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D 7152 - 11 (2016)

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Designation: D7152 − 11 (Reapproved 2016)

Standard Practice for

Calculating Viscosity of a Blend of Petroleum Products1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D7152; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope and Opaque Liquids (and Calculation of Dynamic Viscos-

1.1 This practice covers the procedures for calculating the ity)
estimated kinematic viscosity of a blend of two or more D7042 Test Method for Dynamic Viscosity and Density of
petroleum products, such as lubricating oil base stocks, fuel Liquids by Stabinger Viscometer (and the Calculation of
components, residua with kerosine, crude oils, and related Kinematic Viscosity)
products, from their kinematic viscosities and blend fractions. 2.2 ASTM Adjuncts:
Calculating the Viscosity of a Blend of Petroleum Products
1.2 This practice allows for the estimation of the fraction of
Excel Worksheet3
each of two petroleum products needed to prepare a blend
meeting a specific viscosity. 3. Terminology
1.3 This practice may not be applicable to other types of 3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
products, or to materials which exhibit strong non-Newtonian 3.1.1 ASTM Blending Method, n—a blending method at
properties, such as viscosity index improvers, additive constant temperature, using components in volume percent.
packages, and products containing particulates.
3.1.2 blend fraction, n—the ratio of the amount of a com-
1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as ponent to the total amount of the blend. Blend fraction may be
standard. No other units of measurement are included in this expressed as mass percent or volume percent.
3.1.3 blending method, n—an equation for calculating the
1.5 Logarithms may be either common logarithms or natural viscosity of a blend of components from the known viscosities
logarithms, as long as the same are used consistently. This of the components.
practice uses common logarithms. If natural logarithms are 3.1.4 dumbbell blend, n—a blend made from components of
used, the inverse function, exp(×), must be used in place of the widely differing viscosity.
base 10 exponential function, 10×, used herein. Example—a blend of S100N and Bright Stock.
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the 3.1.5 inverse blending method, n—an equation for calculat-
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- ing the predicted blending fractions of components to achieve
priate safety and health practices and to determine the a blend of given viscosity.
applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 3.1.6 mass blend fraction, n—The ratio of the mass of a
component to the total mass of the blend.
2. Referenced Documents 3.1.7 McCoull-Walther-Wright Function, n—a mathematical
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 transformation of viscosity, generally equal to the logarithm of
D341 Practice for Viscosity-Temperature Charts for Liquid the logarithm of kinematic viscosity plus a constant, lo-
Petroleum Products g[log(v+0.7)]. For viscosities below 2 mm2/s, additional terms
D445 Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent are added to improve accuracy.
3.1.8 modified ASTM Blending Method, n—a blending
method at constant temperature, using components in mass
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on Petroleum percent.
Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcom-
mittee D02.07 on Flow Properties. 3.1.9 modified Wright Blending Method, n—a blending
Current edition approved Jan. 1, 2016. Published February 2016. Originally method at constant viscosity, using components in mass
approved in 2005. Last previous edition approved in 2011 as D7152 – 11. DOI: percent.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Available from ASTM International Headquarters. Order Adjunct No.
the ASTM website. ADJD7152. Original adjunct produced in 2006.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

