is discharged faster by pumping. is discarded. Pumping commences within 15 minutes of
discharge of the readymix concrete into the pump hopper.


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The pump operator is in charge of the entire pump Compaction

operation, including:
After placing, compact and inish the surface of the
• Pump equipment. Only the pump operator is authorised concrete prior to initial hardening. Entrapped air reduces
to operate the pump. the concrete strength, e.g. 4% air voids may cause 25%
reduction in potential strength. Full compaction of
• Communication with the hose-handling crew with concrete maximises strength and impermeability, and
regard to boom position, rate of discharge and ensures a good off-shutter inish.
“breaking-back” pipe segments.
Before compaction, ensure that:
• Communication with the concrete supplier with regard
• Forms are tight-itting to avoid loss of grout.
to delivery rate of concrete to site, and, where required,
• Depths of vertical sections are shallow enough
return of unpumpable concrete to the plant.
to ensure complete compaction of each layer.

• Locating and clearing blockages. Note that long delays

For successful hand-compaction by tamping or rodding,
may result in emptying, washing out and repriming the
concrete slump should be at least 100mm.
pump, boom and pipeline.
Mechanical vibration is usually carried out on larger jobs,
• Relaying last load (“inals”) requirements to the supplier.
using internal (poker) vibrators, surface or vibrating beams
To avoid costly delays, estimate this while the third-last
for loor slabs and sometimes form-mounted vibrators in
truck is discharging.
precast yards.

• Presenting delivery notes collected from each truck

Stiff (low slump) mixes contain more air than high slump
driver to the site representative for checking and
concrete and therefore require more compactive effort.
signing. Invoicing is for the amount of concrete
delivered at the rate quoted, plus set-up costs.
Using poker vibrators, do not over-vibrate: insert the
vibrator at about 400mm intervals and compact for
The pump operator and crew place the concrete as close
10 to 15 seconds.
as possible to the inal position. If it is necessary to move
the concrete by shovel, labourers should not be allowed to
To ensure a dense and durable surface, slabs must be
throw the concrete into place or use poker vibrators to prod
well-compacted, either using vibrating beams or a timber
the concrete into place.
beam with a tamping and sawing motion, with additional
compaction at edges and corners.
Clean-out area
Truck chutes, pumps and pipelines should be washed
out or cleaned with compressed air (where available)
in a designated area. No washout water should drain
into sewage systems – if necessary, prepare a Floors to be carpeted or tiled should be as smooth and level
sandbagged area. as possible using wooden loats and avoiding over-working.
At no stage should neat cement or cement:sand mixtures
be trowelled into the surface to soak up bleed water.
• High pressures are used to force the
concrete through the pipeline. Only
Driveways: Use a wood loat or a hard brush to texture
staff involved in the pumping
the surface.
operation are allowed in the area,
and no one is allowed under the
Steel trowelling gives hard, smooth inishes, e.g. for
industrial loors, parking garages, etc.

• If conditions are unsafe, the pump

operator is authorised to terminate
the pump operation.


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Steel trowelling must not start until:
To allow the concrete to reach its full potential strength,
• Bleeding of the mix has ceased.
adequate curing is essential. Curing maintains a satisfactory
• All bleed water on the surface has evaporated
moisture content and a favourable temperature in the
or been removed.
concrete to ensure ongoing hydration of the cement and
• The surface has started to stiffen.
thus development of optimal strength and durability.

Only then should steel trowels be applied, using

Commence curing activities immediately after completion
considerable pressure on the tools. Several trowellings
of surface inishing.
spread over a period of up to two hours may be required.
• Keep the top surface of trenches damp by covering with
For large areas, power-operated machines should be
plastic sheeting for seven days or until building starts
used. Trowelling should continue until the surface has
(the bottom and both sides of the concrete are
attained an even, ine matte inish. Only if a “polished”
essentially in a self-curing environment).
inish is speciically required should trowelling be
• Floor slabs, driveways and suspended slabs should be
continued thereafter.
subjected to continuous curing (plastic sheeting, damp
sacking or damp clean sand, or continuous spraying)
Small amounts of water licked on with a brush may be
for seven days for a durable, wear-resistant surface in
applied to the surface to aid inishing but, as this tends to
addition to maximum compressive strength.
weaken the surface, it should be done as little as possible
and only where trowelling alone does not produce the
This also applies to pumped concrete, even though the
desired results.
concrete may appear to be wetter than normal.

Planning of the work should take into account that the

To avoid the (temporary) variations in colour that tend
delay period before steel trowelling can start is likely
to occur when plastic sheeting is laid directly on a wet
to be two to three hours and longer in cold weather.
concrete surface, the sheeting may be supported clear
During the delay period, drying of the mix (as opposed
of the surface by timber battens for the irst 24 hours
to evaporation of bleed water) must be avoided as this
of curing.
may lead to cracking.

Wind must not be allowed to blow under the sheeting.

For hard non-slip areas, steel trowel as above and
Light foot trafic may be allowed over new work 24 hours
subsequently lightly texture the surface with carpet-faced
after inishing, provided that the plastic sheeting is not
loats or soft brushes.
damaged or displaced.

Curing may also be accomplished by applying a ine mist

• Use a barrier cream on hands when spray or curing compound, immersing the concrete
handling fresh concrete. element in water or delaying removal of formwork.

• Wear protective footwear when

laying loors.


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Special handling considerations Poolmix inishes

Self-compacting concrete (SSC) • Conventional plaster
SSC requires a prolonged mixing time due to reduced Mix 1½ wheelbarrows of sand to one bag of cement.
frictional forces and to: Only good quality, fairly coarse plaster sand should
be used.
• Fully activate the super plasticiser.
• Improve dispersion of the high amount of ines
• Paint
in the mix.
Use high quality acrylic pool paint made by a reputable
On arrival on-site, check workability retention.
manufacturer and apply this in accordance with their
recommendations. Epoxy paints give reasonable service,
Self-levelling concrete (e.g. lowcrete)
but recoating is dificult.
• Increased pumping rates, increased speed of casting
and lower viscosity of self-levelling concrete place
• Marblite pool plaster
greater lateral pressure on formwork. This should be
Mix Marblite incorporating Plastomar additive with
addressed prior to formwork erection on-site.
clean water to a stiff, workable plaster. After the walls
• In addition, special attention must be paid to sealing
have been plastered, continue with the loor. The entire
formwork joints to avoid grout leakage.
pool surface should be plastered in one day.
• For closed elements and narrow sections, points for air
expulsion must be provided.
Immediately after inishing, protect the concrete by covering
with plastic or a shadeport. The concrete must be kept wet
Fibre-reinforced concrete (e.g. Polyibre Mix)
for at least a week to allow it to gain its potential strength.
• Special attention must be paid to adequate inishing
of the surface and to joint detailing.

Poolmix is an extremely dry mix, and requires special
handling techniques including the following:
• Have Poolmix delivered early in the morning to allow
enough time for the concrete to be used before setting
and to ensure that the pool can be packed in one day.
• Have suficient labour on-site to pack the entire shell
at one time, thereby eliminating joints.
• Cure the concrete adequately.

Poolmix is thrown onto the loor and walls using shovels,

then compacted and smoothed using hand tools. Use all
the concrete before it starts to set. Do not retemper by
adding water.

It is important to place the shell in one continuous

operation. Construction or cold joints are undesirable
because they are dificult to seal and may weaken the
structure. It is necessary to maintain the correct wall
thickness and ensure the concrete is well compacted.


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The use of GGBFS in concrete
Many readymixed concrete and site-batch operations use • Reduced potential for alkali-aggregate
GGBFS as part of the binder material (cement) in their mix reaction (AAR)
designs. Bulk GGBFS is delivered to the plant by tanker, Studies carried out by CSIR show that 30 to 40%
pumped into silos and then automatically weighed and replacement of CEM I with GGBFS prevents deleterious
batched at the same time as the cement. expansion due to AAR by tying alkali salts produced by
cement hydration into the insoluble CSH gel.
On its own, GGBFS will not hydrate on contact with
water or harden at the same rate as Portland cement; • Lower heat of hydration, and control of
it requires the presence of an alkaline activator such heat differentials in mass concrete
as Portland cement to initiate its inherent cementitious Thermal cracking relates to the differences in
reactions. The hydration is similar to that of Portland temperature as a result of hydration between the core
cement and produces similar hydration products (see and the surface of the concrete. Using GGBFS/CEM I
chemistry of Portland cement), but is more complex. In mixes with between 50/50 and 70/30 proportions
the hardened state, a GGBFS-Portland cement paste is reduces the risk of thermal cracking by slowing and
denser than a CEM I-paste, increasing the density and minimising heat generation.
thus impermeability of the concrete.
• Reduced creep and shrinkage
The advantages of using GGBFS in concrete, either as
Studies indicate that in normal-strength GGBFS-
complementary material in the cement or as part of the
extended concretes with adequate curing, concrete
mix proportions in a site blend, include improved durability
creep and shrinkage are reduced, and the concrete
as a result of:
has the ability to curb higher strains.
• Reduced permeability
As a result of slower early-age strength development, See also Soil-stabilisation and Properties of
the pore structure within the concrete tends to be more hardened concrete.
reined, decreasing permeability and providing a greater
protective pore ratio (see Figure 15).
The use of supplementary cementitious materials such
• Improved freeze/thaw characteristics as GGBFS in concrete affects site practice:
Reduced pore size and pore reinement improve freeze/ • Water:cement (W/C) ratio
thaw durability.
Most cements require only 28% of their own mass in
water for full hydration. Anything over this amount is
• Resistance to chemical attack or attack by
usually only required to improve workability of the mix.
aggresive agents
For a given mix design, the higher the water content,
Because the rate of chloride ion diffusion through the higher the cement content; also the more heat
concrete is dependent on pore structure, GGBFS gives generated, the shrinkage and the number of voids.
concrete improved resistance to chloride and sulphate
attack. In addition, it is resistant to sulphate and soft GGBFS particles have a smooth, even surface texture
water ahydroxide content. and these concretes require less compactive effort than
CEM I concretes, thus providing scope for lower water
Portland Cement Portland Cement with GGBFS contents to achieve workability requirements.
Aggregate Aggregate

• Curing
Hydrated Ca(OH)2 Hydrated
clinker Hydrated clinker Ca(OH)2 GGBFS Good curing ensures the internal durability of concrete,
Ca(OH)2 clinker AL2O3
and also prevents the moisture loss from the surface
Aggregate Aggregate which can cause plastic-shrinkage and surface cracks.
When using mixes containing complementary materials
Figure 15: Mantel’s model of the hydration such as GGBFS, the importance of adequate curing
of GGBFS cannot be over-emphasised.


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The use of CSF in concrete

Condensed Silica Fume (CSF) is used in concrete to The presence of CSF in concrete accelerates the
improve impermeability, as well as abrasion and chemical hydration of the cement, improving the bond between
resistance of high-strength and high-durability concrete. the aggregate and the cement matrix, and producing
a denser paste microstructure.
The main advantages of using CSF include:
• Improved resistance of steel reinforcement to corrosion
via improved concrete electrical resistivity. Addition rates
• Improved bond between paste and aggregate, with The normal addition rates of CSF are between 6 and 10%
reinforcing steel and with steel or polypropylene ibres. by weight of the cement content of the mix. In certain
• Reduced wear on concreting equipment: pumps, shotcrete and gunite applications, this percentage has been
moulds, mixers, etc. increased to between 12 to 15%, to make the mix even
more cohesive and further reduce the rebound.
The use of CSF is highly recommended for the
following applications: Where the addition rate exceeds 6%, a superplasticiser is
• Structures exposed to marine and chemical environments. recommended so that the required slump can be achieved
• Power stations and hydro electric plants. at the required water:cement ratio. The dosage rate of
• High rise buildings. superplasticiser ranges between 1 and 2% of the cement
• Industrial loors (readymixed concrete to be pumped). content, depending on the degree of workability required.
• Mining and tunnelling.
• Motorway bridges and dams, see Alkali aggregate CSF can be used either to replace an equal weight of
reaction (properties of hardened concrete). cement or it can be added over and above the existing
• Precast concrete industry. cement content. In very highly aggressive environments,
it is recommended that CSF is added in addition to the
Due to its pozzolanic nature, CSF can be used to enhance existing cement in order to substantially increase the
the qualities of both fresh and hardened concrete. This chemical resistance and durability of the concrete.
improvement is due to the formation of additional Calcium Even though addition is more expensive than cement
Silicate Hydrate (CSH) binder, through the reaction of the replacement, the improvement in the long-term
Silica Fume with the free lime (Ca (OH)2 ) present in the performance of the concrete structures far outweighs
cement. Silica fume is very rich in silicon dioxide (>85%). the slightly higher initial expenditure on cement.

When water is added to Portland cement, hydration takes
place. CSH is formed, and calcium hydroxide or free lime
is released as a by-product of the chemical reaction (see
Chemistry of Portland cement). When CSF is included in a
concrete mixture, the reactive silicon dioxide (SiO2 )
component reacts with calcium hydroxide to form
additional CSH.

In comparing CSF-modiied concrete to concrete containing

FA, we see that the higher eficiency of CSF results in the
pozzolanic action being evident much earlier. Furthermore,
there is a greater degree of strength gain achieved when
CSF is used. Typically, the main contribution to strength
development in CSF concrete at normal 100 000 spheres
per cement grain curing temperatures will take place from
about 3 to 28 days. Sensitivity to curing temperatures is less
pronounced in CSF concrete than in FA concrete.


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Effect on fresh concrete properties Effect of CSF on hardened
• Water demand concrete properties
Due to the high surface area of CSF particles, water • Porosity
demand may be affected. However, no signiicant effect CSF in a concrete mix reines the pore structure of the
on water demand has been identiied where less than hardened concrete, with the number of large pores
5% by mass of cement is used. being signiicantly reduced.

• Workability • Impermeability
CSF has a thixotropic effect. Concrete is more The addition of CSF makes hardened concrete
cohesive and less prone to segregation, with improved signiicantly less permeable, and thus more resistant
pumpability and advantages in underwater pours. to chloride attack, freeze/thaw damage and chemical
In order to compensate for apparent loss of slump, deterioration.
increase initial slump by 20mm to 50mm. Ask for
advice in the use of admixtures with CSF, and measure • Cement paste/aggregate transition zone
workability by using the Vebe test method. CSF gives greatly improved durability and enhanced
strength to the hardened concrete due to improvements
• Bleeding to the aggregate/paste transition zone.
Greatly reduced, almost eliminated. The high surface
area of the CSF particles takes up some of the water • Structural advantages
which may bleed upwards, and the formation of silica Using CSF in concrete with compressive strengths
gel effectively blocks capillary pores. in excess of 80MPa allows for increased spacing
between bridge and support columns, with potential
• Plastic shrinkage modiication of column dimensions and reinforcement
Take extra care to cover surfaces in high ambient requirements. See also Durability (Properties of
temperatures, low humidity and areas where high hardened concrete).
wind speeds may be expected, to minimise formation
of plastic-shrinkage cracks. Carry out inishing and
tooling activities as soon as possible after placing and
compaction. • When working directly with CSF,
use an approved dust respirator.
• Curing
Start curing the concrete as soon as possible after • CSF dust irritates the eyes. Irrigate
inishing, and maintain adequate curing for at least with large amounts of water.
three to seven days to ensure that all the combined
advantages of using CSF are achieved. • Skin contact is not hazardous.

• Setting times
CSF does not noticeably affect setting times. Where
admixtures are required, dosage may require
adjustment: carry out trial mixes and request expert
advice, e.g. larger dosages of air-entrainer are required
in CSF concrete.


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The use of admixtures in concrete

Plasticisers and superplasticisers Effects of superplasticisers on
Superplasticisers (SPs) or High Range Water Reducers fresh concrete
(HR-WRs) are water-soluble organic polymers used in The aim with using SPs for self-compacting concrete is to
concrete, generally at low dosages (<1% by mass of produce robust, non-sensitive mix designs that can be easily
cement), in order to: implemented.
• Increase the workability at a given mix proportion
to enhance placing characteristics (workability) Where used in conjunction with dry batch plants, there is
of fresh concrete. little room for error as the mix design has to be correct the
irst time. Technical advice from suppliers is essential
• Reduce the amount of water used at a given cement in evaluating available raw materials, selection of the
content and workability, and therefore increase concrete appropriate SP, and optimisation of mix design to meet
strength and W/C durability. concrete and budget requirements. The admixture supplier
should be capable of matching SPs with the speciic
• Reduce both the water and cement contents at a cement chemistry in terms of soluble alkalis and sulphates.
given workability and strength, to reduce the creep,
drying shrinkage and thermal strains caused by heat of Slump
hydration in mass concrete structures. Depending on the dosage and type of polymer, SPs can
reduce the water content for a given workability by up
• Provide cohesive, low viscosity concrete with extended to 35%.
workability and high luidity, and minimise mix
segregation. The slump retention may last for about two hours, after
which the concrete reverts to its original consistency,
• Reduce requirements for mechanical vibration for plasticity or workability. The rate of the slump loss
placing and compacting, thus reducing noise levels depends on various factors including:
• Type of admixture/s.
• The initial slump.
• Provide smooth shutter inish on columns despite highly
• Ambient and concrete temperatures.
congested reinforcement.
• Type and chemical composition of cement.
• Type and amount of mineral additions.
• In precast concrete products, aiding fast placement
• Effect of any other chemical admixtures used
and quick mould turnaround time, while giving a
in the concrete.
high-quality inish with reduced blemishes.

Setting times
SPs are generally used to achieve a combination of
some or all of the above concrete properties. The high SPs generally retard the initial and the inal setting times
reduction of water content considerably improves density, of concrete but this retardation is not excessive. The
impermeability, mechanical performance and durability retardation effect depends on the type and dosage of SP,
characteristics (chemical and physical) of self-compacting the type of cement and the amount of mineral components
concretes. present in the concrete. Where high amounts of FA or
GGBFS are present, SPs may cause excessive retardation.
SPs are available as aqueous solutions to facilitate dispersal
in the mix. Accurate, reliable and automatic dispensing at
the batch plant is essential, as is controlling and monitoring
the mix.


