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Curriculum Map 7

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S.Y.: 2019-2020
The learner demonstrates basic understanding of the fundamental processes in music and the arts
CORE LEARNING AREA STANDARD through performing, creating, listening and observing, and responding towards appreciation of the
cultural richness of the different provinces in the Philippines.
The learner demonstrates understanding of salient features of music and art of the Philippines and
KEY STAGE STANDARD (7-10) the world, through appreciation, analysis, and performance, for self-development, the celebration
of Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and the expansion of one’s world vision.
UNIT TITLE Music of the Lowlands of Luzon
TIME FRAME 6 meetings
The students demonstrate understanding of the musical characteristics of The students perform music of the lowlands with appropriate
representative music from the lowlands of Luzon. pitch, rhythm, expression, and style.
LESSON 1: Essentials The learners will Pre- Discussion Values: MAPEH 7 Book
Questions: know… assessment: Concept Recall Artistic
SACRED identifies the Eliciting Prior Socratic excellence Slideshare
MUSIC OF The learners will musical Knowledge Approach Group
LUZON explore responses characteristics of Quick Check Music Listening collaboration and
to the following representative (How ready are Note Analysis connectedness
questions: music selections you?, Page 3) Kodaly Approach Respect for one’s
from the Orff Approach culture and
1. How does lowlands of Luzon Formative Compare and tradition
music form and after listening; Assessment: Contrast Appreciation to
reflect history Concept Recall Venn Diagram cultural history
and culture? analyses the (Let’s Recall, Film Viewing Care for nature/
Content 2. How is music musical elements pages 10) Picture/Video creativity,
Standard created? of some Lowland Read and Analysis and originality, and
Communicated? vocal and Analyze the Interpretation resourcefulness on
The learners 3. Why do people instrumental lines from the Note-writing the construction/
demonstrate sing? music selections; Pasyon and Rhythmic creation of Sacred
understanding write its Composition music of Luzon.
of the musical Enduring explains the message per Collaborative Promote self-
characteristics Understandings: distinguishing stanza (Let’s Approach esteem,
of The students will characteristics of Explain, page Innovative confidence,
representativ understand that… representative 10) Approach leadership,
e music from 1.Music is a Philippine music Conduct a Instrument teamwork, and
the lowlands significant selections from interview about Playing discipline
of Luzon. element of the Luzon in relation Moro-moro, Group Practice Elevates
historical and to its culture and Salubong, and Group performance skills
Performance cultural history of geography; Senakulo. Presentation and reduces stage
Standard people. (Let’s Connect, Data Gathering, fright
2. Sacred and explores ways page 11 and 12) Organizing, and
The students Secular music are of producing Interpreting Subject
perform music expressed sounds on a Summative Integration of Integration:
of the through vocal and variety of sources Assessment: concept Religion/Values
lowlands with instrumental that is similar to Wall Page of areas/Interdisciplin Education (one’s
appropriate forms. the instruments Devotional ary Approach culture and
pitch, rhythm, 3. Singing and being studied; celebrations Student self- tradition; sacred
expression, playing music are (Let’s Apply, assessment music)
and style. fundamental and improvises pages 12) Journaling
universal forms of simple Computer
expression. rhythmic/melodic Self- (instrumental
4. Music accompaniments assessment: improvisation)
collaborates with to selected music Expressing Mathematics
different forms of from the insights on (note intervals
elements. Lowlands of things learned song)
Luzon; by answering Ecology (use of
the given bamboo, wood,
performs questions and metal
instruments/impr (Reflection: materials used in
ovised Looking at my the Gamelan
instruments from performance, musical
Luzon lowlands; page 13) instruments)
Philippine music
sings folksongs (Palabunibunyan in
from the Going Beyond)
lowlands of

movements or
gestures to
accompany the
music selections
of the Lowlands
of Luzon;

to selected music
of the Lowlands
of Luzon;

evaluates music
and music
knowledge of
musical elements
and styles.

LESSON 2: Pre- Discussion Values:

