Manual Técnico y de Aplicación PROMAT® - Particiones y Muros Externos PDF
Manual Técnico y de Aplicación PROMAT® - Particiones y Muros Externos PDF
Manual Técnico y de Aplicación PROMAT® - Particiones y Muros Externos PDF
Partitions And External Walls General Information_______________________ 1 - 6
PASSIVE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Application & Technical Manual: Partitions & External Walls – Contents
Partitions And External Walls Acoustic Design __________________________ 7 - 8
b StStud
dP titi ___________________________ 78 - 81
Solid/Frameless Partitions:
ss Internal Partition
Partitions ________________ 82
etails of Solid/Frameless Internal Partitio
Connection Details
Partition _________________ 88 - 93
C ® 50 Solid/Frameless Internal Partitio
Shaft Walls:
______________________________________ 97 - 99
C ® 50 Shaft Wall ____________________
Wall_________________________________________ 10
PROMINA® 60 Shaft Wall_________________________________________ 100 - 103
External Walls:
___________ 11
PROMINA® 60 External Wall (Single Sided Protection) _______________ 113 - 115
Partitions & External Walls
General Information i
artitions are used to separate buildings, enclose Lightweight
compartments and contain fire by providing a barrier to the
passage of fire from one side or the other, or both. In doing Lighter loads on structures compared to industry average wallboard
so, they are able to satisfy each of the relevant fire resistant partition systems for equivalent fire resistance.
criteria (integrity, insulation and, if the wall is loadbearing,
load bearing capacity) from either side for the prescribed
period. Thermal Resistance
The application of partition and external wall systems using Promat Excellent thermal resistance performance.
boards covers both non loadbearing and loadbearing in commercial,
industrial, institutional, residential and high rise constructions, or in the Impact Resistant
restoration of existing buildings. Promat’s internal partition systems
require less material to achieve similar fire resistant level when PROMATECT®-H partition systems have been tested for resistance to
compared to industry average wallboard partition systems. The single impact, stiffness and robustness in accordance with the criteria of BS
layer board application leads to simplified construction methods over 5234: Part 2.
other equivalents and in turn to increased productivity and reduced
overall installation cost.
Acoustic Performance
These partition and external wall systems have been developed by
Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd to satisfy standard requirements Tested and assessed to a range of standards, including ISO 140-3:
for intended applications. Such considerations include: 1995, ISO 717-1: 1996, AS 1191: 2002, AS/NZS 1276: Part 1, BS
5821: 1984 and BS 2750: Part 3: 1980, to meet the needs of industry.
Please refer to pages 7 and 8 for details.
Time & Cost Effectiveness
Single layer application reduces installation cost and time compared Fire Resistance Performance
to traditional wallboard constructions.
Promat partitions and external wall systems have been extensively
tested and assessed in accordance with BS 476: Parts 21 and 22 and
Slim Walls AS 1530: Part 4 to satisfy the integrity, insulation and where applicable
loadbearing capacity (structural adequacy) criteria.
Partitions can be as thin as 35mm.
Partitions & External Walls
General Information i
General Design Considerations techniques such as introducing perimeter relief and slip connections
to reduce the transfer of stress from the structure to other building sub
For Partitions elements and/or through the use of expansion joints, control joints and
construction joints.
Following are some of the factors to take into account when
determining correct specifications that ensure a partition provides In a partition, expansion joints are needed when the partition abuts a
required design performance under both fire and ambient conditions. rigid mass. A vertical movement joint should be located at maximum
10000mm centres in long runs of partition. However, introducing a
control joint into a fire resistant partition creates an opening for flame
1 Studwork Design and temperature transmission. Such openings must also be treated
The design of studwork should be adequate for the height of the with approved fire stopping systems.
partition. The studwork details given in the following specifications
Please refer to page 12 for further details on movement joints.
are suitable up to the maximum heights stated. For greater heights
the dimension of the framing members could change depending upon
factors such as movement and deflection, and local approvals. Larger 6 Caulking & Service Penetrations
or more frequent frame sections will often improve fire and structural
performance. To maintain fire and where applicable acoustic performance of the
partition system, gaps at the perimeter must be appropriately filled
The studwork shall be appropriately designed for the applied loads, with suitable caulking material. PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant or
e.g. wind load, and where applicable structural load in the case of other tested fire and acoustic resistant material of equivalent or better
load bearing systems. The framing for the partition systems must performance must be used.
be securely fixed back to a substrate that has an equal or greater
fire performance than the designed partition. All fixings must be non Care needs to be taken in detailing a suitable fire stopping system
combustible and must be those listed in the approval documents. The around any penetration of the partition by services to ensure that
design shall be in accordance with the relevant British, Australian and/ the fire-stopping material remains in situ, and fire and smoke do not
or International Standards. penetrate the partition.
Partitions & External Walls
General Information i
Following are some of the factors to take into account when determining Steel Frame Components
correct specifications that ensure an external wall provides required
fire performance.
Board Fixing
1 Distance From Relevant Boundary Promat boards can be installed horizontally or vertically.
The guidance given in appropriate building regulations does sometimes For steel stud partition system, joints in the boards must be staggered
relax the requirements for those external walls which are one metre or between either side of the framing with all the joints located at a
more from the relevant property boundary. In most of these cases, the framing member. The boards may be fixed to the studs using No.8
wall only needs to be tested or assessed for its performance when bugle head self-drilling and self-tapping screws of a length appropriate
exposed to fire from within the building. In addition, the maximum for the board thickness. Needle point screws are normally used to fix
insulation period required is often only 15 minutes. boards to light gauge steel frames up to 0.8mm. Drill point screws
are generally appropriate for heavy gauge steel frames from 0.8mm
Due to differences in various national regulatory requirements, local to 2.0mm.
building codes should be checked before applying the following
systems. When a timber frame is used, Promat boards are fixed to the framework
using wire nails of a length appropriate for the board thickness and
the required fire resistance performance at nominal 300mm centres
2 External Cladding and minimum 12mm from the board edge. Minimum edge distance
to fasteners and the maximum spacing between nails must be
The external cladding can significantly affect the overall fire
performance of an external wall. For example, some composite
external cladding panels with expanded polyurathane cores may Internal and external corners may be set using a perforated metal
perform much worse than a single skin steel sheet due to the low corner bead fixed to the board linings at not more than 500mm centres.
melting point and toxicity of the core.
3 Structural Steel
All structural steel within a fire protected external wall may also
need to be protected. This includes walls which may only require to
be partially protected. If the steel frame of a single storey building Head
has not been designed in accordance with the document, “Fire
and Steel Construction: The Behaviour of Steel Portal Frames in
Boundary Conditions, 1990 (2nd edition)” published by British Steel
Vertical studs
Nogging track
4 Single Storey Buildings
The external walls of single storey buildings which may otherwise not
require to be fire protected, may still require protection if they are too
close to the relevant boundary.
5 Cavity Barriers
Local building regulations guidance documents will specify where
provision of cavity barriers is required. trac
6 Thermal Insulation
U-values will depend on the complete wall design. These U-values
can be improved by the addition of more insulation materials.
7 Impact Resistance
PROMATECT®-H is robust and reasonably impact resistant. Where
there is risk of heavy impact however, and in most cases below a height Components Selection
of 2000mm above floor level, it is advisable to introduce additional
framing members as stiffening components. Protection barriers or Construction of Promat fire resistant steel stud partitions can be
masonry walls 2000mm high are often advisable. achieved using Rondo stud and track components. Other steel
components of equivalent performance can of course be used but it is
the responsibility of the manufacturer of the component to substantiate
8 Wind Loading equivalent performance with the recommended component.
Continued on next page
Both PROMATECT®-H and PROMINA® 60 external walls offer good
resistance to wind induced internal pressures. Please consult Promat
if there are predominant openings in the external envelope of the
Partitions & External Walls
General Information i
Steel Frame Components Continued from previous page
The track sections come in two basic profiles. A standard track has a
nominal 32mm flange whilst the deflection head track has a nominal
50mm flange. However, head tracks with wider flange are available but
they have to be specially designed for instances where clearance for
expansion at the head track exceeds 20mm.
No clearance for expansion is applicable at the head track for a loadbearing partition. Track sections should be fixed at maximum 610mm
intervals to the supporting structure. Fixings should be located not more than 100mm from either end of the track section.
Vertical Studs
The recommended Rondo studs come in 0.50mm, 0.55mm, 0.75mm and 1.15mm. The 0.50mm to 0.75mm
studs have standard 25mm bell-mouthed service holes for electrical cabling. For the 1.15mm stud, round
holes are punched at designated centres along the stud.
Spliced extensions are possible in situations where the overall height of the partition is more than the stud
length. The 0.50mm to 0.75mm studs may be boxed and the 1.15mm studs may be spliced back to back.
For greater rigidity at fire resistant glazing and door openings, and also at locations where extra load carrying
capacity is required, studs of 0.50mm to 0.75mm may be boxed and studs of 1.15mm may be fixed back to
back. See guide below on spliced studs and stiffening framing.
per below
Minimum 200mm ove
Screw or requirements
steel rivet as
per below
TE: The splice location percentage refers to the height of the partition. For example, taking a partition 10000mm high, a 10% splice location would be
located within 1,000mm of the top or bottom of the wall. A 25% splice location would be within 2000-5000mm of the top or bottom of a 10000mm high wall.
z Splices should be alternate subsequently at top and bottom of wall
z Do not splice studs between 25% and 75% of wall height
z Splicing of studs is recommended for non loadbearing partitions only
z Where splicing is not possible due to the height, use fully boxed sections
Partitions & External Walls
General Information i
Nogging Track
Noggings are necessary to provide bracing to the partition studs and preventing the studs from twisting when fitting the lining boards. The
noggings are to be screwed, rivetted or crimped to both flanges of the studs. Continuous nogging tracks 0.55mm and 0.75mm are available from
Rondo. This nogging track can be fitted to the stud framing in one length. Alternatively, individual noggings may be cut from the track. Noggings
of 0.75mm can be used with 1.15mm studs.
Track to be structurally designed in accordance with BS 5950 or AS 4600, for the given opening dimensions.
Track to be fastened to substrate floor and ceiling with M6 anchor bolts 40mm long at maximum 600mm mc
centres. Studs can be installed vertically at 600-610mm centres depending on the board size used.
tu da
el s
z Studs to be cut to a short length and screwed in between each of the vertical studs.
a nch tres
nry cen
m aso 600
M6 imum
at m
z Cut the base of the track um
leaving two short studs either a xim tres BOTTOM TRACK FIXING
side. Insert the noggings M en
between the vertical steel 100
studs and fix through the
studs into the vertical studs
on either side, using only
z All horizontal joints of the boards are to be fixed to the noggings. z Cover fillets minimum 75mm wide cut from main lining
boards. Fix board to board using stitching screws of a
HORIZONTAL TRACK USING STEEL CHANNELS length appropriate to the board thickness, at maximum
nominal 200mm centres.
z Steel channel cut to length and screw fixed to the both sides of the vertical studs.
z All horizontal joints of the boards to be covered and fixed
z All horizontal joints of the boards are fixed to the nogging. by board strips.
um 5
D x 3 times
Partitions & External Walls
General Information i
Timber Frame Components
Timber also has a very low thermal conductivity value and hence does
not heat uniformly. Therefore, timber material a few millimetres inside
the burning zone is just warm. The formation of a self insulating char
provides some resistance to further heat penetration. Studs and cross noggings
Unlike materials with a high thermal conductivity such as steel, there
are less problems associated with expansion or loss of strength due to
increases in temperature over the whole section in timber. This means that
in some instances timber retains its structural integrity better than steel.
There are many different types of timbers and they all char at varying
rates. Higher density timbers char generally (but not always) more
slowly than those of lower density. Denser hardwoods used for
structural purposes, such as jarrah, teak, keruing and greenheart,
char at a rate of approximately 15mm in 30 minutes. Lower density
(<650kg/m3) softwood timbers such as Western red cedar have an r pla
estimated charring rate of 25mm in 30 minutes. Floo
Tables are available which can provide a definitive charring rate for a
specific timber species, and can be based on the use of heartwood or
sapwood of the given species.
Studs & Cross Noggings
The frame used in timber stud partitions generally consists of 90mm
Cross nogging method 1
deep x 45mm wide softwood timber. The fire performance of the
partition system accounts for the loss of the timber section due to
charring effect without compromising the fire performance of the
Where the boards are to be installed with their long edges vertical, the
studs are located at maximum 600mm or 610mm centres (depending
on the board width) with cross noggings at 1200mm or 1220mm
centres. Where the boards are to be installed with their long edges
Step one Step two horizontal, the studs are located at 600mm or 610mm centres with
cross noggings at 1200mm or 1220mm centres.
Cross nogging method 2 The cross noggings may be fixed to the studs using nails or
woodscrews of at least 100mm long. See fixing methods at left. Either
method can be adopted to fix the cross noggings.
The vertical studs are fixed to the top and floor plates using either
FLOOR PLATE FIXING nails or woodscrews of at least 100mm long in the manner shown in
the left picture.
Loadbearing Partition
Where a partition is loadbearing, the required size of the stud shall
be calculated by a suitably qualified structural engineer. Care should
be taken to ensure that the loadbearing partition has been designed
to resist all applied loads and in accordance with BS 5268: Part 4,
AS 1720: Part 1 or AS 1684. Generally, the fire performance and the
load carrying capacity will improve by increasing the cross-sectional
dimensions of the timber elements and/or decreasing the stud spacing.
Partitions & External Walls
Acoustic Design A
Acoustics In Building General Design Considerations
Sound is a form of energy generated by a source, transmitted through With modern design concepts and technology in building construction,
a medium and collected by a receiver. It can be pleasant to be heard, acoustic performance within buildings has become an important
such as music and speeches etc, while some, such as scratching element for consideration by building designers. There are many
a glass surface with a sharp object, are irritating. This offensive factors involved in establishing an ideal noise level for any particular
sound is commonly termed noise. The acoustic design of buildings building space, some of which are as follows:
can be divided into two basic requirements, noise control and room
acoustics. z To avoid fatigue induced by noise;
Noise control relates to the quantity of sound with an objective to z To prevent distraction or disturbance;
ensure the sound level does not adversely affect the comfort of
z To maintain a good communication and listening environment.
building occupants. This involves control of sound produced in a room,
such as telephones ringing, as well as limiting the noise entering from Heavy walls such as concrete have good transmission loss. However,
other rooms or outside the building. A common solution targeting this there are some drawbacks which limit their performance. Mass law
problem is the introduction of sound absorption systems. dictates that a wall will increase its transmission loss by only 5dB for
every doubling of mass. Therefore, a single 100mm thick concrete
Room acoustics relate to the quality of sound with an objective to
wall of 2300kg/m3 density might have an STC 45 rating whereas a
enhance the quality of desired sound within a room. This involves
200mm thick concrete wall would only achieve STC 50 for a doubling
factors such as speech intelligibility and perception of musical clarity.
in mass.
The most widely applied solution employed by building designers is
the use of a sound insulating system. For most owners and builders, a wall of this size and weight is not
desirable. Cost may more than double and the decibel-per-dollar
A point worth noting is that although both noise control and room
achieved is clearly not acceptable. This limitation can be easily
acoustics have independent objectives, they are however inter-related
overcome by using a lightweight system, i.e. the partition system,
in practice. As this section of technical handbook covers partition and
where it is more practical to utilise principals such as air cavity,
ceiling systems, the following concentrates only on issues related to
resilient mountings, sound absorbing core materials or a combination
sound insulation which involves transmission loss (TL) of airborne
of these principals without the large increase in mass required for
solid walls.
Following are some common practices that are effective for noise
Sound Transmission & Classification control and room acoustics.
The sound transmission loss of a building element, such as a partition,
is a measure of how much sound is reduced as it passes through 1 Double Studding & Air Cavity
the barrier, expressed in dB or decibels, the unit used to quantify
sound. The generally accepted term for the single number ratings With typical dry wall partitions, sound striking at the wall surface
for sound transmission loss is the Sound Transmission Class or STC is transmitted through the first surface material into the wall cavity.
(ASTM E413-87). This is determined by comparing the TL value to It then strikes the opposite wall surface, causing it to vibrate and
the reference curve in ASTM E413-87. Generally the higher the STC transmit the sound into the air of the adjoining room. This is termed
value, the better the performance of the system. The following table airborne sound. When the sound strikes the wall at the stud, sound
provides a rough idea of what various STC levels mean in terms of is transmitted direct through the stud and is termed structure borne
privacy afforded. sound.