D7152 − 11 (2016)
3.1.10 volume blend fraction, n—The ratio of the volume of which each component has the target blend viscosity are
a component to the total volume of the blend. calculated. The component transformed temperatures are
3.1.11 Wright Blending Method, n—a blending method at summed over all components, as a weighted average, to meet
constant viscosity, using components in volume percent. the target blend transformed temperature. The weighting fac-
tors are the desired blend fractions, which are obtained by
3.2 Symbols: inverting the weighted summation equation.
fij = blending fraction of component i calculated at tem- 4.3 The ASTM Blending Method calculates the viscosity of
perature tj. Blending fraction may be in mass percent a blend of components at a given temperature from the known
or volume percent. viscosities of the components at the same temperature and their
mi = slope of the viscosity-temperature line, blending fractions. The viscosities of the components and the
~ W i1 2 W i0 ! blend are mathematically transformed into MacCoull-Walther-
~ T i1 2 T i0 ! Wright functions. The transformed viscosities are summed
over all components as a weighted average, with the blend
mi-1 = reciprocal of the viscosity-temperature slope, mi fractions as the weighting factors. The transformed viscosity is
tB = temperature, in Celsius, at which the blend has untransformed into viscosity units.
viscosity vB 4.4 The Inverse ASTM Blending Method calculates the
tij = temperature, in Celsius, at which component i has blend fractions of components required to meet a target blend
viscosity vij viscosity at a given temperature from the known viscosities of
Tij = transformed temperature the components at the same temperature. The viscosities of the
T ij 5 log~ 273.151t ij! (1) components and the blend are mathematically transformed into
MacCoull-Walther-Wright functions. The component trans-
formed viscosities are summed over all components, as a
vB = predicted kinematic viscosity of the blend, in mm2/s, weighted average, to equal the target blend transformed vis-
at temperature tB if component blend fractions are cosity. The weighting factors are the desired blend fractions,
known, or desired viscosity of the blend if component which are obtained by inverting the weighted summation
blend fractions are being calculated equation.
vij = viscosity of component i at temperature tj
Wij = MacCoull-Walther-Wright function, a transformation 5. Significance and Use
of viscosity: 5.1 Predicting the viscosity of a blend of components is a
W ij 5 log@ log~ v ij10.71exp~ 21.47 2 1.84v ij 2 0.51v ij2 !! # common problem. Both the Wright Blending Method and the
(2) ASTM Blending Method, described in this practice, may be
where log is the common logarithm (base 10) and used to solve this problem.
exp(x) is e (2.716...) raised to the power x. 5.2 The inverse problem, predicating the required blend
fractions of components to meet a specified viscosity at a given
WH = arbitrary high reference viscosity, transformed using
temperature may also be solved using either the Inverse Wright
Eq 2
Blending Method or the Inverse ASTM Blending Method.
WL = arbitrary low reference viscosity, transformed using
Eq 2 5.3 The Wright Blending Methods are generally preferred
since they have a firmer basis in theory, and are more accurate.
4. Summary of Practice The Wright Blending Methods require component viscosities
to be known at two temperatures. The ASTM Blending
4.1 The Wright Blending Method calculates the viscosity of Methods are mathematically simpler and may be used when
a blend of components at a given temperature from the known viscosities are known at a single temperature.
viscosities, temperatures, and blending fractions of the com-
ponents. The viscosities and temperatures of the components 5.4 Although this practice was developed using kinematic
and the blend are mathematically transformed into MacCoull- viscosity and volume fraction of each component, the dynamic
Walther-Wright functions. The temperatures at which each viscosity or mass fraction, or both, may be used instead with
component has two reference viscosities are calculated. The minimal error if the densities of the components do not differ
transformed reference temperatures are summed over all com- greatly. For fuel blends, it was found that viscosity blending
ponents as a weighted average, with the blend fractions as the using mass fractions gave more accurate results. For base stock
weighting factors. The two temperatures at which the blend has blends, there was no significant difference between mass
the reference viscosities are used to calculate the blend fraction and volume fraction calculations.
viscosity at any other temperature. 5.5 The calculations described in this practice have been
computerized as a spreadsheet and are available as an adjunct.3
4.2 The Inverse Wright Blending Method calculates the
blend fractions of components required to meet a target blend 6. Procedure
viscosity from the known viscosities and temperatures of the
components. The viscosities and temperatures of the compo- Procedure A
nents and the blend are mathematically transformed into 6.1 Calculating the Viscosity of a Blend of Components With
MacCoull-Walther-Wright functions. The temperatures at Known Blending Fractions by the Wright Blending Method:

