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Fluor Corp International Assignment Policy 2009 PDF

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International Assignment Policy

01 MAY 2009


Effective: 01 MAY 2009 Supersedes: 01 AUG 2008

1.0 POLICY AND DEFINITIONS................................................................................ 3

1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Scope......................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Code of Conduct........................................................................................ 3
1.4 Definitions .................................................................................................. 3
1.5 Policy Development and Administration..................................................... 6

2.0 ASSIGNMENT PROCESSING AND MAINTENANCE......................................... 7

2.1 Employee and Dependent Processing and Maintenance .......................... 7
2.2 ASSIGNMENT Processing ........................................................................ 7
2.3 Commencement of Assignment................................................................. 7
2.4 Temporary Assignments/Business Travel While On Assignment Status ... 8
2.5 Interim Physical Examinations ................................................................... 9
2.6 Salary Administration and Performance Assessment ................................ 9
2.7 Changes in Assignment Status................................................................ 10
2.8 Dual Status Assignment........................................................................... 10
2.9 Consecutive Assignments/Multiple Location Assignments ...................... 10
2.10 Completion of Assignment ....................................................................... 11
2.11 Termination of Assignment Status ........................................................... 12
2.12 End-of-Assignment Processing................................................................ 12
2.13 Early Termination Due to Project/Business Conditions............................ 13
2.14 Localization.............................................................................................. 14

3.0 COMPENSATION .............................................................................................. 15

3.1 Compensation.......................................................................................... 15
3.2 Assignment Workweek ............................................................................ 15
3.3 Overtime .................................................................................................. 16
3.4 Assignment Incentives ............................................................................. 16
3.5 Per Diem.................................................................................................. 17
3.6 Cost-of-Living Differential Allowance (COLDA)........................................ 17
3.7 Camp Accommodations........................................................................... 18
3.8 Housing and Utilities ................................................................................ 18
3.9 Home Maintenance Allowance ................................................................ 19
3.10 Local Transportation ................................................................................ 19
3.11 Payments Required by Local Law or Custom .......................................... 20
3.12 Expatriate Tax Policy ............................................................................... 20
3.13 Mandatory Host Country Social Insurance Retirement/Savings Plans .... 21

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Effective: 01 MAY 2009 Supersedes: 01 AUG 2008

3.14 Special Allowances .................................................................................. 21

4.0 TRAVEL, MOVING & RELOCATION ................................................................ 22

4.1 Expatriation And Repatriation Travel ....................................................... 22
4.2 Expatriation/Repatriation Allowances ...................................................... 22
4.3 Expatriation Relocation Expenses (Settling-In)........................................ 23
4.4 Realtor Fee .............................................................................................. 23
4.5 Sale Of Residence In Home Country ....................................................... 24
4.6 Purchase/Sale Of Residence At The Assignment Location ..................... 24
4.7 Purchase Of Residence In Home Country ............................................... 24
4.8 Shipping Expenses (Relocating Assignments) ........................................ 25
4.9 Storage Expenses (Relocating Assignments).......................................... 26
4.10 Shipping and Storage Insurance (Relocating Assignments).................... 27
4.11 Shipping, Storage and Insurance Limitations........................................... 27

5.0 DEPENDENT EDUCATION REIMBURSEMENTS ............................................ 28

5.1 Education Expenses – RELOCATING ASSIGNMENTS ONLY ............... 28
5.2 Student Visits – RELOCATING ASSIGNMENTS ONLY .......................... 29

6.0 AUTHORIZED ABSENCES ............................................................................... 30

6.1 International Time Off With Pay / Vacation .............................................. 30
6.2 Assignment Location Holidays................................................................. 30
6.3 Home Leave Benefits............................................................................... 31
6.4 Home Leave Travel ................................................................................. 32

7.0 EMERGENCIES ................................................................................................. 34

7.1 Family Emergencies Away From The Assignment Location .................... 34
7.2 Death Of Employee And/Or Authorized Dependent At The Assignment
Location ................................................................................................... 34
7.3 Lack of Medical Facilities ......................................................................... 35
7.4 Compensation on Return to Point of Origin for Medical Reasons............ 35
7.5 Natural or Civil Emergency Evacuation.................................................... 35

8.0 ADMINISTRATION AND BILLING .................................................................... 36

8.1 Client/Project Charges ............................................................................. 36

INDEX ........................................................................................................................... 38

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Effective: 01 MAY 2009 Supersedes: 01 AUG 2008

Fluor’s International Assignment Policy (IAP) is designed to promote
employee mobility through fair and equitable compensation, terms and
conditions when on an international assignment.

The IAP governs Fluor employees while on assignment to a location
outside of their Home Country. The IAP is not applicable to Host Country
local hires, agency or contract employees. Separate policies apply to
regional and project hires, as well as to expatriates not affiliated with a Fluor
Home Country.


Fluor management has established the highest ethical standards that apply
worldwide. As representatives of Fluor Corporation, expatriates and their
families are expected to maintain and advance the Company’s global
reputation for ethical behavior and integrity. Expatriates should be familiar
with, and adhere to, the Company’s Code of Conduct, policies and
applicable home and host country laws.

The following definitions are applicable only within the context of this
international assignment policy.

Home Country/Office: A location where Fluor maintains significant,

permanent operations and where the employees of that country/office are
placed on international assignment under the terms of the IAP. The Home
Country/Office has primary administrative and functional responsibility for
the employee and is normally the country where the employee was
originally hired and which maintains the official employee record.

Home Country Supplement (International Assignment Policy Section 9): A

supplement to this policy prepared by each Home Country, in coordination
with Corporate International Human Resources, which defines policies
unique to each Home Country including but not limited to Home Country
compensation, benefits, expatriate tax policy and international paid time off

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 3

Home Office Base Salary: Home Office Base Salary is the salary paid for
the standard home country office workweek as defined by the employee's
Home Office, excluding Overtime and as further defined in the applicable
Home Country Supplement.

Assignment Base Salary: Assignment Base Salary consists of Home Office

Base Salary, plus assignment-related salary adjustments such as
International Assignment Incentive, Hardship Allowance and similar salary-
based uplifts, as applicable.

Assignment Provisions: Assignment provisions supplement the IAP by

specifying the incentives, work schedules, allowances, leave schedules and
other provisions unique to a particular international location and/or project.

Point of Origin (Home Base): The location designated by the employee and
approved by Project Management to which the employee expects to return
after completing the international assignment. With prior approval, this
location may be outside the Home Office location.

If an employee wishes to change the Point of Origin for the purpose of

Home Leaves and travel time, prior Project Management approval is

Point of Departure: The location from which the employee actually leaves
for the international assignment.

Business Travel: Business travel is for a limited period, generally not

greater than 60 days. Business travel prior to placement on international
assignment is governed by the employee’s Home Country business travel
policy. Business travel while on international assignment is governed by
the applicable project or office location policy.

Assignment Types:

• Non-Relocating Assignments

Non-Relocating assignments are typically project-oriented, not limited to

a maximum duration but generally not less than 60 days, provide for the
employee only and do not involve a change in primary residence.