Partitions & External Walls
Acoustic Design A
General Design Considerations
3 Treatment To Flanking Paths 4 Wall & Floor Intersections
When working with acoustic systems, it is critical that strict attention A good acoustic partition is only as good as its joint or intersection
be paid to construction and detailing. The acoustic integrity of a at wall and floor, like a chain and its weakest link. If this joint or
system can be influenced by the combination of elements that make intersection is not treated properly, the acoustic value may be lost.
up the system. Single leaf and uninsulated systems are particularly Many joint defects from flanking paths allow sound to travel via air
dependent on high quality of installation. For example, if there is a gaps through the structure.
gap of 5mm wide around the perimeter of an STC 45 rated wall of
3m x 3m, the actual performance would degrade to about STC 30. Acoustic sealants are the simplest means to provide a permanent air
Therefore, to make acoustically rated partitions effective, they must tight seal. They are made from materials that are permanently elastic
be airtight. Any path for air also means there is a path for sound. In which will allow floor or wall materials to move, as they are prone to
order to achieve the designed STC rating closely, the following factors do because of expansion and contraction or outside forces such as
must also be taken into account: structural movement. A permanent airtight seal is the most effective
way to maintain the acoustic integrity of the wall. Regardless of which
z Sound paths, e.g. windows, doors, floors and ceilings; system is employed, all openings, cracks and material joints should
be made air tight with a permanently elastic acoustical sealant.
z Penetrations through walls, even above ceilings or
below floorings, must be sealed;
z Stagger the joints between multiple layers of wall boards System Selection Guide
or ceiling linings;
As sound insulation requirements may vary from country to country,
z Do not install electrical points back to back the table below suggests acoustic values for some typical partition
on either side of a wall; installations, unless otherwise specified by the architects. Please
consult Promat for more information.
z Openings for return air in ceiling plenum systems
must be strictly controlled.
8 6
0 1
General Installation Details of Steel Stud Partitions
Wall Junctions !T
Corner detail (with decorative lining) Corner detail
5 m to g
0m m in
10 imu k fix
ax c
m t tra
1 m es
0m ntr
50 ce k
2 a t
x um tra
Fi im ng
a lo
m a
5 3
m m
10 imu
3 m
7 1 4 5
1 PROMATECT® or PROMINA® board 7 Caulk all perimeter gaps with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant to
achieve the required fire resistance and/or acoustic performance
2 Steel stud at 610mm centres
3 Floor track
4 40mm long M6 expansion bolts at 500mm centres
5 Set corner with tape and jointing compound
6 Boxed stud at wall inersection
General Installation Details of Steel Stud Partitions
Deflection Head !T
Wall/ceiling junction Wall/ceiling junction
5 9 4 5 9 4
1 1
7 0b 7
3a 3a
0a (optional)
6 1 6
NOTE: Additional 100m wide cover
1 fillets/strips are required behind
horizontal joints in boards to 2
2 maintain surface flatness as well
as integrity of the partition system
Head using aluminium head track (non-fire resistance) Head for suspended tie-locking ceiling
5 5
4 4
1 1
3b 3a 3a
6 6
NOTE: This method of construction
is not recommended for studs 2
2 adjacent to windows or doors or
studs carrying loads > 0.25kPa
General Installation Details of Steel Stud Partitions
Deflection Head !T
Function fix head Function fix head
(with corner finishing)
4 4
8 8
6 7 6 7
3 9 3
5 5
1 1
2 2
1 PROMATECT® or PROMINA® board 6 Minimum 6 - 8mm clearance at wall head to allow vertical expansion
2 Steel stud at 610mm centres of steel studs
3 Top track with minimum leg length 35mm is fixed in place by anchor 7 Allow maximum 5mm clearance between board edge and concrete
bolts. Depth of track dependant upon performance requirement and soffit to accomodate structural movement, if any gap is to be sealed
partition height with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant
4 Anchor bolts with minimum 40mm penetration to concrete substrate 8 PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant to fill gap and act as an isolator to
at maximum 500mm centres limit sound transmission in acoustical wall constrcution
5 No. 6 drywall screws at nominal 200mm centres 9 Corner finishing, e.g. tape, cornice, angle etc. dependant upon
requirement of aesthetic appearance
3 3
5 5
4 4 7
1 1
5 5
2 2
1 PROMATECT® or PROMINA® board 5 Allow maximum 20mm gap to accomodate vertical movement
2 Steel stud at 610mm centres of structure. Gap is to be filled wth flexible sealant such as
PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant in order to optimize integrity of
3 Anchor bolts with minimum 40mm penetration into concrete partition
substrate at maximum 500mm centres. For acoustic wall installation
if concrete surface is uneven, apply a bead of PROMASEAL®-A 6 Edge finishing (optional) based upon performance requirement to
Acrylic Sealant between the top track and concrete substrate to protect edge from damage
seal possible gaps 7 (Optional) Corner finishing, e.g. cornice based upon aesthetic
4 Fixing start 100mm from corner edge to avoid possible breakage requirement
under structural movement. NOTE: Should be taken that screw
fixing does not fix through the track
General Installation Details of Steel Stud Partitions
Deflection Head !T
Flanking path for Flanking path for
panel ceiling over wall panel ceiling overwall
4 4
8 8
6 9
7 9 7
5 0
1 3 1 3
1 PROMATECT® or PROMINA® board 6 Exposed grid framing system. NOTE: Due to large number of joints
2 Use of anchor bolts at maximum 500mm centres to secure continous in ceiling construction, not recommended where high performance
angles to concrete soffit acoustic rating required
3 No. 6 drywall screws at nominal 200mm centres length dependant 7 Ceiling panel screw fixed to wall track to secure in position
upon board thickness 8 Minimum 50mm thick glass wool or equivalent sound
4 Minimum 12mm thick PROMATECT® or PROMINA® board runs over absorbing material held in place with track or angle, should be
wall continously and fixed to soffit. Joints should be backed by continious to minimize sound leakage
strips of 100mm wide PROMATECT® or PROMINA® board of similar 9 Bead of PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant isolator between top track
thickness and ceiling panel to reduce conduction of sound frequencies
5 Finishing head to protect board edge from damage due to ceiling 0 Tape or cornice finishing based upon requirement of asthetic
construction and fixing of accessories such as lighting etc appearance
9 9
3 3
6 6
2 7 2
General Installation Details of Steel Stud Partitions
Base Details & Movement Joints !T
Single layer system Double layer system
1 PROMATECT® or PROMINA® board 4 Caulk all perimeter gaps with PROMASEAL -A Acrylic Sealant to
7 nim
1 1
General Installation Details of Steel Stud Partitions
Window & Door Framings !T
Detail 2 5 Detail 3
1 1
Detail 1
Detail 1 Detail 2 5
Detail 3 5
4 1
1 Boxed studs either side of openings, the studs need to be fixed 4 Expansion bolt at 600mm centres
rigidly top and bottom
5 No.8 wafer head screws 16mm long or 3mm steel pop rivets
2 Horizontal noggings
3 Stud track
Installation of door jamb details Installation of door jamb details 1 PROMATECT® or PROMINA®
(with timber reinforcement) (with boxed steel stud) board
2 2 Timber architrave
3 9 3 Timber door jamb
4 3
5 4 Timber studs as reinforcement
8 5 Steel stud
6 Steel stud boxed
7 Screw fixing (norminal 300mm
8 Screw fixing (norminal 500mm
9 Screw fixing (norminal 200mm
1 centres)
1 0 Edge metal profile
General Installation Details of Steel Stud Partitions
Load Factors !T
Planned and unplanned loads
PROMATECT and PROMINA® drywalls facilitate easy fixing of most
type of loads or fixtures which can be attached either pre or post
installation of the PROMATECT and PROMINA® drywall system.The PROMATECT® or
basic concept is that the support or special fixers/fasteners to be used PROMINA® board
will also enploy the support of the framework of the drywall system.
A wide range of propriety expanding fasteners are readily available Steel studs at
to fix any load onto a PROMATECT and PROMINA® wall or partition maximum 610mm
system. Use fastners in accordance with to the manufacturer’s spacing Heavy duty
recommendations. support frame
Details for planned and unplanned loads on PROMATECT and
PROMINA® drywalls. Timber block
Unplanned load
Coarse thread drywall Heavy duty items
stitching scew
Drainage system
Planned load
General Installation Details of Steel Stud Partitions
Wet Area Installation Details !T
Toilet bowl installation
1 1
2a 4
2b 2b
3 6
Tiled shower recess with
insitu wet area details
1 PROMATECT® or PROMINA® board with thickness dependant upon 6 Mortar bed prepared according to manufacturer specification to
performance requirement receive floor finishing e.g. tiles, etc
2a Steel studs, spaced at maximum 610mm centres. Studs size 7 Approved flashing when required by building regulation to prevent
dependant upon performance requirement and partition height water egress
2b Top and bottom tracks fixed to concrete substrate using anchor 8 Reinforcement material, e.g. timber plate, etc. of minimum 9mm
bolts at maximum 500mm centres. For top track, use track with thick to support loading
minumum 35mm leg length to accomodate vertical movement of
structure 9a Waste pipe made of PVC, uPVC etc. protected by PROMASEAL®
FC or FCS retrofit collar to maintain compartmentation during fire
3 PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant is used to fill gap and seal joints conditions. For option of collars please consult Promat
whenever necessary to maintain integrity of wall system
9a Plastic pipe, e.g. uPVC or PVC connection to main waste pipe
4 Decorative lining onto PROMATECT® or PROMINA® board protected with PROMASEAL® FCW wall collar for fire resistance
NOTE: Installation procedures of decorative lining should be strictly application
in accordance with the recommendation of manufacturer/supplier
0 No. 6 drywall screws fixed at maximum 200mm centres length
5 Insitu internal membrane applied to face of wall lining to prevent depends upon board thickness used
moisture related problems
General Installation Details of Steel Stud Partitions
Wet Area Installation Details !T
Bath tub installation
NOTE: Water tightness is 1
responsibility of other parties
0 8
2 1
0 8
4 Use of flashing tape to prevent water ingress 0 Anchor bolts bolts at maximum 500mm centres
5 Bath tub specified by architect or designer. Installation to be carried
out according to manufacturer specification
General Installation Details of Steel Stud Partitions
Wet Area Installation Details !T
Shower Add-on hand 2
basin with
1 1
3a 4c
6 5
9 0
General Installation Details of Steel Stud Partitions
Wet Area Installation Details !T
Typical framing details for water tap
support and penetrations
3 2
1 1
General Installation Details of Steel Stud Partitions
Other Details !T
Curtain wall detail
1 2
1 1
4 3 6
1 PROMATECT® or PROMINA® board with thickness dependant upon 5 PROMASEAL® Switchbox intumescent infill
performance requirement
6 PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant is used to seal gap to maintain
2 Insulation material enhances thermal insulation of building integrity of partition system
3 Steel studs at maximum 610mm centres. Stud size dependant upon 7 PROMASEAL® Expansion Joint Strip
performance requirement and partition height
Partitions & External Walls
System Index
BRE CC91456
* From From
-/240/- 27dB 27dB 1 x 9mm WF 159773 26, 27
11.58kg/m2 68mm
to the requirements of
BS 476: Part 22: 1987
single steel stud partition
(single sided)
WF 164275
EWA 23730-01
2 x 9mm * From From
-/240/240 56dB 55dB to the requirements of
(each side) 53.04kg/m2 136mm
BS 476: Part 22: 1987
AS 1530: Part 4: 2005 31, 32
to the requirements of
2 x 12mm * From From
PROMATECT®-H -/360/360 56dB 57dB BS 476: Part 22: 1987
(each side) 67.11kg/m2 148mm
single steel stud partition and/or
(double sided double layer) AS 1530: Part 4: 2005
BRANZ FR 4301,
1 x 12mm BRANZ FAR 3388
-/60/60 39dB 39dB
(each side) to the requirements of
BS 476: Parts 21 and 22: 1987
AS 1530: Part 4: 2005
1 x 12mm
60/60/60 39dB 39dB to the requirements of
(each side)
BS 476: Parts 21 and 22: 1987
* From From AS 1530: Part 4: 2005
14.24kg/m2 75mm BRANZ FR 4115,
PROMATECT® 50 1 x 20mm BRANZ FAR 3416
-/120/120 40dB 40dB
single steel stud partition (each side) to the requirements of
(double sided single layer) BS 476: Parts 21 and 22: 1987
AS 1530: Part 4: 2005
1 x 20mm
120/120/120 40dB 40dB to the requirements of
(each side)
BS 476: Parts 21 and 22: 1987
AS 1530: Part 4: 2005
* For partitions up to 3000mm. Stud sizes may increase for partitions above 3000mm of height. Please consult Promat.
Partitions & External Walls
System Index
Up to Up to
-/120/120 WFRA 41088
48dB 50dB
WFRA 45883
1 x 20mm * From From
to the requirements of 45-50
(each side) 35kg/m2 104mm
BS 476: Part 22: 1987
Up to Up to
PROMATECT® 100 120/120/120 AS 1530: Part 4: 2005
48dB 50dB
single steel stud partition
(double sided)
WFRA 41088
to the requirements of
Up to Up to 1 x 20mm * From From
-/120/120 BS 476: Part 22: 1987 53, 54
57dB 60dB (each side) 36kg/m2 178mm
AS 1530: Part 4: 2005
double steel stud partition
(double sided)
WF 124106
* From From
-/120/- 27dB 27dB 1 x 9mm to the requirements of 56, 57
11.58kg/m2 68mm
BS 476: Part 22: 1987
PROMINA® 60 AS 1530: Part 4: 2005
single steel stud partition
(single sided)
WARRES 58347
-/60/60 38dB 41dB and
BRE CC 86481
* From From
to the requirements of
20.68kg/m2 86mm
BS 476: Part 22: 1987
-/120/60 38dB 41dB and/or
1 x 9mm
AS 1530: Part 4: 2005 59, 60
(each side)
WARRES 58347,
WF 165018
* From From and
single steel stud partition -/120/120 38dB 41dB
20.18kg/m2 86mm BRE CC 86481
(double sided)
to the requirements of
BS 476: Part 22: 1987
PSB G41751/TSM
1 x 9mm
BRE CC 89767B
1 x 15mm * From From
-/120/120 46dB 45dB to the requirements of 62, 63
of gypsum 25.80kg/m2 113mm
BS 476: Part 22: 1987
PROMINA® 60 (each side)
AS 1530: Part 4: 2005
single steel stud partition with
gypsum plaster (double sided)
22 * For partitions up to 3000mm. Stud sizes may increase for partitions above 3000mm of height. Please consult Promat.
Partitions & External Walls
System Index
1 x 6mm
BFTC 00/02
1 x 12.5mm * From From
-/60/60 43dB 43dB WF 190932 65, 66
of gypsum 20.57kg/m2 87mm
to the requirements of
BS 476: Part 22: 1987
(each side)
single steel stud partition with
gypsum plaster (double sided)
* From From
-/120/- 29dB 29dB 1 x 6mm BRE CC 246885
23.89kg/m2 106mm
LPC TE83651
to the requirements of 68, 69
BS 476: Part 22: 1987
* From From AS 1530: Part 4: 2005
PROMATECT®-S -/300/15 30dB 31dB 1 x 9.5mm
30.80kg/m2 109.5mm
single steel stud partition
(single sided)
-/120/120 39dB 39dB
timber stud partition 31.89kg/m2
Up to Up to
-/120/120 BRE CC 232158A
35dB 39dB
BRE CC 232158B
1 x 20mm * From From
to the requirements of 78-80
(each side) 37kg/m2 130mm
BS 476: Part 22: 1987
Up to Up to
120/120/120 AS 1530: Part 4: 2005
35dB 39dB
timber stud partition
* For partitions up to 3000mm. Stud sizes may increase for partitions above 3000mm of height. Please consult Promat.
Partitions & External Walls
System Index
BRANZ FR 4114,
* From From and
-/120/120 41dB 41dB 2 x 15mm 88-92
36.78kg/m2 50mm RED R10C08
to the requirements of
BS 476: Part 22: 1987
solid/frameless internal
BRE CC 232158A
BRE CC 232158B
Up to Up to * From
-/120/120 2 x 20mm 40mm to the requirements of 94, 95
36dB 36dB 34kg/m2
BS 476: Part 22: 1987
AS 1530: Part 4: 2005
solid/frameless internal
* From From
-/60/60 40dB 42dB
37.12kg/m2 165mm
BFTC 01/73A
1 x 9mm
WF 167483 100-102
(each side)
to the requirements of
BS 476: Part 22: 1987
* From From
-/120/120 40dB 42dB
47.77kg/m2 174mm
shaft wall
* For partitions/walls up to 3000mm. Stud sizes may increase for partitions/walls above 3000mm of height. Please consult Promat.
Partitions & External Walls
System Index
* From
-/30/30 37dB 37dB
WARRES 38396
BRE CC 231705
1 x 9mm * From From
-/60/60 37dB 37dB to the requirements of 104, 105
(each side) 25.56kg/m2 238mm
BS 476: Part 22: 1987
AS 1530: Part 4: 2005
conversion of external to -/120/120 37dB 37dB
internall wall
BRE CC 231704
to the requirements of
From From * From From
-/240/15 1 x 9mm BS 476: Part 22: 1987 107, 108
40dB 39dB 13.43kg/m2 215mm
AS 1530: Part 4: 2005
external wall (single sided
* From
-/30/30 38dB 38dB
BRE CC 231705
to the requirements of
1 x 9mm * From From
-/60/60 47dB 46dB BS 476: Part 22: 1987 110, 111
(each side) 25.56kg/m2 242mm
AS 1530: Part 4: 2005
external wall (double sided -/120/120 48dB 47dB
LPC TE 83997
Depends to the requirements of
1 x 9mm
-/240/15 39dB 39dB 14.78kg/m2 upon purlin BS 476: Part 22: 1987 113, 114
(each side)
dimension and
AS 1530: Part 4: 2005
external wall (single sided
* For walls up to 3000mm. Stud sizes may increase for walls above 3000mm of height. Please consult Promat.