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Segregation may be deined as differential concentration of Effects of other admixtures
concrete raw materials resulting in non-uniform proportions • Accelerators speed up the chemical reaction of the
in the concrete mass, i.e. the mass is not homogenous. cement and water, and consequently also the rate
With higher-workability concrete, care must be taken to of setting or early strength gain in concrete.
proportion the materials correctly to minimise segregation. • Retarders slow down the chemical reaction of the
In lowing concrete, segregation may occur if there is not cement and water, leading to longer setting times and
suficient ine material present. slower initial strength gain.
• Air-entrainers introduce bubbles into the mix where
Air content maximum protection against freezing and thawing
SPs generally increase the air content in concrete, but the is required, and are also used to increase workability.
amount of air entrained depends on the type and dosage.

Delocculation in
Bleeding Agglomeration of the presence of a
cement grains dispersing agent
Bleeding may be deined as the autogenous low of
the mixing water and its emergence from newly placed
concrete caused by the settlement of solid materials within
the concrete mass. As SPs reduce the water content, there
is generally no undue bleeding observed in self-compacting
concrete. In most cases, bleeding is reduced.

SPs allow concrete to be pumped for long vertical or
horizontal distances. For horizontal applications, slump
lows from 600mm to 650mm are required for swift and
easy coverage of large surfaces and lat toppings. Vertical Figure 16: Fluidity effect of adding SPs
applications require much “wetter” concrete, with 700mm
to 750mm slump lows.

Compatibility issues


To avoid adverse effects on concrete, SPs must be compatible,


i.e. perform well when used together with other chemical


admixtures and should be used with care. Not all SPs

perform well when they are pre-blended or used together in
the same concrete mix. SPs are sensitive to the cement type Control

and its aluminates, sulphates and alkali contents. Trial mixes

are always recommended prior to use on-site. +


- -

- Plasticiser

Figure 17: Potential effect of plasticisers

on concrete


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Minimising cracking
Cracks appearing in concrete within the irst few hours The rate of evaporation is affected by environmental factors
after placing are early-age thermal shrinkage cracks, such as temperature, relative humidity and wind speed. The
plastic-shrinkage cracks or plastic settlement cracks. It is cumulative effect of these factors can be assessed using the
necessary to identify the type of crack and possible factors nomograph shown in Figure 18.
causing the cracks before applying measures to minimise
the problem. A recent study indicates that daily temperature luctuations,
especially at early ages, contribute to thermal strain and the
formation of cracks as well as to the severity of cracking.

Plastic-shrinkage cracks Plastic-shrinkage cracks are not always evident during

Plastic-shrinkage cracks form while the concrete is still inishing operations and may only be discovered the next
plastic, i.e. has not set. They occur when the rate of day. They may form in a random manner or be roughly
evaporation of moisture from the surface exceeds the parallel to each other (see Figure 19). The cracks are often
rate at which moisture is being supplied, i.e. via bleeding. almost straight, and usually 300mm to 600mm long (but
Concretes with low bleed potential (e.g. low-slump mixes can be from 25mm to 2m long) and up to 3mm wide at
containing a high proportion of ine material such as ine the surface.
aggregate or CSF) are more prone to plastic-shrinkage
cracks, but high bleed characteristics may promote plastic These cracks generally taper quickly over their depth but
settlement cracking, crazing, delays in inishing processes may penetrate right through a concrete element, forming a
and greater long-term shrinkage. Retarded concrete is also weakness which widens and/or extends due to subsequent
more prone to plastic-shrinkage cracking due to increased drying shrinkage and thermal movement, and may lead to
time in the plastic state. water penetration problems.

Note: Evaporation rates approaching

1.0 kg/m2/h are likely to necessitate
Relative humidity (%) = 100 40 = Concrete temperature (oC) precautions against premature drying.


40 20

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Wind speed (km/h) = 40

Air temperature (oC) 4.5

25 Figure 18: Effect of concrete and
To use this chart: 2.5
20 air temperatures,
1. Enter with air temperature, 15 relative humidity and
move up to relative humidity.
wind speed on the
2. Move right to concrete 1.5
evaporation of surface
3. Move down to wind velocity.
moisture from concrete
4. Move left, read approx. rate of 0.5 0
evaporation. 0
Rate Of Water Evaporation (kg/m2/H)


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Plastic-shrinkage cracks rarely occur near the edges of a slab Plastic settlement cracks
where the concrete is free to move.
Plastic settlement cracks show a distinct pattern, typically
mirroring the pattern of the restraining elements such as
The key to minimising plastic-shrinkage cracking is
reinforcement. The cracks occur when concrete is plastic,
controlling the rate of drying of the surface:
frequently while bleed water is still rising and covers the
• Dampen subgrade and formwork before placing concrete. surface, and tend to roughly follow the restraining element
• In hot weather, lower the temperature of the or changes in the concrete section.
fresh concrete.
• Protect surfaces from drying out, e.g. erect windbreaks. After concrete is placed, the solids settle downwards and
• Commence curing regime promptly after inishing and the mix water bleeds up to the surface. If there is no
continue for the speciied period. restraint this merely results in a slight lowering of the water:
cement ratio at the concrete surface. If the concrete is
See also Concreting in adverse temperatures, and locally restrained from settling while the adjacent concrete
Polyfibre Mix (Readymix). continues to settle, there is the potential for a crack to form
over the restraining element (see Figure 20). A void may also
form under the restraining element, affecting the local bond.

Plastic settlement cracks can be quite wide at the surface,

but taper in width until they reach reinforcing steel or
other restraining elements. They seldom extend beyond
the restraint. In exposed conditions this may increase risk
of corrosion of the reinforcement and pose a threat to
durability. Cracks may develop further due to subsequent
drying shrinkage, leading to possible full-depth cracking
Figure 19: Typical plastic-shrinkage cracks of the concrete member.

To minimise the risk of plastic settlement

• Adjust mix proportions to control bleeding, (e.g. lower
slump, better cohesiveness).
• Increase the ratio of cover to reinforcing bar diameter,
(i.e. increase depth of cover or decrease the size of bars).
• Dampen the subgrade before placing concrete to avoid
excessive loss of water from the base of the element.
• Fix formwork accurately and rigidly to avoid movement
during placing.
• Place concrete in deep sections. First allow to settle,
then place and compact top layers, ensuring that the
two layers blend together.
• Compact the concrete adequately.
• Cure the concrete promptly and adequately.
Figure 20: Typical plastic settlement cracks
Revibrating the affected concrete at the right time can
eliminate settlement cracks, especially in columns and
deep sections. Where there is an abrupt change in section,
concreting can be planned to allow for settlement to occur
in the deeper section prior to concreting the shallower one.


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Concrete in adverse temperatures

Adverse temperatures which may affect the setting and • The temperature of the mixing water has a substantial
strength gain of concrete, exist in the following conditions: effect on reducing concrete temperature, so keep water
• The average ambient temperature exceeds 35°C. as cool as possible. In extreme conditions some or all
• The ambient temperature is 25°C accompanied by: of the mixing water may be replaced by crushed ice.

 Low relative humidity and high wind velocity.

• Batching plants should be shaded as far as possible, and

 Solar radiation.
preferably painted white.

 High concrete temperatures.

• Eficient materials handling will limit temperature rise
during production.
• The average ambient temperature is expected to be
• Though expensive, some concretes have been
below 5°C.
successfully cooled by the injection of liquid nitrogen.

The following guidelines assist in using appropriate

techniques to minimise the adverse effects of extreme
weather conditions. • Limit transport time and take appropriate steps to
eliminate delays in handling.
• As far as possible shield the area to be concreted from
high winds and direct sunlight.
Hot-weather concreting • Schedule concreting for the cooler parts of the day.
Hot-weather concreting is not an unusual or specialised • Provide adequate curing as soon as possible.
process as it is a common occurrence throughout the
country for some months of the year. Estimating concrete temperature
The temperature T of the fresh concrete can be estimated
When concreting in hot weather, there is typically an from the expression:
increased rate of water evaporation and thus slump loss
from the fresh concrete, giving rise to potential problems T = 0.22 (TaWa + TcWc) + TwWw
during handling and inishing processes. 0.22 (Wa + Wc) + Ww
In addition: T = temperature of material, °C
W = mass of material, kg
• Setting times tend to decrease.
a, c and w = aggregate, cement and water
• There may be a small increase in water requirement
and early strengths tend to be higher.
This formula is applicable to estimating concrete
• There may be an increased incidence of plastic-
temperature in hot and cold conditions.
shrinkage cracks.

Although it is often stated that later strengths may be

reduced, a recent study showed no strength reduction
for concrete temperatures ranging from 23 to 33°C
using various binder types.

Steps during batching and mixing to minimise

problems of hot weather:
• Use higher extender contents.
• Use suitable retarding admixture.
• Aggregate should be kept cool (e.g. by shading
stockpiles). Coarse aggregate may be sprayed with
water, but spraying ine aggregate is not practical and
can lead to problems with adjustment of water content.
• Cement temperature has a minimal effect due to the
low amounts used, but white silos tend to minimise the
effects of high temperatures.


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Cold-weather concreting From a practical point of view, concrete should have
a temperature in excess of 7°C at time of placing. To
Although not as much of a problem as experienced in many
achieve this, steps can be taken to increase the concrete
parts of the world, cold-weather concreting does occur in
temperature, e.g. by:
South Africa on occasion, and failure to adequately protect
the concrete can result in substantial strength reduction. • Protecting aggregate with a suitable covering.
• Heating aggregate by steam injection.
The effect of concrete freezing at early ages depends on • Heating mixing water.
whether the concrete has set, and what strength has been • Limiting transporting time.
achieved when freezing occurs.
On-site steps need to be taken to:
• If concrete which has not set is allowed to freeze,
• Avoid temperature loss due to slow placing.
there will be an increase in volume due to the
• Apply protection measures to maintain the temperature
expansion of mix water. After thawing, the concrete
of the placed concrete. These may include the use of
will set with a high voids content.
insulated formwork, covering exposed surfaces with
insulation material or the erection of covers with
• If freezing occurs before the concrete has attained
internal heating.
a strength of 3MPa to 5MPa, expansion will cause
• Delay inishing activities such as powerloating due
disruption of the microstructure and a substantial
to the longer stiffening times.
reduction in strength and durability.

From the above, we can see that in extremely cold

conditions fresh concrete should be maintained at a
suitable temperature until a strength of about 5MPa
has been achieved.


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Concrete industrial loors

Concrete is used for industrial loors because of high Table 39: Strength requirement for early joint
wear resistance, adequate lexural strength and good cutting for different aggregate types
dimensional stability.
Early strength
These properties are dependent on and inluenced by: Aggregate Type required
• The selection and proportions of concrete materials. before sawing
• The handling of the concrete in the fresh and early
Granite or quartzite 3MPa – 5MPa
stages of hardening.
Dolerite or andesite 4MPa – 6MPa
• Appropriate inishing and effective curing.
Felsite >8MPa

Selection of concrete materials Other important properties for aggregate used in concrete
industrial loors are:
Cement • 10% FACT values
In loors with sawn joints, concrete must achieve a certain The aggregate used for concrete subjected to abrasion
strength to allow for sawing of joints. The longer the period should comply with SANS 1083 requirements.
between casting and saw-cutting, the greater the possible
moisture loss from the concrete and the higher the risk • Bleeding of concrete
of shrinkage cracks occurring before the concrete can be The amount of bleed water is inluenced by the
sawn. This is also dependent on the effectiveness of curing. grading and particularly the ineness of the sand used.
To prevent such cracking, only cements with a relatively If a concrete bleeds excessively and the bleed water
high early strength should be used in concrete for loors. is trowelled in, the surface W/C ratio is lowered and
this may result in a loss of abrasion resistance. When
High extender contents should be avoided as they reduce bleeding is likely to be excessive, the use of a suitable
the early strength of the concrete, and concrete containing ine blending sand should be considered.
high extender contents requires signiicantly more effective
curing for longer periods to ensure adequate abrasion • Drying shrinkage
Drying shrinkage is inluenced by the type and source
of aggregate. All AfriSam Aggregates have a history
The following AfriSam High Strength Cements are
of suitability for use in industrial loors. With regard to
other properties, aggregate used for concrete loors
• CEM II A-M (L) 52,5N must comply with the requirements of SANS 1083.
• CEM II A-M (V-L) 42,5R

Industrial loors are often subjected to potentially aggressive

agents such as sulphates, acids, chlorides and abrasion.
Select a cementitious material that will improve the
resistance of the concrete to these aggressive agents.
See also Sulphate resistance.

The aggregate used for concrete loors inluences:
• Potential abrasion resistance.
• Drying shrinkage of the concrete.
• “Saw-ability” of joints, i.e. prevention of ravelling and/or
plucking during cutting. The harder the aggregate, the
higher the early strength requirement.


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The use of chemical admixtures may improve the Other concrete mixes with lower early strengths have also
properties of concrete. However, their use should be based been used very successfully. However, if the ambient
on an evaluation of their effects on speciic materials conditions are adverse and/or curing is not started as early
and combinations of materials, including strength as possible and/or is not effective, the concrete is more
development, particularly within the irst 24 hours likely to crack and the use of concrete with lower early
after casting. strength is a greater risk.

In environments with high evaporation rates, concretes with The importance of curing cannot be overstated. Most
delayed strength development should be avoided. problems investigated relate to ineffective curing. The
question to ask is not “Did the contractor cure the
See also The use of admixtures in concrete. concrete?” but rather “How did he cure the concrete?”

Detailed information about concrete industrial loors is

Handling concrete in the fresh state available from the Concrete Institute.
and during hardening
All good intentions and efforts put into the mix selection
and proportioning may be wasted if placing and What is effective curing?
compaction requirements are not adequately addressed Preventing the loss of moisture from the concrete from the
(see Handling concrete on-site). time of placing for at least seven days after casting.

It is almost always a combination of the following factors

that result in unexpectedly bad behaviour of concrete
in loors:
• Casting loor under exposed conditions.
• Adverse ambient conditions.
• Timing of inishing i.e. too early: powerloating before
the concrete surface is hard enough, or too late: after
the concrete is no longer workable.
• Inappropriate inishing techniques.
• Ineffective curing, a lack of curing or late application
thereof, also see Curing.
• “Late”cutting of contraction joints.
• Floor cast on plastic sheeting (note that the use of
plastic sheeting should be avoided).
• The selection of an inappropriate concrete mix.

AfriSam Readymix recommends the use of Surfacebed Mix

for floors, see Readymix.


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Mass concrete on-site

Mass concrete may be considered to be any volume of In conjunction with the temperature rise, internal or
concrete with dimensions large enough to require special external thermal stresses are generated by restraint
measures to minimise cracking by accommodating the heat to thermal movement.
differential between core and surface temperatures, and • Internal restraint
attendant volume change. arises from temperature differentials that occur when
the concrete surface cools to ambient conditions while
Generally, special precautions may need to be taken in the centre remains at a much higher temperature.
respect of heat of hydration for any pour with a least Cracks resulting from this temperature differential may
dimension of 500mm. be external or internal.

Large pours, often in excess of 100m3, have become • External cracks

common for structural applications such as raft foundations, form when an excessive differential occurs during the
large bridge piers, nuclear pressure vessels, etc. cooling phase.

For large pours, attention to logistical and technical • Internal cracks

considerations involves: may develop if the differential is exceeded during
• Concrete supply. heating.
• Casting sequence.
• Cold joints. External restraint may be imposed by the immediate
• Heat of hydration. environment such as a rigid base or adjacent pour.
• Early-age thermal cracking. This type of cracking is most common in walls cast
onto rigid foundations.
The principal beneits of mass pours are savings in cost
and time as a result of fewer joints and faster construction. See also Thermal movement (Properties of
The disadvantages of cracks which might occur when hardened concrete).
construction joints are not used appear to be minor.

Mass pours are ideal for readymixed concrete, as concrete

Planning for mass pours can be delivered from several batching plants and scheduled
Planning considerations include: to arrive on-site at a rate that ensures continuous pouring.

• Concrete production and supply.

• Using concrete pumps to allow for rapid placing to
various parts of the pour.
• Labour.
• Placing sequence.
• Compatibility between rate of supply, placement,
compaction and inishing.

Heat of hydration
One of the main concerns with mass concrete pours is
the temperature rise (which may exceed 50°C) within
the concrete. See also Chemistry of Portland cement.


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Temperature rise Formwork type
Factors which inluence temperature rise include: Where plywood forms are used, even for relatively thin
sections, care must be taken to avoid thermal shock when
Cementitious material
the formwork is removed, especially during winter.
The type and source of milled clinker component, the
use of mineral components (FA, GGBFS) and the total Ambient and concrete temperature
cementitious content all affect the rate of heat generation
Reducing the concrete placing temperature reduces the rate
within mass concrete.
of hydration and subsequently the peak temperature within
the mass concrete element. Speciications often limit peak
In general terms, concrete should be designed to have
temperature to a maximum of 70°C.
the lowest milled clinker content combined with the
highest mineral component content. However, as mineral
Thermal strain
component content is increased, the total cementitious
content required to achieve the required compressive The thermal expansion coeficient of concrete is mainly
strength may have to be increased. dependent on aggregate type. Siliceous aggregate has
higher coeficients, dolerite and lower limestone values.
Specifying compressive strength testing at later stages can The thermal expansion coeficient of concrete is higher
offset this to some degree. than that of the aggregate itself.

Pour size, particularly minimum dimension Tensile strain capacity (crack resistance) also varies with
aggregate type. The expansion coeficient and tensile strain
Maximum temperatures are generally recorded in the
capacity can modify the temperature differential, which will
centre of sections having a least dimension of about 2m.
cause cracking from 20°C for gravel aggregate to 39°C
for limestone.
To avoid excessive temperature differentials, the surface of
mass concrete elements is often covered with insulating
Where possible, aggregate from a speciic source should be
material, e.g. thermal blankets. Thinner concrete elements
selected to give lower coeficients of thermal expansion of
lose heat more easily. A pour thickness of 1m will need to
the concrete.
be insulated for about ive days, while a 4.5m thick section
will need insulating for 21 days.
See Aggregates and Thermal movement.


