Women's Day
We all know health is wealth. There are many people who are fitness
freaks. They follow a strict exercise regime and diet. They still fall ill.
According to Yoga Shastra, the root cause of all illness is in the
mind. If the mind is not in a balanced state, if it has strong opinions,
likes or dislikes, then problems can occur. We focus too much on
the physical. It is okay if we don't do our daily Asana practice or go
for walks, but we cannot afford to disturb the mind.
Agreed, that by doing Asanas one can attain a balanced state of
mind. But the spirit with which one does them is important. Practice
them mindfully so that they become a part of your personality.
Follow them up with Pranayama and meditation to calm your mind.
Maintain awareness of your moods. When you are standing, take
care to stand straighter; while sitting, sit in Vajrasana. Meditate or
relax while traveling. Knit these techniques into your routine so that
they become a part of your personality rather than using them only
in times of distress. Ponder on the things that you hear when you
come here, don't forget about them once you leave these premises.
The idea is to achieve a mind that remains balanced despite daily
trials and tribulations, wear and tear.
04 Letters To The Editor
25 The Thinker
32 ि कोणासन
Printed and Published by Shri Hrishi Jayadeva Yogendra, on behalf of The Yoga Institute. Printed at Systems
Cover & Pages Design Multicolour Printer, Unit No. 1, Y A Chunawala Ind. Estate, Kondivita Lane, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400 059
Ankit Multimedia Tel: 28362777 / 30829777. Published from The Yoga Institute, Yoga Bhawan, Prabhat Colony, Road No.1,
Santacruz (E), Mumbai - 400 055. Edited by Dr. Hansaji J. Yogendra
to The Editor
The 21 Days Better Living Course has given me a completely new kind of confidence. "Do your best and give your 100% in
every work whether you like it or not" is the key rule I learnt and now follow. I played cricket after 23 years. Not just played,
but built and led a team to win the final Championship Cup. I was awarded the “Woman of the Series” as a player. This
philosophy has also helped me in many small activities in my day to day life. Most importantly, I am now more cheerful and
able to do my work with less expectations. The Better Living Course has bettered my life in many ways and given me a
chance. I would love to do the course again. I am grateful to The Yoga Institute and especially Ajay Sir for his guidance and
Binkal Shah
For the last few months I have been struggling with some personal problems and always my mind would go, “No but I am
right. I did this because. I think. I, I, I.” After struggling for long, one day I was suddenly taken back to Ramendra Sir's yoga
classes in the Teacher Training Course, specifically to the 'Hastpadasana'. Sir would keep saying, “This head of ours will
always want to rise up first.” Often he would repeatedly make us do the Asana until our head and torso would rise up
together. Doing the Asana as instructed was very easy and I would wonder where is the ego? In midst of the challenges I
realized how self-centred and egoistic I had been, and how my 'I' was rising up first. It was a practical application of the
Asana in real life.
Pooja Shah
Hong Kong
I gain lots of guidance, help and direction by Hansaji through her articles in Yoga and Total Health. For example, in the
editorial of February issue, she says reorienting the mind to think positive requires training and acceptance. Yoga is the
path of discipline. We have to look at the bigger picture and manage small irritants in life if we want a peaceful, meaningful
and enjoyable life.
Shobha Jain
Life Problems
Shri Yogendraji
(This is the prelude to the 3rd edition of book 'Life because of the political climate in the country at that
Problems' by Shri Yogendraji as published in December time. In Bombay, however, the printers who had the
1932). courage to print the Jallianwalla Baug episode were the
ones prepared to print this work. This was followed by
Rational thinking is a privilege which very few persons the British India Government passing oral advice that no
enjoy; some are really afraid to enjoy, while the others do further edition of the work should be printed. This
not know just exactly how to enjoy. It is the efforts of my contrasted sharply with the conflicting statement made
critics that made my work successful in promoting by the C.I.D. authority to the author who confided that he
healthy thinking, for while the justice honoured me by himself had purchased a dozen copies and presented
passing it as “a Bible for the free thinkers”, the daily them to his friends.
herald scented “intellectual anarchism in literature”
even though it strongly advocated that “these epigrams Since my main mission at the time consisted in
are worthy of study not because they are revolutionary, promoting the knowledge and value of yoga, I refrained
but because they are extremely thought provoking.” from publishing further editions. Now, with the mission
of Yoga nearly completed to my personal satisfaction, I
If this little work faithfully does what its critics claim, have turned my attention again to the problems of life in
then certainly this revised and enlarged presentation of modern age calling for effective attention. This Fourth
it for the third time is not absolutely uncalled for. Edition appears therefore after a gap of forty-five years.
(This is the last and the fourth prelude to the 4th edition During this period much has happened to dehumanize
as published in January 1978). man.
The conflicting values and way of life which I observed The yoga guide has been added at the end to show by
both in India and in America during a period of seven contrast how the non-yoga life and thinking have prime
years from 1916 to 1923 made such a strong impact facie contributed to the hypocritical, illogical and
that I could not resist expressing what I thought about it. suicidal life style of modern society.
This led me to prepare a manuscript short and terse – Through thousands of years of civilization and culture,
the epigrammatic style being the most convenient. humanity might be expected to have evolved by now to
These epigrams on the problems of life created by divinity. Instead what we see is devolution of the spirit
culture and civilization were ready in 1924 and were and evolution of the flesh. It makes us ask, “Why?”
published in 1926 under the title 'Memorabilia'. Its
outspoken approach attracted so much publicity that, In 'Life Problems' I have tried to expose the crux of our
even at that time, a second edition had to be prepared failings. Human beings today are in urgent need of
within six months. genuine calibration, what with the brain- washing,
bulldozing and stone-walling they have undergone
The manuscript for the third edition which was entitled through the ages, under the pressure of diverse,
'Life Problems' was ready in 1931, but the press in the permissive civilizations and cultures. Obviously, the
south which printed this work and completed it for situation needs to be corrected. I am only doing my duty.
delivery in 1932 preferred to destroy the entire number
of copies and return the manuscript to me, possibly
(Shri Yogendraji (1897 – 1989), was the Founder of The Yoga Institute. He pioneered the techniques of
yoga for householders.)
Health and Yoga
Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra in Parisamvada
We will think a little about ill-health. No doubt, we don't If it is something congenital, then you have to attend to
like ill-health, but then I don't know if we would come to that but not necessarily that most have such problems.
yoga if there was no ill-health. We want to live a life Most of us are healthy and we make mistakes and then
according to our own desires, and as a result get ill. Of there are problems. We quickly fix them and live life as
course, we don't make many changes in our life, we we are living. That is the problem. Our whole life pattern
want a quick remedy to get alright. This is our usual is based on creating mistakes and then trying to correct
pattern. The traditional idea was different. When them. That clarity of objective that I want to live and gain
Paramhamsa Madhavdasji used to come to Madhav some better understanding of life and change: this is not
Baug in Mumbai, he would give his Pravachan but there possible because our other interests are too many. We
would be a few people who would be loitering around are too concerned about earning money, making a
because they had some problem. He would advise them name, caring for the family, etc. So disease has become
but it was not a matter of interest to him. His interest was a very normal process, and thus possibly, yoga has
in those who were sincere learners and guiding them. benefited in the wrong way. Most of the people going to
yoga centres are those who have sickness, ill-health,
So this is a thing we can think about: To get into trouble
and the population is huge. All around the world millions
and then to think about health or as far as possible not to
and millions of people are taking to yoga, but hardly
get into trouble. Not to get into trouble would require
anyone with a spiritual objective. The objective is mainly
some care from our side which unfortunately we are not
to find quick solutions to problems.
able to give. Restrictions on the kind of food, timings of
food, the place that we eat food, the kind of conversation In this sociological setup we hardly sit down in a day for
that goes on, are a part of the care. And what is true just ten minutes to think about the way we are living,
about food is true about other areas, the kind of what is the direction of our life, what are the changes to
company we keep, the kind of thinking we have. Most of be made and how. We have no time. Most of it goes into
the time we are discussing nonsense. Hardly there is thinking about other areas – how to make quick money
any spiritual concept that is discussed. and so on.
