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The Determination of Available Phosphorus in Soil

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The Determination of Available

Phosphorus in Soil: A Quick and Simple

Article in OUSL Journal · October 2015

DOI: 10.4038/ouslj.v8i0.7315


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4 authors, including:

Christina Shanthi De Silva

The Open University of Sri Lanka


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OUSL Journal (2015)
Vol. 8, (pp. 1-17)

The Determination of Available Phosphorus in Soil: A

Quick and Simple Method

I. S. A. Koralage2, P. Weerasinghe2, N. R. N. Silva2 and

C. S. De Silva1
Department of Agricultural and Plantation Engineering, The Open
University of Sri Lanka
Horticultural Crop Research and Development Institute, Gannoruwa, Sri


The study attempts to develop a quick and a simple phosphorus (P)

testing method to get the idea about the P level in the soil for
farmers so that they may be able to decide the amount of
phosphorus fertilizer for their cultivation. Four new phosphorus
extraction methods were used which are Mogen’s method, distilled
water method, basify distilled water method and acetic acid method.
Extracted phosphorus was measured by Murphy and Riley
colorimetric method and correlated each method with the Olsen
method because Olsen method has grown in stature and reputation
over the years as the best and cheapest method suitable for mild
acidic to base soils. The significant correlations (r2) of Mogen
method, distilled water extraction method, basify distilled water
extraction method and acetic acid extraction methods with Olsen
method were 0.734, 0.585, 0.654, and 0.854 respectively. The acetic
acid phosphorus extraction method which has the best correlation
with the Olsen method was further simplified and its significant
correlation with the Olsen method was 0.855. Simplified acetic acid
method was the best simple P extraction method in the field level
test and the extracted P can be measured using the newly
introduced color chart in this study. Subsequently a field soil testing
kit was developed based on the results for the farmers to test the soil
phosphorus content by themselves before the cultivation and decide
on phosphorus fertilizer application.

1Correspondence should be addressed to Prof. C. S. De Silva, Department of

Agricultural and Plantation Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Technology, The Open
University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda, (Email: csdes@ou.ac.lk.)

I. S. A. Koralage et al

Keywords: Soil phosphorus, testing, fertilizer application, Olsen’s

method, Murphy and Riley method


Phosphorus is a major essential plant macro nutrient which is

needed for plant growth and development. Extensive cultivation of
vegetables and other crops along with natural hazards cause for
depletion of natural phosphate content in the soil. Therefore,
phosphate fertilizers have been used to overcome this depletion and
to enrich the respective soil.

Different types of crops may differ in their fertilize requirements.

Therefore, fertilizer recommendations are available for crop to crop
which were recommended by the Department of Agriculture for each
crop as per to the nutrient consumption of each crop. But the
majority of Sri Lankan farmers apply higher than the recommended
amounts of such fertilizer aiming for higher commercial benefits
through a well growth. Due to this over application, phosphorus in
some forms accumulates in intensive cropping lands which cannot
be taken up by the plants, thus, creating several environmental
problems. For soils, P fertilizer responsible in accumulating heavy
metals in intensive cropping lands (Allaway, 1971) and for water
ways, Phosphorous that is washed into waterways may lead to
eutrophication, which has serious health problems for both human
and animals (Rohlich et al., 1980).

Knowing the level of available P in farmland is very important to

manage the phosphorus supply by soils. Consequently, the most
important tool for such is a soil test which could be used for P
recommendations for the crop grown. Making site-specific fertilizer
recommendation will no doubt result in economical and
environmental benefits.

Soil analytical laboratories of Government Department of Agriculture

in Sri Lanka provide the service of soil phosphorus testing in general
which widely used Olsen’s method (Olsen et al, 1954) to extract the
available soil P from soils. Olsen’s method is most accurate method
for soils in the range of mild acidic to basic pH. Since farmers have
to travel far and handover their soil samples to soil testing
laboratories and to pay, they do not tend to get their soils analyzed
before cultivation. If there would have been a rapid and an easy
method for testing phosphorus in the soil outside of a laboratory, so
that farmers could test the soil, by even with the assistance of

The determination of available phosphorus in soil: A quick and simple method

Agricultural Instructors, such may iron out the constraints faced by


The simple and rapid methods have several benefits such as

reducing the time taken, skills, equipments and chemicals etc. Such
may in turn create more benefits for farmers through motivating
them to do soil testing without waiting for the result and to get the P
level in their soil they cultivate just before the starting the
cultivation enabling them to apply proper dose of P fertilizer.
Therefore, this study was undertaken to introduce a new, simple
and low cost soil phosphorus testing method which can determine
soil available phosphorus in-situ.

