Saep 750
Saep 750
Saep 750
1 Scope ................................................................ 2
2 Applicable Documents ....................................... 2
3 Acronyms and Definitions .................................. 3
4 Instructions ........................................................ 4
5 Responsibilities ................................................ 17
Revision Summary................................................. 18
1 Scope
Inspection requirements are not included in the scope of this document. Inspection
procedures shall be developed for each project as part of the project detailed inspection
and testing plan.
2 Applicable Documents
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-750
Issue Date: 14 November 2016
Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Testing Procedures for Process Automation Systems (PAS)
3.1 Acronyms
CCS - Compressor Control System
DAHS - Data Acquisition and Historization
DCS - Distributed Control System
ESD - Emergency Shutdown System
FAT - Factory Acceptance Testing
FSD - Functional Specification Document
IFAT - Integrated Factory Acceptance Testing
LTSK - Lumps Sum Turn Key
OO - Operating Organization
P&CSD - Process & Control Systems Department
PAS - Process Automation System
PLC - Programmable Logic Controller
RMPS - Rotating Machinery Protection System
SAT - Site Acceptance Testing
SAEP - Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure
SAPMT - Saudi Aramco Project Management Team
SCADA - Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems
3.2 Definitions
Company: The Saudi Aramco entity which is responsible for the procurement
of the PAS system under test. For capital projects, this is normally SAPMT.
For smaller sized projects, this may be an operating organization representative.
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-750
Issue Date: 14 November 2016
Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Testing Procedures for Process Automation Systems (PAS)
Vendor: The original equipment manufacturer of the PAS system under test.
This party is also responsible for the engineering and design of the PAS per the
project specifications and applicable Saudi Aramco requirements.
4 Instructions
This section details the recommended testing procedures for PAS during FAT, I-FAT
and SAT. The procedure defines recommended testing for each test phase and is
optimized to minimize duplication of testing during subsequent testing phases. It is
important to consider these recommendations in their entirety. Recommended testing
criteria for SAT assumes that certain testing has been completed during FAT. If the
recommended FAT / I-FAT procedures have not been completed, then additional SAT
testing may be required to ensure the integrity of the system at site.
The recommended testing below assumes that a full Pre-FAT, Pre-IFAT have been
conducted by the vendor and the system has passed all required Pre-FAT procedures.
The purpose of Factory Acceptance Testing is to verify that the system meets
the job specification and all mandatory Saudi Aramco standards requirements.
FAT shall focus on the design and functionality developed and implemented for
the project, and not on standard system features.
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-750
Issue Date: 14 November 2016
Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Testing Procedures for Process Automation Systems (PAS)
Section 4.1.1 below defines the recommended FAT testing categories for all PAS
types. Detailed test criteria shall be developed for each category, along with the
required test equipment and expected outcome of each test. Section 4.1.2
provides additional recommended testing for specific PAS types.
Hardware FAT
1) Physical Verification: All components supplied with the system
shall be visually checked and verified against the applicable project
documentation. The intention is to verify that all components have
been supplied as per the project bill of materials and to ensure that
the materials provided are ‘as new’ and free from visual defect and
installed as per the Vendor guidelines and Saudi Aramco
2) Wiring, Tagging and Cabinet Integration: The design and
installation of wiring for all cabinets and consoles shall be
physically inspected and verified to ensure consistency with the
relevant project drawings and to ensure they meet the intent of the
relevant material and engineering standards. Tug testing shall be
performed, per Saudi Aramco standards to ensure integrity of
physical wire terminations.
3) Power and Grounding: Verify electrical design and wiring for all
power supply and distribution circuits. Verify grounding of all
equipment meets Saudi Aramco and Vendor requirements, including
AC safety and DC grounding.
4) Spare and Expansion: Verify that the system provided meets the
project and standards requirements for spare capacity and expansion
capabilities. Items such as number of spare IO of each type per
operating area, spare slots in the controller and IO chassis or
baseplates to meet expansion requirements, controller spare
capacity, spare ports for network switches and fiber optic patch
panels, and power supply capacities shall be verified for compliance
with applicable project and standard requirements.
