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CES 5.1 Answers

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CES 5.1
I Q hazard [INFO] Max results per page: 30

Nil Code Question Answer

Which of the given statements can be

considered as the most accurate Methane is considered as presenting a flammable
according to the IMO Gas Codes and hazard and may also be an asphyxiant.
other LNG industry standards?

The planned, separated stowage of cargoes that may

What is meant by the term
2 AQLC react dangerously with each other in the event of
leakage or other damage.

Are a fire hazard because they are liable to

3 CLNB Oily rags and metal turnings:
spontaneous combustion

are a fire hazard because they are liable to

4 CLNB Oily rags and metal turnings
spontaneous combustion

Oily rags and metal twist pose a

5 DNKB They are liable to spontaneous combustion.
particular fire hazard because:

A deck patrol notices that a cargo space

carrying refrigerated cargo under To prevent unauthorised entry into the space because
controlled atmosphere (CA) is not
6 DVOC of the hazard risk due to the low oxygen content of the
padlocked shut. Select, from the options
controlled atmosphere in the space.
given, the main reason why such a
space should be kept locked.

Passenger ships, ro-ro's, bulk carriers, ships which

Which ships are given special attention may present a special hazard ships which have had
7 ECHF in Paris Memorandum of Agreement port several recent deficiencies and ships flying the flag of
state control inspections a state appearing in the 3-year rolling average table of
delays and detentions

Which of the following hazard risks

8 FAIA generally apply to the carriage and Flammable, Asphyxia and Frostbite
handling of LNG and its vapours?

What is recognized as the main hazard

9 FPRD Lack of oxygen?
when entering a void space?

On a container vessel, what hazard is

10 HBKY associated with carrying ammonium It can explode

What hazard is associated with carrying

11 HBKY It can explode
ammonium nitrate?

What would it mean if a dangerous cargo

The main hazard is flammability and the secondary
12 HEWR was declared as Class 3 (sub risk Class
6)? hazard toxicity

A hazard is is a source of potential harm

or damage or a situation with potential
The likelihood that a hazard may occur and the
13 HHPC for harm or damage. Risk is determined
consequences of the hazardous event
based on evaluation of two elements.
Which two elements?

A hazard is is a source of potential harm

or damage or a situation with potential
The likelihood that a hazard may occur and the
14 HQYU for harm or damage. Risk is determined
based on evaluation of two elements. consequences of the hazardous event
Which two elements?

The use of portable, steam-driven fans

(blowers) for ventilation of cargo tanks
on oil tankers has certain operational
That the exhaust does not vent into the cargo tank, in
15 JKDV advantages. However ISGOTT
order to prevent possible build-up of static electricity.
specifically recommends care against
one particular hazard if they are used.
What is it?
On a Container vessel, what does OSHA
stand for?
Occupatlonal Safety and Health Administration

17 KLHX What does OSHA stand for? Occupational Safety and Health Administration

What is the main hazard associated with The atmosphere inside may contain insufficient oxygen
entry into an enclosed space? to support life, or toxic vapours, or both.

You have just completed your tank

cleaning programme for a set of tanks
that previously contained Toluene, The atmosphere inside may contain insufficient oxygen
Acetone and lso-Propanol. What will the to support life, or toxic vapours, or both.
main hazard be when you enter the
tanks for mopping and inspection?

You have just finished washing a set of

tanks that previously contained Toluene,
The atmosphere Inside may contain Insufficient oxygen
20 LSPE Acetone and lso-Propanol. What will the
main hazard be when you enter the to support life, or toxic vapours, or both.
tanks for mopping and inspection?

You have just completed your tank

cleaning programme for a set of tanks
The atmosphere inside may contain insufficient oxygen
21 LSPE that previously contained Toluene. What
will the main hazard be when you enter to support life, or toxic vapours, or both.
the tanks for mopping and inspection?

What is recognised as the main hazard

22 MKMI Lack of oxygen?
when entering a void space?

What is commonly recognised as the The atmosphere within the space may potentially
main hazard associated with unprotected
23 MKMI contain too little oxygen or it may contain toxic
entry into an enclosed space within the
cargo area on an oil tanker? vapours

What is commonly recognised as the

main hazard associated with unprotected
24 MKMI A potentially oxygen deficient or toxic atmosphere
entry into an enclosed space on a

What does the "S" mean in the Hazard

It means that the product is included in the code
25 NMAS colum under summary of minimum
requirements in the IBC ? because of ifs safety hazards.

When a solid cargo that presents a

hazard is offered for shipment and is not
listed in the International Maritime Solid
Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code, who will
assess acceptability of the cargo for safe

The reporting of incidents involving

harmful substances and I or marine
pollutants is regulated under which
Protocol I of MARPOL 73/78.
international guidelines?

When loading cargo, once it has been Match the size and capacity of the ship's loading line,
established that cargo is entering the
correct tank and line integrity is OK,
venting system and static generation hazard limitation,
loading rates should be increased to: if any?

Certain oil cargoes, such as aviation They can absorb oxygen during the refining process
turbine kerosenes or diesel oils, are and later release it into oxygen deficient atmospheres
specifically noted in ISGOTT as having "'
29 PEXB an inherent hazard that requires ship's
such as the ullage spaces in cargo tanks; the spaces
staff to monitor tanks containing them should be monitored and the atmosphere adjusted if
when on passage. What is that hazard? necessary.

Use of proper Personal Protective Equipment, Well

maintained mooring equipment, Make sure the area is
What factors do you consider as tidy and clean, Mooring stations should have effective
important before mooring a vessel? huard markings/ hazard highlighting, Stay clear of
mooring ropes/wires, Be aware of Snap-back Zone,
Proper procedures, Effective communication

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