RT Procedure - API 1104 Standard PDF
RT Procedure - API 1104 Standard PDF
RT Procedure - API 1104 Standard PDF
Trisalti. tlkxk .{ lil. -rer Fanas" Batam. Indonesie
Telp: +6?,-77E452914. Email. adminirdiif;cuteche]mup.com
REV. NO 00
Reg. t42 2DIL
Wagimin. M Si
0220 199001 1 002
Naue : DrD,
r S91f i/lnr4n Name , f.lcnt fq-rlia Name : AdiPadmo
ct,ltl REV. NO 00
I<AI'T('(;I<AI.HIU UXAflAINA-I:I('N Itt\ I L ro Augusf Z0l5
This page is a record of all revisions of the procedure and the following revision (s) has (have) been made to
this procedure.
2 Umum 2 General 4
4 Referensi 4 References 7
5 Definisi-deflnisi 5 Definitions 7
7.4 Jenis Image Quality Indicator (IQl) 7.4 Type of Image Quality Indicators (lQI) ll
/.5 Pemilihan Image Qualify Indicator 7.5 Selection of Image Quality Indicators ll
7.6 Penempatan Image Quality Indicator 7.6 Placement of Image Quality Indicators t2
7.7 Identif,rkasi gambar 7.7 Identifi cation of Images 13
2 Umum 2 General
2.1 Prosedur ini menyajikan persyaratan 2.1 This procedure presents the requirements
untuk menghasilkan gambar radiografi for producing radiographic images on film
pada film atau media lain melalui or other media through the use of X-rays or
penggunuuul sinar-X atau sinar gamma rays. A detailed procedure for the
garnma. Suatu prosedur rinci untuk production of images shall be established
produksi gambar harus ditetapkan dan and recorded. Radiographic film produced
dicatat. Film radiografi yang dihasilkan by the use of this procedure shall have the
dengan menggunakan prosedur ini harus density, clarity, and contrast required by
mempunyai density, kejelasan, dan this standard. Images produced by other
kontras standar. Gambar yang dihasilkan systems shall have the requisite sensitivity
oleh sistem lain harus memiliki to define clearly the essential wire
sensitivity yang diperlukan untuk diameter of the proper Image Quality
menampakkan diameter kawat lmage Indicator (lQI). The following criteria shall
Quality Indicator (IQI). Kriteria berikut be used to evaluate images:
harus digunakan untuk e valuasi gambar:
a. Sebuah kualitas yang dapat diterima An acceptable image quality that is free
^. from fog and from processing irregularities
gambar yang bebas dari kabut dan dari
penyimpangan pemrosesan yang dapat that could mask the image of actual
menutupi gambar cacat aktual imperfections.
b. Menunjukkan Image Quality lndicator b. The prescribed Image Quality Indicator
(IQI) dan diameter kawat esensial (IQI) and the essential wire diameter.
c. Sebuah sistem identifikasi Yang c. A satisfactory identification system.
d. Suatu teknik yang dapat diterima dan d. An acceptable technique and setup.
e. Kesesuaian dengan standar e. Compatibil ity with acceptance standards.
)', Kontraktor harus menyediakan semua 2-2 Contractor shall furnish all materials,
materilq pekerj4 peralatan, dan peralatan labor, tools, and equipment necessary to
yang perlu untuk radiography inspeksi radiography inspection 100% of all girth
100% semua girth weld. Peralatan, welds. The equipment, film, radiographic
kwatifikasi radiograPhY Prosedur, procedure qualification, qualification of
Pt( l.i lr- lL\,!)(i\i:Sl;\
Kt:ittpir'1. irtr.iirrtt l'iisakii. tslock..\- jir. l..r l.i:!irf i)iiiuln. Indonesia
-61-713-1:l9ll. Enrail: adrnininCi i; ! L:i!.1,:;.:i., ar:;lr
\\ \\ \\ .c ilt(ul'tgttrril) ct)nl
REV. NO 00
\\ \\ \\ .( iltaiitgl tritp.c0nl
REV. NO 00
5 Definisi-definisi 5 Definitions
5.1 RT: Pengujian Radiografi. 5.1 RT : Radiographic Examination.
5.2 NDE: Pengujian tanpa merusak. 5.2 NDE: Non Destructive Examination.
5.3 IQI: Indikator qualitas gambar 5.3 IQI: Image Quality Indicator.
5.4 Densitometer: sebuah alat untuk 5.4 Densitometer: a device for measuring the
mengukur density film radiografi. optical density of radiograph film.