5) Revision Level: All components supplied with the system shall be
checked to verify they are the latest approved software and
hardware revision applicable for the project.
Note: A representative physical sample can be checked; however, all
components as listed in the bill of materials shall be to the
appropriate revision level.
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-750
Issue Date: 14 November 2016
Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Testing Procedures for Process Automation Systems (PAS)
Software FAT
1) Control Database Configuration: The purpose of this section is to
verify the configuration and operation of all ‘control strategy
templates’ used to develop the complete control application.
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Issue Date: 14 November 2016
Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Testing Procedures for Process Automation Systems (PAS)
Where control logic has been built using templates, complete testing
of each control template shall be performed. Verify that the
configuration of the template is consistent with the provided
specification documents to ensure the correct template and
parameterization has been implemented for each control scheme.
Functionality, such as initialization, action on bad input detection
and output fail-safe action shall be confirmed.
2) Software Loop Tests: The purpose of Software Loop testing is to
verify that the required database of inputs, outputs, controllers, etc.,
is properly configured in the system. This can be done on a per loop
basis (i.e. input-controller-output) by soft simulating the input signal
and verifying the configuration through to the associated output
signal (if applicable). The following are recommended to be
verified during software loop testing:
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Issue Date: 14 November 2016
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Issue Date: 14 November 2016
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Issue Date: 14 November 2016
Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Testing Procedures for Process Automation Systems (PAS)
The purpose of the I-FAT is to verify the configuration of the interface between
the main control system (i.e., PCS) and systems supplied by other Vendors,
referred to as 3rd party sub-systems. It is also to confirm the reliability, integrity
and security of the integrated PCS. I-FAT should focus on the integration
design developed for the project, and not on standard system features.
A minimum of one 3rd party system of each type (i.e., CCS, VMS, PLC, etc.)
shall be physically connected and tested with the overall PCS during I-FAT.
The following are recommended integration testing, as a minimum. Detailed
test criteria shall be developed for each section.
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-750
Issue Date: 14 November 2016
Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Testing Procedures for Process Automation Systems (PAS)
4.2.3 Data Exchange: The purpose of this test section is to verify proper
configuration of the data exchange between the PCS and 3rd party
sub-systems. This testing typically involves sending data from the
3rd party system to the PCS and verification on the PCS that the proper
values, ranges and alarms are presented to the operator. It is also used to
verify the commands sent from the PCS to the sub-system are properly
received and processed within the sub-system control logic. It is not
necessary to use the actual 3rd party system to verify all data exchange
configuration. Once an appropriate sub-set of both Input Data and PCS
commands has been verified using the actual sub-system, software
simulation (i.e., Modbus or OPC simulators) can be used for the
remainder of the testing. Simulator usage in place of the 3rd party system
must be approved by a 3rd party representative who should attend the
IFAT to fix his side of any problems identified during the test.
4.2.4 Security: The purpose of this section is to test the integration of 3rd party
systems into the overall PCS security design infrastructure. This testing
shall include integration of 3rd party username and passwords into the
PCS domain controllers, integration of Anti-virus, backup-recovery and
ePO services into the PCS design and other common plant-wide security
services. Integration testing shall also ensure that any workstation or
server delivered as part of the overall PCS meets the minimum security
requirements defined in SAEP-99, Process Automation Networks and
System Security.
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-750
Issue Date: 14 November 2016
Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Testing Procedures for Process Automation Systems (PAS)
4.2.5 Time Synchronization: The purpose of this section is to verify that all
systems connected to the PCS are automatically synchronized to the
same time clock. The master time station is typically an NTP server with
a GPS antenna which is connected to the Plant Automation Network.
The purpose of the Site Acceptance Test (SAT) is to verify the integrity of the
systems after shipment to site, installation and power-up. It is not to retest items
which have already been tested during FAT. SAT shall consist of the following
as a minimum:
4.3.3 Hardware I/O checks: Spot check of I/O to verify the integrity of system
cables from I/O cards or FTA’s to marshalling. Signals to be injected
from the marshalling panel and verified through to the operator interface.
Note that 100% loop testing from the field devices through to the system is
typically performed during pre-commissioning / commissioning activities.
