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Fitter 2 Ndsem

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Fitter 2nd Semester - Module 1: Drilling

Questions: Level 1 6 Which metal is used to manufacture

magnets, ball bearing and cutting tool?
1 What is the name of the angle marked ‘x’ in A Cobalt
the reamer? B Cadmium
C Vanadium
D Molybdenum
7 How much copper contains in pyrites ore?
A 32%
B 15%
A Rake angle C 50%
B Flute angle D 45%
C Helix angle 8 Which metal is resistant to many types of
D Clearance angle acids?
2 What is the angle of countersinking for A Tin
riveting? B Lead
A 75° C Nickel
B 80° D Chromium
C 90° 9 Which method is suitable to remove the
D 120° broken stud very near to the surface??
3 What is the name of the element marked ‘x’ A Ezy out method
of the thread? B Making drill hole
C Prick punch method
D Using square taper punch
10 What is the angle of counter sink?
A 60°
B 90°
C 105°
D 120°
11 What is the name of the angle in the drill bit
A Root
marked ‘x’?
B Lead
C Pitch
D Flank
4 What ‘A’ represents in grinding wheel X

specification 32A46H8V ?
A Grade
B Grain size
C Type of bond
D Type of abrasive A Chisel angle
5 What is the product obtained from blast B Rake angle
furnace? C Point angle
A Pig iron D Lip clearance angle
B Cast iron 12 Which angle is determined by the helix angle
C Wrought iron in drill bit?
D Malleable iron A Point angle
B Rake angle
C Chisel angle
D Clearance angle

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13 Which reamer will have a long taper lead? 18 What is the name of the part marked ‘x’ in
A Hand reamer vernier micrometer?
B Socket reamer
C Machine reamer
D Helical fluted reamer
14 What is the name of the tool?

A Anvil
B Barrel
A Stone dresser C Thimble
B Diamond dresser D Ratchet stop
C Star wheel dresser 19 What is the name of part marked as 'X'?
D Abrasive stick dresser
15 Which indicates the strength of bond in
grinding wheel?
A Grid
B Grade
C Structure
D Grain size A Heel
16 What is the name of the part marked ‘x’ in B Cutting edge
blast furnace? C Position rake angle
D Negative rake angle
20 Which reamer is used for reaming internal
Metric morse tapered holes?
A Helical fluted reamer
B Hand reamer with pilot
C Taper pin hand reamer
D Socket reamer with parallel shank
21 Name the type of the reamer?

A Tuyeres
B Molten slag A Hand reamer
C Molten iron B Helical reamer
D Tapping hole C Machine reamer
D Taper pin reamer
17 What is the range of carbon content in cast
iron alloy?
A 2 to 4%
B 5 to 9%
C 6 to 9%
D 10 to 12%

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22 What is the name of part marked as 'X'? 29 What is the angle of ACME thread?
A 66°
B 55°
C 29°
D 45°
30 What is the name of elements of screw
marked as ‘X’?
A Arbor
B Drill chuck
C Drill bit
D Chuck key
23 Which reamer has a long taper lead?
A Socket reamer
B Hand reamer
C Machine reamer
A Root
D Helical fluted reamer
B Pitch
24 Which cast iron has the ability to reduce
C Crest
vibration and tool chattering in machine
D Thread angle
A Grey cast iron 31 What is the helix angle of general purpose
B White cast iron
A 59°
C Nodular cast iron B 118°
D Malleable cast iron C 27.5°
25 Which furnace is used to produce wrought D 8° to 12°
iron? 32 What is the name of the tool?
A Blast furnace
B Cupola furnace
C Puddling furnace
D Electric arc furnace
26 Which ore is used to extract zinc?
A Bauxite
B Galena
C Calamine
D Cassiterite
27 Which tool is used to check the internal
clearance of the bearing?
A Steel rule
B Feeler gauge
A Pilot drill
C Depth gauge
D Vernier caliper B Counter sink
C Drill with pilot
28 What is the name of part marked as ‘X’?
D Countersink with pilot
33 Which part of a reamer is designed for the
removal of chips?
A Face
B Flute
C Heel
D Cutting edge

A Collar
B Square head
C Fingers
D Body

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34 What is the name of operation? 40 What is the name of the part marked as ‘X’ of
telescopic gauge?