Employees are provided furnished housing and utilities, local

transportation and a per diem for local living expenses. Travel
Allowances will be provided for regular Home Leaves. Lump-sum and
monthly allowances are provided to offset one-time and on-going
expenses at the assignment location and Point of Origin.

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 4

If lodging availability and visa regulations permit, and if approved by

Project Management, Authorized Dependents may accompany the
employee and will be provided with expatriation and repatriation travel,
and assignment processing as described in Section 2.2 only. This
option is available when the expected length of stay for the Authorized
Dependent(s) at the assignment location is at least one half the
anticipated assignment duration, or 12 months, whichever is less.
Lodging, per diem, home leave travel allowances/frequency and other
assignment provisions do not change and remain based on employee

• Relocating: Relocating assignments typically apply to employees

accompanied by Authorized Dependents relocating for 12 months or
more, during which the expatriate’s primary residence shifts to the
assignment location for the duration of the assignment.

Employees on Relocating assignments are provided shipment of

household goods and personal effects, storage of furniture at Point of
Origin, furnished housing and utilities, local transportation and, when
applicable a Cost-of-Living Differential Allowance (COLDA).
Employees and Authorized Dependents are also provided a Travel
Allowance for an annual Home Leave. Lump-sum relocation
allowances are provided to offset the cost of relocation expenses upon
expatriation and repatriation.

• Camp Conditions: An assignment location which is typically adjacent to

a field construction site, often in a remote location, where the provision
of lodging and meals is directed by Fluor and/or the Client. Camp
location assignments are normally Non-Relocating and Unaccompanied
Status only.

• Permanent Home Country Transfer: A transfer from one Home Country

Office to another, entailing the adoption of local terms and conditions of
employment, with no intent to return to the Home Country. In these
cases, assignment provisions do not apply and the terms of such
transfers are outside the scope of this Policy and require prior approval
of the Senior Vice-President, Human Resources and Administration.

Assignment Status:

• Unaccompanied: Unaccompanied Status provides for the employee


• Accompanied: Accompanied Status provides for the employee and at

least one Authorized Dependent.
This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
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Authorized Dependents: Individuals who are authorized to accompany the

employee, depending on the assignment location and ability to obtain an
appropriate visa from the Host Country, include the following:

• Current legal spouse, including, where formally recognized by both

home and host country, legal domestic partners

• Children under age nineteen and under the custody of the employee

• Children through age twenty-two, unmarried, not employed full time and
attending an accredited school on a full-time basis

• Individuals who meet the dependency requirements of the Home

Country office

• Relatives deemed to be totally dependent on the employee, if approved

by Project Management (e.g. aged parents or disabled siblings)

Non-Authorized Dependents: Any individual who visits or accompanies a

Fluor assignee at the assignment location without Company approval is a
Non-Authorized Dependent and is not covered by this or any other Fluor
policy. Fluor will not assume responsibility for any costs or liabilities
including but not limited to housing costs, living expenses, immigration, tax
compliance, routine or emergency health care, legal liabilities, etc.


The IAP and assignment provisions are developed, maintained and
interpreted by Corporate International Human Resources.

All Policy/Provisions exceptions, new Assignment Provisions, and revisions

to existing Policy/Provisions must be approved in accordance with the Fluor
Human Resources Approval Matrix.

Ongoing changes to allowances such as COLDA, Per Diems, Housing

Allowances and rates of exchange which are subject to periodic review are
not considered policy revisions. These changes are implemented by the
respective Home Office Assignment Administration group, in liaison with
Corporate International Human Resources.

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
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Effective: 01 MAY 2009 Supersedes: 01 AUG 2008


The Home Country Human Resources group requires written authorization
from the employee’s Organization/Department management to process the
employee and Authorized Dependents for international assignment.


Employees, new hires and Authorized Dependents will be reimbursed for
authorized expenses required for the assignment, including but not limited
to the following:

• Required medical exams * • Telephone calls

• Chemical screening * • Transportation expenses
• Work permits * • Parking expenses
• Required driver’s licenses * • Passport
• Visas • Passport and visa photos
• Required inoculations • Residency / Student permits

* Applies to Employee only, unless required by the Host Country

Expenses will be charged to the new assignment.

Active employees are authorized to charge the project up to two regularly

scheduled work days for time spent on assignment processing activities.

Processing time is not provided to employees on Leave of Absence, or to

prospective employees.


A job-related physical exam must be satisfactorily completed by the
employee prior to commencement of the assignment.

When required by Home Country policy and/or assignment location, a

chemical screening must be completed prior to commencement of the

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 7

Employee's effective date at a new assignment location will be the first day
of direct travel to the assignment location.

Assignment Base Salary commences the day the employee actually reports
for work at the assignment location.


When an employee on business trip status is placed on international
assignment, assignment benefits do not apply retroactively and will
commence only after formal authorization and assignment processing is

Business trips occurring while already on international assignment status

will be in accordance with the business travel policy for that location
(project, office or country, as applicable) Employees will continue to
receive their Assignment Base Salary and applicable allowances in
addition to reimbursement for business trip expenses as approved by
Project Management.

Business travel that occurs in connection with mobilization to, or

demobilization from, the assignment location will be considered as part of
the assignment.

If the expected duration of a business trip is less than 30 days, the

employee will continue to receive the assignment per diem and will be
reimbursed for all business travel expenses. If the expected duration of a
business trip exceeds 30 consecutive days, the employee will be paid an
amount equal to the greater of the per diem rate for the assignment location
or the per diem rate for the business travel destination. If no per diem is
established for the business travel destination actual, reasonable expenses
for that location will be reimbursed as approved by Project Management.

Paid work hours may be adjusted while on business travel in accordance

with local standards or business requirements.

Employees on a Non-Relocating assignment who are required to work at a

new international location (not Business Travel) will be transferred to the
new location as an assignment-to-assignment transfer. Employees on a
Relocating assignment who are temporarily transferred to another location
on a Non-Relocating assignment will continue to receive allowances in
accordance with the original Relocating assignment provisions and will also
receive a per diem, housing and local transportation at the temporary

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 8

assignment location. However, depending on lease conditions, Authorized

Dependent status, and expected duration, the Housing Allowance at the
original assignment location may be discontinued during the temporary


Interim physical examinations are authorized and recommended for all
employees after each twelve months on International assignment(s), or as
otherwise prescribed by Fluor Medical Services. Physical examinations may
be required in conjunction with an employee's Home Leave, Assignment-to-
Assignment Transfer, or return to Point of Origin, or every twelve months

• A physical examination may be taken at any location with company-

approved medical facilities, as determined by Management, including
the assignment location. Company-approved physical exams must be
reviewed by Fluor Medical Services.

• A maximum of U.S. $750, or Home Country currency equivalent, will be

reimbursed to the extent charges are not covered under the Company
or national insurance plans for an approved physical examination.

• When a physical examination is required by the project or company,

employees are authorized to charge up to one regular work day for
taking the exam.

• No other special payments or reimbursements for travel pay,

transportation or travel expenses are authorized for the interim physical.

• Annual EMT physical examinations will be charged to the project or

assignment location.


Salary increases are administered in accordance with the employee's Home
Office Salary Program guidelines.

