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Proposal FINAL

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1.1 The Problem and its Background

“Build, Build, Build” Program was been implemented by the

government two years from now. In the presidency of President Rodrigo R. Duterte, a

program as an infrastructure investment and it focuses in the field of construction

industry. According to (Global Competitiveness Report 2014-2015), in terms of quality

of infrastructure, the Philippines was rank the lowest out of the original members of

ASEAN countries. According to the author, the National Economic and Development

Authority should “assume the responsibility of processing and evaluating large

infrastructure projects, particularly the 75 big ticket items of the Build, Build,

Build program”, and handle the capacity-building program in project analysis for

government officials. The government spending in the infrastructure about 5.1% to

7.4% of gross domestic product (GDP) by the end of his term, (Gahol 2013

). In the year of 2018, the government disbursed about Php 500 billion for the Build,

Build, Build program. The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) says

that, it included 9,000 road, 2,700 bridges, 4,000 flood control structure and 120,000

school building (Villar, 2019).

Portland cement was invented of Joseph Aspdin and it was binding

materials that form of finely ground powder that usually gray. It is burning and

grinding a mixture of limestone and clay or limestone and shale. Portland cement

creates paste with water that binds with sand and rocks to harden, (Britannica).

The Philippines is prone to disasters such as earthquakes, landslides, and

hurricanes. Many homes are damaged by the lack of a solid foundation of an

infrastructure. So, this study wants to address this problem and prove whether the

crushed egg shell is effective or useful in making hollow blocks that help to determine

whether it is more durable than other components.

The researchers, would like to know the effectiveness of pulverized eggshell as

a component in making a hollow block. In the Philippines, especially in the household

chores many of them lends chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) boiled egg. It consists of

97% of calcium carbonate, small amount of protein and organic compound. Calcium

carbonate is the common in nature, making up of seashells, colar reefs and limestone.

Also, the cheapest and widely available form of calcium, (Arnarson, 2017). According

to (Maybank IB, 2O11), eggshells are classified as a waste material by the food

industry and it is a highly sophisticated composite, and high consumption of eggs has

generated to disposed. To lessen the waste in the environment, the researchers would

like to use the pulverized eggshell as a component in making a hollow block and to

know if it is more effective in enhancing the durability of the hollow blocks than the

other components of making a hollow block.


1.4 Conceptual and Theoretical Framework

1.4.1 Conceptual Framework


-Gather all the materials

needed in the experiment,
-Start pulverize the -Eggshellsas a
eggshells like a powder. component for
-Mix all the materials making a hallow
then put it into a hollow blocks
block mold
-Then the hollow block
will be dry for about two
-the finished hollow
block will be tested.


1.4.2 Theoretical Framework

-Hollow block composed of pulverized
eggshells, cement, sand and water


-It tested in the testing center which is in the

Cavite Testing Center Corporation.


-The hollow blocks form solid.


1.2 Objective of the Study

This study aims to know if eggshells are effective components in making a

hollow block.

1. To identify the durability of hollow block with the mixture of

pulverized eggshells.

2. The effectiveness of hollow block with pulverized eggshell in the

construction industry.

1.3 Significance of the Study

The significance of the study is to know if pulverized eggshells are effective

in mixing in the Portland cement to enhance the durability of hollow block. In

generally, this study will benefit to the following;

 Students, them to know that even waste there is value and benefit to the


 Future Researchers, to widen their knowledge in mixing waste materials

to cement. Through that experiment they can give us more information

fact that eggshells can be used as a component in making hollow block,

 Society, to be aware and use their waste materials like eggshells to have a

cheaper material in making their house or any infrastructures.

 Companies, to know that there was an another way to have a durable

concrete hollow block and it is mix by Portland cement, sand, water and

pulverized eggshells.




2.1 Eggshell

Eggshell is being thrown away because it a waste. If not properly dispose, it can

cause foul smell that can result to irritation. The main property of eggshell is calcium

carbonate, 95% CaCO3, the other 5% are chemical properties such as magnesium,

aluminum, phosphorous, sodium, potassium, zinc, iron, copper, ironic acid and silica

acid. The calcium carbonate in the eggshell has the same percentage to sea shells and it

can also be seen in other materials such as chalk, limestone, cave stalactites, seashells,

coral, and pearls (Karthick, Jeyanthi, & Petchiyammal,2014).

Eggshell ash as an additive to concrete will increase the strength of the concrete.

According to Okonkwo, et al., (2012), eggshell ash can increase the strength of the

cement about 35% averagely. Also, according to Mtalib, et al., (2009), adding eggshell

ash to ordinary Portland cement can decrease the setting time.

`2.2 Calcium Carbonate

Calcium carbonate can be found in rocks and mineral formations. This chemical

property can be gained by mining and quarrying. It is also the property of limestone,

chalk, and dolomite, and typically includes impurities like clay (The Essential Chemical

Industry, 2017).


