Aero Midterm 2 Solution Sheet
Aero Midterm 2 Solution Sheet
Aero Midterm 2 Solution Sheet
6th December 2012 18:0020:30
Yrd.Doç.Dr.Bayram Çelik and Doç.Dr.Melike Nikbay
NOTE: No other complementary documents are allowed during the exam. Please show
all your work clearly, otherwise you will not be given full credit for your answers.
No credits will be given to results without UNITS.
Question 1: (15 points)
A circular disk with a diameter D is placed in a uniform flow field as shown in the figure
below. The average pressure coefficient on the forward and rearward surfaces of the
disk are 0.75 and ‐0.40 respectively. What is the corresponding drag coefficient? (Hint:
Use the cross sectional area as reference area)
Solution 1:
Drag on the disk
The drag coefficient
Question 2: (15 points)
There were early attempts in the development of the airplane to use rotating cylinders
as airfoils. Consider such a cylinder having a diameter of 1 m . If this cylinder is rotated
at 100 rpm while the plane moves at a speed of 100 km/h through the air at 2km
standard atmosphere (where the air density is 1.0066 kg/m3), estimate the lift per unit
span that could be developed.
Solution 2:
R=0.5m U∞=27.78 m/s ρ∞= 1.0066 kg/m3
Angular velocity Ω=(100 rev/min)*(2π rad/rev)*(1min/60s)=10.47 rad/s
Velocity on the surface of the cylinder Vθ=R* Ω=0.5m*10.47 rad/s= 5.24 m/s
Lift per unit span L’= ρ∞* U∞* Γ= 1.0066 kg/m3*27.78 m/s*16.45 / = 460N
Question 3: (20 points)
A rotating cylinder placed in a two dimensional incompressible uniform flow has two
stagnation points on its lower section. When the angular velocity of the cylinder is
increased to 3/2 times its initial value, the angle between the stagnation points
decreases with an amount of π/3. Find the initial locations of the two stagnation points.
Hint: Use the following expressions and mathematical identity if necessary.
⎛ R2 ⎞ ⎛ R2 ⎞ Γ
sin(α ± β) = sin α cos β ± cos α sin β Vr = ⎜⎜1 − 2 ⎟⎟ V∞ cos θ Vθ = − ⎜ 1 + 2 ⎟ V∞ sin θ −
⎝ r ⎠ ⎝ r ⎠ 2π r
Solution 3:
Question 4: (15 points)
Solution 4:
Question 5: (20 points)
An aircraft is flying at standard atmosphere conditions at 5000 m with a cruise velocity
of 288 km/hr. The pressure difference between the values measured by pitot tube
(stagnation pressure) and a point A on the aircraft is equal to 25 mm Mercury column.
Calculate the pressure coefficent at point A. (Hint: The change in pressure and
temperature as a function of altitude is given as; p / p sl = (1 − h / 44300) 5.26 and
T5 = Tsl − 6.5 × 10 −3 h where h is the altitude and psl is the standard atmosphere at sea level .
Use ρ Hg = 13.6 g / cm 3 . )
h = 500 0 m A
V∞ = 288 km/h
Solution 5:
Uçuş hızı V∞ = 288 [km / h] × = 80 m / s Sıkıştırılamaz akım
p A − p∞ V A2
Basınç katsayısı CpA = =1−
½ρV∞2 V∞2
Bernoulli denklemi p t = p A + ½ρV A2 → V A2 = ( pt − p A )
5000 m irtifada basınç
p 5 = p sl (1 − h / 44300) 5.26 = 10396(1 − 5000 / 44300) 5.26 = 54006.1 Pa
p5 54006.1
5000 m irtifada yoğunluk ρ5 = = = 0.736 kg / m³
RT5 287 × 255.5
Basınç farkı
p t − p A = 25 [ mmHgS ] × 13.6 [ g / cm ³] × 9.81 [ m / s ²] = 3335 .4 Pa
2 2
A noktasında hızın karesi V A2 = ( pt − p A ) = × 3335.4 = 9057.5
ρ5 0.736
A noktasında hız V A = 95.2 m / s
V A2
Böylece Cp A =1− = 1 − (95.2 / 80) 2 = −0.415
Question 6: (15 points)
Consider the open circuit type low‐speed wind tunnel as shown in the figure. The
ambient air is used to provide a low speed uniform flow in settling chamber. The
contraction ratio for the nozzle is A1/A2 =8 . The pressure difference between the walls
of the settling chamber (P1) and the test section (P2) is given as 150 mm water column.
Calculate the net normal force per unit area exerting on the test section walls as a result
of the interior and exterior pressure difference (P2‐Patm). (Hint: The air outside the
tunnel is assumed to be stagnant.)
Pat A1 A2
P1 Patm
Solution 6:
Rüzgar tüneli boyunca enerji kaybı olmadığına göre
Süreklilik denkleminden V1 A1 = V 2 A2 → V1 / V 2 = A2 / A1
p1 − p 2 p1 − p 2
Böylece p at − p 2 = ½ρV22 = =
1 − V12 / V22 1 − A22 / A12
p1 − p 2 1471.5
Dikey kuvvet p at − p 2 = = = 1494.9 Pa
1− A22 / A12 1 − 1 / 8²
Not: Çözümü, ara aşamaları adım adım ilerleterek de yapmak mümkündür.