5.5 Indication: respon atau tanda bukti dari 5.5 Indication: the respond or evidence frotn a
sebuah pengujian tanpa merusak yang nondestructive examination that requires
memerlukan interpretasi untuk relevansi. interpretation to determine relevance.
5.6 Nominal thickness : tebal nominal dari 5.6 Nominal thickness : The nominal
material induk saja. Tolerance dari pabrik thickness of the parent material only.
pembuat tidak diperhitungkan. Manufacturing tolerances do not have to be
taken in account.
5.7 Object-to-film distance, t : Jarak antara 5.7 Object-to-film distance, t : The distance
permukaan objek sisi radiasi dan between the radiation side of the test object
permukaan film diukur sepanjang central and the film surface measured along the
dari beam radiasi. central axis of the radiation beam.
5.8 Source size, S: ukuran dari sumber 5.8 Source size, S : The size of the source
radiasi radiation.
5.9 Source-to-film distance, SFD : jarak 5.9 Source-to-film distance, SFD : The
antara sumber radiasi dan film diukur distance between the source of radiation
pada arah dari beam radiasi. and the film measured in the direction of
the beam.
s.10 Source-to-object distance, D : Jarak 5.10 Source-to-objectdistance,D:The
antara sumber radiasi dan objek dari sisi distance between the source of radiation
sumber radiasi diukur sepanjang central and the source side of the test object
dari beam radiasi. measured along the cental axis of the
radiation beam.
6.2 Personel yang menentuka-n keberterimaan 6.2 Personnel determining the acceptability to
sesuai s)'arat -syarat dari prosedur ini the requirements of this procedure shall be
harus mempunyai kwalifikasi Level II qualified to Level II or Level III
atau Level III radiographer.
7 Instruksi 7 Instructions
7.1 Persiapan Permukaan 7.1 Surface Preparation
7.1.1 Riak lasan atau penyimpangan 7.1.1 Weld ripples or weld surface irregularities
permukaan lasan baik pada bagian dalam on both the inside (where accessible) and
(di mana dapat diakses) dan luar harus outside shall be removed to such a degree
dihilangkan sedemikian rupa sehingga that the resulting radiographic image due
gambar radiografi yang dihasilkan karena to surface irregularities cannot mask or be
permukaan yang tidak rata tidak confused with the image of any
menutupi atau menjadi bingung dengan discontinuities.
gambar dari setiap diskontinuitas.
7.1.2 Permukaan dari semua sambungan las 7.1.2 The finished surface of all butt welded
butt mungkin digerinda rata dengan joints may be flush with the base material
bahan dasar atau mempunyai cukup or may have reasonably uniform crowns,
mahkota seragarn, dengan reinforcement, with reinforcement, not to exceed that
tidak melebihi yang ditentukan dalam specified in the referencing Code.
referensi code.
7.2 Perlengkapan dan material 7.2 Equipments and materials
7.2.1 Sumber radiasi harus dari X-Ray atau 7.2.1 Radiation source shall be from X-Ray or
Se 75 jika disetujui oleh Customer. Se 75 when agreed by Customer The
Energy radiasi yang dipakai untuk teknik radiation energy employed for
radiografi harus bisa menghasilkan radiographic technique shall achieve the
density dan gambar IQI yang density and IQI image requirements.