D7152 − 11 (2016)
6.1.1 This section describes the general procedure to predict 6.2.1 This section describes the general procedure to predict
the viscosity of a blend, given the viscosity-temperature the required blending fractions of two components to meet a
properties of the components and their blend fractions. Any target blend viscosity at a given temperature, given the
number of components may be included. If the blend fractions viscosity-temperature properties of the components. This is
are in volume percent, this is known as the Wright Blending known as the Inverse Wright Blending Method.
Method. If the blend fractions are in mass percent, this is In principle, the blend fractions may be calculated
known as the Modified Wright Blending Method. for more than two blending components, if additional con-
6.1.2 Compile, for each component, its blend fraction, and straints are specified for the final blend. Such calculations are
viscosities at two temperatures. The viscosity of component i at beyond the scope of this practice.
temperature tij is designated vij, and its blend fraction is fi. If the 6.2.2 Compile the viscosities of the components at two
viscosities are not known, measure them using a suitable test temperatures each. The viscosity of component i at temperature
method. The two temperatures may be the same or different for tij is designated vij. If the viscosities are not known, measure
each component. them using a suitable test method. The two temperatures do not
NOTE 1—Test Methods D445 and D7042 have been found suitable for have to be the same for both components, nor do they have to
this purpose. be the same as the temperature at which the target viscosity is
6.1.3 Transform the viscosities and temperatures of the
components as follows: NOTE 4—Test Methods D445 and D7042 have been found suitable for
this purpose.
Z ij 5 v ij10.71exp~ 21.47 2 1.84v ij 2 0.51v ij2 ! (3)
W ij 5 log@ log~ Z ij! # (4) 6.2.3 Transform the viscosities and temperatures of the
components using Eq 3, Eq 4, and Eq 5.
T ij 5 log@ t ij1273.15# (5)
6.2.4 Use the target blend viscosity, vB, as a reference
where vij is the kinematic viscosity, in mm /s, of component viscosity. Transform vB to WB using equations Eq 3 and Eq 4.
i at temperature tij in degrees Celsius, exp() is e (2.716) raised 6.2.5 Calculate the transformed temperatures at which each
to the power x, and log is the common logarithm (base 10). component has that viscosity: If the kinematic viscosity is greater than 2 mm2/s,
~ T i1 2 T i0 !
the exponential term in Eq 3 is insignificant and may be
~ W i1 2 W i0 ! ~ L
T iL 5 W 2 W i0 ! 1T i0 (11)
omitted. Transform the temperature at which the blend vis- 6.2.6 Calculate the predicted blend fraction of the first
cosity is desired using Eq 5. This transformed temperature is component:
designated TB. ~ T B 2 T 0L !
6.1.4 Calculate the inverse slope for each component, as f1 5 (12)
~ T 1A 2 T 0L !
and the fraction of the second component is f2 = (1 – f1)
~ T i1 2 T i0 !
m i21 5 (6) because the total of the two components is 100 %.
~ W i1 2 W i0 !
NOTE 5—See the worked example in Appendix X4.
6.1.5 Calculate the predicted transformed viscosity, WB, of
the blend at temperature TB, as follows: Procedure C

WB 5
T B1 ( f i ~ m i21 W i0 2 T i0 !
6.3 Calculating the Viscosity of a Blend of Components With
( ~f m i
i ! Known Blending Fractions Using the ASTM Blending Method:
where the sum is over all components. 6.3.1 This section describes the general procedure to predict
6.1.6 Calculate the untransformed viscosity of the blend, νB, the viscosity of a blend at a given temperature, given the
at the given temperature: viscosities of the components at the same temperature and their
blend fractions. Any number of components may be included.
Z' B 5 10W B (8) If the blend fractions are in volume percent, this is known as
Z B 5 10 Z' B
2 0.7 (9) the ASTM Blending Method. If the blend fractions are in mass
v B 5 Z B 2 exp@ 20.7487 2 3.295Z B 10.6119Z B2 2 0.3193Z B3 # (10) percent, this is known as the Modified ASTM Blending
where Z'B and Z B are the results of intermediate calculation 6.3.2 Compile the viscosities of the components at a single
steps with no physical meaning. temperature (the reference temperature). The viscosity of
NOTE 2—For viscosities between 0.12 and 1000 mm2/s, the transform- component i at that temperature is designated vi. If the
ing Eq 3 and Eq 4 and the untransforming equations Eq 9 and Eq 10 have viscosities are not known, measure them using a suitable test
a discrepancy less than 0.0004 mm2/s. method.
NOTE 3—See the worked example in Appendix X3.
NOTE 6—Test Methods D445 and D7042 have been found suitable for
Procedure B this purpose.
6.2 Calculating the Blend Fractions of Components to Give If the viscosity of a component is not known at the
a Target Viscosity Using the Inverse Wright Blending Method: reference temperature, but is known at two other temperatures,