PH 22.24.1
Single Steel Stud Partition (Single Sided)
Fire resistance
Fire attack from board side / Non loadbearing FRL -/240/-
BRE CC91456
WF 159773
1 5 # STC 27dB
# Rw 27dB
ISO 140: Part 3: 1996
ISO 717: Part 1: 1996
Nominal 68mm
3 PARTITION From 11.58kg/m2 (for one layer)
MASS* From 20.44kg/m2 (for two layers)
1 One layer of PROMATECT®-H board 9mm thick at one side of wall for heights up to 6000mm or two layers of PROMATECT®-H board 9mm thick each
for heights up to 12000mm. If using two layer system, stagger all joints minimum 610mm
2 Galvanised steel studs, measurements in accordance with Studs Tables 1~2 below, vertical studs at maximum 610mm centres (allow appropriate
expansion at top horizontal track, no allowance at this track for loadbearing purposes)
Studs Table 1: Single layer for heights up to 5000mm – Partitions lined with one layer of 9mm thick PROMATECT®-H using studs at 610mm centres
Maximum Minimum Maximum Clearance at
Stud depth Top track
partition height stud thickness partition thickness top track
4000mm 50mm 0.6mm 59mm 52mm x 35mm x 0.6mm 20mm
5000mm 50mm 0.9mm 59mm 52mm x 45mm x 1.0mm 25mm
6000mm 50mm 1.2mm 59mm 52mm x 50mm x 1.0mm 30mm
7000mm 50mm 1.2mm 59mm 52mm x 55mm x 1.0mm 35mm
9mm thick PROMATECT®-H boards will be screw fixed to the frame with 25mm self-tapping screws at 200mm nominal centres
Studs Table 2: Double layer for heights up to 12000mm – Partitions lined with two layers of 9mm thick PROMATECT®-H using studs at 610mm centres
Maximum Minimum Maximum Clearance at
Stud depth Stud flange Top track
partition height stud thickness partition thickness top track
4000mm 50mm 38mm 0.6mm 68mm 52mm x 40mm x 0.6mm 24mm
5000mm 50mm 50mm 1.2mm 68mm 52mm x 45mm x 1.2mm 30mm
6000mm 65mm 50mm 1.2mm 68mm 67mm x 55mm x 1.2mm 36mm
7000mm 65mm 50mm 2.0mm 83mm 65mm x 60mm x 2.0mm 42mm
8000mm 75mm 50mm 2.5mm 93mm 75mm x 70mm x 2.5mm 48mm
10000mm 100mm 50mm 2.5mm 118mm 100mm x 85mm x 2.5mm 60mm
11000mm* 100mm 50mm 2.0mm 118mm 100mm x 100mm x 2.0mm 66mm
12000mm* 100mm 50mm 3.0mm 118mm 100mm x 100mm x 3.0mm 72mm
9mm thick PROMATECT -H boards will be screw fixed to the frame with self-tapping screws at nominal 200mm centres, 25mm long for first layer board
and 35mm long for second layer
PH 22.24.1
Single Steel Stud Partition (Single Sided)
Maximum 5000mm
Nominal 200mm
1 One layer of PROMATECT®-H board 9mm thick at one side of wall for heights up to 6000mm or two layers of PROMATECT®-H board 9mm thick each
for heights up to 12000mm. If using two layer system, stagger all joints minimum 610mm
2 Galvanised steel studs, measurements in accordance with Studs Tables 1~2 on page 26, vertical studs at maximum 610mm centres (allow appropriate
expansion at top horizontal track, no allowance at this track for loadbearing purposes)
PROMATECT®-H Single Steel Stud Partition (Single Sided)
Architectural Specification PH 22.24.1
The following are standard Architectural Specifications for single steel stud partition systems using PROMATECT®-H. The designer must
determine the suitability of the design to the application and requirements before undertaking or constructing any works relating to the
specifications and where in doubt should obtain the advice of a suitably qualified engineer.
Acoustic Performance
The partition system shall have a Weighted Sound Reduction Index of Rw 27.
Supporting Structure
Care should be taken that any structural element to which the partition system is affixed, e.g. structural steel or concrete/brick wall, has a fire
resistance equal to or greater than 240 minutes.
Lining Boards
Single layer of 9mm thick PROMATECT®-H matrix engineered mineral boards as manufactured by Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd. All
joints to be coincident with steel framing sections. Standard board dimension 1220mm x 2440mm x 9mm thick.
Double layer of 9mm thick PROMATECT®-H matrix engineered mineral boards as manufactured by Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd.
Stagger joints by at least 300mm at both layers. Standard board dimension 1220mm x 2440mm x 9mm thick.
Galvanised steel frame made of ceiling and floor tracks will be secured to the floor, ceiling and walls with 40mm long M6 masonry anchors at
500mm centres. Vertical steel studs are then friction fitted into the tracks at 610mm maximum centres for boards to be installed vertically or
Plain butt joints between machined edges of boards. (1)
Joints filled in preparation for painting. (2)
Joints filled and taped in preparation for decoration. (3)
Follow-on Trades
Surface of boards to be prepared for painting/plastering/tiling(4) in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
• (1), (2), (3), (4) delete as appropriate.
• All perimeter gaps caulked with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant.
Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided Single Layer)
PH 22.12.1/
Fire attack from both sides / Non loadbearing FRL -/120/120
Fire resistance
WARRES 38435
WRCSI 23478
PSB 54S053839/A/MW
# STC 38dB (-/60/60) (-/120/120)
1 43dB (-/240/120)
40dB (-/60/60) (-/120/120)
# Rw 43dB (-/240/120)
Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided Single Layer)
PH 22.12.1/
Maximum 12000mm
Nominal 200mm
7 4
4 Galvanised steel studs, measurements in accordance with Studs Tables 1~2 on page 33 and 34 (allow appropriate expansion at top horizontal track,
no allowance at this track for loadbearing purposes)
PROMATECT®-H 22.24.3/
Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided Double Layer)
Fire attack from both sides / Non loadbearing
Fire resistance
EWA 23730-01
# STC 56dB (-/240/240)
2 56dB (-/360/360)
55dB (-/240/240)
# Rw 57dB (-/360/360)
ISO140: Part 3: 1996
ISO717: Part 1: 1996
1 Two layers of PROMATECT®-H at both sides of steel studs, all joints should be staggered minimum 610mm in both directions, thickness refer to table
-/240/240 9mm
-/360/360 12mm
2 Galvanised steel studs, measurements in accordance with Studs Tables 1~2 on page 33 and 34 (allow appropriate expansion at top horizontal track,
no allowance at this track for loadbearing purposes), refer to table below for the distance between stud
3 Mineral wool infill to cavity between boards (see page 32 for different fire resistance requirements)
4 25mm long self-tapping screws at nominal 300mm centres for first layer board and 38mm self-tapping screws at nominal 300mm centres for
second layer board. Joints do need not to coincide with studs, joints in second layer not coinciding with studs stitched to first layer using 25mm long
laminating screws at nominal 300mm centres
PROMATECT®-H 22.24.3/
Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided Double Layer)
Maximum 12000mm
Nominal 300mm
1 Two layers of PROMATECT®-H at both sides of steel studs, all joints should be staggered minimum 610mm in both directions, thickness refer to
table below
Fire resistance Board thickness Mineral wool density x thickness
100mm x 100kg/m3 or
-/240/240 9mm
Two layers of 50mm x 100kg/m3
-/360/360 12mm 50mm x 110kg/m3
2 Two layers of mineral wool, with the slab joints staggered minimum 300mm between layers in both directions. When the web dimension of the
studs is increased, the thickness of the mineral wool must be similarly increased to fill the cavity. Alternatively, mineral wool of minimum 125mm x
80kg/m3 thick or minimum 150mm x 70kg/m3 thick may be used, refer to table above
3 Galvanised steel studs, measurements in accordance with Studs Tables 1~2 on page 33 and 34 (allow appropriate expansion at top horizontal track,
no allowance at this track for loadbearing purposes), refer to table below for the distance between stud
4 25mm long self-tapping screws at nominal 300mm centres for first layer board and 38mm long self-tapping screws at nominal 300mm centres for
second layer board. Joints do need not to coincide with studs, joints in second layer not coinciding with studs stitched to first layer using 25mm long
laminating screws at nominal 300mm centres
5 Caulk all perimeter gaps with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant to achieve the required fire resistance and/or acoustic performance
See page 5 for bottom and top track fixings; pages 9 to 13 for details of wall head, wall base, wall junction and wall movement joints
PROMATECT®-H Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided)
Architectural Specification PH 22.24.2/22.24.3/
The following are standard Architectural Specifications for single steel stud partition systems using PROMATECT®-H. The designer must
determine the suitability of the design to the application and requirements before undertaking or constructing any works relating to the
specifications and where in doubt should obtain the advice of a suitably qualified engineer.
Acoustic Performance
The partition system shall have a Weighted Sound Reduction Index of Rw ____________(4).
Supporting Structure
Care should be taken to ensure that any structural element by which the partition system is supported, e.g. concrete/brick wall, has a fire
resistance equal to or greater than ____________ minutes(1).
Lining Boards
For 60 and 120 minutes of fire resistance, single layer of 9mm thick PROMATECT®-H matrix engineered mineral boards as manufactured by
Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd.
For 240 minutes of fire resistance, two layers of 9mm thick PROMATECT®-H matrix engineered mineral boards as manufactured by Promat
International (Asia Pacific) Ltd.
For 360 minutes of fire resistance, two layers of 12mm thick PROMATECT®-H matrix engineered mineral boards as manufactured by Promat
International (Asia Pacific) Ltd.
Standard board dimension 1220mm x 2440mm x 9mm or 12mm(3) thick.
Galvanised steel frame made of ceiling and floor tracks will be secured to the floor, ceiling and walls with 60mm long M6 masonry anchors at
500mm centres. Vertical steel studs are then friction fitted into the tracks at 610mm or 900mm maximum centres for boards to be installed
vertically or horizontally.
Adequate clearance for vertical expansion will be allowed at the ceiling or top track. No clearance is necessary at the bottom track. See the
following tables for steel size and clearance at top track for given partition height.
Studs Table 1 Up to -/60/60 or -/120/120 fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 22: 1987 and/or AS 1530: Part
4: 2005(3)
Single layer 9mm thick PROMATECT®-H board fixed at either side of the stud at 610mm centres
Galvanised steel stud Maximum partition height for stud thickness of
Web Flange 0.6mm 0.8mm 1mm 1.2mm 1.5mm 2mm 2.5mm 3mm
50 38 3100mm 3400mm 3700mm 3900mm 4200mm – – –
50 50 3200mm 3500mm 3800mm 4000mm 4300mm – – –
65 50 4800mm 5200mm 5600mm 6000mm 6400mm 7000mm 7400mm 7800mm
75 50 5400mm 5900mm 6400mm 6700mm 7200mm 7900mm 8400mm 8800mm
100 50 7000mm 7600mm 8200mm 8600mm 9200mm 10000mm 10700mm 11200mm
100* 50* – – – – 11200mm 12000mm 12000mm 12000mm
*Back to back studs
The dimension of the web of the top and bottom track channels must be the necessary width to match the size of the studs.
PROMATECT®-H Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided)
Architectural Specification PH 22.24.2/22.24.3/
Studs Table 2 Up to -/240/240 fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 22: 1987 and AS 1530: Part 4: 2005(3)
Double layer 9mm thick PROMATECT®-H board fixed at either side of the stud at 610mm centres
Maximum Proposed measurement of Minimum measurement of Expansion allowance
partition height galvanised steel stud, C type galvanised steel track at top horizontal track
3000mm 100mm x 50mm x 1.2mm thick 102mm x 50mm x 1.2mm thick 15mm
3500mm 100mm x 50mm x 1.2mm thick 102mm x 50mm x 1.2mm thick 17.5mm
4000mm 100mm x 50mm x 1.2mm thick 102mm x 50mm x 1.2mm thick 20mm
4500mm 100mm x 50mm x 1.2mm thick 102mm x 50mm x 1.2mm thick 22.5mm
5000mm 100mm x 50mm x 1.2mm thick 102mm x 60mm x 1.2mm thick 25mm
5500mm 100mm x 50mm x 1.2mm thick 102mm x 60mm x 1.2mm thick 27.5mm
6000mm 100mm x 50mm x 1.2mm thick 102mm x 60mm x 1.2mm thick 30mm
6500mm 125mm x 50mm x 1.2mm thick 127mm x 75mm x 1.2mm thick 32.5mm
7000mm 125mm x 50mm x 1.2mm thick 127mm x 75mm x 1.2mm thick 35mm
125mm x 50mm x 20mm x 1.2mm thick
7500mm 127mm x 75mm x 1.2mm thick 37.5mm
(lipped C type)
125mm x 50mm x 20mm x 1.6mm thick
8000mm 127mm x 75mm x 1.6mm thick 40mm
(lipped C type)
8500mm 150mm x 50mm x 1.6mm thick 152mm x 75mm x 1.6mm thick 42.5mm
9000mm 150mm x 50mm x 1.6mm thick 152mm x 75mm x 1.6mm thick 45mm
150mm x 50mm x 20mm x 1.6mm thick
9500mm 152mm x 75mm x 1.6mm thick 47.5mm
(lipped C type)
150mm x 50mm x 20mm x 2mm thick
10000mm 152mm x 85mm x 2.0mm thick 50mm
(lipped C type)
2 no. of 150mm x 50mm x 1.6mm thick
10500mm 152mm x 85mm x 1.6mm thick 52.5mm
fixed back to back
2 no. of 150mm x 50mm x 1.6mm thick
11000mm 152mm x 85mm x 1.6mm thick 55mm
fixed back to back
2 no. of 150mm x 50mm x 20mm x 1.6mm
11500mm 152mm x 90mm x 1.6mm thick 57.5mm
thick (lipped C type) fixed back to back
2 no. of 150mm x 50mm x 20mm x 2mm
12000mm 152mm x 90mm x 2.0mm thick 60mm
thick (lipped C type) fixed back to back
Plain butt joints between machined edges of boards. (5)
Joints filled in preparation for painting. (6)
Joints filled and taped in preparation for decoration. (7)
Follow-on Trades
Surface of boards to be prepared for painting/plastering/tiling(8) in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
• (1) insert required fire resistance level not exceeding 360 minutes.
• (2) insert required insulation level not exceeding the fire resistance level(1).
• (4) insert acoustic value not exceeding 40dB (for -/60/60 and -/120/120 fire resistance), 43dB (for -/240/120 fire resistance), 55dB (for
-/240/240 fire resistance) or 57dB (for -/360/360 and -/240/240 fire resistance).
• (3), (5), (6), (7), (8) delete as appropriate.
• All perimeter gaps caulked with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant.
PROMATECT® 50 22.60.2/
Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided Single Layer)
P50 22.12.1/
Fire attack from both sides / Non loadbearing and 60/60/60
loadbearing -/120/120
Fire resistance
STANDARD BS476: Part 21: 1987
AS1530: Part 4: 2005
# Rw See table below
ISO140: Part 3: 1996
ISO717: Part 1: 1996
4 PREDICTED Marshall Day
ASSESSMENT 27th March 2009
From 75mm
From 14.24kg/m2
* Details for walls above 3000mm high are available
on request
1 One layer of PROMATECT® 50 board at each side of the partition, thickness in accordance to table below
2 Galvanised steel studs, measurements in accordance with Studs Tables on pages 42 to 44 (allow appropriate expansion at top horizontal track,
no allowance at this track for loadbearing purposes)
-/60/60 12mm 25mm x No.8 39dB 39dB (-7) 45dB 46dB (-12) 45dB 46dB (-12)
60/60/60 12mm 25mm x No.8 39dB 39dB (-7) 45dB 46dB (-12) 45dB 46dB (-12)
-/120/120 20mm 40mm x No.8 40dB 42dB (-5) 52dB 51dB (-8) 52dB 51dB (-8)
120/120/120 20mm 40mm x No.8 40dB 42dB (-5) 52dB 51dB (-8) 52dB 51dB (-8)
PROMATECT® 50 22.60.2/
Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided Single Layer)
P50 22.12.1/
Nominal 200mm
Maximum 2500mm
1 One layer of PROMATECT® 50 board at each side of the partition, thickness accordance to table at page 35
2 Galvanised steel studs, measurements in accordance with Studs Tables on pages 42 to 44 (allow appropriate expansion at top horizontal track,
no allowance at this track for loadbearing purposes)
PROMATECT® 50 22.60.2/
Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided Single Layer)
P50 22.12.1/
Nominal 200mm
Maximum 163000mm
1 One layer of PROMATECT® 50 board at each side of the partition, thickness accordance to table at page 35
2 Galvanised steel studs, measurements in accordance with Studs Tables on pages 42 to 44 (allow appropriate expansion at top horizontal track,
no allowance at this track for loadbearing purposes)
PROMATECT® 50 22.60.2/
Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided Single Layer)
P50 22.12.1/
5 3
Maximum 163000mm
Nominal 200mm
1 One layer of PROMATECT® 50 board at each side of the partition, thickness in accordance to table at page 35
2 Galvanised steel studs, measurements in accordance with Studs Table on pages 42 to 44 (allow appropriate expansion at top horizontal track,
no allowance at this track for loadbearing purposes)
PROMATECT® 50 22.60.2/
Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided Single Layer)
P50 22.12.1/
Maximum 163000mm
Nominal 200mm
1 One layer of PROMATECT® 50 board at each side of the partition, thickness in accordance to table at page 35
2 Galvanised steel studs, measurements in accordance with Studs Table on pages 42 to 44 (allow appropriate expansion at top horizontal track,
no allowance at this track for loadbearing purposes)
Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided Double Layer)
P50 22.12.3
Fire resistance
FRL -/120/120
Fire attack from both sides / Non loadbearing
BS476: Part 22: 1987
AS1530: Part 4: 2005
ISO140: Part 3: 1996
ISO717: Part 1: 1996
PREDICTED Marshall Day
ASSESSMENT 30th September 2011
From 100mm
From 43.73kg/m2
# Margin of error is generally within ±3dB
* Details for walls above 3000mm high are available
on request
1 Two layers of PROMATECT® 50 board 9mm thick at each side of the partition
2 Galvanised steel studs, measurements in accordance with Studs Table below (allow appropriate expansion at top horizontal track, no allowance at
this track for loadbearing purposes)
Studs Table: Two layer 9mm thick PROMATECT® 50 board fixed at both sides of the stud at 610mm centres
Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided Double Layer)
P50 22.12.3
Maximum 17665mm
Nominal 300mm
1 Two layers of PROMATECT® 50 board 9mm thick at each side of the partition
2 Galvanised steel studs, measurements in accordance with Studs Table on page 40 (allow appropriate expansion at top horizontal track, no allowance
at this track for loadbearing purposes)
PROMATECT® 50 Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided)
Architectural Specification P50 22.12.1/22.12.2/
The following are standard Architectural Specifications for single steel stud partition systems using PROMATECT® 50. The designer must
determine the suitability of the design to the application and requirements before undertaking or constructing any works relating to the
specifications and where in doubt should obtain the advice of a suitably qualified engineer.
