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LIRA SAPR 2014 Sales Leaflet Eng

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Modern software package

for analysis and design of building and
mechanical engineering structures of
different purposes

Certificate of Compliance with building codes of the Russian Federation RU.15.H00615

Copyright Certificate No.38885 for LIRA-SAPR software from June 25, 2011
Copyright Certificate No.41580 for MIRAGE software from December 29, 2011
Validation passport for the software No.193 issued by Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia

Main features

Modern concepts of computer-aided analysis and design

Multi-language support: Ukrainian, Russian, English, French

New advanced graphical user interface SAPFIR-Structures;

User-friendly graphical interface (VISOR-SAPR module) where it is possible to visualize design model
in 3D graphics at all stages of analysis;
Alternative Ribbon User Interface;
Powerful multifunctional solver that realizes advanced algorithms of setting up and solving the set of
equations up to several millions of unknowns;
Mode for alternative design: within the same problem the user could vary element sections, materials,
building codes;
Extensive library of finite elements that enables you to
create computer models of almost any structures;
Dynamic analysis of the structure (earthquake, wind with
pulsation, vibration, impulse, impact, response
spectrum, earthquake by accelerograms). For
earthquake analysis, building codes of different foreign
countries are supported;
Modules for design of reinforced concrete (RC) and steel
elements in accordance with building codes of CIS,
Europe and the USA;
Super-element simulation with visualization at every
stage of analysis. This simulation allows you to remove
any restrictions on the size of the problem;
Modules of physical nonlinearity on the basis of different
nonlinear relations. These modules enable you to
simulate the loading process for both mono- and bimaterial RC structures and to trace crack propagation,
creep strain and yield until the complete damage of the
Modules of geometrical nonlinearity that enable you to
analyse both geometrically stable structures (flexible
plate, shells, trusses, etc.) and geometrically unstable
structures that take load due to considerable change in its
initial shape (separate ropes, guy trusses, guy shells, tent
structures, membranes);
Special Document Maker that enables you to generate
report that contains data in text, tabular and graphical
form and generate files for MS Office;
Interface with other graphic and documentary systems
(SAPFIR-3D, Revit Structure 2008/2009/2010,
AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, Advance Steel, BoCAD, Allplan,
STARK ES, Gmsh, MS Word, MS Excel, GLAZER, etc.)
through a DXF, MDB, STP, SLI, MSH, STL, OBJ, IFC and
other files;

Preprocessor SAPFIR-Structures
SAPFIR-Structures module enables you to generate
design model of the structure based on 3D model
obtained in SAPFIR-3D, Allplan, Revit, AutoCAD, etc.
The following sequence of transformation steps is
realized: architectural model analythical model
design model. Different algorithms for FE mesh
generation. Automatic generation of rigid bodies for
arbitrary intersection of bars and plates. User-firendly
mode for defining capital, slab thickening, ramp,
sequence of assemblage with further visualization of
assemblage (erection) process.
SAPFIR-Structures module enables the user to define
and edit loads concentrated and distributed along the line
and across the area. Loads are defined on arbitrary
surfaces; loads are not located relative to FE model. To
define wind load, only wind region and direction of load
are required.
It is possible to automatically generate service loads
depending on the purpose of the premises. Diagnostics
of generated analytical model is available.
Key Features and Options
to select triangulation algorithm and individual settings
for parameters. Different algorithms for FE mesh
generation. For every algorithm it is possible to define its
own specific parameters that describe specific
procedures of the algorithm and properties of result.
to manually extend and intersect contours to join their
SAPFIR-Structures module enables you to search for
intersected or neighbouring plates and bars, find
intersection of such elements with the specified precision
and edit places where they are connected.
multicriterion quality control for the model; interactive
report with errors.
Library of verification algorithms helps the user to detect
inconsistencies and potential problems in analythical
model of the object. Errors are presented in the
interactive list, so you could easily find problems at the
graphic presentation of the model.
to define and edit loads graphically in the interactive
mode, generate load cases.
With appropriate graphical tools, the engineer will be able
to simulate loads in the space of the object more clearly.
to generate several analytical models (design options)
from the same physical model.
For each design option, you could devote attention to a
certain structural aspect. As a result, this aspect may be
considered in the most effective way.

Constant development, comprehensive support

Main modes and modules

Reinforced Concrete (RC) Structures (mode)
Analysis & design of RC structures. In this mode it is possible to
determine areas of reinforcement for columns, beams, slabs
and shells according to ultimate and serviceability limit states.
Drawing of beams and columns are presented after analysis;
they may be saved as DXF files. Eurocode and other building
codes are supported.