D7152 − 11 (2016)
use Viscosity-Temperature Charts D341 or Eq 10 to calculate 1. The blending fraction of the second component is f2 = (1 –
its viscosity at the reference temperature. f1) because the total of the two components is 100 %.
6.3.3 Transform the viscosities of the components using Eq NOTE 9—See the worked example in Appendix X6.
6.3.4 Calculate the transformed viscosity of the blend as a 7. Report
weighted average of the component transformed viscosities, 7.1 Report the predicted viscosity of the blend at the given
using the blend fractions as the weighting factors: temperature, if known blending fractions were given.
WB 5 ( @f W #
i i
(13) 7.2 Report the calculated blending fractions, if a target
( @f # i blend viscosity was given.
where WB is the transformed viscosity of the blend, fi is the 7.3 Report which procedure was used for the calculation.
blend fraction of component i, and Wi is the transformed
viscosity of componenti. 8. Measurement Uncertainty Normally, the sum of blend fractions is 100 %: 8.1 The calculations in this practice are exact, given the
input data.
( ~f ! 5 1
i (14)
8.2 Measuring or compiling the input data can introduce
and the denominator in Eq 12 may be omitted. However, the sources of variation. For example, the measured viscosities of
more general formula may be used when more convenient, for the components will vary according the precision of Test
example to save re-normalizing the base stock fractions in an Methods D445 or D7042, and will lead to variation in
oil containing other components (for example, additives). calculated results using this practice. For the Wright Blending
6.3.5 Calculate the predicted (untransformed) viscosity of Methods, measuring viscosities at narrowly-spaced tempera-
the blend at the reference temperature: tures is expected to lead to greater variability than using widely
v B 5 ~ Z B 2 0.7! 2 exp@ 20.7487 2 3.295~ Z B 2 0.7! 10.6119~ Z B spaced temperatures, due to the increased uncertainty in the
2 0.7! 2 2 0.3193~ Z B 2 0.7! 3 # (15) slope of the fitted viscosity-temperature equations.
NOTE 7—See the worked example in Appendix X5. 8.3 Agreement between the methods in this practice and
Procedure D experimental results were determined in two studies.
8.3.1 The agreements between calculated and predicted
6.4 —Calculating the Blend Fractions of Components to results were compared for 37 fuel blends.4 The fuel compo-
Give a Target Viscosity using the Inverse ASTM Blending nents included light gas oil, heavy gas oil, light cat cracked
Method cycle oil, bright stock furfural extract, kerosine, and short
6.4.1 This section describes the general procedure to predict residue. For fuel blends, the agreement is close to the precision
the required blending fractions of two components to meet a of the experimental data and viscosity blending using mass
target blend viscosity at a given temperature, given the fractions is preferred to volume fractions. Using mass
viscosity of the components at the same temperature. This is fractions, all blend combinations show a positive bias (calcu-
known as the Inverse ASTM Blending Method. lated higher than actual). The bias is dependent on blending In principle, the blend fractions may be calculated ratio and clearly indicates that viscosity blending is nonlinear.
for more than two blending components, if additional con- The magnitude of the bias seems to be correlated with the
straints are specified for the final blend. Such calculations are absolute density difference and the viscosity difference be-
beyond the scope of this practice. tween the blend components.
6.4.2 Compile the viscosities of the components at the For fuels, the difference between calculated and
temperature at which the target blend viscosity is specified. The measured blend viscosities is expected to exceed the following
viscosity of component i at this temperature is designated vi. If values only one time in twenty:
the viscosities are not known, measure them using a suitable ASTM Method Wright Method
test method. If the viscosity of a component is not known at the Blending Basis Mass% Vol% Mass% Vol%
reference temperature, but is known at two other temperatures, Fuels 21 30 % 47 % 14 % 21 %
calculate the viscosity at the reference temperature using Fuels – 12 5% 4% 4% 8%
Viscosity-Temperature Charts D341 or Eq 10. Near Blends
with the greatest disagreement around equal proportions of
NOTE 8—Test Methods D445 and D7042 have been found suitable for
this purpose. components (for example, 50:50). “Near blends” refers to
binary blends of adjacent viscosity streams (for example, light
6.4.3 Transform the viscosities of the components and the gas oil and heavy gas oil or light cycle cat cracker oil and
target blend using Eq 4. heavy gas oil), and excludes “dumbbell” blends (for example,
6.4.4 Calculate the blend fraction of the first component: light cycle cat cracker oil and bright stock furfural extract, or
~ W B 2 W 2! kerosine and short residuum).
f1 5 (16)
~ W 1 2 W 2!
where Wi is the transformed viscosity of component i at the 4
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
given temperature and f1 is the blending fraction of component be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D02-1573.