Employee's Home Office Management is responsible for notifying Project

Management of the date that a performance assessment is due.

Project Management is responsible for conducting performance

assessments for employees on international assignments in accordance
with the appropriate Home Office salary program and notifying the
employee's Home Office Management of the results.
This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 9


Family Status Eligibility and Allowances
When an Authorized Dependent(s) joins the employee, payments and
benefits will apply and become effective on the date employee’s Authorized
Dependent(s) arrives at the assignment location.

• Family Status housing will be granted when Authorized Dependents are

scheduled to join the employee at the assignment location within sixty

• If Authorized Dependents cease to meet the definition, or are absent

from the assignment location for more than four consecutive months, or
more than six months in a twelve month period, allowances and
assignment status will be reviewed and adjusted accordingly. The
employee is responsible for informing Project Management that the
Authorized Dependent(s) no longer meets the residency requirements
specified above.

Project Management has the responsibility to inform Home Office Human

Resources when a change of status is required.

Other changes in assignment status or type will be evaluated on an

individual basis by Home Country Human Resources and Corporate
International Human Resources.


If a married couple or legally recognized domestic partners, both employed
by Fluor, are assigned as expatriates to the same location, each employee
will receive an expatriation and repatriation allowance, COLDA or per diem,
and Home Leave Travel at the individual (one person) rate and any
additional amount for dependent children added to one employee’s
allowance. All other allowances and assignment benefits will be provided
on a family unit basis.


Employees who are assigned to a new project in a new location requiring a
change in residence will be eligible for standard assignment provisions
including both the repatriation and the expatriation allowance, with the
exception that when relocating to a new location within the same country
the expatriation lump sum amount only will be paid.

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 10

Repatriation, expatriation allowances and travel are not provided when

assigned to a new project in the same location. However, if a change of
status occurs in connection with the new assignment, any repatriation
allowances and travel for Authorized Dependents returning to point of origin
will be charged to the former project and any expatriation allowances and
travel for Authorized Dependents traveling to the assignment location will be
charged to the new project.

Assignees who are participating in pre-planned consecutive moves in

support of a single project will be paid one lump sum relocation allowance
only equal to the greater of the expatriation allowance for the new location
or the repatriation allowance for the preceding location, for each move to a
new location requiring a change in residence. A repatriation allowance will
be paid upon Satisfactory Completion of assignment at the final location.

Other special circumstances will be handled on an individual basis.


A. Satisfactory Completion of Assignment: Assignment duration will
be determined by the requirements of the project/client and may
differ from the original anticipated duration of assignment.
Employees will have satisfactorily completed their assignment
when one of the following conditions exists:

• Project Management determines that the employee has fully

complied with the assignment requirements and performed the
services expected.

• The employee becomes physically or mentally incapacitated and

can no longer perform required job duties. In these cases, Fluor
may require verification by an independent medical practitioner.

• Retirement from Fluor provided the expatriate has completed a

minimum of 6 months on assignment and given Project
Management adequate notice of his/her intent to retire.

B. Unsatisfactory Completion of Assignment: The following constitutes

Unsatisfactory Completion of Assignment:

• Project Management determines that the employee has not fully

complied with the assignment requirements and/or not
performed the services expected.

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 11

• Termination for Cause as defined in the employee's Home

Country termination or discipline policy, or as noted in the
Assignment Provisions.

• The Employee’s resignation prior to having fully complied with

the assignment requirements and performed the services

In the event of Unsatisfactory Completion of Assignment the

employee will forfeit the following:

• Home Country tax preparation assistance, tax reconciliations

and any tax protection payments

• Shipment of household goods and delivery out of storage

• Completion Bonuses or performance plan payments that may be

subject to Satisfactory Completion of Assignment

• Repatriation expenses including any lump-sum payments

In the event of Unsatisfactory Completion of Assignment, a least-cost

economy class air ticket, via the most direct route to Point of Origin,
will be supplied for repatriation travel.


Employee's effective date of transfer will be the day following the last day
worked at the assignment location.

Project Management and Home Office Human Resources will coordinate

the final payments of any assignment-related compensation.

Upon an employee's termination from Fluor during or immediately following

an international assignment, all financial obligations incurred between Fluor
and the employee while on assignment will be settled by adjustment to final
payments for salary, allowances, expenses, or other reimbursements, to the
extent permitted by law.


Project Management, by means of the appropriate authorization to process
form, must request Home Office Human Resources to process the
employee and Authorized Dependents for return from international

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 12

Project Management will be responsible for performing and documenting an

end-of-assignment performance assessment.


If an expatriate’s services are no longer required due to unexpected
changes in project or business conditions, Project Management may
authorize the following:

• Attempt to transfer the expatriate and Authorized Dependents to

another international assignment.

• Repatriate the employee and Authorized Dependents to Point of Origin

in accordance with the provisions applicable for a Satisfactory
Completion of Assignment.

Special Demobilization payments may be authorized as follows:

A. At the Assignment Location:

• Reimbursement for customary rent if required to cancel a lease,

to the extent the amounts fall within assignment allowances or

• Reimbursement for customary furniture rental charge if required

to cancel a furniture rental agreement.

• Reimbursement for any customary nonrefundable deposits

which must be forfeited due to a premature departure and which
were initially paid by, and not reimbursed to, the employee.

• Reimbursement for fees associated with the early termination of

a vehicle lease agreement. Regular end of lease expenses
including, but not limited to, those for excess miles or excessive
wear and tear will not be reimbursed.

• Reimbursement for temporary lodging and meal expenses for up

to 7 days if authorized by Project Management.

B. At Point of Origin For Relocating Assignments: If employee's

principal residence is leased and the employee cannot immediately
regain possession, the following may be paid or reimbursed:

• 150% of Repatriation Allowance.

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 13

• Automobile rental up to 2 weeks through a company-approved

rental agency. Employee is responsible for all fuel costs.

• Temporary housing for up to sixty days.

• Storage of personal effects for up to sixty days.

• Reimburse lessee reasonable moving cost within fifty mile (80

Km) radius to vacate employee's home.

• Reimburse a one-time access charge into storage if employee

moves into temporary rental accommodations.

International assignments are intended to be temporary in nature. After five
years in the same country or if the employee decides to purchase a home
at the assignment location or makes application for permanent immigration
status, the justification for the international assignment will be reviewed by
the responsible Human Resources and Business Unit Management.

In these cases, consideration may be given to reducing or eliminating

assignment allowances and/or conversion to local terms and conditions of
employment. Such cases will remain under annual review as long as any
portion of the expatriate assignment provisions and Home Country benefits

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 14


Effective: 01 MAY 2009 Supersedes: 01 AUG 2008

Employees may be entitled to the following assignment compensation
components. Assignment Provisions will specify applicable levels and
values according to location and/or project.