7.2.2 Ukuran source atau focal spot harus 7.2.2 The source size or focal spot shall be
terangkan dengan pernyataan tertulis. identified by written statements
7.2.3 Range penetrasi yang diizinkan untuk 7.2.3 The permitted penetration ranges for
sumber gamma ray harus seperti Table garnma ray source shall be as Table below.
berikut. For certain application wider wall
Untuk aplikasi khusus tebal range boleh thickness range may be permitted, if
lebih lebar diperbolehkan, jika iamage sufficient image quality can be achieved.
quality yang cukup bisa dilaksanakan.
7.2.4 Table, Penetrated thk Range gamma ray for steel, 7.2.4 Table, Penetrated thk Range gamma ray for steel,
copper and nickel copper and nickel
Penetrated thickness, w mm Penetrated thickness, w mm
Radiation source Radiation source
Test class A Test class B Test class A Test class B
Se 75
l0<w<20 l4<w<20 Se 75 l0<w<20 l4Sw<20
lr 192 l0<w<40 14<w<40 lr 192 l0<w<40 l4<w<40
7.2.5 Film Radiografi harus sesuai dengan EN 7.2.5 Radiographic film shall be as per EN 584 -
584 I : C3, Film RT harus I : C3, RT film shall use the following
menggunakan merk dan class sbb : brands and class :
Film brand AGFA, Film brand AGFA,
i'l t ti-fEall INDONESIA
l..onrplek Trisakti. Block ,\ - iI r. Sci l)anas. Balam. lndoncsia
ieip. -62-778452924, Enrail. ailnrinin.ir li eutechgroup.conr
rr rr rl.cuteclrgroup.com
REV. NO 00 Ketika sumber radiografi di luar tetapi When the radiographic source is outside
tidak lebih dari ll2 in (13 mm) dari but not more than ll2 in.(l3 nim) from the
perrnukaan lasan, setidaknya tiga paparan weld surface, at least three exposures
yang terpisah 120 derajat harus dibuat separated by 120' shall be made for the
untuk inspeksi radiografi seluruh lasan radiographic inspection of a complete weld
(DWE/SWV) (DWE/Swv).
7.3.r.3 Ketika sumber radiografi berada di luar When the radiographic source is outside
dan lebih dari ll2 in (13 mm) dari and more than ll2 in. (13 mm) from the
permukaan lasan, setidaknya empat weld surface, at least four exposures
paparan yang terpisah 90 o harus dibuat separated by 90" shall be made for the
untuk inspeksi radiografi seluruh lasan radiographic inspection of a complete weld
(DwE/ Swv) (DwE/ SWV). Ketika diameter pipa yang terdapat las When the diameter of the piping
adalah 3.500 inci (88,9 mm) atau kurang, containing the weld is 3.500 in. (88.9 mm)
DWE/DWV prosedur dapat digunakan or less, a DWE/DWV procedure may be
used. Bila prosedur ini digunakan dan sinar When this procedure is used and the
radiasi adalah offset sehingga bagian radiation beam is offset so that the source-
source-side dan film-side las tidak side and film-side portions of the weld do
tumpang tindih di bidang radiografi yang not overlap in the areas of the radiograph
sedang dievaluasi, setidaknya dua being evaluated, at least two exposures
paparan yang terpisah 90 o harus dibuat separated by 90" shall be made for the
untukpemeriksaan radio grafi lasan radiographic inspection of a complete
weld. Ketika bagian source-side dan film-side When the source-side and film-side
lasan ditumpangkan, setidaknya tiga portions of the weld are superimposed, at
paparan yang dipisahkan oleh 60 o harus least three exposures separated by 60" shall
dibuat untuk inspeksi radiografi seluruh be made for the radiographic inspection of
lasan a complete weld. Ketika diameter yang lebih kecil, lebih When smaller diameter, thicker wall pipe
tebal dinding pipa adalah diradiografi, is radiographed, additional exposures
eksposur tambahan harus dilakukan should be made to minimize the distortion
untuk meminimalkan distorsi gambar of imperfection images at the ends of the
ketidaksempurnzum di ujung radiografi radiographs. Jarak minimum antara sumber atau focal The minimum distance between the source
spot dan sisi sumber objek yang or focal spot and the source side of the
diradiografi harus ditentukan dengan object being radiographed shall be
rumus berikut (dengan menggunakan unit determined by the following formula
pengukuran konstan): (using constant units of measurement):
D = Stfl< D: St/k
dimana where
P: jarak minimum, dalam inci, antara D : minimum distance, in inches,
sumber atau focal spot dan sisi between the source or focal spot and
sumber dari obyek yang the source side ofthe object being
diradiografi radiographed,
S : ukuran, dalam inci, dari sumber yang S - size, in inches, of the effective
efektifatau focal spot source or focal spot,
Komplek Tanjung'l'risaktj. lllock,t. - 10. Sei Panas, Batanl. lri(l(,n.:ie
Telp: +62-778-152921. L'mail. adnrinindi,@cutechsroup.conr
wwrv. cnlechgroup.con.r
REV. NO 00
7.4 Jenis Image Quality Indicator GaI) 7.4 Type of Image Quality Indicators (IQI)
7.4.1 Image Quality Indicators (lQI) harus 7.4.1 Image Quality Indicators (lQI) shall
memenuhi persyaratan baik ASTM 8747 conform to the requirements of either
atau ISO 19232-l IQI kawat. Perusahaan ASTM E 747 or ISO 19232-l wire IQI.
