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Ord2016 043

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Clty oF Naga

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ORD!NANCE N0 2016-043



Vice Mayor Netson S Legacioni
Author i

Councrlor Gregoflo Re
Councilor Jose C
Councrlor E1ffi.-SahlesdTo -
Councilor Mrla SD Raqurd-Arroyo
Counc‖ o「 Ray‐ an Cydnck G Rentoy


ln 2000. the Australian Aid Agency (AUSAID) chose Naga as among the 25

pilot cities for its Street and Urban Working Projecl an initiative that provided rice
subsidies to parents in order to help them send their children to school When

assistance from the said international agency stopped, the city government

adopted the project and called it Sanggau/adan (which in Bicol means "to extend

a helping hand ).

From only '1,614 beneficraries when the program started, it currenfly caters
to 2.383 beneftciaries.

And over time, the Sanggawadan Program proved as among the most
effective rnlerventions ofthe city government in improving the access to and quality
of education in Naga. By makrng as part of the program quatifications the school
attendance of children and involvement of parents in formations and seminars.
Sanggawadan has greatly reduced the incidence of child labor and has ensured
that children are in school and not on streets. Consequen y, the program has been
credited for increasing the participation and completion rates in both elementary
and high school.

Nonetheless, per the June 2016 survey conducted by the Education,

Scholarship and Sports Ofice (ESSO) through the Barangay Literacy Workers
(BLW) about One Thousand Two Hundred (1,200) Nagueno children from Five (S)
and Sixteen {'16) years of age are not a(ending school primarily bec€use of
oRD|NANCE NO 2016-043

ln view thereof, the program needs to be sustained and even expanded to

accommodate all said children of school age, those who may not have been
covered by the survey but are lakewise simjlarly situated and belonging to indigent
families as those currenfly enrolled in the program. The gains ol Sanggawadan
should not be allowed to be set back by a child,s parents, misfortune and inability
to atford quality healthcare, lack of competitive and conducive environment for
learning or inefficiency in program implementation

Be it ordained, therefore. by the Sangguniang panlungsod of the City of

Naga that:

Ti e, policy and Coverage
SECTTON 1. TiUe. This tocal legislative measure
''Sanggawadan Ordinance.,,
shall b€ known as the

SECTION 2. Declaration of policy. lt is hereby

the declared poticy of the
Crty Government of Naga to:

a. recognize education as an instrument for

an individual,s maxlmum
participation in development and governance,
a toot for

en":r]nS.. the people,s invotvem6nt ,n
sustarnable economic groMh and .o"irt progi"i.,- -
""t,"u,ng- "ijtaote

b promote the right of every jndividual

to relevant qualrty education,
regardless of sex, age, creed, socro_econor,"
mental condilions, racial or ethnrc origin, potrtrcat
iiui*l" it i"i""r
or otnei #i,,"t,on;"noanO
c. establish, maintajn and support educattonal programs
that will provide
mmplete, adequate, and rntegrated .y.r", "tnrt
retevant to the needs of the people, tne ,r"
ctrnt.v ana so-ciivlat-rarge
sEc'oN 3. Coverage The sanggawadan program sha,
cover chirdren,
aged 5 to 17 years otd. who:

a betong to an indigent family as herein defined;

b. are identified by the City Social Welfare and Development

(CSWDO) to spend
ljme on the streets. ,nprot""t"O
by their parents; "nJlnsrperuiseO
夕 Λ

c have adopted the street as thejr abode andlor

source of liveljhood.


usuatly get absent jn their classes as a result

of helping their famrly in
working and earntng income, and
ORDINANCE N0 2016‐ 043

Page― Three―

e. are under the custody of the CSWDO as a result of other intervention

programs implemented by the government. both local and national, and
are in need of continues rehabilitation and care.

Provided howeverthat Sanggawadan beneficiaries shall continue to receive

benefits even beyond are 17 or 18 if they are still in Senior High School.