The fundamental goal of soil P testing has always been to identify

the “optimum” P concentration required for plant growth. The need
for additional fertilization or manuring, and the economic return on
an investment in P fertilizer, could then be predicted. Sims et al.,
(1998) stated that other objectives of soil P testing have been to: (i)
“index” the P supplying capacity of soils, thus estimating the time
before fertilization would again be required; (ii) group soils, in terms
of the likelihood of an economic response to P, based on their
physical and chemical properties; and, (iii) most recently, to identify
when soils are sufficiently excessive in P to contribute to non point
source pollution of surface and groundwater. Bray (1948) proposed
that an acceptable agronomic soil P test should have the following

• The soil test should extract all or a proportionate amount of

the plant-available P forms in soils with differing chemical
and mineralogical properties.
• The soil test should be accurate and rapid.
• The P extracted by the soil test should be well correlated with
plant P concentration, plant growth, and the response of the
plant to added P in forms of fertilizers or manure.
• The soil test should accurately detect differences in soil P
concentrations caused by previous fertilization or manuring.

Soil testing is a useful tool in making site-specific fertilizer

recommendation, will no doubt result in economic and
environmental benefits. During the past forty years, testing
procedures have been improved remarkably with greater emphasis
on precision and efficiency (Silva et al., 2007).

I. S. A. Koralage et al

Several soil tests are used to assess phosphorus availability. The

Ammonium bicarbonate - Diethelenetriaminepentaacetic acid
(NH4HCO3-DTPA) soil test for the simultaneous determinations of
available N, P and micronutrients was developed by Soltanpour and
Schwab (1977).

Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) soil test for phosphorus has been

used extensively. The experience in Britain is that extraction of soil
with sodium bicarbonate is generally the best method on which to
base advice to farmers on fertilizer used. In this method, 5 cm3 soil
(<2 mm) is extracted for 30 minutes with 100 cm3 0.5 NaHCO3
solution (pH adjusted to 8.5). After filtration the phosphate
concentration of the solution is measured calorimetrically and the
result is expressed as mg per liter of soil (Olsen et al., 1954).

Extractable Phosphorus in dilute solutions as CaCl2, saturation

extracts, and displaced soil solutions are useful indices of
phosphorus availability (Olsen and Sommers, 1982; Soltanpour and
Schwab (1977). However use of a CaCl2 solution is easier than the
use of displaced soil solution or saturation extract to measure
phosphorus availability. The CaCl2 extract approximates the
composition of the soil solution (Khasawneh et al., 1967).

Researchers have used Ethelenetriaminepentaacetic acid (EDTA) or

its salts for evaluating the nutrient status of soils. A neutral solution
of 0.02 M Na2EDTA extracted solution has a high correlation
between Na2-EDTA extractable soil P and plant P (Ahmad and Islam,

Measurement of the P amount transferred to the solution phase

during the extraction can be done colorimetrically or by using
inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectroscopy. The ICP
determination gives the total amount of P in solution and thus, to
analyse phosphate, requires the use of colorimetric methods. The
most commonly used molybdenum blue method, developed by
Murphy and Riley (1962), is based on the reaction of PO 4-P with
molybdate to form a blue compound at low pH in reducing
conditions. The intensity of the color corresponds to the
concentration in the solution and can be measured with a
spectrophotometer. The concentration of total phosphorus (TP) in
the solution can be determined colorimetrically after digestion of the
sample, e.g. in autoclave with oxidizing chemical, such as persulfate

The determination of available phosphorus in soil: A quick and simple method

In molybdenum blue method, the colored compound is formed with

free PO4-P and the resulting concentration is thought to represent
the dissolved phosphate. However, problems involved in measuring
dissolved phosphate with the molybdenum blue method were
acknowledged already in 1968 when Rigler hypothesized that the
molybdenum blue methods give values for dissolved PO4-P that are
too high because of the hydrolysis of PO taking place in the acidic
conditions required for molybdenum blue complex formation. Turner
et al. (2005), however, concluded that the error caused by acid
hydrolysis is likely to be negligible in quantitative analysis and, in
fact, reported molybdenum blue method to give too low values for
PO4-P in solution because of PO4-P associated with organic
molecules may precipitate in acidic conditions during the color
formation. Yet another source of error in the analytical procedure for
measuring the phosphate with the molybdenum blue method results
from the fact that the intensity of the color reflects only the amount
of phosphate phosphorus (PO4-P) in the sample leaving the other
phosphate compounds, such as poly-pyrophosphates, undetected
(Turner et al., 2005). This kind of underestimation of phosphate
concentration by molybdenum blue method can be demonstrated by
using 31P-NMR spectroscopy (Turner et al., 2006).