D7152 − 11 (2016)
8.3.2 The agreements between calculated and predicted with the greatest disagreement around equal proportions of
results were compared for 30 base stock blends.5 The base components (for example, 50:50; 33:33:33; or 25:25:25:25).
stock components included S100N, S150N, S600N, and Bright “Near blends” refers to binary blends of adjacent viscosity
Stock. For base stock blends, the difference between calculated grades (for example, S100N and S150N), and excludes “dumb-
and experimental results are expected to exceed the following bell” blends (for example, S100N and Bright Stock).
values only one time in twenty:
ASTM Method Wright Method 9. Keywords
Blending Basis Mass% Vol% Mass% Vol%
N 9.1 blending; kinematic viscosity; MacCoull; viscosity;
Base Stocks 30 10 % 12 % 1% 2% Wright
Base Stocks – 14 4% 4% 1% 1%
Near Blends

Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D02-1574.


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 A method to calculate the viscosity-temperature prop- compliance with a nonmandatory procedure. This could not be
erties of a blend, given the viscosity-temperature properties of resolved by moving the calculations to an Annex (Mandatory
the components and their blending fraction was first published Information) because not all users of Viscosity-Temperature
by Wright.6 A graphical procedure was included as an Appen- Charts D341 intended to perform blending calculations. A
dix (nonmandatory information) in Viscosity-Temperature separate practice was needed.
Charts D341 for many years. For companies using these
methods, this led to conflicts with auditors who questioned X1.2 The graphical methods of Viscosity-Temperature
Charts D341 have been superseded by computational methods
using calculators or spreadsheets. The graphical method is not
Wright, W. A., “Prediction of Oil Viscosity Blending,” American Chemical included in this practice and an electronic adjunct was devel-
Society, Atlantic City Meeting, April 8-12, 1946. oped.3


X2.1 This appendix gives the derivation of the equations W ij 5 m i X ij1b i (X2.1)
used to compute blend viscosities according to the Wright which is the slope-intercept equation of a straight line, where
Blending Method. the subscript i indicates the oil (components or blend), and the
subscript j indicates the particular temperature-viscosity point.
X2.2 The concept of the Wright Blending Method is illus-
The parameters m and b are the slope and intercept,
trated in Fig. X2.1. For simplicity, a blend comprising only two
components is shown, although the equations will be derived
for the general case of n components. The x-axis is transformed X2.4 These straight lines may also be expressed using the
temperature and the y-axis is transformed viscosity. The point-point equation:
transformations for temperature and viscosity are given by,
respectively, Eq 1 and 2 of this practice. Line 1 shows the
viscosity-temperature relationship of component 1, determined
W ij 5 S W i1 2 W i0
T i1 2 T i0 D
~ T ij 2 T i0 ! 1W i0 (X2.2)

