04 Publications SKP
04 Publications SKP
04 Publications SKP
Research Publications
Written Discussions in Contributed papers in
Books/ Papers in Refereed
Refereed International Conference or
Manuals International Journals
Journals Symposium
08 20 - 126
4. Pushpa, K., Prasad S.K. and Nanjundaswamy P. (2016) “Critical analysis of Slope
Stability analysis methods”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology,
https://www.ijert.org/, ESRSA Publication, ISSN; 2278-0181, Volume. 5, Issue. 07, July –
2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.17577/IJERTV5IS070148.
5. Shivakumara Swamy, B., Prasad S.K. and Sunil N, “Influence of Strong Column and
Weak beam concept, soil type and seismic zone on seismic performance of R C frames
from Pushover analysis”, IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and
Technology, eISSN: 2319-1163, pISSN: 2321-7308, Vol 4, Spl Issue 4, ASHCE 2014,
May 2015, http://www.ijret.org, pp.61-66.
7. Kiran Kamath, Madhusudan G. Kalibhat, S.K. Prasad and Ramya R. Pai, “Seismic
Performance of Soft Storey RC Frames at Different Storey Levels From Pushover
Analysis”, International Organization of Scientific Research (IOSR) Journal of
Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), Volume 3, e-ISSN: 2278-1684, p-
ISSN: 2320-334X, pp 07-13, www.iosrjournals.org, 2014.
10. Madhusudan G. Kalibhat, Arun Kumar Y.M, Kiran Kamath, S.K. Prasad and Shrinath
Shet, “Seismic Performance Of R.C. Frames With Vertical Stiffness Irregularity From
Pushover Analysis”, International Organization of Scientific Research (IOSR) Journal of
Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), Volume 2, e-ISSN: 2278-1684, p-
ISSN: 2320-334X, pp 61 - 66, www.iosrjournals. org, 2014.
11. Rajesh, M. N. and Prasad, S.K., “Seismic Performance Study on RC Chimneys from
Pushover Analysis”, Journal of Civil Engineering Technology and Research, Volume 2,
Number 1 (2014), pp.195-201, © Delton Books, http://www.deltonbooks.com
13. Vijayendra, K.V., Sitaram Nayak and Prasad, S.K., “An alternative method to estimate
fundamental period of layered soil deposit”, Technical Note, Indian Geotechnical Journal,
July 2014, DOI 10.1007/s40098-014-0121-7, Print ISSN 0971-9555, Online ISSN 2277-
3347, Publisher Springer India.
14. Rajesh M N and S.K. Prasad, “Seismic Performance Study on RC Wall Buildings from
Pushover Analysis”, IJERT, Intl Jl of Research in Engg. & Tech., e-ISSN:2319-1163, p-
ISSN:2321-7308, Vol 3, Spl Issue 6, May 2014, pp 165 - 171.
15. Achyutha Bharadwaj S, Manasa, Rajaram Vailaya S, Sumanthu and Prasad,S.K, “Critical
comparison of ground motion attenuation formulae for recent earthquake data”,IJERT,
Intl Jl of Research in Engg. & Tech., e-ISSN:2319-1163, p-ISSN:2321-7308, Vol 3, Spl
Issue 6, May 2014, pp 86 - 91.
16. Dinakar K N and S.K. Prasad, “Behaviourof Tie Back Sheet Pile Wall For Deep
Excavation Using PLAXIS”, IJERT, Intl Jl of Research in Engg. & Tech., e-ISSN:2319-
1163, p-ISSN:2321-7308, Vol 3, Spl Issue 6, May 2014, pp 97 - 103.
17. Prasad, S. K., Srikanta Prasad, S. and Suresh, G. S., “Seismic Capacity of frames
designed for Earthquake, Wind and Gravity Loadings”, International Journal of Earth
Science and Engineering, , ISSN 0974 – 5904, Cafet–Innova Technical Society, India,
Vol. 6, No. 4, pp667 – 672, Aug 2013.
18. Prasad,S.K., Towhata, I. Chandradhara, G. P. and Nanjundaswamy, P., “Shaking Table
Tests In Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering” Current Science, Vol. 87, No. 10, pp
1398-1404, Nov 2004.