Acoustic Performance
The partition system shall have a Weighted Sound Reduction Index of Rw ____________(4).
Supporting Structure
Care should be taken that any structural element that the partition system is supported from, e.g. steel stud or perimeter steel channel, has a
fire resistance equal to or greater than ____________ minutes(1).
Lining Boards
Single or double(3) layer of 9mm, 12mm or 20mm(3) thick PROMATECT® 50 cement bound matrix boards, as manufactured by Promat
International (Asia Pacific) Ltd, on both sides. All joints to be coincident with steel framing. Standard board dimension 2440mm x 1220mm x
9mm, 12mm or 20mm(3) thick.
Galvanised steel frame made of ceiling and floor tracks will be secured to the floor, ceiling and walls with 40mm long M6 masonry anchors at
500mm centres. Vertical steel studs are then friction fitted into the tracks at 610mm centres. Adequate clearance for vertical expansion will be
allowed at the ceiling/top track. No clearance is necessary at the bottom track. See table below for steel size and clearance at top track for
given partition height.
Horizontal noggings, cut out of the steel track material will be friction fitted between the steel studs to coincide with horizontal joints between
boards, or cut from PROMATECT® 50, or use properly backing channel.
For heights avove 4000mm, please consult Promat for appropriate steel stud dimensions.
9mm, 12mm or 20mm(3) thick PROMATECT® 50 boards will be screw fixed to the frame with 25mm, 32mm or 40mm(3) long No.8 self-tapping
screws at maximum 300mm centres.
Studs Table 1 Up to -/60/60 fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987, BS 476: Part 22: 1987 and/or AS
1530: Part 4: 2005(3)
Single layer 12mm thick PROMATECT® 50 board fixed at both sides of the stud at 610mm centres
PROMATECT® 50 Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided)
Architectural Specification P50 22.12.1/22.12.2/
Studs Table 2 Up to -/120/120 fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987, BS 476: Part 22: 1987 and/or
AS 1530: Part 4: 2005(3)
Single layer 20mm thick PROMATECT® 50 board fixed at both sides of the stud at 610mm centres
Studs Table 3 Up to -/120/120 fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 21: 1987, BS 476: Part 22: 1987 and/or
AS 1530: Part 4: 2005(3)
Two layer 9mm thick PROMATECT® 50 board fixed at both sides of the stud at 610mm centres
Jointing NOTES:
(5) • (1) insert required fire resistance level not exceeding 120 minutes.
Plain butt joints between machined edges of boards.
• (2) insert required insulation level not exceeding the fire resistance
Joints filled in preparation for painting. (6)
Joints filled and taped in preparation for decoration. (7)
• (3), (5), (6), (7), (8) delete as appropriate.
• (4) insert acoustic value not exceeding 39dB (for -/60/60 and
Follow-on Trades 60/60/60 fire resistance), 40dB (for 120/120/120 fire resistance) or
Surface of boards to be prepared for painting/plastering/tiling(8) in 48dB (for -/120/120 fire resistance).
accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. • All perimeter gaps caulked with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant.
PROMATECT® 50 Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided) 22.60.2/
Architectural Specification P50 22.12.1/
The following are standard Architectural Specifications for single steel stud partition systems using PROMATECT® 50. The designer must
determine the suitability of the design to the application and requirements before undertaking or constructing any works relating to the
specifications and where in doubt should obtain the advice of a suitably qualified engineer.
Acoustic Performance
The partition system shall have a Weighted Sound Reduction Index of Rw ____________(4).
Supporting Structure
Care should be taken that any structural element that the partition system is supported from, e.g. steel stud or perimeter steel channel, has a
fire resistance equal to or greater than ____________ minutes(1).
Lining Boards
Single or double(3) layer of 9mm, 12mm or 20mm(3) thick PROMATECT® 50 cement bound matrix boards, as manufactured by Promat
International (Asia Pacific) Ltd, on both sides. All joints to be coincident with steel framing. Standard board dimension 2440mm x 1220mm x
9mm, 12mm or 20mm(3) thick.
Galvanised steel frame made of ceiling and floor tracks will be secured to the floor, ceiling and walls with 40mm long M6 masonry anchors at
500mm centres. Vertical steel studs are then friction fitted into the tracks at 610mm centres. Adequate clearance for vertical expansion will be
allowed at the ceiling/top track. No clearance is necessary at the bottom track. See table below for steel size and clearance at top track for
given partition height.
Horizontal noggings, cut out of the steel track material will be friction fitted between the steel studs to coincide with horizontal joints between
boards, or cut from PROMATECT® 50, or use properly backing channel.
For heights avove 4000mm, please consult Promat for appropriate steel stud dimensions.
9mm, 12mm or 20mm(3) thick PROMATECT® 50 boards will be screw fixed to the frame with 25mm, 32mm or 40mm(3) long No.8 self-tapping
screws at maximum 300mm centres.
Studs Table 1 Up to 60/60/60 or 120/120/120 fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 22: 1987 and/or AS 1530:
Part 4: 2005(3)
Single layer 12mm thick PROMATECT® 50 board fixed at both sides of the stud at 610mm centres (60/60/60)
Single layer 20mm thick PROMATECT® 50 board fixed at both sides of the stud at 610mm centres (120/120/120)
Stud depth Minimum Load capacity (kN for given partition height)
(mm) Stud
Thickness 1 nog evenly spaced 2 nogs evenly spaced 3 nogs evenly spaced
2400mm 2700mm 3000mm 2400mm 2700mm 3000mm 4800mm 4800mm
150 0.75 9.4 8.2 6.8 9.4 9.1 8.8 4.3 6.1
150 1.15 18.0 15.5 12.9 19.5 19.2 18.9 9.4 14.4
NOTES: • insert acoustic value not exceeding 39dB (for -/60/60 and
• (1) insert required fire resistance level not exceeding 120 minutes. 60/60/60 fire resistance) or 40dB (for -/120/120 and 120/120/120
• (2) insert required insulation level not exceeding the fire resistance fire resistance).
level(1). • All perimeter gaps caulked with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant.
• (3) delete as appropriate.
PROMATECT® 100 22.12.1/
Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided) 22.12.2
Fire resistance
Fire attack from both sides / Non loadbearing FRL
and loadbearing
BS476: Part 22: 1987
AS1530: Part 4: 2005
WFRA 41088
WFRA 45883
See acoustic table below
ISO140: Part 3: 1996
ISO717: Part 1: 1996
PREDICTED Marshall Day
ASSESSMENT 18th October 2006
From 104mm
5 2
From 35kg/m2
* Details for walls above 3000mm high are available
on request
1 One layer of PROMATECT® 100 board 20mm thick at both sides of steel studs
2 Galvanised steel studs, measurements in accordance with Studs Tables on pages 51 and 52 (allow appropriate expansion at top horizontal track,
no allowance at this track for loadbearing purposes)
Acoustic Table
Stud depth 64mm 76mm 92mm 150mm
Cavity infill # STC / Rw (Ctr)
a) Nil 33/39dB (-6) 34/40dB (-5) 36/41dB (-6) 40/44dB (-6)
b) Glasswool partition batts 50mm x 32kg/m 3
48/49dB (-6) 48/49dB (-6) 48/50dB (-5) 48/50dB (-4)
c) Glasswool partition batts 75mm x 32kg/m3 48/49dB (-6) 48/49dB (-6) 48/50dB (-5) 48/50dB (-4)
d) ASB3 / TSB3 Polyester batts 60mm x 8kg/m 3
48/49dB (-6) 48/49dB (-6) 48/50dB (-6) 48/50dB (-4)
e) Soundscreen™ R1.6 Batts 60mm 48/49dB (-6) 48/49dB (-6) 48/50dB (-6) 48/50dB (-4)
NOTE: Above values are predicted figures. # Margin of error is generally within ±3dB
PROMATECT® 100 22.12.1/
Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided) 22.12.2
Maximum 25000mm
Maximum 200mm
1 One layer of PROMATECT® 100 board 20mm thick at both sides of steel studs
2 Cavity infill if required to improve acoustic or thermal insulation
3 Galvanised steel studs, measurements in accordance with Studs Tables on pages 51 and 52 (allow appropriate expansion at top horizontal track,
no allowance at this track for loadbearing purposes)
PROMATECT® 100 22.12.1/
Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided) 22.12.2
2 1
Up to 7800mm
Minimum 200mm
1 One layer of PROMATECT® 100 board 20mm thick at both sides of steel studs
2 Cavity infill if required to improve acoustic or thermal insulation
3 Galvanised steel studs, measurements in accordance with Studs Tables on pages 51 and 52 (allow appropriate expansion at top horizontal track,
no allowance at this track for loadbearing purposes)
PROMATECT® 100 22.12.1/
Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided) 22.12.2
Up to 7800mm
Maximum 200mm
1 One layer of PROMATECT® 100 board 20mm thick at both sides of steel studs
2 Cavity infill if required to improve acoustic or thermal insulation
3 Galvanised steel studs, measurements in accordance with Studs Tables on pages 51 and 52 (allow appropriate expansion at top horizontal track,
no allowance at this track for loadbearing purposes), refer to table below for the distance between stud
PROMATECT® 100 22.12.1/
Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided) 22.12.2
Up to 7800mm
Maximum 200mm
1 One layer of PROMATECT® 100 board 20mm thick at both sides of steel studs
2 Cavity infill if required to improve acoustic or thermal insulation
3 Galvanised steel studs, measurements in accordance with Studs Tables on pages 51 and 52 (allow appropriate expansion at top horizontal track,
no allowance at this track for loadbearing purposes)
PROMATECT® 100 22.12.1/
Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided) 22.12.2
Up to 7800mm
Maximum 200mm
1 One layer of PROMATECT® 100 board 20mm thick at both sides of steel studs
2 Cavity infill if required to improve acoustic or thermal insulation
3 Galvanised steel studs, measurements in accordance with Studs Tables on pages 51 and 52 (allow appropriate expansion at top horizontal track,
no allowance at this track for loadbearing purposes)
PROMATECT® 100 Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided) 22.12.1/
Architectural Specification P100
The following are standard Architectural Specifications for single steel stud partition systems using PROMATECT® 100. The designer must
determine the suitability of the design to the application and requirements before undertaking or constructing any works relating to the
specifications and where in doubt should obtain the advice of a suitably qualified engineer.
Acoustic Performance
The partition system shall have a Weighted Sound Reduction Index up to Rw 50.
Supporting Structure
Care should be taken that any structural element that the partition system is supported from, e.g. steel stud or perimeter steel channel, has fire
resistance equal to or greater than 120 minutes.
Lining Boards
Single layer on either side of 20mm thick PROMATECT® 100 PromaX® mineral boards as manufactured by Promat International (Asia Pacific)
Ltd. All joints to be coincident with steel framing. Standard board dimension 1200mm x 2500mm x 20mm thick.
Galvanised steel frame made of ceiling and floor tracks will be secured to the floor, ceiling and walls with 40mm long M6 masonry anchors at
600mm centres. Vertical steel studs are then friction fitted into the tracks at 600mm centres for boards to be installed with long edge vertically
and at 625mm centres for boards to be installed with long edge horizontally. Adequate clearance for vertical expansion will be allowed at the
ceiling/top track. No clearance is necessary at the bottom track. See table below for steel size and clearance at top track for given partition
Horizontal noggings, cut out of the steel track material will be friction fitted between the steel studs to coincide with horizontal joints between
Studs Table
Partitions lined with 20mm thick PROMATECT® 100 using studs at 600mm centres, 0.25kPa, minimum two rows of nogging at 1200mm centres.
Plain butt joints between machined edges of boards. (2)
Joints filled in preparation for painting. (3)
Joints filled and taped in preparation for decoration. (4)
Follow-on Trades
Surface of boards to be prepared for painting/plastering/tiling(5) in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
• (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) delete as appropriate.
• All perimeter gaps caulked with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant.
PROMATECT® 100 Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided) 22.12.1/
Architectural Specification P100
The following are standard Architectural Specifications for single steel stud partition systems using PROMATECT® 100. The designer must
determine the suitability of the design to the application and requirements before undertaking or constructing any works relating to the
specifications and where in doubt should obtain the advice of a suitably qualified engineer.
Acoustic Performance
The partition system shall have a Weighted Sound Reduction Index up to Rw 50.
Supporting Structure
Care should be taken that any structural element that the partition system is supported from, e.g. steel stud or perimeter steel channel, has a
fire resistance equal to or greater than 120 minutes.
Lining Boards
Single layer each side 20mm thick PROMATECT® 100 PromaX® mineral boards as manufactured by Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd. All
joints to be coincident with steel framing. Standard board dimension 1200mm x 2500mm x 20mm thick.
Galvanised steel frame made of ceiling and floor tracks will be secured to the floor, ceiling and walls with 40mm long M6 masonry anchors at
600mm centres. Vertical steel studs are then friction fitted into the tracks at 600mm centres. See table below for stud size according to the
load capacity for a given partition height.
Horizontal nogging, cut out of the steel track material will be friction fitted between the steel studs.
Studs Table
Partitions lined with 20mm thick PROMATECT® 100 using studs at 600mm centres, 0.25kPa.
Plain butt joints between machined edges of boards. (2)
Joints filled in preparation for painting. (3)
Joints filled and taped in preparation for decoration. (4)
Follow-on Trades
Surface of boards to be prepared for painting/plastering/tiling(5) in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
• (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) delete as appropriate.
• The above partition is approved for heights up to 4800mm using framing members as detailed.
• All perimeter gaps caulked with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant.
P100 22.12.3
Double Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided)
Fire resistance
Fire attack from both sides / Non loadbearing FRL -/120/120
See acoustic table below
1 Rw
2 ISO140: Part 3: 1996
ISO717: Part 1: 1996
From 178mm
From 36kg/m2
6 * Details for walls above 3000mm high are available
on request
1 One layer of PROMATECT® 100 board 20mm thick at both sides of steel studs
2 Galvanised steel studs, measurements in accordance with Studs Table on page 55 (allow appropriate expansion at top horizontal track, no allowance
at this track for loadbearing purposes)
Acoustic Table
Stud depth 64mm 76mm 92mm 150mm
Cavity infill # STC / Rw (Ctr)
a) Nil 40/44dB (-6) 41/45dB (-6) 43/46dB (-6) 47/49dB (-7)
b) Glasswool partition batts 50mm x 32kg/m3 58/59dB (-8) 58/60dB (-7) 58/60dB (-6) 58/61dB (-5)
c) Glasswool partition batts 75mm x 32kg/m 3
59/59dB (-7) 59/60dB (-7) 59/61dB (-7) 59/62dB (-6)
d) ASB3 / TSB3 Polyester batts 60mm x 8kg/m3 56/57dB (-6) 56/58dB (-6) 56/59dB (-6) 56/59dB (-5)
e) Soundscreen™ R1.6 Batts 60mm 57/58dB (-7) 57/59dB (-7) 57/59dB (-6) 57/60dB (-5)
NOTE: Above values are predicted figures. # Margin of error is generally within ±3dB
P100 22.12.3
Double Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided)
7 2
Up to 7800mm
Maximum 200mm
1 One layer of PROMATECT® 100 board 20mm thick at both sides of steel studs
2 Cavity infill if required to improve acoustic or thermal insulation
3 Galvanised steel studs, measurements in accordance with Studs Table on page 55 (allow appropriate expansion at top horizontal track, no allowance
at this track for loadbearing purposes)
PROMATECT® 100 Double Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided)
Architectural Specification P100 22.12.3
The following are standard Architectural Specifications for double steel stud partition systems using PROMATECT® 100. The designer must
determine the suitability of the design to the application and requirements before undertaking or constructing any works relating to the
specifications and where in doubt should obtain the advice of a suitably qualified engineer.