There are several rapid soil testing kits are used all over the world.
Most of the field soil kits available based on test strips, visual
comparator and photometer kits. These kits are very expensive and
the minimum cost will be around 10000 rupees. This will be
expensive for Sri Lankan farmers. Therefore, this study intend to
develop a simple and rapid soil phosphate testing kit to be provided
for the farmers free of charge or at an affordable price. Then the
farmers can determine the P concentration in soils in order to decide
the P manuring.

Materials and Methods

Soil samples received under the soil testing program of Agricultural

Chemistry division at the Horticultural Crops Research and
Development Institute, Gannoruwa were used for this study. Seventy
five samples were included for the study. Phosphorus content in
each sample was determined using the Olsen method to extract the
available soil phosphorus (Olsen et al., 1954) and Murphy and Riley
method (1962) was used to measure the extracted phosphorus
amount. Olsen method was used because the pH of soil samples
collected were in the range of 4.4 to 7.1 represents the mild acidic to
basic condition. Olsen method was the appropriate and low cost

I. S. A. Koralage et al

method widely accepted over the years for such mild acidic to basic

Development of a New Method for Measure the Soil Phosphorus

As the available phosphorus testing methods, development of a

simple and rapid method to quantify the soil available phosphorus
was carried out with two steps; namely 1. Extract the available
phosphorus in soil and 2. Measure the extracted phosphate. The
selected soil samples were used to do this study.

Available Phosphorous in each sample was extracted using four

different extraction methods

i. Morgan’s method.
0.72 N Sodium acetate + 0.52 N Acetic acid solution was used
as the extractant in this method.

ii. Basify distilled water method.

Distilled water basified using NaOH and pH adjusted to 8.5
was used as the extractant.

iii. Distilled water only method.

The extractant was the distilled water (pH 4.8) in this method.

iv. Acetic Acid method.

2.5% acetic acid solution was used as the extractant.

The same soil sample was used to measure the amount of

phosphorus extracted by 4 different extraction methods. For each
method, 5.0 g of soil and pinch of P free charcoal were mixed with 50
ml of each extractant in a dry and clean plastic bottle. The solution
was shaked manually for 2 minutes and filtered using No. 5
Whatman filter paper. The extracted soil phosphorus was measured
by Murphy and Riley (1962) method.

Phosphorus concentrations obtained from each extraction method

were compared by correlating with phosphate obtained by the
Olsen’s method.

The determination of available phosphorus in soil: A quick and simple method

Further Simplification of the Best Correlating Method

Acetic acid extraction method was further simplified. The selected 75
soil samples were also used for this method. 5.0 g of soil sample was
added in to a clean and dry plastic battle. 50 ml of 2.5% acetic acid
solution was also added and extracted for 2 minutes mixed with
hand, kept for about 3 hours (Figure 1) until the supernatant was
separated. The supernatant was analyzed for phosphorus using
“Murphy and Riley colorimetric method” (1962). In this method
neither phosphorus free charcoal added nor filter paper was used to
filter the solution which reduces the cost further to develop the soil
testing kit in this study.

The experience in Britain is that extraction of soil with Olsen’s

method is generally the best method on which the advice to farmers
on fertilizer application was based. Presently the Olsen’s extraction
method is used to measure the available phosphorus in soil which
estimates the relative availability of ortho-phosphate (PO4-P) using
0.5 N NaHCO3 adjusted to pH 8.50 (Olsen et al., 1954). Further the
soil samples collected in this study has the pH range of mild acidic
to basic (pH 4.4-7.2) and the Oslen method is the best suited
method for such soils. Therefore, all the extraction methods were
statistically compared by correlating with the Olsen method.