19. Towhata, I., Prasad,S.K., Tsuyoshi Honda and Chandradhara, G. P., “Geotechnical
Reconnaissance study on damage caused by 2001 Gujarat earthquake, India”, Soils and
Foundations, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp 77 – 88, August 2002.
20. Towhata, I., Ghalanderzadeh, A., Prasad,S.K., and Vargas, W. ‘Dynamic failure of
subsoils observed in waterfront areas’, Soils & Foundations, Special issue on geotechnical
aspects of Hyogoken-Nanbu earthquake, pp 149-160, 1996.
3. Prasad S.K. and Vijayendra K.V. (2016) “Relevance of Site Characterization in Seismic
Studies”, Invited Lecture, International Conference in Advances in Materials and
Technology ICMAT 2016, 26 – 28 May 2016, SJCE, Mysore
4. Sunil Nataraj, Prasad S.K. and Shivakumara Swamy B., “Study on Influence of Stiffness
Variation on the Seismic Performance of Strong Column-Weak Beam RC Frames from
Pushover Analysis”, International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Post
Disaster Reconstruction Planning (ICEE-PDRP 2016)" on 24-26 April, 2016 at
Bhaktapur, Nepal.
5. BarnaliGhosh and Prasad, S.K., “Slope Stability Analysis by Finite Element Approach”,
International Conference on Infrastructure Development for Environmental Conservation
and Sustenance (INDECS-15), ACE, Hosur, India, 28th to 30th October 2015
7. Rajesh M N and Prasad, S.K., “A comparative study of ATC 40 and Euro code provisions
for pushover analysis of R C frames”, Paper # 000, 15th Symposium on Earthquake
Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, December 11-13, 2014
9. Madhusudan G. Kalibhat and Prasad, S.K., “Seismic performance of soft storey steel
building frame from pushover analysis”, 4th International Workshop on Performance,
Protection and Strengthening of Structures under extreme loading PROTECT 2013,
August 26-27, Mysore, India.
10. Srikanta Prasad, S., Prasad, S.K. and Suresh, G. S., “Seismic Performance of Structural
Frames Experiencing Stiffness Reduction Due To Fire”, 4th International Workshop on
Performance, Protection and Strengthening of Structures under extreme loading
PROTECT 2013, August 26-27, Mysore, India.
11. Srikanta Prasad, S., Prasad, S.K. and Suresh, G. S., “Seismic Capacity of Frames
designed for Earthquake, Wind and Gravity Loading”, 3rd International Engineering
Symposium, IES 2013, Kumamoto University, JAPAN, March 4-6, 2013.
12. Prasad,S.K, Towhata, I., Chandradhara, G. P. and Honda, (2013) ”Need for Forensic
Engineering in Earthquake Geotechnics – Case studies from 2001 Gujarat Earthquake”,
4th International Seminar on Forensic Geotechnical Engineering – 4ISFGE 2013,
Bangalore, 10th -12th January 2013.
13. Chandrashekar N. B. and Prasad, S.K., “Effects of location and area of opening on infill
behaviour in frames during earthquake”, International Conference on Current Trends in
Engineering Management, ICCTEM 2012, Mysore, Karnataka, India, 12th to 14th July
14. Sandeep G. S. and Prasad, S.K., “Arias Intensity for damage assessment from seismogram
during earthquakes”, International Conference on Current Trends in Engineering
Management, ICCTEM 2012, Mysore, Karnataka, India, 12th to 14th July 2012.
15. Sandeep G. S. and Prasad, S.K., “Housner intensity and specific energy density for
earthquake damage assessment from seismogram”, AARCV 2012: International
Conference on Advances in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Bangalore, Karnataka,
India, 21st to 23rd June 2012.
16. Chandrashekar N. B. and Prasad, S.K., “Pushover analysis for the effect of opening on
seismic behaviour of infill frames”, AARCV 2012: International Conference on Advances
in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 21st to 23rd June
17. Prasad, S.K., Nanjundaswamy, P. and Chandradhara, G. P. “Sliding failure of Quay Wall
for Performance Based Design”, Invited Lecture, First Indo Japan Workshop in
Geotechnical Engineering, Kochi, India, 14th December 2011.