IAP Provisions Non-Relocating Relocating

Pre-departure Processing X X
Tax Preparation-Home & Host X X
Tax Equalization X X
International Assignment Incentive X X
Hardship Allowance X X
Supplemental Hardship Allowance X X
Special Allowance X X
Settling-in Expenses, Realtor Fee X X
*Furnished Housing & Utilities X X
Home Maintenance Allowance X X (in lieu of storage)
Local Transportation X X
International TOWP/Vacation or Periodic Leave X X
Annual Leave Travel X
Dependent Education X
*Storage X
*Shipping X
Expat/Repat Lump-sum – 1 month Base Salary X
Expat/Repat Lump-sum – ½ month Base Salary X
Per Diem X
Home Leave Travel X
*Rates and allowances for Executives and Officers will be at specifically designated levels.


Project Management will designate an Assignment Workweek for each
assignment location. The Assignment Workweek will indicate the number of

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 15

hours for which an employee will be compensated on a regular basis during

a consecutive, seven (7) day period at that assignment location.

Overtime is defined as hours worked in excess of the standard Home Office
Workweek, or as otherwise defined in the applicable Home Country
Supplement to International Assignment Policy.

Overtime will be paid, when scheduled and approved in advance, at the

Home Office Base Salary rate, but without premium pay, unless
superseded by applicable local labor laws and specified in the assignment

Excluded from overtime compensation is time spent traveling on company

business in excess of the Assignment Workweek, or on a day that would
not normally be a scheduled workday.

Overtime practices for all Officers, Directors/Managers, and Sales

classifications will be in accordance with the applicable Home Office
Overtime Policies, and as found in the respective Home Country
Supplement to International Assignment Policy.


Expatriates will be paid an incentive for international service as specified in
the applicable assignment provisions. When paid on a current basis,
incentives and hardship allowances and similar salary-based uplifts are
calculated as a percentage of the employee’s Home Office Base Salary,
including any temporary Base Salary increases, but excluding overtime.

A. International Assignment Incentive:

An International Assignment Incentive is normally established for
each assignment and paid for the duration of the assignment.

B. Hardship Allowance
Where appropriate, employees will be paid a Hardship Allowance in
recognition of difficult living conditions at the assignment location.
This allowance will vary depending on the degree of hardship and
may be adjusted to reflect changes in local living conditions.

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 16

C. Supplemental Hardship
A Supplemental Hardship Allowance may be authorized in response
to a temporary increase in hardship conditions in the Host Country.

Assignment incentives may be paid on a current basis, as a bonus, or as a

portion of statutory payments required by the Host Country, or any
combination thereof.


Employees on Non-Relocating assignments will be paid a Per Diem to
cover the following expenses:

• Meals/Tips
• Laundry service and dry cleaning
• Personal bank charges
• Personal recreational transportation
• All other miscellaneous incidental expenses

Per Diem payments are effective upon arrival at the assignment location
and paid through the last day of the assignment. Per Diems will normally be
paid during Authorized Absences.

For Non-Relocating assignments no additional Per Diem payments are

made in the event the employee is accompanied by an Authorized

Per Diem payments may be authorized for Relocating assignments when

circumstances necessitate use of temporary accommodations.

Per diems are not paid in camp locations where room and board is


Cost of Living Differential Allowance (COLDA) is an allowance paid to offset
the differential, when applicable, in the cost of goods and services between
the employee’s Home Country and the assignment location. COLDA is
paid to Relocating assignees according to rates established and distributed
by Corporate International Human Resources. COLDA rates are based on
vendor data and reviewed on a regular basis to reflect updated price
surveys and currency rates of exchange. COLDA becomes effective upon

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 17

moving out of temporary accommodations and into permanent

accommodations. COLDA ceases upon completion of assignment.
COLDA is paid during Authorized Absences.

Authorized Dependents residing away from the assignment location are not
covered by COLDA.


Employees assigned to a Camp are normally provided lodging, meals, local
transportation and laundry service at no cost; therefore no COLDA or Per
Diem will be provided.


The method by which Housing and utilities are provided will be determined
by Host Country Human Resources, Project Management and Corporate
International Human Resources. Depending upon assignment location and
availability, furnished housing and utilities will either be:

• Provided at actual and reasonable cost

• Paid as a monthly allowance

• Reimbursed at actual cost up to a maximum as specified on the

applicable International Housing Matrix.

Utilities include:

• Water
• Gas
• Electricity
• Basic telephone service (standard cellular and/or land line, according
to local project/office procedure)
• TV license
• High speed Internet service—if a local service provider is available
• Basic cable service, if necessary for reception or language

Housing will also cover related taxes, levies and required community fees, if
applicable, Optional amenities or services such as gardening, maid service,
pool use or care, recreational facilities, etc. will not normally be covered.
Housing will be based on location, assignment status and the number of
Authorized Dependents who accompany the employee.

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 18

The employee will be responsible for any damage beyond normal wear and
tear to the provided housing.

For the protection of the employee and the Company, all lease provisions
shall be reviewed by a local company representative prior to signing the

Furnishings and Appliances:

If Project Management determines that furnished housing is not generally

available at the assignment location, the Company will determine the most
cost-effective approach to provide furnishings and appliances, based on the
Standard List of Home Furnishings administered by Corporate International
Human Resources.

Alternatives to furnished housing may include an allowance or

reimbursement for furniture rental, purchase or shipment.

The employee will be responsible for any damage beyond normal wear and
tear to any furniture or appliances provided for their use.


A monthly allowance, as determined by Home Country Human Resources,
may be paid to Non-Relocating assignees to offset regular or incidental
Home Country expenses including but not limited to property maintenance
or household repairs, gardening, security, snow removal services, storage,
insurance, inspection or other expenses.

Employees on Relocating assignments who do not store personal effects

with the company provider or have not received Home Country sale of
residence assistance will be eligible for this allowance.


Employees will be provided with local ground transportation in a manner
deemed appropriate by Host Country policies and/or Project Management.
Forms of transportation may include individual, shared or public
transportation. If vehicles are provided, normal maintenance costs will be
covered. When assigned a vehicle in office locations employees are
normally expected to be responsible for fuel costs for personal travel
including daily travel to and from work, however procedures at office and
job sites will vary. Refer to Home Country Supplements for additional
information pertaining to Home Country vehicle policies or transportation
allowances while on international assignment.
This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 19


Payments required by local law or custom are considered and included in
assignment compensation which is therefore inclusive of any and all local
statutory requirements including but not limited to; profit sharing,
severance payments, annual payments, end-of-service payments, family
allowances or overtime premiums. If local law or practice requires
separate payments for compensation items that are not already
specifically identified in the assignment provisions, such payments will be
considered duplicative of assignment compensation and either returned to
the Company by the employee or offset against future or accrued
assignment compensation.


Expatriate tax policy will be administered in accordance with the Home
Country Supplement to this Policy unless otherwise specified in Assignment

Assignees will be offered a pre-assignment tax consultation as determined

appropriate by Home Country Human Resources.

Host Country tax preparation will be the responsibility of the Company, in

cooperation with the employee. Home Country tax preparation assistance
will be in accordance with the Home Country Supplement.

Business Travelers’ company income may be subject to foreign income

taxes and will be handled in accordance with the Home Country Business
Travel Policy.

Employees are required, as a condition of assignment and in keeping with

the Company tax policy, to provide information and cooperation as
necessary to fulfill the objectives of this policy and applicable assignment
provisions. Should inaction on the part of the employee result in penalties,
interest or other loss the employee will be held financially accountable. If an
employee does not provide necessary information on a timely basis to
complete the year-end tax reconciliation the Company or tax advisor may
assign a reconciliation amount at their discretion.