A Drilling
A Spring
B Spot facing
C Countersinking B Handle
D Counter boring C Fixed leg
35 What is the term, the top surface joining the D Telescoping leg
two sides of a thread? 41 What is the name of the tool?
A Root
B Crest
C Flank
D Pitch
36 What ‘V’ denotes in grinding wheel
specification 32A46H8V?
A Bond
A Reamer
B Grade
B Spot facing tool
C Abrasive
C Countersink tool
D Grain size
D Counter boring tool
37 What type of abrasive wheel is used for
42 What is the name of the angle marked as ‘X’
grinding die steel?
in drill bit?
A Silicon carbide
B Green silicon carbide
C White aluminium oxide
D Brown aluminium oxide X

38 Which term indicates the amount of bond

present between the individual abrasive
A Grain A Helix angle
B Grade B Lead angle
C Abrasive C Point angle
D Structure D Chisel edge angle
39 What is the name of the part marked as ‘X’ in 43 What is the name of element marked as ‘X’
vernier micrometer? in reamer?

‘X’ ‘X’

A Barrel A Face
B Thimble B Heel
C Datum line C Flute
D Vernier division D Cutting edge

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44 Which angle determines the rake angle of 51 What is the value of one vernier division of a
drills? vernier micrometer?
A Helix angle A 0.01 mm
B Core angle B 0.02 mm
C Point angle C 0.009 mm
D Chisel edge angle D 0.002 mm
45 What is the angle of countersink tool used on 52 What is the name of part marked as ‘X’ in
holes to be threaded? telescopic gauge?
A 75°
B 80° ‘X’

C 90°
D 120°
46 What is the name of the die?
A Handle
B Fixed leg
C Plunger lock
D Telescopic leg
53 What is the method of removing broken
A Split die
B Half die
C Solid die
D Adjustable screw plate die
47 Which type of thread, the crest and roots are
rounded to form a semi circle?
A Acme thread
B Square thread
C Knuckle thread A Ezy-out
D Trapezoidal thread B Prick punch
48 What ‘5’ denotes in grinding wheel C Making drill hole
specification 41A46H5U8? D Using square taper punch
A Bond 54 What is the name of the part marked as ‘X’?
B Abrasive
C Structure
D Grain size
49 Which type of bonded wheel is used in
foundries for dressing castings?
A Silicate bond
B Shellac bond
C Rubber bond
D Resinoid bond
50 What type abrasive wheel is used for A Breast plate
grinding cemented carbides? B Bevel pinion
A Green silicon carbide C Frame work
B Grey aluminium oxide D Locking screw
C White aluminium oxide
D Brown aluminium oxide

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55 What is the name of part marked as ‘X’ in 61 What is the tool used in grinding operation?
hand reamer?

A Taper lead A Honing tool

B Bevel lead B Abrasive stick
C Circular lead C Diamond dressers
D Taper lead angle D Star wheel dressers
56 What is the counter sink angle of chamfering 62 What is the colour of aluminium metal?
in the end of drilled hole for threading? A White
A 75° B Dull white
B 80° C Bright white
C 90° D Bluish gray colour
D 120° 63 What ‘H’ denotes in the specifications of
57 What is the name of thread? grinding wheel 32A46H8V?
A Grain sze
B Type of abrasive
C Grade
D Structure
64 What is the product obtained from blast
A Vee thread furnance?
B Buttress thread
A Pig iron
C Square thread
B Cast iron
D Saw - tooth thread
C Wrought iron
58 What is the name of part marked ‘X’?
D Malleable iron
65 What is the minimum dimension can
measure with telescopic gauge?
A 8.0 mm
B 12.7 mm
C 19.0 mm
A Root D 150 mm
B Pitch
66 Which gauge is used to measure below 8
C Crest mm dimension?
D Helix angle
59 What is the included angle of metric ‘V’
A 45°
B 29°
C 60°
D 47½°
60 What ‘46’ reprsent in standard marking
system of grinding wheel (32A46H8V)??
A Grade
B Grain size A Telescopic gauge
C Type of bond B Small hole gauge
D Type of abrasive C Depth micrometer
D Inside micrometer

