Abstract :
The scientific "Hospital Waste Management" is of vital importance as its improper management poses risks to
health care workers, waste handlers, patients, community in general and largely the environment.
Keeping this in view, bio-medical waste management was studied at "Sher-I-Kashmir Institute of
Medical Sciences, Srinagar" for a period of three months. Quantity of solid waste generated per bed per day
was found to be 2.02 Kgs. Inpatient area generated maximum solid waste (71.6%) followed by supportive
services (15.41%). Other areas like Operation Theater, Emergency and OPD together produced lesser
amounts (12.9%). In the waste management process, segregation and storage are not properly followed in
SKIMS. However, collection and transportation activities to final disposal are being practiced. The policy of
quality control system in waste management needs to be improvised.
JK-Practitioner 2007;14(1):57-59
The biomedical waste management and handling rules of 1998 of
Government of India requires every occupier of an institution generating
bio-medical waste, which includes a hospital, nursing home, clinic,
dispensary, veterinary institution, animal house, pathological laboratory,
blood bank by whatever name called to take all steps to ensure that such
waste is handled without any adverse effect to human health and
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