(Dr.Jayadeva Yogendra (1929 - 2018), was a simple man and a true Yogi. Fondly known as Dr. Saheb, he had pioneered
work in Yoga Education and Therapeutics. He was the Editor of 'Yoga and Total Health' from 1961 to 2018).
Destroy Your Ego
This Holi
Dr. Hansaji J. Yogendra
Yesterday, I asked in class about what we do on Holi. The So the real purpose of Holi is to celebrate the destruction
unanimous reply was that we prepare Puranpoli and of ego. This 'I' has to be burnt/destroyed/sacrificed
Shrikhand. Festivals are intricately linked with food (Swaha) in the fire (Agni). At our level, we have to take a
because we are passionate about it. But why is the firm decision that we will not act under the influence of
festival celebrated in the first place? There is a legend ego. If we are angry or hurt, we will stop all action and
behind it. Holika was the evil sister of demon King resume only when we regain our balance. Feeling hurt,
Hiranyakashipu. Hiranyakashipu wanted his son insulted, being sensitive or touchy, are all signs of ego.
Prahlad to worship him but Prahlad was a firm devotee Usually when people are hurt, they either lash out or
of Vishnu. This infuriated Hiranyakashipu. Holika tricked retreat into their shell and brood. Both are equally
Prahlad into sitting on a pyre with him. She was wearing wrong.
a cloak that made her immune to the fire. But as the fire Life gives us enough opportunities to sublimate our ego.
started burning, the cloak flew from Holika and covered Every individual has some weak or touchy areas on
Prahlad. Holika died, Prahlad survived. Vishnu appeared which they need to work. They manage quite well on
and killed Hiranyakashipu. Evil was burnt; ego was other fronts. And every family has one or two individuals
destroyed. Thus, the main significance of Holi is who help them to remember God. God has put these
defeating our ego. people in our life for a specific reason. It is important
Ego brings about the 'I' sense, the sense of 'me and that we don't get angry or frustrated with such
mine' – my money, my position, my thinking, my individuals. That is how self-development happens.
opinion, my family, my way of living. This 'my' is ego When we start with one person, we expand our
and it has to be eradicated. Ego cannot protect, it can understanding of life. Slowly, we gain complete
only destroy. The sooner a person understands this, the understanding of the life process. All this happens
better it is for him. Ego exists because of ignorance gradually and involves sacrifice (Swaha) of our ego.
(Avidya). How can anything be 'mine' when we know Holi is a Yogic festival. The entire Yoga Shastra says that
that even this body is not mine, that even this mind of we have to eradicate ego. It is a day which encourages
ours is not in our control? The mind doesn't operate us to reduce and ultimately master our ego. Can we start
according to our wishes. It can get disturbed at any in this direction with baby steps this Holi?
point. So there is no question of this 'I'.
(Dr. Hansaji J. Yogendra, lovingly addressed as Hansa Maa is the Director of The Yoga Institute, Mumbai and the Editor of
'Yoga and Total Health'. She is a friend philosopher, guide to many.)
with Devdutt
Kitchen Politics
Both the heroines of the epics, Ramayana and group of priests to Draupadi's house. They were
Mahabharata, Sita and Draupadi respectively, are expecting to be fed and Draupadi had nothing to serve.
considered to be great cooks. According to one North The humiliation was too much to bear, when Krishna
Indian retelling of the Ramayana, a crow took a piece of appeared on the scene. “I am hungry too, Draupadi,” he
bread cooked by Sita and dropped it in Lanka. Ravana said. Draupadi burst into tears at the insensitive remark
ate it and was driven mad with desire for Sita. This, says of her friend. “I have nothing but a grain of rice that has
this retelling, is the real reason for Ravana abducting stuck to my finger since I left the palace,” said Draupadi.
Sita. “That will do,” said Krishna. He took the grain of rice
from Draupadi's hand and ate it with relish. He even
Another folk retelling tells us how Kunti, the mother of
burped, causing Draupadi's face to light up in joy. As
the Pandavas, never shared her kitchen secrets with her
soon as Krishna burped, all the priests sent by the
daughter-in-law, Draupadi. Through food Kunti
Kauravas felt their stomachs bloating as if filled with
ensured her sons still came to her and were not totally
rich food. They felt they could not eat anything Draupadi
smitten by their beautiful wife. But Draupadi was
would serve them. Rather than insulting Draupadi, they
determined to wean her way into her husbands' hearts
decided to simply slip away quietly. Krishna thus saved
through their stomachs. She kept observing and
Draupadi from losing face.
smelling what Kunti served each of her husbands and
figured out the recipe and ended up preparing the India is a land where social station is reinforced by the
dishes, adding her own innovation, until the Pandavas food that is served and the way the food is served.
craved more for Draupadi's food than Kunti's. Eating vegetarian food is considered superior to eating
non-vegetarian food. In non-vegetarian food, eating
Of Draupadi's husbands, Bhima was a glutton. When
flesh is reserved for upper classes while eating organs
Kunti cooked rice, one half of the rice was given to
is for lower classes. In ancient times, everyone ate on
Bhima and the other half was divided equally between
leaves which could be discarded at the end of the meal.
the other four Pandavas and their mother. It is over food
With the arrival of metal plates, metal was used to
that Bhima had a violent encounter with a demon called determine station in society. Metal vessels were
Baka. Baka was a glutton who would attack a village and reserved for members of the same caste and upper
kill and eat indiscriminately. So to make peace, the caste. Lower classes were given food in earthen ware
village promised to send Baka each month a cartload of pots. Even today, outsiders are served in chinaware and
food with one young man or woman. Baka would eat not glassware while family members are served in metal.
only the food, but also the bullocks and the young man
or woman who brought the food. This would satisfy him In the Periya Puranam that narrates the story of saints
for a month, until the arrival of the next cartload. Bhima of South India, there is one story that comments on
offered to save one boy of the village by volunteering to these food politics. In a Shiva temple, one Brahmin
take the cart of food to Baka. His real reason was to eat serves Shiva vegetarian food on golden plates while one
the food himself. When Baka found Bhima eating the tribal youth serves Shiva meat with his hands. “What
food meant for him, he was furious. A fight followed in food do you prefer?” Shakti asks Shiva. In response,
which Bhima killed Baka. The good glutton triumphed Shiva causes his image in the temple to sprout a real
over the nasty glutton. eye. The eye bleeds. The Brahmin priest runs away in
fear. The tribal youth, unable to stop the bleeding with
But when Bhima died, he was not allowed to enter herbs, cuts out his own eye and offers it to Shiva. Shiva
paradise of the gods. He was condemned to hell for the then tells Shakti, “I prefer the offerings of the tribal
crime of gluttony. youth. It does not matter what you serve or how you
When the Pandavas were forced into exile into the forest serve, but why you serve it. The feelings behind the
by their cousins, the Kauravas, Draupadi's greatest offering make it a great offering.” Food in India is
regret was that she had lost her kitchen. As queen, she therefore not just about the quality and quantity of food
took great pride in feeding the many people who visited but the feeling with which it is cooked and served. That
her palace. Now she had nothing to give. The Kauravas lies at the core of kitchen politics.
wanted to gloat on Draupadi's poverty and so sent a
(Shri Devdutt Pattanaik is an Indian mythologist and writer known for his work on ancient Indian scriptures.)
