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Prac 1 A

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Senior High School Department



NAME : _________________________________________ GRADE/ SECTION: G11/EMERALD RATING : __________

GENERAL INSTRUCTION : Use BLACK pen in shading your answers. Alteration in all form is NOT ALLOWED. Page |
Direction: Select the BEST answer. 1
1. All are ways in qualitative research data gathering except;
a. Interview b. Observation c. Statistical tools d. Interpretative
2. By simply reading the title, you can tell what the research type. Which is not a qualitative research title?
a. Gender and cultural gaps in classroom c. Predictors of science performance
b. Factors affecting students’ absenteeism d. Students attitude towards Oral Com
3. As a researcher, you expected to be ethical. Which is an exception?
a. Careful b. Competitive c. Competence d. Confidentiality
4. George a SHS student of CNHS plans to conduct his research study. Which is the correct sequence in
conducting a research study.
I. Develop research strategy to save time and effort.
II. Write, revise and check contents of the paper.
III. Document your sources
IV. Evaluate your sources.
a. I, II, III, IV b. I, II, IV, III c. I,IV,III,II d. I, IV, III, II
5. Mr. Jose a research teacher evaluates his students’ research proposals. One group proposed title: Science
practices of the Mangyan tribe. What research approach is the BEST?
a. Case study b. Ethnology c. Grounded theory d. Phenomonology
6. If you want to study the attitude of Grade 10 students towards Mathematics, what method should you use?
a. Qualitative b. Quantitative c. Experimental d. Quasi Research
7. Gemma a research student answered during her oral defense that her groups study conducted is based on a
theory and follow a process. What type of research did they conduct?
a. Qualitative b. Quantitative c. Experimental d. Quasi Research
8. Grace does her research with the Badjao living in Hindang. What is her primary source of data and
information for the research?
a. Badjao b. Location c. Attitude d. Observation
9. In your qualitative research, you can present your data gathered in all ways except;
a. Anecdotes b. Photographs c. Graphs d. Notes
10. Kai was drafting his research title, Kent heard him and decided to use it for his research too since he studies
in different school. What is violated in Kents action?
a. He stole Kai’s intellectual property c. He risks the responders’ identity
b. He violated Kai’s confidence and trust d. He did was practical and right
11. Which of these research title is an example of qualitative research?
a. Students’ academic level based on economic profile
b. Growth performance of Squash using organic farming
c. Millennials perception of Duterte’s administration
d. Stress level of SHS students taking Immersion
12. Jake will embark soon in his research journey in the process, which should he considered the MOST before
a. Availability of responders b. Financial fund c. Time-bound d. Field of interest
13. Joe went to spent 24hrs to the far-flung high school and interview some teachers regarding the attitudes
compared to those in lowland. What research approach is manifested?
a. Case study b. Ethnology c. Grounded theory d. Phenomonology
14. In a qualitative research, hypothesis cannot be formulated. Hypothesis in qualitative can be discarded,
modified or refined as the study progress.
a. Both statements are True c. Only the first statement is True.
b. Both statements are False d. Only the second statement is True.
15. The general problem is stated in narrative form. Specific problem stated interrogative form.
a. Both statements are True c. Only the first statement is True.
b. Both statements are False d. Only the second statement is True.

