23 Samss 010
23 Samss 010
23 Samss 010
1 Scope............................................................. 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations................................. 2
3 References..................................................... 3
4 Definitions...................................................... 4
5 Environmental Conditions.............................. 9
6 General......................................................... 11
7 Electrical Requirements............................... 15
8 Cabinets and Consoles................................ 18
9 Inputs and Outputs....................................... 21
10 Workstations................................................. 25
11 Control Network and
Internal Communications.............................. 28
12 Foundation Fieldbus ™ (FF)
Host Requirements....................................... 28
1 Scope
1.1 This specification along with the requirements specified in SAES-Z-001 defines
the minimum mandatory design, fabrication and testing requirements for a
Distributed Control Systems (DCS).
1.2 This specification applies to all DCS equipment and associated software
required to monitor and control a process plant.
1.3 Where a project Functional Specification Document (FSD) calls for more than
one distributed control system, this specification shall apply to each DCS system
1.4 Additional requirements might be included in Company's FSD, in which case
the more stringent requirements shall be met.
2 Conflicts and Deviations
2.1 Any conflicts between this specification and other applicable Saudi Aramco
Materials Systems Specifications (SAMSSs), engineering standards (SAESs),
standard drawings (SASDs), or industry standards, codes, and forms shall be
resolved in writing by the Company or Buyer Representative through the
Manager, Process & Controls Systems Department, Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.
2.2 Direct all requests to deviate from this specification in writing to the Company
or Buyer Representative, who shall follow internal Company Engineering
Procedure SAEP-302 and forward such requests to the Manager, Process &
Control Systems Department, Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.
3 References
Specific sections of the following documents are referenced within the body of the
document. Material or equipment supplied to this specification, shall comply with the
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referenced sections of the latest edition of these specifications. Where specific sections
are not referenced, the system shall comply with the entire referenced document.
3.1 Saudi Aramco Documents
Saudi Aramco Materials System Specifications
34-SAMSS-820 Instrument Control Cabinets – Indoor
34-SAMSS-821 Instrument Control Cabinets - Outdoor
Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards
SAES-Z-001 Process Control Systems
SAES-Z-010 Process Automation Networks Connectivity
SAES-J-904 FOUNDATION ™ Fieldbus (FF) Systems
Saudi Aramco Engineering Reports
SAER-5895 Alarm Management Guideline for Process
Automation Systems
Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures
SAEP-302 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a
Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering
SAEP-334 Retrieval, Certification, and Submittal of Saudi
Aramco Engineering and Vendor Drawings
Saudi Aramco Inspection Requirement
Form 175-230100 Distributed Control Systems (DCS)
Saudi Aramco Form and Data Sheet
Form NMR-7923 Nonmaterial Requirements for Control Cabinets
3.2 Industry Codes and Standards
American Society for Testing and Materials
ASTM E1137 Standard Specification for Industrial Platinum
Resistance Thermometers
International Electrotechnical Commission
IEC 60751 Industrial Platinum Resistance Thermometer
IEC 61000-6-2 Generic standards – Immunity for Industrial
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DD Device Descriptor
EEPROM Electrically Erasable and Programmable Read-Only Memory
EIA Electronic Industries Association
ESD Emergency Shutdown
ETP External Termination Panel
FAT Factory Acceptance Test
FSD Functional Specification Document
FTA Field Termination Assembly
I/O Input/Output
ISA The International Society for Measurement & Control
MBPS Mega Bits Per Second
MOV Motor Operated Valve
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
OPC OLE for Process Control
(OLE – Object Linking and Embedding)
PC Personal Computer
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
VMS Vibration Monitoring System
4.2 Words and Terms
Application Software: The software written specifically to perform functional
requirements for an individual plant when standard software packages cannot be
configured to meet the requirements. Application software works with the
standard operating software, it does not modify any standard software.
Auxiliary System: A control and/or monitoring system that is stand-alone,
performs a specialized task, and communicates with the DCS.
Availability: The capability of a system to perform its designated function
when required.
Call Up Time: The time between when the operator initially enters a display
request and when all objects, lines, values (good or invalid), trends and other
parts of the display have been fully presented to the operator.
Communications Subsystem: The hardware and software that performs the
transmitting and receiving of digital information.
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six months or longer (excluding beta test periods). It shall be possible for Saudi
Aramco to verify the field proven status of any equipment.
Firmware: Programs or instructions that are permanently stored in hardware
memory devices and not normally lost upon electrical power failure (usually
EEPROM or Read-Only Memory, "ROM").
HART Protocol: A digital protocol which is superimposed on a standard 4-
20mA signal which enables communication of process data and instrument
diagnostic and configuration data from HART compatible field devices. HART
refers to "Highway Addressable Remote Transducer", originated by Rosemount.
Invalid Value: The state of a tag value, which indicates that the quantity being
measured or calculated is out-of-range, not measurable or not calculable.
Marshalling Cabinet: A cabinet which contains mainly terminal strips and
wire terminations but may also contain DCS I/O module Field Termination
Assemblies. Signal cables for field instruments are normally terminated inside
marshalling cabinets.