Secular Music assessment: Concept Recall Artistic
of Luzon Sharing of Socratic excellence
assignments Approach Group
Content given to the Music Listening collaboration and
Standard students about Music Analysis connectedness
The learners Secular music. Note-reading Respect for one’s
demonstrate (Quick Check: Kodaly Approach culture and
understanding How ready are Individual/Group tradition
of the musical you?, page 15) Singing Promote culture
characteristics Eliciting Prior Song and tourism
of Knowledge Interpretation Promote self-
representativ Film viewing esteem,
e music from Formative Picture/Video confidence,
the lowlands Assessment: Analysis and leadership,
of Luzon. Concept Interpretation teamwork, and
Recall (Let’s Graphic discipline
Performance Recall, page 19) Organizer Evaluate
Standard Describe the Instrument performance skills
The students characteristics Playing and reduce stage
perform music of “Jocelynang Identification fright
of the Baliwag” in Group Practice
lowlands with relation to the Group Subject
appropriate history of the presentation Integration:
pitch, rhythm, Philippine Integration of Araling
expression, Revolution content areas/ Panlipunan (history
and style. (Let’s explain, Interdisciplinary of Thais’ vocal and
pages 19 and Approach instrumental
20) Data gathering, forms; and the Did
Music organizing, and you know that
Analysis (Let’s interpreting part)
Connect page Student self- Mathematics
20) assessment (use of Thais’ scale
Exit Card and the time
signature in the
Summative folk song)
Assessment: Theatre “The
Singing King and I” (Going
Kumintang song Beyond)
with proper Culture and
musicality (Let’s Tourism (Thailand’s
Apply, page 20) beautiful places)
Art (musicians’
Self- costumes,
assessment: instruments’,
Life- designs,
connections of presentations of
musical skills “Loi Gratong”
(Reflection: festival, and
Looking at my Reflection Journal)
performance, Computer
page 22) (presentation of
Thai music)
Discussion Values:
LESSON 3: Pre- Concept Recall Artistic
Instrumental assessment: Socratic excellence
Music of Quick check: Approach Group
Luzon (How ready are Music Listening collaboration and
you?, page 24) Compare and connectedness
Content Contrast Promote self-
Standard Formative Film Viewing esteem,
The learners Assessment: Picture/Video confidence,
demonstrate Identifying the Analysis and leadership,
understanding different Interpretation teamwork, and
of the musical instrumental Demonstration Discipline
characteristics music of the Individual/ Elevate
of Philippines then Group Instrument performance skills
representativ describe each Singing and reduce stage
e music from (Let’s recall, Individual/ group fright
the lowlands page 29) singing
of Luzon. Answer (Let’s Song Subject
explain, page 30 interpretation Integration:
Performance and 31) Group practice Religion/Values
Standard Analysis and Group Education (social
The students formulation of presentation functions of music)
perform music general idea/s Song Ecology
of the (Let’s Connect, composition (Cambodia and
lowlands with page 31) Peer Teaching Myanmar’s
appropriate Collaboration instrumental forms
pitch, rhythm, Summative Innovative and God’s gift of
expression, Assessment: Approach nature—materials
and style Rondalla Classification/ used in the
playing (Let’s Identification of instruments)
Apply, Page 32) instruments Araling-
Integration of Panlipunan (history
Self- content areas/ of Cambodia and
Assessment: Interdisciplinary Myanmar’s vocal
Reflection Approach and instrumental
(Looking at my Interview/ Data forms)
Performance, Gathering, Theatre
page 34) organizing, and (Cambodian
interpreting Khmer’s Nang Sbek
student self- and Myanmar’s
assessment Marionette in
Dyad: Think-Pair- Going Beyond)
Share Art (Cambodian
Journaling/ Exit Khmer’s Nang
Card Sbek, Maynmar’s
costumes, and
The learner demonstrates basic understanding of the fundamental processes in music and the arts
CORE LEARNING AREA STANDARD through performing, creating, listening and observing, and responding towards appreciation of the
cultural richness of the different provinces in the Philippines.
The learners demonstrate understanding of salient features of music and art of the Philippines and
KEY STAGE STANDARD (7-10) the world, through appreciation, analysis, and performance, for self-development, the celebration
of Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and the expansion of one’s world vision.
UNIT TITLE Folks Arts and Crafts of Luzon
TIME FRAME 6 meetings
 The learners demonstrate understanding on the art elements and  The learners will create artworks showing the characteristic
processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills; elements of the arts of Luzon (highlands and lowlands);
 The learners demonstrate understanding on the salient features of and
the arts of Luzon (highlands and lowlands) by showing the  The learners will exhibit completed artworks for
relationship of the elements of art and processes among culturally appreciation and critiquing.
diverse communities in the country; and
 The learners demonstrate understanding on the Philippines as
having a rich artistic and cultural tradition from pre-colonial to
present times.
LESSON 1: Essentials The learners .. Pre- Discussion Values:
Questions: assessment: Concept Recall Artistic
Folks Arts and analyze Quick Check Socratic excellence
Crafts of The learners will elements and (How ready are Approach Group
Northern explore responses principles of art in you?, page 3) Music collaboration and
Luzon to the following the production of Listening connectedness
questions: one’s arts and Note Analysis Respect for
1. What makes a crafts inspired by Formative Kodaly one’s culture and
work an art? the arts of Luzon Assessment: Approach tradition
Content 2. What makes a (highlands and Identifying Orff Approach Appreciation to
Standard good art? Why? lowlands) terms (Let’s Compare and cultural history
The Recall, page 14) Contrast Care for nature/
learners 3. What makes a Identify Think,Pair, Venn Diagram creativity,
demonstrate good culture? characteristics of and Share Film Viewing originality, and
understanding Why? arts and crafts in activity (Let’s Picture/Video resourcefulness on
on the art specific areas in explain, page Analysis and the construction/
elements and 4. What can Luzon (e.g., 15) Interpretation creation of
processes by artworks tell us papier mâché Note-writing Indonesian
synthesizing about a culture or [taka] from Paete, Summative Rhythmic gamelan musical
and applying a society? Ifugao wood Assessment: Composition instruments
prior sculptures Drawing Collaborative Promote self-
knowledge Enduring [bul’ul], Cordillera (Let’s Apply, Approach esteem,
and skills; Understandings: jewelry and page 16) Innovative confidence,
The students will pottery, tattoo, Approach leadership,
The learners understand that… and Ilocos Self- Instrument teamwork, and
demonstrate weaving and assessment: Playing discipline
understanding 1. A country’s arts pottery [burnay], Reflection Group Elevates
on the salient and history speak etc.) (Looking at my Practice performance skills
features of of the people’s Performance, Group and reduces stage
the arts of attention to reflect on and page 18) Presentation fright
Luzon culture and derive the mood, Data
(highlands tradition. idea, or message Gathering, Subject
and lowlands) emanating from Organizing, and Integration:
by showing 2. Arts and crafts selected artifacts Interpreting Religion/Values
the reflect the and art objects Integration of Education (one’s
relationship of people’s beliefs, concept culture and
the elements customs, appreciate the areas/Interdisci tradition; gamelan
of art and traditions, artifacts and art plinary music
processes environment, and objects in terms Approach performance)
among values. of their uses and Student self- Araling
culturally their distinct use assessment Panlipunan
diverse 3. Folk art reveals of art elements (history of
communities the people’s souls and principles Indonesian culture
in the and aspirations. and tradition)
country; and Incorporate the Science (water
4. The ingenuity design, form, and music- making and
The learners of the Filipinos is spirit of the playing of
demonstrate evident in their highland/lowland Indonesian slendro
understanding cultural artifact and and pelog using
on the traditions. object in one’s bottles of water in
Philippines as creation the creation of
having a rich sounds)
artistic and Trace the Computer
cultural external (foreign) (instrumental
tradition from and internal improvisation)
pre-colonial to (indigenous) Art (gamelan
present times. influences musical
reflected in the instruments’
Performance design of an designs)
Standard artwork and in Mathematics
The learners the making of a (note intervals of
will create craft or artifact Indonesian scales-
artworks slendro and pelog,
showing the Create crafts and folk song)
characteristic that can be locally Ecology (use of
elements of assembled with bamboo, wood,
the arts of local materials, and metal
Luzon guided by local materials used in
(highlands traditional the Gamelan
and lowlands); techniques (e.g., musical
and habi, lilip, etc). instruments)
Philippine music
The learners Derive (Palabunibunyan
will exhibit elements from in Going Beyond)
completed traditions/history
artworks for of a community
appreciation for one’s artwork
and critiquing.
Shows the
relationship of
the development
of crafts in
Lesson 2: specific areas of Pre- Discussion Values:
the country, assessment: Concept Artistic
Folk Arts and according to Quick Check Recall excellence
Crafts of functionality, (How ready are Socratic Group
Cagayan traditional you?, page 19) Approach collaboration and
Valley and specialized Music connectedness
Central Luzon expertise, and Formative Listening Respect for
availability of Assessment: Music Analysis one’s culture and
Content resources (e.g. Complete the Note-reading tradition
Standard pottery, weaving, sentence. (Let’s Kodaly Promote culture
The jewelry, baskets) Recall, page 25) Approach and tourism
learners Writing a Promote self-
demonstrate show the Persuasive Individual/Grou esteem,
understanding relationship of paragraph (Let’s p Singing confidence,
on the art Luzon (highlands Explain, page Song leadership,
elements and and lowlands) 25) Interpretation teamwork, and
processes by arts and crafts to Film viewing discipline
synthesizing Philippine Summative Picture/Video Evaluate
and applying culture, Assessment: Analysis and performance skills
prior traditions, and Making an Interpretation and reduce stage
knowledge history (Islamic artwork inspired Graphic fright
and skills; influences, by Arts and Organizer
Spanish heritage, Crafts of Instrument Subject
The learners and American Cagayan Valley Playing Integration:
demonstrate legacies in and Central Identification Araling
understanding education, Luzon (Let’s Group Panlipunan
on the salient business, Apply, page 26) Practice (history of Thais’
features of modernization, Group vocal and
the arts of and Self- presentation instrumental
Luzon entertainment, as assessment: Integration of forms; and the Did
(highlands well as in Reflection: content areas/ you know that
and lowlands) indigenous Answer the Interdisciplinary part)
by showing practices, fiestas,following Approach Mathematics
the and religious and questions Data (use of Thais’ scale
relationship of social practices) (Looking at my gathering, and the time
the elements performance, organizing, and signature in the
of art and mount an page 27) interpreting folk song)
processes exhibit using Student self- Theatre “The
among completed Luzon assessment King and I” (Going
culturally (highlands and Exit Card Beyond)
diverse lowlands)- Culture and
communities inspired arts and Tourism
in the crafts in an (Thailand’s
country; and organized beautiful places)
manner Art (musicians’
The learners costumes,
demonstrate instruments’,
understanding designs,
on the presentations of
Philippines as “Loi Gratong”
having a rich festival, and
artistic and Reflection Journal)
cultural Computer
tradition from (presentation of
pre-colonial to Thai music)
present times.