Just Don't Call It Yoga Therapy
John Kepner
Enroute to the 2019 International Yoga Therapy to identify yoga adapted for therapeutic purposes and
Conference at the Kaivalyadhamaa Yoga Institute, teachers who have the advanced training required to do
December 28-30, several IAYT members stopped at The this. For example, see our new public facing site,
Yoga Institute of Santacruz to pay our respects, help
celebrate the 100th Anniversary and learn more about
As I see it, for better or worse, the term “yoga therapy”,
the long and pioneering history of the Institute.
and the distinction from what IAYT calls “yoga teaching”,
Of course, given the nature of the upcoming conference, both are becoming accepted in both the West and India.
we had discussions about standards for yoga therapy Indeed, two of the final resolutions of conference were:
and many related issues. Members of the Institute,
1. Efforts should be started to develop sustaining
strongly and learnedly, objected to the term “Yoga
standards for yoga therapy courses.
Therapy”, and understandably! As I understand the
teachings at the Institute, therapeutic applications of 2. Standards will ensure that yoga therapy will be
yoga are ingrained in the teachings right from the administered by yoga therapists who are very good
beginning. Indeed, the Institute has a very long history at treating patients without harm or complications,
of therapeutic applications. Personally, I could agree so new mechanisms should be established for the
that “yoga therapy” is an artificial distinction, but with a certification of yoga therapists.
purpose. In the West, most yoga teachers are quite
As I interpret this, however, classical institutions like The
modestly trained, and mostly for Asana as an exercise.
Yoga Institute should not worry. It's just terminology to
They are simply not prepared for the wide range of
meet the changing needs of our society, both in the West
therapeutic applications and other therapeutic teachings
and in India. The yoga itself need not change. “Keeping
ingrained in the teachings at the Institute. Arguably, a
the Yoga in Yoga therapy” is one of IAYT's guiding
few places in the world are, even in India. Yoga therapy
principles, and the Institute itself is one of the leading
and IAYT certification of yoga therapists are IAYT's ways
lights for this in the world.
(Shri John Kepner is the Executive Director of International Association of Yoga Therapists)
Yoga Therapy in the Swedish
National Health System
Goran Boll
Sweden is a small country in northern Europe with 10 Research has been done on the effects of yoga for spine
million inhabitants (half the population of Mumbai). In problems, pain and stress management, insomnia,
2009 there were no regular yoga therapy classes in any anxiety/depression and various cardiovascular
of Sweden's 1400 hospitals and primary health care problems.
centres. Ten years later, yoga therapy is present in 250
Another reason behind the relative ease by which this
(approx 18 %) of these. At the rate of today's
has spread is the fact that personnel within the NHS –
development with 400 to 500 new yoga graduates every
doctors, nurses, assistant nurses and physic therapists
year, the number of clinics with in-house yoga will be
are offered training to become instructors and therapists
well over 500 by 2022, and by 2030 the projection is that
in Medical Yoga – 'MediYoga', a form of yoga developed
more than 90% of all NHS units in Sweden will be
in Sweden by Goran Boll.
offering yoga therapy to a wide variety of their patients.
This has led to three yoga PhD's in Sweden since 2016,
Today yoga training and yoga therapy are offered to
massive media attention (newspapers, TV, radio, social
patients in primary care, to pregnant women, heart
media) generating an increasing demand from the
patients, cancer patients, in psychiatry and in palliative
general public to get yoga therapy within the NHS.
'MediYoga' has also spread to the rest of Scandinavia
The reason behind all this, according to several (Norway, Denmark and Finland) and across the Atlantic
international authorities, unique development – is to California in the US.
research. Solid randomized controlled studies
For more information on the Swedish MediYoga
conducted by established research institutions in
development contact Par Krutzén, CEO of MediYoga
Sweden, like the Karolinska Institute, the Karolinska
Sweden –
University Hospital, Danderyds Hospital and others.
(Shri Goran Boll, Founder of Medi Yoga, C-IAYT, has participated in more than 90% of all Swedish research
on yoga since 1998; introduced yoga in 300 workplaces all over Sweden; he lectures regularly, also
internationally. A member of IAYT Advisory Council, in 2015 he organized the first yoga research conference
in Sweden, in collaboration with the Karolinska Institute and IAYT. Contact: )
Aparigraha -
Ancient Indian Minimalism
Priyamvada Mangal
“It is not the daily increase, but daily decrease. Hack experience, I feel that when a thing is for free, we have
away at the unessential” –Bruce Lee. the tendency to just take and hoard, assuming that we
may use it sometime in the future. Whereas, when a
In a world of consumerism, some might find it rather
thing has a price on it, no matter how small the price is,
absurd to live with the bare minimum, or to put it in better
we at least think once before purchasing it if it is really
words, to live with only the things you need.
useful to us.
We slog our asses off to earn money, to end up buying
I also deleted apps on my phone and the digital data that I
things we do not need just because we fancy the
do not need.
attention that thing would bring to us.
All this while, I assumed that minimalism is a western
Take the example of wanting a fancy home. Obviously,
philosophy, until recently when I discovered that it is one
you should do the best you can in a given situation, and
of the Yamas – Aparigraha.
make sure you have the best possible space for yourself,
your family. But too often, we chase something that is Aparigraha, of how I understand it now, is very much
way out of our capacity; we get into an endless cycle of a capable of encompassing the other Yamas. Satya – being
loan or an EMI. We work day in and day out to pay it off, truthful to yourself about what you need and purchasing
yet all the while, we do not really enjoy having that house. according to the need and not greed. Ahimsa – making
To top that up is the maintenance and the attachment that sure you try to minimalize purchasing when violence is
comes with something that you perceive as so precious. involved in the processing or manufacture of the item.
Asteya – making sure that you give the right value to the
I took up a 30-day minimalism challenge where, starting
October 1, 2017, I had to get rid of one thing on the first person you purchase things from. For example, it is
day, two things on the second, three, on the third and so absolutely unfair for us to go to malls and buy overpriced
on, ending with thirty on day 30! I was able to continue things that we do not bargain for, versus buying
till day 22 as I had to leave for a Vipassana Shibir, but I fruits/vegetables we try to squeeze into the smallest
amount of money. Brahmacharya – making sure that the
realized that I threw away almost everything that I did not
need. items we buy provide us more value than mere sense
As a part of this challenge, I also encouraged myself to
get rid of the thought patterns, behaviours and people Minimalism is not really limited to discard things you do
that are not serving a good purpose or place in my life. not need, but it extends to not buying things out of a
But since these are subtler, the negativity comes and whim and being thoughtful when purchasing. It extends
goes, though less frequently. to discard behaviours, habits, words, relationships that
you do not need or are not benefitting you.