Mean Time Between Failure: (MTBF) Is a statistical value equal to the mean
or average time expected between failures of a given device which is used in the
determination of system reliability. MTBF figures can be "predicted" or
"observed". Observed MTBF for a given component is calculated using actual
failure rate data collected for the population of the component while in-service.
Predicted MTBF is a figure which is calculated based failure rate models of
individual sub-components of the component. Two methods widely accepted
for calculation of predicted MTBF are; MIL-HDBK-217 and Bellcore TR-332.
Mode: Control block operational condition, such as manual, automatic, or
Module: An assembly of interconnected components that constitutes an
identifiable device, instrument, or piece of equipment. A module can be
disconnected, removed as a unit, and replaced with a spare. It has definable
performance characteristics that permit it to be tested as a unit.
Operational Data: The statistical data such as alarm limits, tuning parameters,
and clamping values, as opposed to process data such as input values, output
values, and setpoints.
Operator Console: A console used by an operator to perform the functions
required to monitor and control his assigned units.
Plant Area: The designated points (inputs, outputs, and calculated values) that
belong to a geographic or functional section of a plant.
Point: A process variable derived from an input or calculated in a process
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1) For equipment which dissipates internal heat and is installed in custom engineered enclosures
(e.g., enclosures not included in the original manufacturer's temperature certification), an additional
15°C shall be added to the above maximum temperatures. An example, for "indoor air conditioned"
installation, the equipment must perform at 35 + 15 = 50°C.
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6.4.2 DCS vendor shall provide support for all Commercial Off-The-Shelf
(COTS) products supplied as part of the DCS for a period of five (5)
Commentary Note:
It is not the intent of Saudi Aramco to require DCS vendors to service
commercially available products which they did not manufacture. The
vendor shall, however, guarantee that COTS equipment supplied with
the system can be replaced with a similar component for the period
specified without loss of functionality to the system and without
requiring software upgrades to later releases of the DCS operating
system software.
6.4.3 Withdrawal of product support for DCS vendor manufactured products
shall be notified in writing to Saudi Aramco twelve months in advance.
6.5 Redundant Configuration
6.5.1 The following equipment shall be supplied in redundant configuration
unless specified otherwise in the project FSD:
a) All Controllers.
b) All Power supply modules.
c) All DCS control network equipment.
d) All communications equipment required for communications
between controllers and I/O modules.
e) All Input and Output modules used for critical regulatory control.
f) All Foundation Fieldbus Host interface modules.
g) All Foundation Fieldbus power supply and conditioning modules.
h) All data storage devices (e.g. hard-drives) used to store system
configuration information or control strategy configuration
i) All auxiliary systems communications interface modules,
including communications paths, where either the
communications channel is used to send commands from the
DCS to the auxiliary system or data from the auxiliary system is
used within a regulatory control strategy within the DCS.
Commentary Notes:
Regulatory control refers to control which is implemented at the DCS
layer. This can be either analog (e.g., 4-20mA to control valves) or
discrete (e.g., 24vDc to Motor starters). Critical regulatory control
refers to control of equipment which does not have an installed spare
or backup or where failure of the equipment would result in a significant
loss of production or an unsafe operating condition. Inputs and
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6.6.2 A single failure anywhere in the system shall not result in loss of an
operator's ability to view or manipulate the process from his
Commentary Note:
The two requirements above do not apply to a single failure of a non-
redundant input or output module. A loss of a single, non-redundant
input or output module will result in loss of control and loss of the
operator's view to the process for only those points associated with the
single I/O module.
6.7 Reliability
Equipment supplied as part of the DCS system shall meet or exceed the MTBF
data specified in the table below at the equipment's design temperature. MTBF
figures shall be "Predicted" data calculated using the Bellcore Reliability
Prediction Procedure.
Commentary Note:
Requirements for MTBF do not apply to workstations and peripheral devices
(such as monitors, keyboards, printers, etc.). Requirements for MTBF apply to all
other components supplied by the vendor as part of the system whether they be
vendor proprietary or COTS equipment.
7 Electrical Requirements
7.1 Electrical Area Classification
DCS equipment designated 'indoors' shall be installed in buildings that are rated
as electrically unclassified. DCS equipment designated 'outdoors' shall be rated
for the electrical area classification for the area in which it will be installed.
7.2 Electromagnetic Compatibility
DCS equipment designated as 'indoors' shall carry CE Mark for compliance with
European EMC Directive 89/336/EEC or shall comply with immunity levels
stated in IEC 61000-6-2.
Alternatively, the vendor shall provide testing results to confirm that the
equipment will operate without disturbance when energized and subjected to an
electromagnetic field from a radiating source equivalent to a level 3 disturbance
as detailed in IEC 61000-4-3. In particular, RF sources such as hand-held radio
transceivers operating at 5 Watts within the frequency ranges, 50-174 MHz,
406- 470MHz, and 800-870 MHz and held at a distance off 1.0 meters from the
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equipment with cabinet doors open shall not cause any malfunction, data
corruption, or damage to the equipment.
7.3 Power Supply and Distribution
7.3.1 Redundancy All controllers, I/O modules, control network and I/O bus
communications equipment shall be fed from redundant UPS
power sources. A single failure of any power supply shall not result in the
failure of more than one module in a pair of redundant DCS
modules. This failure shall not cause a disturbance to the
process or result in loss of operator functionality.