SECTION 4. Definition of Terms. For purposes of this Ordinance, the

following terms shall refer to or mean as followsl

a. CSWDO - the Crty Social Welfare and Developmenl Office of the local
government of the City of Naga;

b. Federation - the SANGGAWADAN Federation or the city-wide

organization formed and constituted by all SANGGAWADAN parenF
c. lndigent - refers to one whose gross monthly income and that of his
immediate family does not exceed the food threshold set by the National
Economac Development Authority (NEDA) which, as of March 2016, is i
00 per month for a family of five (or a per capita income of \
Pl,828.00 per month), not receiving a monthly pension or allowance
from a concerned public or private entrty beyond such threshold and
does not own real property with a fair market value as stated in the
current tax declaration of more than seventy live thousand (P75,000.00)

d. Parents Teachers (Community) Association (PTCA and PTA) -

refers to the private voluntary organization in all the public kindergarten,
elementary and secondary schools under the Department of Education
duly organized and existing pursuant to DepEd Order No. 23. s 2002
and under other applicable laws and regulations,

e Student -
shall mean any kinderga(en. elementary, junior and senior
high school student enrolled in a public or private school in the City of

f School - shall mean any public kindergarten, elementary and

グ secondary school in the City ol Naga;

g. Parent - shall refer to a person who is a natural parent, adoptive parent,

or step-parent of a minor student;
oRDtNANCE NO.2016-043

h. Guardian - shall refer to any of the following:

1) A person who, under court order, is the guardian of a minor studentl

2) A public or private agency with whom a minor has been placed for
custody by a court;
3) A pers;n who, in default of parents or a judicially appointed guardian,
is: (i) the surviving grandparent; (ii) the oldest brother or sister' over
twenty-one years of age, unless unrit or dasqualified, or (iii) the child's
actuai custodian, over tYventv-one years of age, unless unlit or
disqualified, in the order indicated.

i. Child - refers to a person below eighteen (18) years of age or over but
is unable to fully take care of or protect himself from abuse, neglect,
cruelty, exploltation or discrimination because of a physical or mental
disability or condition;

J Teachers and School Officials and Administrators - refer to persons

exercising authority over students, including guidance counselors,
prefects ;f discipline, physlcal education instructors, school personnel,
scout masters and Citizen's Advancement Training (CAT) and Citrzen s

Military Training (CMT) or Reserved Officer's Training Corps (ROTC)
commandants, tactical officers and student otficers'

The Program, Benefits and Entitlements Therein

SECTION 5. The Sanggawadan Program. The Sanggawadan Program

potentially working
seeks to assist indigent in-school children, street children and
children in the City of Naga to encourage and motivate them to fin'sh their
schoollng from kindergarten up to senior high school lt alms to decrease drop-out
rates and reduce vulnerability of children in engaging in street activitles

Towards the realization of the

aforementioned aspirations' the
Sanggawadan Program shall provide the following benefits and entitlements to
qua fied beneficiaries:
a  b   c  d

Payment of school fees,

School supplies;
lncentives to exemplary students including tertiary scholarship
Rice subsidy,
Free hospitalization and/or Medical assistance in government run
hospitals within the city of Naga;

Death or Burial assistance


Housing assistance,

Livelihood project assistance; and

Values formation, tutorial, counselling and skills training'

ORDINANCE NO, 2016.043


SECTION 6. School Fees' Recognizing that

poor' the City Government of Naga will
beneficiaries belong to the poorest of the
to them'
tnat oasic eOucation is indeed free and accessible
concerned who
Provided that the SANGGAWADAN children-beneficiaries
mustllkewisebeenrolledundertheoUEENProgramhaveatleasteighty(80o/o) fees' to
;;ili;ilJ;*nouno, ttt"v shalt be entitled to the following school

a. AntFTuberculosis Fee - (F5 00);

b. Phil. Nat'|. Red Cross Fee - (P35'00)i
c. BSPiGSP Fee - (P50'00)'
d Escoda Thinking DaY Fee - (Fl 00);
e Test Paper Fees - (F25 00):
r Athletic Fee - {?5 00)'
g. School Publication Fee - (P25 00);
- (?50 00)'
;. SSG/SSC/Pupil's Government Fee
r Lrbrary,/Laboratory l-ee - (PlO'OO)and
Recognition or movrng up ceremonres fee of
not less than P5O0'Oo' t"Y
items upon consolidation- \
The Naga City School Board shall pay the above
chiidren-beneficiaries and submission of I