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Soil stabilisation
Stabilisation is the process of mixing cementitious material The availability of the cement type in the area
with granular material in predetermined proportions to of construction should be conirmed to prevent
improve the engineering properties of the granular material. unnecessary laboratory testing.
Compacting and curing the mix results in a bound material
with signiicant strength results. Please contact AfriSam for samples of suitable product
available in the area of construction for pre-site trials.
Adding a stabiliser to soil that is unsuitable for road
construction has economic beneits relating to elevating
sub-standard in-situ soil to comply with speciic application Cement content
requirements. Strengthening the road sub-base lower layers A minimum of 2% cementitious material is required to
can also result in cost savings in surfacing layers. ensure a uniform distribution of the stabilising agent
throughout the stabilised layer. Cement contents lower than
This section only refers to stabilisation with cement this may result in strengths not being achieved in practice
e.g. Roadstab; stabilisation with lime and bitumen are regardless of the results of laboratory testing.
beyond the scope of this document.
The selection of the cement type inluences the
“working time”, deined as the time between placing and
Cement for soil stabilisation compaction of the stabilised layer (see Figure 21). Cement
Stabilisation projects are generally site-speciic. Developing starts hydrating as soon as it is in contact with moisture. If
a solution requires assessing the performance of the most of the hydration has occurred by the time the material
in-situ material and using fundamental analysis and is compacted, the chemical bonds that have been formed
design procedures to determine a cost-effective solution. between the cement and the soil will be broken down by
the compaction process and further chemical bonding will
The selection of a cement type and content is then based be limited.
on laboratory testing with the granular materials and two
to three cement types available in the area of construction. This limitation may result in lower in-situ strength of
All laboratory testing should be carried out using standard stabilised layers.
TMH1 and CSIR test methods.





Cement A

2 Cement B

Cement C
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Figure 21: Reduction of pH of in-situ material

using different cement


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Distribution of cement can be done either by bag or bulk

The uniformity of application of stabiliser needs to be
veriied by means of:
• Weighing the amount of cement that was deposited
onto a mat or tray placed at speciied intervals during
the spreading operation on the layer to be stabilised
(see Figure 22).
• Balancing the total amount of stabiliser against the 7
speciied percentage of stabiliser and the stabilised area.
• Conirming percentage of stabiliser deposited per area
to be stabilised. 6

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Compaction delay, hours

Kg 1m
Figure 23: Typical strength vs time relationship

Figure 22: Amount of deposited stabiliser Curing

weighed to check coverage Curing is necessary to ensure that:
• The required strength is achieved.
Compaction • Adequate water is available for hydration.
• Drying shrinkage is limited at early stages.
Compaction should start immediately after inal mixing
and should be completed within the working time of the
The stabilised layer is cured for three to seven days after
stabiliser. The working time is inluenced by the cement
construction to allow the layer to harden before subsequent
type, soil type and ambient conditions. An indication of
layers are placed.
working time may be obtained by establishing a strength
vs time relationship for the stabilised soil, as indicated in
Curing is done by means of:
Figure 23. The engineer may then decide on an acceptable
working time to limit the risk of strength loss. • Maintaining the surface in a moist condition by
light sprinkling and rolling when necessary.
• Sealing the compacted layer with a bituminous
prime coat.
Cement with extended setting times,
e.g. Roadstab or a composite cement
in the 32,5 strength class, is suitable for
soil stabilisation applications because
of the longer working times required to
place and compact the material.


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About concrete loors

Technology has evolved to allow for the creation of In other words, the slab is still shrinking long after you
beautiful concrete loors that can be made in a simple have taken occupancy. Thus joints will continue to open
and economic way. Processes like concrete grinding and up and new random cracks may occur at any point in the
polishing have progressed signiicantly while the hardening irst year or two. When we create the control joints, we
process derived from the diamond polishing has other caused interruptions in what would otherwise ideally be a
beneits too. These beneits include scratch resistance, ease continuous surface. To restore the loor’s surface continuity
of cleaning and good light relection, which makes it an for the purpose of material handling vehicle low, we must
ideal choice for many facilities. Paints, urethanes and epoxy reill the joints. The iller must accommodate two conlicting
coatings look great in the beginning but suffer badly from objectives:
scratching and general wear, and tear very soon afterwards. • Be hard enough to support hard-wheeled trafic.
• Allow the joint to continue to open until the shrinkage
process is complete.
About concrete and its effects on loors
Concrete is basically a combination of cement, stone, sand
and water. Sometimes additives may be used to accomplish
certain objectives such as workability, etc. For concrete The four attributes of a
to prove durable, all components must be in a proper
balance. Too much or too little of any component can
good loor
cause problems later. For example, let’s look at the water
1. Flatness
The eficiency of the operations carried out by forklifts
Water serves to react (hydrate) the cement, make the on loors depends on the speed of travel of the forklifts.
mix homogeneous and make the concrete workable and Forklifts can travel faster on loors that are lat. Flatter loors
placeable. But too much water can result in excessive also allow for higher racking in very narrow aisles (VNA)
shrinkage and weakened concrete. which increases stockholding, as well as contributing to
higher safety levels and internal lighting improvement due
All concrete mixes contain more water than is actually to relection.
needed to hydrate the cement. The excess water eventually
evaporates. One primary objective is to retain the water Achieving surface latness
until the cement is fully hydrated, then let it evaporate Flatness is a measure of the waviness or smoothness of a
slowly over a prolonged period of time. This moisture slab. The loor latness that is required needs to be assessed
retention process is called “curing” the concrete. in terms of Properties I, II, III and IV as deined in the UK
Concrete Society Technical Report TR34 that is used to
As concrete loses moisture it shrinks in dimension, usually deine surface regularity. For most applications the FM2
at the rate of 3mm in every 6m of slab. If concrete were classiications are suitable. This must be discussed with the
left as it is placed, it would crack in random crack patterns. client. The FM2 Classiication is used for free movement
To avoid random cracking we create joints at regularly loors whereas the DM classiication is used for deined
spaced intervals, thus weakening the slab in a grid pattern. movement on very narrow aisles and racking height of up
These joints, called control (or contraction) joints, force the to 18m. The FM2 speciication is achievable with the laser
cracking to occur in straight lines beneath the joint, actually screed method and hence most popular worldwide.
producing a designed crack.
The latness and levelness is achieved with a quality
Concrete slabs shrink at a relatively slow rate because all the concrete mix design using suitable workmanship, attentive
moisture must evaporate through the top of the slab. supervision and the use of the latest techniques in loor
A reasonable shrinkage rate estimate is: placement. Equipment such as the Somero Laser Screed,
• 30% in the irst 30 days. bump cutter or highway straightedge is needed.
• 50-60% in the next 335 days.
• 80-90% in the irst year.

Information courtesy of CLF, specialists in concrete looring

and an AfriSam Group company. 99

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2. Hardness trafic since most modern-day material handling vehicles
use solid polyurethane wheels that are extremely hard-
Surface hardness provides resistance to abrasive wear from
wearing on joints.
the imposed loads, giving the slab a long life and providing
eficiency of operation.
The concept of a steel ibre reinforced concrete loor with
large panel sizes also dramatically reduces the number of
Achieving surface hardness joints in a warehouse loor. The fewer joints in a loor, the
The loor hardness and abrasion resistance is achieved using less serious joint defects there are.
inishing processes such as burnished inish. This process
involves the almost continual inishing of the surface of the Large panel sizes are known to cause increased shrinkage
slab using ride-on power trowels during the initial setting movement at the joints. Although it is widely acknowledged
process following pouring. Immediately thereafter, Pentra-Sil® that larger panel sizes will cause increased movement at
surface treatment can be applied to the surface of the loor. the joints, this movement is not as large as one thinks since
we are not dealing with normal concrete. Steel ibres offer
The hardness achieved using this method has been tested a three-dimensional reinforcement mechanism within the
by the Chaplin Abrasion Tester and the Mohs test to fall concrete matrix to redistribute shrinkage stresses within a
into the extremely hard category. This method does not deined panel. This has the effect of reducing the shrinkage
use loor hardeners to achieve loor hardness and thus movement at joints.
dificulties associated with application of the hardener are
avoided. As a result, the loor without surface hardeners Tips to achieve durable joints for hard
results in signiicant cost reductions for the client. wheel trafic
1. Keep the number of joints to a minimum i.e. use steel
ibres to produce larger panels.
3. Joint detailing 2. Use the Viper Joint Armoured Edge System.
Most slabs that fail do so at or adjacent to joints. Correct 3. Reduce the number of construction joints i.e. use laser
detailing and coordination of joints reduces the potential for screeds to pour large bays of 2 000m² plus.
damage to the slab surface. 4. Diamond dowel the construction joints to minimise curl
and preserve load transfer under the inluence
of dynamic load.
5. Square dowel the sawn contraction joints.
6. Keep joint width to a minimum – 3mm saw cut.
7. Protect new joints with Durojoint Protector.
8. Strengthen the concrete edges of the joints i.e. use steel
ibres and Pentra-Sil® Lithium Chemical Hardener.
9. Use the correct joint illing i.e. do not use elastomerics
for hard wheel trafic areas; rather use MM80.

4. Maintenance costs and repairs

Costs associated with maintenance and repairs of the slab
and maintenance of the forklifts are reduced with quality
joint detailing and a high quality level surface inish.
Avoiding problems with joints
The fact that joints show up as the facility professional's They all depend on the concrete loor
most perplexing problem is not at all surprising. Most loors One deinition of productivity might be the time it takes to
have joints every 4 to 6m. This means that a 10 000m² move a given amount of product from point ‘A’ to point ‘B’.
warehouse will have approximately 3 to 4 000m of joints. No matter how you place your racks, where you position
Additionally, there are many things that can go wrong with the product on the racks and what MHVs you are using, the
joints. For example; spalling of joint edges from hard wheel

Information courtesy of CLF, specialists in concrete looring

100 and an AfriSam Group company.

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product must be able to move from A to B on a pre-established Application of curing compounds

path on the loor. If this path were blocked by pallets or
Curing compounds are most effective when applied as
other obstacles, you would remove the obstacle. The same
soon as bleeding has stopped and visible water sheen has
logic should be applied to the loor. Where you have minor
disappeared, but the concrete is still damp. If applied
to moderate loor defects, your MHV operator will slow
beforehand, the compound, particularly if water based,
down to minimise the bump. Where the defect is severe
will become diluted by the bleed water. If applied later,
enough, he will detour to the next aisle and come up the
it is likely to be absorbed and the membrane will not form.
unaffected aisle. Once you think about it, it’s clear that less
than quality loors can reduce your productivity.
Practical tips for curing:

Curing compounds for loors • Where surface temperature could become high due
to UV exposure, use light-coloured curing material
Curing compounds are liquids which are brushed,
(e.g. don’t use black plastic).
squeegeed or sprayed onto the concrete surface. They are
formulated from resins, waxes or synthetic rubbers dissolved
• Plastic cracking can occur very quickly, hence, where
in a solvent or emulsiied in water. After evaporation of the
susceptible, be sure to apply a curing compound as
solvent or water, a thin membrane forms on the surface
soon as possible after inishing.
of the concrete which retards moisture loss.

• One must apply the curing compounds after bleeding

is complete but before the concrete has hardened,
ie use spray applicators with a long nozzle.

• Where practical, retain formwork for as long as

possible. If removed before the end of the speciied
curing period, immediately apply the curing compound.

• Use of wet hessian and plastic sheets are only effective

when kept in contact with the concrete surface. Gaps
lead to wind tunnels which cause rapid drying.

The effect of curing is to hold water within the concrete • Steam curing precludes the need for additional curing.
by minimising evaporation losses, thereby maximising
hydration. This process is an extremely important part of • On tilt-up construction, use a curing compound that will
concrete production as it: act as a debonder.
• Reduces dusting.
• Reduces plastic cracking. The importance of eliminating vertical joint
• Increases abrasion resistance. movement and allowing two-way lateral movement:
• Increases strength. Joints in loor slabs are unavoidable and are required for the
• Increases durability. following reasons:
• As day joints, necessitated by the daily loor output
Where ly ash or slag are used, the 7-day curing restrictions.
requirements may be extended to as long as 14 days; • Accurately levelled formed joints are required to enable
conversely where silica fume is used it may be reduced latness speciications to be met.
to as little as one day. Hence, curing compounds are • To control shrinkage and warping stresses in the
particularly useful with ly ash and slag concrete as they concrete.
eliminate the need for long periods of curing by ponded • Differential vertical movement between adjacent bays
water, damp hessian or polythene sheeting. of concrete results in joint arris breakdown.
• Lack of lateral dowel movement causes random

Information courtesy of CLF, specialists in concrete looring

and an AfriSam Group company. 101

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All joints need either dowel bars or tie bars through them Consider a common detail where a debonded induced
to maintain load transfer and eliminate vertical movement. transverse contraction joint crosses a long formed contraction
Even if contraction joints are provided at 6mm centres joint at right angles. The true movement of the slab at the
without reinforcement, shrinkage of up to 2mm can occur. corner of the two joints, if it were free to do so, would be
at 45 degrees, not 90 degrees, to either joint. The
This is outside the limit at which ‘aggregate interlock’ can traditional round dowel, which has to be installed to
provide load transfer and consequently design safety factors provide load transfer, effectively constrains the slab at
have to be raised. Joints can be “tied” to reduce shrinkage this point, completely defeating the object of the design.
to under 1mm, at which it is accepted that load transfer is
maintained. Joints can be “tied” by using suitably anchored All current joint details ignore any differential sideways
reinforcing steel. movement (ie parallel to the joint) which must occur whilst
none of the recommendations for shrinkage control takes
A “tied” joint can only be used where contraction of the these additional stresses into account. Joints at right angles
slab is allowed elsewhere, through the use of ‘contraction’ tend to lock a slab at the corners.
or ‘free-movement’ joints (or perimeter-isolation joints).
Such joints must have reinforcement and must be debonded The patented Norton Diamond Dowel system is very easy
on one half to allow the slab to contract. This is traditionally to install accurately and allows for both horizontal and
achieved through the use of a round steel bar which is coated transverse movement while prohibiting vertical movement,
on one half with a debonding compound or debonded with thereby creating very effective load transfer across the joint
a proprietary circular plastic sleeve. and minimising long-term joint damage.

Information courtesy of CLF, specialists in concrete looring

102 and an AfriSam Group company.

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20 Steps to avoid common loor deiciencies

While problems found in loors may differ in severity, they even the best designed loors. It is therefore important
are seldom unique and tend to be the result of the same to have the correct mix design. Many in the industry equate
mistakes over and over again. The recommendations low slump with low shrinkage. This is true to a degree, but
offered in this section won’t prevent all loor problems, aggregate size and water:cement ratio are likely of greater
but these may help avoid very common and preventable importance. The following are tips that may be considered:
problems. Here are a few tips to help alleviate • Use the largest aggregate possible. Coarse aggregate
these problems: occupies space without shrinking.

• Water and cement both add signiicantly to shrinkage

and curl. A concrete with a low water:cement ratio
is a better option.

• Avoid high strength concrete mixes. Concrete

strength is measured by compressive strength, and
loors seldom, if ever, fail in compression. Higher
strength mixes require more cement and this may
contribute to shrinkage and curl.

Problems in the design phase:

1. Loosely drafted construction
It is essential to have a tightly drafted loor spec and
complete loor details before starting the job. Wide open
material and procedural specs lend themselves to problems
as they tend to allow problems to creep into the design of
the loor. It is essential to submit a proposed joint layout,
provide complete jointing details and specify allowable
concrete additives. Listing acceptable products by name also
minimises the use of the broad term "or equal" which may
often be interpreted as "or cheaper". 4. Joint spacing: closer, more square
The trend over the past decade has been to make slab
panels larger, and thus have fewer joints. The reasons most
2. Specifying or allowing additives commonly cited include the costs associated with illing
Because there are numerous concrete additives on the more joints – the costs to the owner in loor maintenance
market,one should take care to understand the properties if he has more joints and extending the spacing between
and possible side effects before use. For example, some columns in turn tends to extend joint spacing.
additives delay the appearance of bleed water, thus delaying
the inishing while others may allow more rapid slab These reasons are all valid, but we often fail to consider the
shrinkage, adding to curl problems. Concrete additives effect of normal shrinkage on joints. As a rule of thumb,
can be helpful in achieving certain results (better inishing a typical 150mm thick slab may shrink 3mm every 6m.
characteristics, etc.), but they should never be considered a Thus, a 3mm cut every 6m will eventually open to 6mm.
substitute for a good basic mix design, proper placement by This means the joint has opened 100%. Consider what this
qualiied contractors and adequate curing. means to a semi-rigid epoxy joint iller that may be able to
accommodate only 5 to 10% expansion. By bringing your
joints closer together you minimise the degree of iller-to-
3. Minimise shrinkage and curl concrete separation that will occur.

Excessive (or rapid) shrinkage and slab edge curl can affect

Information courtesy of CLF, specialists in concrete looring

and an AfriSam Group company. 103

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Random cracking also has to be taken into consideration. 7. Construction joints should
The larger the slab panel, the greater the potential for random
have an amoured edge
cracking. It all comes down to a choice between joints or
cracks, and joints are deinitely less expensive than cracks. To Construction joints have two major disadvantages:
cut and properly ill a joint is relatively inexpensive and gives • The edges may be inherently weak because they are
an aesthetically pleasing loor. Joints are also relatively easy to inished less densely than the rest of the surface.
maintain. Random cracks, on the other hand, are unsightly
and cost more to cut out (chase) and ill. Cracks are much • Unlike a saw-cut joint, there is no base to support the
more dificult and expensive to maintain than joints. eventual joint iller. To counter this, construction joints
should have an amoured edge to protect the joint
Another consideration is the panel shape. Concrete shrink- against continued hard wheel trafic, minimise joint
age causes an even stress build-up across the slab. Thus, a damage and high maintenance costs and increase
4,5m x 4,5m panel shrinks equally across all directions while MHV eficiency.
for a 4,5m x 6m panel, the stress will be greater across the
6m dimension. It is quite likely a crack will occur dividing the
6m span into two 3m segments. 8. Don’t over-specify latness
Some owners and designers specify higher latness numbers
In conclusion, one has a choice between joints or cracks. You than they really need. A higher latness number will result
can reduce the effects of cracking by heavily reinforcing the in higher costs as more time, skills and effort is required
slab. But reinforcing does not prevent cracks. It merely holds to latten the loor. Before specifying a latness number,
them tight at best. Reinforcing is also expensive. One needs it is suggested that an acceptable existing loor be tested.
to consider the trade-offs carefully in design. Many, if not most, conventional warehouse loors can get
by with an FM2 speciication.