Commentary Note:
The term "module" in the above requirement refers to DCS
controllers, I/O modules, and any DCS communications
equipment supplied in a redundant fashion. Power supplies shall be capable of being removed and
replaced without disturbing the operation of the other power
supplies. Power supplies for the same voltage rating shall be of the
same make and model for interchangeability and spare parts
management. Where the power supply to a controller, I/O, or
communications module is supplied from the chassis or
baseplate which houses the module, the chassis or baseplate
shall be fed from two separate power supply circuits. Each
circuit shall be fed from separate and independent power
sources. Power supply redundancy shall be provided using either an
N+N or an N+1 redundancy configuration. N+1 redundancy
schemes shall be reviewed and approved by the General
Supervisor, Process Control Division, Process & Controls
Systems Department, Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.
Commentary Note:
N+N redundancy utilized two separate power supplies; each
sized to supply 100% of the demand load. N+1 redundancy
utilized multiple power supplies; each supplying some
percentage of the load. The number of power supplies in an
N+1 configuration depends on the power demand and the
actual percentage of this load that each is capable of
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It is not the intent to dictate to DCS vendors and the like, the method of
interconnecting and mounting their standard proven equipment. However, the
wiring for system power, lighting, convenience outlets, field terminal wiring and
input/output wiring between intermediate terminal strips within these cabinets
shall adhere to this specification.
8.3 Consoles
8.3.1 All power supply and distribution wiring, grounding, and I/O
termination wiring within consoles shall comply with the requirements
of 34-SAMSS-820, "Instrument Control Cabinets – Indoors."
Power distribution to workstations, monitors, and other COTS
peripheral devices housed within consoles may be distributed as
described in paragraph 7.3.3 above.
8.3.2 Consoles shall be noncombustible. When use of a noncombustible
finish item is not practicable, the flame spread index shall be 25 or less
per NFPA 255.
8.4 Communications and Interconnecting Cables
8.4.1 Any standard vendor cable which is used to interconnect equipment
which is physically located in different cabinets, shall be tagged with
source and destination on both ends.
8.4.2 Vendor standard cables shall be designed and installed in such a way
as to allow cable disconnection in order to service the equipment.
Commentary Note
Vendor standard cables refers to cables which are pre-manufactured
and have a standard DCS vendor part number. These cables are most
often used for interconnecting chassis within a system cabinet and
communications between various components of the system.
8.4.3 Data Highway or network communication cables shall maintain a
minimum separation of 75 mm from any AC power cables. Fiber optic
cables are excluded from this requirement.
8.5 Cabinet Protection Equipment
8.5.1 Each cabinet which contains system components, such as controllers,
I/O and communications modules or which house power supply
modules shall contain a temperature sensing device. This device shall
be connected to the DCS to provide continuous analog temperature
indication and to provide high temperature alarming to the operators.
8.5.2 Where fans are required for heat dissipation, each cabinet shall be
equipped with two continuously running fans. Each cabinet with fans
shall be fitted with replaceable or washable filter screens inserted
behind slotted louver inlets for cabinet air supply air.
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9.1.6 All Input/Output modules shall provide a status LED which indicates
the health or operational condition of the module. The status of the
module shall also be communicated to the system diagnostics software.
9.2 Analog Input
9.2.1 The system shall be capable of supporting the following analog process
input signals:
a) 4-20 mA dc.
b) 0-10 Vdc.
c) 1-5 Vdc.
d) Type E, J, and K thermocouples.
e) Platinum resistance temperature detector (RTD),
per ASTM E1137 or IEC 60751.
f) Pulse inputs.
9.2.2 Temperature linearization and thermocouple cold junction
compensation shall be provided.
9.2.3 The system shall provide automatic detection of thermocouple open-
circuit conditions. Open-circuit detection circuitry shall not affect the
accuracy of a temperature measurement by more than 0.25°C.
9.2.4 Analog input modules shall provide the accuracy shown below:
Accuracy : + 0.25% of full range
9.2.5 Calibration of the A/D converters shall be automatically checked by
the system on a periodic basis. An indication of calibration error shall
be provided by the system.
9.2.6 The noise level that is generated by the input circuitry shall be less than
the minimum resolution of the measurement.
9.2.7 Analog input modules shall be able to power 4-20 mA field
instrumentation loops with a loop resistance of 600 ohms.
9.2.8 Pulse input modules shall be capable of measuring pulse frequency.
Input pulses will be characterized as follows:
a) Square wave, sine wave, or dry contact
b) 0 to 10 kHz
c) 5 to 10 Volt peak to peak
d) 2-wire (self-powered or dry contact) or
3-wire (DCS powered at 24 Vdc).
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10 Workstations
10.1 All Workstations
10.1.1 Failure of any component shall not cause the failure of more than one
10.1.2 The workstation operating system shall be Unix or Microsoft ™
Windows, independent of the hardware.
10.1.3 The workstation operating system (OS) + service packs shall be a
revision which is currently supported by the OS vendor and has been
verified by the vendor for application software compatibility.
10.1.4 Tools shall be provided to enable a complete hard-drive image backup
for all workstations and servers which are part of the system. The
backup and restore shall be capable of being performed to a networked
server and to removable storage media.