from the two known viscosity-temperature data points, (T10, where (Ti0, Wi0) and (Ti1, Wi1) are two known temperature-
W10) and (T11, W11). Line 2 shows the same data for component viscosity points for component i, and subscript j indicates the
2. The blend fractions of components 1 and 2 are denoted by, specific point to be determined (for example, a particular
respectively, f1 and f2; these may be in either mass percent or temperature or viscosity).
volume percent. The Wright Blending Method will determine
X2.5 The first expression in brackets represents the slope of
the viscosity-temperature relationship of the blend, Line B, the line:
from these data.

X2.3 Each line has the equation: mi 5 S W i1 2 W i0

T i1 2 T i0 D (X2.3)

D7152 − 11 (2016)

Points (T10,W10), and (T11,W11) are the two known temperature-viscosity points for blend component 1. f1 is the blend fraction of component 1.
Points (T20,W20) and (T21,W21) are the two known temperature-viscosity points for blend component 2. f2 is the blend fraction of component 2.
In general, points (Ti0,Wi0) and (Ti1,Wi1) are the two known temperature-viscosity points for blend component i. fi is the blend fraction of component i.
T B is the (transformed) temperature at which the viscosity of the blend is sought.
WB is the calculated (transformed) viscosity of the blend at temperature T B.
FIG. X2.1 Schematic Illustration of Wright Blending Method

and its reciprocal is designated mi-1: n

( ~f T !
i iL
T i1 2 T i0 T BL 5
m i 21 5 (X2.4) n
W i1 2 W i0

X2.6 The temperature corresponding to a given viscosity for

a given component is: where the sum is over all components. There is a similar
equation for temperature TU, at which the blend has viscosity
T ij 5 m i21 ~ W ij 2 W i0 ! 1T i0 (X2.5) WU.
X2.7 It is convenient to define two reference (transformed) X2.10 Substituting equations Eq X2.6 into equation Eq
viscosities, WL and WU, representing lower and upper points on X2.7 gives:
Line B. These reference viscosities are arbitrary and will later
n n
be factored out of the final equation.
WL ( ~f m
i ! 2 ( f i ~ m i21 W i0 2 T i0 !
X2.8 The temperature at which each component has trans- T BL 5 n (X2.8)
formed viscosity WL is: (
T iL 5 m i ~ W L 2 W i0 ! 1T i0 (X2.6)
and similarly for temperature TU.
and likewise for viscosity WU.
X2.11 Now, two temperature-viscosity points are known for
X2.9 The Wright Blending Method combines temperatures the blend, (TBL, WL) and (TBU, WU). These are substituted into
at a given viscosity as a weighted average. The temperature at Eq X2.2 to determine the viscosity of the blend at the required
which the blend has viscosity WL is: temperature:

D7152 − 11 (2016)

W Bj 5 S WU 2 WL
~ T Bj 2 T BL! 1W L (X2.9)
which is the fundamental equation for the Wright Blending
X2.12 A few pages of algebra gives:

W Bj 5
T B1 ( f ~m W 2 T
i i0 i0 !
( ~f m ! i


X3.1 This appendix gives a worked example of calculating W 21 5 log@ log~ 11210.71exp~ 21.47 2 1.84·112 2 0.51·1122 !! #
the expected viscosity of a blend of components, using the 5log@ log~ 112.70! # 5 0.3122 (X3.4)
Wright Blending Method.
T 10 5 log@ 801273.15# 5 log@ 353.15# 5 2.5480
X3.2 Base stock A has kinematic viscosities at 80 °C and T 11 5 log@ 401273.15# 5 log@ 313.15# 5 2.4958 (X3.5)
40 °C of, respectively, 5 mm2/s and 30 mm2/s. Base stock B T 20 5 log@ 1001273.15# 5 log@ 373.15# 5 2.5719 (X3.6)
has kinematic viscosities at 100 °C and 35 °C of, respectively,
T 21 5 log@ 351273.15# 5 log@ 308.15# 5 2.4888 (X3.7)
12 mm2/s and 112 mm2/s. What is the expected viscosity at
50 °C of a 60:40 blend of A and B? T B 5 log@ 501273.15# 5 log@ 323.15# 5 2.5094 (X3.8)