Since then, every month, I keep discarding things that I
do not need and I realized since then I do not have half the And sometimes, you will not realize how great
things I owned! Aparigraha is unless you start to implement it. Like all the
other good things in life.
I also sold a lot of things on OLX and people were really
happy to buy some of it. Why sell it? In my limited So are you going to take up the challenge?
(Kum. Priyamvada Mangal is a freelance photographer and journalist and is at present doing Yoga Teacher
Training Course at The Yoga Institute)
What to do during
Board Exams?
Nisha Talreja
As a teacher, I have noticed many school children they need to follow a fixed routine where they sleep early
stressing about board exams. Their entire approach to and get up early. They need to put in a fixed number of
the exams is wrong. Instead of making a time table for hours every day towards their studies. If they have
themselves at the beginning of the academic year and difficulty understanding any part of the syllabus, they
following it diligently, they waste their time in frivolous must go to their teachers rather than joining coaching
activities like watching television, internet and social classes because the latter are a drain on their time and
media. Closer to the exams they get panicky that they are energy.
unprepared and start burning the candle on both ends.
In addition to a disciplined lifestyle and regular study
The end result is that they are tired and stressed out
hours, children must also include some yogic
because of lack of sleep and the pressure of scoring well.
techniques in their daily life. Relaxation asanas like
They neither rest properly nor are they able to focus on
Shavasana or techniques like Nishpanda Bhava can
their studies.
refresh them almost instantaneously. They can also
In fact, most students are woefully unequipped to deal meditate or practice Trataka, a kriya that calms the mind,
with stress or take care of their physical and mental well- improves concentration and relieves tired eyes. Walks
being. We don't train them in this area. I have seen close to nature and listening to music can also be a good
students who are unable to concentrate in class, trouble way to bust stress.
their teachers and waste everyone's time.
What must they eat? They must eat light, Sattvic food. All
So how can we address this issue? For starters, students meals should be eaten on time. They must also avoid
have to accept that this is a crucial year of their lives and junk food and partake only homemade food to avoid
they need to disconnect from certain devices like their illness or unnecessary heaviness and dullness in the
phones and TV sets. It is okay to watch an occasional film body. If children follow these simple steps, they will have
with their friends or family for recreation but their focus a much easier time dealing with the dreaded board
has to be on their studies. To maximize their productivity, exams.
(Nisha Talreja has been a school teacher and is now doing Yoga Teacher Trainng Course at
The Yoga Institute)
From the Archives of
Yoga and Total Health
By Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra
Published in 'Yoga and Total Health'
June 1988
Do mystics and spiritualists not carry on ordinary work the neurotic and psychotic patients, the psychiatrists
in life? Does Pramhamsa Madhavdasji not look after his and therapists are themselves not well integrated
belongings, his people, his Ashrama? Is it a lower kind of healthy persons. We are told of high rates of suicide
job? Does it interfere with their other work or their amongst the therapist themselves in some countries.
spiritual Sadhana? Many people occupying higher rungs in society are
mentally ill and cast their lengthy shadows across the
The true student of yoga is always in a spiritual state of
fields they represent.
consciousness. He is never separated from such a state,
be it while driving a car, during meditation sessions, or If only one cultivates experience of tranquillity faith,
during a leisurely stroll. contentment, clarity etc. in work, one would earn the
stability of mind, leading to clarity of goal. Ekagra Chitta,
But how does he do his work well when he is immersed
or one pointed mind and Niruddha Chitta, or completely
in one or the other work? Does the Sadhana not suffer?
controlled Chitta contributes to Nihshreyas Hetu,
Does the work not suffer? On the contrary, the man with
according to commentators on the Yoga Sutra of
his mind so tuned and steady and concentrated directs
himself in a superior way to everything else he does. He
imparts a quality of excellence to all work. What about the result of such a wholesome experience?
A wholeheartedly joyful experience is one more feather
For example, to take stock of work on hand in all its
in the cap of the true seeker. He nurtures positive states.
implications requires certain awareness and capacity. To
He is careful not to violate them with negativity. He
hold on to a spiritual point of reference and to view other
remains surcharged with positive feelings. His own
priorities against this point is very necessary. A spiritual
commitment to spiritual life grows. Not only does he
type of a person enjoys an extended awareness. Such a
remain infused with positive states, but he also affects
person imparts a sense of dedication to the work on
others around with his enthusiasm and inspiration. The
hand. We on the other hand are too distracted to impart
question is whether in our life we bring to bear a spiritual
excellence to work done. Today society suffers from the
state of consciousness in all that we do.
ills of a poor quality of mental health all around. Besides
The Yoga Institute
K. L. Vidur
I Feel
Seeing me a little nervous before one of the formal
Pooja Shah
myself don't know why I get emotional. Probably, it is just
the way I am.
For the longest time I would get very conscious while
slowly nudged me into public display of affection. genders? Emotions and feelings are universal. A girl
Whenever I would come home for holidays, he would can be strong even if she is highly emotional and a man
give me a tight hug and I would always behave can also show his emotions.
awkwardly at those times. I would kind of stand like a
I had once seen an interview by Shri Jaggi Vasudev
statue, or at best try to resist his hug. It was only after
where he said that the genders have some physical
staying in London for 5 years, where hugging people
differences, one of them namely being that women can
was as natural as shaking hands, that I became a natural
give birth. Apart from that,, where feelings and
at hugging people. I now generally don't avoid hugging
emotions are concerned, man and woman are the
people, and at times even initiate it as it is one of the best
same. But are we really the same?
ways to express the love and affection and to clear
misunderstandings. If a man talks about his feelings, 'I like this, I like that, I
am hurt', many of us will respond immediately “Kya
Why is expressing any emotion considered to be odd?
Ladki Ki Tarah behave Kar Raha Hai?” (Why are you
Why are we always asked to behave properly? “Don't
behaving like a girl?)
laugh so much, don't get so angry, don't cry so much,”
etc. We are expected to behave normally and suppress Growing up, my brother had a lot of friends. In fact, for
our emotions. Shah Rukh Khan very rightfully said in the longest time in my life, I wished that I could have as
the movie Dear Zindagi “Rona, Gussa, Nafrat, Kuch Bhi many friends as he did. One day someone told him
Khul Kar express Nahi Karne Diya, Ab Pyaar Kaise something which he took to heart and he couldn't get it
Kare”? (We were never allowed to express the negative out of his mind. When he shared it with me, the first
emotions like sadness, anger or hatred. How would we thing I said was, “Why did you not share it with your
be able to express love?) friends?” He had no answer for that. He just couldn't
bring himself to talk openly about what he was feeling.
Am I an expert at expressing all my emotions? Not at all.
I am very far from being an expert. It takes a lot of Elsewhere too, I had male friends and later I would tell
courage and mental strength to honestly express what one of them that do you know the other is going through
we feel, even when others don't understand us, even such and such a thing, he would be like, “Is it? I didn't
when others don't value our emotions or even when we know.” And I would wonder, what in the world do you
fear being judged or being ridiculed by them. talk when you meet? You spend hours together but you
don't know what is going on in each other's life?