10.2 Operator Workstations
10.2.1 Each Operator Workstation shall be supplied with, but not limited to,
the following:
• One (1) pointing device.
• One (1) alphanumeric (QWERTY) keyboard.
• One (1) programmable operator keyboard or equivalent
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10.2.2 Operator workstations shall be supplied with minimum 20" flat screen
CRT or LCD color monitor with minimum resolution of 1280 X 1024
10.2.3 All operator workstations shall have the ability to view and monitor
any and all process areas / process units connected to the DCS.
10.2.4 Operator workstations shall be configured to have access to perform
control functions to only those process areas and process units to which
it has been assigned. (Note: Designation of operator workstation
control assignments shall be specified by the project specific FSD).
10.2.5 The control assignment of each operator workstation shall be capable
of being changed by the operator by entering an appropriate password.
10.2.6 Operator workstations shall have either a dedicated operator keyboard
or a dedicated operator graphic display which provides the following
functionality. If the functionality is to be provided using a dedicated
graphic display, call-up of the display must be accessible via a single
mouse click from any process graphic window. User configurable LEDs which are activated and flashing
when predefined process alarm(s) are active and
unacknowledged and activated and steady when predefined
process alarm(s) are active and acknowledged. A minimum
of twenty-four (24) LEDs are required. User configurable buttons to select operational functions or
callup predefined process graphics with a single selection. A
minimum of twenty-four (24) key assignments are required. A dedicated button for Horn Silence.
10.3 Engineering Workstations
10.3.1 An engineering workstation shall provide the following functions:
a) Configuration
b) Database generation
c) Graphics display generation and modification
d) Control algorithm generation and modification
e) Report generation and modification
f) System access configuration
g) File access
h) Diagnostics
i) Workstation/monitors and keyboard plant area assignments
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11.4 Data highways shall use both paths continuously or shall check the backup path
at least once per minute to determine if the backup path is operating normally.
11.5 Failure of any single device that is connected to DCS network shall not affect
the ability of the system to communicate with other devices on the network.
11.6 It shall be possible to run redundant or fault tolerant communication cables in
separate conduits or paths.
12 Foundation Fieldbus ™ (FF) Host Requirements
12.1 Host Control System Requirements
In addition to the FF requirements specified in this document, Host systems
shall meet all requirements specified SAES-J-904, "Foundation Fieldbus (FF)
12.2 FF Host Interoperability
12.2.1 All FF Host systems shall have completed Host Interoperability
System Testing (HIST) based on HIST Procedures document FF-569.
The features which a system must have passed as defined in FF-569
are as follows:
• Device Tag Assignment
• Device Address Assignment
• Configuration of Link Master Devices
• Block Tag Configuration
• Block Instantiation
• Standard Blocks
• Enhanced Blocks
• Custom Blocks
• Function Block Linkage Configuration
• FF Alert Configuration
• FF Alert Handling
• Device description services
• DD Method execution
• Capability files
12.2.2 A letter of conformance to the Host Interoperability System Test shall
be provided to verify test completion and feature support.
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12.2.3 All supported FF HIST features shall be integrated seamlessly into the
existing control system's engineering, configuration, maintenance, and
operations system.
12.3 Host-To-Device Revision Download Capability
12.3.1 Hosts shall have the capability to download software revisions to
Foundation Fieldbus devices.
12.3.2 Hosts systems shall have the capability to store multiple revisions of a
Device Descriptor (DD) file on-line.
12.3.3 Hosts systems shall be capable of hosting multiple devices of the same
make and model using different revisions of DD files simultaneously.
12.4 Host Configuration Features
12.4.1 Host FF configuration shall be consistent in method and 'look and feel'
with conventional configuration.
12.4.2 The Host FF configuration tool shall seamlessly and transparently
integrate with, and maintain, the master configuration database. Saves,
restores and partial downloads of the master control system database
shall be seamlessly and transparently accomplished for both FF and
conventional control strategies by the same configuration tool.
12.4.3 The Host shall not require separate databases be maintained on the
system for FF configuration vs. configuration of conventional control
12.5 Host Configuration Capabilities
The FF Host configuration tool must have the following capabilities:
12.5.1 Offline FF configuration, e.g., to configure FF strategies with no
segment or FF devices connected.
12.5.2 The Host shall be capable of configuring all FF function blocks and
parameters and support of DD services and Common File Format
12.5.3 Importing non-native, bulk configuration data for developing
configuration of larger project databases.
12.5.4 Simple or complex online FF control strategy creation or modification.
12.5.5 Providing alerts and messages for FF configuration errors.
12.5.6 Transparently managing the macrocycle schedule including
maintaining minimum unscheduled acyclic time, coordinating
integration of proprietary and FF function block execution times.