Acoustic Performance
The partition system shall have a Weighted Sound Reduction Index up to Rw 60.
Supporting Structure
Care should be taken that any structural element that the partition system is supported from, e.g. steel stud or perimeter steel channel, has a
fire resistance equal to or greater than 120 minutes.
Lining Boards
Single layer each side 20mm thick PROMATECT® PromaX® mineral boards as manufactured by Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd. All joints
to be coincident with steel framing. Standard board dimension 1200mm x 2500mm x 20mm thick.
2 rows of galvanised steel framing made of ceiling and floor tracks will be secured to the floor, ceiling and walls with 40mm long M6 masonry
anchors at 600mm centres. An air gap of 10mm minimum will be provided between the two rows of the galvanised steel frame. Vertical steel
studs are then friction fitted into each of the two rows tracks at 600mm centres for boards to be installed vertically and at 625mm centres for
boards to be installed horizontally. Adequate clearance for vertical expansion will be allowed at the ceiling/top track. No clearance is necessary
at the bottom track. See table below for steel size and clearance at top track for given partition height.
Horizontal noggings, cut out of the steel track material will be friction fitted between the steel studs.
Studs Table
Partitions lined with 20mm thick PROMATECT® 100 using studs at 600mm centres, 0.25kPa, minimum two rows of nogging.
Plain butt joints between machined edges of boards. (2)
Joints filled in preparation for painting. (3)
Joints filled and taped in preparation for decoration. (4)
Follow-on Trades
Surface of boards to be prepared for painting/plastering/tiling(5) in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
• (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) delete as appropriate.
• All perimeter gaps caulked with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant.
PMF 22.12.1
Single Steel Stud Partition (Single Sided)
Fire resistance
Fire attack from board side / Non loadbearing FRL -/120/-
WF 124106
5 # STC 27dB
# Rw 27dB
2 ISO140: Part 3: 1996
ISO717: Part 1: 1996
PREDICTED Marshall Day
ASSESSMENT 18th October 2006
2 4
Nominal 68mm
3 PARTITION From 11.58kg/m2 (for one layer)
MASS* From 20.44kg/m2 (for two layers)
1 One layer of PROMINA® 60 board 9mm thick at one side of wall for heights up to 7000mm
2 Galvanised steel studs, measurements in accordance with Studs Tables 1~2 below, vertical studs at maximum 610mm centres (allow appropriate
expansion at top horizontal track, no allowance at this track for loadbearing purposes)
Studs Table 1: Single layer for heights up to 5000mm – Partitions lined with one layer of 9mm thick PROMINA® 60 using studs at 610mm centres
Maximum Minimum Maximum Clearance at
Stud depth Top track
partition height stud thickness partition thickness top track
4000mm 50mm 0.6mm 59mm 52mm x 35mm x 0.6mm 20mm
5000mm 50mm 0.9mm 59mm 52mm x 45mm x 1.0mm 25mm
6000mm 50mm 1.2mm 59mm 52mm x 50mm x 1.0mm 30mm
7000mm 50mm 1.2mm 59mm 52mm x 55mm x 1.0mm 35mm
9mm thick PROMINA® 60 boards will be screw fixed to the frame with 25mm self-tapping screws at 200mm nominal centres
Studs Table 2: Double layer for heights up to 12000mm – Partitions lined with two layers of 9mm thick PROMINA® 60 using studs at 610mm centres
Maximum Minimum Maximum Clearance at
Stud depth Stud flange Top track
partition height stud thickness partition thickness top track
4000mm 50mm 38mm 0.6mm 68mm 52mm x 40mm x 0.6mm 24mm
5000mm 50mm 50mm 1.2mm 68mm 52mm x 45mm x 1.2mm 30mm
6000mm 65mm 50mm 1.2mm 68mm 67mm x 55mm x 1.2mm 36mm
7000mm 65mm 50mm 2.0mm 83mm 65mm x 60mm x 2.0mm 42mm
8000mm 75mm 50mm 1.0mm 93mm 75mm x 70mm x 2.5mm 48mm
10000mm 100mm 50mm 2.5mm 118mm 100mm x 85mm x 2.5mm 60mm
11000mm* 100mm 50mm 2.0mm 118mm 100mm x 100mm x 2.0mm 66mm
12000mm* 100mm 50mm 3.0mm 118mm 100mm x 100mm x 3.0mm 72mm
9mm thick PROMINA 60 boards will be screw fixed to the frame with self-tapping screws at nominal 200mm centres, 25mm long for first layer board
and 35mm long for second layer
PMF 22.12.1
Single Steel Stud Partition (Single Sided)
Maximum 7000mm
Nominal 200mm
1 One layer of PROMINA® 60 board 9mm thick at one side of wall for heights up to 7000mm
2 Galvanised steel studs, measurements in accordance with Studs Tables 1~2 on page 56, vertical studs at maximum 610mm centres (allow appropriate
expansion at top horizontal track, no allowance at this track for loadbearing purposes)
3 Caulk all perimeter gaps with PROMASEAL® AN Fire Resistant Acrylic Sealant to achieve stated fire and/or acoustic performance
4 25mm long self-tapping screws at nominal 200mm centres for first layer board, and 35mm long self-tapping screws at nominal 200mm centres for
second layer board
See page 5 for bottom and top track fixings; pages 9 to 13 for details of wall head, wall base, wall junction and wall movement joints
PROMINA® 60 Single Steel Stud Partition (Single Sided)
Architectural Specification PMF 22.12.1
The following are standard Architectural Specifications for single steel stud partition systems using PROMINA® 60. The designer must determine
the suitability of the design to the application and requirements before undertaking or constructing any works relating to the specifications and
where in doubt should obtain the advice of a suitably qualified engineer.
Acoustic Performance
The partition system shall have a Weighted Sound Reduction Index of Rw 27.
Supporting Structure
Care should be taken that any structural element to which the partition system is affixed, e.g. structural steel or concrete/brick wall, has a fire
resistance equal to or greater than 120 minutes.
Lining Boards
Single layer of 9mm thick PROMINA® 60 matrix engineered mineral boards as manufactured by Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd. All joints
to be coincident with steel framing sections. Standard board dimension 1220mm x 2440mm x 9mm thick.
Double layer of 9mm thick PROMINA® 60 matrix engineered mineral boards as manufactured by Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd. Stagger
joints by at least 300mm at both layers. Standard board dimension 1220mm x 2440mm x 9mm thick.
Galvanised steel frame made of ceiling and floor tracks will be secured to the floor, ceiling and walls with 40mm long M6 masonry anchors at
500mm centres. Vertical steel studs are then friction fitted into the tracks at 610mm maximum centres for boards to be installed vertically or
Plain butt joints between machined edges of boards. (1)
Joints filled in preparation for painting. (2)
Joints filled and taped in preparation for decoration. (3)
Follow-on Trades
Surface of boards to be prepared for painting/plastering/tiling(4) in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
• (1), (2), (3), (4) delete as appropriate.
• All perimeter gaps caulked with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant.
PMF 22.12.2/
Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided) 22.12.3
Fire attack from both sides / Non loadbearing
Fire resistance
FRL -/120/60
5 WARRES 58347
4 WF 165018 (-/120/120)
# STC 38dB
# Rw 41dB
ISO140: Part 3: 1996
ISO717: Part 1: 1996
Nominal 86mm
From 33.63kg/m2
# Margin of error is generally within ±3dB
* Details for walls above 3000mm high are available
on request
1 One layer 9mm thick PROMINA® 60 board at each side of the partition
2 100mm x 9mm thick PROMATECT®-H cover strips, fixed to steel studs using 25mm self-tapping screws at nominal 500mm centres
3 Mineral wool infill to cavity between boards (see page 60 for different fire resistance requirements)
4 Galvanised steel studs, measurements in accordance with Studs Tables 1~2 below (allow appropriate expansion at top horizontal track, no allowance
at this track for loadbearing purposes)
5 32mm long self-tapping screws at nominal 200mm centres
6 40mm long M6 masonry anchors at nominal 500mm centres
7 Caulk all perimeter gaps with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant to achieve the required fire resistance and/or acoustic performance
Studs Table 1: Up to -/60/60 or -/120/60 fire resistance – Single layer 9mm thick PROMINA® 60 board fixed at either side of the stud at 610mm centres
Maximum partition Minimum stud Maximum partition
Stud depth Top track Clearance at top track
height thickness thickness
3000mm 50mm 0.6mm 86mm 50mm x 32mm x 0.6mm 18mm
4000mm 50mm 0.6mm 86mm 50mm x 40mm x 0.6mm 24mm
5000mm 50mm 1.0mm 86mm 50mm x 45mm x 1.0mm 30mm
6000mm 50mm 1.0mm 86mm 50mm x 55mm x 1.0mm 36mm
7000mm 50mm 1.2mm 86mm 50mm x 60mm x 1.2mm 42mm
8000mm 50mm 1.6mm 86mm 50mm x 70mm x 1.6mm 48mm
10000mm 50mm 2.0mm 86mm 50mm x 85mm x 2.0mm 60mm
12000mm 50mm 2.5mm 86mm 50mm x 100mm x 2.5mm 72mm
9mm thick of PROMINA® 60 boards will be screw fixed to the frame with M4 steel self-tapping screws at 200mm nominal centres.
Studs Table 2: Up to -/120/120 fire resistance – Single layer 9mm thick PROMINA® 60 board fixed at either side of the stud at 610mm centres
Galvanised steel stud Maximum partition height for stud thickness
Web Flange 0.6mm 0.8mm 1mm 1.2mm 1.5mm 2mm 2.5mm 3mm
50 38 3100mm 3400mm 3700mm 3900mm 4200mm – – –
50 50 3200mm 3500mm 3800mm 4000mm 4300mm – – –
65 50 4800mm 5200mm 5600mm 6000mm 6400mm 7000mm 7400mm 7800mm
75 50 5400mm 5900mm 6400mm 6700mm 7200mm 7900mm 8400mm 8800mm
100 50 7000mm 7600mm 8200mm 8600mm 9200mm 10000mm 10700mm 11200mm
100* 50* – – – – 11200mm 12000mm 12000mm 12000mm
*Back to back studs
PMF 22.12.2/
Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided) 22.12.3
Maximum 12000mm
3 1
Nominal 200mm
7 4
1 One layer 9mm thick PROMINA® 60 board at each side of the partition
2 100mm x 9mm thick PROMINA® 60 cover strips, fixed to steel studs using 25mm long self-tapping screws at nominal 500mm centres
3 Mineral wool:
One layer of 80mm x 23kg/m³ or 50mm x 40kg/m³ thick mineral wool for up to -/60/60 fire resistance
One layer of 80mm x ≥23kg/m³ or 50mm x ≥40kg/m³ thick mineral wool for up to -/120/60 fire resistance
One layer of 75mm x 100kg/m³ or 50mm x 150kg/m³ thick mineral wool for up to -/120/120 fire resistance
4 Galvanised steel studs, measurements in accordance with Studs Tables 1~2 on page 59 (allow appropriate expansion at top horizontal track,
no allowance at this track for loadbearing purposes)
PROMINA® 60 Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided)
Architectural Specification PMF 22.12.2/
The following are standard Architectural Specifications for single steel stud partition systems using PROMINA® 60. The designer must determine
the suitability of the design to the application and requirements before undertaking or constructing any works relating to the specifications and
where in doubt should obtain the advice of a suitably qualified engineer.
Acoustic Performance
The partition system shall have a Weighted Sound Reduction Index of Rw 41.
Supporting Structure
Care should be taken that any structural element that the partition system is supported from, e.g. concrete/brick wall or slab, has a fire
resistance equal to or greater than ____________ minutes(1).
Lining Boards
Single layer of 9mm thick PROMINA® 60 matrix engineered mineral boards as manufactured by Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd. All joints
to be coincident with framing members. Standard board dimension 1220mm x 2440mm x 9mm thick.
Galvanised steel frame made of perimeter channel to be secured to the floor and, ceiling and walls with 40mm long M6 masonry anchors at
500mm centres. Vertical steel studs are friction fitted into the tracks at 610mm centres for boards to be installed. Adequate clearance for vertical
expansion will be allowed at the ceiling/top track. No clearance is necessary at the bottom track.
Studs Table 1 Up to -/60/60 or -/120/60 fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 22: 1987 and/or AS 1530: Part
4: 2005(3)
Single layer 9mm thick PROMINA® 60 board fixed at either side of the stud at 610mm centres
Maximum Minimum stud Maximum partition Clearance at top
Stud depth Top track
partition height thickness thickness track
3000mm 50mm 0.6mm 86mm 50mm x 32mm x 0.6mm 18mm
4000mm 50mm 0.6mm 86mm 50mm x 40mm x 0.6mm 24mm
5000mm 50mm 1.0mm 86mm 50mm x 45mm x 1.0mm 30mm
6000mm 50mm 1.0mm 86mm 50mm x 55mm x 1.0mm 36mm
7000mm 50mm 1.2mm 86mm 50mm x 60mm x 1.2mm 42mm
8000mm 50mm 1.6mm 86mm 50mm x 70mm x 1.6mm 48mm
10000mm 50mm 2.0mm 86mm 50mm x 85mm x 2.0mm 60mm
12000mm 50mm 2.5mm 86mm 50mm x 100mm x 2.5mm 72mm
9mm thick of PROMINA® 60 boards will be screw fixed to the frame with M4 steel self-tapping screws at 200mm nominal centres.
Studs Table 2 Up to -/120/120 fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 22: 1987
Single layer 9mm thick PROMINA® 60 board fixed at either side of the stud at 610mm centres
Galvanised steel stud Maximum partition height for stud thickness
Web Flange 0.6mm 0.8mm 1mm 1.2mm 1.5mm 2mm 2.5mm 3mm
50 38 3100mm 3400mm 3700mm 3900mm 4200mm – – –
50 50 3200mm 3500mm 3800mm 4000mm 4300mm – – –
65 50 4800mm 5200mm 5600mm 6000mm 6400mm 7000mm 7400mm 7800mm
75 50 5400mm 5900mm 6400mm 6700mm 7200mm 7900mm 8400mm 8800mm
100 50 7000mm 7600mm 8200mm 8600mm 9200mm 10000mm 10700mm 11200mm
100* 50* – – – – 11200mm 12000mm 12000mm 12000mm
*Back to back studs
Plain butt joints between machined edges of boards. (4)
Joints filled in preparation for painting. (5)
Joints filled and taped in preparation for decoration. (6)
Follow-on Trades
Surface of boards to be prepared for painting/plastering/tiling(7) in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
• (1) insert required fire resistance level not exceeding 120 minutes.
• (2) insert required insulation level not exceeding the fire resistance level(1).
• (3), (4), (5), (6), (7) delete as appropriate.
• All perimeter gaps caulked with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant.
Single Steel Stud Partition With Gypsum Plaster (Double Sided) PMF 22.12.4
Fire resistance
FRL -/120/120
Fire attack from both sides / Non loadbearing
BS476: Part 22: 1987
AS1530: Part 4: 2005
PSB G41751/TSM
BRE CC 89767B
4 # STC 46dB
# Rw 45dB
ISO140: Part 3: 1996
ISO717: Part 1: 1996
1 2
PREDICTED Marshall Day
ASSESSMENT 18th October 2006
Nominal 113mm
From 25.80kg/m2
1 One layer 9mm thick PROMINA® 60 board at each side of the partition
2 One layer 15m thick gypsum wall board at each side of the partition
3 Mineral wool infill to cavity between boards if required to improve acoustic performance
4 Galvanised steel studs, measurements in accordance with Studs Table on below (allow appropriate expansion at top horizontal track, no allowance
at this track for loadbearing purposes)
5 25mm long self-tapping screws at nominal 300mm centres for the first layer gypsum wall board, and 32mm long self-tapping screws at nominal
200mm centres for the second layer PROMINA® 60 board
Studs Table: Single layer 9mm thick PROMINA® 60 board fixed at either side of the stud at 610mm centres
Maximum Proposed measurement of Sectional Minimum measurement of Expansion allowance
partition height galvanised steel stud, C type modulus, Zx galvanised steel track at top horizontal track
3000mm 65mm x 40mm x 0.8mm thick 2552mm³ 65mm x 40mm x 0.8mm thick 18mm
3500mm 65mm x 40mm x 1mm thick 3039mm³ 65mm x 40mm x 0.8mm thick 21mm
65mm x 40mm x 5mm x 1.2mm thick
4000mm 3970mm³ 65mm x 40mm x 0.8mm thick 24mm
(lipped C type)
2 no. of 65mm x 40mm x 0.8mm thick
4500mm 5024mm³ 65mm x 45mm x 1mm thick 27mm
fixed back to back
2 no. of 65mm x 45mm x 1mm thick
5000mm 6203mm³ 65mm x 45mm x 1mm thick 30mm
fixed back to back
2 no. of 65mm x 50mm x 1mm thick
5500mm 7505mm³ 65mm x 50mm x 1mm thick 33mm
fixed back to back
2 no. of 65mm x 50mm x 1.2mm thick
6000mm 8932mm³ 65mm x 50mm x 1mm thick 36mm
fixed back to back
2 no. of 65mm x 55mm x 10mm x 1.2mm
6500mm 10483mm³ 65mm x 55mm x 1mm thick 39mm
thick (lipped C type) fixed back to back
2 no. of 65mm x 55mm x 20mm x 1.2mm
7000mm 12157mm³ 65mm x 55mm x 1mm thick 42mm
thick (lipped C type) fixed back to back
25mm long self-tapping screws at nominal 300mm centres for the first layer gypsum wall board, and 32mm long self-tapping screws at nominal 200mm
centres for the second layer PROMINA® 60 board
Single Steel Stud Partition With Gypsum Plaster (Double Sided) PMF 22.12.4
Maximum 7000mm
Nominal 200mm
Nominal 300mm
1 One layer 9mm thick PROMINA® 60 board at each side of the partition
2 One layer 15m thick gypsum wall board at each side of the partition
3 One layer of mineral wool if required to improve acoustic performance (optional thermal insulation available on request)
4 Galvanised steel studs, measurements in accordance with Studs Table on page 62 (allow appropriate expansion at top horizontal track, no allowance
at this track for loadbearing purposes)
5 25mm long self-tapping screws at nominal 300mm centres for the first layer gypsum wall board, and 32mm long self-tapping screws at nominal
200mm centres for the second layer PROMINA® 60 board
6 Caulk all perimeter gaps with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant to achieve the required fire resistance and/or acoustic performance
See page 5 for bottom and top track fixings; pages 9 to 13 for details of wall head, wall base, wall junction and wall movement joints
PROMINA® 60 Single Steel Stud Partition With
Gypsum Plaster (Double Sided) PMF 22.12.4
Architectural Specification
The following are standard Architectural Specifications for single steel stud partition systems using PROMINA® 60 incorporating gypsum plaster.