(a) (b)

Figure 1. (a) The mixed soil solution in simplify acetic acid method.
(b) The soil solution after 3 hours with the supernatant

I. S. A. Koralage et al

Results and Discussion

1. Selection of the Best Phosphorus Extraction method

Four different extraction methods, Morgan’s extraction method,

distilled water and basify distilled water extraction methods and
acetic acid extraction method were used to extract available
phosphorous in selected soil samples. The soil phosphorus contents
extracted using the four different extraction methods were measured
using the Murphy and Riley colorimetric method and the results
were correlated with the Olsen’s method. The correlations were
taken from the Regression analysis, thereby selected the best
extraction method which has highest correlation with Olsen’s

Figure 2 shows that the corelation of each extraction method;

distilled water and basify distilled water methods, Morgan’s method
and acetic acid method respectively. The linear relationship is
expressed as r2. The r2 values of distilled water only method, basify
distilled water method; Morgan’s method, and acetic acid method
were 0.589, 0.653, 0.734 and 0.853 respectively. According to the
study, all the r2 values were in the range between 0.5 – 1.0, hence,
all the new methods have ideal correlations with Olsen’s method.

Distilled water was used in the study as an extractant as per to its

several advantages. Distilled water in common is easily available,
relatively inexpensive; shelf life is longer in optimum conditions,
ease of handling in simple field level tests. But, r2 value for distilled
water only method with Olsen’s method was 0.589 which was the
lowest correlation among other 4 extraction methods following to
Basify distilled water method. Therefore, this method disqualifies in
extracting available phosphorous in soil.

The r2 value of Morgan’s method used in this study was 0.734 and it
was closed to the r2 value (0.74) reported by Foy et al. (1997). Foy et
al., have compared Olsen and Morgan soil phosphorus tests using
199 soil samples using electrical shaker to mix the soil suspensions
and in our study soil suspensions were mixed by hand. The r 2
difference between Foy’s study and the present study was 0.006. It
shows there has no significant difference between hand mixing
method and electric shaking for mixing soil suspension. In this
study hand mixing method was used for all the modified extraction
methods as the particular extraction method should be simple and
easy to do at field level.

The determination of available phosphorus in soil: A quick and simple method

a b

c d

Figure 2: (a) Regression analysis of distilled water method

and Olsen’s method

(b) Regression analysis of basify distilled water

method and Olsen’s method

(c) Regression analysis of Morgan’s method and

Olsen’s method

(d) Regression analysis of acetic acid method

and Olsen’s method

Acetic acid method consists only of 2.5% Acetic acid solution and no
sodium acetate as in Morgan’s method. However the r2 value of
Acetic acid method was 0.853, which was the highest correlation
with Olsen’s method.

According to the results obtained in the study, correlation order can

be expressed as; Acetic acid method > Morgan’s method > Basify
distilled water method > Distilled water method. Hence, the Acetic

I. S. A. Koralage et al

acid method was selected as the best extraction method to extract

available phosphorous in soils.

2. Simplification of the Best Extraction Method

The Acetic acid method was further simplified to fine tune the
results. The supernatant of the soil suspension was used to measure
the extracted phosphorus without using the filtrate. It saves the cost
of filter papers too in the simplified method. Figure 3 shows the
Regression analysis of simplify acetic acid methods with Olsen’s

Figure 3. Regression analysis of Olsen’s method and simplify Acetic

Acid method

Regression analysis of figure 3 shows a significant correlation

between Olsen’s method and simplified acetic acid method (R2 =
0.855). Therefore the simplified acetic acid method was selected as
the simplest soil phosphorus extraction method which can be
applied for phosphorus test in field level.

3. Development of Phosphorus Identification Color Chart

Murphy and Riley colorimetric method was used to determine the

phosphorus amount in extracted solution. Color developing regent
was added in to the soil filtrate before measure the phosphorus
amount. The molybdate ions in the color developing regent ordinate
with phosphorus in the soil extract as the central coordinating atom

The determination of available phosphorus in soil: A quick and simple method

forming heteropoly complexes (Murphy and Riley, 1962). This

complex was blue in color. The intensity of the blue color was
increasing with the phosphorus ions in the extract. Therefore
according to the blue color intensity of the repaired phosphorus
extract the phosphorus level of it can be determined.

A color chart was prepared for the identification of the phosphorus

level in the extraction through the blue color intensity. Simplified
acetic acid method phosphorus content of low phosphorus soil,
medium phosphorus soil and high phosphorus soil were calculated
to make the color chart.

Olsen’s phosphorus content of soil is expressed as ppm in table 1

Table 1. Olsen’s phosphorus content of soil

Available P (ppm)

Extremely high >30

High 22.5 - 30

Medium 15 - 22.5

Low <15

According to the equation of regression graph of Olsen’s method and

simplified Acetic acid method (Figure 3) simplified acetic acid
method phosphorus content of soil was calculated and presented in
Table 2.