It is an important factor as a building material in the construction industry, mostly

in cement production. Typically, limestone is the material being used for the production.

In addition to cement constructs, calcium carbonate is relied upon heavily in laying the

foundation for road construction. The substance is frequently used to help soil firm up,

allowing for the erection of bridges, homes, and towering edifices (Milner, 2018). Large

quantity of calcium carbonate are needed for aggregates to react with soil, lime helps

clay to cement and create tighter compounds. The strong effect of calcium carbonate is

allowing large and heavy construction vehicles to move across in the construction sites.

2.3 Egg shell as a fine aggregate in concrete for sustainable construction

Studies shows that it is possible to used recycled material as a substitute for a

component in the production of concrete products. An example of recycled material is

eggshell, it is a food waste that came from houses, restaurants, farms, and etc., with the

right technology and study, eggshells can be a suitable alternative material for the

construction industry (DohS.I. 2014).

In the challenge of changing waste to wealth, studies are being conducted on

eggshell to its other application in the society. It is known that eggshell is rich in

compounds of calcium (Sivakumar .M,& Mahendran .N, 2014). This study suggest that

eggshell can be used in the production of concrete where the lighter weight concrete is

required and a reduction of dead load of structure is desired. The strength of concrete

with eggshell aggregates is compared to a conventional concrete with sand as fine

aggregate. The result is reduction in the compressive strength of the concrete but still

falls within the required limit of lightweight concrete.



2.4 Mechanical properties of concrete using eggshell ash and rice husk ash as

partial replacement of cement

The study’s objective was to determine the percentage of eggshell and rice husk

as a partial cement replacement. The samples were mixed with eggshell ash and RHA

admixture with different proportions (2%: 8%, 4%:6%, 6%:4%). Several types of test

were conducted towards the samples, such as the slump test, compressive and flexural

test. The concrete with an eggshell shows that there was a reduction of strength

happened. The solution that was founded in order to improved the strength of the

concrete is by using a component with pozzolanic reactivity which is rice husk ash

(Asman, et al., 2017).

2.5 Effects of eggshells ash (ESA) on the setting time of cement

Eggshell ash (ESA) was studied for the setting time of the cement, if it will make

the setting time faster if added to the cement. Cement-eggshells ash (CESA) paste was

constituted using 0%, 0.1%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2.0% and 2.5% of ESA by weight of

cement. Setting time test was conducted on the CESA paste and the result shows that

adding ESA to the mixture of ordinary Portland cement decreases the setting time of

the cement. It is concluded the ESA is an accelerator, the higher percentage of ESA, the

faster the setting time will be. Thus, it is recommended that ESA can be used as an

accelerator in concrete (Rabiu, 2009).


2.6 The effect of eggshells ash on the compressive strength of concrete

This study aims to replace cement in concrete with eggshell waste. The use of

eggshells ash in concrete formulations was studied as an alternative to landfill disposal.

The cement has been replaced by waste eggshells ash accordingly in the range of 1%

and 2.5%. The eggshell ash passing the 90μm sieve was used in the study. By using

1% and 2.5% amount of the waste eggshells ash, water cement ratio was designed

which is 0.47, 0.55 and 0.70 and compared in terms of slump and strength with the

conventional concrete. The compression test of the concrete sample was conducted for

3, 7 and 28 days, to determine the strength of the concrete. The result shows that adding

eggshell ash increases the strength of the concrete. Higher percentage of eggshells ash

in the mixture results in a higher compressive strength of the concrete. Thus, it is

suggested that eggshells ash can be used as partially cement replacement in concrete

(Ujin, 2017).



3.1 Materials

3.1.1 Raw Materials Egg Shells

Egg shells that would be disposed of will be collected from

households. Cement

Holcim Excel Premium Portland Cement will be utilized in the

investigation as its commonplace physical properties is indistinguishable

from ASTCM C150 Type 1 concrete. It has an average compressive

quality of 19MPa for 3 days, 25 MPa for 7 days and 32MPa for 28 days

from relieving. It has a Blaine fineness of 340 m2/kg (ASTM C204) with

an underlying settling time of 130 minutes and a last settling time of 5

hours(Holcim-cement.pdf, 2019). Sand

The sand that will be used is a 3.5mm Vibro sand that will be

bought from Sand and Gravel Supply in Gen Aguinaldo. P.C. 4102,

Bacoor, Cavite.


3.1.2 Chemicals

The tap water that will be used for the experiment will be acquired from

the Chemical Engineering Laboratory at the Adamson University.