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e) Integral only
f) Auto/manual with bias control
g) Ratio control
h) Control (Signal) Selector
i) Output Splitter
j) PID with feed-forward
k) PID with non-linear gain
l) External Feedback
m) Gap action
n) adaptive tuning
13.1.5 Output Functions
The following output functions shall be supplied as standard
configurable items:
a) Linear
b) Linear with clamping (high and low restricted)
c) Non-linear characterization
d) Rate of change limits
e) Output limiting based on application program
f) Output limiting based on discrete input status
13.1.6 Discrete Control
The following discrete control functions shall be supplied as standard
configurable items:
a) Logic functions -- AND, OR, NOT, NOTAND, NOR, XOR
b) Change of state detect
c) Set/reset flip-flops
d) Timers and counters
e) Comparisons -- greater than, less than, equal to, not equal to
f) Pulse elements -- fixed, maximum, minimum
g) Check for invalid value
h) Flags
13.1.7 Control Loop Execution Frequency
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14.1.7 The system shall support the capability to perform bulk configuration
through scripting or through the use of a vendor supplied engineering
configuration tool which has a windows based GUI.
14.1.8 Functionality shall be provided to enable configuration changes to
DCS function blocks without causing a bump to the process.
Commentary Note:
Placing the block into manual is an acceptable means of preventing a
bump to the process for those systems which do not support the
capability to make changes without affecting the process while the
block is in-service.
14.1.9 The system shall provide the capability to save all database and
configuration data on both removable and non-removable media for
back up purposes without taking the system off-line.
14.1.10 The system shall provide redundant on-line storage media for
configuration data base.
14.1.11 The system shall have the capability to configure at least 10 plant areas
and to assign any tag to any one of these plant areas.
14.1.12 The system shall have the capability to upload operational data to a
configuration file on demand. Operational data includes setpoints,
block mode (A/M), tuning parameters, and other block parameters
which operators and/or engineers have access to modify without using
the configurator.
14.1.13 On manual restart or re-initialization, it shall be possible to select
restart from operational data in the most recently saved or from
previously saved data.
14.1.14 The system shall be capable of exporting and importing configuration
database information into Microsoft applications such as Excel or
14.2 Tag Parameters
14.2.1 All tags shall be defined with at least the following parameters:
a) Tag ID
b) Tag descriptor
c) Tag type
d) Alarm requirements
14.2.2 Tag IDs shall be unique throughout the system; and access to all tag
parameters for configuration shall be available directly by tag ID.
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a) View Only
b) Plant Operator (1 – 10 plant operator roles shall be specifiable)
c) Process Supervisor
d) Engineer
e) System administrator
15.1.3 The system shall be capable of defining as a minimum ten user groups
which are dedicated as plant operator user roles. System access
privileges for plant operator user roles shall be the same for all
operators with the exception of the actual process or plant area for
which process parameter manipulation is possible.
15.1.4 An example configuration of user groups is shown below. The actual
configuration shall be specified in the project specific FSD.
a) View Only – This role shall enable viewing of all process values
and process graphics but shall not allow manipulation of any
process parameters.
b) Plant-XXX Operator – This role shall enable manipulation of
process parameters for equipment defined as belonging to plant
or process area XXX (XXX represents a plant area or process
area. The actual plant areas or process areas shall be defined in
the project specific FSD.) This role shall not allow manipulation
of process parameters for equipment which are not a part of that
particular plant or process area. The system shall support the
ability to define as a minimum twelve different User groups for
plant operations.
c) Process Supervisor – This role shall have the same capabilities as
a plant operator with the exception that users assigned to this role
shall have access to manipulation of process parameters for
multiple plant areas.
d) Engineer – This role shall enable manipulation of process
parameters for all plant areas as well as access to configuration
tools for control strategies, process graphics, smart device
configuration, and other tools. This role shall also enable users to
access system diagnostics tools. This mode shall not allow
changes to user role assignments, user role privileges, passwords,
and other system administration function.
e) System Administrator – This mode shall enable definition of user
role privileges, user assignments, passwords, and other system
administration functions. This role shall also enable access to
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Commentary Note:
Control networks which utilize standard COTS Ethernet
networking components may use commercially available network
monitoring packages provided by the networking component
vendor to fulfill this requirement.
d) Software and firmware (if applicable) version of all modules
installed in the system.
16.2 System and Diagnostic Displays
16.2.1 Communication System Status Displays
Standard displays shall show as minimum as the operational status of
the communication system. The state of each module connected to the
communication system (on-line, off-line, failed, primary failed, backup
failed) shall be shown.
16.2.2 Module Status Displays
Displays shall be provided to show the operational status and error
conditions for all system modules down to the card level.
16.2.3 Diagnostics
On-line and off-line diagnostics shall be provided to assist in system
maintenance and troubleshooting. Diagnostics shall be provided for
every major system component and peripheral. If diagnostics do not
exist for a particular peripheral devices (for example printers and
terminals), the system must detect and provide an error indication for
the failure of these devices.
16.2.4 On-line displays shall indicate the results of self-diagnostic tests.
Failure diagnosis shall be sufficiently specific to indicate which printed
circuit boards, modules, or devices are at fault. The displays shall be
designed to help maintenance and engineering personnel diagnose
faults in the system and communications paths. Each category of
diagnostic display shall be organized hierarchically.
16.2.5 Communications diagnostic displays shall show errors for each of the
redundant paths.
17 Displays and Graphics
This paragraph details the requirements for operator displays and graphics. The
vendor's standard graphical displays are referred to as "displays" and user generated
graphical displays are referred to as "graphics".
17.1 General
17.1.1 Updating Capability
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All displays and graphics that show real time data shall update
automatically when the display is resident on the screen. Updates shall
not require operator initiation.