We shouldn't get carried away by the emotions and be
at their mercy. But human beings are meant to feel and Women have the gift of small talk. And in these small
to not express what one feels would mean that we are talks they establish a connection with the people around
not being honest. Many a times I feel being emotional is them.
considered a weakness, as I do hear at times, “Why are
“Build connections”, as a tagline for one of the
you being so emotional? Don't be so sensitive.”
companies says, we are better when we are connected.
However, now I feel that it is okay to be an emotional
person. It is okay to cry at times, okay to laugh. If I don't Nowadays, whenever I speak to a person, I pay more
do any of these, then in my view I am leading a very attention to their body language, especially their eyes
mechanical life and I don't want to lead that kind of a life. and voice. Is there a glean in their eyes? Are they
watery? Are they shining? Is their voice quivering? Is
The other difference that we have in our society is that it
there excitement? All this tells me more about them
is still okay for a woman to be emotional but not for a
than their words do. Feelings communicate more than
the spoken words.
Ms. Sushmita Sen once famously said, “A woman is
This women's day let us get over the gender divide and
someone who shows the man what sharing, caring and
be open to feeling.
loving is all about. A woman nurtures a child.” Is
'sharing and caring' a prerogative of women only? Why Say what you feel and feel what you say and life will be
have we divided the behavioural aspects between much simpler.
(Kum. Pooja Shah, is an ERP Consultant who likes to teach yoga. She is also a freelance writer of poems and short articles
in Hindi and English.)
Bhakti –
The Highest Goal
of Human Life
Murarilal Dhanuka
family, honour, fame Now a question may arise as to how Our biggest problem today is that the new generation is
a householder can perform the true devotion of the Lord not able to face life's ups and downs with maturity and
while doing his every natural duty and providing services wisdom. For every small failure, disappointment or
to all and family members with his earning. setback, we find them resorting to suicide, drug abuse
and violence, even terrorism. In my opinion, we find a
He can do so by honesty performing his duty without
lack of faith in God in the present generation. We should
expecting any reward for him. If we take work in hand
look into this matter seriously and devise remedial
and fulfil it properly, we are the true devotee. Lord
measures to save our children from sinking
Krishna also says, “Keenly devoted to his own duty, man
permanently. We should make every effort for cultivating
attends perfection.” The crux is that properly done work
Bhakti (devotion) in our children. Children are our asset.
with love and devotion to God is the real worship. If you
But, if not handled properly, they can become a burden. If
want a happy life, do diligent work in the service of
we cultivate Bhakti in our children, they will be able to
others. Selflessness and joy are intertwined. Love for
face life problems easily.
others and even good thoughts for welfare of all will help
us in achieving happiness and divine bliss.
Lord Krishna says that a devotee does not hate any
creature and is a selfless lover of every one. As per Islam,
pure love with the Creator is the definition of devotion
(Shri Murarilal Dhanuka is a Chartered Accountant, a business man and a regular Sadhaka of The Yoga Institute for the last
28 years).
Yoga Journey
and Asana Practice
Alpana Dhole
When we start our yoga sessions, we must start the yoga Get into the experience of yoga Asanas with the mind
practice for 'me time'. Love that feeling inside, love how alert as to 'what I am into and what I am doing', be
your body and mind feels. Never perform yoga sessions present in the Asana and own it. Be 'willing' to go into
and practice as 'a task at hand' to be completed. Inner and come out of a pose and to experience. Do not do it as
wisdom reveals itself only when one is absorbed and a mundane pose, be present while starting, finishing and
engaged with self in an Asana through body and breath. while relaxing. Tell yourself, “Let me see how relaxation
Especially in the mornings, when the day is yet to begin feels today, how an Asana feels in all parts of body. I want
you will definitely experience the quality of calmness and my waist and lower back, trunk, root of thighs to feel
inner guiding voice. It may not happen every day or every active. And I own it, it is my Asana practice'.
time you perform a yoga session. It is a continuously Communication through inner voice helps in many
evolving (even when one is not in the Asana session), ways.
endless journey in the mind and body of awareness
In life, being in anything for right reasons and with right
development, focus clearance, stabilization, building
intention and purpose is key to real success. So too, in
courage, ease, confidence, internal communication,
the case of yoga. Do not do yoga for lame reasons like
shedding blocks/inhibitions. And this journey can be
reducing weight or flattening the tummy. The real
through all the drifting's and disturbances of mind – also
indicators of health are not these; the parameters of
at times through pain (not suffering), at times through
health are the energy levels through the day, sleep
wrong practice or any other issues arising every now and
quality during the night, compliance to yoga sessions,
then. Gradually and surely one does attend higher levels.
lightness experienced in the body while doing Asana,
Being aware and active in every muscle of the body well-paced breath, mental balance, mood stability and
during an Asana is mandatory. If there isn't awareness composure.
and access, it is not an Asana – it is just a movement or a
Use your natural intelligence, and not artificial
pose. Yes, it is difficult, but look for those moments
intelligence, digital gadgets or scales, to gauge your
where you are mentally into every part of the body. Being
health, to count your steps or to seek advice on your
mindful is the key to experience bliss in Asana practice.
sessions. Let the inner experience be felt. Gradually
Yoga is a relentless journey of self-discovery through master the pose. The benefit will soon reveal itself.
body, mind, mental poise and breath. Awareness and
access into the body and mind are the key elements.
Yoga is a path beyond physical Asana.
Alpana Dhole is an Engineer, Artist and Entrepreneur. Yogic journey has been her part of life for more than 14 years.
She is also into organic / healthy food and holistic living consultation
We always see evil outside, but we never want to understand the evil within. We may perhaps admit that we have a few bad
habits and that's the end of it. Most of our time goes in pointing fingers at others. The government is the best entity. We
continuously keep on blaming it for everything. Besides the government, we have got our rivals, neighbours, family
members etc. to blame. There is no end to the evil outside.
In yoga, we understand the evil in a different way. Our egoism, our attachments, our hatred, etc. are the enemies. They are
called the Shad Ripus, the 6 enemies. But we don't make efforts in trying to see that they are handled. We are not really
sincere because we take these things for granted. Our mentality is that everyone has this problem and there is nothing to
worry. Our immediate concerns are the people, society, government. We are forgetting the real culprit.
What are our views on this?
Do mail us at
1. Place and Publication : The Yoga Institute, Santacruz East, Mumbai 400 055.
2. Periodicity of : Monthly Publication
3. Printer's Name : Shri Hrishi Yogendra
4. Nationality : Indian
5. Publisher's Name : The Yoga Institute, Shri Yogendra Marg,
Prabhat Colony, Santacruz (E) Mumbai 400 055.
6. Names and Address of the
individuals who own the news paper
and partners, or shareholders holding
more than The Yoga Institute 1 % of the Capital : (Registered Society)
I, Shri Hrishi Yogendra, hereby declare that the particulars given are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Shri Hrishi Yogendra
Yogic Ahara
Minati Shah
Amaranthus Tricolor Var. Tristis (Nighantoo) is a green leafy vegetable that used to be known as Chaurai in the olden times.