Employees are required to make timely payment of any tax reconciliation

amounts due the Company/Project. In the event of failure to remit payment
within the designated timeframe all or part of the amount due will be
deducted from salary, allowances or expense reimbursement payments, to
the extent permitted by law.

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 20


While employees remain on expatriate status, any mandatory Host Country
employee social insurance contributions will be treated as foreign tax
obligations under the tax equalization policy and payments will be made to
Host Country government on the employee’s behalf. Any mandatory Host
Country employee retirement or savings plan contributions will be similarly
covered if there is no reasonable expectation that the employee will realize
any benefit from the program. If, at a point in the future, the Employee is
eligible to withdraw contributions or receive a benefit as a result of any Host
Country social insurance, retirement or savings plan contributions
attributable to company-paid employee contributions, those funds are due
and payable back to the Company.


Special Allowances may be approved for specific employees/assignment
locations to compensate for unique assignment conditions. These must be
approved in advance by Corporate International Human Resources and the
Senior Vice President-Human Resources.

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 21


Effective: 01 MAY 2009 Supersedes: 01 AUG 2008


Expatriation and Repatriation air travel will be in accordance with the
authorized class of travel for business travelers, except where regional
travel policies differ, or as otherwise specified in Assignment Provisions.

All other authorized air transportation will be via most economical economy
class, unless otherwise noted in the Assignment Provisions. Other modes
of transportation will be reimbursed in accordance with applicable Home
Country Policy. Economy Class, for purposes of this Policy, may include
advance-purchase or use-limitation restrictions if such conditions do not
impede the purpose of authorized travel (e.g., three month use validity or
advance purchase for scheduled Home Leaves).


Lump-sum allowances will be paid upon expatriation and repatriation in the
following amounts:

• Non-Relocating: One-half month’s Home Base Salary*

• Relocating: One month’s Home Base Salary**

*Annual Home Office Base Salary / 24

**Annual Home Office Base Salary / 12

Minimum lump-sum amounts will be based upon the greater of either the
mid-point of a SG-14 in the Home Office salary structure or the following:

Relocating – US$2,000 or equivalent

Non-Relocating – US$1,000 or equivalent

Lump sum allowances are limited to a maximum of U.S. $15,000, or Home

Country currency equivalent, for Relocating and $7,500 for Non-Relocating
assignments with maximums of $20,000 and $10,000, respectively, for
Officer-level employees.

When Authorized Dependents repatriate to Point of Origin prior to

Satisfactory Completion of the Assignment, the lump-sum allowance may
be paid earlier with Project Management approval.

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 22

The lump-sum payments are intended to offset a wide range of personal

expenses including but not limited to the following:

• Travel time for expatriation and repatriation

• Excess baggage
• Ground transportation
• En route meals and incidental expenses
• Tips
• Charges for travelers’ checks
• Laundry/dry cleaning
• Shipment of pets
• Lodging upon Repatriation from a Relocating Assignment
• Loss-on-sale, storage, shipment or rental of a personal vehicle
• Non-reimbursed storage expenses
• Lease breakage


If permanent accommodations are not immediately available, employees
will be provided temporary lodging and either paid a Per Diem or
reimbursed for actual and reasonable expenses for meals and incidentals,
substantiated by paid receipts, for a reasonable period of time, normally 21
days. Extensions to the 21-day period must be approved in advance by
Project Management. For Relocating assignments the 21-day period may
include time spent at Point of Departure, if necessary, to move out of
permanent living accommodations prior to proceeding on assignment.

Expatriation Relocation Expenses may be paid for Authorized Dependent

children who will be attending school away from the assignment location,
who must initially accompany the employee to the assignment location prior
to travel to the school.

Settling-In expenses will not be paid for Authorized Dependents who arrive
at the assignment location after the employee has moved into permanent
living accommodations.


When approved by Project Management, employees will be reimbursed for
reasonable fees to locate their initial permanent rental housing.

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 23


Employees assigned to a project location will not be eligible for "Sale of
Permanent Residence" reimbursement.

Employees assigned from a permanent office in their Home Country to

another permanent Fluor office outside that country, and who are initially
assigned for a minimum period of three years on a Relocating assignment,
may be reimbursed, when authorized by the Senior Vice President, Human
Resources, for the same fees reimbursable under the appropriate Home
Country Personnel Policy for Sale of Residence, provided they place their
home up for sale within 90 days from date of commencement of


Employees will not be reimbursed for any costs associated with the
purchase or sale of a residence at the assignment location. The equity gain
or loss related to this kind of investment is the employee's responsibility.
Tax advantages as a result of purchase will be to the project / client's
benefit when the advantage relates to Company-paid assignment
allowances including, but not limited to, tax equalization or protection. The
purchase of a home at the assignment location will initiate consideration of
Localization as described in Section 2.14.


Employees who receive reimbursement for "Sale of Permanent Residence"
upon sale of the Home Country residence and elect to purchase a
permanent residence in their Home Office Country within one year of
repatriation may be reimbursed, when authorized in accordance with the
Senior Vice President, Human Resources, for fees reimbursable under the
applicable HR policy.

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 24


Employees on Relocating assignments will be authorized to ship personal
effects, up to the cost of the following maximum cubic limits*. Home Office
Assignment Administration will assist the employee with personal effects
shipments and ensure that shipments are by approved carriers.

Air Freight Surface Freight

Gross cubic meters Net cubic meters or
or gross cubic feet net cubic feet
Employee only 1.75 cbm/62 c.f. 4.25 cbm/150 c.f.
Employee & dependent 3.5 cbm/124 c.f. 8.5 cbm/300 c.f.
Each additional dependent 0.5 cbm/18 c.f. 1.0 cbm/35 c.f.
*Executive and Officer maximums are equal to 135% and 175% respectively of the values noted.

A. Belongings may be shipped all airfreight or surface freight. In that

event, the combined total cost equivalent of individual airfreight and
the surface freight maximum limit costs will be calculated and will
establish the maximum volume which may be shipped.

B. Shipping expenses will include packing, insurance, shipping costs,

and customs clearance fee from the Point of Departure to the
assignment location and return to Point of Origin or new
assignment. Reasonable import duties on normal household goods
and personal effects (excluding vehicles) shipped to the
assignment location will be paid or reimbursed; any import duties
imposed on repatriation will be the employee's responsibility.
C. Project Management may authorize the employee to ship a
reasonable amount of job-related reference materials at Fluor's
expense, if required. Authorization must be obtained prior to
shipment. The employee's Home Office department will assist the
employee in arranging such shipments to the new assignment
D. An employee who is transferred from one international assignment
to another, without returning to the Point of Origin, will be entitled to
the cubic volume allowances for the new assignment. In the event
the limitations are less, the employee will be authorized a return
shipment to Point of Origin for the difference, up to the maximum
limits authorized to the original assignment, less container
unit/volume of the shipment sent to the new assignment location.

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 25

• Costs related to the shipment to Point of Origin are paid by the

releasing location.