16. Jessica formulates her groups research title , which is the BEST title for their research?
a. A Study on the Pre-Marital Sex Perception Among Students in Capudlosan National High School
b. Effects of Premarital Sex to Students of Capudlosan National High School , Academic Year 2019
c. Capudlosan National High School Female Students Perception on Premarital Sex
d. Premarital Sex: Capudlosan National High School Grade 10 female students’ Perceptions Page |
17. This is the part of the research paper that states the restriction of your study. 2
a. Scope c. Review on Related Literature
b. Delimitation d. Significance of Study
18. In writing your RRL, what can be used to avoid being sued on Plagiarism? Choose the BEST.
a. Write the authors name in the acknowledgement.
b. Paraphrase and properly cite the author.
c. Send a permission letter to the author
d. Threat the author to give authorization
19. In conducting quantitative research, when do researchers generally in formulate hypothesis?
a. During b. Before c. After d. Never
20. After forming the working title, what is the next step to work out?
a. Research Problem b. Scope and Limitation c. Methodology d. Significance of the Study
For items 21- 22, refer to the excerpt below.
Julius is now writing his RRL section of his research here is the excerpt,
Avila ( 2009) figured students with low self-esteems maybe had undergone psychological trauma. According
to Gallo ( 2001) hallucinations, uncontrolled shakings and alienation are clear manifestation of alarming
level of trauma.
21. What in-text citation format was used in the excerpt
a. APA b. MLA c. Chicago d. PHP
22. What section of the research paper should the researcher credit the owners in as the format above shows?
a. Acknowledgement b. Significance of the study c. Reference List d. Work Cited
23. Josie was browsing books for her RRL, she came across with the excerpt.
David et al (2014) argued that gravity has a connection between the raise of water in the ocean. …as has
been shown in recent studies. (David et al., 2014)
What is the meaning of this excerpt, choose the BEST answer?
a. David is the author and published the book on 2014.
b. It the work cited was taken from a work of two authors.
c. The citation is in MLA citation style.
d. There could be 5 or more authors cited by the researcher
24. Jessica is now finalizing her draft research paper , she opted to have APA as her citation style. What should
she label her cited authors the bibliographic page?
a. Authors – date format b. Reference List c. Works Cited d. Cited Authors and Works
For item 25, refer to the excerpt below ,
Several studies reviewed the empirical evidence on the impact of education on poverty alleviation. Chaudr et al.
(2010) indicates that the university education significantly alleviates the incidence of absolute poverty. As the higher
education increases, the level of poverty decreases in the country (Guevara, 2007)
25. What can be inferred from the excerpt?
a. It talks about the impact of education on poverty alleviation.
b. The excerpt was taken from two authors in MLA citation style.
c. The researchers used two references, two different authors and cited the authors in APA manner.
d. The reference use is outdated and needs revision.
26. What is the goal of all scientific endeavors?
a. To compare sources of knowledge
b. To explain, predict and/or control a phenomena
c. To entail recognition and definition of a problem
d. To collect different data and make some conclusion
27. When can we say a research topic is good?
a. It involves practices that may harm or affect the participants.
b. The topic is stated with an effort to determine what should be done.
c. It holds the researcher’s interest throughout the entire research process.
d. It may not contribute to the improvement or understanding of educational theory or practice.

28. Which of the following references is the appropriate referencing format for education and social science
a. APA b. MLA c. Chicago d. PHP
29. Which of the following is not an ethical guideline for conducting research with humans? Page |
a. Getting informed consent of the participants. 3
b. Telling participants they must continue until the study has been completed.
c. Keeping participants’ identity anonymous.
d. Telling the participants, they are free to withdraw at any time
30. In reference to the guideline in writing the scope and delimitation of your research, which is excluded?
a. Express it in 5 - 7 paragraphs only
b. Write the range of topics being studied
c. Includes the number of respondents
d. Timeline of the research
31. Which is the BEST way to write the underline portion of this sentence?
“The studies revealing that, for various reasons, girls spent less time working with computers than boys”
a. Revealing studies b. Studies revealed c. Studies Revelation d. Studies will reveal
32. All are characteristics of Qualitative methodology except;
a. Expert informant samples c. Precisely describing procedure
b. Narrative summary of results d. Literary description of the method
33. In qualitative research, manipulation is not observed. Inductive reasoning is used in the collected data.
a. Both statements are True c. Only the first statement is True.
b. Both statements are False d. Only the second statement is True.
34. In Jose’s research while interviewing his respondents, he scribed every detail he observed while conducting
his research. From what his eyes saw and observed and heard from the site. This act is known as ________.
a. Emic perspective b. Think description c. Etic perspective d. Participants view
35. This refers to the systematic collection and evaluation of data to describe, explain and understand the past.
a. Ethnographic research b. Historical research c. Case study d. Review study
36. Which is not a characteristic of research?
a. Cyclical b. Empirical c Financial d. Logical
37. This refers to the sum of a group’s customs and behaviors.
a. Emic perspective b. Culture c. Etic perspective d. Holistic
For the next items, refer to the excerpt below:
1. Chang, Raymond (2010). Chemistry 10 Edition, 2010 Mc Graw Hill.
2. Wilbrahan, A., Staley,D., Matta,M., and Waterman, E. (2003). Chemistry 5th Edition. Prentice Hall, Inc.
3. Suidan, L., e al., (1995). Common Textbook and Teaching Misrepresentations of Lewis Structures. Journal of
Chemical Education, Vol. 27, No. 7,pp. 583-586.

38. What can you say about the referencing style?

a. It follows the standard referencing style. c. It uses APA referencing style
b. It uses MPA referencing style d. The style is innovative and modern
39. What is wrong with the list?
a. It uses varied referencing style in one references list.
b. The arrangement of authors is based on year published.
c. The authors are arranged alphabetically.
d. The referencing style uses MLA.
40. What referencing style is used in item number 3 in the excerpt above?
a. APA style b. MLA style c. Chicago d. No style used
1. D
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2. C 4
3. B
4. B
5. B
6. A
7. A
8. D
9. C
10. A
11. C
12. D
13. D
14. D
15. A
16. D
17. B
18. B
19. B
20. B
21. A
22. C
23. D
24. C
25. C
26. A
27. C
28. A
29. B
30. A
31. B
32. C
33. A
34. B
35. B
36. C
37. B
38. D
39. A
40. B

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