Machine Design 2
Machine Design 2
Machine Design 2
The hacksaw blade should be placed in
the frame with:
A. the teeth pointing forward
B. the teeth pointing backward
C. one end looser than the other end
D. the teeth facing in any direction
answer: A
D. jewelers file
answer: A
answer: C answer: B
C. ten times their diameter B. has a flexible back and hard teeth
answer: B answer: C
A tool used for turning nuts or bolts The alignment of coupling faces can be
A. c-clamps checked by:
B. long nose A. using an inside micrometer
C. plier B. inserting a thermocouple
D. wrench C. inserting a feeler gage between the
coupling faces at various points around
answer: D the circumference
D. rotating and measuring to nearest
Used to permit lever shift for vertical permanent fitting
travel of rail
A. ball crank answer: C
B. clamp plates
C. plumb bob A piece of cast iron held against an
D. plunger knob emery wheel will give off:
A. dull yellow sparks
answer: D B. bright shiny sparks
C. red sparks
It is mounted on the top of the column D. no sparks
and is guided in perfect alignment by
the machined dovetailed surface answer: A
A. arbor
B. over arm When cutting material in a lathe, the
C. saddle softer the material being cut, the tool
D. spindle bit should have:
A. more top rake
answer: B B. less top rake
C. double top rake
Name of mechanism, which a welding D. any of the above
operator holds during gas welding and at
answer: A
Copper is annealed by heating to a
A machine in which materials are cherry red color and:
pulverized between the two toothed metal
disk rotating in opposite directions. A. dousing in cold water
A. attrition mill B. cooling slowly in air
B. ball mill C. dousing in oil
C. beater mill D. dousing in hot water
D. tumbling mill
answer: B
answer: A
answer: B answer: D
first burned
B. remaining acid from eating the metal
C. the acid from evaporating the solder It consists of surface irregularities,
disintegrating which result from the various
D. none of the above manufacturing process.
answer: B A. Flaws
B. Lay
It cannot be forged because it will C. Roughness
break if heated and beaten by hammer. D. Waiveness
A. Carbon steel
B. Cast iron Answer: C
C. High speed stee l
D. Tool steel A piece of tool steel held against an
emery wheel will give off:
answer: B
A. White sparks with stars on the ends
Shaper tools are made of what type of B. Yellow sparks
material? C. No sparks
D. Green sparks
A. Babbitt
B. Brass Answer: A
C. Bronze
D. High speed steel Grinding wheels have a range of soft to
hard abrasive materials depending on the
answer: D use. Most manufacturers latter their
wheels from A to Z. The hardest is
It is the operation of beveling the marked:
mouth of a hole.
A. E
A. Counter boring B. A
B. Counter broaching C. Z
C. Counter sinking D. El
D. Spot facing
Answer: C
Answer: C
The main difference between a planer and
The size of abrasive grains produced by shaper is that:
crushing process is called A. The planer has an offset table and
A. the shaper has a horizontal table.
B. B. The shaper has a rotting table and
C. Grit the planer has a horizontal table.
D. C. The table of planer has a
reciprocating motion past the tool head
Answer: C white the table of the shaper is
It is the combination of iron, carbon stationary and the tool head has a
and other alloying elements. reciprocating motion.
A. Alloy steel D. Ones is larger than the other
B. Brass
C. Carbon steel Answer: C
D. Cast iron
One of the factors involved in the
Answer: A choice of a grinding wheel is:
A. The kind of material to be ground
It is the process to divide the B. The amount of stock to be removed
periphery of the job in degrees. C. The kind of finish required
D. All of the above
A. Angular indexing
B. Differential indexing Answer: D
C. Direct indexing
D. Plain indexing The “tang” of a file is the past that:
A. Does the cutting
C. has no teeth
D. is opposite the handle
It’s a square key with the bottom two
Answer: B corners are beveled.