harus menentukan jenis IQI (ASTM atau The company shall define which type IQI
ISO) yang akan digunakan. (ASTM or ISO) is to be used.
7.4.2 IQI harus dibuat dari bahan yang 7.4.2 The IQI shall be made of material that is
radiografi mirip dengan material yang radiographically similar to the material
dilas. being welded.
7.5 Pemilihan Image Quality Indicator 7.5 Selection of Image Quatity Indicators
7.5.1 IQI harus terdiri dari salah satu rangkaian 7.5.1 The IQI shall consist of either a series of
enam (6) kawat untuk tipe kawat ASTM six (6) wires for ASTM E747 wire type or
E747 atat serangkaian tujuh (7) kawat a series of seven (7) wires for ISO 19232-1
untuk tipe kawat ISO IQI 19232-7, wire type IQI, arranged in order of
disusun sesuai diameter secara bertahap. increasing diameter.
7.5.2 Diameter kawat esensial untuk 7.5.2 The essential wire diameter to be used,
digunakan, berdasarkan ketebalan las based on the thickness of the weld is
dilampirkan di Tabel 8 (Exhibit I) untuk shown in Table 8 (Exhibit I) for ASTM E
IQI tipe kawat ASTM E 747 dan Tabel 9 747 wire type IQI and Table 9 (Exhibit I)
(Exhibit I) untuk tipe kawat ISO IQI. for ISO wire type IQI.
7.5.3 Sebagai pilihan kontraktor radiografi, 7.5.3 At the radiographic contractor's option,
diameter kawat lebih kecil IQI daripada smaller wire diameter IQI than those
yang ditentukan di atas dapat digunakan, specified above may be used, provided the
asalkan sensitivitas radiografi yang required radiographic sensitivity is
diperlukan dapat diperoleh. obtained.
P'l' CUTECI I INI)( )Ni,Si .\
Komplek Tan jung lrisakti. Block A - 10. Sei Panas. IJillrrrl. lii([,r(:iit
Telp: +62-778--15292-1. i: rr rail. adnrinindi@cutechgroup.ct,itr
REV. NO 00
7.5.4 Gambar radiografi dari IQI 7.5.4 The radiographic images of the IQI
mengidentifikasi gaya nomor dan set identifuing style number and ASTM set
huruf ASTM atau gambar ISO harus letter or ISO designation shall appear
tampak jelas. Gambar dari diameter clearly. The image of the essential wire
kawat esensial harus tampak jelas di diameter shall appear clearly across the
seluruh area of interest. entire area of interest.
7.5.5 Sensitivity dari radiograp harus lo/o atau 7.5.5 Radiographic sensitivity shall be l%o or
lebih bagus pada area lasan, yang better in weld area, which rnay require an
mungkin perlu tambahan 25% lama additional 25oh longer exposure. This shall
exposure. Ini harus ditentukan sesuai be determined according to ASME Section
dengan ASME Section V. V.