The learners
will create
showing the
elements of
the arts of
and lowlands);

The learners
will exhibit
artworks for
and critiquing.
Lesson 3: assessment: Discussion Values:
Quick Check Concept Artistic
Folk Arts and (How ready are Recall excellence
Crafts of you?, page 28) Socratic Group
Southern Approach collaboration and
Tagalog and Formative Music connectedness
Bicol Region Assessment: Listening Promote self-
Dyad Activity, Compare and esteem,
Content Identify the Contrast confidence,
Standard place of origin.. Film Viewing leadership,
The (Let’s Recall, Picture/Video teamwork, and
learners page 33) Analysis and Discipline
demonstrate Answer the ff. Interpretation Elevate
understanding questions (Let’s performance skills
on the art explain, page Demonstration and reduce stage
elements and 34) Individual/ fright
processes by Group
synthesizing Summative Instrument Subject
and applying Assessment: Singing Integration:
prior Make an art Individual/ Religion/Values
knowledge having the group singing Education (social
and skills; characteristics Song functions of music)
of a Southern interpretation Ecology
The learners tagalog arts or Group (Cambodia and
demonstrate Bicol arts (Let’s practice Myanmar’s
understanding Apply, Page 35) Group instrumental
on the salient presentation forms and God’s
features of Self- Song gift of nature—
the arts of assessment: composition materials used in
Luzon Reflective Peer Teaching the instruments)
(highlands thinking graphic Collaboration Araling-
and lowlands) organizer Innovative Panlipunan
by showing (Reflection: Approach (history of
the Looking at my Classification/ Cambodia and
relationship of performance, Identification of Myanmar’s vocal
the elements page 31) instruments and instrumental
of art and Integration of forms)
processes content areas/ Theatre
among Interdisciplinary (Cambodian
culturally Approach Khmer’s Nang
diverse Interview/ Sbek and
communities Data Gathering, Myanmar’s
in the organizing, and Marionette in
country; and interpreting Going Beyond)
student self- Art (Cambodian
The learners assessment Khmer’s Nang
demonstrate Dyad: Think- Sbek, Maynmar’s
understanding Pair-Share Marionette,
on the Journaling/ musicians’
Philippines as Exit Card costumes, and
having a rich instruments’
artistic and designs)
tradition from
pre-colonial to
present times.

The learners
will create
showing the
elements of
the arts of
and lowlands);