17.1.2 Invalid Values
Special indication shall be used to indicate that a value is invalid.
17.2 Display and Graphic Response
17.2.1 Call-up-time for display and process graphics shall be a maximum of
four (4) seconds. This requirement applies to all displays and graphics
including ones which have fully active dynamic elements for up to one
hundred (100) fields.
17.2.2 The update frequency for real time data, displayed alphanumerically
and symbolically (shape change, color change, etc.), shall be at least
once every two (2) seconds for all displays and graphics.
17.2.3 Call-up-time for historical data displays shall be a maximum of ten
(10) seconds. This requirement applies to historical data queries for up
to 100 records for a minimum of eight (8) tags.
17.3 Faceplates
Faceplates provide detailed, dynamic process and status information for a single
control loop. They also provide the ability for the operator to manipulate
process parameters for the loop.
17.3.1 The system shall be capable of configuring faceplates as separate
displays or as graphic elements.
17.3.2 Faceplates shall be constructed from templates such that the layout and
operational characteristics of an individual faceplate shall be inherited
from the template. Changes to the template shall be automatically
propagated to all faceplates built from the template.
17.3.3 The system shall have standard pre-configured faceplate templates for
all standard Function Blocks.
17.3.4 The system shall be capable of configuring faceplates for a minimum
of 10,000 tags.
17.3.5 Faceplates shall be moveable on the screen after being called up for
display on a workstation.
17.4 Graphics
A utility shall be provided that is able to generate and modify user-defined
graphics and that is able to implement all the features defined below.
17.4.1 It shall be possible to place a new graphic in service without
interrupting an operator's ability to control the plant.
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17.4.2 The graphics builder utility shall have the capability to make a copy of
an existing graphic in order to build a new graphic that is similar.
17.4.3 The graphics builder utility shall use the same tag IDs that are used in
the process database to access real time variables from any database.
No intermediate index numbers or addressing shall be required.
17.4.4 The graphics builder utility shall be subject to system access
17.4.5 It shall be possible to define graphic elements that are a subset of a full
graphic. Graphic elements shall have the following capabilities:
a) Graphic elements shall be maintained in a specific library or
folder on the system.
b) Properties of graphic elements (such as visibility, color, fill level,
etc.) shall be capable of being linked to process values.
c) An automated tool shall be provided to update graphic elements
inserted into process graphics when a change is made to a
graphic element in the library.
d) It shall be possible to define a minimum of 50 graphic elements.
17.4.6 All control, monitoring, and status attributes of any tag shall be
displayable on graphics. For analog points this requirement includes
measurement, setpoint, alarm limits, and output. For discrete points
this requirement includes input and output status. Status information
includes: alarm status, control mode, and control status.
17.4.7 The format of numeric data shall have the following capabilities:
a) It shall be configurable on an individual basis.
b) It shall be possible to display numeric data in formats ranging
from a single digit to 6 digits (not including the sign or decimal
place), with from 0 to 5 decimal places.
c) If the decimal point is not used, it shall be suppressed.
17.4.8 It shall be possible to display numeric data in any available color.
17.4.9 It shall be possible for each state of a multi-state device to be indicated
by a unique foreground/background color combination.
17.4.10 It shall be possible for inactive alarm or status messages to be invisible
to the operator.
17.4.11 It shall be possible to display numeric data and other text on process
graphics with multiple fonts and different character sizes.
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a) Failed modules
b) Communication errors
c) Diagnostic errors
d) Power Supply modules
e) Cabinet high temperature
Items d and e above may be connected as regular discrete inputs and
treated as "process alarms."
18.4 Process and System Alarms Audible Annunciation
18.4.1 Alarms shall cause audible annunciation at, and only at, workstations
configured for those alarms.
18.4.2 The annunciation shall occur within 1 second of the initiating event.
18.4.3 The audible annunciation shall continue until a "Horn Silence"
command is issued by the operator.
18.4.4 There shall be at least three audible alarm tones available and these
shall be assignable to any priority level.
18.4.5 Volume of the audible tones shall be adjustable.
18.4.6 If an audible alarm is on and another alarm of higher priority is
initiated, then the tone of the higher priority alarm shall immediately
sound. The lower priority audible tone may either continue or cease.
18.4.7 Return-to-normal state shall not cause audible annunciation.
18.4.8 There shall be a "Horn Silence" command available regardless of
which display is in use.
18.4.9 When the "Horn Silence" command is given at a workstation, it shall
silence the current audible alarm sound at all workstations within that
console only and without acknowledging the alarm itself.
18.5 Process and System Alarms Visible Annunciation
18.5.1 General Alarms shall cause visible display annunciation at, and only
at, Workstations configured for those alarms. Visible indication of an alarm condition shall occur within
two (2) seconds of the initiating event. It shall be possible to display the most recent process alarm
within the primary operator window regardless of which
display is in use.
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i) Alarm priority.
j) Alarm state (whether into-alarm state or return-to-normal state).
k) Acknowledgment state.
18.6.6 It shall be possible to filter or sort entries in the alarm summary display
based on Tag ID, time of occurrence, priority, alarm type, and process
area or unit number. The alarm summary display shall clearly indicate
when filtering or sorting is active.