18. Prasad, S.K., Srikanta Prasad, S., Syed Shakeeb Ur Rahman and Chandradhara, G. P.,
“Effect of Stiffness on Natural Period of Rigid Structural frame System”, 14th
Symposium on Earthquake Engineering And Golden Jubilee Celebrations, December 17-
19, 2010, Roorkee, India
19. Govardhan, NavjeevSaxena and Prasad,S.K, “Static and Dynamic Behavior of Earthen
Slopes in the Region of Uttarkashi, India”, Fifth international conference on recent
advances in Geotechnical earthquake engineering and soil dynamics and Symposium in
honor of professor I. M. Idriss, San Diego, CA – May 24-29, 2010
20. Prasad, S. K., Nanjundaswamy, P., Praveen and Revanasiddappa, K.. “Seismic
displacement of Quay Wall considering Backfill stiffness degradation during shaking”,
Indo-Japan Theme meeting and workshop on Disaster and Risk Reduction IJTM – 2008,
Bangalore, India, August, 2008
21. Prasad,S.K., Nanjundaswamy, P., Praveen and Revanasiddappa, K.. “Studies On Seismic
Performance Of Quay Wall From Model Tests”, Indo-Japan Workshop on Advances in
Geotechnical Engineering, Surathkal, India, March, 2008
24. Prasad,S.K. and Towhata, I. “Permeability Of Ground During Shaking From Model
Study” 13th Asian Regional Conference 13ARC, Kolkata, Dec. 2007
25. Chandradhara, G. P., Prasad,S.K. and Revansiddappa, K. “Dense Zone In Subsoil Of
Embankment As A Counter Measure Against Earthquake”, 4th International Conference
in Earthquake Engineering, Greece, June, 2007.
35. Govindaraju, L., Ravikumar, M., Srinivasamurthy, B. R., Sitharam, T. G. and Prasad,
S.K., “Frequency response analysis of Layered ground in Ahmedabad during Bhuj
earthquake”, Proceedings,12th Asian Regional Conference, Singapore, 4-8 Aug 2003, pp
36. Prasad,S.K., Chandradhara, G. P., Nanjundaswamy, P., Sunil, M. and Kiran, S. “Shaking
Table Tests For Seismic Ground Response”, submitted to Symposium on Advances in
Geotechnical Engineering – SAGE 2003, I.I.T., Kanpur, March 2003.
38. Prasad,S.K. and Towhata, I. ‘Evaluation of dynamic properties from accelerogram during
Hyogo Ken Nambu earthquake’, Proc. Intl. Conf. on Civil Engg ICCE - 2001, Interline
Publishing, Bangalore, pp 901-908, July 2001.
39. Vijayendra, K. V. and Prasad,S.K. ‘Prediction of dynamic soil properties of soil from In
situ SPT test’, Proc. Intl. Conf. on Civil Engg ICCE - 2001, Interline Publishing,
Bangalore, pp 909-916, July 2001.
40. Chandradhara, G. P. and Prasad,S.K., ‘Response of RC frames to gravity load, wind load
and earthquake load’, Proc. Intl. Conf. on Civil Engg ICCE - 2001, Interline Publishing,
Bangalore, pp 228-229, July 2001.
41. Nagaraj, T. S., Prasad,S.K. and Venugopal ‘Superplasticizer - Its optimal dosage in
cement based composites’, Cement & Concrete Technology in 2000s, 2nd Intl.
Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey, Sept 2000
42. Prasad,S.K. and Towhata, I. ‘Liquefaction studies on sand and gravely model ground’,
International Conference on offshore &nearshoreGeotech. Engg. - GEOSHORE99,
Mumbai, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi, pp. 251-256, Dec. 1999.
44. Prasad,S.K., Towhata, I. and Kumajima. A. ‘Stress - Strain behavior of saturated ground
in laminar box during shaking’, Proc. 31st Conf., Japanese Society for Soils &
Foundations, V1, pp. 939-940, 1996.
(d) List of publications in the National Conferences/ Symposia
2. Barnali Ghosh and Prasad, S.K. (2016) “Finite element analysis of earth dams under
seismic condition”, Paper # 191, 15-17 Dec 2016, Indian Geotechnical Conference IGC
2016, Chennai.
5. Prasad, S.K., “Landslide due to human interference and early monitoring of slope
instability”, One Day National Seminar on “Natural and Disaster
Mitigation Management (TC-3) (NDMM)” on 12th September 2015 at
S.G.S. Institute of Technology & Science, Indore.