Today it is known as Chauli, Tandaljo or Mlakur. According to Susruta this vegetable is beneficial to all living beings. It
mitigates Kapha and Pitta and is a helpful remedy for piles. It blends well with the remnant water of rice.
In the recipe given below it is cooked with Moong Daal which improves digestion, mitigates Kapha and Pitta and cures
ulcers and wounds. It is served with rice cooked in buttermilk. According to Yogaratnakar, rice cooked this way mitigates
tiredness and Vata, improves strength and also creates Kapha.
For rice
Preparation time: 5 minutes Cooking time: 15 minutes Serves 2 - 3
Ingredients: Method
Ÿ 1 cup rice washed 1. Pressure cook rice for two whistles with less than regular water for the rice.
Ÿ 1 tsp whole Jeera (cumin seeds) 2. Heat Ghee in a pan, add Jeera and let it turn brown.
Ÿ 1 Tbsp Ghee 3. Add cooked rice, salt, yogurt and two cups of water and mix well for a lumpy
Ÿ 1 cup yogurt consistency.
Ÿ Ssalt to taste 4. Serve with vegetable (curry).
Accompaniment (optional): Served with Amba (mango ginger). Amba is helpful in dissolving blood clots. Haldi (green
turmeric tuber, Curcuma Aromatica) mitigates all three Dosas and breathlessness.
Samar Chauhan
Chapter 1.44
Pto}j ;ljrf/f lglj{rf/f r ;"Idljifof JofVoftf .. !=$$ ..
Etaya Iva Savichara Nirvichara Cha Sukshmavihsaya Vyakhyata
It was seen previously that the initial stages of Samadhi are concerned with gross
objects of concentration. Knowledge acquired on such objects relate to physical
attributes such as shape, size, etc. The mind gets filled with such type of Savitarka
knowledge. So for instance, if concentration on Sun is established, the mind will
acquire knowledge of the Sun being round, its distance from the Earth, etc. At the
next stage, concentration becomes subtler, qualities and nature of such gross
objects are realised. So while concentrating on the Sun, its luminosity is realised and
physical properties are excluded. At this stage, one attains Nirvitarka knowledge.
This is the highest knowledge pertaining to gross objects.
The above two stages, even though difficult to comprehend, only deal with gross
objects and are hence, lower stages of Samadhi. So the knowledge gained is still
imperfect. But yoga is concerned with perfect knowledge, and for that, the minutest
or subtlest details must be known. Hence, the study of the higher stages of Savichara
and Nirvichara Samadhi.
Savichara and Nirvichara are concerned with realisation of the subtle and more
profound objects like Tanmatras or the five senses, Ahamkaras or mutative ego,
Buddhi or pure I-sense and the three Gunas. These are very subtle areas and are
beyond the comprehension of our intellectual potential. In spite of our best efforts to
understand these higher planes, much success isn't possible for our brain-bound
intellects. Simply put, what the Yogi really does is to sink deeper and deeper into his
own consciousness.
Chapter 7.29/30
h/fd/0fdf]Iffo dfdfl>To otlGt o] .
t] a|Xd tlåb'M s[T:gdWofTd+ sd{ rflvnd\ .. &=@( ..
Those who strive for liberation from old age and death,
taking refuge in Me, - they realise in full that Brahman,
the whole knowledge of the Self and all action.
People strive for overcoming old age and death by turning to God. They know Brahman. Wise people know the theory of
Karma and they know the world and they even know the ultimate Brahman. In this way, part of life is understood by them as
Adibhuta in the field of matter; Adidaivika (higher reality) and Adiyajnathe (unmanifest divinity dwelling in the heart of all
beings as their witness). The persons who can maintain such a clear kind of thinking should have such a clarity all the time,
even at the time of death.
ोिमल जैन स वेरा
Ÿ तृ याने आन पूणता
Ÿ अनािद बोध
भागवद् गीता अ ाय 8
-आभा भ
1. सातव अ ाय म भगवान की श यो ं के बारे म जाना, 8. उदाहरण- गंगाजी एक पिव नदी है , उसम साधु-महा ा
आठव अ ाय म भगवान का घर अ र (परमधाम) के भी नान करने जाते ह और खराब कम करने वाले भी नान
सां का रका
-साधको ं ारा
(डॉ. जयदे वजी तथा ीमती हं साजी की िट िणयो ं सिहत)
तीनो ं गुण अ ग अ ग भाव के होते ह िफर तीनो ं एक साथ रह कर कैसे काय करते ह ?
स घु, का किम मुप कं रजः ।
गु वरणकमेव तमः, दीप ाsथतो वृि ः ।। १३ ।।
स फु त है और ान बढ़ाता है । रजस उ ाही है । तमस बात याद आ गयी वह तुरंत अपनी अलमारी साफ करने लगा
िन य है और अवरोध पैदा करता है । पर उनका एक ही और धीरे -धीरे गु ा अपने आप उतर गया ।
है , वही जो दीये का होता है । हम इससे सीख ले सकते ह । जब हम कभी गु ा आये तब हम
यह तीन गुण सदै व प रवितत होते रहते है । कभी एक दबता है िकसी काम म हो जाएं या अपनी वास पर ान दे ने लगे
तो दू सरा हावी हो जाता है दू सरा दबता है तो तीसरा हावी हो या एक पैर पर खड़े हो जाये आप दे खगे िक थोड़े समय म ही
जाता है , वे पर र एक दू सरे को दबाते ह और हावी हो जाते है आप शां त हो गए ह और मन संतुिलत होने लगा है । जब कभी
और इस तरह से प रवतन का म च ता रहता है , े िकन तीनो ं स हावी होता है तब हम बु दमानी और समझदारी की बात
ये प रवतन की ि या एक के तहत करते है जेसे दीपक म करते है जब रजस हावी होता है तो िवचि त रहते है ां त नही ं
बाती, ते और अ न एक साथ आते है दीपक ज ने के ि ए व रह पाते और तमस हावी होने पर िन ाही और आ स रहता