The designer must determine the suitability of the design to the application and requirements before undertaking or constructing any works
relating to the specifications and where in doubt should obtain the advice of a suitably qualified engineer.
Acoustic Performance
The partition system shall have a Weighted Sound Reduction Index of Rw 45.
Supporting Structure
Care should be taken that any structural element that the partition system is supported from, e.g. concrete/brick wall or slab, has a fire
resistance equal to or greater than 120 minutes.
Lining Boards
First layer of 15mm thick gypsum wall board on both sides. Stagger joints between layers by at least 300mm nominal centres.
Outer layer of 9mm thick PROMINA® 60 matrix engineered mineral boards on both sides as manufactured by Promat International (Asia Pacific)
Ltd. Stagger joints by at least 300mm nominal centres. Standard board dimension 1220mm x 2440mm x 9mm thick
Galvanised steel frame made of ceiling and floor tracks will be secured to the floor, ceiling and walls with 40mm long M6 masonry anchors
at 500mm centres. Vertical steel studs are then friction fitted into the tracks at 610mm maximum centres for boards to be installed vertically.
Studs Table Up to -/120/120 fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of BS 476: Part 22: 1987 and/or AS 1530: Part 4: 2005(3)
Single layer 9mm thick PROMINA® 60 board fixed at either side of the stud at 610mm centres
Maximum Proposed measurement of Sectional Minimum measurement of Expansion allowance
partition height galvanised steel stud, C type modulus, Zx galvanised steel track at top horizontal track
3000mm 65mm x 40mm x 0.8mm thick 2552mm3 65mm x 40mm x 0.8mm thick 18mm
3500mm 65mm x 40mm x 1mm thick 3039mm3 65mm x 40mm x 0.8mm thick 21mm
65mm x 40mm x 5mm x 1.2mm thick
4000mm 3970mm3 65mm x 40mm x 0.8mm thick 24mm
(lipped C type)
2 no. of 65mm x 40mm x 0.8mm thick
4500mm 5024mm3 65mm x 45mm x 1mm thick 27mm
fixed back to back
2 no. of 65mm x 45mm x 1mm thick
5000mm 6203mm3 65mm x 45mm x 1mm thick 30mm
fixed back to back
2 no. of 65mm x 50mm x 1mm thick
5500mm 7505mm3 65mm x 50mm x 1mm thick 33mm
fixed back to back
2 no. of 65mm x 50mm x 1.2mm thick
6000mm 8932mm3 65mm x 50mm x 1mm thick 36mm
fixed back to back
2 no. of 65mm x 55mm x 10mm x 1.2mm
6500mm 10483mm3 65mm x 55mm x 1mm thick 39mm
thick (lipped C type) fixed back to back
2 no. of 65mm x 55mm x 20mm x 1.2mm
7000mm 12157mm3 65mm x 55mm x 1mm thick 42mm
thick (lipped C type) fixed back to back
25mm long self-tapping screws at nominal 300mm centres for the first layer gypsum wall board, and 32mm long self-tapping screws at nominal
200mm centres for the second layer PROMINA® 60 board.
Plain butt joints between machined edges of boards. (2)
Joints filled in preparation for painting. (3)
Joints filled and taped in preparation for decoration. (4)
Follow-on Trades
Surface of boards to be prepared for painting/plastering/tiling(5) in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
• (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) delete as appropriate.
• All perimeter gaps caulked with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant.
Single Steel Stud Partition With Gypsum Plaster (Double Sided) PMHD 22.60.1
Fire resistance
Fire attack from both sides / Non loadbearing FRL -/60/60
BFTC 00/02
WF 190932
6 3 5 # STC 43dB
# Rw 43dB
ISO140: Part 3: 1996
ISO717: Part 1: 1996
Nominal 87mm
From 20.57kg/m2
# Margin of error is generally within ±3dB
* Details for walls above 3000mm high are available
on request
1 One layer 6mm thick PROMINA®-HD board at each side of the partition
2 One layer 12.5m thick gypsum wall board at each side of the partition
3 Galvanised steel studs 48mm x 35mm x 0.5mm thick at maximum 610mm centres
4 Top and botom tracks 50mm x 25mm x 0.5mm thick (allow appropriate expansion at top horizontal track)
5 Steel channel 99mm x 9.5mm x 0.9mm thick across the horizontal joints, in line with the joints in the outer layer of boards only
8 Caulk all perimeter gaps with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant to achieve the required fire resistance and/or acoustic performance
Single Steel Stud Partition With Gypsum Plaster (Double Sided) PMHD 22.60.1
Maximum 3000mm
Nominal 200mm
1 One layer 6mm thick PROMINA®-HD board at each side of the partition
2 One layer 12.5m thick gypsum wall board at each side of the partition
3 Galvanised steel studs 48mm x 35mm x 0.5mm thick at maximum 610mm centres
4 Top and botom tracks 50mm x 25mm x 0.5mm thick (allow appropriate expansion at top horizontal track)
5 Steel channel 99mm x 9.5mm x 0.9mm thick across the horizontal joints, in line with the joints in the outer layer of boards only
7 Caulk all perimeter gaps with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant to achieve the required fire resistance and/or acoustic performance
See page 5 for bottom and top track fixings; pages 9 to 13 for details of wall head, wall base, wall junction and wall movement joints
PROMINA®-HD Single Steel Stud Partition With
Gypsum Plaster (Double Sided) PMHD 22.60.1
Architectural Specification
The following are standard Architectural Specifications for single steel stud partition systems using PROMINA®-HD incorporating gypsum
plaster. The designer must determine the suitability of the design to the application and requirements before undertaking or constructing any
works relating to the specifications and where in doubt should obtain the advice of a qualified engineer.
Acoustic Performance
The partition system shall have a Weighted Sound Reduction Index of Rw 43.
Supporting Structure
Care should be taken that any structural element that the partition system is supported from, e.g. concrete/brick wall or slab, has a fire
resistance equal to or greater than 60 minutes.
Lining Boards
First layer of 12.5mm thick gypsum wall board on both sides. Stagger joints between layers by at least 300mm nominal centres.
Outer layer of 6mm thick PROMINA®-HD fibre silicate boards on both sides as manufactured by Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd. Stagger
joints by at least 300mm nominal centres. Standard board dimension 1220mm x 2440mm x 6mm thick.
Galvanised steel frame made of perimeter steel channel will be secured to the floor and, ceiling and walls with 40mm long M6 masonry anchors
at 600mm centres. Vertical steel studs are friction fitted into the tracks at 610mm centres for boards to be installed. Adequate clearance for
vertical expansion will be allowed at the ceiling/top track. No clearance is necessary at the bottom track.
12.5mm thick gypsum board will be fixed to perimeter channel using 25mm drywall screws at 200mm centres. Then the second layer of 6mm
PROMINA®-HD board is fixed to the gypsum board with 32mm of drywall screws at 200mm nominal centres.
Plain butt joints between machined edges of boards. (2)
Joints filled in preparation for painting. (3)
Joints filled and taped in preparation for decoration. (4)
Follow-on Trades
Surface of boards to be prepared for painting/plastering/tiling(5) in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
• (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) delete as appropriate.
• All perimeter gaps caulked with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant.
PROMATECT®-S 22.12.1/
Single Steel Stud Partition (Single Sided) 22.30.1
Fire resistance
Fire attack from both sides / Non loadbearing FRL
BRE CC 246885
4 LPC TE83651
# Rw
30 (-2) dB (-/300/15)
-/120/- 6mm
-/300/15 9.5mm
2 100mm x 50mm x 3mm thick steel channel forming framework, usually comprised of channels located at 1200mm centres or at every board vertical
edge. These framing centres may vary depending on the overall dimensions and performance requirements of the system
3 Steel sections forming top and bottom tracks of framework, usually comprised of channels, fixed to substrate using non combustible expansion bolts
at nominal 500mm centres
4 38mm long M.5.5 Teks screws at nominal 200mm centres
5 40mm long M8 masonry anchors at nominal 500mm centres
6 Caulk all perimeter gaps with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant to achieve the required fire resistance and/or acoustic performance
PROMATECT®-S 22.12.1/
Single Steel Stud Partition (Single Sided) 22.30.1
Up to 6000mm
2 1
Nominal 200mm
1 One layer PROMATECT®-S board at each side of the partition 4 Steel sections forming top and bottom tracks of framework, usually
comprised of channels, fixed to substrate using non combustible
Fire resistance Board thickness expansion bolts at nominal 500mm centres
-/120/- 6mm
5 38mm long M.5.5 Teks screws at nominal 200mm centres
-/300/15 9.5mm
6 Steel angle cleats joining framing sections. Alternatively, joints
between framing members can be welded 8
2 Horizontal framing members comprised of steel channels at
2500mm centres or at every board horizontal edge. Alternatively 7 Welded joint
use 100mm x 3mm flat steel plate
3 100mm x 50mm x 3mm thick steel channel forming framework, 8 Caulk all perimeter gaps with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant to
achieve the required fire resistance and/or acoustic performance
usually comprised of channels located at 1200mm centres or
at every board vertical edge. These framing centres may vary
depending on the overall dimensions and performance requirements
of the system
PROMATECT®-S Single Steel Stud Partition (Single Sided) 22.12.1/
Architectural Specification PS
The following are standard Architectural Specifications for single steel stud partition systems using PROMATECT®-S. The designer must
determine the suitability of the design to the application and requirements before undertaking or constructing any works relating to the
specifications and where in doubt should obtain the advice of a suitably qualified engineer.
Acoustic Performance
The partition system shall have a Weighted Sound Reduction Index of Rw ____________ (3).
Supporting Structure
Care should be taken that any structural element that the partition system is supported from, e.g. concrete/brick wall or slab, has a fire
resistance equal to or greater than ____________ minutes(1).
Lining Boards
Single layer of 6mm or 9.5mm(4) thick PROMATECT®-S cement/steel composite boards as manufactured by Promat International (Asia Pacific)
Ltd. Cover strips or fillets are not required if each lining is secured to separated framing.
Galvanised or painted frame made of ceiling and floor tracks will be secured to the floor, ceiling and walls with 40mm long M8 masonry anchors
at 500mm centres. Vertical steel studs are then welded or bolted into the tracks at 1200mm maximum centres or at every board horizontal edge.
6mm or 9.5mm(3) thick PROMATECT®-S boards will be screw fixed to the frame with 38mm x 5.5mm Teks screw at 200mm nominal centres.
Follow-on Trades
Surface of boards to be prepared for painting/tiling(5) in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
• (1) insert required fire resistance level not exceeding 300 minutes.
• (2) insert required insulation level not exceeding 15 minutes.
• (3) insert acoustic value not exceeding 29dB (for -/120/- fire resistance) or 30dB (for -/300/15 fire resistance)
• (4), (5) delete as appropriate.
• All perimeter gaps caulked with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant.
PROMATECT®-S 22.24.1/
Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided) 22.24.2
Fire attack from both sides / Non loadbearing FRL
Fire resistance
# Rw
1 30 (-8) or A56 (-9) dB (-/240/240)
ISO140: Part 3: 1996
ISO717: Part 1: 1996
NOTE: PROMATECT -S partitions are generally designed to meet specific project performance requirements including resistance to fire, impact, explosion
etc. Please consult Promat Technical Department for details on framing elements etc
PS 22.24.1
Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided)
Up to 5000mm
Nominal 200mm
4 4
9 8
5 5
PS 22.24.2
Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided)
Up to 5000mm
Nominal 200mm
0 9
6 6
PROMATECT®-S Single Steel Stud Partition (Double Sided) 22.24.1/
Architectural Specification PS
The following are standard Architectural Specifications for single steel stud partition systems using PROMATECT®-S. The designer must
determine the suitability of the design to the application and requirements before undertaking or constructing any works relating to the
specifications and where in doubt should obtain the advice of a suitably qualified engineer.
Acoustic Performance
The partition system shall have a Weighted Sound Reduction Index of Rw ____________ (3).
Supporting Structure
Care should be taken that any structural element that the partition system is supported from, e.g. concrete/brick wall or slab, has a fire
resistance equal to or greater than ____________ minutes(1).
Lining Boards
Single layer of 6mm or 9.5mm(4) thick PROMATECT®-S cement/steel composite boards as manufactured by Promat International (Asia Pacific)
Ltd. Cover strips or fillets are not required if each lining is secured to separated framing.
Galvanised or painted frame made of ceiling and floor tracks will be secured to the floor, ceiling and walls with 40mm long M10 masonry
anchors at 500mm centres. Vertical steel studs are then welded or bolted into the tracks at 1200mm maximum centres or at every board
horizontal edge.
6mm or 9.5mm(3) thick PROMATECT®-S boards will be screw fixed to the frame with 38mm long M6 Teks screw at 200mm nominal centres.
Follow-on Trades
Surface of boards to be prepared for painting/tiling(5) in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
• (1) insert required fire resistance level not exceeding 240 minutes.
• (2) insert required insulation level not exceeding the fire resistance level(1).
• (3) insert acoustic value not exceeding 52dB (for -/240/60 fire resistance) or 56dB (for -/240/240 fire resistance)
• (4), (5) delete as appropriate.
• All perimeter gaps caulked with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant.
PROMATECT®-H 21.60.1/
PH 21.90.1/
Timber Stud Partition 21.12.1
Fire attack from both sides / Non loadbearing
Fire resistance
36dB (-/30/30)
2 39dB (-/60/60) (-/90/90)
1 35dB (-/30/30)
# Rw 39dB (-/60/60) (-/90/90)
ISO140: Part 3: 1996
3 ISO717: Part 1: 1996
From 75mm (-/30/30)
From 81mm (-/60/60) (-/90/90)
1 7 Rondo P35 control joint or similar, please refer to page 13 for detail
8 Flush joint
9 Non fire resistant backing rod 22mm diameter for acoustic integrity
NOTE: Top and bottom tracks must be discontinuous at
control joints
PROMATECT®-H 21.60.1/
PH 21.90.1/
Timber Stud Partition 21.12.1
2 1
Up to 3050mm
1 PROMATECT®-H board, thickness in accordance with the table 3 63mm x 50mm or 70mm x 38mm timber studs at 610mm centres
below as per the required fire resistance performance, at each side (allow appropriate expansion at top horizontal track, horizontal
of the partition nogging at all board joints)
2 Mineral wool, minimum density and thickness in accordance with
the table below as per the required fire resistance performance 4 50mm long wire nails at nominal 200mm centres or 45mm long self-
tapping screws at nominal 300mm centres for -/30/30, -/60/60 or
Fire Board Mineral wool -/90/90 fire resistance
resistance thickness thickness x minimum density
63mm long wire nails at nominal 200mm centres or 55mm long
-/30/30 6mm One layer of 60mm x 23kg/m³ self-tapping screws at nominal 300mm centres for -/120/120 fire
-/60/60 9mm One layer of 80mm x 23kg/m³
-/90/90 9mm One layer of 60mm x 60kg/m³ 5 Caulk all perimeter gaps with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant to
One layer of 63mm x 80kg/m³ achieve the required fire resistance and/or acoustic performance
-/120/120 9mm Two layers of 38mm x 80kg/m³, each with See page 6 for fixings of cross noggings and floor plate; page 75 for
all joints staggered between layers detail of wall movement joints.
PROMATECT®-H Timber Stud Partition 21.60.1/
PH 21.90.1/
Architectural Specification 21.12.1
The following are standard Architectural Specifications for timber stud partition systems using PROMATECT®-H. The designer must determine
the suitability of the design to the application and requirements before undertaking or constructing any works relating to the specifications and
where in doubt should obtain the advice of a suitably qualified engineer.
Acoustic Performance
The partition system shall have a Weighted Sound Reduction Index of Rw ____________ (4).