• The cost of the shipment to the new assignment is paid by the

new assignment location.


For Relocating assignments only, Fluor will pay or reimburse the actual cost
of packing and moving personal belongings to and from storage within a 50
mile (80 kilometer) radius of the employee's Point of Origin up to the
maximum authorized volume/weight and insurance limits, providing the
employee utilizes a Fluor-approved moving and storage company. In
addition, the actual cost of normal major appliance connections will be

If an employee on a Relocating assignment does not store personal effects

at company expense, a monthly Home Maintenance Allowance will be paid.

For Relocating assignments, Fluor has established the following maximum

weight or volume limits* for storing personal and household effects.
Unaccompanied Status employees will not be reimbursed for storage

Employee only 3,860 Kg/8,500 lbs/40 cbm

Employee & Dependent: 5,440 Kg/12,000 lbs/55 cbm
Each Additional Dependent: 225 Kg/500 lbs/2.5 cbm

*Executive and Officer limits are equal to 135% and 175% respectively of the
values noted.

Relocation and storage-in-transit expenses, including insurance, will be paid

for up to 60 days following Satisfactory Completion of Assignment and
Repatriation, or until employee moves into permanent housing, whichever
occurs first. If the employee is unable to move out of storage within the
foregoing limits, Fluor will pay the estimated "Out-of-Storage" costs in lieu of

Fluor will pay the cost to store passenger vehicles under covered storage
with a Fluor approved moving and storage company providing the
combined costs of storing the vehicle(s) and all other personal and
household effects does not exceed the cost for the authorized maximum
storage volume.

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 26

Costs reimbursable for vehicles include:

• The normal processing into and out of storage.

• Insurance premiums while in storage, as long as the insured value of

the vehicle(s) added to the insured value of all effects does not exceed
$85,000 (or Home Country equivalent).


The employee will be responsible for completing in-transit insurance
coverage documentation prior to shipment.

Authorized maximum payment/reimbursement for shipping and storage

insurance is the premium cost for a maximum valuation of U.S. $85,000* (or
Home Country equivalent), or Home Country currency equivalent, for goods
placed in storage; and a maximum valuation of U.S. $85,000* (or Home
Country equivalent), for goods shipped to the assignment location. Any
excess premium costs are the responsibility of the employee.

Executive and Officer maximums are equal to 135% and 175% respectively
of the values noted.

The employee will be responsible for securing adequate insurance

coverage for all personal effects while at the assignment location.


Fluor will not pay shipping, storage or insurance costs for pets, livestock,
lumber, firewood, boats, motorized watercraft, airplanes, contraband
articles, trailers, or insure valuables not covered under normal insurance
policies. Any special preparation, such as for antiques, firearms, etc., will be
the responsibility of the employee.

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 27


Effective: 01 MAY 2009 Supersedes: 01 AUG 2008


The level of schooling eligible for reimbursement will be based on the Home
Country Standard representing the level at which free public education
commences. Eligible employees will be authorized reimbursement for one
of the following education options for each Authorized Dependent child
attending Primary/Elementary or Secondary School.

If adequate local education facilities at the assignment location are

available, as determined by Project Management, the employee will be
reimbursed for the actual cost of registration fees, tuition, required books
and necessary reasonable local transportation to and from school. School
uniforms, computers, meals, extra-curricular programs (including child care)
are excluded from coverage. When an Authorized Dependent attends
school at the assignment location where the principal language of
instruction is not the child’s native Home Country language, reimbursement
of additional language instruction may be authorized by Project

In the event Project Management determines suitable local schooling is not

available at the assignment location one of the following options apply:

A. Reimbursement of the actual cost of Home Country or International

boarding school away from the assignment location will be provided
up to the maximum limit of $35,000 USD (or currency equivalent)
per child, per school year as established by Corporate International
Reimbursable costs include registration and boarding fees, tuition,
required books and necessary reasonable local transportation to and
from school. School uniforms, computers and extra-curricular
programs are excluded from coverage.

B. Reimbursement for home study or correspondence courses

including tuition, required books and related academic program
materials, mailing costs and advisory services billed by the
institution. Extra-curricular and non-academic programs will not be
C. For Authorized Dependent children residing with a friend or relative
other than a parent while attending school as a full-time student
This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 28

away from the assignment location a monthly allowance may be

paid, as established by Home Country Management, to cover
lodging and meals.
If as a result of the employee's international assignment an Authorized
Dependent child must live at a location other than the employee's Point of
Origin, transportation will be provided between the employee's Point of
Origin and the location of the dependent's school.

Twice during each twelve months of employee's assignment, an Authorized

Dependent child attending school full-time (including college or university)
at a location other than the employee's assignment location, will be
provided the most economical economy class round-trip air or rail
transportation, via the most direct route between the child's school and the
employee's assignment location, or up to the equivalent to point of origin if
coinciding with employee’s Home Leave.

Except when accompanying the employee on Expatriation or Repatriation

travel Authorized Dependents will be provided economy class travel.

Employee will be responsible for all expenses other than actual

transportation related costs (airline, train, taxi, etc) during the dependent
student's semi-annual visit.

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 29


Effective: 01 MAY 2009 Supersedes: 01 AUG 2008


International Time Off With Pay (TOWP)/Vacation and Sick Leave benefits
will apply in accordance with the Home Country Supplement. In certain
locations assignment provisions may provide for a location or project-
specific Periodic Leave accrual in lieu of Home Country International
TOWP/Vacation and Sick Leave.

In locations where the Assignment Workweek is greater than the

employee's regular Home Office Workweek, employees will be allowed to
charge their paid time off at hours equivalent to their regular Home Office
Workweek, or may elect to charge up to, but not in excess of, the
Assignment Workweek for the assignment location to ensure the same level
of pay while on vacation.

Any combination of hours taken as paid time off, or Holidays, in excess of

the regular Home Office Workweek will be paid at Home Office Base Salary
rate, consistent with Assignment Workweek overtime practice, unless
otherwise specified in the Assignment Provisions.

Unused International TOWP/Vacation and Periodic Leave will be paid off

upon completion of assignment at the Assignment Base Salary rate subject
to any limitations in the Home Country Supplement.


Project Management will designate the local Holidays to be observed at the
assignment location. While on assignment, Assignment Base Salary rate
will be paid for designated local Holidays based on the Assignment
Workweek, unless otherwise specified in the assignment provisions. Home
Country Holidays do not apply.

Employees who are required to work designated local Holidays will be paid
for the holiday and additional hours worked will be paid at the Home Office
Base Salary rate, or as mandated by local labor law. Holidays paid will be
charged to the International Office/Project/Client.

Any combination of hours taken as paid time off, or Holidays, in excess of

the regular Home Office Workweek will be paid at Home Office Base Salary
rate, consistent with Assignment Workweek Overtime practice, unless
otherwise specified in the Assignment Provisions.
This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 30


A. Relocating Assignments - Annual Leave

Employees assigned to one assignment location, or to consecutive
assignment locations, for a total period of at least twelve consecutive
months without reassignment to Point of Origin, will be entitled to an
Annual Leave after every twelve months on assignment providing
the assignment is expected to extend four months after qualification
for the Annual Leave.