To get the blue color intensity of 2.5 ppm, 6.6 ppm and 10.7 ppm P
solution, sample series was prepared using 5 ppm phosphorus
solution, color developing regent and distilled water. The
phosphorus contents of prepared samples were measured using the
spectrophotometer at the wave length of 880 nm. Samples were
selected the which had 2.5 ppm, 6.6 ppm and 10.7 ppm phosphorus
(Figure 4) and their blue color intensities were used to prepare color
chart. The color chart consists of 3 different intensity of blue color
(Figure 5).

I. S. A. Koralage et al

Table 2. Simplified acetic acid method phosphorus content of soil

Available P (ppm)

Extremely high >10.7

High 6.6 - 10.7

Medium 2.5 - 6.6

Low <2.5

c b a

Figure 4. 2.5 ppm (a), 6.6 ppm (b) and 10.7 ppm (c)
phosphorus samples

The determination of available phosphorus in soil: A quick and simple method

a b c

Colour P content

>( c ) Extremely high P soil

Between ( b ) and ( c ) color High P soil

Between ( a ) and ( b ) color Medium P soil

<( a ) Low P soil

The color chart consists of three different intensity of blue color. A

color developed sample’s phosphorus level can be determined using
this color chart.

4. Newly Developed Soil Phosphorus Testing Tool Kit

This tool kit was developed based on the findings of this study. The
new soil available phosphorus test can be applied in the field with
this tool kit. The tool kit includes distilled water, 2.5% acetic acid
solution, mixed regent, ascorbic acid, a clean glass bottles, the soil P
color chart and also the note of the procedure of new phosphorus
testing method. Figure 6 shows a model of a simple tool kit
developed in this study. This tool kit is very easy to transport and
handle and not cost more than Rs 200. However, these kits could be
given to farmers free of charge or at an affordable price. The soils P
can be measured according to the procedure introduced by this

I. S. A. Koralage et al

study by using this tool kit by the farmers themselves and decide the
phosphate fertilizer application.

2.5% acetic acid

Distilled water

Mixed regent

Glass bottle

Ascorbic acid

Soil P color chart

Figure 6. Newly developed soil available P testing tool kit

The determination of available phosphorus in soil: A quick and simple method

**color developing regent cannot be stored long period of time. Mix

reagent and ascorbic acid can be stored separately and can be
prepared the color developing regent by mix those together few
minutes before using.

The Procedure of New Phosphorus Testing Method

1. Take a soil sample as the recommended procedure

2. Remove the large soil particles and foreign materials from the

3. Take 5 g of soil and put it in to a clean and dry plastic bottle.

4. Add 50 ml of 2.5% acetic acid solution in to the bottle.

5. Mix the solution two minutes manually.

6. Keep the solution for about three hours until the supernatant

7. Put 5 ml of supernatant in to a transparent glass bottle.

8. Add 5 ml of color developing regent** in to it.

9. Add 5 ml of distilled water.

10. Mix the solution well and keep it for about 15 for minutes to
develop the blue color.

11. Measure the blue color intensity using the color chart.
Thereby identify the phosphorus level in the soil.

To get the accurate level of phosphorus, soil sample should consist

of fine particles and it should be dry. Wet soils samples can be used
to test for phosphorus after allow it to dry.


The simplify acetic acid method which has the best significant
correlation with the Olsen’s method can be introduced for the
determination of available phosphorus. The method developed in
this study by reducing the tools and equipments, reducing the
extraction time, introducing manual shaking for 2 minutes which is
suitable for extract soil phosphorus in the field level test. Not specific
equipments need to apply this method. The soil testing kit developed
in this study use the commonly available low cost materials which

I. S. A. Koralage et al

can be given for farmers as a tool kit free of charge. The total cost for
this developed tool kit is less than Rs 200.

Extraction phosphorus measuring method is very easy. The

introduced phosphorus color chart can be handled easily to measure
the extracted phosphorus level, after developing the blue color of
extracted solution. Therefore even farmers can use this test tool kit
to measure the available soil phosphorus in the lands before the
cultivation and decide the phosphorous fertilizer application
appropriately. This finding will help the farmers to test the available
soil phosphorus content without any additional cost accurately and
reduce the cost of fertilizer application. Consequently it will reduce
soil and groundwater pollution due to over use of phosphorus
fertilizer application which is a national need.


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Received: 29-1-2015 Revised: 8-5-2015 Accepted: 12-5-2015


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