5. The myth of mesh

9. Joints at doorways through walls
There are a number of beliefs about mesh that are not
necessarily correct. The irst myth about mesh is that it will Joints where two separate slabs meet at doorways, such as
prevent cracking. This is not true. It merely holds the cracks at ire walls or into separate storage rooms (coolers, etc.),
tight, if properly placed. The second is that mesh adds com- are frequently found to be suffering severe spalling.
pressive strength to the slab, if properly placed. This is also Sometimes the cause is that this was a butted joint and
incorrect. The third is that the mesh can be properly placed never illed. In other cases, the designer used a pre-moulded
which may not be true in a number of cases. It may end up iller to isolate the two slabs. Both approaches are wrong
at the top of the slab where it may add to both the and inappropriate. If hard-wheeled vehicles will pass over
frequency of cracking and the surface width of your this junction, an armoured joint should be provided. The
cracks. In light of this, a viable and increasingly popular most durable armouring is usually a precision engineered
alternative to mesh is steel ibres which are mixed into lat bar with anchor rods.
the concrete prior to placing and offer 3D reinforcing
throughout the depth of the slab. This is a simpler,
10. Properly specifying the loor
cost-effective and better solution.
joint illing
Floor joint illings should never be treated as an
6. Dowel the construction joints afterthought, something incidental to the actual loor.
The ideal loor is one where all slab panels work together in This thinking fails to recognise that:
unison as trafic passes over the joints. Construction joints • Because joints are an interruption in the surface, joint
create a total separation between panels, thus creating the illing must be considered a vital link in the
potential for one panel to delect under load while the loor surface.
adjacent panel stays up, resulting in joint edge spaIling. • Each joint is a potential impact point for the wheels
The use of dowels at construction joints can ensure that of material handling vehicles.
all panels work together under load. To be effective, • Since joints will continue to open for a year or two
dowels must be properly spaced and aligned and sleeved during the extended shrinkage period of the loor, joints
on one end to allow for joint movement. are in effect the most vulnerable part of the loor surface.
104 Information courtesy of CLF, specialists in concrete looring
and an AfriSam Group company.

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Here are a few critical points on loor joint illing that need 14. Inspect the inish grade
A well-compacted even grade is critical. The base must
• Joint illers should be speciied on the surface bed have no hard or soft spots, and no high or low points.
drawing and must make the distinction that loor joints Inconsistencies will cause sub-grade drag which will result
are to be illed, not sealed, where hard wheel trafic is in cracking. The best veriication of adequate inished
anticipated. grade is to proof-roll it with a heavy vehicle such as a
cement truck.
• To be effective as an edge protector, the iller must ill
the entire saw cut, taking advantage of the support
offered by the base of the saw cut. The design must 15. Start curing procedures promptly
clearly specify that the iller must be installed full-depth
Once the inishing is complete, the curing process should
with no compressible backer rod allowed and provide
begin immediately and be for at least seven days. Retention
proper details in structural drawings.
of moisture is critical in ensuring complete cement hydration
and yield stronger and more durable concrete. The concrete
should be remisted whenever the curing sheet is temporarily
NB: The illing of joints with the most expensive product
removed (for cutting, etc.) or as dictated by conditions.
on the market will cost you a fraction of what it costs to
repair a joint allowed to spall due to improper iller, not to
mention the downtime for repairs. Therefore, joint illing 16. Cutting of contraction
is the last place you want to cut corners.
(control) joints
The most dificult element in cutting is the timing. This is
Problems in the bidding phase: one prime example of the art/science equation as cutting
too early will cause joint edges to ravel while cutting too
11. Pre-qualify your main contractors
late may encounter other problems such as an already
It is recommended that contractors be pre-qualiied cracking slab, due to tensile stress brought about by
as mistakes may be costly. shrinkage. There are three critical things to remember
in the cutting operation:
• The timing should be such that the cut is clean, not
12. Hold a pre-bid conference
disturbing the adjacent aggregate.
The demands for quality, schedules, job conditions, • The blade should be appropriate for the aggregate
availability of good aggregate, specs and drawings, etc., through which it must cut.
should be made upfront to the shortlisted contractors. It is • The base plate of the saw must be replaced in strict
also important to heed to recommendations made and the compliance with the saw manufacturer’s instructions.
reasons for these. Failure to comply can result in micro-fracturing of the
joint edges.

Problems in the construction phase:

13. Hold a pre-construction conference
It is important to hold a site conference with all the role
players that will be involved in the job at least a week
before the job starts as a last opportunity to discuss job
conditions, mix design, schedules, pour sequence, light and
ventilation, temperature, access, curing, etc. This meeting
may include owners, designers, concrete contractors,
readymix suppliers, accessory suppliers (additives, joint
illers, etc.), the testing lab and any trades whose work
might interfere with or affect the loor placement.

Information courtesy of CLF, specialists in concrete looring 105

and an AfriSam Group company.

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17. Avoid premature loading on slabs • Provide in your specs a call-back top-up provision,
obligating us to return to the project six months after
Concrete does not usually reach its optimum compressive
occupancy to reill all voids that are credit card width
strength until 14 to 28 days. It is always wise to avoid or at
or greater; or
least minimise heavy loads (rack delivery, etc.) until the slab
has reached adequate strength. If access must be granted,
• Have a reilling separation as part of the maintenance
insist that material handling vehicles have pneumatic tyres.
All vehicles crossing the slab should wear ‘nappies’. In the
case of tilt-up construction, the push for access is intense.
If at all possible, keep readymix trucks and cranes off the
20. Use common sense in crack
loors and especially off panel corners.
There are very few slabs placed that do not have cracks.
18. Proper illing of loor joints Hairline, occasional cracks need not necessarily be of
concern, since aggregate interlock will keep the panel
Assuming specs and details have been properly prepared,
structurally suficient. If numerous cracks occur, or if
the next critical issue in joint illing is the timing. Concrete
cracks are wider than hairline, an evaluation is required.
will have signiicant shrinkage for a period of one to two
years. As shrinkage occurs, the joints grow wider. Thus, it is
One problem frequently experienced is the practice of illing
advisable to always delay joint illing until the last possible
cracks with a structural epoxy, with the idea of welding the
opportunity. Immediately after cutting, a temporary joint
slab back together. This procedure is often done by pressure
protector that remains in place for three to six months
injecting epoxy into drilled port holes. The problem is that
may be used and also serves to minimise the amount of
the crack may still be active. Welding an active crack is likely
iller-to-concrete separation that occurs.
to cause the development of a new crack adjacent to the
repaired one. If it can be avoided, structurally welding any
After timing, the most critical element in illing is the depth
crack (or joint) is not advisable.
of the iller. A iller is most supportive of loads when the
iller itself is supported by the bottom of a saw cut. Surveys
indicate that more than 70% of all projects suffer cheating
in the iller installation.

Another important issue is the inished proile of the iller.

Since one goal in illing is to avoid impact points, a iller
should be inished lush with the loor surface. This is best
achieved by over-illing, allowing the iller to cure into a
solid, then shaving the iller off lush with a razor.

19. Provide for correction of iller

No matter how long one is able to defer your iller installation,
iller-to-concrete separation may still occur. This is because
iller that is irm enough to support trafic cannot be lexible
enough to accommodate signiicant joint opening. There
are two basic means to provide correction of separation:

Information courtesy of CLF, specialists in concrete looring

106 and an AfriSam Group company.

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Applicable speciications For road stabilisation:

Improved CSIR: Developed method: Determination
ASTM C494 / C494M -11: Admixtures
of the Initial Consumption of cement required for road
BS EN 1992-1-1 2004: Structural use of concrete
Part 2: Code of practice for special circumstances
TMH1 Method A1(a): The wet preparation and sieve
(replaces BS 8110)
analysis of gravel, sand and soil samples
SANS 878:2012: Readymixed concrete
TMH1 Method A2, A3 and A4: Determination of the
SANS 1083:2006: Aggregates from natural sources –
liquid limit, plastic limit, plasticity index and linear shrinkage
Aggregates for concrete
of soils
SANS 1090:2009: Aggregates from natural sources –
TMH1 Method A7: Determination of the maximum dry
Fine aggregates for plaster and mortar
density and optimum moisture content of gravel,
SANS 2001-CC1:2012: Construction works
soil and sand
Part CC1: Concrete works (structural)
TMH1 Method A8: Determination of the California
SANS 10100-1:2000: The structural use of concrete
Bearing Ratio of untreated soils and gravels
Part 1: Design
TMH1 Method A13T: Determination of the Unconined
SANS 10100-2:1995: The structural use of concrete
Compressive Strength of soils and gravels
Part 2: Materials and execution of work
TMH1 Method A716T: Determination of the Indirect
SANS 50197:2000: Cement. Part 1: Composition,
Tensile Strength of soils and gravels
speciications and conformity criteria for common cements
Part 2: Conformity evaluation
SANS 50450:2011: Fly Ash for concrete
Part 1: Deinitions, speciications and conformity criteria
Part 2: Conformity evaluation
SANS 51008:2006: Mixing water for concrete: Speciication
for sampling, testing and assessing the suitability of water,
including water recovered from processes in the concrete
industry, as mixing water for concrete
SANS 53263:2011: Silica Fume for concrete
Part 1: Deinitions, speciications and conformity criteria
Part 2: Conformity evaluation
SANS 55167:2011: Ground granulated blast furnace slag
for use in concrete, mortar or grout
Part 1: Deinitions, speciications and conformity criteria
Part 2: Conformity evaluation

Test methods
SANS 5860:2006: Concrete tests – Dimensions, tolerances
and uses of cast test specimens
SANS 5861:2006: Concrete tests
Part 1: Mixing fresh concrete in the laboratory
Part 2: Sampling of freshly mixed concrete. Part 3: Making
and curing of test specimens
SANS 5862:2006: Concrete tests – Consistence of freshly
mixed concrete
Part 1: Slump test
Part 2: Flow test
Part 3: Vebe test
Part 4: Compacting factor and compaction index
SANS 5863:2006: Concrete tests – Compressive strength
of hardened concrete

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Hardened Concrete
Characteristic strength, drying shrinkage, creep, modulus of elasticity, permeability and
resistance to chemical attack are hardened and time-dependent properties of concrete
that may inluence structural performance.

Structural performance may be described in terms of:

• Strength
The ability of the structure to withstand load.

• Serviceability
The ability of the structure to provide a comfortable, aesthetic environment when
used for intended functions.

• Durability
The time for which the structure is serviceable, and the maintenance required for
it to remain serviceable.

Inluencing structural
performance and

The ability of a structure to withstand load does not necessarily imply that the structure
will fulill its function.

Therefore, serviceability (quantiied in terms of the deformation and displacement

of structural elements) and durability are important additional performance criteria.

This section describes how AfriSam cementitious materials and aggregates inluence the
hardened and time-dependent properties of concrete. Cement chemistry is integral to the
processes taking place in concrete during initial hydration and throughout and beyond
the initial 28-day hardening period. We deine the various factors involved and describe
the test methods used to obtain accurate test results. Recommendations are made for
estimating these properties for structural design purposes.


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Compressive strength
The compressive strength of concrete is the most common Compressive strength test method
measure for judging not only the ability of the concrete
(SANS 5863)
to withstand load, but also the quality of the hardened
concrete. Test results obtained from compressive strength Test specimens are crushed between two platens in a
tests have proved to be sensitive to changing mix materials hydraulic press. The rate of load application inluences the
and mix proportions, as well as to differences in curing and compressive strength results and is speciied at a uniform
compaction of test specimens. rate of 0.3MPa/s ± 0.1MPa/s.

• Compressive strength is deined as: The mode of failure is primarily in tension. Satisfactory
ƒc, N/mm2 or MPa = P (normal) modes of failure are shown in Figure 24.
where: Note: All four faces are cracked approximately equally,
P = load to failure, N generally with little damage to the faces in contact with
A = cross-sectional area, mm2 the platens.

• Characteristic strength (ƒck) is deined as the value for The shape of the crushed specimen is a good indication
the compressive strength of concrete below which not of whether the test was conducted in accordance with
more than 5% of the valid test results obtained on the speciication.
concrete cubes of the same grade should fall.

Normal failure
For example, a concrete with characteristic strength of
30MPa has a 95% probability of achieving 30MPa and
more, and a 5% probability of being less than 30MPa.

• A valid test result is the average result obtained from Abnormal failure
the testing of three test specimens of concrete in
accordance with SANS 5863.
T = Tensile crack

• Speciied strength normally refers to the characteristic Figure 24: Modes of failure
strength and is indicated on design drawings or project
speciications. An unsatisfactory (abnormal) failure may indicate that the
platens are not parallel, the cube is not square or the faces
• Target strength (ƒck) is the compressive strength that of the cube are not lat. The concrete areas in contact with
is aimed at ensuring that the concrete meets the the platens must be plane, parallel to each other and at
characteristic strength requirement. It is obtained using right angles to the y-axis of the specimen.
the formula:
An unsatisfactory failure may give a suspect result, and
ƒct = ƒck + 1.64 x standard deviation (SD) indicates a deviation from standard procedure.

(SD) is dependent on the degree of control at the An accurate representation of the strength of cast concrete
concrete production facility. can only be obtained when cubes have been prepared and
tested in a controlled manner as prescribed in relevant
In South Africa, project speciications refer to characteristic standard test methods.
strength, which is derived from statistical analysis of 28-day
compressive strength test results. Experience has proved See also Guidelines to preparing cubes or refer to SANS
that when a structure is designed for a certain characteristic 5861-2 and SANS 5861-3.
strength, e.g. 30MPa, and the 28-day characteristic
compressive strength test results meet that requirement,
the structure will in all probability be able to withstand
the appropriate design loads.


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Factors inluencing • Admixtures

compressive strength Chemical admixtures may change the rate of strength
development of concrete, and may inluence 28-day
The most signiicant factor inluencing compressive
compressive strength. It is recommended that the
strength is the amount of cement in the mix, relating to
admixture supplier is involved in selection of the
water:cement ratio (W/C). The lower the W/C, the higher
appropriate product, and that trial mixes are carried
the strength for similar other materials.
out using the speciic admixture/s. See also The use
of admixtures in concrete (Concrete).
Other factors include the amount of mineral component
in the cement and/or mix inluencing the rate of strength
gain, and the quality of the aggregate used as well as the
use of admixtures.
Compressive strength development
with time
• Water:cement ratio (W/C) Structural design and associated speciications normally
Mix designs for concrete with different compressive refer to 28-day compressive strength. However, early
strengths are based on predetermined ratios between strength, e.g. 7-day compressive strength test results, may
water and cement. Most concrete used in practice is be used to predict 28-day strength.
designed with a W/C between 0.45 and 0.7.
The compressive strength of concrete one to three days
• Mineral components after placing is important for structures where early loading
Cement containing mineral components is is expected, fast-track construction is required or early
recommended for use in all concretes to enhance demoulding or stripping of shutters is necessary. In these
durability. Mineral components such as GGBFS and cases, not only the 28-day strength, but also the early
FA are used to enhance the sulphate and chloride required strength is a consideration when choosing
resistance of concrete, preventing expansion and cement type and W/C.
reducing attack on reinforcing steel. Mineral
components, especially CSF, also improve the If the concrete does not comply with speciied strength at
impermeability of concrete preventing ingress of 28 days, or there are reasons to doubt that it will, e.g. very
aggressive substances into the concrete. low ambient temperatures on-site, the engineer may decide
to evaluate the concrete strength at a later age, typically
For more detail, see The use of GGBFS and CSF in 56 days.
concrete (Concrete) and Durability.

• Aggregate Process control

Aggregate is often not considered in strength
The principle elements in process control include:
prediction. However, the use of inferior aggregate
• Identifying the properties of suitable raw materials and
which may be weathered, soft and contain deleterious
monitoring these properties.
substances may result in the predicted strength not
• Proportioning these materials to give concrete of the
being achieved.
required quality in the fresh and hardened states.
• Identifying process variability to allow correct target
The use of good quality concrete aggregate from
strengths to be achieved.
AfriSam may be beneicial for achieving higher than
• Acceptance control and criteria for compressive
predicted strength. It has been proved that the use
strength test results.
of AfriSam Newcastle dolerite, Zeekoewater felsite,
• Adequate sampling and testing.
Pietermaritzburg dolerite and Eikenhof andesite has
• Statistical evaluation of results.
resulted in higher strength when compared to
• Corrective action in the event of non-compliance.
aggregate from other sources at the same W/C.

For effects of aggregate type on creep, shrinkage and

modulus of elasticity, see Deformation of concrete.


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• Acceptance control and criteria for Table 40: Sampling frequency and
test results acceptance criteria
Acceptance control testing is generally carried out on
behalf of the customer by an external laboratory to Speciication SANS SANS SANS
conirm the effectiveness of the readymix producer’s 1200-G 10100-2 878
quality control system, see Table 36.
One One N/A
Sampling frequency sample sample
When compressive strength test results do not meet
per per
the above requirement, the concrete from which the
50m3 50m3
samples were taken may not necessarily be weaker
than required. The fault may lie elsewhere, and the Acceptance criteria
steps shown in Figure 25 may be taken to investigate • No individual
result below 3MPa 3MPa 3MPa
the cause. characteristic
strength by more
See also Guidelines to preparing cubes (Concrete) or refer than:
to SANS 5861-2 and 5861-3.
• Mean of three
results must 2MPa 2MPa 2MPa
Predicting compressive strength based exceed
on raw materials and mix proportions strength by:
Prior to concreting, trial mixes are conducted to ensure that
the proposed on-site mix proportions and the properties
of the raw materials to be used will produce concrete that
complies with the requirements of the speciication. It is,
however, possible to obtain an approximate strength when
the relationship between W/C and strength is known for
a given set of materials. Figure 26 shows typical 28-day
compressive strengths.

Is the concrete that was delivered and placed the

speciied grade?
Check that the delivery note details match the
discharge and sampling point.

