Animal Kingdom
Animal Kingdom
Animal Kingdom
Assymetrical- an assymetrical body cannot be cut into two similar halves from any
plane. Ex- amoeba, sponges & snails.
Symmetrical- a symmetrical body can be cut into similar halves by one or more
planes these are of the three types-
(A)spherical symmetry- a body can be cut into two similar halves by any plane that
passes through the center. Ex- volvox.
(B)Radial symmetry- the body can be divided into two equal halves in any plane
passing through the middle, from top to bottom (no left-right or front or back). Ex
hydra, starfish.
(C)Bilateral symmetry- the body can be divided into two similar halves only in one
plane that passes through the median axis (annelida).
Note: head and tail (anterior and posterior), front and back (dorsal & ventral)
Cephalization- formation of head at the anterior end with the development of
sensory appendages is called cephalization it started from phylem annelida.
Germ layers- germ layers are developed by the reorganization of cells of blastula
during gastrula stage. All tissue and organs of an adult animal develop from the
germ layers. They may be two or three in numbers.
(A) Diploblastic- animals with two germ layers ectoderm & endoderm, are called
diploblastic animals. Ex- coelentrata.
(B) Triploblastic-animals with three germs layers ectoderm, mesoderm & endoderm are
called triploblastic.
Embryo development begins
with a sperm fertility an egg to
become a zygote which
undergoes many cleavages to
develop into a ball of cells called
a morula it becomes blastula
which help in the form of
gastrula (by the process of gastrulation) in which the germ layer of the embryo form.
Phylum coelenterate/cnidarian (blind sac
body plan)
Cnidarians are radially symmetrical organism with
blind sac-like body plan.
Tissue level of organization.
Animals are diploblastic it is made up of two layers-
ectoderm and endoderm.
The hollow space inside the body is known as gastrovascular cavity. Its opening acts
as mouth and anus.
Food is taken in and undigested food is passed out through the same opening.
Animals are called zooids these occur in two forms polyp and medusa.
The polyps are cylindrical, fixed, asexual, and nutritive forms. These reproduce
The medusa in umbrella shaped, free swimming and sexual form.
Cnidarians have tentacles with special stinging cells called nematoblast &
cnidoblasts. They are found only in cnidarian and are used for defence and for
capturing prey.
Cnidarians are all marine except hydra, the only fresh water cnidarian.
Ex- hydra, Aurelia (jelly fish), physalia (Portuguese man of war), corallium (red coral)
metridium (sea anemone).
Phylum Platyhelminthes
Platyhelminthes (G.k: platy=flat+helminthes=worm) are triploblastic acoelomates.
Body is bilaterally symmetrical, flattened and ribbon shaped or leaf like animals.
Flatworms show organ system level of organization.
These have suckers and hooks for attachement to the host.
Body cavity is absent so they also called solid worms.
They have excretory, nervous and highly complex reproductive system.
Digestive system absent or incomplete.
Circulatory or respiratory system are absent.
Respiration is anaerobic becoz parasites do not get free oxygen.
Excretory system has special cells called flame cells.
Flatworms are bisexual or hermaphrodite i.e. both male and female organs are
present in some animals.
Ex- planaria- free living animal, fasciola- the liver fluke (found in bile passage of
sheep), schistosoma- blood fluke (lives in human blood), taenium solium- tape
worm (lives in the intestine): do not have alimentary canal because they live in
intestine and absorb predigested food by these body surface.