of the completl list ;f SANGGAWADAN

the complete list of enrolees per school' V
SECTION 7. School supplies' Two (2) weeks before the opening
classes. the cswDo shall drstrrbute school supphes to SANGGAWADAN

shall be iointly
School supplies to be granted to students-beneficiaries
based on the children's needs relative
determined by the NCSB and the CSWDO
to their grade levels.

8. lncentiv€s to Exemplary StudenG To promote a

competitive and conducive environment
for learning' cash incentives that may be
,""ii" 0", further school needs shall be given to students-beneficiaries noo-
Top 10 o{ their respective grade/year level .Forthose
IiJ*ri"l. "ronn,he school administrators to
;;"il;;, studeits-bene{lciaries who are certified by
also be grven incentives'
i.,o"n 5 of their respect've grade/year level shall
classes shall be given'
Beneficiaries in the Top 10 of graduating
a  b   c


ORDINANCE N0 2016‐ 043

Page- S i x-

Beneflciaries in the Top 5 o, non-graduating grade levels shall each be

given P5OO Oo cash incentive and a Certrficate of Merit

SECTION 9. Scholarship Grant. Students-beneficiaries who graduate rn

high school either as valedictorian. salutatorian or firsl honorable mention shall
automatically become collegiate scholars entitled to the corresponding Ilnancial
grant prescribed under Ordinance No 2015-Ol2 otherwise known as the
Educ€tion Code of Naga City The 2"d and 3'd honorable mentions shall be
to Five Thousand Pesos (Ps,Ooo.oo) educational assistance' Other students-
beneficiaries may also apply and quallfy for scholarship grant following the
pertinent provisions of said ordinance Should such 2nd and 3'd honorable
mentions qualiiy as scholars under the city's Education Code, they shall be entrtled
not to the smaller amount of assistance herein stated but to the greater amount
therein provided.

SECTION 10. Rice Subsidy. Every September, December and April of a

grven school calendar, each beneficrary shall be entitled to at least 30 kilos of nce
provided that the student has perfect school attendance and that hrs/her parents
or guardian has crmplete attendance in meetings and conferences called by
CSWDO. For every day of absence commrtted erther by the student-beneficiary
hrvher parents or guardian, an equivalent of % krlo ol rice shall be deducted from
the rice subsidY.

However. if the absence is due to health-related reasons, no deductlon

rn \ l

rice subsidy shall be made. provided that a medical certificate is submrtted to v

CSWDO. Provided further. that in absences related to the occurrence of typhoons'
parents or
earthquakes and other calamities, the child beneficiary or his/her
guardian shall only be allowed to incur five days of absences from school and from
SelCCnWeOnn meetings, respectively. This is to provide their family enough
time to return to normalcy. ln excess thereof, an equivalent of % kilo of
rice shall
be deducted from their rice subsldy ,or every day of absence'

The availmenl hereot disqualifies the Sanggawadan members to the rice

subsidy under the QUEEN Program

SECTION '1't. Free hospitalization and/or Medical Assistance'

free medical
management of the Naga City Hosp(al is hereby directed to extend
services, including medicines laboratory examinations' to sick
SANGGAWADAN children, parents or guardian, either as out-patients
or in-

the City
For in-patient c€ses beyond the capacity of the Naga City Hospital'
shall forge a
Government of Naga, thru the City Health Office and the CSWDO'
in order
partnership with the Department of Health andi or the Bicol Medical Center
ORDINANCE N0 2016-043


to provide the SANGGAWADAN children and parents or guardian free medical

services thru the Point of Care Program and/or other practicable health programs

SECTION 12. Death or Burial Assistance. The heir/s of an indigent child,

parent or guardian of the Sanggawadan prcgram shall be entitled to the death or
burial assistance of Three Thousand Pesos (?3,000.00) in cash in addition to the
usual bunal assrstance that the city government extends to its indigent resldents