3.2 Equipment

3.2.1 Compression Testing Machine

However, IS : 2185 (pert-I) – 1979 specified that when the bearing area

of the steel blocks is not sufficient to cover the bearings area of the blocks, steel

bearing plates shall be placed between the bearing blocks and the capped

specimen after the centroid of the masonry bearing surface has been aligned with

the center of thrust of the bearing blocks.

ASTM : C 140-03 specified that when the bearing area of the upper platen

or lower platen is not sufficient to cover the area of the specimen, a single steel

bearing plate with a thickness equal to at least the distance from the edge of the

platen to the most distant corner of the specimen shall be placed between the

platen and the capped specimen.

3.3 Other Equipment/Apparatus

Other equipment and apparatus that will be used are, analytical balance,

Mixer, graduated cylinder (1000 mL, 100 mL), funnel, Erlenmeyer flask (1 L),

vacuum gauge, aspirators, thermometers, psychrometer, and a trowel.

3.4 Experimental Procedure

The researchers will collect all of the things that needed for the samples and then

prepare three trials for each sample to show its effectiveness. The materials will be

measured to ensure the successful rate of the experiment. The materials will be mixed

together then put it in a hollow block mold shape. The hollow block will undergo two

weeks of drying, to make sure it hardened.

3.4.1 Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength

Five whole blocks shall be used for determining the compressive strength.

The determination shall be made by applying a load to the bedding surfaces of

the block, i.e. surfaces at right angles to the peak that is that the dimension

indicated because the height in Clause seven of this specification.

The gross area of each of the two bedding surfaces shall be determined

from the overall dimensions of the surfaces measured to the nearest 0·05 in. The

smaller of the two areas shall be taken as the gross area for the purpose of

calculating the compressive strength.

Both the bedding surfaces shall be capped with mortar in the following

manner. A quantity of mortar, made of I part by volume of Portland cement and

1 part of plaster of Paris and mixed with sufficient water to spread evenly, shall

be spread on a plane surface which has been coated with oil.


Each of the surfaces to be capped shall be placed on this mortar in turn,

and the block, held with its axis at right angles to the oiled surface, shall be

pressed down firmly with a single motion. The surfaces of the capping shall be

parallel. The average thickness of the cap after the extruded mortar has been

removed and the edges made true shall be not more than 1/8 in. Imperfect caps

shall be removed and replaced by new ones. Patching of caps after setting shall

not be permitted. When the caps are aged two hours the blocks shall be immersed

in water at a temperature of 14°C. to 18°C. for at least twenty-four hours before


The block shall be placed in the testing machine so that the direction of

loading shall be at right angles to the capped surfaces. The load shall be applied

axially at a uniform rate of 1,000 lb. per sq. in. per minute.

The maximum load in pounds supported by every block before failure happens

shall be divided by the gross space in sq. inches.

3.4.2 Determination Of Absorption And Moisture Content

hree blocks shall be tested and three shall be stored in airtight containers

at normal room temperature for repeat tests if required.

The block shall be weighed on a balance sensitive to ¼ lb. (Weight A).


1.5 Scope and Delimitations

 The study focuses on the effectiveness of eggshells as a component in

making a hollow block.

 The researchers, would like to test the durability of a hollow block

with the mixture of pulverized eggshells.

 Only boiled egg chicken eggshells will be using.

 Other kind of eggshells is not in our scope.

 Only Portland cement will be going to use in mixing.

1.6 Definitions of Terms

 Hollow Blocks- a concrete materials that is using in building a houses and

other infrastructures.

 Portland Cement- the common cement use in construction industry.

 Durability- able to stay for a long time of period.

 Pulverize- crushed eggshells it is a powder like in texture.

 CTCC- Cavite Testing Center Corporation.

 GDP- Gross Domestic Product

 DPWH- Department of Public Works and Highways


3.4 Experimental Design

For the production of hollow blocks using egg shells, the following ratios

will be used, as indicated in table 3.2. Three (3) trials per variable will be used

for different testing and will be tested after 7 days and 28 days from curing.

Table 3.2: Ratio of egg shells, Cement, Sand, and Water for the Production of

EGG shell based hollow blocks

egg shell Cement Sand Water

Treatment 1 2 Kg 1 Kg 6 Kg 1.5 Liters

Treatment 2 4 Kg 1 Kg 4 Kg 1.5 Liters

Treatment 3 5.5 Kg 1 Kg 2.5 Kg 1.5 Liters


3.6 Process Flow Diagram

Collection of Egg Shells

Crushing of Egg Shells


Mixing of Components


Drying for 2 weeks

Standard Test Method for

Compressive Strength

Determination Of Absorption
And Moisture Content



Asman, N., Dullah, S., Ayog, J., Amaludin, A., Lim, C., & Baharum, A. (2017).
Mechanical properties of concrete using eggshell ash and rice husk ash as partial
replacement of cement. Retrieved from https://www.matec-