Supporting Structure
Care should be taken to ensure that any structural element by which the partition system is supported, e.g. steel stud or perimeter steel channel,
has a fire resistance equal to or greater than ____________ minutes(1).
Lining Boards
Single layer of 6mm or 9mm(3) thick PROMATECT®-H matrix engineered mineral boards as manufactured by Promat International (Asia Pacific)
Ltd. All joints to be coincident with steel framing or PROMATECT®-H board strip. Standard board dimension 1220mm x 2440mm x 6mm or
9mm(3) thick.
Softwood timber, 63mm deep x 50mm wide will be fixed to the perimeter of the opening where the partition system is to be installed using M6
expanding anchors at 610mm centres.
Where the board are to be installed with their long edges vertical, the studs are located at 610mm maximum centres with cross noggings at
2440mm centres. Where the boards are to be installed with their long edges horizontal, the studs are located at 610mm centres with cross
noggings at 1220mm centres.
The PROMATECT®-H board are fixed to the framework using wire head nails of an appropriate length, not less than 50mm, or No.8 screws of
an appropriate length at nominal 300mm centres, a minimum of 12mm from the board edge.
Mineral wool will be contained within the cavity.
Plain butt joints between machined edges of boards. (5)
Joints filled in preparation for painting. (6)
Joints filled and taped in preparation for decoration. (7)
Follow-on Trades
Surface of boards to be prepared for painting/plastering/tiling(8) in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
• (1) insert required fire resistance level not exceeding 120 minutes.
• (2) insert required insulation level not exceeding the fire resistance level(1).
• (3), (5), (6), (7), (8) delete as appropriate.
• (4) insert acoustic value not exceeding 35dB (for -/30/30 fire resistance) or 39dB (for -/60/60, -/90/90 and -/120/120 fire resistance)
• All perimeter gaps caulked with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant.
PROMATECT® 100 21.12.1/
Timber Stud Partition 21.12.2
Fire resistance
Fire attack from both sides / Non loadbearing FRL
BRE CC 232158A
BRE CC 232158B
# STC 35dB
2 # Rw 39dB
ISO140: Part 3: 1996
ISO717: Part 1: 1996
From 130mm
From 37kg/m2
4 # Margin of error is generally within ±3dB
* Details for walls above 3000mm high are available
on request
2 Timber studs 90mm deep x 45mm wide at nominal 600mm or 625mm centres
5 Caulk all perimeter gaps with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant to achieve the required fire resistance and/or acoustic performance
For loadbearing partition, the required size of the stud should be calculated by a qualified structural engineer who must allow for the depth of the stud to
be reduced by 50mm and width by 10mm through charring and the consequential reduction in loadbearing capability
PROMATECT® 100 21.12.1/
Timber Stud Partition 21.12.2
Up to 3000mm
Maximum 250mm
PROMATECT® 100 21.12.1/
Timber Stud Partition 21.12.2
Maximum 250mm
PROMATECT® 100 Timber Stud Partition 21.12.1/
Architectural Specification 21.12.2
The following are standard Architectural Specifications for timber stud partition systems using PROMATECT® 100. The designer must determine
the suitability of the design to the application and requirements before undertaking or constructing any works relating to the specifications and
where in doubt should obtain the advice of a suitably qualified engineer.
Acoustic Performance
The partition system shall have a Weighted Sound Reduction Index up to Rw 39.
Supporting Structure
Care should be taken that any structural element that the partition system is supported from, e.g. steel stud or perimeter steel channel, has a
fire resistance equal to or greater than 120 minutes.
Lining Boards
Single layer each side 20mm thick PROMATECT® 100 PromaX® mineral boards as manufactured by Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd. All
joints to be coincident with steel framing. Standard board dimension 1200mm x 2500mm x 20mm thick.
Softwood timber, 90mm deep x 45mm wide will be fixed to the perimeter of the opening where the partition system is to be installed using M6
expanding anchors at 600mm maximum centres.
Where the boards are to be installed with their long edges vertical, the studs are located at 600mm maximum centres with cross noggings at
1250mm centres. Where the boards are to be installed with their long edges horizontal, the studs are located at 625mm centres with cross
noggings at 600mm centres.
The PROMATECT® 100 boards are fixed to the framework using 100mm long No.8 woodscrews at maximum 250mm centres, a minimum of
12mm from the board edge.
Where there is a requirement for loadbearing, the required size of the timber stud will be calculated by a qualified structural engineer who should
allow for the depth of the stud to be reduced by 50mm and the width by 10mm through charring.
Plain butt joints between machined edges of boards. (2)
Joints filled in preparation for painting. (3)
Joints filled and taped in preparation for decoration. (4)
Follow-on Trades
Surface of boards to be prepared for painting/plastering/tiling(5) in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
• (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) delete as appropriate.
• All perimeter gaps caulked with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant.
Connection Details of
Solid/Frameless Internal Partitions !T
Wall base fixing - Wall base fixing -
Two layer system Four layer system
3 3
5 5
1 1
4 32mm long No.8 self-tapping screws at nominal 300mm centres for first layer and 50mm long No.8 self-tapping screws at nominal 200mm centres
for second layer
PROMATECT®-H 23.60.1/
Solid/Frameless Internal Partition 23.12.1
Fire attack from both sides / Non loadbearing
Fire resistance
FRL -/120/120
-/300/300 (Please consult Promat)
35dB (-/60/60)
# STC 36dB (-/120/120)
35dB (-/60/60)
# Rw
37dB (-/120/120)
Nom. 35mm (-/60/60: two layers)
Nom. 36mm (-/60/60: three layers)
Nom. 36mm (-/60/60: four layers)
Nom. 50mm (-/120/120: two layers)
Nom. 50mm (-/120/120: three layers)
1 PROMATECT -H board, stagger the joints by at least 350mm. When using boards with different thickness, fix the thicker board first. Thickness in
4 30mm long No.8 self-tapping screws fixed to steel perimeter angle at 200mm centres
5 Laminating stitching screws, types and fixings around the steel perimeter angle and down the centre of each board in accordance with system
PROMATECT®-H 23.60.1/
Solid/Frameless Internal Partition 23.12.1
Up to 4880mm
Maximum 300mm
PROMATECT®-H 23.60.1/
Solid/Frameless Internal Partition 23.12.1
Up to 4880mm
Maximum 300mm
3 40mm long M6 masonry anchors at nominal 500mm centres See page 82 for wall connection details
PROMATECT®-H 23.60.1/
Solid/Frameless Internal Partition 23.12.1
Up to 4000mm
Maximum 300mm
2 4
1 Four layers of PROMATECT -H board, 9mm thick each stagger the joints by at least 300mm
4 30mm long No.8 self-tapping screws fixed to steel perimeter angle at 200mm centres
PROMATECT®-H Solid/Frameless Internal Partition 23.60.1/
Architectural Specification
The following are standard Architectural Specifications for solid internal partition systems using PROMATECT®-H. The designer must determine
the suitability of the design to the application and requirements before undertaking or constructing any works relating to the specifications and
where in doubt should obtain the advice of a suitably qualified engineer.
Acoustic Performance
The partition system shall have a Weighted Sound Reduction Index of Rw ____________ (4).
Supporting Structure
Care should be taken to ensure that any structural element by which the partition system is supported, e.g. concrete/brick, has a fire resistance
equal to or greater than ____________ minutes(1).
Lining Boards
FOR FRL OF -/60/60
One layer of 20mm thick and one layer of 15mm thick PROMATECT®-H matrix engineered mineral boards as manufactured by Promat
International (Asia Pacific) Ltd. Stagger joints by at least 300mm at the first layer and 200mm on the second layer. Standard board dimension
1220mm x 2440mm x 15mm or 20mm(3) thick.
Three layers of 12mm PROMATECT®-H matrix engineered mineral boards as manufactured by Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd. Each
successive layer of board must be fastened to the previous layers at 300mm centres.
Four layers of 9mm PROMATECT®-H matrix engineered mineral boards as manufactured by Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd. Each
successive layer of board must be fastened to the previous layers at 300mm centres.
FOR FRL OF -/60/60
Galvanised steel frame made of perimeter steel angle 40mm x 40mm x 1mm thick will be fastened to the wall/floor/ceiling with 40mm long M6
masonry anchors at 500mm centres. First layer 20mm, fixed to perimeter angle using 30mm long No.8 screws at 200mm centres. Second layer
15mm, fixed to first layer using 30mm long No.8 screws at 300mm centres around the perimeter and down the centre of each panel.
Galvanised steel frame made of perimeter steel angle 40mm x 40mm x 1mm thick will be fastened to the wall/floor/ceiling with 40mm long M6
masonry anchors at 600mm centres. First layer, fixed to perimeter angle using 30mm long No.8 screws at 200mm centres. Each successive
layer of board must be fastened to the previous layers at 300mm centres.
Plain butt joints between machined edges of boards. (5)
Joints filled in preparation for painting. (6)
Joints filled and taped in preparation for decoration. (7)
Follow-on Trades
Surface of boards to be prepared for painting/plastering/tiling(8) in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
• (1) insert required fire resistance level not exceeding 120 minutes.
• (2) insert required insulation level not exceeding the fire resistance level(1).
• (3), (5), (6), (7), (8) delete as appropriate.
• (4) insert acoustic value not exceeding 35dB (for -/60/60 fire resistance) or 37dB (for -/120/120 fire resistance).
• All perimeter gaps caulked with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant.
PROMATECT® 50 23.60.1
Solid/Frameless Internal Partition 23.12.1
Fire attack from both sides / Non loadbearing FRL
Fire resistance
RED R10C08
ISO140: Part 3: 1996
ISO717: Part 1: 1996
1 Two layers of PROMATECT 50 board, 15mm thick each stagger joints at minimum 610mm (for -/60/60 FRL) or 300mm (for -/120/120 FRL)
4 30mm long No.8 self-tapping screws fixed to steel perimeter angle at 200mm centres
P50 23.12.1
Solid/Frameless Internal Partition
Up to 3660mm
Maximum 300mm
2 4
1 Two layers of PROMATECT 50 board, 15mm thick each stagger the joints by at least 300mm
3 30mm long No.8 self-tapping screws fixed to steel perimeter angle at 200mm centres
PROMATECT® 50 23.60.1
Solid/Frameless Internal Partition 23.12.1
Two layer / Non loadbearing for maximum 3000mm (-/60/60 FRL) or 3660mm (-/120/120 FRL) high
Up to 3660mm
Maximum 300mm
2 4
1 Two layers of PROMATECT 50 board, 15mm thick each stagger joints at minimum 610mm (for -/60/60
4 30mm long No.8 self-tapping screws fixed to steel perimeter angle at 200mm centres
PROMATECT® 50 23.60.1
Solid/Frameless Internal Partition 23.12.1
Two layer / Non loadbearing for maximum 3000mm (-/60/60 FRL) or 4200mm (-/120/120 FRL) high
Up to 4200mm
Maximum 300mm
1 Two layers of PROMATECT 50 board, 15mm thick each stagger joints at minimum 610mm (for -/60/60
3 Galvanised steel T-section forming by two numbers of galvanised steel angle 25mm x 15mm x 0.6mm thick at
1220mm centres
4 30mm long No.8 self-tapping screws fixed to steel perimeter angle at 200mm centres
PROMATECT® 50 23.60.1
Solid/Frameless Internal Partition 23.12.1
Two layer / Non loadbearing for maximum 3000mm (-/60/60 FRL) or 4800mm (-/120/120 FRL) high
Up to 4800mm
Maximum 300mm
1 Two layers of PROMATECT 50 board, 15mm thick each stagger joints at minimum 610mm (for -/60/60
FRL) or 300mm (for -/120/120 FRL)
2 Top and bottom track galvanised steel channel 50mm x 38mm x 0.6mm thick
4 30mm long No.8 self-tapping screws fixed to steel perimeter angle at 200mm centres
PROMATECT® 50 Solid/Frameless Internal Partition 23.60.1
Architectural Specification
The following are standard Architectural Specifications for solid internal partition systems using PROMATECT® 50. The designer must determine
the suitability of the design to the application and requirements before undertaking or constructing any works relating to the specifications and
where in doubt should obtain the advice of a suitably qualified engineer.
Acoustic Performance
The partition system shall have a Weighted Sound Reduction Index of Rw ____________ (3).
Supporting Structure
Care should be taken to ensure that any structural element by which the partition system is supported, e.g. concrete/brick, has a fire resistance
equal to or greater than ____________ minutes(1).
Lining Boards
Two layers of 15mm thick PROMATECT® 50 cement bound matrix boards as manufactured by Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd. Stagger
joints by at least 300mm. Standard board dimension 2440mm x 1220mm x 15mm thick.
Galvanised steel frame made of perimeter steel angle 50mm x 50mm x 1mm thick will be fastened to the wall/floor/ceiling with 40mm x M6
masonry anchors at nominal 500mm centres.
First layer 15mm, fixed to perimeter angle using 25mm long No.8 screws at 200mm centres. Second layer 15mm, fixed to first layer using 40mm
long No.8 self-tapping screws at 300mm centres around the perimeter and down the centre of each panel.
30mm long No.8 self-tapping screws are also used to fix the board ____________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (4).
Plain butt joints between machined edges of boards.
Joints filled in preparation for painting.
Joints filled and taped in preparation for decoration.
Follow-on Trades
Surface of boards to be prepared for painting/plastering/tiling(8) in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
• (1) insert required fire resistance level not exceeding 120 minutes.
• (2), (5), (6), (7), (8) delete as appropriate.
• (3) insert acoustic value not exceeding 36dB (for -/60/60 fire resistance) or 41dB (for -/120/120 fire resistance).
• (4) describe the alternative framing method or delete.
• All perimeter gaps caulked with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant.
P100 23.12.1
Solid/Frameless Internal Partition
Fire resistance
Fire attack from both sides / Non loadbearing FRL -/120/120
# STC 36dB
# Rw 36dB
ISO140: Part 3: 1996
ISO717: Part 1: 1996
Nominal 40mm
1 Two layers of PROMATECT 100 board, 20mm thick each stagger the joints by at least 300mm
4 32mm long No.8 self-tapping screws at nominal 300mm centres for first layer and 50mm long No.8 self-tapping screws at nominal 200mm centres
for second layer
P100 23.12.1
Solid/Frameless Internal Partition
Up to 3000mm
Maximum 200mm
1 Two layers of PROMATECT 100 board, 20mm thick each stagger the joints by at least 300mm
4 32mm long No.8 self-tapping screws at nominal 300mm centres for first layer and 50mm long No.8 self-tapping screws at nominal 200mm centres
for second layer
PROMATECT® 100 Solid/Frameless Internal Partition
Architectural Specification
P100 23.12.1
The following are standard Architectural Specifications for solid internal partition systems using PROMATECT® 100. The designer must determine
the suitability of the design to the application and requirements before undertaking or constructing any works relating to the specifications and
where in doubt should obtain the advice of a suitably qualified engineer.
Acoustic Performance
The partition system shall have a Weighted Sound Reduction Index up to Rw 36.
Supporting Structure
Care should be taken that any structural element by which the partition system is supported, e.g. steel stud or perimeter steel channel, has a
fire resistance equal to or greater than 120 minutes.
Lining Boards
Two layers of 20mm thick PROMATECT® 100 PromaX® mineral boards as manufactured by Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd. Stagger joints
by at least 300mm. Standard board dimension 1200mm x 2500mm x 20mm thick.
Galvanised steel frame made of perimeter steel angle 50mm x 50mm x 1mm thick will be fastened to the wall/floor/ceiling with 40mm long M6
masonry anchors at nominal 500mm centres.
First layer of 20mm thick PROMATECT® 100 boards will be fixed to the perimeter angle using 32mm long No.8 self-drilling or self-tapping screws
at 300mm centres. Second layer 20mm, fixed to the first layer using 40mm long No.10 laminating stitching screws at 300mm centres down the
centre of each panel at each board joint. Use 50mm x No.8 self-tapping screws at 200mm centres to fix second layer to the perimeter angle.
Plain butt joints between machined edges of boards. (2)
Joints filled in preparation for painting. (3)
Joints filled and taped in preparation for decoration. (4)
Follow-on Trades
Surface of boards to be prepared for painting/plastering/tiling(5) in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
• (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) delete as appropriate.
• All perimeter gaps caulked with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant.
PROMATECT® 50 28.60.1/
Shaft Wall 28.12.1
Fire resistance
STANDARD BS476: Part 22: 1987
FSRG 2011/007
FSRG 2011/014
2 FSRG 2010/035
FSRG 2010/040
3 # STC
# Rw 47dB
ISO140: Part 3: 1996
6 2 ISO717: Part 1: 1996
From 110mm
# Margin of error is generally within ±3dB
7 Caulk all perimeter gaps with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant to achieve the required fire resistance and/or acoustic performance
PROMATECT® 50 28.60.1/
Shaft Wall 28.12.1
Up to 3100mm
2 1
Maximum ??mm
Wall base
fixing 1
4 7
1 One layer of PROMATECT 50 board, thickness in accordance to table below
3 Back to back galvanised steel stud, measurement in accordance to above table
PROMATECT® 50 Shaft Wall 28.60.1/
Architectural Specification 28.12.1
The following are standard Architectural Specifications for shaft wall systems using PROMATECT® 50. The designer must determine the
suitability of the design to the application and requirements before undertaking or constructing any works relating to the specifications and
where in doubt should obtain the advice of a suitably qualified engineer.