6. Priyanka R and Prasad S.K., “Performance Study of Retaining Wall using PLAXIS”,
Proceedings of RAID 2015, National Workshop on Recent Advances in Infrastructural
Development, JSSATE, Bengaluru, 25th to 27th March 2015.
7. Nagaraj and Prasad S.K., “Influence of stiffness variation in between column –beam on
seismic performance of R C frames from pushover analysis”, Proceedings of RAID 2015,
National Workshop on Recent Advances in Infrastructural Development, JSSATE,
Bengaluru, 25th to 27th March 2015.
8. Shivakumar, Sunil N and Prasad S.K., “Seismic performance study on soft storey
structures using pushover analysis”, Proceedings of RAID 2015, National Workshop on
Recent Advances in Infrastructural Development, JSSATE, Bengaluru, 25th to 27th March
11. Dinakara K. N. and Prasad,S.K., “Comparative study of support systems for deep
excavation using PLAXIS”, accepted for presentation on Indian Geotechnical Conference
IGC 2014, 18 to 20 Dec 2014, University College of Engineering, Kakinada.
12. Prasad,S.K. and N. M. Jagadeesh, “Slope failures due to human disturbance leading to
malfunctioning of infrastructure: Who is responsible?”, Forensic Geotechnical
Engineering Preconference Workshop, 10th October 2014, Ludhiana.
14. Dinakar K N and S.K.Prasad, “Stabilization Of Deep Excavation By Soil Nailing Using
PLAXIS”, First Annual Conference on Innovations and Developments in Civil
Engineering, (ACIDIC-2014), NITK,Surathkal, 19-20 May 2014.
15. Rajesh M N and S.K.Prasad, “Influence of Detailing Aspects on the Seismic Behaviour of
RC Frames from Pushover Analysis”, First Annual Conference on Innovations and
Developments in Civil Engineering, (ACIDIC-2014), NITK,Surathkal, 19-20 May 2014.
16. Prasad,S.K., “Geotechnical Lessons from Past Earthquakes”, Invited Lecture, One day
National Seminar on Challenges in Geotechnical Engineering, 23rd August 2013, VIT
University, Vellore.
17. Prasad,S.K., “Importance of Site effect and Liquefaction in earthquake prone areas”,
Invited Lecture, National Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering RACE
2013, 29 – 30th April 2013, K L E College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum.
18. Madhusudan G. Kalibhat and Prasad,S.K., “Comparison of base shear carrying capacity
of steel frames from Response spectrum approach with that of Pushover analysis”
National Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering RACE 2013, 29 – 30th
April 2013, K L E College of Engineering & Technology, Belgaum.
20. Prasad,S.K., “Seismic Performance of Earth Embankments – Case studies”, One day
National Seminar on “Embankments: Design and Construction”, 9th March 2013,
Saturday Organized by IGS Chennai Chapter
21. Srikanta Prasad, S., Seetharamaiah, R. V., Prasad,S.K. and Suresh, G. S., “Analysis and
design of a dock structure in harbor”, Fifth CUSAT conference on Recent Advances in
Civil Engineering (RACE 2012), Nov 29 to Dec 1, 2012 at Cochin, Kerala (Received
Best Paper Award).
22. Madhusudhan, Prasad,S.K. and Srikanta Prasad, S., “Pushover analysis for seismic
strengthening of steel structural frames with bracings”, Fifth CUSAT conference on
Recent Advances in Civil Engineering (RACE 2012), Nov 29 to Dec 1, 2012 at Cochin,
23. Geethanjali K. N., Viswanadham, B.V.S. and Prasad,S.K., “Introduction of discrete and
randomly distributed fibers to enhance unconfined strength of siltysand”,Fifth CUSAT
conference on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering (RACE 2012), Nov 29 to Dec 1,
2012 at Cochin, Kerala.
25. Srikanta Prasad, S., Prasad,S.K. and Suresh, G. S., “Conflicting Foundation Idealisation
for Seismic design of frame structure”, Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference,
IGC 2012, New Delhi, 13th to 15th December 2012, Volume 2, pp993-996.
27. Vijayendra, K. V., Prasad,S.K. and Sitharam Nayak, “Effect of layer impedance ratio on
the frequency characteristics of predicted surface motion”, Proceedings of Indian
Geotechnical Conference, IGC 2012, New Delhi, 13th to 15th December 2012, Volume 2,
pp 967-970.