Catatan: Untuk tujuan seleksi IQI, Note: For purposes of IQI selection, the
ketebalan las berarti tebal dinding thickness of the weld shall mean nominal
nominal ditambah reinforcement las wall thickness plus the rveld reinforcement
(gabungan intemal plus ekstemal). (internal plus external combined).
Jika teknik " elliptical " DWE/DWV When the " elliptical " DWE/DWV
digunakan, tebal lasan adalah dua kali technique is used, the thickness of the weld
wall thickness yang dimaksud plus single means twice the specified wall thickness
weld reinforcement ( internal plus plus the single weld reinforcement (
external kombinasi ). internal plus external combined ).
Jika teknik " superimposed " DWE/DWV When the " superimposed " DWE/ DWV
digunakan, tebal lasan adalah dua kali technique is used, the the thickness of the
wall thickness yang dimaksud plus dua weld means twice the specified wall
kali weld reinforcement ( intemal plus thickness plus the twice weld
external kombinasi ). reinforcement ( internal plus external
combined ).
7.6 Penempatan Image Quality Indicator 7.6 Placement of Image Quality Indicators
7.6.1 Film 7.6.1 Film
IQI harus ditempatkan sebagai berikut: The IQI shall be placed as follows:
a. Ketika lasan diradiografi dengan a When a complete weld is radiographed in a
eksposur tunggal menggunakan sumber single exposure using a source inside the
dari dalam pip4 setidaknya empat IQI piping, at least four IQI placed across the
ditempatkan melintang di las dan weld and spaced approximately equally
berjarak kira-kira sama dalam lingkaran around the circumference shall be used.
harus digunakan.
b. Untuk prosedur DWEiDWV, satu IQI b. For the DWE/DWV procedure, one IQI
harus ditempatkan pada sisi sumber pada shall be placed on the source side of the
pipa dan melintang di lasan sehingga pipe and across the weld so that the
gambar kawat esensial menumpuk ke essential wire image is superimposed onto
gambar las. the weld images.
c Untuk prosedur DWE/SWV atau SWE/ c For the DWE/SWV or SWE/ SWV
SWV yang membutuhkan beberapa procedures requiring multiple exposrlres
paparan untuk pemeriksaan lengkap for complete inspection of the weld, and
lasan, dan di mana panjang filrn yang where the length of film to be interpreted is
akan diinterpret lebih besar dari 5 inci greater than 5 in. (130 mm), two IQI
(130 mm), dua IQI ditempatkan placed across the weld and located on the
Komplek lanjirnu Irisakti. Block A - 10. Sci Panrrs. Ilarar,: ir)Jrrnesia
Telp: +62-7 78-15292.1. Ernail: adminindi@cutechgroup.e.:ur
REV. NO 00
www.cutec h-ero Lr p. c onr
7.9 Density film dan Sensitivity 7.9 Film Density and Sensitivity
7.9.1 Semua final interpretasi dari film harus 7.9.1 The final interpretation of all films shall be
dilakukan oleh Company / principal made by Company / principal
representative. representative. Radiographs shall be
Radiograph harus diinterpret sesuai interpreted in accordance with acceptance
dengan acceptance standard standard
7.9.2 Semua cacat lasan dan bagian lasan 7.9.2 All welds or portions of welds disclosed by
ditemukan oleh inspeksi radiography radiographic inspection to be defective
harus direpair atau dipotong dan di las shall be repaired or cut out and re-welded
ulang dengan tidak ada yang dibebankan at no cost to Company / principal.
ke Company / principal.
7.9.3 Density film 7.9.3 Film Density
Kecuali untuk area kecil yang disebabkan Except for small localized areas caused by
oleh konfigurasi lasan tidak teratur, irregular weld configurations, the
density H&D ditransmisikan di area of H&D density in the area of
Iri ! i ii( IllNl-)()NITSL\
l',irpi.'k irinjLrng irisakti.[:]loek.r-ii,.!er
i)i,!]ii:. I]llaln. Indonesia
\\ \\',\ .autcchnroup.crllll
RBV. NO 00
7.12 Film identifikasi, arah penomoran pada 7.12 Film idcntification, the direction of
meteran harus searah jarum jam jika numbering on tape shall be clock wise
melihat di arah aliran. when looking in direction of flow.