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-750
Issue Date: 14 November 2016
Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Testing Procedures for Process Automation Systems (PAS)
4.3.4 3rd Party sub-system interfaces: The intent is not to test all tag / data
transfer between the PCS and 3rd party sub-systems. The purpose is to
verify that communications to each system is working by verification of
a sample of tags from each system. Any ‘Untestable’ interfaces
identified during I-FAT shall be thoroughly tested during SAT.
4.3.6 Security
The intent of SAT for System Access and Security is not to duplicate the
complete FAT testing. The intent is to verify that the security profile of
the system has not changed since the completion of FAT. Compliance to
SAEP-99 should have been verified during FAT and IFAT. For this
reason, spot checks of security requirements should be sufficient, unless
it is found that something has changed. This would necessitate complete
testing. Complete security compliance testing is only required for any /
all workstation, servers or network devices which were not tested during
FAT and for similar 3rd party equipment which was not available or
tested during IFAT.
Verify that user access and account management is working through
the Domain Controller
Verify that any test accounts used during FAT have been removed or
Verify system hardening has not changed since FAT. Spot checks of
various workstations / servers to ensure the hardened configuration is
still active.
Verify the operation of the Anti-virus (AV) distribution server is
working by updating AV dat files and pushing these to all stations
connected to the PCS.
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Issue Date: 14 November 2016
Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Testing Procedures for Process Automation Systems (PAS)
4.3.7 Punch List Items: Retesting of any punch list or exception items from
FAT / I-FAT which have not been closed shall be conducted.
4.4 Documentation
During each of the test phases (FAT, I-FAT, SAT), the following documentation
shall be developed and completed, as a minimum, in order to document the test
results. Results shall be documented sufficiently such that re-tests can be
verified and testing which has been deferred to a later testing phase is clear.
The test documentation shall include the following, as a minimum:
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-750
Issue Date: 14 November 2016
Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Testing Procedures for Process Automation Systems (PAS)
Details of any special testing tools or simulation software which will
be used during the testing.
A written description of each of the major testing areas with high
level procedures to be followed for each.
Note: Detailed testing procedures with customer sign-off sheets should
be included in the Test Report, not the testing plan.
The testing plan shall be submitted to Saudi Aramco no less than sixty
(60) days prior to the start of testing.
A separate test report shall be developed and completed for each testing
phase (FAT, I-FAT, SAT). The purpose of the test report is to document
the specific tests performed with the expected results and the actual
observed results. Specific items include:
Detailed procedures for each test case. Note that each test case shall
be numbered in order to facilitate referencing of individual tests.
Expected results for each of test case.
A record of the observed results during the testing
An area to record any deficiencies observed during the test case.
Note that if a deficiency is found, it should be recorded in the
Exception log below and the exception number listed in the
individual test report.
A signature block for vendor, contractor (if applicable) and company
to confirm that the testing was completed and the results documented
Any supporting documentation associated with the test, such as
screen captures, report, etc., shall be referenced in the test case and
attached to the report as an appendix.
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Issue Date: 14 November 2016
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deficiencies with item#, title and status of each item. For each item, the
following information shall be listed:
A detailed description of the problem found.
Note: Screen captures or other relevant information should be included
when necessary in order to clearly describe the problem.
5 Responsibilities
SAMPT has overall responsibility for coordinating and conducting FAT, I-FAT
and SAT. PMT signature is required on the test completion certificate.
P&CSD has responsibility for maintaining this procedure and for consultations
during any of the testing phases. For projects considered ‘high risk’ or which
are deploying new technologies, P&CSD shall be invited to attend FAT, I-FAT
or SAT testing by PMT.
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-750
Issue Date: 14 November 2016
Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Testing Procedures for Process Automation Systems (PAS)
Revision Summary
14 November 2016 New Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure that replaces existing test plan preparation
documents. It is intended to consolidate testing requirements for Process Automation
Systems (PAS). It will replace three existing procedures which cover FAT, IFAT, and SAT
individually (SAEP-1634, SAEP-1630, and SAEP-1638).
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-750
Issue Date: 14 November 2016
Next Planned Update: 14 November 2019 Testing Procedures for Process Automation Systems (PAS)
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