X3.4 Calculate the inverse slope for each component:

X3.3 Transform the viscosity-temperature data:
~ 2.4958 2 2.5480! 20.0522
W 10 5 log@ log~ 510.71exp~ 21.47 2 1.84·5 2 0.51·5 2 !! # m 21
1 5 5 5 20.1776 (X3.9)
~ 0.1724 2 ~ 20.1216!! 0.2939
5log@ log~ 5.70! # 5 20.1216 (X3.1)
~ 2.4888 2 2.5719! 20.0831
W 11 5 log@ log~ 3010.71exp~ 21.47 2 1.84·30 2 0.51·30 !! # 2 m 21
2 5 5 5 20.3087
~ 0.3122 2 ~ 20.0429!! 0.2693
5log@ log~ 30.70! # 5 0.1724 (X3.2) (X3.10)
W 20 5 log@ log~ 1210.71exp~ 21.47 2 1.84·12 2 0.51·12 !! # X3.5 Calculate the transformed viscosity of the blend at
5log@ log~ 12.70! # 5 0.0429 (X3.3) 50 °C:

W Bj 5
T B1 o f sm W
i i0 2 T i0 d
o sf m d

2.50941 s 0.6d f s 20.1776ds 0.1724d 2 2.4958g 1 s 0.4d f s 20.3087ds 0.3122d 2 2.488g

s 0.6ds 20.1776d 1 s 0.4ds 20.3087d

2.50941 s 0.6d f 22.5264g 1 s 0.4d f 22.5851g

s 20.1066d 1 s 20.1235d

2.5094 2 1.5158 2 1.0340 20.0405

5 5 5 0.1759
20.2301 20.2301

X3.6 Calculate the untransformed viscosity of the blend at 530.87 2 exp@ 20.7487 2 101.72881583.2533 2 9396.4553#
50 °C: 530.87 2 exp@ 28916# 5 ~ 30.87 2 0 ! 5 30.87 (X3.14)
WB 0.1759
Z' B 5 10 5 10 5 1.499 (X3.12)
and the predicted viscosity of the blend at 50 °C is
Z B 5 10Z' B 2 0.7 5 101.499 2 0.7 5 ~ 31.57 2 0.7! 5 30.87 30.87 mm2/s.
NOTE X3.1—The inverse problem is worked in Appendix X4.
v B 5 30.87 2 exp@ 2 0.7487 2 3.295 ~ 30.87! 1 0.6119 ~ 30.87! 2
2 0.3193 ~ 30.87! 3 #

D7152 − 11 (2016)


X4.1 This appendix gives a worked example of calculating X4.4 Calculate the temperature at which base stock B has a
the expected blend fractions for two components to meet a viscosity of 31 mm2/s:
target blend viscosity, using the Inverse Wright Blending
Method. T B,31 5 S~ ~ ~ @
log 273.151100! 2 log~ 273.15135!!
log log~ 12.7! # 2 log@ log~ 112.7! # ! D
• ~ log @ log~ 31.7! #

X4.2 Base stock A has kinematic viscosities at 80 °C and 2log@ log~ 12.7! # )1log~ 273.151100! (X4.4)
40 °C of, respectively, 5 mm2/s and 30 mm2/s. Base stock B
has kinematic viscosities at 100 °C and 35 °C of, respectively,
T A,31 5 S ~~ 2.5719 2 2.4888!
0.0429 2 0.3122! D
• ~ 0.1764 2 0.0429! 12.5719
12 mm2/s and 112 mm2/s. What are the relative proportions of (X4.5)
A and B to make a blend viscosity of 31 mm2/s at 50 °C?