The learners
will exhibit
artworks for
and critiquing.
The Learner demonstrates understanding of integrating physical activity behaviors in achieving an
active lifestyle.
KEY STAGE STANDARD (7-10) The learner demonstrates understanding of personal fitness in achieving an active lifestyle.
UNIT TITLE Fitness for Life
TIME FRAME 6 meetings
 The learners demonstrates understanding of guidelines and  The learner designs an individualized exercise program to
principles in exercise program design to achieve personal fitness. achieve personal fitness.
LESSON 1: Essentials The learners .. Pre- Discussion Values:
Questions: assessment: Concept Recall Artistic
Physical undertakes Quick Check Socratic excellence
Fitness The learners will physical activity (How ready are Approach Group
explore responses and physical you?, page 3) Music collaboration and
Content to the following fitness Listening connectedness
Standard questions: assessments Formative Note Analysis Respect for
The 1. Do you Assessment: Kodaly one’s culture and
learners consider yourself sets goals Match Approach tradition
demonstrates a physically fit based on column A and B Orff Approach Appreciation to
understanding person? assessment (Let’s Recall, Compare and cultural history
of guidelines 2. What does results page 7) Contrast Care for nature/
and principles fitness mean to Venn Diagram creativity,
in exercise you? identifies Activity (Let’s Film Viewing originality, and
program training Explain, page 7) Picture/Video resourcefulness on
design to guidelines and Answer the Analysis and the construction/
achieve Enduring FITT principles question (Let’s Interpretation creation of
personal Understandings: Connect, page Note-writing Indonesian
fitness The students will recognizes 8) Rhythmic gamelan musical
understand that… barriers(low level Composition instruments
Performance of fitness, lack of Summative Collaborative Promote self-
Standard 1. Physical fitness skill and time) to Assessment: Approach esteem,
The learner is associated with exercise Slogan Making Innovative confidence,
designs an health-related (Let’s Apply, Approach leadership,
individualized and skill-related prepares an page 8) Instrument teamwork, and
exercise components for exercise program Playing discipline
program to the body to Self- Group Elevates
achieve function describes the assessment: Practice performance skills
personal efficiently and nature and Let the Group and reduces stage
fitness. effectively. background of students answer Presentation fright
the sport the Reflection Data
2. Fitness is a (Looking at my Gathering, Subject
daily process and executes the Performance, Organizing, and Integration:
can be fun. skills involved in page 9) Interpreting Religion/Values
the sport Integration of Education (one’s
3. Physical activity concept culture and
involves monitors areas/Interdisci tradition; gamelan
movement and periodically one’s plinary music
motor skills progress towards Approach performance)
throughout a the fitness goals Student self- Araling
lifetime. assessment Panlipunan
distinguishes Journaling (history of
4. The principles from fallacies and Indonesian culture
and benefits of misconceptions and tradition)
physical activity about the Science (water
improve the physical activity music- making and
body’s ability to participation playing of
do more with less Indonesian slendro
effort. performs and pelog using
appropriate first bottles of water in
5. The FITT aid for sports- the creation of
formula for each related injuries sounds)
component of (e.g. Computer
health-related cramps,sprain, (instrumental
fitness can be heat exhaustion) improvisation)
used as a useful Art (gamelan
guide for assumes musical
individual responsibility for instruments’
exercise program. achieving designs)
personal fitness Mathematics
6. Exercise should (note intervals of
include a gradual keeps the Indonesian scales-
program to importance of slendro and pelog,
intensity specific winning and and folk song)
to a training goal. losing in Ecology (use of
perspective bamboo, wood,
7. The body will and metal
safely adapt to materials used in
the load if fitness the Gamelan
principles are musical
followed. instruments)
Philippine music
8. An appropriate (Palabunibunyan
Personal Fitness in Going Beyond)
Plan follows the
FITT formula to
manage one’s
fitness goals.
LESSON 2: Pre- Discussion Values:
assessment: Concept Artistic
Philippine Eliciting Prior Recall excellence
Physical Knowledge: Socratic Group
Fitness Test Role-playing Approach collaboration and
Quick Check Music connectedness
Content (How ready are Listening Respect for
Standard you?, page 12) Music Analysis one’s culture and
The Note-reading tradition
learners Formative Kodaly Promote culture
demonstrates Assessment: Approach and tourism
understanding Answer (Let’s Promote self-
of guidelines Recall, page 15) Individual/Grou esteem,
and principles Answer (Let’s p Singing confidence,
in exercise explain, page Song leadership,
program 15) Interpretation teamwork, and
design to Answer (Let’s Film viewing discipline
achieve Connect, page Picture/Video Evaluate
personal 16) Analysis and performance skills
fitness Interpretation and reduce stage
Summative Graphic fright
Performance Assessment: Organizer
Standard Physical Instrument Subject
The learner Activity Pyramid Playing Integration:
designs an (Let’s Apply, Identification Araling
individualized page 16) Group Panlipunan
exercise Practice (history of Thais’
program to Self- Group vocal and
achieve assessment: presentation instrumental
personal Reflection Integration of forms; and the Did
fitness (Looking at my content areas/ you know that
Performance, Interdisciplinary part)
page 18) Approach Mathematics
Data (use of Thais’ scale
gathering, and the time
organizing, and signature in the
interpreting folk song)
Student self- Theatre “The
assessment King and I” (Going
Exit Card Beyond)
Culture and
beautiful places)
Art (musicians’
presentations of
“Loi Gratong”
festival, and
Reflection Journal)
(presentation of
Thai music)
LESSON 3: Pre- Discussion Values:
assessment: Concept Artistic
Your Personal Quick Check Recall excellence
Fitness Plan (How ready are Socratic Group
you?) Approach collaboration and
Content Eliciting Music Listening connectedness
Standard Knowledge Compare and Promote self-
The Contrast esteem,
learners Formative Film Viewing confidence,
demonstrates Assessment: Picture/Video leadership,
understanding Compute Analysis and teamwork, and
of guidelines (Let’s Recall, Interpretation Discipline
and principles page 23) Elevate
in exercise Answer (Let’s Demonstration performance skills
program Explain, page 23 Individual/ and reduce stage
design to and 24) Group fright
achieve Answer (Let’s Instrument
personal Connect, page Singing Subject
fitness 24) Individual/ Integration:
group singing Religion/Values
Performance Summative Song Education (social
Standard Assessment: interpretation functions of music)
The learner Persuasive Group Ecology
designs an advertisement practice (Cambodia and
individualized Poster (Let’s Group Myanmar’s
exercise Apply, Page 25) presentation instrumental
program to Song forms and God’s
achieve Self- composition gift of nature—
personal assessment: Peer Teaching materials used in
fitness. (Reflection: Collaboration the instruments)
Looking at my Innovative Araling-
performance, Approach Panlipunan
page 26) Classification/ (history of
Identification of Cambodia and
instruments Myanmar’s vocal
Integration of and instrumental
content areas/ forms)
Interdisciplinary Theatre
Approach (Cambodian
Interview/ Khmer’s Nang
Data Gathering, Sbek and
organizing, and Myanmar’s
interpreting Marionette in
student self- Going Beyond)
assessment Art (Cambodian
Dyad: Think- Khmer’s Nang
Pair-Share Sbek, Maynmar’s
Journaling/ Marionette,
Exit Card musicians’
costumes, and
The learner demonstrates an understanding of growth and development; nutrition; personal
CORE LEARNING AREA STANDARD health and injury prevention, safety and first aid to achieve, sustain, and promote personal health
and wellness.
The learner demonstrates an understanding of key health concepts related to the achievement,
KEY STAGE STANDARD (7-10) sustainability and promotion of wellness as it improves the quality of life of the individual, the
family and the larger community.
UNIT TITLE Growth and Development
TIME FRAME 6 meetings
 The learner demonstrates understanding of holistic health and its  The learners will appropriately manages concerns and
management of health concerns, the growth and development of challenges during adolescence to achieve holistic health.
adolescents and how to manage its challenges.
LESSON 1: Essentials The learners .. Pre- Discussion Values:
Questions: assessment: Concept Recall Artistic
Holistic discusses the Quick Check Socratic excellence
Health and The learners will concept of (How ready are Approach Group
Health explore responses holistic health you?, page 3 Music collaboration and
Dimensions to the following Listening connectedness
questions: explains the Formative Note Analysis Respect for
Content dimensions of Assessment: Kodaly one’s culture and
Standard 1. How do holistic health Identifying the Approach tradition
Physical activities (physical, mental/ health Orff Approach Appreciation to
The learner significantly intellectual, dimensions Compare and cultural history
demonstrates contribute to emotional, social, (Let’s Recall, Contrast Care for nature/
understanding your desired level and page 8) Venn Diagram creativity,
of holistic of fitness? moralspiritual); Answer(Let’s Film Viewing originality, and
health and its Explain, page 9) Picture/Video resourcefulness on
management 2. What are the analyzes the Answer the Analysis and the construction/
of health two components interplay among questions (Let’s Interpretation creation of
concerns, the of Physical the health Connect, page Note-writing Indonesian
growth and fitness? dimensions in 10) Rhythmic gamelan musical
development developing Composition instruments
of adolescents 3. What does it holistic health; Summative Collaborative Promote self-
and how to mean to be fit? Assessment: Approach esteem,
manage its practices Task (Let’s Innovative confidence,
challenges. 4. How does your health habits to Apply, page 10 Approach leadership,
time affect your achieve holistic and 11) Instrument teamwork, and
Performance fitness goals? health; Playing discipline
Standard Self- Group Elevates
5. Why is it describes assessment: Practice performance skills
The necessary to have developmental Reflection Group and reduces stage
learners will a personal fitness milestones as one (Looking at my Presentation fright
appropriately plan and monitor grow Performance, Data
manages it? page 12) Gathering, Subject
concerns and recognizes that Organizing, and Integration:
challenges Enduring changes in Interpreting Religion/Values
during Understandings: different health Integration of Education (one’s
adolescence The students will dimensions are concept culture and
to achieve understand that… normal during areas/Interdisci tradition; gamelan
holistic adolescence; plinary music
health. 1. Physical fitness Approach performance)
is associated with describes Student self- Araling
health-related changes in assessment Panlipunan
and skill-related different aspects Journaling (history of
components for of growth that Indonesian culture
the body to happen to boys and tradition)
function and girls during Science (water
efficiently and adolescence; music- making and
effectively. playing of
recognizes that Indonesian slendro
2. Fitness is a changes in and pelog using
daily process and different bottles of water in
can be fun. dimensions are the creation of
normal during sounds)
3. Physical activity adolescence’ Computer
involves (instrumental
movement and explains that improvisation)
motor skills the pattern of Art (gamelan
throughout a change during musical
lifetime. adolescence is instruments’
similar but the designs)
4. The principles pace of growth Mathematics
and benefits of and development (note intervals of
Physical acitivity is unique for each Indonesian scales-
improve the adolescent; slendro and pelog,
body’s ability to and folk song)
do more with less identifies Ecology (use of
effort. health concerns bamboo, wood,
during and metal
5. The FITT adolescence materials used in
formula for each the Gamelan
component of explains the musical
health-related proper health instruments)
fitness can be appraisal Philippine music
used as a useful procedures (Palabunibunyan
guide for in Going Beyond)
individual demonstrates
exercise health appraisal
programs. procedures
6. Exercise should adolescence in
include a gradual order to achieve
program of holistic health
intensity specific
to a training goal. avails of health Discussion Values:
services in the Concept Artistic
7. The body will school and Recall excellence
LESSON 2: safely adapt to community in Pre- Socratic Group
the load if fitness order to appraise assessment: Approach collaboration and
Management principles are one’s health; and Quick Check Music connectedness
of Health followed. (How ready are Listening Respect for
Concerns applies coping you?, page 13 Music Analysis one’s culture and
During 8. An appropriate skills in dealing and 14) Note-reading tradition
Puberty Personal Fitness with health Kodaly Promote culture
Plan follows the concerns during Formative Approach and tourism
Content FITT formula to adolescence Assessment: Promote self-
Standard effectively Match column Individual/Grou esteem,
manage one’s A and B (Let’s p Singing confidence,
The learner fitness goals. Recall, Page 19) Song leadership,
demonstrates Answer (Let’s Interpretation teamwork, and
understanding Explain, page 19 Film viewing discipline
of holistic and 20) Picture/Video Evaluate
health and its Answer (Let’s Analysis and performance skills
management Connect, page Interpretation and reduce stage
of health 20) Graphic fright
concerns, the Organizer
growth and Summative Instrument Subject
development Assessment: Playing Integration:
of adolescents Task: Panel Identification Araling
and how to Display (Let’s Group Panlipunan
manage its Apply, page 20) Practice (history of Thais’
challenges. Group vocal and
Self- presentation instrumental
Performance assessment: Integration of forms; and the Did
Standard Reflction content areas/ you know that
(Looking at my Interdisciplinary part)
The performance, Approach Mathematics
learners will page 22) Data (use of Thais’ scale
appropriately gathering, and the time
manages organizing, and signature in the
concerns and interpreting folk song)
challenges Student self- Theatre “The
during assessment King and I” (Going
adolescence Exit Card Beyond)
to achieve Culture and
holistic Tourism
health. (Thailand’s
beautiful places)
Art (musicians’
presentations of
“Loi Gratong”
festival, and
Reflection Journal)
(presentation of
Thai music)
LESSON 3: Pre- Discussion Values:
assessment: Concept Artistic
Health Quick Check Recall excellence
Appraisal Socratic Group
Procedure Formative Approach collaboration and
Assessment: Music connectedness
Content Answer (Let’s Listening Promote self-
Standard Recall, page 32) Compare and esteem,
Answer (Let’s Contrast confidence,
The learner Explain, page Film Viewing leadership,
demonstrates 32) Picture/Video teamwork, and
understanding Analysis and Discipline
of holistic Summative Interpretation Elevate
health and its Assessment: performance skills
management Task (Let’s Demonstration and reduce stage
of health Apply, Page 33) Individual/ fright
concerns, the Group
growth and Self- Instrument Subject
development assessment: Singing Integration:
of adolescents (Reflection: Individual/ Religion/Values
and how to Looking at my group singing Education (social
manage its performance, Song functions of music)
challenges. page 34) interpretation Ecology
Group (Cambodia and
Performance practice Myanmar’s
Standard Group instrumental
presentation forms and God’s
The Song gift of nature—
learners will composition materials used in
appropriately Peer Teaching the instruments)
manages Collaboration Araling-
concerns and Innovative Panlipunan
challenges Approach (history of
during Classification/ Cambodia and
adolescence Identification of Myanmar’s vocal
to achieve instruments and instrumental
holistic Integration of forms)
health. content areas/ Theatre
Interdisciplinary (Cambodian
Approach Khmer’s Nang
Interview/ Sbek and
Data Gathering, Myanmar’s
organizing, and Marionette in
interpreting Going Beyond)
student self- Art (Cambodian
assessment Khmer’s Nang
Dyad: Think- Sbek, Maynmar’s
Pair-Share Marionette,
Journaling/ musicians’
Exit Card costumes, and
2nd Quarter

