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Sajan Jose. et al / International Journal of Innovative Pharmaceutical Research. 2010,1(2),53-56 .

                                                                                                                                                                        ISSN: 0976-4607 
                                                                                                                                                                        Research Article

International Journal of Innovative Pharmaceutical Research

Journal homepage: www.ijipr.com

Design and Development of Orodispersible Tablets of Promethazine

Theoclate Using Coprocessed Superdisintegrants and Subliming
A.J. Chacko1, Sajan Jose1*, Neeba Babu1, Lucille and Marlyn Michelle1
Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences, M.G. University,
Cheruvandoor campus, Kottayam, Kerala, India.
The objective of the study was to develop a traveller friendly orodispersible tablet of promethazine theoclate by
direct compression using superdisintegrant combinations and subliming materials. The poor aqueous solubility of
Promethazine theoclate makes its absorption as dissolution rate-limited and thus delay onset of action. In this work an
attempt was made to develop a novel drug delivery system for Promethazine theoclate by simple and cost effective direct
compression technique. Formulations were developed using superdisintegrants (crosspovidone, CP and sodium starch
glycolate, SSG) and co-processed superdisinetgrants (CP:SSG 3:1, CP:SSG 1:1, CP:SSG 1:3) in different concentrations.
After examining the flow properties of the powder blends, it was subjected to tablet compression. Prepared tablets were
evaluated for organoleptic properties, thickness, hardness, friability, disintegration time, wetting time, water absorption
ratio, weight variation, percentage drug content, in-vitro dispersion time, uniformity of dispersion and in-vitro dissolution
studies. Based on the results, formulation containing CP: SSG 3:1 at a concentration 5% was found to be promising and
selected as the optimized formulation. A similar formulation was prepared by sublimation technique and compared with the
optimized formulation. This comparative evaluation revealed that direct compression method is a better alternative to
sublimation method. It was concluded that dissolution rate of PT can be enhanced to a great extent by direct compression
technique with the addition of novel co-processed superdisintegrants which give immediate relief from emesis.

Keywords: Promethazine Theoclate, Orodispersible tablets, Direct compression, Sublimation, coprocessed


Oral ingestion remains to be the perfect route for porous tablets, and freeze dried wafers (Chatap et al.,
administration of therapeutic agents despite of the 2007; Dobetti, 2001; Bandari et al., 2008; Pfister and
tremendous advancements in drug delivery (Banker, Ghosh, 2005; Sharma, 2008; Satpathy, 2007). When such
1986).Two widely faced challenges in oral drug delivery tablets are placed in the oral cavity, saliva quickly
are dysphagia and delivery of unpalatable drugs penetrates into the pores to cause rapid tablet
(Bhandari et al., 2008). Therefore to improve the disintegration without any chewing by patients. Skillful
compliance and quality of life of mainly pediatric and taste masking hides the bitterness and will result in a
geriatric patients, emphasis is laid on the development of superior product (Brown, 2003).
novel drug delivery systems. One such approach is orally
fast disintegrating tablets, which do not require water to Recently we confirmed that orodisperse tablets
aid swallowing (Chatap et al., 2007). These orodisperse can be prepared by conventional techniques like
tablets are synonymous with fast dissolve, rapid dissolve, lyophilization, molding, spray drying, sublimation, direct
fast melts, quick disintegrating, melt in mouth tablets, compression and disintegrant addition (Dobetti, 2001;
Bandari, 2008; Sharma, 2008; Kundu and Sahoo, 2008;
*Corrosponding author Kuchekar and Arumugam, 2001; Gohel and Jogani, 2005;
Patel, 2006). However to eliminate expensive
Sajan Jose sophisticated techniques, we investigated a cheap
Email id: sajanjose@hotmail.com convenient method of preparing orodisperse tablets using
coprocessed superdisintegrant combinations. We choose

Sajan Jose. et al / International Journal of Innovative Pharmaceutical Research. 2010,1(2),53-56 . 