रो नी दे ने के ि ये । इसी तरह तीनो ं गुण भी एक दू सरे से है । संसार तीन गुणो ं से बना है पर उनका अनुपात बद ते रहता
एकदम िभ न है पर एक दू सरे का सहयोग करते है , हमारी है बस हम पहचान नही ं पाते और इस प रवतन से घबरा जाते ह,
उ ित के ि ये । हमारे ि ए यह मह पूण है िक यह जान की दु ःखी हो जाते है । यह स ाई समझ म आने म पूरी िजंदगी ख
िकस व कौन सा गुण हावी है । अिपतु य न ये होना चािहए हो जाती है । सुनते ह पर करने के समय भूल जाते ह । पकड़े
िक सदै व स हावी रह, तभी हम सही ान ा कर पाएं गे और जाने पर िफर िनणय लेते ह िक ऐसा नही करगे, लेिकन िफर
दु ःखो ं को कम कर पाएं गे । गलती करते ह । कुछ बदलाव लाना है तो रोज िदन म थोड़ा
आता था । उसके एक दो ने सलाह दी िक जब कभी गु ा िफर गुणो ं से परे जाना है । अस को याद रखना, सामने आयी
आये तो वह कोई काम करने लगे । एक शाम उसकी अपने भाई चीजो ं म ादा नही ं पड़ना ह।
ि कोणासन
आसन प रचय- शरीर की उन सब मां सपेिशयो ं का जो कभी २. नीचे की ओर ढले ए पेट म खंचाव पैदा करता है ।
इ ेमाल म नही ं आती ह, उनकी कोमलता और लचीलापन ३. गदन और रीढ़ की हि यो ं की मां सपेिशयो ं को मजबूत
बढ़ाने के िलये यह आसन ब त मह पूण माना गया है । इस बनाता है ।
आसन म शरीर के संपूण ढाँ चे खासकर भुजाओ,ं रीढ़ की ह ी
४. कमर और पेट की मां सपेिशयो ं को सही शेप म लाने म मदद
और पैर के ढाँ चे को संपूण खंचाव िमलता है ।
करता है ।
शु आती थती –
५. फेफड़ो ं के ऊपरी िह ो ं म हवा का दबाव बढ़ाता है ।
१. दोनो ं पैरो ं को जोड़कर हाथो ं को बगल म रखकर सीधे खड़े
६. संपूण शरीर के साथ खास तौर पर पैरो ं और पु ो ं की
हो जाय ।
मां सपेिशयो ं को ादा खंचाव िमलता है ।
२. गदन सीधी रहे , सीना चौड़ा रहे और पेट व थत रहे साथ
ही ठोडी समाना र रहे
३. आँ खे सामने िकसी िब दु पर कि त रह ।
आसन की ि या –
१. तीन सेकंड म वास लेते ए दोनो ं हाथो ं को समाना र
रखते ए सामने की ओर उठाय तथा हथेिलयाँ नीचे की ओर
रह ।
२. तीन सेकंड म वास छोड़ते ए कमर से आगे की ओर झक
ु ,
पैर सीधे रह, रीढ़ की ह ी सीधी रहे और हाथो ं की उं गिलयो ं
से पैरो ं की उं गिलयो ं को छू ल ।
· गदन और रीढ़ की ह ी जमीन के समाना र सीधी रहे और
पेट अंदर की ओर दबा रहे ।
· आँ ख ऊपर की ओर सीधी या नाक छोर पर कि त रह ।
· यह आसन करते व शरीर पर कोई गैरज री झटका या
दबाव न आने द ।
३. 6 सेकंड तक वास रोककर इसी थती म के रह ।
(आसन की अंितम थती)
४. शु आती थती म वापस आने की ि या – 3 सेकंड म
ास लेते ए शरीर के झक
ु े ए िह े को ऊपर उठाय और
सीधे होकर शु आती थती म आ जाय ।
अ ास के ित सलाह –
१. इसी ि या को 3 से 4 बार दोहराय, हर दोहराने के बीच
कुछ णो ं का अवकाश ल ।
सीमाएँ ितबंध –
१. हिनया, उ र चाप, दय के रोगी, गभाव था, अ र
वाले न कर तथा प िड वाले सावधानी पूवक कर ।
लाभ –
१. गलत तरीको ं से उठने – बैठने से ये शरीर के ढां चे के
नुकसान को ठीक करता है ।
सकारा क सोच से
बदलता है जीवन
कुछ लोग जीवन म हमेशा दु ःखी व परे शान रहते ह, ये ऐसे ीकारते ह िक प र थती को बदला नही ं जा सकता । जीवन म
होते ह जो हर थती को अपने िनयं ण म रखना चाहते ह कुछ प र थितयाँ ऐसी भी आती ह, िज ीकार करना पड़ता
और िजंदगी को अपनी शत पर चलाना चाहते ह । जबिक है , इसिलये वे अनाव क संघष म अपना समय व श नही ं
प र थती तो हर समय बदलती रहती है । गँवाते । प र थती के सकारा क प को पहचान कर उसे
यिद हम सोच िक हर काय हमारे अनुकूल होगा तो यह तो कभी ीकारते ह । यही उनके सुख और स ता का कारण होता है ।
भी संभव नही ं है । प र थितयो ं को हम िनयंि त भी नही ं कर जो थती को अपनी मनमरजी से चलाना चाहते ह, प र थती
सकते ह । जीवन म उतार-चढ़ाव तो आते ही रहते ह, अनुकूल को िनयंि त करना चाहते ह वे हमेशा दु ःखी रहते ह । जबिक वे
या ितकूलताओं से ही जीवन बना है । जीवन की प र थितयाँ भी अपने अंदर सकारा कता के गुणो ं का िवकास करके सुखी
बदलती रहती ह, यिद अपनी मनः थती को प र थती रह सकते ह । संसार म कोई ऐसी चीज नही,ं िजसम केवल
के अनू प ढाल ले तो अनाव क उलझनो ं से बचा रह सकता अवगुण ही हो,ं जीवन तो गुण-दोष का िम ण है बस दे खने वाले
है । के ि कोण पर िनभर करता है िक वह िकस प को दे खता,
जीवन के दो मह पूण प होते ह- एक तो प र थती और चुनता या ीकार करता है । जब सकारा क प को दे खना व
दू सरा मनः थती । थती म सुख या दु ख का अनुभव प र थती ीकार करना सीख िलया तो उनकी मनः थती व प र थती
की अपे ा पर िनभर होता है । प र थती पर हमारा सदै व के िलये सकारा क बन जाती है , वे अपना सम िवकास
िनयं ण नही ं है , पर हर प र थती म अपनी मनः थती को कर सकते ह ।
मजबूत कर उसम उलझे बगैर सफलता ा कर सकते ह । जो हर हाल म राजी हो, उ कौन दु ःखी कर सकता है ? हर हाल
कुछ लोग ऐसे भी होते ह जो हर प र थती म सुखी व स रहते म राजी होने का अथ मजबूरी या िववशता म जीवन जीना नही,ं
ह, जीवन की कोई भी ितकूलता उ िवचिलत नही ं करती । वरन् हर प र थती म अपने मन की सकारा कता बनाए रखना
उनके िलये हर थती एक अवसर बन जाती है और वे उसका है । यह तभी संभव है जब हम हर प र थती के केवल
लाभ उठा कर आगे बढ़ जाते ह । ऐसे लोग कुछ िमले तो भी सकारा क प को मह द, उसे ीकार और स ावपूवक
स रहते ह और कुछ िछन जाये तो भी िवचिलत नही ं होते, अपनाएँ । हमारे ि कोण पर ही िनभर है िक उसे अवसर के
उनके की यही िवशेषता उ अ लोगो ं से िवशेष प म दे ख या चुनौती के पम।
करती है । इसिलये बदलती प र थती के साथ सकारा कता बनाए रखना
एक िवशेषता यह है िक वे हर प र थती के अनु प अपने ही जीवन म सफलता का एकमा सू है ..... ऐसा करते ही सारे
मनः थती को बदल लेते ह । वे इस त को जानते, समझते व दु ःख, सुख म बदल जाते ह ।
समृि सं पदा के सं ह म नही ं ब िबखेरने म है ।
- ाित
समृ की चाह िकसे नही ं होती ? इसके िलये तो सभी सतत धन समु के खारे पानी की तरह है , िजसे िजतना पीते जाएँ गे
य नशील रहते ह, पर ु इसके िस ां तो ं को नही ं समझ पाने की उतनी ही ास बढ़ती जायेगी । वैसे ही सोना-चां दी, हीरे -
वजह से समृ होते ए भी इसके एहसास से वंिचत रह जाते ह । जवाहरात हम भौितक ि से तो समृ करते ह जबिक समृ