The learner demonstrates basic understanding of the fundamental processes in music and the arts
CORE LEARNING AREA STANDARD through performing, creating, listening and observing, and responding towards appreciation of the
cultural richness of the different provinces in the Philippines.
KEY STAGE STANDARD (7-10) The learner demonstrates understanding of salient features of music and art of the Philippines and
the world, through appreciation, analysis, and performance, for self-development, the celebration
of Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and the expansion of one’s world vision.
UNIT TITLE Music of Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and the Visayas
TIME FRAME 6 meetings

LESSON 1: Essentials The learners .. Pre- Discussion Values:
Questions: assessment: Concept Recall Artistic
Music of identifies the Quick Check Socratic excellence
Cordillera The learners will musical (How ready are Approach Group
explore responses characteristics of you?, page 3) Music collaboration and
Content to the following representative Listening connectedness
Standard questions: selections of Formative Note Analysis Respect for
The Cordillera, Assessment: Kodaly one’s culture and
learners 1. How is music Mindoro, Match Approach tradition
demonstrates composed and Palawan and of column A and B Orff Approach Appreciation to
understanding imrpovised? the Visayas after (Let’s Recall, Compare and cultural history
of the musical listening; page 7) Contrast Care for nature/
characteristics Venn Diagram creativity,
of 2. How is music analyzes the Activity (Let’s Film Viewing originality, and
representativ composed and musical elements Explain, page 7) Picture/Video resourcefulness on
e music from improvised? of some vocal and Answer the Analysis and the construction/
the highlands instrumental question (Let’s Interpretation creation of
of Luzon, selections from Connect, page Note-writing Indonesian
Mindoro, Enduring Cordillera, 8) Rhythmic gamelan musical
Palawan, and Understandings: Mindoro, Composition instruments
the Visayas. The students will Palawan and of Summative Collaborative Promote self-
understand that… the Visayas after Assessment: Approach esteem,
Performance listening; Slogan Making Innovative confidence,
Standard 1. Learning to (Let’s Apply, Approach leadership,
The learner read and notate explains the page 8) Instrument teamwork, and
performs music helps in distinguishing Playing discipline
selected vocal understanding characteristics of Self- Group Elevates
and and expressing representative assessment: Practice performance skills
instrumental the rudiments of music from Let the Group and reduces stage
music of music. Cordillera, students answer Presentation fright
Cordillera, 2. Knowledge and Mindoro, the Reflection Data
Mindoro, understanding Palawan and of (Looking at my Gathering, Subject
Palawan and rudiments are the Visayasin Performance, Organizing, and Integration:
the Visayas in essential to music relation to its page 9) Interpreting Religion/Values
appropriate literacy. culture and Integration of Education (one’s
style 3. Improvisation geography; concept culture and
and composition areas/Interdisci tradition; gamelan
enable the unique explores ways plinary music
expression of of producing Approach performance)
musical ideas. sounds on a Student self- Araling
variety of sources assessment Panlipunan
similar to Journaling (history of
instruments being Indonesian culture
studied; and tradition)
Science (water
music- making and
improvises playing of
simple Indonesian slendro
rhythmic/melodic and pelog using
accompaniments bottles of water in
to selected music the creation of
from the sounds)
Cordillera, Computer
Mindoro, (instrumental
Palawan and of improvisation)
the Visayas; Art (gamelan
performs instruments’
instruments/impr designs)
ovised Mathematics
instruments from (note intervals of
Cordillera, Indonesian scales-
Mindoro, slendro and pelog,
Palawan and of and folk song)
the Visayas, alone Ecology (use of
and/or with bamboo, wood,
others’ and metal
materials used in
provides the Gamelan
accompaniment musical
to selected music instruments)
of the Cordillera, Philippine music
Mindoro, (Palabunibunyan
Palawan and of in Going Beyond)
the Visayas;