8.3 Incomplete Fusion Due to Cold Lap 8.3 Incomplete Fusion Due to Cold Lap
Incomplete Fusion Due to Cold Lap Incomplete fusion due to cold lap (lFD) is
(lFD) didefinisikan sebagai suatu defined as an imperfection between two
ketidaksempumium antara dua manik- adjacent weld beads or between the weld
manik las yang berdekatan atau antara metal and the base metal that is not open to
logam las dan logam dasar yang tidak the surface. This condition is shown
terbuka ke permukaan.Kondisi ini secara schematically in Figure 17. IFD shall be
skematis diperlihatkan pada Gambar considered a defect should any of the
17. IFD harus dianggap sebagai defect following conditions exist:
bila salah satu kondisi berikut ada: a. The length of an individual indication
a. Panjang indikasi individual IFD of IFD exceeds 2 in. (50 mm).
melebihi 2 in (50 mm) b. The aggregate length of indications of
b. Panjang agregat dari indikasi IFD IFD in any continuous l2-in. (300
dalam setiap 12 in. (300 mm) mm) length of weld exceeds 2 in. (50
kontinyu panjang lasan melebihi 2 in mm).
(50 mm) c. The aggregate length of indications of
c. Panjang agregat dari indikasi IFD IFD exceeds 8% of the weld length.
melebihi 8% dari panjang lasan.
rr u rr.cttlecltgroup.c.'r: r
REV. NO 00
8.7.2 Individrr atau scattered porosity (P) 8.7.2 Individual or scattered porosity @) shall
harus dianggap sebagai defect bila salah be considered a defect should any of the
satu kondisi berikut ada: following conditions exist:
a. Ukuran pori individual melebihi 1/8 a. The size of an individual pore exceeds
inci (3 mm) 1/8 in (3 mm).
b. Ukuran pori individual, melebihi b. The size of an individual pore exceeds
25% dai ketebalan tertipis dinding 25o/o of the thinner of the nominal
nominal sambungan wall thicknesses joined
c. Distribusi scattered porosity c. The distribution of scattered porosity
melebihi diizinkan oleh figure 19 exceeds the concentration permitted
atau2O (exhibit atau V). lV by figures 19 or 20 (Exhibit IV or V).
8.7.3 Cluster porosity (CP) yang terjadi dalam 8.7.3 Cluster porosity (CP) that occurs in any
setiap pass kecuali pass akhir harus pass except the finish pass shall comply
memenuhi kriteria 8.9.2. CP yang terjadi with the criteria of 8.9.2. CP that occurs in
di pass akhir harus dianggap sebagai the finish pass shall be considered a defect
defect bila salah satu kondisi berikut ada, should any of the following conditions
lihat lampiran Figure 19 dan 20. exist, see attached Figure 19 dan 20.
a. Diameter cluster melebihi % inci (13 a. The diameter of the cluster exceeds %
mm) in. (13 mm).
b. Panjang agregat CP dalam setiap 12 b. The aggregate length of CP in any
in (300 mm) kontinu panjang lasan continuous 12 in. (300 mm) length of
ada di % in(l3 mm). weld exist % in (13 rnm).
8.7.4 Hollow bead porosity (HB) 8.7.4 Hollow bead porosity (HB) is defined as
didefinisikan sebagai memanjang; elongated; linear porosity that occurs in the
porositas linier yang terjadi pada root root pass. HB shall be considered a defect
pass. HB harus dianggap sebagai defect should any of the foliowing conditions
bila salah satu kondisi berikut ada: exist:
a. Panjang indikasi individual HB a. The length of an individual indication
melebihi %(13 mm) of HB exceeds % in (13 mm)
b. Panjang agregat dari indikasi HB b. The aggregate length of indications of
dalam setiap l2 in (300 mm) kontinu HB in any continuous 12 in. (300
panjang las melebihi 2 in (50 mm) mm) length of the weld exceeds 2 in.
