Lixi Profiler Presentation-MSA
Lixi Profiler Presentation-MSA
Lixi Profiler Presentation-MSA
6. Source Holder
7. Battery Brick 8. Source Gd153
Lixi profiler uses Gd153 radioisotope source on one end of Carm and the detector will be on the other end.
When it is placed around pipe, small amount of focused radiation beam penetrates the diameter of the pipe.
The amount of radiation received by detector is converted to an equivalent steel thickness measurement by the computer module. The result will be shown on the computer screen in real time image, which will be used to identify welds, corrosion, blockage, fouling, or variety of other indications commonly found in piping systems.
Pipe wall thinning Corrosion under Insulation (CUI) Pipe Blockages such as Bitumen, Ice, or any another foreign material
Wet Insulation
Cluster of Internal and external pitting Wall thickness measurement on insulated or bare pipes w/ or w/o product Wall thickness measurement on very hot pipes while in-service Weld Identification on Insulated Stainless Piping Systems
Detect Corrosion 90% of all corrosion including CUI - on the bottom of the Pipe. Lixi Profiler provides a larger area inspected without removing of Insulation or the need to Shutdown the Production Productivity is high compared to Profile Radiography or Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement
Easy to operate & Equipment can be Hand Carried from one location to another
The Immediate results in Real Time
B) Can be used only for piping that has both side access
C) Restrict access to establish Safe Working Areas D) Less sensitive over 30mm equivalent steel penetration thickness
Sample of pipe section with external corrosion scale detected by the Profiler
However, if a corroded area is scanned over with the Lixi Profiler, then the scan will reflect a loss of density equivalent to the loss of steel. For example, if a pit of 0.100 is scanned over, the Profiler will show a reduction in the graph from 0.843 to 0.743. Assuming that the insulation and product density have not changed over a short distance, the only cause for a reduction in the graph would be loss from the metal pipe.
Nominal Thickness
Left: Profiler oriented perpendicularly over weld. Response is single, highamplitude peak. Right: Profiler oriented at an angle while scanning over weld. Result baseline thickness increases and two lower-amplitude peaks result: one when the detector crosses the top of the weld and one when the source crosses the bottom of the weld.
This slide denotes what a corroded area might look like during an initial scan. The next slide shows a technique to determine which side of the pipe has the corrosion by orienting the Profiler 90 degrees to the initial scan direction and taking a slice from the bottom to the top of the pipe.
Center of Pipe
Thick-wall pipe
Reducer Thin-wall pipe
Water in Insulation
Ice in Insulation
Slice scan on the left is through the section of pipe devoid of debris. The slice scan on the right is through a section of pipe having debris in it. Which direction was this scan taken (top to bottom or bottom to top)?
Radiographic Profiling
Upper images are digital radiographs of piping (20 30 locations per day) Middle images are histograms (density charts) representing the thickness of the pipe along the yellow lines
The lower image is of a portable system that acquires histograms in real-time (150 250 locations per day)
Weld A
Weld A
Welds Elbow
Horizontal Pipe
Vertical Pipe
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