SECTION 13. Housing Assistance. Sanggawadan beneliciaries without

house and lot ol their own shall be gtven priority in the City's Socialized Housing
Program subject to the requisites therein. Provided, that the beneficiaries equity
requrrement shall be reduced to fifty percent (50%) of the prescribed amount but
the remaining half shall nonetheless be paid in the manner sel by applicable city
ordinance, regulation or Pollcy

The Housing and Settlement Development Office (HSDO) is hereby

required at the end of every year to furnish the City Mayor and the Sangguniang

Panlungsod of Naga, through the Vice Mayor, the list of Sanggawadan
beneficiaries who applied, qualified and granted such assistance as well as those
who have yet to be accommodated.

SECTION't4. Livelihood Loan Assistance. The Sanggawadan parents,
guardians or their aggrupation may be granted livelihood loan assistance through
the Metro Naga Public Employment Service Otfice (PESO), provided that a
feasrbility study and poect proposal is submitted to and approved by it' The Metro
PESO shall provide technical assistance to the parents/guardians-beneficiaries to
ensure that the proposed livehhood project is successfully implemented'

SECTION 15. Values Formation, Tutorial, Counselling and Skills

Training. ln order to promote responsible parenting as well as to appropriately
empower the parents or guardians of SANGGAWADAN children-beneficiaries' the
CSWDO shall organize and regularly conduct values formatlon, tutorial
counslling and skills training.

Article 4
Qualif ications and Disqualifications

SECTION 16. Program Qualitications. The Sanggawadan Program shall

cover students who meet the following requisites

a A student-beneliciary must belong to an indigent family whose gross

monthly income and that of his immediate famiiy members do not
exceed the food threshold set by the National Economic Development
Authority (NEDA) and who does not own real property with a fair market
ORDINANCE N0 2016‐ 043
SERlES 2016

Page― Eight‐

value as stated in the current tax declaration of more than seventy five
thousand (F75,000 00) pesos;
b A studenfbeneficaary must belong to a famrly with at least three (3)
children or, stated otherwise, the child-beneficiary must have at least
two (2) siblings, except if he falls under Section 1 8 of this Ordinance,
A student-benefcrary must be stuJyang in public school, except those
indigent children enrolled in pnvate schools by reason of scholarship
grant therein with prior notice frorn the Program Manager,
d A child-beneficiary must not be a repeater of any grade level; and
e The parenuguardian of the child-beneficiary must be an actual resident
and regrstered voter of Naga Ctty.

SECTION 17. Documentary Requirements. For a child to become a

beneflqary of the Sanggawadan Program. his/her parents or guardian must submit
the following documents to CSWDO:

a. Applrcation/profile ,orm duly accomplished with ecent 2"t<2" pictures of
the child beneficiary and of his/her parents or guardian,
b. Certificate of lndigency,
c. Birth Certificates of the child beneficiary. his/her parents or guardian.

and all his/her siblings,
d. School Card (Form 138) of the child beneficiary;
e School lD of the child beneficiary,
f. Voter's lD of the parenus or guardian; and
g. Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) duly filled-up and signed by the
parents or guardian

SECTION 18. Special Cases of Program Enrollment. The Sanggawadan

Program shall also cover children who:

a. are identified by the City Social Welfare and Development Office

(CSWDO) to spend around four to five hours a day on the streets,
unprotected and unsupervrsed by their parents,
b have adopted the street as their abode and/or source of livelihood;
c. usually get absent in their classes as a result of helping their family In
working and earning income; and,
d. are under the custody of the CSWDO as a result of other interventions
implemented by the government, both local and national and are in
need of continuous rehabilitation and care.

Due to the extreme poverty they are facing, the aforementioned children. in
order to be eligible to the program, only require the certification of CSWDO, duly-
noted by the city mayor
ORDINANCE N0 2016‐ 043

Page― Nine―

SECTION 19. Program Disqualification. A student-beneficiary of the

program will be automatically disqualified on any of the following grounds:

a. Dropping from the rolls:

b. Consecutive and habitual absenieeism;
c Transfer of residence outsrde the City;
d Absence of parents or guardian in three (3) meetings and/or program
activities without valid reason/s, or,
e Membership or inclusion of his family to the national government s
Pantawid Pam,lyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) or any similar program.