समृ के िलये सं ह की वृि अपनाने लगते ह उसकी तो हम अंतःकरण की शु से ही बनते ह । इस संपदा के मा म
रखवाली व सुर ा करने म लगे रहते ह । जबिक समृ का से सब कुछ तः ही हािसल होने लगता है । ान, भ की
संबंध संपदा के सं ह से नही ं ब हमारे मन के आं त रक धाराएँ मन म वािहत होने लगती ह िजससे मनु का जीवन
एहसास से है , संयम से है , संतुि से है । ध बनता है । भौितक समृ नाशवान है इसकी लोभ-लालसा
यिद एक बार अपनी अपे ाओं को बढ़ाया तो वे इतनी बढ़ जाती थ है लेिकन सू वआ ा क समृ थायी है जो शरीर
ह िक िकतने भी धन-साधन हो ं पर उनका उपभोग करने के छोड़ने पर भी अपने साथ ले जायी जा सकती है ।
बजाय और अिधक कमाने म लगे रहते ह, इस तरह मन म धन के कृित म दे खये – निदयाँ अपने जल का उपयोग यं नही ं
ित लोभ जा त हो जाता है , िफर मन तृ नही ं होता चाहे कुछ करती,ं दू सरो ं को उ ु भाव से दे ती ह । वृ अपने फल को
भी कर लो । संजो कर नही ं रखते उ दू सरो ं की ुधा शां त करने के िलये
यिद हम अपने साधनो ं का समुिचत उपयोग कर पा रहे ह, छोड़ दे ते ह । वायु सबके िलए समान भाव से वािहत होकर
कंजूसी का भाव नही,ं परोपकार म भी धन लगाते ह तो ही हम जीवन दान करती है । बादल भी पया होते ही बरस जाते ह,
समृ माने जायगे । इसके िवपरीत हम यिद धन के सं ह के सूय समान प से रोशनी व उजा दान करता है िफर सबसे
िलये सदै व आतुर रहते ह तो यह एक तरह की द र ता होगी । समझदार कहे जाने वाले ाणी (मनु ) म ऐसी भयंकर सं ह की
जो सदै व लेना ही जानते हो,ं कभी दे ने के भाव न रखते हो ं यिद वृि िकससे े रत होकर आयी ? कृित हम सदै व यह सीख
उनके पास अतुलनीय संपदा भी हो तो भी उसका ा फायदा ? दे ती है िक यिद तालाब के प म जल का सं ह होगा तो उसम
अपने भीतर की अमू संपदा की ओर हमारा ान ही नही ं गंदगी होगी, कीड़े पडगे, वही पानी बहता आ रहे गा तो सदै व
ब हमारी वृि याँ बिहमुखी ह, हमारी दौड़ बाहर की ओर शु रहे गा । अपनी आव कताओं की पूत करने के िलये जो
अप रिचत ल की ओर तेजी से बढ़े जा रहे ह । पढ़े -िलखे िलये भी सं हण हो तो भी उपयोगी होगा, लेिकन अनाप-शनाप
होकर भी अ ानी ह, जीवन-िव ा से अप रिचत ह, भले ही हमने व ुओं का सं हण, बेिहसाब धन न तो यं के िलये िहतकर है
भौितक समृ ा कर ली हो लेिकन असली समृ से हम न ही समाज के िलये, ोिंक ऐसा करने से समाज का अ वग
है , जबिक समृ तो िबखेरने म है अपने पास जो भी है उसे यिद सच म समृ होना है तो अपने ही अंग-अवयव कहे जाने
उदारता से परोपकार म लगाने से जीवन की वा िवक तृ वाले अ वग के उ ान के िलये कुछ सोच साथ ही यथाश
वैसे भी ास बुझाने के िलये पूरे समु की ज रत नही ं होती, अपनाय । लोकोपयोगी काय म यं को िनयोिजत कर और
एक छोटा झरना ही काफी होता है , उसी कार सं ह करने की भौितक समृ के साथ-साथ आ ा क ि से भी समृ होने
Yoga News
- A. N. Desai
The 1st Death Anniversary of Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra was solemnly observed on 16th February 2019 at The Yoga Institute.
Hundreds of Sadhakas paid their homage to Dr. Jayadeva.
Smt. Hansaji Jayadeva and Sadhaka's reminiscing about Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra
Saatvik Yogendra, the little grandson of Dr. Jayadeva and Smt. A big group of 60 ladies of the JSG Juhu Sangini
Hansaji, celebrating his 1st birthday on 16th February 2019. Forum attended a 9.30am to 4.00pm yoga camp at
The Yoga Institute on 9th February 2019. The group
appreciated the hours spent at the Institute and said
that they gained a great deal.
Baby Saatvik with proud parents Smt Pranee and Shri Hrishi Yogendra
As a part of the ongoing 'Community Service Initiative', The Yoga Institute in association with The Rotary Club of Bombay
West hosted a free Yoga Education Workshop for the students of 'Juhu Gandhigram Municipal Mumbai Public School' -
Marathi and Hindi Medium on 20th February 2019.
On 18th February 2019 a group of students from Jai Hind College visited The Yoga Institute and spent some time learning
Yoga Asanas and concepts.
Shri Om Prakash, a teacher of The Yoga Institute taking a yoga session at Kumbh Mela 2019.
Smt. Hansaji and Shri HrishiYogendra with the President of Dabawallas and their team during their visit to The Yoga Institute.
Students of 'Integral Chakra Psychology' Course being felicitated by Smt. Hansaji and Dr. Atul Pednekar.
Veteran Indian singer, Shri Bappi Lahiri sharing a Finding a connect between Dance and Yoga – 'Terence
light moment with Smt. Hansaji. Lewis Dance Academy' students with Smt. Hansaji at The
Yoga Institute.
UTI employees experience a blissful yoga session conducted by teachers of The Yoga Institute.
The Yoga Institute conducted a yoga session for the Traffic Police in Naigaon, Mumbai.
HEALTH CAMPS March 2019 April 2019
7 Day Health Camp (English) 23- 29 27-3 May
7 Day Health Camp (Hindi) 9-15
Stress Management Camp 10 14
Cardiac+ Hypertension Camp 3 -
Diabetes Camp - 7
Respiratory Camp - 13
Back Joint Disorders Camp 24 28
Weight Management Camp 2 6
Bhavas Workshop - 6
Diet Workshop - 13
Digestion Workshop 30 -
Karma Yoga Workshop 2 -
Pranayama Workshop 16 -
Senior Citizens Camp 17 -
Life Management Camp 17 -
Women's Camp 25 - 40 9 -
Women's Camp 40+ - -
Meditation Camp 16 20
Pregnancy Ante and Post Natal 18-19 20-21
Emo-Energy Balancing 17 21
Swadhyaya (5- Day Workshop) - 3-7
21 - day Better Living Course starts on the 1st Sunday of every month.
अन यचेताः सततं यो मां मर त न यशः DATE OF PUBLISHING: 1ST MARCH, 2019
with a feeling that there is none other than Me REGN. NO. MCN/198/2018-2020
one who continually and eternally thinks of Me ISSN 0970. 1737 | RNI NO. MAHBIL/2017/74056