X4.3 Calculate the temperature at which base stock A has a

T A,60 5 S ~~
20.2693! D
•0.133512.5719 5 20.041212.5719 5 2.5307

viscosity of 31 mm2/s:
and tB,31 = 66.22 °C.
T A,31 5 S~ ~~ @
log 273.15180! 2 log~ 273.15140!!
log log~ 5.7! # 2 log@ log~ 30.7! # ! D
• ~ log @ log~ 31.7! #
X4.5 Calculate the blending fraction of base stock A:
2log@ log~ 5.7! # )1log~ 273.15180! (X4.1)
~ T Blend 2 T 2 !
T A,31 5 S~ ~ 2.5480 2 2.4958!
20.1216 2 0.1724! D~
• 0.1764 2 ~ 20.1216!! 12.5480
f1 5
~ T 1 2 T 2!
~ log~ 273.15150! 2 log~ 273.15166.22!!

(X4.2) f1 5 (X4.8)
~ log~ 273.15139.48! 2 log~ 273.15166.22!!
T A,31 5S ~ 0.0522!
~ 20.2939! D
•0297912.5480 5 20.052912.5094 5 2.4950 f1 5
~ 2.5094 2 2.5307! 20.0213
~ 2.4950 2 2.5307! 20.0356
5 0.60 (X4.9)
and the blend fraction of base stock A is 60 %. The blend
and tA,31 = 39.48 °C, although it is not necessary to untrans- fraction of base stock B is (1 – fA) = 40 %, and this calculation
form this temperature. agrees, within rounding, with the result in Appendix X3.


X5.1 This appendix gives a worked example of calculating W Blend 5 0.25•W A 10.75•W B
the expected viscosity of a blend, given the component 5 0.25~ 20.0830! 10.75~ 20.0271!
properties and blending fractions, using the ASTM Blending
520.0411 (X5.3)
X5.2 Base stock A has kinematic viscosity at 100 °C of and
6 mm2/s. Base stock B has kinematic viscosity at 100 °C of v Blend 5 1010
W Blend
2 0.7
8 mm2/s. What is the viscosity at 100 °C of a blend made from 10
5 10 2 0.7
25 % base stock A and 75 % base stock B?
5 100.9098 2 0.7
X5.3 Transform the base stock viscosities, using Eq 3.
5 8.12 2 0.7
W A 5 log@ log~ 610.7! # 5 20.0830 (X5.1) 5 7.42 (X5.4)
W B 5 log@ log~ 810.7! # 5 20.0271 (X5.2) NOTE X5.1—The inverse problem is worked in Appendix X6.

X5.4 Add the transformed viscosities, weighted by the

blend fractions:

D7152 − 11 (2016)


X6.1 This appendix gives a worked example of calculating W Blend 5 log@ log ~ 7.410.7! # 5 2 0.0417 (X6.3)
the expected blend fractions for two components to meet a
target blend viscosity, using the Inverse ASTM Blending X6.4 Calculate the predicted blend fraction of component
Method. A:
X6.2 Base stock A has kinematic viscosity at 100 °C of ~ W Blend 2 W B !
fA 5 (X6.4)
6 mm2/s. Base stock B has kinematic viscosity at 100 °C of ~ W A 2 W B!
8 mm2/s. What are the blending fractions required to make a ~ 20.0417! 2 ~ 20.0271! 20.0146
blend with a viscosity of 7.4 mm2/s at 100 °C? fA 5 5
~ 20.0830! 2 ~ 20.0271! 20.0559
5 0.26 (X6.5)

X6.3 Transform the base stock viscosities, using Eq 3. and the blend fraction of component A is 26 %. By
W A 5 log@ log~ 610.7! # 5 20.0830 (X6.1) subtraction, the blend fraction of component B is 74 %. This
W B 5 log@ log~ 810.7! # 5 20.0271 (X6.2) agrees, within rounding, with the result in Appendix X5.

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