(50 mm).
c. Indikasi HB individual, masing- c. Individual indications of HB, each
masing lebih besar dari % inci (6 greater than t/q in (6 mm) in length,
mm) panjang, dipisahkan oleh are separated by less than 2 in. (50
kurang danz inci (50 mm) mm).
d. Panjang agregat dari semua indikasi d. The aggregate length of all
FIB melebihi 8Yo dari panjang lasan indications of HB exceeds 8% of the
weld length.
ft,r: -+-' i)
ID/OD Activity ........ Ci Volt : ........ Amp.
{ I l.l
Mat'l Type
Source /
mm \J/u' tr :=*'u+-
spot Size
Reinforc. Thk. ln D mmE Exposure : Single Wall D Double Wall D .,J.c}.l:f.
! t";l:t
Weld Thk. ln E mmE Viewing : Single Wall D Double Wall E ,._-,c-[__j
Type of Film
WireD No. ..1c 2E 3o 4tr 5D 6fl
Hole E No. 1TEI 2TD 4TE
.dir., fr
Joint No Locatior ACC REJ rQt Min Max IF IP RC RUC P lncl Crk ND
Table *Weld Thickness Versus Diameter of ASTM E 747 Wire Type tQl
Weld Thickness Essential Wire Diameter
Inches Millimeters Inches Millimeters AS'l N{ Set [-cttc-r
0 -
0.250 0-6.4 0.008 0.20 A
> 0.250 - 0.375 > 6.4 -9.5 0.010 0.25 AorB
> 0.375 > 9.5
- 0.500 - 12.7 0.013 0.33 B
> 0.500 - 0.750 > 12.7 - 19.l 0.0r6 0.4 t B
> 0.750 - t.000 > l9.l - 25.4 0.020 0.51 B
> 1.000-2.000 > 25.4 - 50.8 0.025 0.64 B
I ,n.ornr*,e f,lxrg ar rrx,t
Note: One or both root faces may be inadequately filled at the inside surface.
tilrng ot n.J"]t
on mp ei{rg
_> t
Figure 15-lnadequate Cross Penetration (lCp)
[Lrrnplek Tan jung Trisaktr. BlL,i:k .\ 10. Sei Panas, Batam. lndunt:ia
elp: +62-7 78452924. F.nrai adrn in rndi,'Licutechgrouo.com
REV. NO 00
Bond is absent:
is surface-connecbd.
Hr*t b*ad is trt$+d to tffr surl.rcss.
h$l cadfi o{ nol pas* lr Sr.lhIy b+liw
th+ r+rs's lr|gile silrloc€.
a a
a a a,a
I t a a
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a a
a a aa
o o a-4f
aaa O a a+zT-O a a
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Figure 1f-Maximum Distribution of Gas Pockets:WallThicknesses Less Than or Equalto 0.500 in. (12.7
PTCUTECIi l'i I )(llri l: S !:\
Komplek'Ian jir:rg Irrsaktl. Block A
- 10. Sei Panas. ll:iiiilt. in.i{lnesia
Telp: +62-778-'1-:292.1. F.nrail: adntinindi(g-rcutechgroull.corn
www. cu tec h g r.! u l,). L1u ]
REV. NO 00
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Figure 2fMaximum Distribution of Gas Pockets: Wall Tlricknesses Greater Than 0.500 in. (12.7 mm)
Pl'L L[i L:('i1 l\DONESIA
Konrplc'k Tarrjiirrg Trisakti. lllock A 10. rrr l:'llrr:. Batant. Indonesia
l'elp: +62-778--152924. Email: adminindi'i.r curech::roup.conr
w\Y\r cutechgroup.com
RBV. NO 00
lnstrument type
lnstrument Range
Seria! No.
Calibration Date
Calibration lnterval
Calibration Due
Acceptable Tolerance
Calibration Standard
Result Signature
Calibrated by
NDE - Level
Calibration Date