Are the mix porportions correct? Solve the identiied problem, adjust the mix proportions
Check batching records and compare with approved if necessary, then consider the following options to deal
mix designs. with the suspect concrete:
• Evaluate the 56-day compressive strength.
• Re-evaluate the stresses in the concrete.
• Drill cores to establish strength and evaluate in
Was sampling, curing and testing carried out in accordance with SANS 2001:CCI.
accordance with the appropriate standard test • Conduct a load test in accordance with SANS
methods? 2001:CCI.
By an accredited laboratory?

Were quality materials used? Involve the suppliers.

Figure 25: Investigating low compressive strength results


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Monitoring concrete strength • Proportioning materials to provide concrete with

different properties in the fresh and hardened state.
It is common practice to use at least two cementitious
materials, two ine and coarse aggregate products and
• Production processes.
more than one admixture. To control the combined
effects imparted to concrete by all these constituents, • Sampling and testing: Between batches of concrete
comprehensive quality control programmes are essential. made with identical proportions of the same raw
materials, there will be some inherent and acceptable
The main factors affecting the quality of concrete relate variation in quality. Any quality control system employed
primarily to: should be able to quickly detect unacceptable deviations
• Control of an increasing number of raw materials. in order to initiate effective corrective action.

• The use of different materials with differing concrete-

making properties.

Compressive strength (MPa)









Age (days)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30


(V-L) 42,5R (L) 52,5R (V-S) 42,5R 42,5N A 42,5N

Figure 26: Typical compressive strength of AfriSam cements vs age


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Deformation of concrete
Deformation and structural integrity Components of deformation
Concrete deforms due to elastic, creep, shrinkage and Elastic strain occurs instantaneously upon loading and is
thermal strains. The effect of concrete deformation on the recoverable when the load is removed.
integrity of the structure will depend on the ability of the
structure to tolerate deformation occurring over time. Creep and shrinkage strains are time-dependent and are
In general, deformation may cause excessive delection, not completely reversible.
cracking, loss of prestress of structural elements, buckling
of long columns and excessive joint movements. The components of deformation are illustrated in Figure 27.

These detrimental effects can be minimised if the structural

designer allows for the elastic, creep and shrinkage potential
of the concrete.

Load Unload

Elastic recovery
Time-dependent strain

(basic - Creep recovery
drying creep)

Residual creep


Initial elastic
strain Shrinkage
Elastic strain


Figure 27: Components of deformation

Mathematical model considering factors that inluence time-dependent

properties, e.g. relative humidity, size of members and concrete properties.

Shrinkage, creep and elastic

Veriied by laboratory test data
modulous prediction

Test method Structural design

Figure 28: Relevance of laboratory data to

114 structural design

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Factors inluencing the deformation Table 37 summarises these factors.

of concrete
AfriSam has commissioned four research programmes
The magnitude of elastic, creep, shrinkage and thermal
since 1989 to assess the effect of our materials on the
strains in concrete is inluenced by intrinsic factors relating
deformation of concrete. The relevance of this research is
to raw materials and mix proportions, and extrinsic factors
to provide the structural engineer with more appropriate
relating to the environment the concrete is exposed to, and
prediction values for local concretes. The process of
the loading the structure has to resist.
validating and calibrating is illustrated in Figure 28.

Table 41: Signiicant factors inluencing deformation

Elastic Creep Shrinkage Thermal

Cement type
Moisture content
Aggregate properties and content
Level of applied stress
Duration of load
Age of loading
RH and temperature
Rate and time of drying
Member geomentry and size
Dependent on Load Load and Environment

Applicable Not Applicable


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Deformation: Modulus of elasticity
The modulus of elasticity of a material is deined by the The dynamic modulus is roughly equal to the initial tangent
slope of the stress:strain curve. The higher the elastic modulus, and is therefore higher than the static modulus of
modulus, the more resistant the material is to deformation. elasticity. The approximate relationship between static and
Concrete is not a perfectly elastic material and therefore the dynamic modulus are given in BS 8110-2 as:
stress:strain curve indicates a varying elastic modulus (the
slope of the tangent). Ec = 1.25Ecq – 19

Such an estimate for static modulus will generally be


us correct within ± 4GPa. However the relationship may vary

M depending on the aggregate type used in the concrete.


l ta



Test methods

• Static modulus
There is no SANS standard test method to determine
the static elastic modulus of concrete and therefore
either BS 1881-121 or ASTM C469-02 methods are
used. The tests determine initial tangent modulus

(Young’s) as well as the secant modulus corresponding


to one-third of the compressive failure stress.


The test involves loading a concrete prism at a constant

rate and recording the load (stress) and deformation
(strain) of the specimen. Several load cycles to one-third
of the compressive strength are carried out to reduce
Figure 29: Typical stress:strain curve
the effects of creep and small shrinkage cracks on the
results. A stress:strain curve is obtained from which the
• Young’s modulus or initial tangent modulus
modulus of elasticity is determined.
The initial linear part of the curve.

• Tangent modulus
The slope of the tangent at an arbitrary strain.

• Secant modulus or static modulus of elasticity

The strain corresponding to a given stress. The value
is normally determined by testing, where the stress is
equal to one-third of the compressive stress. The value
depends on the rate of load application.

• Dynamic modulus
The modulus of elasticity determined by electrodynamic
testing. This test is more convenient to carry out than
static modulus testing.

Figure 30: Static modulus test


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• Dynamic modulus Figure 31 indicates this relationship for AfriSam

Dynamic modulus refers to the modulus of elasticity Aggregate, where concretes with similar compressive
determined by an electrodynamic test method described strengths but with different aggregates have signiicantly
in BS 1881-121 in which the irst natural mode different E-values.
frequency of the longitudinal vibration of a standard
test beam is measured. The longitudinal vibration • Cement types
subjects the beam to very small stresses and the release Elastic modulus does not differ greatly in concretes
is rapid; the effects of creep are therefore negligible. when using mineral components proportioned for the
same 28-day strength. Kearsley concluded that GGBFS
The modulus of elasticity is calculated by multiplying the content does not have a signiicant effect on the
irst natural mode frequency by the mass of the elastic deformation for concrete and that the effect of
specimen and a correction factor for size and shape the aggregate type was more signiicant. The report
of the member. was based on an investigation with AfriSam Cement
and Aggregate.
Ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) may also be used
to determine dynamic modulus, where the density
Eikenhof andesite
of the concrete and Poisson’s ratio are known.
This test method has limited practical value. Jukskei granite

Factors inluencing modulus of elasticity Verulam tillite

• Aggregate type
Rooikraal dolerite
The modulus of elasticity is mainly inluenced by the
stiffness of the aggregate and its volume concentration. Ferro meta-quartzite

Strength of the concrete is not per se an inluencing

factor, and the relationship between modulus of quartzite
elasticity and compressive strength is determined by
the aggregate. dolomite

35% GGBFS Measured E-value, GPa

55 Olifantsfontein
dolomite 21% GGBFS
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Static elastic modulus, GPa

Figure 32: Modulus of elasticity using cements
dolerite containing 35 and 21% GGBFS
andesite Prediction of modulus of elasticity
40 metagrywacke Table 1 in SANS 10100 presents the relationship between
compressive strength of concrete and modulus of elasticity.
Witwatersrand The values in the table were derived from:
35 quartzite
Jukskei granite Ec28 = Ko + 0.2 ƒcu, 28
30 Ladysmith
slitstone where:
Ec28 = static modulus of elasticity at 28 days
25 ƒcu, 28 = characteristic cube strength, MPa
Ko = a constant closely related to the modulus of
Compressive strength, MPa
elasticity of the aggregate (taken as 20 kN/mm2
20 30 40 50 60 65 for normal-density concrete)

Figure 31: Static elastic modulus vs compressive

strength of concrete for 3 to 28 days

Click to return to contents page.

This approach was adopted from BS 8110-2. Alexander et
Eikenhof dolomite
al adapted the equation for South African aggregate based
on a comprehensive study on AfriSam aggregates and their Jukskei granite
effects on modulus of elasticity: Coedmore
E = K’o + αƒcu
Verulam tillite

where: Rooikraal dolerite

E = static modulus of elasticity at 28 days for
particular age being considered, GPa Ferro meta-quartzite

ƒcu = characteristic cube strength, MPa, corresponding quartzite

to the age considered


K’0 = a constant related to the stiffness of the Calculated Static modulus elasticity, GPa
aggregate, GPa Measured
0 10 20 30 40 50

α = a strength factor, also related to the aggregate

characteristics, GPa/MPa Figure 33: Measured vs calculated E for
concretes with 35% GGBFS
Table 38 shows recommended factors for K’ and α
suitable for estimating E for design purposes for AfriSam

Kearsley conirmed the validity of the factors for K’ and

α for concretes containing 21 and 35% GGBFS for most
of the aggregate from the earlier mentioned sources.
The difference between the modulus of elasticity calculated
using the equation on the previous page and the factors
recommended in Table 38, and the measured E-values are
indicated in Figure 33 for concretes containing 35% GGBFS.

Speciication of modulus of elasticity

In structural applications where the accurate prediction
of modulus of elasticity is critical, the engineer should
consider the use of an AfriSam Aggregate with a known
prediction factor.

For special design requirements, the engineer must take

into account the properties of the aggregate type that is
economically obtainable and where necessary verify the
E-values of the concrete to be used.

See also AfriSam Aggregate.


Click to return to contents page.


Table 42: Values for estimating E for design purposes

Design value, Design value,

3 to 28 days 6 months or older
Aggregate source and type
K‘0 α K‘0 α

Coedmore quartzite 19 0.3 30 0.15

Eikenhof dolomite 29 0.2 35 0.2

Ferro meta-quartzite 17 0.4 31 0.2

Jukskei granite 20 0.2 31 0.1

Ladysmith dolerite 20 0.4 37 0.2

Ladysmith siltstone 21 0.5 27 0.1

Newcastle dolerite 22 0.4 38 0.15

Olifantsfontein dolomite 24 0.45 41 0.25

Peninsula meta-greywacke 24 0.25 31 0.2

Pietermaritzburg dolerite 18 0.3 29 0.15

Rheebok granite 21 0.25 34 0.1

Umlaas Road tillite 20 0.35 29 0.2

Witwatersrand quartzite* 18 0.25 33 0.1

Zeekoewater felsite 23 0.3 27 0.25

*Witwatersrand quartzite = Reef quartzite


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Deformation: Thermal movement
Thermal movement may be deined as the expansion or
Table 43: Coeficients of thermal expansion
contraction of concrete due to changes in temperature.
The coeficient of thermal expansion is the relationship Design value,
between thermal movement measured in microstrain and Aggregate source and type
3 to 28 days
change in temperature, measured in °C.
Coedmore quartzite 9.5
The importance of the thermal properties of concrete
Eikenhof dolomite 9
depends on the type of structure and on the degree of
exposure to which the concrete is subjected. Thermal Ferro meta-quartzite 11.9
expansion inluences the movements of joints in concrete
structures and needs to be considered in joint design. Jukskei granite 8
This is of vital importance in structures that are subject
Ladysmith dolerite 8
to extreme temperatures.
Ladysmith siltstone 7.5
The building of nuclear reactors has greatly increased
research into the thermal behaviour of concrete at high Newcastle dolerite 7.5
temperatures. At the opposite extreme, South Africa has
Olifantsfontein dolomite 9
major cryogenic storage facilities with temperatures well
below minus 100°C. Peninsula meta-greywacke 10
Pietermaritzburg dolerite 7.5
Factors inluencing thermal Rheebok granite 9.5
Aggregate type and moisture content of the concrete Umlaas Road tillite 9
are the main factors affecting the thermal movement Witwatersrand quartzite* 11
of concrete.
• Aggregate type
Zeekoewater felsite 9
The thermal performance of concrete is strongly *Witwatersrand quartzite = Reef quartzite
inluenced by that of the aggregate from which
it is made. The coeficient of thermal expansion
• Moisture content of the concrete
concrete using AfriSam Aggregates varies from
Partially-moist concretes have coeficients of expansion
7 to 12 microstrain. In general, aggregate with high
considerably higher than completely dry or saturated
quartz content has the highest coeficient of thermal
concretes. The explanation of this lies in the thermal
expansion and so do concretes made with quartzite.
properties of the cement paste, with a maximum
Andesites and dolerites have the lowest coeficients
coeficient at some intermediate moisture content,
of expansion.
and lower coeficients in both the saturated and the
dry state.
Table 39 indicates the coeficients of thermal expansion
for normal concretes made with AfriSam Aggregate.
Some failures of concrete have been attributed to
These values are recommended for design purposes.
continued cycles of temperature changes, wetting,
drying and setting up internal stresses between the
Generally the greater the aggregate volume, the lower
aggregate and the paste. However, in general, most
the coeficient of thermal expansion. However, for
hardened concrete is able to resist severe exposure
aggregate volumes between 60 and 80% representing
conditions to such cyclic variations.
the normal range of concretes, aggregate volume is
not signiicant.


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Deformation: Drying shrinkage

Drying shrinkage is the shortening of concrete elements 2. An alternative natural drying test is also conducted
with time due to the evaporation of water from the by research facilities, usually performed in conjunction
hardened cement paste. with creep tests. Concrete specimens are dried in a
controlled environment of 65% ± 5% relative humidity
Shrinkage is measured in terms of strain, which and 22°C ± 2°C. The shrinkage movement is measured
is deined as: over a period of 60 days or longer.

α = Δl This test is similar to shrinkage tests prescribed by the

l American Society of Testing and Material (ASTM C157/
where: C157 N–92) and the Australian Standard (AS 1012.13).
Δl = change in length
l = original length

Strain is dimensionless and is expressed in terms of The interpretation of test results

microstrain or percentage: 1 000 microstrain or 0.1%
SANS 10100-2 states that potential shrinkage may be
represents a movement of 1mm per linear metre.
determined by using SANS 6085.

Drying shrinkage is a long-term process that typically occurs

However, a study initiated by AfriSam proved that this test is
over a period of up to 30 years. The rate of shrinkage
unable to account for the effect of different aggregate and
depends on the rate of drying, which is inluenced by the
cement types in concrete. Concretes made with different
volume-to-surface ratio of the concrete element and the
aggregate and cement types were tested in accordance
drying environment. The potential shrinkage that may occur
with the shrinkage tests described above, and the results
depends on mix materials and proportions.
were compared. The natural drying test results were used
as a basis of comparison because this concept is accepted
Unrestrained shrinkage is generally not problematic.
internationally, both as an indication of structural
However, in most concrete structures shrinkage is
performance and to calibrate prediction models used for
restrained by stiff concrete walls or columns, adjacent
long-term shrinkage prediction.
concrete elements or by the ground. The concrete will
crack to accommodate the movement, and deformation
of the element will occur.

Structures must be designed to take into account and

accommodate the movement that occurs as a result of
shrinkage, creep, elastic and thermal strains.

Test methods
In South Africa, two test methods are used to determine
potential drying shrinkage:

1. SANS 6085 initial drying and wetting expansion of

concrete is based on drying concrete specimens at
50°C to 55°C, and at 15% to 25% relative humidity.
The test takes approximately three weeks to complete
and is terminated when two consecutive readings,
taken at 48-hour intervals after an initial drying period
of seven days, do not differ by more than 2µm per
100mm specimen.


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The results of the comparison between the two test Factors inluencing shrinkage
methods are presented in Figures 34 and 35. The results
Shrinkage is caused by drying, therefore factors that
of SANS 6085 do not correspond to those of the natural
contribute to the drying of concrete such as relative
drying tests, neither in terms of ranking the shrinkage
humidity, size and shape of the concrete member will
performance of the concretes nor of relative shrinkage.
inluence shrinkage.
It is therefore recommended that the consultant takes care
Shrinkage is also inluenced by the concrete mix
when using SANS 6085 to compare the shrinkage
proportions and materials.
of different concretes or to predict the long-term shrinkage
as the interpretation of the result may be problematic.
The following relates to the inluence of AfriSam
materials on potential drying shrinkage.
• Aggregate type
Jukskei granite
AfriSam commissioned three different studies between
quartzite 1994 and 2003 to assess the effect of aggregate from
different AfriSam operations on concrete drying
Verulam tillite
shrinkage. The results of these investigations are
Eikenhof andesite represented in Table 40 and graphically in Figure 36,
expressed as a percentage of the shrinkage of
Klipheuwel sand
Witwatersrand quartzite. This aggregate was chosen
Ferro as a reference because the aggregate has been used
in structural concrete for many years.

SANS 6085 Percentage of the shrinkage of Scoops quartzite Table 44: Effect of aggregate type on
drying shrinkage
Alternative test
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Figure 34: Relative shrinkage of concrete with of shrinkage in
aggregate from different sources Range Aggregate type comparison with that
of Witwatersrand

70/30 FA Ferro meta-quartzite

Ladysmith dolerite
than 60 – 80
Olifantsfontein dolomite
CCBFS average
Rooikraal dolerite
CEM Eikenhof andesite
I 42,5 Jukskei granite
SANS 6085 Percentage of the shrinkage of Scoops quartzite
Klipheuwel sand with
Alternative Average 80 − 100
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Newcastle dolerite
Rheebok granite
Figure 35: Relative shrinkage of concrete with Verulam tillite
different cements Zeekoewater felsite

Coedmore quartzite
Ladysmith siltstone
than 100 and more
Pietermaritzburg dolerite
Umlaas Road tillite


Click to return to contents page.


Ladysmith slitstone • Aggregate content

Coedmore quartzite The total volume of aggregate in a mix is a signiicant
dolerite factor in drying shrinkage. The higher the volume
Umlaas Road tillite of aggregate, the lower the shrinkage. Figure 37
Jukskei granite indicates the relationship between W/C, aggregate
quartzite content and shrinkage.
Zeekoewater felsite
Verulam tillite

Eikenhof andesite
Newcastel dolerite od

Rheebok granite n


l ta
Klipheuwel sand


Ferro meta-quartzite

Ladysmith dolerite
Rooikraal dolerite

Kearsley, 2003
Percentage of the shrinkage of
Alexander, 1994 Witwatersrand quartzite lus

Badenhorst, 2003
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

Figure 36: Performance of concrete with


aggregate from different sources

Klipheuwel sand was used as ine aggregate
in conjunction with greywacke aggregate from
AfriSam Peninsula. Figure 37: Effect of W/C and aggregate
content on shrinkage
The igure indicates that aggregate type has a
signiicant inluence on the shrinkage of concrete • Cement type
and that historical performance may be useful in Cement has less effect than aggregate type.
predicting the potential shrinkage of concrete.
Although Coedmore quartzite and Ladysmith siltstone
shrink more than average, concrete using these
materials has been used successfully for all types of
structures and a range of compressive strengths.
Shrinkage, microstrain
See AfriSam Aggregate.
0 200 400 600 800
70/30 FA 50/50 GGBFS 79/21 GGBFS CEM I 42,5

Figure 38: Inluence of cement type and

aggregate on shrinkage


Click to return to contents page.