Articte s
Availment of Benefits

SECTION 20. List of Beneficiaries. The CSWD shall maintain a list of

students-beneficiaries as well as parentvguardian-beneficiaries by barangay

fl し ズ =
indicating therein their names, ages, addresses, and other relevant information.

SECTION 21. lssuance of lD. The CSWD shall issue a Sanggawadan lD

card which shall be considered as competent evidence of identity and membership
in the program as well as to the entitlement to the benefits under this ordinance.
The lD shall state the name of the parents or guardian as well as those of the
family members.

SECTION 22. Availment. To avail ofand be entitled to the beneflts under

this ordinance, a Sanggawadan beneficiary need only to present his/her
Sanggawadan lD card, particularly to the concerned offlces ofthe City Government
of Naga

Article 6
The Sanggawadan Federation

SECTION 23. Sanggawadan Federation. To promote people-

empowerment and community involvement, SANGGAWADAN parents/guardians-
beneficiaries shall be encouraged to organize themselves by barangay and to
maintain a federation that will assist in program implementation as well as aid in
the policing of their ranks.

The federation shall draft therr own rules and regulations. They will elect
their officers rn a manner and frequency they themselves prescribed

For this purpose, the CSWDO is hereby directed to provide all necessary
assistance and needed guidance in organizing and operatronalizing the
ORDINANCE N0 2046-043

Page― Ten‐

SECTION 24. Allowance- Sanggawadan presidents and/or federation

officers shall be entitled to a reasonable allowance under applicable rules and
policies of the city in connection with their actual attendance to regular meetings
or program implementing activities called by the city upon authority of the Mayor'

Article 7
Office and Plantilla Position Creation

SECTION 25- Sangqawadan Office. A Sanggawadan Office is hereby

created whach shall be under the direct supervisron of the City Social Welfare and
Development Office to perform and undertake the functions herein specified
including those that may be assigned by the mayor or as may be prescribed by
law or ordinance

SECTION 26. Plantilla Positions. To ensure the efficient and effective

rmplementation of the program, the following regular positions are hereby created

under the CSWDO. nameLy


SOCIAL WELFARE OFFICER I (SG-1 1) - who shalll

a. Act as program manager of the SANGGAWADAN;

b Screen and pre-qualify applications,
c Oversee home visits and verification of applicants;
d. lvlanage the administration and dehvery of benefits to program
e. Supervise the organrzation and operationalization of the
Sanggawadan Federation;
f Report program status and submit recommendations to CSWDO
head; and,
g. Perform other functions as may be directed by the CSWDO head.

ll SOCIAL WELFARE AIDE (SG-4) - who shalll

a  b   c

Act as secretary to the program manager of the SANGGAWADAN,

Receive applications.
Coordinate with other government agencies relative to successful
conduct of home vlsrts and verification ol applicants'
Liaise with other government agencies to ensure smooth and
professional administration and delivery of benefits to program
e Help the program manager in supervistng the organization and
operationalizatron the Sanggawadan Federation,
f Assist the program manager in draftlng reports and
g Perform other functions as may be directed by the program manager
oRD|NANCE NO.20l6-043

Articte 8
Stakeholders' Rols and Responsibilities

SECTION 27. Stakeholders' Responsibilities. The foltowing define the

respective role and responsibilities ol each program stakeholder:

l City Social Welfare and Development Office - shall:

a Oversee the SANGGAWADAN Program;

b lnclude in its annual budget the necessary funding requirement for
the effective and efficiant impl6mentation of the program.
c Track and examine the children eligible of availing the program,
d. Closely monitor children beneficiaries in their respectrve schools
through the latter's respective class advisers, guidance counsellors
and school heads and use the findings as basis for quarterly
evaluation: and
e. Ensure the regular attendance to school of children who are under

︱ 1 4          、
the custody of the CSWDO.