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Questions: Level 2 9 Which decides the point angle of drill?
A Drill material
1 What is the name of the process of finishing B Job material
the drilled hole? C Cutting speed
A Reaming D Size of the drill
B Spot facing 10 What is the drill size for reaming a 10 mm
C Counter boring hole, if under size is 0.2mm and over size is
D Counter sinking 0.05mm?
2 What is the purpose of clearance angle in A 8.5 mm
twist drill? B 9.75 mm
A Prevent rough holes C 10.00 mm
B Prevent over size holes D 10.25 mm
C Prevent unequal angle of cutting edges 11 What is the method of removing the broken
D Prevent friction of drill behind the cutting stud?
3 What is the name of the operation to enlarge
the hole for given depth?
A Reaming
B Spot facing
C Counter boring
D Counter sinking
4 What is to be done after mounting the new
grinding wheel to run concentric? A Ezy- out method
A Truing B Prick punch method
B Glazing C Making drill hole method
C Loading D Using square taper punch method
D Dressing
12 What is the operation of beveling the end of
5 What is the use of telescopic gauge? a drilled hole ?
A Measure depth A Reaming
B Measure external dimension B Spot facing
C Measure angular dimension C Counter boring
D Measure size of holes, slots D Counter sinking
6 What is the use of reamer? 13 Why centre screw is provided in the die
A Drill a hole stock?
B Enlarging a hole A To tighten the die
C Threading a hole B To adjust the depth of cut
D Finishing to correct size of the drilled hole C To adjust the dia of internal thread
7 What is the purpose of type “N” twist drills? D To adjust the dia of external thread
A Used for hard material 14 Which term describes the axial movement of
B Used for brittle material screw in one complete turn?
C Used for soft and tough material A Lead
D Used for normal low carbon steel B Flank
8 What is the function of pilot in the hand C Pitch
reamer with pilot? D Depth
A Keep size of hole accurate 15 How the size of drill bit is measured?
B Removes the burr from the hole A Between flutes
C Provide smooth functioning of reamer B Between the lands
D Keep reamer concentric with hole to be C Between web
reamed D Neck diameter

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16 What is the purpose of type ‘S’ twist drill? 23 Calculate the reading of vernier micrometer?
A Used for hard material
B Used for high carbon steel
C Used for soft and tough material
D Used for normal low carbon steel
17 Determine the drill size for finishing ø19 mm
reaming hole (as per table under size 0.2 & A 9.923 mm
over size 0.05 mm)? B 9.963 mm
A 18.75 mm C 9.563 mm
B 19.00 mm D 9.763 mm
C 19.25 mm 24 Which cast iron has the ability to reduce
D 19.05 mm vibration and tool chattering in machine
18 What is the drill size for ø15 mm reaming
hole? A Grey cast iron
A 14.75 mm B White cast iron
B 14.50 mm C Nodular cast iron
C 15.25 mm D Malleable cast iron
D 14.65 mm 25 Why lime stone serves as flux added to the
ore in the blast furnace?
19 What is the name of the operation producing
flat seat on drilled hole? A To form molter slag
A Drilling B To supply the oxygen
B Spot facing C To bird the carbon in coke
D To increase the melting point of ore
C Countersinking
D Counterboring 26 Which micrometer having provision of
interchangeable anvils?
20 What is the purpose of flute in drill?
A To drive out the chips A Depth micrometer
B To reduce the weight B Inside micrometer
C To reduce the cost C Outside micrometer
D To increase the speed D Screw thread micrometer
21 What is the formula to calculate the blank 27 Which factor determine the selection of wire
in screw thread micrometer?
size of external thread (where p=pitch and
d=depth)? A Thread angle
A D = d – P/10 B Type of thread and pitch
B D = d + P/10 C Root and crest
C D = d x P/10 D Major diameter
D D = d ÷ P/10 28 What is measured with telescopic gauge?
22 What is the size of drilled hole for reaming A Depth
ø 10 mm? B External dimension
A 8.5 mm C Angular dimension
B 9.75 mm D Size of holes, slots and recesses
C 10.00 mm
D 10.25 mm