crosspovidone and sodium starch glycolate as Wetting time and Water absorption ratio (Mohapatra
superdisintegrants. et al., 2008; Bandari, 2008)
Wetting time and water absorption ratio was
The aim of the present study was to develop and measured by placing a tablet on a piece of tissue paper
evaluate orodisperse tablet of promethazine theoclate folded twice in a small culture dish containing 6 ml of
exploring the functionality of coprocessed phosphate buffer pH 6.8 and water respectively. The time
superdisintegrants. The optimization of the formulations required for water to reach the upper surface of the tablet
was followed by the comparative evaluation of the was noted as the wetting time.
optimized formulation with the formulation prepared by In vitro disintegration test (Indian Pharmacopoeia,
sublimation. Promethazine theoclate is a histamine H1 1996; Sharma, 2008)
receptor antagonist with the greatest effectiveness in The disintegration time was measured using
motion sickness and vestibular disturbances. Rapid onset disintegration test apparatus. One tablet was placed in
of action is of prime importance in patients with nausea each tube of the basket. This basket was immersed in
and motion sickness (Indian Pharmacopoeia, 1996; water bath at 37+ 20 C. The time required for complete
Tripathi, 1985). So the patient would be benefited by the disintegration was recorded with standard deviation.
proposed drug delivery system.
Test for dispersion (Mohapatra, 2008; Indian
MATERIALS AND METHODS Pharmacopoeia, 1996)
Promethazine theoclate was obtained as gift In vitro dispersion time was measured by dropping a
sample from Mehta Pharmaceutical Industries, Mumbai, tablet into 10ml of phosphate buffer pH 6.8 in a beaker at
Microcrystalline cellulose and Sodium starch glycolate 37±0.5ºC. Time required for complete dispersion of the
were obtained as gift samples from Sance Laboratories tablet was recorded.
Pvt Ltd, Palai, Crospovidone was obtained as gift sample
from Microlabs, Bangalore, Mannitol, Magnesium Dissolution study (United States Pharmacopoeia, 2000;
stearate, Colloidal silicon dioxide, Talc, Sodium Sharma and Gupta, 2008)
saccharin and Vanillin were purchased from Nice In vitro dissolution study was performed using
chemicals, Kochi. Other reagents were of analytical USP dissolution apparatus Type 2 (Paddle type) at
grade. 100rpm using 900 ml phosphate buffer pH 6.8 as the
dissolution medium at 37±0.5ºC. Aliquots of dissolution
Fabrication of orodispersible tablets (Banker and medium were withdrawn and the absorbances of filtered
Anderson, 1986; Sharma, 2008; Gohel et al., 2007; solutions were determined by UV Spectrophotometer at
Mohapatra, 2008; Wells et al., 2002; Kumar et al., 2009) 211.0nm. Six trials were performed for each batch and
average percentage drug release with standard deviation
Coprocessed superdisintegrants are initially was calculated and recorded.
prepared in the ratios 1:3, 1:1 and 3:1. After evaluating
the flow properties of pure and coprocessed RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
superdisintegrants, powder blends of promethazine The prepared tablets of all the formulations
theoclate were prepared by varying concentrations of possessed good mechanical strength with sufficient
pure and coprocessed superdisintegrants were prepared. hardness in the range of 3.5±0.0817 kg/cm2 to
These powder blends were evaluated for their flow 4.2±0.0983 kg/cm2 and the friability value ranged from
properties and followed by tablet compression by direct 0.62% to 0.84% which was found to be within the limit
compression technique using Cadmach tableting machine (i.e. maximum 1%). All the prepared formulations
equipped with round flat punch of 8mm diameter. disintegrated in less than 3 minutes indicating the
Compositions of different batches of tablets prepared are efficacy of both superdisintegrants and coprocessed
shown in Table 1 and Table 2. Orodispersible tablets of superdisintegrants. The in vitro disintegration time for all
promethazine theoclate are also prepared by sublimation tablet formulations ranged from 12±2.2509 seconds to
technique using camphor which is shown in Table 3. 151±17.7050 seconds. Among the formulations, F9 was
found to have the minimum disintegration time of
Evaluation of tablets 12±2.2509 seconds. Hence coprocessing resulted in the
The prepared tablets were evaluated for formation of quickly disintegrating tablets.
thickness (Banker and Anderson, 1986), weight variation
(United State Pharmacopoeia, 2000) and drug content The average wetting time for all formulations
uniformity test (Mohapatra et al., 2008) was conducted. were in the range of 21±1.5063 seconds to 159±7.7825
seconds. The minimum and maximum wetting time was
Hardness and Friability (Banker and Anderson, 1986) observed for F9 and F4 respectively. Water absorption
Hardness was measured using Pfizer hardness ratios for all formulations were in the range of
tester with ten tablets. Friability of twenty tablets was 44.14±3.5533% to 123.65±3.3515%. The percentage
determined by Roche Friabilator rotated at 25rpm for 4 drug content of all formulations was found to be between
minutes. 94.5 to 106.3% of Promethazine theoclate which are
within the acceptable limits. All the tablets passed weight