LARM-SAPR module. Separate RC Bar or

Plate Elements
Analysis of reinforcement in local mode - analysis & design of
the separate RC bar or plate element according to appropriate
building codes. Areas of reinforcement are determined and
then the specified reinforcement is checked for selected
element. Eurocode and other building codes are supported.

Steel Structures (mode)

Analysis & design of elements of steel structures. In this mode
you could determine and check sections, consider joints of steel
structures. STC-SAPR module (steel analysis in local mode)
works in stand-alone mode and checks several variants of
design. Eurocode and other building codes are supported.

SRS-SAPR module. Steel Tables (Steel Rolled

In this module you could create new and edit existing steel tables
of rolled and welded sections. Extensive database of steel tables
and shapes of CIS, Europe and the USA.

SB-SAPR module. (Section of Bar)

In this module you could create custom shapes and compute
their axial, flexural, torsion, shear and plastic section properties.

There are three modules: SLAB, DIAPHRAGM, COLUMN.
These modules present reinforcement & formwork drawings
for floor slabs, diaphragms, columns; the drawings contain
reinforcement patterns, specifications, bills of materials and
components. The drawings are presented for model of the
structure generated in SAPFIR-Structures module and based
on values of design areas of reinforcement obtained in ARMSAPR mode.
In SLAB module the user could generate contour plots of
design reinforcement; obtain user-friendly tools to define,
locate and unify pattern zones for additional reinforcement with
account of defined main reinforcement for every mark of a slab.
It is also possible to frame the openings with reinforcement, etc.
Drawings may be generated along each of the two directions of
rebar patterns along top and botton edges of a slab.
In DIAPHRAGM module the user could generate contour plots
of design reinforcement for defined marks of diaphragms
(walls). For design of diaphragm, rebars are arranged
automatically along two directions for both edges of
diaphragm. Rebar pattern generated automatically may be
modified by the user later. It is also possible to frame the
openings with reinforcement, etc.
According to mosaic plots of design reinforcement on the model of whole structure, in COLUMN module you could
obtain tools to generate required types of reinforcement for defined marks of columns. Column reinforcement is
arranged automatically according to assigned type of reinforcement. Rebar pattern generated automatically may
be modified by the user later.

Additional special solvers and graphic modules

Special solver ASSEMBLAGE plus that allows
you to simulate erection (assemblage) of the multistorey buildings with account of frequent changes in
design model. For monolithic reinforced concrete
structures it is allowed to disassemble formwork,
temporary supports, change stiffness and strength of
concrete due to temporary freezing of concrete mix
and other factors.

SOIL system enables you to generate 3D soil model

according to data from geological survey (location and
soil properties in the specified boreholes). It is also
possible to compute moduli of subgrade reaction that
vary across the area of foundation slab. Neightbouring
structures are considered. Subgrade moduli may be
calculated by different methods.
There is special procedure that enables you to perform
automatic triangulation of 3D soil, apply obtained FE
mesh to 3D soil model and assign physical and
mechanical properties to every FE depending on its
location. Contour plots for parameters of stress strain
state on arbitrary plane sections of soil simplify
evaluation of analysis results.


module, based on analysis of steel

structures in LIRA-SAPR software, enables you to
obtain layouts with marks of elements and nodes, lists
of elements, drawings of joints with 3D visualization
and specifications. That is, you will get complete set of
KM drawings (drawings of steel structures) in
AutoCAD environment.

METEOR (Method of unified complete result).

Enhanced options for MODEL VARIATION system.
New system that enables the user to merge problems
with the same topology nodal coordinates, FE
model, geometry of sections. Problems may differ in
load cases, stiffness and boundary conditions.

solver is mentioned to analyse bridge

structures and enables you to get influence and
surface lines of forces in specified section from moving
load. Based on obtained forces the user could
compose design combinations of forces, import them
to SB-SAPR module and determine stresses in
elements of sections in the framework of steel bridges.

Dynamics-plus solver enables you to perform

Multicore processor technology

time history analysis of nonlinear deformed structures

(physical, geometrical and structural nonlinearity).
Analysis on arbitrary loads as well as analysis by
accelerograms is available.
Address: 7a Kiyanovsky side street (pereulok), Kiev 04053, Ukraine
Website: www.liraland.com / E-mail: international@liraland.com.ua

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