Acoustic Performance
The partition system shall have a Weighted Sound Reduction Index of Rw 47.
Supporting Structure
Care should be taken that any structural element by which the partition system is supported, e.g. concrete/brick wall or slab, has a fire
resistance equal to or greater than 120 minutes.
Lining Boards
Single layer of 12mm or 18mm(3) thick PROMATECT® 50 cement bound matrix boards as manufactured by Promat International (Asia Pacific)
Ltd. Standard board dimension 1220mm x 2440mm x 12mm or 18mm(3) thick.
Galvanised steel frame made of ceiling and floor tracks will be secured to the floor, ceiling and walls with 40mm long M6 masonry anchors at
500mm centres. Vertical I steel studs are then friction fitted into the tracks at 610mm maximum centres for boards to be installed vertically.
10mm thick PROMATECT® 50 boards will be laid inside the I-studs. PROMATECT® 50 fillet strips, 16mm thick x stud depth, will be fitted within
both sides of the I-studs to hold the panels in place. Screw the fillet strips through the I-studs.
All horizontal joints to be backed with a PROMATECT® 50 board strip.
Screw the layers of PROMATECT® 50 cover fillets to the unexposed face of the partition framing and fix the PROMATECT® 50 boards to the
framing at 200mm nominal centres using self-tapping drywall type screws of an appropriate length.
Plain butt joints between machined edges of boards. (4)
Joints filled in preparation for painting. (5)
Joints filled and taped in preparation for decoration. (6)
Follow-on Trades
Surface of boards to be prepared for painting/plastering/tiling(7) in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
• (1) insert required fire resistance level not exceeding 120 minutes.
• (2) insert required insulation level not exceeding the fire resistance level(1).
• (3), (4), (5), (6), (7) delete as appropriate.
• All perimeter gaps caulked with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant.
PROMINA® 60 28.60.1/
Shaft Wall 28.12.1
Fire resistance
Fire attack from both sides / Non loadbearing FRL
BFTC 01/73A
WF 167483
# STC 40dB
# Rw 42dB (-11)
ISO140: Part 3: 1996
ISO717: Part 1: 1996
3 2
1 PREDICTED Marshall Day
ASSESSMENT 18th October 2006
3 Mineral wool infill to cavity between boards (see page 101 for different fire resistance requirements)
7 Caulk all perimeter gaps with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant to achieve the required fire resistance and/or acoustic performance
PROMINA® 60 28.60.1/
Shaft Wall 28.12.1
Up to 4000mm
Maximum 200mm
PROMINA® 60 28.60.1/
Shaft Wall 28.12.1
1 1
2 2
7 7
5 5
3 3
6 6
8 8
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
7 7
1 1
1 PROMINA® board
4 Mineral wool
5 I-studs
PROMINA® 60 Shaft Wall 28.60.1/
Architectural Specification 28.12.1
The following are standard Architectural Specifications for shaft wall systems using PROMINA® 60. The designer must determine the suitability
of the design to the application and requirements before undertaking or constructing any works relating to the specifications and where in doubt
should obtain the advice of a suitably qualified engineer.
Acoustic Performance
The partition system shall have a Weighted Sound Reduction Index of Rw 42.
Supporting Structure
Care should be taken that any structural element by which the partition system is supported, e.g. concrete/brick wall or slab, has a fire
resistance equal to or greater than ____________ minutes(1).
Lining Boards
Single layer of 9mm thick PROMINA® 60 matrix engineered mineral boards as manufactured by Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd. Standard
board dimension 1220mm x 2440mm x 9mm thick.
Galvanised steel frame made of ceiling and floor tracks will be secured to the floor, ceiling and walls with 40mm long M6 masonry anchors at
500mm centres. Vertical I steel studs are then friction fitted into the tracks at 610mm maximum centres for boards to be installed vertically.
9mm thick of PROMINA® 60 boards will be laid inside the I-studs. PROMINA® 60 fillet strips, 9mm thick x 45mm wide, will be fitted within both
sides of the I-studs to hold the panels in place. Screw the fillet strips through the I-studs.
All horizontal joints to be backed with a PROMINA® 60 board strip.
Screw the layers of PROMINA® 60 cover fillets to the unexposed face of the partition framing and fix the PROMINA® 60 boards to the framing
at 200mm nominal centres using self-tapping drywall type screws of an appropriate length.
Mineral wool will be contained within the cavity.
Plain butt joints between machined edges of boards. (3)
Joints filled in preparation for painting. (4)
Joints filled and taped in preparation for decoration. (5)
Follow-on Trades
Surface of boards to be prepared for painting/plastering/tiling(6) in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
• (1) insert required fire resistance level not exceeding 120 minutes.
• (2) insert required insulation level not exceeding the fire resistance level(1).
• (3), (4), (5), (6) delete as appropriate.
• All perimeter gaps caulked with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant.
PH 30.60.1/
Conversion of External to Internal Wall 30.12.1
Fire attack from both sides / Non loadbearing
Fire resistance
FRL -/60/60
WARRES 38396
BRE CC 231705
# STC 37dB
# Rw 37dB (-7)
ISO140: Part 3: 1996
3 ISO717: Part 1: 1996
From 238mm
4 Horizontal sheeting rail at maximum 1800mm centres, first layer of PROMATECT®-H filler strip 100mm x 9mm thick x depth of the sheeting rail fixed
to the rail at the location of the top hat sections
5 Perimeter steel angle, 50mm x 25mm x 0.56mm thick or similar secured to wall or floor using 40mm long M6 masonry anchors at 500mm centres
6 25mm long No. 8 self-tapping screws at nominal 300mm centres
7 Caulk all perimeter gaps with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant to achieve the required fire resistance and/or acoustic performance
PH 30.60.1/
Conversion of External to Internal Wall 30.12.1
Maximum 300mm
PROMATECT®-H Conversion of External to Internal Wall
Architectural Specification
PH 30.60.1/
The following are standard Architectural Specifications for internal partition systems using PROMATECT®-H. The designer must determine the
suitability of the design to the application and requirements before undertaking or constructing any works relating to the specifications and
where in doubt should obtain the advice of a suitably qualified engineer.
Acoustic Performance
The partition system shall have a Weighted Sound Reduction Index of Rw 37.
Supporting Structure
Care should be taken that any structural element by which the system is supported, e.g. steel structure, concrete/brick wall or slab, has a fire
resistance equal to or greater than ____________ minutes(1).
Lining Boards
Single layer of 9mm thick PROMATECT®-H matrix engineered mineral boards as manufactured by Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd.
Standard board dimension 1220mm x 2440mm x 9mm thick.
Galvanised steel sheeting rails will be bolted horizontally at maximum 1800mm centres. Fix galvansied steel top hat sections vertically at 610mm
centres. External cladding will be fixed in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
9mm thick PROMATECT®-H boards will be fixed to the steel framing at the internal face. All horizontal joints to be backed with a PROMATECT®-H
board strip.
Mineral wool will be contained within the cavity where applicable.
Plain butt joints between machined edges of boards. (4)
Joints filled in preparation for painting. (5)
Joints filled and taped in preparation for decoration. (6)
Follow-on Trades
Surface of boards to be prepared for painting/plastering/tiling(7) in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
• (1) insert required fire resistance level not exceeding 120 minutes.
• (2) insert required insulation level not exceeding the fire resistance level(1).
• (3), (4), (5), (6), (7) delete as appropriate.
• All perimeter gaps caulked with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant.
PH 30.24.1
External Wall (Single Sided Protection)
Fire resistance
Fire attack from board side / Non loadbearing FRL -/240/15
38dB (-7) (-/120/15)
# Rw 40dB (-7) (-/240/15)
46dB (-10) (-/120/15)
50dB (-10) (-/240/15)
3 6
1 One layer of PROMATECT®-H board 9mm thick, screw fixed to all top hat sections at nominal 300mm centres
2 Horizontal galvanised steel sheeting rails, bolted at maximum 1800mm centres
3 Perimeter galvanised steel angle 25mm x 25mm x 0.56mm thick, secured to floor or wall using 40mm long M6 masonry anchors at nominal 500mm
4 Vertical galvanised steel top hat sections approximately 26mm x 80mm x 0.56mm thick, secured to every sheeting rail using two steel fixings at
610mm centres per rail (width of the top hat section, facing where boards are fixed at, must be minimum 50mm)
5 External cladding sheet either single skin steel or fibre cement (please consult Promat for other types of cladding)
6 Caulk all perimeter gaps with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant to achieve the required fire resistance and/or acoustic performance
PH 30.24.1
External Wall (Single Sided Protection)
1 One layer of PROMATECT®-H board 9mm thick, screw fixed to all top hat
sections at nominal 300mm centres
PROMATECT®-H External Wall (Single Sided Protection)
Architectural Specification
PH 30.24.1
The following are standard Architectural Specifications for external wall systems using PROMATECT®-H. The designer must determine the
suitability of the design to the application and requirements before undertaking or constructing any works relating to the specifications and
where in doubt should obtain the advice of a suitably qualified engineer.
Acoustic Performance
The partition system shall have a Weighted Sound Reduction Index of Rw 39.
Supporting Structure
Care should be taken that any structural element by which the system is supported, e.g. steel structure, concrete/brick wall or slab, has a fire
resistance equal to or greater than 240 minutes.
Lining Boards
Single layer of 9mm thick PROMATECT®-H matrix engineered mineral boards as manufactured by Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd.
Standard board dimension 1220mm x 2440mm x 9mm thick.
Galvanised steel sheeting rails will be bolted horizontally at maximum 1800mm centres. Fix galvansied steel top hat sections vertically at 610mm
centres. External cladding will be fixed in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
9mm thick PROMATECT®-H boards will be fixed to the steel framing at the internal face. All horizontal joints to be backed with a PROMATECT®-H
board strip.
Mineral wool will be contained within the cavity where applicable.
Plain butt joints between machined edges of boards. (1)
Joints filled in preparation for painting. (2)
Joints filled and taped in preparation for decoration. (3)
Follow-on Trades
Surface of boards to be prepared for painting/plastering/tiling(4) in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
• (1), (2), (3), (4) delete as appropriate.
• All perimeter gaps caulked with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant.
PH 30.60.2/
External Wall (Double Sided Protection) 30.12.2
Fire resistance
Fire attack from both sides / Non loadbearing FRL -/60/60
7 # Rw
38dB (-/30/30)
46dB (-/60/60)
47dB (-/120/120)
From 242mm
1 One layer PROMATECT®-H board 9mm thick, screw fixed to all top hat sections at nominal 300mm centres
4 Perimeter galvanised steel angle 25mm x 25mm x 0.6mm thick, secured to floor or wall using 40mm long M6 masonry anchors at nominal 500mm
5 Vertical galvanised steel top hat sections approximately 26mm x 80mm x 0.56mm thick, secured to every sheeting rail using two steel fixings at
610mm centres per rail (width of the top hat section, facing where boards are fixed at, must be minimum 50mm)
7 External cladding sheet, either single skin steel or fibre cement (please consult Promat for other types of cladding)
8 Caulk all perimeter gaps with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant to achieve the required fire resistance and/or acoustic performance
PH 30.60.2/
External Wall (Double Sided Protection) 30.12.2
Nominal 300mm
1 One layer PROMATECT®-H board 9mm thick, screw fixed to all top hat sections at
nominal 300mm centres
2 PROMATECT®-H cover strips 100mm x 9mm thick, fixed at horizontal board joints
3 One layer of mineral wool
Fire Mineral wool
resistance thickness x minimum density
5 -/30/30 Not required
imu 3
80mm x 23kg/m suspended between the sheeting rails using
50m m -/60/60 steel angle 50mm x 25mm x 0.56mm thick or similar, fixed
through the mineral wool to the rail at maximum 500mm centres.
-/120/120 75mm x 100kg/m3
4 Horizontal galvanised steel sheeting rails, bolted at maximum 1800mm centres
6 5 Perimeter galvanised steel angle 25mm x 25mm x 0.6mm thick, secured to floor or
4 wall using 40mm long M6 masonry anchors at nominal 500mm centres
6 Vertical galvanised steel top hat sections approximately 26mm x 80mm x 0.56mm
7 thick, secured to every sheeting rail using two steel fixings at 610mm centres
per rail (width of the top hat section, facing where boards are fixed at, must be
minimum 50mm)
7 External cladding sheet, either single skin steel or fibre cement (please consult
Promat for other types of cladding)
8 Existing fire resistant structural steel column cladding
Top hat section fixing
9 Caulk all perimeter gaps with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant to achieve the
required fire resistance and/or acoustic performance
PROMATECT®-H External Wall (Single Sided Protection)
Architectural Specification
PH 30.60.2/
The following are standard Architectural Specifications for external wall systems using PROMATECT®-H. The designer must determine the
suitability of the design to the application and requirements before undertaking or constructing any works relating to the specifications and
where in doubt should obtain the advice of a suitably qualified engineer.
Acoustic Performance
The partition system shall have a Weighted Sound Reduction Index of Rw ____________(4).
Supporting Structure
Care should be taken that any structural element by which the partition system is supported, e.g. steel structure, concrete/brick wall or slab,
has a fire resistance equal to or greater than ____________ minutes(1).
Lining Boards
Single layer of 9mm thick PROMATECT®-H matrix engineered mineral boards as manufactured by Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd.
Standard board dimension 1220mm x 2440mm x 9mm thick.
Galvanised steel sheeting rails will be bolted horizontally at maximum 1800mm centres. Fix galvanised steel top hat sections vertically at 610mm
centres. External cladding will be fixed at the external part, after PROMATECT®-H boards are fixed.
9mm thick PROMATECT®-H boards will be fixed to the steel framing at the internal and external faces. Cover strips to back all horizontal joints
between boards and to separate vertical top hats and sheeting rail.
Plain butt joints between machined edges of boards. (5)
Joints filled in preparation for painting. (6)
Joints filled and taped in preparation for decoration. (7)
Follow-on Trades
Surface of boards to be prepared for painting/plastering/tiling(8) in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
• (1) insert required fire resistance level not exceeding 120 minutes.
• (2) insert required insulation level not exceeding the fire resistance level(1).
• (3), (5), (6), (7), (8) delete as appropriate.
• (4) insert acoustic value not exceeding 38dB (for -/30/30 fire resistance), 46dB (for -/60/60 fire resistance) or 47dB (for -/120/120 fire
• All perimeter gaps caulked with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant.
PMF 30.24.1
External Wall (Single Sided Protection)
Fire resistance
Fire attack from board side / Non loadbearing FRL -/240/15
ISO140: Part 3: 1996
ISO717: Part 1: 1996
PREDICTED Marshall Day
ASSESSMENT 18th October 2006
Depends upon purlin dimension
From 14.78kg/m2
4 5 # Margin of error is generally within ±3dB
* Details for walls above 3000mm high are available
on request
2 Vertical galvanised steel top hat sections approximately 26mm x 80mm x 0.56mm thick, secured to every sheeting rail using two steel fixings at
610mm centres per rail (width of the top hat section, facing where boards are fixed at, must be minimum 50mm)
4 Perimeter galvanised steel angle 25mm x 25mm x 0.8mm thick, secured to floor or wall using 40mm long M6 masonry anchors at nominal 500mm
5 Caulk all perimeter gaps with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant to achieve the required fire resistance and/or acoustic performance
6 External cladding sheet, either single skin steel or fibre cement (please consult Promat for other types of cladding)
PMF 30.24.1
External Wall (Single Sided Protection)
1 One layer of PROMINA® 60 board 9mm thick, screw fixed to all top hat
sections at nominal 300mm centres
6 External cladding sheet, either single skin steel or fibre cement (please
consult Promat for other types of cladding)
PROMINA® 60 External Wall (Single Sided Protection)
Architectural Specification
PMF 30.24.1
The following are standard Architectural Specifications for external wall systems using PROMINA® 60. The designer must determine the
suitability of the design to the application and requirements before undertaking or constructing any works relating to the specifications and
where in doubt should obtain the advice of a suitably qualified engineer.
Acoustic Performance
The partition system shall have a Weighted Sound Reduction Index of at least Rw 39.
Supporting Structure
Care should be taken that any structural element by which the partition system is supported, e.g. steel structure, concrete/brick wall or slab,
has a fire resistance equal to or greater than 240 minutes.
Lining Boards
Single layer of 9mm thick PROMINA® 60 matrix engineered mineral boards as manufactured by Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd. Standard
board dimension 1220mm x 2440mm x 9mm thick.
Galvanised steel sheeting rails will be bolted horizontally at maximum 1800mm centres. Fix galvanised steel top hat sections vertically at 610mm
centres. External cladding will be fixed at the external part.
9mm thick PROMINA® 60 boards will be fixed to the steel framing at the internal face. All horizontal joints to be backed with a PROMINA® 60
board strip.
Plain butt joints between machined edges of boards. (2)
Joints filled in preparation for painting. (3)
Joints filled and taped in preparation for decoration. (4)
Follow-on Trades
Surface of boards to be prepared for painting/plastering/tiling(5) in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
• (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) delete as appropriate.
• All perimeter gaps caulked with PROMASEAL®-A Acrylic Sealant.
For latest information of the Promat Asia Pacific organisation,
please refer to