sing songs
from the
Palawan and of
the Visayas;
Pre- Discussion Values:
creates assessment: Concept Artistic
appropriate Eliciting Prior Recall excellence
movements to Knowledge: Socratic Group
accompany music Role-playing Approach collaboration and
from the Quick Check Music connectedness
Cordillera, (How ready are Listening Respect for
LESSON 2: Mindoro, you?, page 12) Music Analysis one’s culture and
Palawan and of Note-reading tradition
Music of the Visayas; Formative Kodaly Promote culture
Mindoro and Assessment: Approach and tourism
Palawan evaluates Answer (Let’s Promote self-
music and music Recall, page 15) Individual/Grou esteem,
performances Answer (Let’s p Singing confidence,
Content applying explain, page Song leadership,
Standard knowledge of 15) Interpretation teamwork, and
The musical elements Answer (Let’s Film viewing discipline
learners and style. Connect, page Picture/Video Evaluate
demonstrates 16) Analysis and performance skills
understanding Interpretation and reduce stage
of the musical Summative Graphic fright
characteristics Assessment: Organizer
of Physical Instrument Subject
representativ Activity Pyramid Playing Integration:
e music from (Let’s Apply, Identification Araling
the highlands page 16) Group Panlipunan
of Luzon, Practice (history of Thais’
Mindoro, Self- Group vocal and
Palawan, and assessment: presentation instrumental
the Visayas. Reflection Integration of forms; and the Did
(Looking at my content areas/ you know that
Performance, Interdisciplinary part)
page 18) Approach Mathematics
Performance Data (use of Thais’ scale
Standard gathering, and the time
The learner organizing, and signature in the
performs interpreting folk song)
selected vocal Student self- Theatre “The
and assessment King and I” (Going
instrumental Exit Card Beyond)
music of Culture and
Cordillera, Tourism
Mindoro, (Thailand’s
Palawan and beautiful places)
the Visayas in Art (musicians’
appropriate costumes,
style instruments’,
presentations of
“Loi Gratong”
festival, and
Reflection Journal)
(presentation of
Thai music)
Pre- Discussion Values:
assessment: Concept Artistic
Quick Check Recall excellence
(How ready are Socratic Group
you?) Approach collaboration and
Eliciting Music Listening connectedness
Knowledge Compare and Promote self-
Contrast esteem,
Formative Film Viewing confidence,
Assessment: Picture/Video leadership,
Compute Analysis and teamwork, and
(Let’s Recall, Interpretation Discipline
page 23) Elevate
Answer (Let’s Demonstration performance skills
LESSON 3: Explain, page 23 Individual/ and reduce stage
and 24) Group fright
Music of Answer (Let’s Instrument
Visayas Connect, page Singing Subject
24) Individual/ Integration:
group singing Religion/Values
Summative Song Education (social
Content Assessment: interpretation functions of music)
Standard Persuasive Group Ecology
The advertisement practice (Cambodia and
learners Poster (Let’s Group Myanmar’s
demonstrates Apply, Page 25) presentation instrumental
understanding Song forms and God’s
of the musical Self- composition gift of nature—
characteristics assessment: Peer Teaching materials used in
of (Reflection: Collaboration the instruments)
representativ Looking at my Innovative Araling-
e music from performance, Approach Panlipunan
the highlands page 26) Classification/ (history of
of Luzon, Identification of Cambodia and
Mindoro, instruments Myanmar’s vocal
Palawan, and Integration of and instrumental
the Visayas. content areas/ forms)
Interdisciplinary Theatre
Performance Approach (Cambodian
Standard Interview/ Khmer’s Nang
The learner Data Gathering, Sbek and
performs organizing, and Myanmar’s
selected vocal interpreting Marionette in
and student self- Going Beyond)
instrumental assessment Art (Cambodian
music of Dyad: Think- Khmer’s Nang
Cordillera, Pair-Share Sbek, Maynmar’s
Mindoro, Journaling/ Marionette,
Palawan and Exit Card musicians’
the Visayas in costumes, and
appropriate instruments’
style designs)
The learner demonstrates basic understanding of the fundamental processes in music and the arts
CORE LEARNING AREA STANDARD through performing, creating, listening and observing, and responding towards appreciation of the
cultural richness of the different provinces in the Philippines.
The learners demonstrate understanding of salient features of music and art of the Philippines and
KEY STAGE STANDARD (7-10) the world, through appreciation, analysis, and performance, for self-development, the celebration
of Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and the expansion of one’s world vision.
UNIT TITLE Folk Arts and Crafts of MIMAROPA and the Visayas
TIME FRAME 6 meetings
 The learners demonstrate understanding of the art elements and  The learners will create artwork showing the characteristic
processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills; elements of the arts of MIMAROPA and the Visayas.
 The learners demonstrate on the salient features of the arts of
MIMAROPA and the Visayan Islands by showing the relationship of
the elements of art and processes among culturally diverse
communities in the country; and
 The learners demonstrate understanding on the Philippines as
having a rich artistic and cultural tradition from pre-colonial to
present times
LESSON 1: Essentials The learners .. Pre- Discussion Values:
Questions: assessment: Concept Recall Artistic
Folks Arts and analyze Quick Check Socratic excellence
Crafts of The learners will elements and (How ready are Approach Group
MIMAROPA explore responses principles of art in you?, page 3) Music collaboration and
to the following the production Listening connectedness
questions: one’s arts and Note Analysis Respect for
1. What can the crafts inspired by Formative Kodaly one’s culture and
Content folk arts and the arts of Assessment: Approach tradition
Standard crafts of MIMAROPA and Identifying Orff Approach Appreciation to
MIMAROPA tell the Visayas terms (Let’s Compare and cultural history
The learners about Filipino Recall, page 14) Contrast Care for nature/
demonstrate culture and identify Think,Pair, Venn Diagram creativity,
understanding society? characteristics of and Share Film Viewing originality, and
of the art arts and crafts in activity (Let’s Picture/Video resourcefulness on
elements and 2. What makes th specific areas in explain, page Analysis and the construction/
processes by e Philippine MIMAROPA and 15) Interpretation creation of
synthesizing creative when it the Visayas, Note-writing Indonesian
and applying comes to arts? Marinduque Summative Rhythmic gamelan musical
prior (Moriones Assessment: Composition instruments
knowledge Enduring masks), Palawan Drawing Collaborative Promote self-
and skills; Understandings: (Manunggul Jar), (Let’s Apply, Approach esteem,
Mindoro page 16) Innovative confidence,
The learners The students will (Hanunuo Approach leadership,
demonstrate understand that… Mangyan writing, Self- Instrument teamwork, and
on the salient basketry, and assessment: Playing discipline
features of 1. The Filipino weaving), Bohol Reflection Group Elevates
the arts of virtuosities in arts(churches), Cebu (Looking at my Practice performance skills
MIMAROPA and crafts convey (furniture), Iloilo Performance, Group and reduces stage
and the it’s depth and (culinary arts and page 18) Presentation fright
Visayan receptivity toold houses), Data
Islands by culture, beliefs, Samar (Basey Gathering, Subject
showing the customs, mats), etc. Organizing, and Integration:
relationship of traditions, Interpreting Religion/Values
the elements environment, and reflect on and Integration of Education (one’s
of art and values. derive the mood, concept culture and
processes idea or message areas/Interdisci tradition; gamelan
among 2. Folk arts reflect emanating from plinary music
culturally on the people’s selected artifacts Approach performance)
diverse sense of wisdom and art objects Student self- Araling
communities and life’s goals. assessment Panlipunan
in the appreciate the (history of
country; and 3. The Philippines artifacts and art Indonesian culture
abounds with objects in terms and tradition)
The learners creative and of its utilization Science (water
demonstrate edifying traditions and its distinct music- making and
understanding from pre-colonial use of art playing of
on the to present times. elements and Indonesian slendro
Philippines as principles and pelog using
having a rich 4. The ingenuity bottles of water in
artistic and of the people incorporate the creation of
cultural from MIMAROPA the design, form sounds)
tradition from and the Visayas and spirit of Computer
pre-colonial to islands are artifacts and art (instrumental
present times. evident in their objects from improvisation)
cultural MIMAROPA and Art (gamelan
Performance traditions. the Visayas musical
Standard instruments’
trace the designs)
The external (foreign) Mathematics
learners will and internal (note intervals of
create (indigenous) Indonesian scales-
artwork influences that slendro and pelog,
showing the are reflected in and folk song)
characteristic the design of an Ecology (use of
elements of artwork or in the bamboo, wood,
the arts of making of a craft and metal
MIMAROPA or artifact materials used in
and the the Gamelan
Visayas. create crafts musical
that can be locally instruments)
assembled with Philippine music
local materials, (Palabunibunyan
guided by local in Going Beyond)
techniques (e.g.,
habi, lilip, etc).
Lesson 2:
Folk Arts and elements from
Crafts of traditions/history
Western of a community
Visayas: for one’s artwork Pre- Discussion Values:
Panay and assessment: Concept Artistic
Negros correlate the Quick Check Recall excellence
Islands development of (How ready are Socratic Group
crafts in specific you?, page 19) Approach collaboration and
Content areas of the Music connectedness
Standard country, Formative Listening Respect for
according to Assessment: Music Analysis one’s culture and
The learners functionality, Complete the Note-reading tradition
demonstrate traditional sentence. (Let’s Kodaly Promote culture
understanding specialized Recall, page 25) Approach and tourism
of the art expertise, and Writing a Promote self-
elements and availability of Persuasive Individual/Grou esteem,
processes by resources (e.g., paragraph (Let’s p Singing confidence,
synthesizing architecture, Explain, page Song leadership,
and applying weaving, pottery, 25) Interpretation teamwork, and
prior accessories, Film viewing discipline
knowledge masks, and Summative Picture/Video Evaluate
and skills; culinary arts) Assessment: Analysis and performance skills
Making an Interpretation and reduce stage
The learners show the artwork inspired Graphic fright
demonstrate relationship of by Arts and Organizer
on the salient MIMAROPA and Crafts of Instrument Subject
features of Visayas arts and Cagayan Valley Playing Integration:
the arts of crafts to and Central Identification Araling
MIMAROPA Philippine Luzon (Let’s Group Panlipunan
and the culture, Apply, page 26) Practice (history of Thais’
Visayan traditions, and Group vocal and
Islands by history (Islamic Self- presentation instrumental
showing the influences, assessment: Integration of forms; and the Did
relationship of Spanish heritage, Reflection: content areas/ you know that
the elements and American Answer the Interdisciplinary part)
of art and legacies in following Approach Mathematics
processes education, questions Data (use of Thais’ scale
among business, (Looking at my gathering, and the time
culturally modernization, performance, organizing, and signature in the
diverse and page 27) interpreting folk song)
communities entertainment, as Student self- Theatre “The
in the well as in assessment King and I” (Going
country; and indigenous Exit Card Beyond)
practices, fiestas, Culture and
The learners and religious and Tourism
demonstrate social practices) (Thailand’s
understanding beautiful places)
on the mount an Art (musicians’
Philippines as exhibit using costumes,
having a rich completed instruments’,
artistic and MIMAROPAVisay designs,
cultural an-inspired arts presentations of
tradition from and crafts in an “Loi Gratong”
pre-colonial to organized festival, and
present times. manner Reflection Journal)
Performance (presentation of
Standard Thai music)