Sajan Jose. et al / International Journal of Innovative Pharmaceutical Research. 2010,1(2),53-56 . 

variation test as the percentage weight variation was 119%, in vitro dispersion time of 23 seconds compared to
much within the pharmacopoeial limits of 7.5%. The in the control formulation.
vitro dispersion time for all formulations was found to be
decreasing with increasing disintegrant concentration. Comparison of results of evaluation of tablets
Formulation F9 was found to be promising and displayed prepared by sublimation technique and optimized
an in vitro dispersion time of 23 seconds which facilitates batch
their faster dispersion in the mouth. The use of subliming agent results in tablets
with increased friability and minimized wetting time,
The cumulative percentage of promethazine disintegration time and invitro dispersion time. This is
theoclate released as a function of time from formulations attributed to the faster uptake of water by capillary action
F1 to F15 ranged between 85.18±2.8504 % and due to the porous structure formed, thus facilitating the
98.29±2.6531 % at 12 minutes. Dissolution for the disintegrant to bring about faster disintegration.
control batch with no disintegrants (F16) was very slow Eventhough the in vitro dissolution profile indicated
with only 62.68±1.7252 % released in 3 minutes and faster release from formulation F17; it was proved that
about 76.2±1.0062 % in 12 minutes. The rapid drug there was no significant difference between the
dissolution was observed in F9 (CP: SSG 3:1 5%) which dissolution profiles of formulation F17 and F9. It is
released 98.29±2.6531 % at the end of 12 minutes. The concluded that simply by direct compression technique,
rapid drug dissolution might be due to easy break down orodispersible tablets of promethazine theoclate can be
of particles due to the presence of superdisintegrants and successfully prepared.
coprocessed superdisintegrants and dissolution of drug
into the medium. F9 formulation showed good CONCLUSION
dissolution efficiency and rapid dissolution. We developed mouth dissolving tablets of
promethazine theoclate using coprocessed
Rapid disintegration with tablets having higher superdisintegrant combination by direct compression
levels of superdisintegrants might be one of the probable technique. F9 tablets which displayed minimum
causes for their faster dissolution. Another reason could disintegration time and wetting time was selected as the
be that in the presence of disintegrants, the matrix might optimized batch. The optimized formulation and the
have distorted resulting in higher surface area, allowing formulation prepared by sublimation showed similar
the superdisintegrants to readily pick up water and dissolution profile. Hence this technique proves to be an
thereby rendering rapid rate of dissolution. effective alternative approach to use of more expensive
and sophisticated techniques in the formulation of
Formulation F9 having co processed orodisperse tablets.
superdisintegrants CP: SSG 3:1 in the concentration of
5% was selected as the optimized formulation. F9 tablets ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
displayed better disintegration time of 12 seconds, The authors wish to thank Dr.N.A. Aleykutty for the
wetting time of 21 seconds, water absorption ratio of immense support given to carry out the research work.


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