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Questions: Level 3 8 What is the effect if clearance angle is
1 Why hand reamers have uneven spacing of A Over sized holes
teeth? B Over heated drills
A Reduce chattering C Rough holes
B Remove more metals D Broken drill
C Increase the efficiency 9 What is the type of defect on drilled hole?
D Increase the life of the tool
2 What is the reason for over heated drill while
A Drill held not correctly
B Work is not rigidly held
C Clearance angle is incorrect
D Flutes are clogged with chips A Rough holes
3 What will happen if the clearance angle of B Over heated drill
drill is more? C Oversized holes
A Cutting edge will be blunt D Unequal flow of chips
B Cutting edge will not be sharp 10 What is the defect if pores of the grinding
C Cutting edge will become weak wheel get clogged?
D Cutting edge will not cut material A Drilling
4 What will happen if the spindle running out B Glazing
of the centre while drilling? C Loading
A Drill will break D Dressing
B Drills are over heated 11 What is the reason for rough holes in
C Drill make rough hole drilling?
D Over sized holes are made A Unequal point thinning
5 What is to be done after mounting the new B Drill point not in centre
grinding wheel to run concentric? C Clearance angle is incorrect
A Truing D Drill cutting edges are not sharp
B Glazing 12 What is the reason if the drilled hole is larger
C Loading than the drill size?
D Dressing A Drill is not sharp
6 What is the name of the defect, if the surface B Feed rate is too high
of the grinding wheel develops smooth and C Cutting speed is too high
shining appearance? D Unequal angle of cutting edge
A Glazing 13 Why drilled holes are over sized in drilling
B Truing operation?
C Loading A Drill is not sharp
D Dressing B Unequal lip length
7 Why agricultural equipment is made up of C Feed rate is too high
wrought iron? D Cooling is insufficient
A Low cost 14 Why grey cast iron is widely used for
B Heavy weight machine tools?
C Wear resistant A Rapid cooling
D Corrosion resistant B Reduce vibration
C High tensile strength
D Very difficult to machining

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15 What is the tap drill size for M20 x 1.5?
A 18.5
B 20
C 19
D 17
16 What is the drill hole size for dia 16 mm
A 15.75 mm
B 15.50 mm
C 14.65 mm
D 16 mm
17 Why drilled holes are over size than drill dia?
A Feed ratio is more
B Cooling is in effective
C Insufficient clearance angle
D Unequal length of cutting edge
18 Why centre screw is provided in the die
A To tighten the die
B To adjust the depth of cut
C To adjust the dia of internal thread
D To adjust the dia of external thread
19 Why precision instruments are made of invar
A Durability
B Cheaper in cost
C Surface finishing is fine
D Least coefficient of expansion
20 Why lime stone is added to the ore in the
blast furnace?
A To form molten slag
B To supply the oxygen
C To burnt the carbon in coke
D To increase the melting point of ore

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Module 1: Drilling - Key paper

Questions: Level 1 Questions: Level 2 Questions: Level 3

SL.No Key SL.No Key SL.No Key SL.No Key
1 C 46 B 1 A 1 A
2 A 47 C 2 D 2 C
3 C 48 C 3 C 3 C
4 D 49 D 4 A 4 D
5 A 50 A 5 D 5 A
6 A 51 C 6 D 6 A
7 B 52 C 7 D 7 D
8 C 53 A 8 D 8 B
9 C 54 B 9 B 9 C
10 B 55 D 10 B 10 C
11 D 56 D 11 B 11 D
12 B 57 D 12 D 12 D
13 B 58 D 13 B 13 B
14 C 59 C 14 A 14 B
15 B 60 B 15 B 15 A
16 A 61 C 16 C 16 A
17 A 62 B 17 A 17 D
18 C   63 C 18 A   18 B
19 D   64 A 19 B   19 D
20 D   65 A 20 A   20 A
21 A   66 B 21 A  
22 A   22 B  
23 B   23 B  
24 A   24 A  
25 C   25 A  
26 B   26 D  
27 B   27 B  
28 C   28 D  
29 C    
30 D    
31 C    
32 D    
33 B    
34 D    
35 B    
36 A    
37 C    
38 D    
39 D    
40 D    
41 C    
42 C    
43 A    
44 A    
45 D    

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Fitter 2nd Semester - Module 2: Fitting Assembly