18.7 Alarm Acknowledgement
18.7.1 Acknowledgement of alarms shall be possible:
a) By page
b) By individual alarm on the page
c) By faceplate
18.7.2 It shall be possible to acknowledge process alarms only from
workstations configured for those alarms.
18.7.3 It shall be possible for an operator to acknowledge any alarm
configured at his workstation by no more than two actions.
18.7.4 It shall be possible to acknowledge alarms only if it is shown on a
visible display.
18.7.5 It shall be possible to display unacknowledged alarms with a visibly
distinct appearance from acknowledged alarms on standard displays
(example, reverse flashing red).
18.7.6 It shall be possible to display alarms which are unacknowledged and
have returned to normal with a visibly distinct appearance from
unacknowledged, active alarms (example, reverse non-flashing red).
18.8 Process and System Alarms History Retention
18.8.1 All alarm information available at the alarm summary display shall be
capable of being stored in history files.
18.8.2 All alarms shall be stored in history files with the capability to archive
these to removable media.
18.8.3 Capability shall be provided to recall alarms in visible display lists
according to selectable filtering options.
18.8.4 Capability shall be provided to print the resulting alarm displays to a
printer or to export the data to text files or Microsoft ™ Office
compatible file format.
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18.8.5 The system shall be capable of storing the following number of alarms
and events as a minimum:
Commentary Note:
This does not require that these events be stored in the operator
19 Data Historization
This section details the requirements for historical data characterization, collection,
storage and use.
19.1 On-line History Collection and Storage
19.1.1 There shall be a configurable, real time and historical data collection
package to support trending, logging, and reporting.
19.1.2 The system shall support the following historical data collection rates:
a) 1 or 2 second update
b) 10 second update
c) 1 minute update
19.1.3 The system shall provide the capability to calculate averages,
maximum, minimum, and other statistics of raw historical data and
store the results at the following intervals as a minimum:
a) 5-10 minute
b) Hourly
c) Daily
d) Monthly
19.1.4 The system shall support the addition and deletion of a point on-line
without adversely effecting data collection for other points in the
process historian.
19.1.5 It shall be possible to store on-line history data to redundant storage
19.1.6 When a process point is not available, an unavailable code shall be
entered in the history file.
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20 Trend Displays
20.1 General
Unless stated otherwise, the requirements within this section apply to both real-
time and historical trends. The system shall be capable of the following:
20.1.1 All operator workstations shall be capable of displaying trends.
20.1.2 The system shall have the capability to display operational trends in
full-screen, ½ screen, ¼ screen, and 1/8 screen sizes.
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20.1.3 Each trend display shall consist of the plotted trend graph(s)
accompanied by the display of trend parameters.
20.1.4 Text accompanying the trend shall show the following for each tag: tag
ID, minimum scale value, maximum scale value, engineering units,
current value and an abbreviated point description.
20.1.5 Consecutive trend data points shall be connected by straight lines.
20.1.6 If only one tag is on the trend display, the vertical axis shall be in
engineering units. If multiple tags are on the trend display then the
vertical axis shall be in either engineering units or in percent.
20.1.7 The engineering units for each tag shall be listed in a table if they are
not shown on the vertical axis.
20.1.8 The time periods for trend displays shall be selectable. Time periods
between 5 minutes and 4 days shall be available.
20.1.9 Real-time and historical trends shall be available on the same display
(same Monitor) simultaneously.
20.1.10 Each trend display shall be capable of displaying four different tags
simultaneously. Each tag shall be represented by a different color.
20.1.11 It shall be possible to display actual process values for a particular
point in time on a trend display by selecting the appropriate position on
the trend graph.
20.1.12 It shall be possible to incorporate trends in graphic displays.
Commentary Note:
A pre-configured target incorporated in the graphic display which calls
up the associated trend display is acceptable.
20.1.13 Groups of pre-defined trend sets shall be available. These trend sets
shall define a set of one or more tags to be trended and the scaling to
be used for each tag.
20.1.14 It shall be possible to configure up to 100 trend sets per operator
console. These trend sets shall be available at any operator
workstation in the same console. It shall be possible to display any
trend set by no more than two operator actions.
20.1.15 It shall be possible to reserve ten of the above trend sets for operator
defined groupings, with the access level being Process Operator or
20.2 Real Time Trends
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20.2.1 A real time trend feature shall be provided to make it possible for an
operator to initiate a real time trend for any process tag or calculated
variable, including both analog and discrete types.
20.2.2 Real time trends shall be updated every two seconds with actual
process data.
20.3 Historical Trends
It shall be possible to initiate historical trend displays for any process tag or
calculated variable that has been stored in either the on-line history or off-line
history media, including both analog and discrete types.
20.4 Advanced Trending
A trending package shall be available which enables the user to analyze history
data saved on the system. The advanced trending package does not need to be
integral to the primary operator interface of the system. Trend graphs can be
displayed in a separate window from primary operator interface.
20.4.1 The advanced trending package must have the following capabilities:
20.4.2 Capability to add or delete tags to a trend on a temporary basis.
20.4.3 Capability to display in numerical format the actual process value for
all lines on the trend for a particular point in time.