A. Saddle key
The best method of avoiding accident is B. Barth key
by observing _______ related to job, C. Woodruff key
machine and work piece. D. Gib head key
A. Cleanliness Answer: B
B. Emery
C. Opponent Change in metal structure by which the
D. Safety precautions surface structure recover from its
unstable condition
Answer: D A. annealing
B. normalizing
The size of try square is measured from C. aging
the inner edge of stock to the end of D. tempering
Answer: C
A. Base
B. Blade A tapered square key is known as
C. Body A. Gib head
D. Edge B. Woodruff
C. Kennedy
Answer: B D. Barth
Answer: D Answer: D
Answer: B D. chromium
Answer: B
D. None of the above
What is the lip clearance angle of twist
drill for generated work? Answer: A
A. 3 – 6°
B. 8 – 10° The operation of “truing” a grinding
C. 12 – 15° wheel is known as:
D. 18 – 22° A. centering
B. dressing
Answer: C C. sizing
D. rounding
It is a milling method in which parts
are placed in a row parallel to the axis Answer: B
of the cutting tool end are milled
simultaneously. The tool used to check external pipe
A. Abreast milling threads is called a:
B. Angular milling A. plug gage
C. Helical milling B. thread gage
D. Straddle milling C. pitch gage
D. ring gage
Answer: A
Answer: D
A core drill with hardened steel shot
pellets that revolve under the rim of The tool used to check internal pipe
the rotating tube, employed in rotary threads is called a:
drilling in very hard ground. A. plug gage
B. thread gage
A. Adamantive drill C. pitch angle
B. Automatic drill D. ring gage
C. Double core barrel drill
D. Flat drill Answer: A
B. Copper gasket on each side of the waiting for tools, minor accidents etc.
Answer: D Answer: A
A. Arbor conductivity
B. Bearing
C. low melting point and low thermal
conductivity Prepared soldered paste flux is most
D. low melting point and high thermal popular but if you did not have any, you
conductivity should use:
A. hydrochloric acid
Answer: B B. sulphuric acid
C. nitric acid
Grinding is what type of operation? D. any of the above
A. Metal finishing operation
B. Metal fusing operation Answer: A
C. Metal powdering operation
D. metal surfacing operation Another name for hydrochloric acid is:
A. sulphuric acid
Answer: A B. muriatic acid
C. nitric acid
D. acetic acid
Grinding is done wherever
A. a large amount of material is to be Answer: B
B. a small amount of material is to be Hard solder is made of:
removed A. copper and zinc
C. high accuracy is required B. tin and zinc
D. other machining operations can not be C. tin and copper
carried out D. tin and lead
Answer: C Answer: A
Answer: A
Answer: D
A tap with a chamfer 1 – 1 ½ threads in Answers: C
A. Bottom tap When drilling a hole in a piece of work
B. Center tap held in a lathe chuck, and would use
C. Plug tap the:
D. Taper tap A. compound rest
B. cross-feed
Answer: A C. tailstock and drill chuck
D. headstock
A small portable hand drill customarily
used by hand setters to drill the holes Answer: C
in breast called
A. spiral drill Copper is annealed by heating to a
B. diamond drill cherry red color and:
C. churn drill A. dousing in cold water
D. breast drill B. cooling slowly in air
C. dousing with oil
Answer: D D. dousing in hot water
B. a pair of pliers
C. a vise or clamp A hand tool used to measure tension on
D. gloves on bolts
A. Hammer A. heavy cuts
B. Plier B. light cuts
C. Screw driver C. medium cuts
D. Torque range D. straight cuts
Answer: D Answer: B
A hand tool used to measure engine crank At a very low cutting speeds the tool
web deflection wear is due to
Answer: C Answer: C
A kind of chuck, which has reversible They are mixtures of lard, cottonseed or
jaws, which could be adjusted separately rapeseed oils and mineral oils are
A. Combination chuck
B. Independent chuck A. Cooling oils
C. Magnetic chuck B. Cutting oils
D. Universal chuck C. Heating oils
D. Emulsions
Answer: B
Answer: B
A method whereby a gear is run with
another gear that has abrasive surface How is the height of a bench vice
material adjusted?
A. hobbing A. By using a wooden plate form
B. honing B. By using a wooden packing piece under
C. lapping the vice base
D. milling C. By using a vice adjusting fixture
D. All of the above
Answer: C
Answer: D
Is the process of cold works where a
limited amount of material, resulted to Why hacksaw blade teeth get dullness?
a higher strength and it leaves a A. Coarse pitched blade is used on hard
surface under compressive stress metal
A. surface finishing B. Pressure is not released in return
B. smoothing stroke
C. surfacing C. To much speed and pressure
D. surface rolling D. Any of the above
Answer: D Answer: D
C. Hot rolling
Nitriding process of surface treatment D. Rolling
Answer: A
Answer: A
Answer: C
Answer: D
Answer: B
Answer: B