33. Prasad,S.K., “Relevance of Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering to Construction
Industry”, Invited Lecture, National Workshop on Challenges in Geotechnical
Engineering, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, 2nd October 2011.
34. Srikanta Prasad, S., Prasad,S.K. and Yadunandan, C. N., “Seismic Performance of R C
Frames designed for gravity loading”, National Conference on Recent Developments in
Civil Engineering, VVIET, Mysore, Karnataka, April 8th & 9th, 2011.
36. Shaik Kabeer Ahmed and Prasad,S.K. “Influence of Soft Storey on Seismic Performance
of Building Frames from Pushover Analysis”, National Conference on Recent
Developments in Civil Engineering, VVIET, Mysore, Karnataka, April 8th & 9th, 2011.
39. Prasad,S.K. and Srikanta Prasad, S., “Influence of flexible ground on seismic performance
of structure” Theme No: T-4: Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Indian Geotechnical
Conference IGC 2010, Geotrendz, Mumbai 16 – 17, 2010
41. Prasad, S. K.,Srikanta Prasad, S., “Seismic performance study of R C frames using
pushover analysis”, 4th CUSAT National Conference on Recent Advances in Civil
Engineering, Cochin, Sept 16-18, 2010
42. Prasad, S. K. and Sushma, C. K., “Evaluation of bearing capacity of soil from continuum
approach using FLAC”, 4th CUSAT National Conference on Recent Advances in Civil
Engineering, Cochin, Sept 16-18, 2010
43. Prasad, S. K. and Chandradhara, G. P. “seismic performance and design issues of earthen
dams and embankments” Invited Lecture, National Workshop on seismic design of earth
structures & foundations for high rise buildings on 26th June 2010, IIIT, Hyderabad
45. Prasad, S. K. and Nanjundaswamy, P. “Design aid for permanent sliding displacement of
quay wall”, IGC 2009 held at Guntur in February 2010.
49. Prasad, S. K., Nanjundaswamy, P., Praveen and Revanasiddappa, K.. “Seismic Analysis
of Quay Wall for Sliding Displacement”, National Symposium on Geoenvironment,
Geohazard, Geosynthetics and Ground Improvement, Geosymposium 2008, New Delhi,
India, July, 2008
50. Anup Shekar, Prasad, S. K. and Yadunandan C. N. “ Effect of soil flexibility on the
behavior of Super Structure”, 1st Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference, Hyderabad,
March 2007.
51. Punit Vibhu, Prasad S. K. and Chandradhara G. P. “ Bearing Capacity of Soil using
FLAC”, 1st Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference, Hyderabad, March 2007.
Design and Construction Technologies, REDECON 2005, 27th to 29th October 2005,
69. Nanjundaswamy, P., Chandradhara, G. P. and Prasad, S. K. “Effects of Input motion and
soil properties on Seismic Ground motion”, IGC 2002, Allahabad, Dec. 2002.
73. Prasad, S. K. ‘Can Gravelly Soil liquefy?’, Proc. Indian Geotechnical Conf. IGC 2000,
Quest Publications, Mumbai, pp. 363-364, Dec 2000.
74. Chandradhara, G. P. and Prasad, S. K., ‘An approach to assess damage during
earthquakes’, Proc. Indian Geotechnical Conf. IGC 2000, Quest Publications, Mumbai,
pp. 359-360, Dec 2000.
75. Venugopal,Nagaraj, T. S. and Prasad, S. K. ‘Free Flow Grouts - Analysis & Assessment
of flow and strength development’, ICI, ACECON, Bangalore, Nov 2000.
77. Prasad, S. K. ‘Dynamic Soil Properties of model ground in a laminar box’, Proc. Golden
Jubilee Indian Geotechnical Conference - IGC98, Vol 1, New Delhi, pp. 21-24, Dec.
78. Prasad, S. K. and Swami, V. ‘Knowledge Based Expert Interactive System for Industrial
Roofs’, VII National Systems Conference, Kanpur, Dec. 1993
80. Prasad, S. K. and Venkateshwara Rao K ‘Expert System for Water Tanks’, Symposium
on Structural Engineering and National Development, I.I.T., Kanpur, Feb 1993.