Questions : Level 1 6 What is the name of part marked ‘x’ in dial

1 What is the name of the fit?

A Transition fit A Anvil

B Clearance fit B Stem
C Shrinkage fit C Pointer
D Interference fit D Plunger
2 What is the term of the algebraic difference 7 What is the name of system if the size of the
between a size, to its corresponding basic hole is kept constant, shaft is varied?
size? A Bilateral system
A Deviation B Unilateral system
B Upper deviation C Hole basis system
C Lower deviation D Shaft basis system
D Actual deviation 8 Which device is used in conjunction with dial
3 What is the least count of vernier test indicator?
micrometer? A Chuck
A 0.01 mm B Stand
B 0.02 mm C Tool rest
C 0.001 mm D Bench vice
D 0.002 mm 9 What is the difference between maximum
4 What is name of the tool? limit of size and the minimum limit of size?
A Tolerance
B Basic size
C Limits of size
D Upper deviation
A Flat scraper
B Hook scraper 10 Which is grade of tolerance?
C Half round scraper A Bilateral tolerance
D Three square scraper B Unilateral tolerance
C Fundamental tolerance
5 Which instrument is used to measure the
D Fundamental deviation
effective diameter of screw threads?
A Screw pitch gauge
B Outside micrometer
C Screw thread micromete
D Screw thread caliper gauge

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11 What is the name of part marked ’X’? 15 What is the name of the part marked ‘X’ of
lever type dial test indicator?


A Pivot
B Lever
C Stylus
A Anvil D Scroll
B Steam 16 What is the expression of 30H7/g6?
C Pointer A Fit
D Plunger B Limits
12 What is the name of the instrument? C Deviation
D Tolerance
17 What is the type of fit if the maximum size
hole is larger than minimum size of shaft?

A Dial vernier caliper

B Vernier micrometer A Shinkage fit
C Dial test indicator lever type B Transition fit
D Dial test indicator plunger type C Clearance fit
D Interference fit
13 What is the name of fit?
18 What is the name of the part marked ‘X’ in
dial test indicator?


A Transition fit
B Shrinkage fit
C Clearance fit
D Interference fit
14 What is the name of the tool? A Stem
B Pointer
C Back plug
D Bezel clamp
A Flat scraper
19 What is the angle of holding the scrapers for
B Hook scraper
soft metal?
C Half round scraper
A 30°
D Triangular scraper
B 60°
C 40°
D 20°

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20 What is marked as ‘X’? 25 Which scraper is used to scrape the centre
portion of large flat surface?
A Flat scraper
B Hook scraper
C Triangle scraper
D Bull-nose scraper
26 What is the name of the instrument?
A Minimum limit
B Maximum limit
C Lower deviation
D Upper deviation
21 What is the upper deviation of the
+ 0.008
component size 20 − 0.005
A 0.005
B 0.008
C 19.995
A Screw pitch gauge
D 20.008
B Outside micrometer
22 What is marked as ‘X’? C Screw thread micrometer
D Screw thread caliper gauge
27 Which instrument is used to magnify small
variation in sizes by means of pointer on a
graduated dial?
A Dial test indicator 
A Limit B Inside micrometer
B Tolerance zone C Dial vernier caliper
C Lower deviation D Vernier micrometer
D Upper deviation 28 What is the smaller of the two limits of size?
23 Which part indicates the reading of dial test A Actual size
indicator? B Maximum limit of size
A Stem C Minimum limit of size
B Anvil D Limit of size
C Pointer 29 What is the algebraic difference between a
D Plunger size, to ist corresponding basic size?
24 What is the name of operation? A Actual deviation
B Upper deviation
C Lower deviation
D Deviation
30 What is the number of fundamental deviation
in the BIS system available ?
A 25
B 20
C 15
A Filing D 26
B Drilling 31 How many fundamental tolerance grades are
C Scraping available?
D Chiseling A 18 grade
B 25 grade
C 15 grade
D 12 grade

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32 Which precision instrument is used for
comparing and determining the variation in
the sizes of the component?
A Micrometer
B Comparators
C Dial test indicator
D Vernier bevel protector
33 What mechanism is used in the lever type
dial test indicator?
A Screw and nut
B Rack and pinion
C Lever and scroll
D Worm and worm wheel
34 Which comparator is used in mass
A Optical
B Pneumatic
C Electronics
D Mechanical
35 Which gauge used to check internal thread
of components
A Thread ring gauge
B Taper ring gauge
C Thread plug gauge
D Caliper gauge