Barangay Councils - shall:

a. Coordinate with the CSWDO in tracking and monitoring children

eligible of availing the program, and


Encourage parents who are living within their respective lurisdiction
to send and maintain lheir children in school.

Parents Teachers (Community) Association (PTCA and/or PTA) - shall:

a Provide moral, psychological and other kind of support to help

financially handicapped parents or guardian handle and overcome
problems with regard to putting and mainlaining their children in
school; and,
b. Assist in implementing fora, traanangs and other activities that
promote responsible parenting.

IV Parents/Guardian Beneficaaries - shall.

a. Attend all regular meetings and other related activities of the

b   c   ^ 一  e

Ensure regular attendance of children in school,

Refrain from sending children to work or on other errands;
Actively participate in the SANGGAWADAN Federation; and,
Fully cooperate with the caty government.

ORDINANCE N0 2016-043


V. children-Beneficiaries - shall

a. Ensure regular attendance in school'

b Study well and actively parttcipate in school activities; .
doing other errands
c Refrain from working. loitering in the streets or
during school hours, and,
authorities and
d Listen intently and cooperate with parents school
government olticials

,-ilf ij,,"*
Review and.^Success
SECTION 28. Program lmplementation .
the start ot the enrollment penod' the CSWDO shall
lndicators. Every year before
Panlungsod a report on the
i" city-mayor and to the Sangguniang problems

"rorn "" ot tnl Sangga*ad'n Cr.og'"'' encountered and
overall program implementation
irJpo""o .orrtion. that will improve

if there will be a decrease in the
The program will be deemed successful
and working children' Other
a.p."i Li"-anO the number of street children Goals' the Philippine
to,lrt"* in", form part of the Sustainable Development as
comorehensive Development Plan' such
il;;;;;;;ipi;; "nd tne Naea crtv rate and completron rate' shall also be
;;;;;";' ral, cono't sr-'-r'iu"r'
be submitted to the city
Offrce and shall
the City Social Welfare and Devetopment the slart of classes'
,ri"r'rrJ,.,n" s,ngguniang Panlungsod a month before

Article 9
Appropriation and Final Provisions

of no less than Twelve Million Pesos

SECTION 29' Funding' The amount year and every year
Z,OO=o,JoOoOl per annum begrnnrno the 2017 budget
fef qty s-annual budget to serve as funding support
thereafter shall be allocated in the
tu'" shall be rncorporate'd^rn the annual
to the Sanggawadan Program' fh" office (cSWDo)'
irigl "i,i" Cn, social welfare and Development

under Section 6' school supplies under

Separate funding for school fees ordinance shall
students under Section 8 of thrs
Section 7, incentives lor exemplary
crty. school B_oard chargeable
i" or"r,o"o tr r"o"r tre annuat buoget oflheTheNagasame shall be Incorporaled rn the
aoarnst the Specral Educatron t'JiSgf f (ESSo) incrudins
:il:"i';;ililt;-ii"'uon scnolarsnrp and sports ofitce
for scholarship grant under Section
I hereof
in" ,"orLJir*'*
ORDINANCE N0 2016‐ 043

Page‐ Thirteen‐

SECT:ON 30 Repea‖ ng C:ause A‖ ordinances, rules, o「 ders and

regulat ons or parts thereof contraly to orinconsiStent with any ofthe provisions of
this∞ de are hereby repealed

SECT!ON 31 SepaFability ClauSe lf any proViSion ofthis Ordinance orthe

appliCation thereon to any perSOn or clrcur stance is held inval d,the remainder Of
the Ordinance and the appliCation of Such provisions to any persOn or
circumstance sha‖ not be arected thereby

SECT10N 32 Effectivity ThiS Ordinance sha‖ take effect upon its apprOval

ENACTEDi Septembe「 6 2016


WE HEREBY CERT:FY to the correctness ofthe fOregoing ordinance

Secretary to the
Sangguniang Panlungsod

Cに y yo「

&P Officer


Cit 財 さ

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