• Water content 30-Year 6-Month
shrinkage shrinkage x10-6
The effect of water content is illustrated in Figure 39. x10-6 for an for an effective
There is a general trend that an increase in water effective section section
thickness, mm of thickness, mm of
content results in an increase in shrinkage. However,
150 300 600 150 300 600
there is a signiicant amount of scatter in the results
between water contents of 180 litres/m 3 to 190 litres/m3. 300 100
400 300
On closer investigation of the aggregate types used in 175 40
these concretes, it is clear that concretes with similar 300 250
water contents may have signiicantly different 300 75.0
250 30
200 125
shrinkage, depending on the aggregate type used. 250 62.5
100 50.0
200 150
150 75
800 150 37.5
100 15
100 50
Shrinkage, microstrain

700 100 25.0 10

50 25
600 50 12.5 5

0 0 0 0 0 0
500 swelling

400 200 200 200 100 100 100

Ambient relative humidity, %
300 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Water:cement, litre per m3 Figure 40: SANS 10100-1 shrinkage prediction
160 170 180 190 200 210 220
Note: The model is applicable to concrete of normal
Jukskei granite, Eikenhof andesite, Klipheuwel sand, workability, made without water-reducing admixtures and
Scoops quartzite, Verulam tillite.
an original water content of 190 litres/m3. Where concrete
Olifantsfontein dolomite, Coedmore is known to have a different water content, shrinkage
Ferro meta-quartzite quartzite
values are regarded as being proportional to the water
content within a range of 150 litres/m3 to 230 litres/m3. The
Figure 39: Shrinkage vs water content model does not account for the effect of aggregate type.

SANS 10100 Parts 1 and 2 are currently under review

Shrinkage prediction with the intention of adopting EN 13670:2009
Most South African designers refer to the prediction Execution of concrete structures (British Standard).
model described in the concrete design code
SANS 10100-1 (adapted from BS 8110-1 design code) To improve shrinkage prediction, the adjustment factors
to predict long-term shrinkage. The code recommends shown in Table 41 may be used to take into account the
consulting specialist literature for shrinkage prediction effect of aggregate type.
for highly shrinkage-sensitive structures.

The six month and 30-year shrinkages are determined

from a nomogram that accounts for the effects of
effective section thickness and ambient relative humidity
(see Figure 40).

Effective section thickness for uniform sections is

deined as twice the cross-sectional area divided
by the exposed perimeter.


Click to return to contents page.


Table 45: Aggregate adjustment factor Furthermore, it is valid for concrete that is cured for at
least one day. Model parameters were not developed
Aggregate source Adjustment factor, aa for special concretes containing various admixtures or
mineral components. However, if the model is calibrated
Coedmore quartzite 1.76
with experimental data, it may be applied outside the
Eikenhof andesite 1.28 ranges given.
Ferro meta-quartzite 0.89

Jukskei granite 1.42 Speciication of shrinkage

Klipheuwel sand; The effects of excessive shrinkage may be detrimental to
Peninsula 1.17
structural performance. Shrinkage limits for shrinkage-
sensitive structures should be speciied.
Olifantsfontein dolomite 0.91

Verulam tillite 1.28 However, the use of performance-based speciications,

where maximum limits of shrinkage in terms of
microstrain or percentage are speciied, is not
recommended as veriication in performance
Adjustment factors were derived from two data sets, from is problematic.
samples dried for a relatively short drying period, i.e.
250 days. To limit the risk of excessive shrinkage for shrinkage-
sensitive structures within economic sense, it is
recommended that:
1. At concept design stage, the structural designer and
Alternative prediction model
the material specialist assess the shrinkage (and creep
As an alternative to the model described above, the RILEM and modulus of elasticity) characteristics of the
prediction model has proved to be more accurate than the materials available in the project area.
SANS 10100-1 model, even without an adjustment for
aggregate type. It is applicable for: 2. The material specialist is vigilant in material selection.
• Reinforced concrete beams, frames and slabs with Aggregate type has a signiicant inluence on the
spans under 20m. components inluencing deformation. A reduction in
• Plain concrete footings. the water content of a concrete mix or the blending of
• Retaining walls. materials may assist in dealing with an aggregate source
• Prestressed beams or slabs of spans up to 20m. with high shrinkage potential.
• High rise frames up to 100m.
3. Structural design and specifying engineers utilise the
The model is restricted to concrete with the knowledge available relating to the hardened and
following parameters: time-dependent properties of different concretes,
and allow for these in their design parameters.
• Compressive strength between 17MPa and 70MPa.
• W/C between 0.35 and 0.85.
• Cement content between 160kg/m3 and 720kg/m3.


Click to return to contents page.

Deformation: Creep
The ability of concrete to creep imparts a degree of Creep consists of two components:
ductility to concrete that enables it to tolerate the normal • Basic creep
range of structural deformations encountered in practice.
The creep that occurs under conditions where there
Creep provides a structure with the ability to redistribute
is no drying.
excessive stresses.

• Drying creep
Without the ability to creep, concrete would simply be
The additional creep that occurs when the loaded
too brittle for use in the majority of structures. However,
concrete is drying.
creep also may have detrimental effects such as increased
delection resulting in cracking, loss of prestress, and
To be able to compare the creep of concretes loaded to
buckling of slender columns.
different stress levels and for computational purposes,
the following expressions have been derived:
It is therefore important that the designer takes the
necessary steps to allow for creep in the design of • Speciic creep Cc
concrete structures. Creep strain per unit ofapplied stress.

Cc = εc
Deinition α
Creep is deined as the increase in strain (deformation)
under a sustained stress (load). When loaded, concrete • Creep factor or creep coeficient F
experiences an instantaneous elastic strain, which is Deined as the creep strain divided by the initial
recoverable. In addition, an inelastic creep strain takes elastic strain.
place that is only partially recoverable (see Figure 41).
Φ = εc
Specimen under load No load εe
Strain per N/mm2




εe = σ

Et is the elastic modulus of the concrete on

loading, therefore:

20X10-6 Φ = Cc Et
Elastic strain

Age, months
Test methods
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Creep is usually determined by measuring the change in
Figure 41: Typical strain vs time curve for strain with time of a specimen subjected to a constant
concrete subjected to constant load stress and stored under appropriate conditions.
followed by load removal
There are no South African or British standard test methods
for testing creep. As several different forms of creep
apparatus have been used by the Universities of Pretoria,
Cape Town and the Witwatersrand to test the creep
properties of different concretes, it is often dificult to
compare the results of studies conducted at different times
and at different testing facilities.


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Factors inluencing creep • Cement paste content

A 1% increase in cement paste by volume will result in
Creep of concrete is load induced, and is inluenced by
approximately a 5% increase in creep. This is applicable
factors associated with the application of load and the
for concretes with a cement paste volume of 28 to 40%.
ability of the concrete to withstand the load.

The cement paste volume is inluenced by the aggregate

The potential of the concrete to creep is determined by
content of the mix: the greater the aggregate content,
mix materials and proportions of the concrete. The cement
the lower the cement paste content.
paste creeps, and the role of the aggregate is to:
• Reduce creep by diluting the cement paste. • Cement type
• Restrain creep by mechanical means. The type of cement inluences the strength development
• Stress:strength ratio. of concrete. A high stress:strain ratio could potentially
• Creep is linearly proportional to the stress:strength result if the concrete is loaded at an early age and the
ratio as shown in Figure 42. cement has a slow rate of strength development.

1000 Kearsley characterised the speciic creep (creep strain

per unit applied stress) of concrete with AfriSam
Creep 10-6

cements containing 21% and 35% GGBFS for different

aggregate types, and has concluded that the higher
GGBFS content resulted in slightly increased long-term
creep (see Figure 43).


Jukskei granite
400 quartzite
Vogels quartzite
Rooikraal dolerite

Eikenhof andesite
Verulam tillite
Stress:strength ratio, % meta-quartzite
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percentage of Vogels quartzite
95% 75% 32%
2003 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Figure 42: Relationship between applied Figure 43: The effect of GGBFS on creep
stress and concrete strength

As an example, 45MPa concrete stressed at 15MPa would

have approximately the same creep as 30MPa concrete
stressed at 10MPa, provided the concretes have the same
cement paste content.


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• Aggregate type The difference in the results of the two studies may
The inluence of AfriSam aggregate on the creep be attributed to:
properties of concrete was determined by Alexander • Differences in stress:strain ratios.
and Kearsley in separate studies. • Different ages at loading.
• Time period under load.
Both Alexander and Kearsley concluded that aggregate • The use of different cements.
type has a signiicant effect on creep. However, the
relative performance of different aggregate types
differed in the two studies. Kearsley found that Prediction of creep
Olifantsfontein dolomite had the lowest creep and Due to the complex nature of factors that inluence creep,
Jukskei granite the highest, whereas in the prediction is at best imperfect. Several different creep
Alexander study Jukskei granite performed best and prediction models have been developed and are available.
Ladysmith dolerite worst. The results are illustrated
in Figures 44 and 45. Different types of structures require different levels
of accuracy and therefore the designer should establish
an appropriate prediction model based on the speciic
Ladysmith dolerite
structural problem and the information available
Eikenhof andesite
at design stage.
Ladysmith siltstone To incorporate the mix materials and proportions of
Zeekoewater felsite concrete, the speciic creep vs time curves obtained from
meta-quartzite long-term testing (conducted by Kearsley) or those shown
Piertermaritzburg in Figure 46 could be used to verify the accuracy of the
Witwatersrand prediction model selected.
Peninsula greywacke

Rheebok granite 250


Speciic creep,

Newcastel dolerite 200

Jukskei granite
Percentage creep relative to Witwatersrand quartzite 150
1994 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 100

Figure 44: Effect of aggregate


Time drying and loaded, days

1 10 100 1000
Jukskei granite
Vogels quartzite Figure 46: Speciic creep vs time curve
Rooikraal dolerite

Eikenhof andesite

Verulam tillite Speciication for creep

meta-quartzite It is impractical to specify maximum limits for creep,
Olifantsfontein as creep testing is a long-term process.
Percentage creep relative to Vogels quartzite
Kearsley, Long-term test results require careful interpretation and
2003 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
it is best to consult an expert in the ield.
Figure 45: Effect of aggregate type on
concrete containing 21 and 35%
GGBFS (Olifantsfontein dolomite)


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The durability of a structure may be deined as the time • Minimum cover can be achieved by allowing for
period for which the structure can satisfactory fulill the reinforcement bending and shutter tolerances.
function for which it was designed and constructed. • Practical methods of concrete compaction are taken
into account at design stage.
• Inclusions of embedded services, e.g. downpipes in the
Factors inluencing durability centre of concrete columns are taken into account.
The following factors are of equal importance in inluencing
In addition, concrete mix proportions and raw materials
the durability of a concrete structure:
must be selected to ensure that:
• Design and detailing of structural elements.
• The slump of the concrete and maximum aggregate
• Construction practices, workmanship and supervision.
size is appropriate for the placement method and
• Concrete raw materials and mix proportions.
shutter arrangement.
• The environment to which the concrete is exposed.
• Bleeding is limited.
• No segregation occurs between aggregate and cement
The achievement of structural durability requires rigorous
paste during placement.
attention to detail by the designer, contractor, supervisory
• The mix is stable enough to limit grout loss.
engineer and materials engineer. Even if the highest
• Workability is retained long enough for placement
possible grades of concrete are supplied, the structure will
of concrete.
only be durable if good practice prevails in all phases of the
• Strength gain is acceptable for the type of application.
building project.
• Speciied strength is achieved.
• Drying shrinkage and creep are not excessive.
To illustrate this point, a concrete structure in a marine
environment, built of concrete with the potential to be
Finally, during construction ensure that:
dense in the hardened state, will only be durable if,
at design and detailing stage, attention is paid to the • The mixing process results in homogenous concrete.
following factors: • Placing and compaction of concrete achieves near-to-
complete consolidation.
• To accurately predict cracking, concrete properties
• Shutters are sealed to prevent grout loss.
such as shrinkage and creep that are considered in
• Cover to reinforcement is achieved within
the design relate to the properties of concrete materials
allowable tolerances.
available locally.
• Concrete is adequately cured and protected, which
• Member shapes complicating concrete compaction and
means the loss of moisture from the concrete is
thin concrete sections are to be avoided.
prevented at all times while the concrete is hardening
• Ponding of water is prevented. Rain- and seawater
in its early life.
is to drain away from the structure.
• No ingress of water may occur into joints.
See also Handling concrete on-site (Concrete).
• Correct curing times and methods are speciied.
• Detail reinforcement to limit cracks and crack widths.
• Reinforcement is properly and simply detailed with the
steel ixer in mind. Concrete is durable when the movement of aggressive
chemicals within its structure is minimised, i.e. the concrete
must be dense and impervious, with minimal cracking.


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Deterioration of concrete • Sulphates normally present in ground water may
attack the concrete. Depending on the concentration
Concrete deteriorates with time due to one or more of the
of sulphates and the permeability of concrete,
following factors:
sulphate attack may result in spalling and corrosion of
• The ingress of chlorides, oxygen, water and carbon reinforcement, internal cracking and strength reduction.
dioxide, resulting in corrosion of reinforcing steel with
subsequent loss of load-bearing capacity and unsightly • Other forms of chemical attack.
concrete spalling and cracking.
• Wearing of the surface of the concrete due to abrasion,
• Disruptive expansions that occur within the concrete erosion or cavitation.
due to reactions that take place between the alkalis in
the cement and certain minerals in some aggregates.

Concrete Design Environment

Cementitious & Joint detailing Alkali aggregate reaction

aggregate properties

Steel detailing Chemicals

Mix properties Rain- and seawater

Adequate to steel

Homogenous Wet/dry cycles


Control of bleed

Construction Time

Good site practice Erosion, cavitation,


Place & compact

adequately Corrosion of steel

Good surface inish Sulphate ingress

Minimal defects Cracking and spalling

Adequate curing Carbonation depth

Figure 47: Schematic representation of factors affecting durability of concrete


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Durability: Minimising the risk of corrosion

Corrosion of reinforcing steel occurs when the protective However, further research is required. AfriSam is, on an
layer of ferric oxide, which forms when reinforcing steel ongoing basis, actively involved in characterising our
embedded in concrete (pH 12.5 to 13.5) is depassivated materials in terms of these tests. For more information
and suficient oxygen and moisture are available to cause contact the AfriSam Centre of Product Excellence.
corrosion. Depassivation of the steel occurs due to:
• Carbonation: loss of alkalinity of the concrete, caused
by the ingress of CO2. Oxygen permeability
The D’Arcy coeficient of permeability is determined by
• Migration of ions (usually chloride) towards the surface placing 70mm diameter by 30mm thick oven-dried
of the embedded steel. concrete samples (representing the cover layer of
concrete) in a falling head permeameter (see Figure 48).
The risk of corrosion may be reduced by: The samples are obtained either from cubes made in the
• Minimising the ingress of chlorides, carbon dioxide, laboratory or cores drilled from structural elements.
water and oxygen into the concrete. These ions are
transported into the concrete by diffusion, gas
permeation or water penetration.

• Increasing the migration distance to the steel,

ie providing adequate cover to steel.

Testing potential durability

The resistance of the concrete to ingress and transport
of ions and molecules differs for concretes made with
different cementitious materials and aggregate, and at
different water:cement ratios. Resistance to ingress is
improved by adequate compaction and curing.

Test methods have been developed to characterise the

Figure 48: Oxygen permeability test
transport properties of concrete. In South Africa, three
test methods developed by Alexander, Ballim, Mackechnie
The falling head permeameter applies an initial pressure
and Streicher are used to characterise oxygen permeability,
to the concrete sample and allows the pressure to decay
water sorptivity and chloride conductivity of the outer
with time. The pressure decay with time is measured and is
(cover) layer of concrete. The results of the tests are
converted to a linear relationship between the logarithm of
expressed as index values.
the ratio of pressure head vs time, from which the D’Arcy
coeficient of permeability (k) is determined.
These test results may be used to:
• Control the quality of site concrete. The coeficient of permeability (k) is a clumsy exponential
• Optimise concrete mixes for durability. number and therefore is simpliied by deining the oxygen
• Specify durability based on performance. permeability index (OPI):
• Predict long-term performance.
OPI = -log10 k


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Water sorptivity
Through the action of capillary forces, luid is drawn into
porous, unsaturated material. The amount of water drawn
into the concrete under capillary suction is determined by
carrying out a water sorptivity test.

The test faces of oven-dried concrete samples, 70mm

diameter by 30mm thick representing the cover layer of
concrete, are placed in a few millimetres of water. The
test face represents the side of the sample that would be
exposed to wetting and drying cycles.

At regular intervals the specimens are removed from the

water and the mass of water absorbed is determined by
weighing the sample. Measurements are stopped before
saturation is reached, and the concrete is then vacuum Figure 49: Water sorptivity test apparatus
saturated in water to determine the effective porosity
(see Figure 49).

A linear relationship exists between the mass of water

absorbed and the square root of time. The sorptivity index
is determined from the slope of the straight line produced.

Chloride conductivity
Diffusion is the process during which liquid, gas or ions
move through porous material under the action of a
concentration gradient. Diffusion occurs in partially or
fully-saturated concrete and is an important transport
mechanism for most concrete structures exposed to salts.

High surface salt concentrations are initially developed by

absorption. This salt subsequently migrates by diffusion
towards the low concentrations of the internal material. Figure 50: Chloride conductivity test apparatus

The chloride conductivity test (see Figure 50) is an

accelerated diffusion test using an applied potential
difference to accelerate migration of chlorides in concrete
to obtain quick results in the laboratory. Normally laboratory
samples are tested. The results of the test are related to
chloride ingress into the concrete.