If a Relocating employee’s family is delayed at the home location,

the Project Management may authorize a Home Leave. This is only
available at the front end of an assignment and with a reasonable
justification for the delay as determined and approved by Project
Management. The time frame of the delay must be equal to or
greater than the regular Home Leave eligibility time frame as noted
for Non-Relocating Assignments at the assignment location.

B. Non-Relocating Assignments – Home Leave

Non-Relocating employees will be authorized regular Home Leaves
in accordance with the applicable Assignment Provisions. If the
employee is unable to take such a Home Leave during the
assignment, the employee's Authorized Dependent may visit the
employee instead, provided the visit is approved by Project
Management, the Authorized Dependent is eligible for an
appropriate visa, and adequate accommodations exist at the
assignment location.

Eligibility for Home Leave is contingent upon a minimum period of

time remaining on the assignment after qualification for the Home
Leave (or similar leave). The minimum period of time following
return from leave is equal to ½ the period of time between authorized
leaves as specified in the assignment provisions. For example, if
Home Leaves are authorized after every 4 months, the minimum
period of time remaining after qualification for the leave is 2 months.

Employees who do not return to the project and complete the

minimum amount of time required following his/her Home Leave will
be required to reimburse the company for any Home Leave
allowances or tickets received.

All Authorized Absences, including Annual Leave and Home Leaves are
subject to the following:
This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 31

• All Authorized Absences must be scheduled with approval of Project


• The frequency of Authorized Absences will be established by

Assignment Provisions.

• Assignment Allowances, including COLDA and per diems, will continue

to be paid during Authorized Absences unless otherwise noted in the
Home Country Supplement.

• Periodic Leave and International TOWP / Vacation continue to accrue

during Authorized Absences unless otherwise noted in the Home
Country Supplement.

• Leave travel time will be established in the Assignment Provisions.

Leave travel time is paid at the Assignment Base Salary rate. Leave
travel time is not paid if not used.

• In the case of direct assignment-to-assignment transfer the receiving

project/office will consider the time served by the expatriate on the
releasing project/office in determining eligibility for the employee’s next
scheduled leave.

• If, through no fault of the Employee, a delay in obtaining the proper visa
from the Host Country immigration authority prevents him or her from
re-entering the country of assignment on his or her expected return
date, the Employee will be paid in accordance with the standard work
schedule at the assignment location up to a maximum of 8 hours per
day. All other applicable assignment allowances will continue to be
paid as well. This is dependent upon full employee compliance and
completion of visa requirements in a timely manner. Any delays as a
result of inaction on the part of the Employee in completing the
necessary documentation or procedures on time will exclude the
Employee from the aforementioned compensation (in part or in full).

Project Management and Human Resources at each assignment

location will approve the number of days to be paid in accordance with
this policy.


Lump-sum Travel Allowances will be provided, whenever feasible, in lieu of
airline tickets, airport taxes, ground transportation, and all other travel
expenses to point of origin. Alternatively, a ticket may be provided in lieu of
the travel allowance when approved by Project Management.
This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 32

Tickets issued or reimbursed, and Travel Allowances will be based on

average, available economy fares using the following guidelines:

• 14 day advance purchase

• Use limitation restrictions provided they do not interfere with the

intended travel (ex. a 3 mo. use limitation does not impact regular
Home Leave travel)

• Minimum number of connections

• Air carriers with acceptable safety records

A standard Home Leave Travel Allowance Matrix is maintained by

Corporate International Human Resources. Project or Region-specific
Home Leave Travel Allowance schedules may be established to meet the
requirements of a particular project or location under the authority of project
or office management with concurrence of Regional, Home Country, or
Business Unit Human Resources, as applicable.

Travel Allowances are not used on intra-regional Home Leave travel within

Unless departure from the assignment location is an essential project

requirement, travel allowances are not contingent upon travel to point of
origin, departure from the Host Country or a minimum absence from the
assignment location, but may be used at the employee’s discretion.
However, for travel actually undertaken, local office or project procedures
may require receipts of ticket purchase for tax purposes.

Non-Relocating assignees accompanied by an Authorized Dependent

remain eligible for Home Leave travel allowances but no additional
allowances are paid for the accompanying dependent.

Employees receiving Travel Allowances in lieu of airline tickets will not be

reimbursed for any ticket cost, cancellation or transfer fees unless local
management instructs the employee to make changes due to unexpected
project work schedule requirements, in which case, any extra fees incurred
will be reimbursed.

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 33


Effective: 01 MAY 2009 Supersedes: 01 AUG 2008


Project Management may approve time off charged to employee’s Paid-
time off account, plus travel time charged to the project/client, for absences
caused by serious illness, injury or death involving an employee's close
relative. Close relatives include the employee’s spouse, the employee or
spouse’s siblings, children, parents and grandparents.

In the event of serious illness or injury to an employee's close relative,

round-trip, least-cost available air transportation will be provided for the
employee or spouse not to exceed the cost to the employee’s point of
origin. Authorized Dependents may also receive transportation if approved
by Project Management. All other travel costs will be borne by the
employee. Project Management may require verification of the severity of
the medical condition be provided to Fluor Medical Services.

In the event of death of a close relative round-trip, least-cost available air

transportation for employee and Authorized Dependents will be provided,
not to exceed the cost to employee's Point of Origin.

In the event of death, as noted above, documented verification, such as a

certified copy of the Death Certificate, published obituary notice, or other
such official notice must be submitted to the employee's Project
Management upon return of the employee or spouse to the assignment


All expenses will be paid in connection with the preparation and
transportation of the remains of an employee and/or Authorized Dependent
from the assignment location to Point of Origin. Round-trip travel and
transportation expenses will be paid for the employee and Authorized
dependents and for a Company representative to accompany the deceased
employee or dependent to Point of Origin. Costs will be borne by the

In the event of an employee's death, Authorized Dependents are entitled all

employee and Authorized Dependent repatriation allowances / entitlements.

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 34


If an employee or Authorized Dependent at the assignment location is
unable to secure adequate medical treatment locally for a serious illness or
injury, as determined by Project Management in consultation with Fluor
Medical Services, air transportation will be provided to the nearest adequate
medical facility. Air transportation and travel costs incurred will be borne by
the project.

Costs and travel time which are not authorized in advance by Project
Management will be the responsibility of the employee.

Transportation may also be provided for the remaining Authorized

Dependents, or the employee, with the approval of Project Management.

Return transportation to the assignment location will be provided only after it

has been determined by Project Management, in consultation with Fluor
Medical Services, that the person is able to return.

Normally, employees will be expected to pay all other non-medical travel

expenses incurred, other than the cost of air transportation, unless
authorized in advance by Project Management.


In the event the return to Point of Origin exceeds 14 calendar days as a
result of serious illness or injury involving the employee or an Authorized
Dependent, Project Management may adjust or eliminate assignment
allowances at its discretion based on the anticipated duration of absence.

Special consideration will be given in those cases where Host Country

legislated benefits are involved.


In the event of a natural or civil emergency, employees and/or Authorized
Dependents will be provided with transportation to a safe location and
provided living accommodations and subsistence expenses as determined
by Project Management. Employees will continue to receive their
Assignment Base Salary as stated in the Assignment Provisions.