20.4.4 Capability to search for tags which can be trended by using wildcards.
20.4.5 Capability to scroll backwards or forward in time.
20.4.6 Capability to auto-scale the y-axis on a trend.
20.4.7 Capability to zoom-in or zoom-out on the trend.
20.4.8 Capability to view multiple trendlines on the same trend in either
banded or un-banded format.
20.4.9 Capability to export trend data, for external processing, to removable
media in a Microsoft ™ Office compatible format.
21 Reports
21.1 It shall be possible to use any variable in the system or the history files in a
report. It shall be possible for all reports to be displayed on a workstation screen
as well as printed on a report printer.
21.2 Reports to the same device are to be queued.
21.3 Out-of-range and unknown status inputs and associated calculated blocks shall
be flagged by a special character such as a question mark or other reserved
symbol. Numerical values shall not be used.
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21.4 The default location for the report printouts shall be the operator console from
which the report was requested.
21.5 It shall be possible to activate a report by:
a) Demand (operator request)
b) Scheduled (shift, daily and monthly)
c) Triggered by an Event
d) Through automation or scripting
21.6 It shall be possible to dedicate printers for reports only.
21.7 It shall be possible to print user-defined reports to a report printer and at least
one bulk storage device.
21.8 Reports saved to bulk storage shall be capable of being recalled and displayed at
the operator workstations.
21.9 It shall be possible to export reports, for external processing, to removable
media in a Microsoft ™ Office compatible file format.
21.10 Users Guides and Maintenance manuals shall be provided for all report
22 External Interface
22.1 General
22.1.1 The system shall provide automatic communication retries for any
malfunction occurring during message transfers.
22.1.2 Recoverable and unrecoverable communications errors shall be
counted by the system for each communications channel and stored in
a history file.
22.1.3 Unrecoverable communications shall be alarmed and shall be logged
on a printer and stored in a history file with an appropriate failure
22.1.4 Failures of external systems shall not degrade the performance or
functionality of the DCS.
22.2 External DCS communications
The system shall have the capability to communicate with external DCS systems
as defined below. This functionality shall be provided using standard vendor
supplied software packages.
22.2.1 The system shall be capable of transmitting real-time process data for
any tag in the system to the external DCS.
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22.2.2 The system shall be capable of receiving real-time process data from
the external DCS and translating this data into an internal tag which is
capable of being accessed via the standard internal communications
22.2.3 The system shall be capable of transmitting alarm and event data to
external DCS systems.
22.2.4 The system shall be capable of receiving alarm and event data from
external DCS systems for storage in the alarm and event history
22.3 Auxiliary Control Systems communications
The system shall have the capability to communicate to external auxiliary
control systems as defined below:
22.3.1 The system shall support communications using Modbus Serial
protocol in RTU or ASCII mode. Communications implemented over
modbus serial shall support RS-232C, RS-422, and RS-485 interface
with full or half-duplex operation using the following configurable
baud rates: 9600, 19,200, and 38,800.
22.3.2 The system shall support communications using Modbus TCP/IP
protocol at either 10 or 100 Mbps.
Commentary Note:
Modbus interfaces which are configured in a master-slave relationship
shall be configured with the DCS interface module as the master.
22.3.3 The system shall be capable of reading, as a minimum, 1000 data
registers from an external device using modbus serial and modbus
TCP/IP protocol.
22.3.4 The system shall support communications using OPC DA 2.0 or
greater. The system shall be capable of receiving real-time process
data from the external auxiliary control system using OPC and
translating this data into an internal tag which is capable of being
accessed via the standard internal communications subsystem.
22.3.5 Communications to ESD and BMS systems for real-time process data
shall be via dedicated, redundant communications paths. The DCS
shall NOT communicate real-time process data to more than one ESD
or BMS system over the same communications path.
22.4 MIS Systems communications
The system shall have the capability to communicate with external computer
systems as defined below:
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The system shall support the ability to establish a remote session into the system
using a dial-in access modem. The dial-in connection shall be capable of
providing the following functionality:
22.6.1 The ability to view data in real-time on process graphics, standard
graphics and faceplates.
22.6.2 The ability to view system diagnostics displays.
22.6.3 The ability to establish a remote terminal session on a workstation
connected to the system.
22.6.4 The ability to transfer files To and From the DCS.
22.6.5 The ability to execute system diagnostics routines on the DCS.
23 Inspection and Testing
Saudi Aramco Inspection Requirements Form 175-230100 lists all system components
that are subject to verification by buyer's representative.
23.1 Standard Hardware
Standard hardware shall be inspected and tested. Testing shall be in accordance
with the manufacturers standard test procedures for system diagnostics.
23.2 Integrated Systems
23.2.1 Integrated systems that are staged at a vendor's facilities shall be tested
according to Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) procedures produced for
each DCS project.
23.2.2 FAT criteria shall be developed by the vendor and approved by Saudi
24 Documentation
24.1 All engineering drawings shall comply with the requirements defined in
SAEP-334, Retrieval, Certification and Submittal of Saudi Aramco Engineering
& Vendor Drawings.
24.2 The following documentation shall be supplied by the vendor as part of the
project deliverables:
24.2.1 601 NMRS
601.1 System Development Plan
601.2 System Design Document
601.3 Integration Specifications Document
601.4 Bill of Materials
601.5 Dimensional Outline Diagrams
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Revision Summary
28 February 2005 Major revision.
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