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Selection of materials to
minimise corrosion

Improved resistance to
When specifying, selecting and producing concrete for CEM I 42,5N

water sorptivity
potentially aggressive environments, the following factors
should be taken into consideration: CEM I 42,5N
+ 9% CSF

• The environment to which the concrete is exposed.

CEM I 42,5N
• Locally available materials, including water. + 30% FA
• The construction method.
• The type of structure. CEM I 42,5N
+ 50% GCBS Strength, MPa
• Cement type: based on results of the durability tests
30 40 50
described above, cement type has a signiicant inluence
on potential durability of concrete. Figure 52: Sorptivity vs strength
• Aggregate type, which could have a profound inluence
on permeability.

The use of composite cement with appropriate compressive

Improved chloride resistance
strength reduces the probability of penetration of aggressive CEM I 42,5N
ions and molecules. Concretes containing Silica Fume (CSF)
perform particularly well. CSF increases impermeability and CEM I 42,5N
+ 9% CSF
GGBFS improves the chloride resistance of the concrete.
CEM I 42,5N
Figures 51 to 53 illustrate the relationship between + 30% FA

compressive strength and durability indices for concrete

CEM I 42,5N
with different mineral components. + 50% GGBS Strength, MPa

30 40 50
Other important concrete properties to consider with Figure 53: Chloride conductivity vs strength
regard to reinforcement corrosion are:
• Compressive strength.
• Bleeding.
• Drying shrinkage.

Bleeding channels and drying shrinkage cracks create

potential pathways for harmful ions and molecules and
may compromise the durability of a structure.
Improved impermeability

CEM I 42,5N

CEM I 42,5N
+ 9% CSF

CEM I 42,5N
+ 30% FA

CEM I 42,5N
+ 50% GCBS Strength, MPa

30 40 50

Figure 51: OPI vs strength


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Speciication of durability indices to Durability requirements are generally project-speciic,
with minimum values for compliance given in the
minimise the risk of corrosion
project speciication.
Limits for durability index values indicated in Table 42 were
suggested by Alexander et al to classify concrete in terms Durability indices are not the only parameters that have
of durability, i.e. minimise corrosion of reinforcing steel. to be considered when writing a speciication to ensure
The minimum values were based on controlled laboratory durable concrete. Other equally important concrete
studies and site data. parameters are drying shrinkage, creep and compressive
strength and good construction practice. The optimisation
of all these concrete parameters with the materials available
Table 46: Suggested ranges for durability in the area of construction is needed to ensure that the
classiication potential durability is achieved.

Durability OPI, log Sorptivity, Conductivity, See also Specialty products (Readymix).
class scale mm/-h mS/cm

Excellent >10 <6 <0.75

Good 9.5 - 10 6 -10 0.75 - 1.5

Poor 9 - 9.5 10 -15 1.50 - 2.5

Very poor >9 >15 >2.5


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Durability: Sulphate resistance

Magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium sulphates The concrete
occur naturally in soil, groundwater, seawater, salt deposits, Where sulphates cannot be prevented from reaching
lakes and pans. Sulphates are also found where sulphur, the structure, the actual concrete must withstand
sulphuric acid and sulphates are used and/or produced sulphate attack.
in industrial processes.
Based on trials and ield experience in the United States and
Concrete in contact with sulphate solutions deteriorates, the United Kingdom, the following factors affect the ability
because sulphates enter the concrete by diffusion and of concrete to withstand attack:
chemically alter the hydration products of the cement.
• Cement type
New chemical compounds are formed, causing expansion
which results in spalling, cracking and deterioration of Sulphate-resistant cement or cement containing
the concrete. GGBFS and Fly Ash will help give durable structures
in conditions of moderate severity, but none of these
cements are immune from attack in low-quality
Testing for sulphate resistance concrete.

Testing concrete to assess resistance against sulphate • Chemical composition of the cement
attack is done by submerging concrete prisms in high
The C3A content of the cement inluences the resistance
concentration sulphate solutions and determining the
of concrete to sulphate attack. Cements with lower C3A
loss in mass with time. This is a long and cumbersome
contents are more resistant than cements with high C3A
exercise, and the results give only a relative indication
content, and BS 4027 speciies a maximum C3A content
of the resistance of different concretes.
of 3.5%.

• Use of composite cement

Factors inluencing sulphate attack
In South Africa, cements containing high-quality FA are
The environment used to produce concrete immune to sulphate attack.
Environmental factors that inluence the severity of GGBFS is less effective than FA, and replacement levels
sulphate attack on concrete include: must be at least 70% before any signiicant sulphate
resistance is imparted.
• The concentration and nature of the
sulphate present • Cement content
Magnesium sulphate at a concentration of less than The higher the cement content, the more resistant
0.5% is more detrimental than sodium sulphate. the concrete is to attack. Requirements for speciic
However, at a concentration of 5%, the effect of both minimum cement content depend on the concentration
sulphates is similar. of sulphates and the type of cement.

• The level of the water table and seasonal variation • Concrete quality
Concrete permanently submerged in a sulphate solution To effectively resist sulphate attack, concrete must be
is less at risk than concrete subjected to wetting and fully compacted and properly cured.
drying cycles.
See Concrete.
• The low of groundwater and soil porosity
The sulphate content of the soil (contained in the soil or
draining from it) is important in maintaining or increasing
the sulphate content of the groundwater. Groundwater
sulphate content can be determined by analytical
methods conducted by an accredited laboratory.


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Speciication of sulphate-resisting Construction in sulphate
concrete environments
In addition to specifying appropriate parameters for
Once the severity of (potential) exposure has been
concrete construction in sulphate environments, take
established, an appropriate prescriptive speciication
the following precautions:
for sulphate-resistant concrete can be put in place.
• Drain water away from the structure.
The speciication should refer to ive • Avoid thin concrete sections.
critical components: • Provide at least 75mm cover to all reinforcing.
1. Cement type.
2. Minimum cementitious contents.
3. Water:cement ratio.
4. Adequate curing of concrete.
5. Adequate monitoring of concrete strength.

Table 47: Speciication of cementitious material available in South Africa for sulphate-resistant
concrete, based on recommendations of BS EN 1992-2

Requirements for dense fully

Concentration of sulphates expressed as SO3
compacted concretes

In soil Type of Minimum

cement cement Maximum
SO3 in 2:1
Total In groundwater, content, free w:c ratio
SO3 g/L kg/m3
extract, g/L

CEM I Plain concrete 250 0.7

1 <0.2 <0.1 <0.3
300 0.6
Reinforced concrete

330 0.5
2 0.2 - 0.5 1.0 - 1.9 0.3 - 1.2 CEM II B-V
310 0.55

combinations containing
3 0.5 - 1 1.9 - 3.1 1.2 - 2.5 70% min or 90% max 380 0.45
GGBFS, or 25% min and
40% max FA

330 0.5
Cement containing at
4 1-2 3.1 - 5.6 2.5 - 5
least 50% FA
370 0.45

Cement containing at
5 >2 >5.6 >5 least 50% FA with a 370 0.45
protective coating


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Durability: Alkali-aggregate reaction

Alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR) is the disruptive expansion If AAR has been conirmed, it is necessary to evaluate
and cracking that may occur in concrete as a result of both the ability of the structure to withstand load, and
reaction taking place between alkalis and aggregate. the potential serviceability and durability of the structure.
Expert advice should be obtained to determine the severity
Deterioration of the concrete takes place only when all of the problem.
three of the following adverse conditions exist:

• Suficient alkalis are present in the mix. Factors inluencing AAR

• The aggregate is potentially deleteriously reactive.
The following factors may inluence the potential
• Environmental conditions promote the reaction,
for AAR:
eg water is present.
• Alkali content
AAR is also known as Alkali-silica reaction (ASR). The total amount of alkalis present in concrete will
determine the severity of the reaction.

At a pH of <13, potential for AAR is zero even if all Cement contains soluble alkali salts that enter the pore
of the above conditions exist. solution very early in the hydration process, and these
alkali hydroxides are available to participate in AAR.
With the introduction of composite cements containing Although cement is the predominant source of alkalis,
GGBFS and FA, the risk of AAR is signiicantly reduced, reactivity of a particular mix is actually dependent on
regardless of the type of aggregate used in concrete. the alkali content of the concrete, rather than just that
of the cement component. Studies carried out indicate
that expansion does not usually occur, even with a
Diagnosis of AAR potentially reactive combination and in the presence
of moisture, unless the concrete alkali content and
Indications that AAR may have occurred in concrete are:
the soluble or reactive alkali component of cement
• Expansion exceeds 3kg/m3.
Closure of expansion joints, spalling, off-setting and
warping of structural members and pavements are Concrete mixes containing more than 350kg/m3
evidence that expansion has taken place. may be more likely to cause expansion when used
in combination with reactive aggregate.
• Cracking
The most obvious manifestation of the reaction. The alkali content of cementitious materials is indicated
Unrestrained concrete typically shows map-pattern in terms of Na2O equivalent, i.e. % Na2O + (0.658 x
cracking. Cracks in columns tend to run vertically, % K2O). When the Na2O equivalent is higher than a
and cracks in retaining walls horizontally. fairly arbitrary igure of 0.6%, disruptive expansion
may occur, provided that the other contributing factors
• Presence of gel are present.
Drops of resinous gel may be observed on concrete
surfaces. Values for alkali content indicated in Table 44 apply to
AfriSam cements; the values should not be universally
• Discolouration applied to other similar cement types from other
Dark discolouration giving the impression of permanent sources. Note that these igures are total alkali
dampness is commonly observed along the edges of contents; the soluble or reactive alkali component may
cracks. Light-coloured zones may also border cracks. be considerably lower.

• Dampness
Damp patches on the surface are sometimes seen.


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AfriSam composite cements in the 32,5 and 42,5 strength Table 49: Reactivity of AfriSam Aggregate
classes contain mineral components (GGBFS, FA or
limestone). These cements have signiicantly lower reactive Aggregate source
Reactivity potential
alkali content than CEM I cements. and type
Coedmore quartzite
Eikenhof andesite
Table 48: AfriSam cements total Na2O
Ferro meta-quartzite
equivalent, averaged over
January to December 2012 Jukskei granite
Not deleteriously reactive
Olifantsfontein dolomite
Cement RHC, SHC, APC, EBC, Pietermaritzburg dolerite
operation % % % %
Rheebok granite

Brakpan 0.43 0.53 0.56 - Zeekoewater felsite

Dudield 0.47 0.48 0.56 - Potentially deleteriously

reactive at an alkali
Peninsula meta-greywacke
Roodepoort 0.47 0.51 0.58 0.71 content of 2.1kg Na2O
equivalent/m3 of concrete
Swaziland - 0.62 0.59 -

Ulco - 0.60 -

The CSIR made the following general recommendations

• Admixtures for Na2O equivalent/m3 of concrete for potentially reactive
aggregate from different sources to ensure a conservative
Chemical admixtures may also contribute to the
margin of safety:
total alkali content in concrete. Consult the suppliers
to obtain the Na2O equivalent for their products. • Quartzites of the Table Mountain group (Cape
Supergroup) in Natal are not all non-reactive. Use a
• Aggregate value of 2.8kg Na2O equivalent/m3 of concrete.
Most AfriSam Aggregate products are not deleteriously
reactive. Aggregate from some operations was assessed • All Witwatersrand Supergroup quartzites should be
by the CSIR National Building Research Institute as only regarded as suspect. Use a value of 2kg Na2O
potentially reactive (see Table 45). However, even equivalent/m3 of concrete.
potentially reactive aggregate can safely be used in
most circumstances without any special precautions. • All Malmesbury Shales/Hornfels/Meta-greywackes
in the Western Cape should be regarded as suspect.
Certain preventive measures may be required only
when the cement content of the proposed concrete • Granites of the Cape Granite Suite are not all
is high and the environmental conditions are poor. non-reactive. Use a value of 4kg Na2O equivalent/m3
of concrete.
Table 45 applies to aggregate from the sources
indicated and should not be universally applied.
• Environment
Concrete structures exposed to luctuating conditions of
Concrete that is well-protected and dry, may be used moisture content and temperature, continual dampness
with any aggregate complying with SANS speciications or continuous cycles of wetting and drying over a long
regardless of the alkali content of the mix. period are vulnerable to AAR.

It has been suggested that the relative humidity of

concrete must be in excess of 75% or 85% for
deleterious reaction to occur.


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Minimising the risk of AAR

In considering the possibility of alkali aggregate reactivity, Example 2: Calculation of maximum cement content
see Figure 54. The following steps will assist the user in for concrete with AfriSam High Strength Cement and
choosing materials for concrete. AfriSam Witwatersrand quartzite

• Calculating alkali content • The Na2O equivalent of AfriSam High Strength Cement
Alkali content/m3 of concrete, contributed by cement = ex Swaziland is 0.51% (see Table 44).

Cement content of concrete, kg/m3 • Witwatersrand quartzite is potentially reactive at an

x Na2O equivalent of cement alkali content of 2.4 Na2O equivalent kg/m3.
Cement content =
Alkali content/m3 x 100
Example 1: Calculation of alkalis for concrete with
Na2O equivalent
AfriSam All Purpose Cement ex Roodepoort

= 2.4 x 100
• The Na2O equivalent of AfriSam All Purpose
Cement ex Roodepoort is 0.58% (see Table 44). 0.51
= 471kg/m
• The cement content for normal structural concrete
is generally between 270kg/m3 and 380kg/m3, This cement content is above that normally used in concrete,
so assume a cement content of 380kg/m3. therefore no deleterious reaction would be expected. If the
cement content was higher or the concrete was subjected to
Alkali content from above equation = moisture, the use of FA would be recommended.
380 x 0.58
= 2.2kg/m3
Specifying cement to prevent AAR
To prevent deleterious expansion when using alkali-reactive
aggregate, the cementitious binder should contain a
Assuming that the cement is the only contributor to
minimum of the following materials, by mass:
alkalis in the concrete mix, this cement may be used with
aggregate from any AfriSam Aggregate operation as the • 40% GGBFS, or
concrete alkali content is below the 3kg/m3 threshold. • 20% FA, or
• 15% CSF.

If the Na2O equivalent of the CEM I portion of the cement

exceeds 1%, the extender content should be increased
to 50% GGBFS or 30% FA.


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Determine potential reactivity of the rock Reactive Determine Na2O equivalent of cement,
type, Table 45 Table 44

Determine Na2O equivalent of admixture,

from supplier

Na2O equivalent less than in Table 44

Determine total alkali content for known
AAR not likely
cementitious content

Na2O equivalent
Reconsider mix materials and proportions: more than in
• Extend cement further with GGBFS or FA Table 44
Reassess AAR potential • Obtain aggregate from another source
• Consider means of reading the cementitious content
• Pay attention to detail to limit the risk of ingress
of moisture

Figure 54: Assessing materials

Durability: Resistance to acid attack

All concretes are vulnerable to varying degrees to attack by However, these measures alone may not ensure the
acids. Acids erode the surface of the concrete by dissolving durability of the concrete. Depending on the cost and
the cement paste and calcareous aggregates (if these are the required enhancement of service life, other measures
used). In general, the higher the concentration of acid, the may include:
greater the degree of attack.
• Surface protection
It is generally recommended that GGBFS- and FA-cements The surface of the concrete can be protected either
are used in applications where concrete is subject to acid by using a coating or by providing a waterproof
attack. However, in a review of concrete behaviour in acidic barrier. Common coatings include rubberised
soils and groundwater, it was found that the quality of the bitumen emulsions and epoxy resins.
concrete was more important than the type of cement used.
• Sacriicial layer
Speciications for concrete exposed to acid attack refer This involves providing an additional layer
to minimum cement contents, maximum W/C, adequacy of concrete that can be attacked by the acids
of curing and quality control measures. present without sacriicing structural integrity.
This layer is in addition to the nominal cover
See also Sulphate resistance. to reinforcement, i.e. additional to the minimum
cover plus the margin for site workmanship.
Recommended cement contents are between 320kg/m3
to 400kg/m3 and maximum W/C should be 0.4 to 0.5, Sacriicial layers can be up to 50mm in depth,
depending on the aggressiveness of the acid. depending on the potential severity of attack
and the intended service life.