The project is not responsible for any loss or damage involving an

employee's personal effects and vehicles. However, the project will assist
employees, to the extent possible, with the transportation of personal
effects to a safe location.
This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 35


Effective: 01 MAY 2009 Supersedes: 01 AUG 2008


For project administration purposes, expatriate policy costs, including but
not limited to those listed below, are chargeable to the client.

Assignment Base Compensation or Salary, as applicable, and any

increases, overtime and including any international/foreign service
incentive, hardship allowances, supplemental hardship allowances, special
allowances, any similar salary-based uplifts, retention/severance amounts
and site allowances and associated payroll benefit and burdens.

• Assignment allowances or costs such as per diems, COLDA, housing,

expatriation and repatriation lump sums, travel costs, settling-in,
mobilization, local transportation, storage, shipping, insurance, utilities,
furniture and fixtures rentals, cold weather allowances, dependent
education, home maintenance allowances, internet service, and other
similar allowances or payments.

• Employee and Authorized Dependent expatriation, repatriation,

assignment processing expenses and ongoing maintenance costs.
Additionally, international immigration and departure and return
processing costs whether performed internally or by a third party.

• Costs to develop orientation materials and assignment allowances,

including the purchase of third-party data or services.

• Fluor costs to set-up and maintain expatriate employees.

• Tax program costs including tax equalization, any foreign or Home

Country taxes paid, tax preparation costs (for Home and Host country
tax returns), pre-assignment tax consultations, any foreign country
social security costs and third-party fees for administering Fluor’s tax
equalization program.

• Time-off taken for designated local Holidays are billable as working time
to the client unless negotiated otherwise.

• Leave travel allowances and travel time as working time.

• Costs related to emergency medical or civil evacuations.

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 36

• Cost for visas, inoculations, pre-departure and interim physical exams,

work permits, immigration fees, third-party fees. Time charged by
assignee for these activities is billable as working time.

• Any other assignment policy, travel or administration costs attributable

to the expatriate assignment.

• Any policy items subject to Project Management approval are, when

approved, considered policy costs chargeable to the client.

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
Page 37


Page No.

Accompanied Status 5
Administration/Billing 36
Annual Leave 31
Assignment-to-Assignment (Consecutive Assignments) 8, 9, 10, 32
Assignment Base Salary 4, 8, 30, 32, 35
Assignment Incentives 16, 17
4-6, 8, 10, 12, 14-16,
Assignment Provisions 20, 22, 30-32, 35
Assignment Status 5
Assignment Types 4
Assignment Workweek 15, 16, 30
Authorized Absences 17, 18, 30, 31, 32
5, 6, 7, 10-13, 18, 22,
Authorized Dependents 23, 29, 34, 35
Benefits Supplement 9
Billing 36
Business Trips/Travelers 4, 8, 20, 22
Camp 5, 17, 18
Changes in Assignment Status 10
Code of Conduct 3
5, 6, 10, 15, 17, 18,
COLDA 32, 36
Commencement of Assignment 7, 24
3, 12, 15, 16, 20, 32,
Compensation 36
Completion of Assignment 11, 18, 30
Consecutive Assignments 10
Death of Employee and/or Authorized Dependent 34
Dependents, defined 6
Dependent Education 15, 28, 36

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
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Page No.
Dual Status Assignment 10
Early Termination of Assignment 13
Education Expenses 28
Education Travel - Student Visits 29
Emergencies 6, 34, 35, 36
9, 15, 16, 22, 23, 25,
EMT Officer-Level Employees 26, 27
End of Service Bonus/Completion Bonus 12, 20
End of Assignment Processing 12
Exceptions to Policy 6
Excess Baggage 23
Expatriation Allowance 10, 11, 22
Expatriation Expenses (Settling-In) 15, 23, 36
Family Emergencies 34
Furnishings and Appliances 19
Government Documentation Requirements 7
Hardship Allowance 4, 15, 16, 36
Holidays 30, 36
3, 4, 16, 19, 20, 30,
Home Country Supplement (Supplement 9) 32
4, 5, 9, 10, 15, 22, 29,
Home Leave 31, 32, 33
Home Maintenance Allowance 15, 19, 26, 36
Home Office Base Salary 4, 16, 22, 30
4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 15,
Housing and Utilities 18, 19, 23, 26, 36
Incentives 4, 16, 17
Insurances - Shipping and Storage 25, 26, 27, 36
Interim Physical Examinations 9, 37
International Time Off With Pay/Vacation 15, 30, 32

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
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Page No.

Lack of Medical Facilities 35
Leave Travel 5, 10, 15, 32, 33, 36
Localization 14, 24
4, 5, 8, 15, 18, 19, 28,
Local Transportation 36
Local Law Payments 20
Management Approvals 4, 22, 37
Medical Emergencies 35, 36
Medical Facilities 9, 35
Multiple Location Assignments 10
Non-Authorized Dependents 6
Non-Relocating Assignments 4, 8, 17, 22, 31
Overtime 4, 16, 20, 30, 36
4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 15, 17,
Per Diem 18, 23, 32, 36
Performance Assessment 9, 13
Permanent Home Country Transfer 5
Periodic Leave 15, 30, 32
Physical Examinations 7, 9, 37
Point of Departure 4, 23, 25
4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 13, 22,
Point of Origin 25, 26, 29, 31-35
Processing for Assignment (pre-departure, end-of assignment) 5, 7, 8, 12, 15, 36
4-6, 8, 10, 12, 13-16,
Provisions 20, 22, 30-32, 35
Purchase of Residence 14, 24
Realtor Fee 15, 23
Relocating Assignments 5, 8, 13, 17, 19, 23-28
Repatriation Allowance 10, 11, 13, 22, 34

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
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Page No.
Retirement Plans Supplement 9
Salary Administration and Performance Assessment 9, 13
Sale of Residence 19, 24
Satisfactory Completion of Assignment 11, 12, 13, 22, 26
Settling-In/Temporary Lodging 13, 15, 23, 36
Shipping 15, 25, 27, 36
Sick Leave - Salary Continuation Supplement 9
Single Status Assignment (Unaccompanied Status) 5, 26
Special Allowance 21, 36
Storage 26, 27
3, 4, 16, 19, 20, 30,
Supplement 9 (Home Country Supplement) 32
Supplemental Hardship 15, 17, 36
Taxation 20, Supplement 9
Temporary Assignment 8, 9
Temporary Living 13, 23
Termination of Assignment Status 12, 13
TOWP/Vacation 15, 30, 32
Travel – Expatriation and Repatriation 22
Travel Allowances 4, 5, 32, 33, 36
Travel Expenses (Expat/Repat Allowances) 10, 11, 13, 22, 34
Travel Time 4, 23, 32, 34, 35, 36
Unaccompanied Status Assignment 5, 26
Unsatisfactory Completion of Assignment 11, 12
Vacation 15, 30, 32
Vehicles 19
Workweek - Assignment 15, 16, 30

This Fluor policy is subject to modification or revision in part or in its entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to
the effective date of this policy.
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