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Questions : Level 2 8 What is the maximum limit of size if the basic
size of the hole is 25 mm and the deviation is
1 What is the upper limit of the component ±0.2mm?
size 20 +−.008
.005 A 25.2 mm
A 0.005 B 24.8 mm
B 0.008 C 25.02 mm
C 19.995 D 24.08 mm
D 20.008 9 What is the maximum limit of size if size on
2 What is the term used for the relationship drawing is 20 -- 0.12
0.21 ?
exists between two mating parts? A 19.988 
A Fit  B 19.979
B Limit C 20.012
C Tolerance D 20.021
D Allowance 10 Which term indicates the difference between
3 Which part of vernier micrometer is marked the maximum limit of size and minimum limit
with vernier scale graduation? of size?
A Anvil A Deviation
B Frame B Tolerance
C Thimble C Actual size
D Barrel D Upper deviation
4 What is the lower limit of size, if dimension is 11 Which type of fit, the tolerance zone of hole
stated as ø 25+−00..021
00 ?
is below the tolerance zone of shaft?
A 24.85 mm A Transition fit
B 24.75 mm B Clearance fit
C 25.00 mm C Shrinkage fit
D 25.021 mm D Interference fit
5 What is the algebraic difference between the 12 Which term indicates the algebraic difference
actual size and its corresponding basic size? between the actual size and its
A Deviation  corresponding basic size?
B Tolerance A Deviation  
C Actual deviation B Actual deviation
D Upper deviation C Upper deviation
6 Which scraper is used to scrape small D Lower deviation
diameter holes and deburing edges of holes? 13 What is marked as ‘X’ in hole basic system?
A Flat scraper
B Hook scraper
C Triangular scraper
D Bull-nose scraper
7 Which scraper is used for scraping large
bearing surface?
A Flat scraper A Tolerance
B Hook scraper B Maximum dia
C Triangular scraper C Lower deviation
D Bull-nose scraper D Upper deviation

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14 What is the lower limit of size in dimension
Of 20 ++ 0.28
0.007 ?

A 19.988
B 20.028
C 20.007
D 19.979
15 What is the lower limit of size, if dimension is
+ 0.021
stated as φ 25− 0.00 drawing?
A 24.85 mm
B 24.75 mm
C 25.00 mm
D 25.021 mm
16 What is the extreme permissible sizes within
which the operator is expected to make
the component ?
A Basic size
B Actual size
C Nominal size
D Limits of size
17 What is the size of the component by actual
measurement after it is manufactured the
size as called as?
A Limit size
B Actual size
C Maximum size
D Minimum size
18 A dimension is stated as 25 ± 0.02 mm in a
drawing. What is the tolerance?
A +0.02 mm
B -0.02 mm
C 0.04 mm
D 25.00 mm
19 How to identify high spots while scraping?
A Prussian blue
B White chalk
C Copper sulphate
D Cellulose lacquer

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Questions : Level 3

1 How chipped out scraper can be repaired?

A Filing
B Lapping
C Chiselling
D Grinding or honing

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Module 2: Fitting Assembly - Key paper

Questions: Level 1 Questions: Level 2 Questions: Level 3

SL.No Key SL.No Key SL.No Key

1 B 1 D 1 D
2 A 2 A
3 C 3 D
4 A 4 C
5 C 5 C
6 D 6 C
7 C 7 D
8 B 8 A
9 A 9 A
10 C 10 B
11 C 11 D
12 C 12 B
13 D 13 A
14 C 14 C
15 C 15 C
16 A 16 D
17 C 17 B
18 D   18 C  
19 D   19 A  
20 D    
21 B    
22 B    
23 C    
24 C    
25 A    
26 C    
27 A    
28 C    
29 D    
30 A    
31 A    
32 C    
33 C    
34 B    
35 C    

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Fitter 2nd Semester - Module 3: Turning

Questions: Level 1 4 What is the name of operation?

1 What is the name of the lathe specification

marked ‘X’?

