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Unit 6 Etq

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Unit 6 Essential Terms and Questions


Out of the terms below, identify and explain their significance in American History. Honors will need to complete 20,
and Academic needs to complete 15. Be deliberate in your choice of the terms, there will be some that you feel you do not
need to review before the assessment. Remember, if a term is more general in nature, be sure to explain it as it pertains
to American History.

Typically, for identification, ask yourself the "who was involved, what happened, what other essential term is
it related to and why, where did it take place, etc." For significance, ask yourself "why is this important for
the course, what is the outcome, what does it lead to, etc." - choose terms that you truly need to review again,
not ones you already know. (Many of these are terms that need to be specifically applied to the years during
Reconstruction 1865-1877 and 6A terms have an asterisk * next to them)

Sherman Field Order 15* Black Codes* Grandfather Clause*

10% Plan (Lincoln’s Plan)* Ku Klux Klan* Compromise of 1877*
Wade-Davis Bill* White League* Morrill Land Grant Act
13th Amendment* Tenant Farming* Homestead Act of 1862
Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan* Sharecropping* Union Pacific
Thaddeus Stevens* Panic of 1873/“Crime of 1873”* Central Pacific
Radical Republicans* U.S. v. Cruikshank* Transcontinental Railroad
Freedmen’s Bureau* U.S. v. Reese* Dawes-Severalty Act
14th Amendment* Enforcement Acts (1870 & 1871)* Treaty of Fort Laramie (1851 & 1868)
Civil Rights Act of 1866* Tenure of Office Act* Battle of Little Bighorn
Reconstruction Act of 1867* Impeachment process* Ghost Dance
“Carpetbagger”* Johnson’s impeachment* Wounded Knee Massacre
15th Amendment* “Redeemers” of the South*
“Scalawag”* Election of 1876*

Essential Questions

Answer the following questions in 3-5 complete sentences. Any plagiarized material will not be accepted. Academic
students may pick any 3 to answer; Honors students must answer 5 questions. Try to use as many of your vocabulary
words in your answer as possible.

1. How did “Executive Reconstruction” differ from “Congressional Reconstruction?*

2. Explain the ways in which life changed for newly-freed blacks during Reconstruction.*
3. Explain how the South was impacted (socially, politically, and economically) in the years following the Civil War. *
4. How did the government incentivize people to move to the West?
5. Evaluate the challenges of the following groups: farmers, cattle drivers (cowboys), sharecroppers/tenant farmers

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