Compound Interest. (2016). The Chemistry of Eggs & Egg Shells. Retrieved from
DohS.I. (2014).The Performance of Eggshell as Filler in Concrete
Mixtures.Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Industrial Engineering
and Operations Management Bali, Indonesia, January 7 – 9, 2014

Karthick, J., Jeyanthi, R., & Petchiyammal, M. (2014). Experimental Study on Usage
of Egg Shell as Partial Replacement for Sand in Concrete. Retrieved from

Milner, D. (2018). Four helpful calcium carbonate uses you forgot. Retrieved from

Montalbano, E. (2016). Eggshell, Bone Used to Develop Eco-Friendly Construction

Material. Retrieved from https://www.designnews.com/materials-assembly/eggshell-

Rabiu, A. (2009). Effects of eggshells ash (ESA) on the setting time of cement.
Retrieved from https://www.ajol.info/index.php/njt/article/view/123436

Samuel, A. (2015). Egg shell as a fine aggregate in concrete for sustainable

construction. Retrieved from https://www.ijstr.org/final-print/sep2015/Egg-Shell-As-

Sivakumar .M, and Mahendran, N. (2014), Strength and Permeability Properties Of

Concrete Using Fly Ash (FA), Rise Husk Ash (RHA) And Egg Shell Powder (ESP).
Journal Of Theoretical And Applied Information Technology 20th August 2014. Vol.
66 No.2, pp. 489-499

The Essential Chemical Industry. (2017). Retrieved from


Ujin, F., Shavarebi K.,& Harith, Z. (2017). The effect of eggshells ash on the
compressive strength of concrete. Retrieved from

1. S.I. No. 50/1953 - Standard Specification (Hollow Concrete Building

Blocks Made With Natural Aggregate) Order, 1953


2. Madeh Izat Hamakareem, 2016 Methods of Testing Compressive Strength

of Masonry



3. Er. Kaushal Kishore,(2014) Testing of Concrete Blocks


4. IS : 2185 (part-I)1979 1987 1998 – Specifications for concrete masonry.

Units part-I Hollow and Solid Concrete Blocks (Second Revision).

5. IS : 2572-1963 Reaffirmed 1997 Code of practice for construction of

hollow concrete block masonry.

6. ASTM : C 140-03 Standard test methods for sampling and testing

concrete masonry units and related units.

7. Gahol, (2013). The Gross Domestic Product of an Infrastructure by the in

of the Term.

8. Global Competitiveness Report, (2014-2015).

9. Villar, (2019). The Department of Public Works and Highways.




















Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 The Problem and Background of the Study

1.2 Objective of the Study

1.3 Significance of the Study

1.4 Conceptual and Theoretical Framework

1.4.1 Conceptual Framework

1.4.2 Theoretical Framework

1.5 Scope and Delimitations

1.6 Definition of Terms

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature

2.1 Eggshell

2.2 Calcium Carbonate

2.3 Egg shell as a fine aggregate in concrete for sustainable construction

2.4 Mechanical properties of concrete using eggshell ash and rice husk ash as partial

replacement of cement

2.5 Effects of eggshells ash (ESA) on the setting time of cement

2.6 The effect of eggshells ash on the compressive strength of concrete

Chapter 3: Methodology

3.1 Materials

3.1.1 Raw Materials Egg Shells Cement Sand

3.1.2 Chemicals

3.2 Equipment

3.2.1 Compression Testing Machine

3.3 Other Equipment/Apparatus

3.4 Experimental Procedure

3.4.1 Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength

3.4.2 Determination Of Absorption And Moisture Content

3.4 Experimental Design

3.6 Process Flow Diagram


Adamson University
900 San Marcelino Street, Ermita, Manila
College of Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering



A Research Proposal Presented to

The Civil Engineering Department
College of Engineering Adamson University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree in

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

Bedeser, Rowell Joseph C.
Beldua, Shane Marie G.
Camia, Justine Joy S.

Engr. Eduardo O. Hernandez, Jr.


December 2019

It shall be removed from the water, allowed to drain for one minute by

placing it on a 3/8 in. or coarser wire mesh, visible surface water removed with

a damp cloth, and the block immediately weighed (Weight C).

The block shall then be dried in an oven at 100°C. to 115°C. and weighed

at twenty-four hour intervals until the loss of weight does not exceed 1 per cent.

in a twenty-four hour period (Weight D).

The absorption of the block shall be calculated as follows :

Absorption, lb. per cu. ft. =

The arithmetic mean of the absorption of the three blocks shall be taken

as the absorption of the blocks for the purpose of Clause II of this specification.

The moisture content of the block expressed as a percentage of the total

absorption shall be calculated as follows:

Moisture Content, per cent. =

The arithmetic mean of the moisture content of the three blocks shall be

taken as the moisture content of the blocks for the purpose of Clause 11 of this



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