A Square shoulder
B Filleted shoulder
C Bevelled shoulder
D Undercut shoulder
5 What type of cutting tool used in mass
A Length of the bed A Solid tools
B Centre height of lathe B Brazed tools
C Length between centre C Throw away type tools
D Diameter of work (Swing) D Inserted bits with holders
2 What is the name of the part marked ‘X’ in 6 Which gauge is used to compare the profile
the lathe carriage? of thread?
A Plug gauge
B Feeler gauge
C Radius gauge
D Screw pitch gauge
7 Which type of thread is used in screw jack?
A Vee thread
B Acme thread
C Knuckle thread
A Tool post D Square thread
B Top slide 8 What is the name of the part marked ‘X’?
C Cross slide
D Saddle lock
3 What is the name of the part marked ‘x’?

A Bed
B Tail stock
C Feed shaft
D Lead screw
A Body 9 What is the maximum swiveling angle of the
B Back plate compound rest in the lathe machine?
C External jaw A 90°
D Crown wheel B 180°
C 220°
D 360°

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10 Which part is mainly supporting the lengthy 16 What is the formula to calculate the turning
job in lathe machine? time?
A Face plate A I× f
B Steady rest n×N
C Dog carrier B I ×h
D Dead centre f ×N

11 What is the name of part marked as ‘x’ of C I ×n

three jaw chuck? f ×N

D f ×n
i ×h
17 What is the name of porition between root
and crest of the thread?
A Root
B Flank
C Depth
D Thread angle
18 What is the principle of dial test indicator?
A Body A Sliding
B Back plate B Screw and nut
C External jaw C Rack and pinion
D Internal jaw D Worm and worm wheel
12 Which tool materials are manufactured by 19 Which dimension is measured by using
powder metallurgy technique? screw thread micrometer?
A Carbides A Pitch of screw thread
B High speed steel B Minor dia of screw thread
C High carbon steel C Major dia of screw thread
D Medium carbon steel D Effective dia of screw thread
13 Which angle of the tool prevents from getting 20 What type of power transmission is
jamed in the groove and causes breakage? transmitted by spur gear?
A Side rake angle A Parallel transmission
B Side relief angle B Angular transmission
C Side clearance angle C Intersecting transmission
D Front clearance angle D Perpendicular transmission
14 What is the unit of cutting speed? 21 How many types of bed ways are in centre
A mm/sec lathe machine?
B m/sec A 2
C m/min B 3
D mm/min C 5
15 What is the type of operation is carried out? D 4
22 What is the name of instrument?

A Vernier micrometer
A Straight groove B Outside micrometer
B Vee groove C Three wire micrometer
C Round groove D Screw thread micrometer
D Square groove

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23 What is the name of part marked as ‘X’ in 27 Which is the range of metric screw thread
centre lathe? dimension is measured by screw thread
A M1 to M6
B M1 to M12
C M1 to M30
D M1 to M32

A Apron
B Saddle
C Gross slide
D Compound rest
24 What is the name of part marked as ‘X’?

A Clutch
B Feed selector
C Lathe spindle
D Feed direction lever
25 What is the name the specification of lathe
marked as ‘X’?

A Bed length
B Centre height
C Swing diameter
D Between the center of lathe
26 What is the name of gauge?

A Ring gauge
B Screw pitch gauge
C Feeler gauge
D Radius gauge

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Questions: Level 2 8 What is the de-merit of 3 jaw chuck??
A Work can be set with ease
1 What is the merit of three jaw chuck in lathe B Internal and external jaws are available
machine? C Accuracy decreases
A Work can be set with ease D A wide range of cylindrical and hexagonal
B Run out cannot be corrected work can be held
C Only round and hexagonal components can 9 What is the use of screw pitch gauge?
be held A Check lead of the thread
D Accuracy decreases as chuck gets worn out B Check the pitch of the thread
2 What is the de-merit of the four jaw chuck? C Check the minor dia of thread
A Jaws are reversible D Check the major dia of thread
B Irregular shape job can be hold 10 What is the purpose of back gear unit in
C Heavy cuts can be given lathe machine?
D Small and finished work will be damaged A Reduce the spindle speed
3 Which type of rake angle make slope from B Increase the spindle speed
the front towards back of the tool? C Quick change spindle speed
A End rake angle D To avoid abnormal impact on spindle
B Side rake angle 11 What is the range of pitch that can be
C Negative rake angle measured by screw thread micrometer?
D Positive top rake angle A 0.01 to 0.5 mm
4 What is the name of the operation carried out B 0.02 to 3.5 mm
in turning to remove burr and sharpness from C 0.25 to 3.5 mm
the edge of component? D 0.50 to 5.0 mm
A Grooving
B Chamfering
C Step turning
D Plain turning
5 Find out the spindle speed for turning dia
40mm cast iron rod, if the cutting speed is 15
A 119.3 rpm
B 100.3 rpm
C 219.3 rpm
D 109.4 rpm
6 Which is the vertical distance from crest to
the root?
A Lead
B Flank
C Pitch
D Depth
7 Calculate the blank size for external
threading M16 x 2.0
A 14.0 mm
B 15.8 mm
C 16.0 mm
D 18.0 mm