learners will
showing the
elements of
the arts of
and the
Lesson 3: Pre-
assessment: Discussion Values:
Folk Arts and Quick Check Concept Artistic
Crafts of (How ready are Recall excellence
Central and you?, page 28) Socratic Group
Eastern Approach collaboration and
Visayas Formative Music connectedness
Assessment: Listening Promote self-
Content Dyad Activity, Compare and esteem,
Standard Identify the Contrast confidence,
place of origin.. Film Viewing leadership,
The learners (Let’s Recall, Picture/Video teamwork, and
demonstrate page 33) Analysis and Discipline
understanding Answer the ff. Interpretation Elevate
of the art questions (Let’s performance skills
elements and explain, page Demonstration and reduce stage
processes by 34) Individual/ fright
synthesizing Group
and applying Summative Instrument Subject
prior Assessment: Singing Integration:
knowledge Make an art Individual/ Religion/Values
and skills; having the group singing Education (social
characteristics Song functions of music)
The learners of a Southern interpretation Ecology
demonstrate tagalog arts or Group (Cambodia and
on the salient Bicol arts (Let’s practice Myanmar’s
features of Apply, Page 35) Group instrumental
the arts of presentation forms and God’s
MIMAROPA Self- Song gift of nature—
and the assessment: composition materials used in
Visayan Reflective Peer Teaching the instruments)
Islands by thinking graphic Collaboration Araling-
showing the organizer Innovative Panlipunan
relationship of (Reflection: Approach (history of
the elements Looking at my Classification/ Cambodia and
of art and performance, Identification of Myanmar’s vocal
processes page 31) instruments and instrumental
among Integration of forms)
culturally content areas/ Theatre
diverse Interdisciplinary (Cambodian
communities Approach Khmer’s Nang
in the Interview/ Sbek and
country; and Data Gathering, Myanmar’s
organizing, and Marionette in
The learners interpreting Going Beyond)
demonstrate student self- Art (Cambodian
understanding assessment Khmer’s Nang
on the Dyad: Think- Sbek, Maynmar’s
Philippines as Pair-Share Marionette,
having a rich Journaling/ musicians’
artistic and Exit Card costumes, and
cultural instruments’
tradition from designs)
pre-colonial to
present times.


learners will
showing the
elements of
the arts of
and the
The Learner demonstrates understanding of integrating physical activity behaviors in achieving an
active lifestyle.
KEY STAGE STANDARD (7-10) The learner demonstrates understanding of personal fitness in achieving an active lifestyle.
UNIT TITLE Individual Sports
TIME FRAME 6 meetings
 The learner demonstrates understanding of guidelines and  The learner modifies the individualized exercise program to
principles in exercise program design to achieve personal fitness. achieve personal fitness.
LESSON 1: Essentials The learners .. Pre- Discussion Values:
Questions: assessment: Concept Recall Artistic
Track and undertakes Quick Check Socratic excellence
Field The learners will physical activity (How ready are Approach Group
explore responses and physical you?, page 3) Music collaboration and
Content to the following fitness Listening connectedness
Standard questions: assessments Formative Note Analysis Respect for
The learner 1. What lifelong Assessment: Kodaly one’s culture and
demonstrates health benefits reviews goals Match Approach tradition
understanding can be attained based on column A and B Orff Approach Appreciation to
of guidelines by participating in assessment (Let’s Recall, Compare and cultural history
and principles track and field? results page 7) Contrast Care for nature/
in exercise Venn Diagram creativity,
program 2. How does addresses Activity (Let’s Film Viewing originality, and
design to swimming benefit barriers (low level Explain, page 7) Picture/Video resourcefulness on
achieve your Personal of fitness, lack of Answer the Analysis and the construction/
personal Health? skill and time) to question (Let’s Interpretation creation of
fitness. exercise Connect, page Note-writing Indonesian
8) Rhythmic gamelan musical
Performance Enduring describes the Composition instruments
Standard Understandings: nature and Summative Collaborative Promote self-
The learner The students will background of Assessment: Approach esteem,
modifies the understand that… the sport Slogan Making Innovative confidence,
individualized (Let’s Apply, Approach leadership,
exercise 1. Track and field executes the page 8) Instrument teamwork, and
program to can be a lifetime skills involved in Playing discipline
achieve activity? the sport Self- Group Elevates
personal assessment: Practice performance skills
fitness. 2. Running is an monitors Let the Group and reduces stage
effective way to periodically one’s students answer Presentation fright
increase progress towards the Reflection Data
cardiovascular the fitness goals (Looking at my Gathering, Subject
endurance. Performance, Organizing, and Integration:
performs page 9) Interpreting Religion/Values
3. Jumping will appropriate first Integration of Education (one’s
teach the body to aid for sports- concept culture and
center over your related injuries areas/Interdisci tradition; gamelan
feet or in space, (e.g. plinary music
improving cramps,sprain, Approach performance)
postural heat exhaustion) Student self- Araling
efficiency assessment Panlipunan
including tempo, assumes Journaling (history of
rhythm, and responsibility for Indonesian culture
timing. achieving and tradition)
personal fitness Science (water
4. Throwing music- making and
accurately and keeps the playing of
with the correct importance of Indonesian slendro
technique will winning and and pelog using
allow you to hit losing in bottles of water in
your targets with perspective the creation of
greater sounds)
consistency. Computer
5. Participation in improvisation)
track and field Art (gamelan
will enable musical
development in instruments’
lifelong physical designs)
activity that Mathematics
provides vigorous (note intervals of
activity and Indonesian scales-
enjoyment. slendro and pelog,
and folk song)
6. Swimming can Ecology (use of
be a lifetime bamboo, wood,
activity that and metal
offers benefits of materials used in
both health and the Gamelan
skill-related musical
physical fitness. instruments)
Philippine music
7. The technique (Palabunibunyan
of water safety is in Going Beyond)
a lifesaving skill.