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Applicable speciications
BS EN 1992-1-1 2004: Structural use of concrete
Part 1: Code of practice for design and construction
Part 2: Code of practice for special circumstances
(replaces BS 8110)
BS 4027:1996: Speciication for sulfate resisting Portland
SANS 2001-CCI:2012: Construction works Part CC1:
Concrete works (structural)
SANS 10100-1:2000: The structural use of concrete
Part 1: Design
SANS 10100-2:1995: The structural use of concrete
Part 2: Materials and execution of work

Test methods
AS 1012.13-1992/AMDT 1-1993: Methods of testing
concrete − Determination of the drying shrinkage of
concrete for samples prepared in the ield or in the
ASTM C157/C157N-92: Standard test method for length
change of hardened hydraulic-cement mortar and concrete
ASTM C469/C469-10: Standard test method for static
modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio of concrete
in compression
BS 1881-121:1983: Testing concrete. Method for
determination of static modulus of elasticity in compression
SANS 6085:2006: Concrete tests − Initial drying shrinkage
and wetting expansion of concrete


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AfriSam (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd Engineering Council of SA
www.afrisam.com www.ecsa.co.za

Aggregate and Sand Producers Association German Cement Works Association (VDZ)
of South Africa (ASPASA) www.vdz-online.de
Institute of Concrete Technology UK (ICT)
American Concrete Institute (ACI) ict.concrete.org.uk
National Home Buildings Registration
American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA) Council (NHBRC)
www.acpa.org www.nhbrc.org.za

Association of Cementitious Materials Portland Cement Association (PCA)

Producers (ACMP) www.cement.org
SA Institute of Architects (SAIA)
British Cement Association (BCA) www.saia.org.za
South African Bureau of Standards (SABS)
Building Research Establishment (BRE) UK www.sabs.co.za
South African Post Tensioning Association (SAPTA)
Cement and Concrete Association www.sapta.co.za
of New Zealand (CCANZ)
www.cca.org.nz South African Readymix Association (SARMA)
Committee of Land Transport Oficials (COLTO),
South African Institution of Civil Engineers South African Reinforced Concrete Engineers
www.civils.org.za Association (SARCEA)
Concrete Manufacturers Association (CMA)
www.cma.org.za The Concrete Centre UK
Concrete Society of South Africa
www.concretesociety.co.za The Concrete Institute
Concrete Society UK

Consulting Engineers of South Africa (CESA)


Council for Scientiic and Industrial Research (CSIR)



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Subject index
Condensed Silica Fume 83-84
Coring, guidelines 71
Corrosion of reinforcement 129
Abbreviations 146
Cracks 87-88
Acceptance criteria 110
Creep 124-126
Acid attack 138
Curing 80, 92
Admixtures 85-86
AfriSam Aggregate 32-51
AfriSam Cement 10-31, 91, 95
AfriSam Readymix 52
Deformation 112-126
Aggregate applications 41-50
Design factors 108, 114, 118, 119, 120
Aggregate production 38-39
Drying shrinkage 119-123
Aggregate products, properties 35-37, 40
Durability 119-131
Aggregates for concrete 41-44
Durability index 127
Alkali content, inluence on AAR 135
Dynamic modulus of elasticity 114
Alkali-aggregate reaction 135-137
All Purpose Cement 15
Application brands, concrete 56-60
Asphalt 48
Eco Building Cement 16
Eco Concrete Mix 60
Environmental issues 5-7, 13-20, 31, 60, 66
Batching by mass 73
Batching by volume 74
Bleeding 68
Fibre-reinforced concrete 62, 81
Builders Pride 12
Finishing 79
Flowcrete 61, 81
C Foundation Mix 57
Cement applications 13-20
Cement chemistry 26-28
Cement classiication 21 G
Cement manufacture 24-25 Ground granulated blast furnace slag 19-20, 25, 82
Cement speciications and requirements 21-23 Gypsum 25, 28
Cement type, inluence on concrete 67, 69, 107, 117
Cement, handling 29-31
Cement properties 13-20 H
Characteristic strength 100 Handling aggregate on-site 50
Checklist, pre-concreting 76 Handling cement 29-31
Chloride conductivity 130 High Strength Cement 14
Clinker 25, 27 High-spec durability-grade concrete 61
Column Mix 57 Hydration 27-28, 80, 93
Compaction 96
Compressive strength 108-110
Concrete, fresh 65-67 M
Concrete, hardened 106-139 Mass concrete 93-94
Concrete applications 56 Materials safety data sheet, cement 138
Concrete in adverse temperatures 89-90 Materials safety data sheet, GGBFS 146-147, 149
Concrete industrial loors 91-92 Minimising cracking 87-88
Concrete masonry units (aggregates for) 44 Minimising risk of corrosion 129-132
Concrete test cubes 108 Modulus of elasticity 114-117
Concrete, handling on-site 76-81 Monitoring strength 108
Concrete production 72-75 145

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Occupational health and safety issues 8, 31, 50, 79, Target strength 100
80, 84 Technical assistance 38
Oxygen permeability 129 Test methods 31, 51, 97, 119, 139
Thermal movement 118

Placing 77 U
Plant locations, aggregate 34 Use of application brands in other applications 59
Plant locations, cement 11 Useful websites 144
Plant locations, readymix 54-55
Poolmix 62, 81
Portland cement, chemistry 26-28 W
Post Tension Mix 58 Water sorptivity 122
Pumping concrete 78-79 Workability 67-68

Quality control 3, 69-71 Abbreviations
Quality assurance 3
Quarrying 38-39
AAR Alkali aggregate reaction
R ACF Asphalt continuously graded ine
Rapid Hard Cement 13 ACI American Cement Institute
Readymixed concrete 52 ACM Asphalt continuously graded medium
Retainer Mix 57 ACMP Association of Cementitious Materials
Roadstab Cement 18 Producers
ACV Aggregate crushing value
Road layerworks 45-49
AFRs Alternative fuels and resources
Readymix services 63
ALD Average least dimension
APC All Purpose Cement
ASPASA Aggregate and Sand Producers
S Association of South Africa
Sampling aggregates 50 ASR Alkali silica reaction
Sampling concrete 71, 105 ASTM American Association for Testing
Self-compacting concrete 61, 81 and Materials
Shrinkage 119-122
Silica Fume 83-84
Site practice, effect on concrete 76-81 B
Slagment 19-20 B-BBEE Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment
Slump 12, 41, 57, 58, 60, 67, 79, 85 BRAC Bitumen rubber asphalt course
Soil stabilisation 18, 95-96 BRASO Bitumen rubber asphalt semi-open
BS British Standards
Specialty products, concrete 61-62
BTB Bitumen treated base
Speciications 31, 51, 97, 139
Speciied strength 100
Starmix 59
Static modulus 114
CBD Compacted bulk density
Stripping formwork, guidelines 58
CBR California bearing ratio
Sulphate resistance 133 CEN European Committee for Standardisation
Superplasticisers 85-86 COLTO Committee of Land Transport Oficials
Surfacebed Mix 57 CO2 Carbon dioxide
Surfacing, aggregates for 49 CO2e Carbon dioxide emissions
Suspended Slab Mix 58

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CPE Centre of Product Excellence
CSF Condensed Silica Fume N
CSI Cement Sector Initiative NBI National Business Institute
CSH Calcium silicate hydrate NQF National qualiications framework
CSIR Council for Scientiic and Industrial
CSR Coarse sand ratio O
CSR Corporate social responsibility OHSAS Occupational Health and Safety Association
OPI Oxygen permeability index

DCP Dynamic cone penetration P
DI Durability index PBFC Portland blastfurnace slag
DIY Do-it-yourself PC Portland cement
DME Department of Minerals and Energy PCB Polychlorinated Biphenyls
PI Plasticity index
PSV Polished stone value
E Modulus of elasticity
EBC Eco Building Cement R
EC European Commission RD Relative density
EC Electrical conductivity RHC Rapid Hard Cement

FA Fly Ash SABS South African Bureau of Standards
FACT 10% Fines aggregate crushing test SANAS South African National Accreditation Service
FEL Front-end loader SANS South African National Standard
FM Fineness modulus SEM Scanning electron microscope
SCC Self-compacting concrete
SD Standard deviation
G SGS Societe Generale de Surveillance
GGBFS Ground granulated blast furnace slag SP Superplasticiser

HSC High Strength Cement TEA Triethanolamine
HR-WR High range water reducer TSA Tri-sulphoaluminate
TSAF Tri-sulpho-alumino-ferrite
TCI The Concrete Institute

ISO International Standards Association
UNISA University of South Africa
UPV Ultrasonic pulse velocity
LAMBS Large aggregate mixes for bases and surfaces
LOI Loss on ignition
W/C Water:cement ratio
WBCSD World Business Council for Sustainable
MDD Maximum dry density
WESSA Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa
MPa Megapascal
WRI World Resources Institute
MSA Monosulphoaluminate
WWF-SA World Wildlife Foundation of South Africa


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Portland cement 7. Handling and storage

Standard regulations relating to storage premises and to
Material Safety Data Sheet (91/155/EEC)
sites where the product is handled and used.
1. Identiication of preparation and company
Preparation Portland cement 8. Exposure control − personal safety
name: (synonym: Cement) Personnel shall wear standard PPE, including gloves.
Normal Hydrating binder for concrete, mortar • Inhalation: Demarcate dust area with zebra lines.
use: and plaster
Wear dust masks where TLV is exceeded in line with
Company SANS 1455 and Govt Gazette 1200 of 22/10/89.
AfriSam (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd
registered name: • Eyes: Wear fully-sealing eye protection. Optional eye
Constantia Park, cnr 14th Ave and and dust shields.
Address: Hendrik Potgieter Rd, Roodepoort, • Skin: Wear gloves and long sleeves preventing
skin contact with product, and preventing
Telephone: 011 670 5500 undue perspiration.
• Ingestion: Do not eat in area exposed to cement.
The product includes ive main types of cement:
Ingestion in harmful quantities unlikely to occur.
• CEM I Portland cement
• CEM II Portland-composite cement
• CEM III Portland blastfurnace cement 9. Physical and chemical properties
• CEM IV Pozzolanic cement
• CEM V Composite cement Appearance Fine grey powder
Maximum particle size 0,1mm
2. Information on ingredients Density 2.3kg/litre to 3.8kg/litre
(Chemical formula:) Tri and di-calcium silicate. Speciic gravity and Dependent on amount of air
angle of repose in the material
Mobility Readily air-entrained
3. Hazard identiication
Negligible, but sticky
UN no.: None Solubility in water
when wet
Hazchem code: Awaited
NIOSH no.: W8770000 (RTECS) Melting point 1 500°C
Molecular weight Variable
Alkalinity pH 10 to 12
4. First-aid measures
Inhalation: Remove person to fresh air.
Contact with eyes: Wash with large volumes of water.
10. Stability and reactivity
Seek medical attention.
The preparation is unstable. Avoid contamination with
Contact with skin: Wash with water and
other materials which may render the product useless as
non-sensitising soap.
a binding agent. The surface of cement exposed to air
Ingestion: If ingested, drink plenty of water and consult
may harden to form a crust. Cement will dissolve slowly
a doctor immediately. Do not induce vomiting.
in acidic conditions. Store bags off the ground on pallets
in weatherproof shed. Shelf-life bags: 3 months. Discard
5. Fire-ighting measures cement with lumps that cannot be broken easily by hand.
Incompatibility with other materials:
Avoid moisture – hardens when wet.
6. Measures to be taken in the event of Hazardous decomposition: Nil
accidental spillage Hazardous polymerization: Nil
Safety precautions: Consult the safety measures listed
under sections 7 and 8.
Environmental safety precautions: Prevent any material
entering drains or waterways.


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11. Toxicological information 15. Statutory information
OEL total inhalable:10mg/m3 Inhalation: Exposure over long periods of time to very high
OEL respiratable dust: 5mg/m3 concentrations may cause cough with phlegm.
Summary of toxicology: Portland cement dust irritates Skin contact: Prolonged exposure could sensitise skin
the eyes and causes dermatitis. Prolonged exposure to causing mild irritation or dermatitis in extreme cases.
undeined mixtures of cement and other dusts have led Back strain: As bags are heavy, prevent back and neck
to reports of increased incidence of bronchitis and chest injuries by proper bending and lifting.
X-ray changes. Exposure to cement can cause chronic
conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and skin ulcers of the nose.
Repeated and prolonged contact can result in primary 16. Other information
irritant dermatitis of hands, forearms and feet, with Since the user’s working conditions are not known by us,
potential complications. the information supplied on this material safety data sheet
is based on our current level of knowledge and on national
Recommended medical surveillance for persons exposed to and community regulations.
Portland cement at potentially hazardous levels:
• Initial examination The product must not be used for any purposes other than
Complete history and physical examination to detect those speciied under section 1 without irst obtaining
pre-existing conditions for increased risk, and to written instructions.
establish base-line for future health monitoring, with
stress on examination of respiratory tract (14 x 17” It is at all times the responsibility of the user to take all
chest X-rays) and eyes. FVC and FEV (1 sec): Portland necessary measures to comply with legal requirements and
cement mixtures may cause signs of respiratory local regulations.
impairment. Persons with impaired pulmonary function
may be at increased risk from exposure: periodic The information given on this safety data sheet must be
surveillance is indicated. Skin: examine for evidence of regarded as a description of the safety requirements relating
chronic disorders. to our product and not a guarantee of its properties.

• Periodic/annual surveillance This MSDS supercedes all previous issues prior to:
March 2009.
of lungs for persons with impaired pulmonary function.
X-rays are necessary when indicated by results of
pulmonary testing, or by signs and symptoms of
respiratory disease. Contact the Poison Information Ground granulated
Centre at the Johannesburg General Hospital at
011 495 5112 all hours.
blast furnace slag
Material Safety Data Sheet (91/155/EEC)

1. Identiication of preparation and company

12. Ecological information
Preparation Portland cement
Aquatic toxicity to Fish daphnia, Algae: Non-toxic in small
name: (synonym: Cement)
quantities. Large quantities especially in static water will
Normal Hydrating binder for concrete, mortar
increase pH to >12, and pH changes may result in death of
use: and plaster
aquatic life.
AfriSam (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd
registered name:

13. Disposal considerations Constantia Park, cnr 14th Ave and

Address: Hendrik Potgieter Rd, Roodepoort,
Do not pour into drains or waterways. Gauteng
Telephone: 011 670 5500

14. Transport information

Packaging: 20kg and 25kg paper sacks; mini-bulk silos;
road and rail tankers.
No UN no.: Non-hazardous cargo in terms of the
IMDC code.
BC code: Appendix C cargo. 149

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2. Information on ingredients clothing and shoes. Cover irritated skin with an emollient.
Chemical formula: A complex mixtures of oxides and Wash clothing, clean shoes thoroughly before reuse. Seek
silicates, dependent on the process parameters: medical attention immediately, and show the container
or label.
Chemical CAS
% EC no. Classification
name no. Eye contact: Remove contact lenses, if any. Flush eyes with
plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical
7631- attention immediately.
amorphous, 38.5 231-545-4 Xi: R36
Calcium 1305-
0-31.4 215-138-9 Xi: R38, 41
oxide 78=8 5. Fire-ighting measures
Calcium 1344- Non-lammable.
0-31.4 2315-710-8 Xi: R38, 41
silicate 95-2
Alumina 12.4 215-691-6 Xi: R36/38
Magnesium 1309- 6. Measures to be taken in the event
10.5 215-171-9 Xi: R36/38 of accidental spillage
oxide 48-4
Manganese 1344- Safety precautions: Consult the safety measures listed
1.41 215-695-8 -
oxide 43-0 under sections 7 and 8.

Environmental precautions and clean-up: Use shovel to

3. Hazard identiication move material into a convenient waste disposal container.
The preparation is classiied as dangerous according Clean by spreading water on contaminated area and allow
to Directive 1999/45/EC and its amendments. to evacuate through the sanitary system. Prevent any
Classiication: Xi; R38, 41. material entering drains or waterways.
Additional hazards: None identiied.

Effects and symptoms 7. Handling and storage

Inhalation: Hazardous. Handling: Do not ingest or breathe dust.
Ingestion: Hazardous. Storage: Store in segregated and approved area. Keep
Skin contact: Hazardous (irritant/permeator). Skin away from incompatibles such as acids and moisture.
inlammation is characterised by itching, scaling,
reddening or, occasionally, blistering.
Eye contact: Hazardous (irritant). Inlammation is 8. Exposure control − personal safety
characterised by redness, watering and itching. PPE: Wear splash goggles, overalls buttoned to the neck
Aggravating conditions: Repeated or prolonged exposure and wrist, boots and gloves. In case of insuficient
is not known to aggravate medical condition. ventilation, wear suitable approved/certiied dust respirator
when ventilation is inadequate.

4. First-aid measures Engineering measures: Use process enclosures, local

Inhalation: Remove person to fresh air. If not breathing, exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to keep
give artiicial respiration. If breathing is dificult, give airborne levels below exposure limits. Where dust, fume
oxygen. Seek medical attention. or mist is generated, use ventilation.

Ingestion: DO NOT induce vomiting unless directed to Hygiene: Wash hands after handling and before eating,
do so by medical personnel. If unconscious, do not give smoking, using lavatory, and at end of day.
anything by mouth. Loosen tight clothing. Seek medical
attention if symptoms appear. Occupational exposure limits: OHSAS (Act 85 of 1993)
Hazardous chemical substances regulations 1995:
Skin contact: Immediately lush skin with plenty of water
for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated


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Silica, amorphous, TWA: 3mg/m3 (respirable)
12. Ecological information
fumed STEL: 6mg/m3 (inhalable) Exotoxicity of calcium oxide to trout: LC50: 7 hours,
Calcium oxide TWA: 2mg/m3 Exotoxicity of calcium oxide to mosquito ish: LC50:
24 hours, 240ppm.
Calcium silicate TWA: 10.5mg/m3
Not readily biodegradable, not expected to bioaccumulate.
Alumina TWA: 10.5mg/m3

Magnesium oxide TWA: 5mg/m3, STEL:10 mg/m3 13. Disposal considerations

In a landill in accordance with regulatory and statutory
Manganese oxide TWA: 5mg/m3
permission. Non-hazardous.

9. Physical and chemical properties 14. Transport information

Not regulated.
Amorphous solid, powder or
Colour Greyish white 15. Statutory information
Odour Odourless
Boiling/melting Hazard symbol:
Not known
point Irritant
Very slightly soluble in n-octanol.
Solubility Insoluble in cold/hot water, Risk phrases: R36/37: Irritating to eyes and
methanol and diethyl ether. respiratory system.
Octanol/water Safety phrases: S2: Keep out of reach of children.
More soluble in octanol
partition coeficient S46: If swallowed, seek medical attention and show
Alkalinity pH 5.76 (acidic) container or label.

10. Stability and reactivity 16. Other information

The product is stable. Since the user’s working conditions are not known by us,
Incompatibility with other materials: Reactive with the information supplied on this material safety data sheet
acids, moisture. Slightly reactive with oxidising is based on our current level of knowledge and on national
or reducing agents and organic materials. and community regulations.
Hazardous decomposition products: N/A.
The product must not be used for any purposes other than
those speciied under section 1 without irst obtaining
11. Toxicological information written instructions.
Skin and eye irritant. Sensitisation not suspected for
humans. It is at all times the responsibility of the user to take all
Routes of entry: Inhalation and ingestion. necessary measures to comply with legal requirements and
Target organs: Contains material which causes damage to local regulations.
blood, kidneys, lungs, upper respiratory tract, skin, nervous
system (CNC), and eye lens or cornea. The information given on this safety data sheet must be
Acute toxicity of silica: (amorphous, fumed): LD50 3 regarded as a description of the safety requirements relating
160mg/kg (rat, oral). to our product and not a guarantee of its properties.
Chronic toxicity: Repeated or prolonged exposure is not
known to aggravate medical condition. This MSDS supercedes all previous issues prior to:
Speciic carcinogenic, mutagenic, developmental or March 2009.
fertility impairment effects: No evidence of risk
in humans.


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AfriSam South Africa Pty (Ltd.)

PO Box 6367
Weltevredenpark 1715
South Africa
Telephone: 0860 141 141
e-mail: customer.service@za.afrisam.com

With the planet as one of our core values, we assess the

Compiled by AfriSam (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd carbon footprint of each and every one of our operations and
Published by Promise products while actively striving to drive down our impact on
the environment.

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