CES 5.1 Answers
CES 5.1 Answers
CES 5.1 Answers
CES 5.1
I Q hazard [INFO] Max results per page: 30
17 KLHX What does OSHA stand for? Occupational Safety and Health Administration
What is the main hazard associated with The atmosphere inside may contain insufficient oxygen
entry into an enclosed space? to support life, or toxic vapours, or both.
What is commonly recognised as the The atmosphere within the space may potentially
main hazard associated with unprotected
23 MKMI contain too little oxygen or it may contain toxic
entry into an enclosed space within the
cargo area on an oil tanker? vapours
When loading cargo, once it has been Match the size and capacity of the ship's loading line,
established that cargo is entering the
correct tank and line integrity is OK,
venting system and static generation hazard limitation,
loading rates should be increased to: if any?
Certain oil cargoes, such as aviation They can absorb oxygen during the refining process
turbine kerosenes or diesel oils, are and later release it into oxygen deficient atmospheres
specifically noted in ISGOTT as having "'
29 PEXB an inherent hazard that requires ship's
such as the ullage spaces in cargo tanks; the spaces
staff to monitor tanks containing them should be monitored and the atmosphere adjusted if
when on passage. What is that hazard? necessary.