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Questions: Level 3

1 What will be the effect, if the carriage is not

locked while facing?
A Correct face
B Convex face
C Concave face
D Pip left in the centre
2 What is the defect caused if the tool is not
set to the correct centre height while facing?
A Convex face
B Concave face
C Pip left in the centre
D Rough surface on the face

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Module 3: Turning - Key paper

Questions: Level 1 Questions: Level 2 Questions: Level 3

SL.No Key SL.No Key SL.No Key

1 C 1 A 1 B
2 B 2 D 2 C
3 D 3 D
4 D 4 B
5 C 5 A
6 D 6 D
7 D 7 B
8 C 8 C
9 D 9 B
10 B 10 A
11 C 11 C
12 A
13 B
14 C
15 B
16 C
17 B
18 C    
19 D    
20 A    
21 B    
22 D    
23 A    
24 D    
25 B    
26 B    
27 C    

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Fitter 2nd Semester - Module 4 : Basic Maintenance

Questions: Level 1 6 Identify the type of bolt?

1 Which chart is used to record the skill of the

operator in practice?
A Testing chart
B Levelling chart
C Geometric chart
D Performance chart
2 Which bearing withstands load is parallel to
its axis? A Bolt with clearance hole
A Needle bearing B Body fit bolt
B Thrust bearing C Anti-fatigue bolt
C Plain bearing D ‘T’ bolt
D Split bearing
7 Name the type of part shown in assembly
3 Which belongs to Total Productive technique.
A Supply defective goods to the customers
B Unscheduled maintenance
C Produces goods without reducing product
D Reduces maintenance cost
4 What is the high level formula for the lean
A Taper pin
manufacturing OEE?
B Split pin
A Availability x Quantity x Quality
C Cotter pin
B Availability x Productivity x Quality
D Spring pin
C Product output x Quality x Availability
D Product output x Quantity x Quality
5 Identify the method of assembly technique?

A Dowelling
B Pinning
C Peening
D Staking

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Questions: Level 2

1 What is the use of dowel in assembly

A Accurate positioning of two or more parts
B Securing components together
C Eliminate the need for drilling
D Increase the efficiency of fit
2 Which maintenance record mention the date
of commissioning of machine?
A Inspection check list
B Equipment record
C Product manual
D Servicing manual
3 What is the name of activity carried out to
prevent break down of machinery in basic
A Routine maintenance
B Preventive maintenance
C Repairing activity
D Inspection activity
4 What is the use of spring pins?
A Easy assembly and disassembly of parts
B Locate assemblies with wide tolerance in
corresponding holes
C Retain the parts in assembly
D Accurate positioning of parts
5 Which bolt in the assembly prevent the
relative movement between the workpieces?
A Anti-fatigue bolt
B ‘T’ bolt
C Body fit bolt
D Self locking bolt
6 Which assembly technique is similar to
riveting method?
A Dowelling
B Pinning
C Peening
D Staking

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Questions: Level 3

1 Why extra clearance given between bearing

and journal in the aluminium alloy bearing?
A To overcome high thermal expansion
B To overcome learner expansion
C To overcome coefficient expansion
D To overcome lubricant to flow freely

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Module 4: Basic Maintenance - Key paper

Questions: Level 1 Questions: Level 2 Questions: Level 3

SL.No Key SL.No Key SL.No Key

1 D 1 A 1 A
2 B 2 B
3 D 3 B
4 B 4 B
5 A 5 C
6 A 6 C
7 C

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