8. The most
effective and
efficient stroke
mechanics push
the maximum
amount of water
LESSON 2: backward.
Pre- Discussion Values:
Swimming 9. A bent-arm pull assessment: Concept Artistic
enables a Eliciting Prior Recall excellence
Track and swimmer to push Knowledge: Socratic Group
Field water directly Role-playing Approach collaboration and
backward with Quick Check Music connectedness
Content greatest power (How ready are Listening Respect for
Standard you?, page 12) Music Analysis one’s culture and
The learner Note-reading tradition
demonstrates Formative Kodaly Promote culture
understanding Assessment: Approach and tourism
of guidelines Answer (Let’s Promote self-
and principles Recall, page 15) Individual/Grou esteem,
in exercise Answer (Let’s p Singing confidence,
program explain, page Song leadership,
design to 15) Interpretation teamwork, and
achieve Answer (Let’s Film viewing discipline
personal Connect, page Picture/Video Evaluate
fitness. 16) Analysis and performance skills
Interpretation and reduce stage
Performance Summative Graphic fright
Standard Assessment: Organizer
The learner Physical Instrument Subject
modifies the Activity Pyramid Playing Integration:
individualized (Let’s Apply, Identification Araling
exercise page 16) Group Panlipunan
program to Practice (history of Thais’
achieve Self- Group vocal and
personal assessment: presentation instrumental
fitness. Reflection Integration of forms; and the Did
(Looking at my content areas/ you know that
Performance, Interdisciplinary part)
page 18) Approach Mathematics
Data (use of Thais’ scale
gathering, and the time
organizing, and signature in the
interpreting folk song)
Student self- Theatre “The
assessment King and I” (Going
Exit Card Beyond)
Culture and
beautiful places)
Art (musicians’
presentations of
“Loi Gratong”
festival, and
Reflection Journal)
(presentation of
Thai music)
The learner demonstrates an understanding of growth and development; nutrition; personal
CORE LEARNING AREA STANDARD health and injury prevention, safety and first aid to achieve, sustain, and promote personal health
and wellness.
The learner demonstrates an understanding of key health concepts related to the achievement,
KEY STAGE STANDARD (7-10) sustainability and promotion of wellness as it improves the quality of life of the individual, the
family and the larger community.
UNIT TITLE Nutrition
TIME FRAME 6 meetings
 The learner demonstrates understanding of nutrition for a healthy  The learners makes informed decisions in the choice of
life during adolescence. food to eat during adolescence.
LESSON 1: Essentials The learners .. Pre- Discussion Values:
Questions: assessment: Concept Recall Artistic
Nutritional identifies the Quick Check Socratic excellence
Guidelines The learners will right foods during (How ready are Approach Group
explore responses adolescence you?, page 3 Music collaboration and
Content to the following Listening connectedness
Standard questions: follows the Formative Note Analysis Respect for
appropriate Assessment: Kodaly one’s culture and
The learner 1. Why should nutritional Identifying the Approach tradition
demonstrates one eat? guidelines for health Orff Approach Appreciation to
understanding adolescents for dimensions Compare and cultural history
of nutrition 2. What makes healthful eating (Let’s Recall, Contrast Care for nature/
for a healthy one’s diet -1 explains page 8) Venn Diagram creativity,
life during balanced? the need to Answer(Let’s Film Viewing originality, and
adolescence. select food Explain, page 9) Picture/Video resourcefulness on
3. How much of based on the Answer the Analysis and the construction/
Performance each nutrient nutritional needs questions (Let’s Interpretation creation of
Standard does an during Connect, page Note-writing Indonesian
adolescent really adolescence 10) Rhythmic gamelan musical
The need? -2 follows Composition instruments
learners the Food Summative Collaborative Promote self-
makes 4. Why should Pyramid guide for Assessment: Approach esteem,
informed one improve the adolescents and Task (Let’s Innovative confidence,
decisions in nutritional value nutritional Apply, page 10 Approach leadership,
the choice of of his or her diet? guidelines for and 11) Instrument teamwork, and
food to eat Filipinos in Playing discipline
during 5. Why is choosing Self- Group Elevates
adolescence. nutrition foods to eat. assessment: Practice performance skills
especially Reflection Group and reduces stage
important in identifies the (Looking at my Presentation fright
puberty? nutritional Performance, Data
problems of page 12) Gathering, Subject
6. Why do we adolescents; Organizing, and Integration:
need to adapt a Interpreting Religion/Values
healthy lifestyle? describes the Integration of Education (one’s
characteristics, concept culture and
Enduring signs and areas/Interdisci tradition; gamelan
Understandings: symptoms of plinary music
The students will malnutrition Approach performance)
understand that… and Student self- Araling
micronutrient assessment Panlipunan
1. Good nutrition deficiencies; Journaling (history of
includes a variety Indonesian culture
of foods that discusses ways and tradition)
provides the body of preventing Science (water
with all the and music- making and
nutrients it controlling playing of
needs. malnutrition Indonesian slendro
and and pelog using
2. Good nutrition micronutrient bottles of water in
is especially deficiencies; the creation of
important during sounds)
adolescence explains the Computer
when growth and characteristics, (instrumental
development signs and improvisation)
occur at a rapid symptoms of Art (gamelan
rate. eating musical
disorders; instruments’
3. Healthy eating designs)
will reduce one’s discusses ways Mathematics
risk of suffering of preventing (note intervals of
from diseases. and controlling Indonesian scales-
eating disorders; slendro and pelog,
4. Healthy eating and folk song)
is important for applies Ecology (use of
proper growth decision-making bamboo, wood,
and and critical and metal
development. thinking skills materials used in
to prevent the Gamelan
5. Getting the nutritional musical
proper amounts problems of instruments)
of the essential adolescents; Philippine music
nutrients the (Palabunibunyan
body needs in in Going Beyond)
one’s daily diet is
crucial for the

6. Desirable
dietary practices
and healthy
lifestyle improve
one’s productivity
LESSON 2: and quality of life. Pre- Discussion Values:
assessment: Concept Artistic
Nutritional 7. What one eats Quick Check Recall excellence
Guidelines for has a huge impact (How ready are Socratic Group
Filipinos on one’s health. you?, page 13 Approach collaboration and
Appropriate and 14) Music connectedness
during Listening Respect for
Puberty Formative Music Analysis one’s culture and
Assessment: Note-reading tradition
Content Match column Kodaly Promote culture
Standard A and B (Let’s Approach and tourism
Recall, Page 19) Promote self-
The learner Answer (Let’s Individual/Grou esteem,
demonstrates Explain, page 19 p Singing confidence,
understanding and 20) Song leadership,
of nutrition Answer (Let’s Interpretation teamwork, and
for a healthy Connect, page Film viewing discipline
life during 20) Picture/Video Evaluate
adolescence. Analysis and performance skills
Summative Interpretation and reduce stage
Performance Assessment: Graphic fright
Standard Task: Panel Organizer
Display (Let’s Instrument Subject
The Apply, page 20) Playing Integration:
learners Identification Araling
makes Self- Group Panlipunan
informed assessment: Practice (history of Thais’
decisions in Reflction Group vocal and
the choice of (Looking at my presentation instrumental
food to eat performance, Integration of forms; and the Did
during page 22) content areas/ you know that
adolescence. Interdisciplinary part)
Approach Mathematics
Data (use of Thais’ scale
gathering, and the time
organizing, and signature in the
interpreting folk song)
Student self- Theatre “The
assessment King and I” (Going
Exit Card Beyond)
Culture and
beautiful places)
Art (musicians’
presentations of
“Loi Gratong”
festival, and
Reflection Journal)
(presentation of
Thai music)
LESSON 3: Pre-
assessment: Discussion Values:
Nutritional Quick Check Concept Artistic
Problems of Recall excellence
Adolescent Formative Socratic Group
Assessment: Approach collaboration and
Content Answer (Let’s Music connectedness
Standard Recall, page 32) Listening Promote self-
Answer (Let’s Compare and esteem,
The learner Explain, page Contrast confidence,
demonstrates 32) Film Viewing leadership,
understanding Picture/Video teamwork, and
of nutrition Summative Analysis and Discipline
for a healthy Assessment: Interpretation Elevate
life during Task (Let’s performance skills
adolescence. Apply, Page 33) Demonstration and reduce stage
Individual/ fright
Performance Self- Group
Standard assessment: Instrument Subject
(Reflection: Singing Integration:
The Looking at my Individual/ Religion/Values
learners performance, group singing Education (social
makes page 34) Song functions of music)
informed interpretation Ecology
decisions in Group (Cambodia and
the choice of practice Myanmar’s
food to eat Group instrumental
during presentation forms and God’s
adolescence. Song gift of nature—
composition materials used in
Peer Teaching the instruments)
Collaboration Araling-
Innovative Panlipunan
Approach (history of
Classification/ Cambodia and
Identification of Myanmar’s vocal
instruments and instrumental
Integration of forms)
content areas/ Theatre
Interdisciplinary (Cambodian
Approach Khmer’s Nang
Interview/ Sbek and
Data Gathering, Myanmar’s
organizing, and Marionette in
interpreting Going Beyond)
student self- Art (Cambodian
assessment Khmer’s Nang
Dyad: Think- Sbek, Maynmar’s
Pair-Share Marionette,
Journaling/ musicians’
Exit Card costumes, and

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