ASTM D4929-Organic Chloride
ASTM D4929-Organic Chloride
ASTM D4929-Organic Chloride
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D4929 − 19
3 4
Reagent Chemicals, American Chemical Society Specifications, American The sole source of supply of the stop-cock grease known to the committee at
Chemical Society, Washington, DC. For Suggestions on the testing of reagents not this time is Dow Corning silicone, available from Dow Corning Corporation,
listed by the American Chemical Society, see Annual Standards for Laboratory Corporate Center, PO Box 994, Midland, MI.
Chemicals, BDH Ltd., Poole, Dorset, U.K., and the United States Pharmacopeia If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please provide this information to
and National Formulary, U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. (USPC), Rockville, ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consider-
MD. ation at a meeting of the responsible technical committee, 1 which you may attend.
point on the bottom of the inner wall of the adapter tee section 12.1 Calculate naphtha fraction as follows:
that connects to the condenser. f 5 M n /M c (3)
NOTE 1—A diagram illustrating the appropriate positioning of the where:
thermometer can be found in Test Method D86.
f = mass fraction of naphtha collected,
10.2 Form the copper tubing into a coil to fit inside the Mn = mass of naphtha collected, and
receiver flask, leaving room in the center of the flask for the Mc = mass of crude oil specimen.
receiving cylinder. With the PVC tubing, connect one end of
12.2 Calculate the density as follows:
the copper coil to the water source, and connect the other end
of the coil to the lower fitting of the Liebig condenser cooling Density, g/mL 5 m/v (4)
jacket. Connect the upper condenser fitting to the water drain. where:
Fill the receiver flask with an ice/water mixture, and turn on the
m = mass of sample specimen, g, and
water. Maintain the temperature of the condenser below 10 °C. v = volume of sample specimen, mL.
11.1 Add a 500 mL crude oil test specimen to tared round AND POTENTIOMETRY
bottom flask. Obtain and record the mass of the crude oil-filled 13. Apparatus
flask to the nearest 0.1 g. Connect the flask to the distillation
13.1 Electrodes—The cleaning and proper care of electrodes
apparatus. Place the heating mantle around the flask, and
are critical to the accuracy of this test. Manufacturer’s instruc-
support the heating mantle/flask from the bottom. Connect the
tions for the care of electrodes shall be followed.
heating mantle to the variacs. Turn on the variacs and start the
13.1.1 Glass, general purpose. When glass electrodes are in
distillation. During the distillation, adjust the variac settings to
continuous use, weekly cleaning with chrome-sulfuric acid
give a distillation rate of approximately 5 mL ⁄min. Continue
(Warning—Strong oxidizer; can cause severe burns; recog-
the distillation until a thermometer reading of 204 °C (400 °F)
nized carcinogen), or other strongly oxidizing cleaning
is attained. When the temperature reaches 204 °C (400 °F), end
solution, is recommended.
the distillation by first disconnecting and removing the receiv-
13.1.2 Silver-Silver Chloride, billet-type.
ing cylinder. After the receiving cylinder has been removed,
turn off the variacs and remove the heating mantle from the 13.2 Titrator, potentiometric. The titrator is equipped with a
flask. Obtain and record the mass of the receiving cylinder and 5 mL or smaller buret and a magnetic stirring motor.
distillate. 14. Reagents and Materials
11.1.1 The precision and bias statements were determined
using mercury-in-glass thermometers only. Therefore, when 14.1 Acetone, chloride-free. (Warning—Extremely
alternate temperature measuring devices are used, the cut-off flammable, can cause flash fires. Health hazard.)
temperature so obtained shall be that which will produce a 14.2 Congo Red Paper.
naphtha cut similar to what would be yielded when mercury- 14.3 2,2,4, trimethyl pentane (isooctane), reagent grade.
in-glass thermometers are used. Such alternate temperature (Warning—Flammable. Health hazard.)
measuring devices shall not be expected to exhibit the same
temperature lag characteristics as mercury-in-glass thermom- 14.4 Nitric Acid, approximately 5 M. (Warning—
eters. Corrosive, causes severe burns.) Add 160 mL of concentrated
nitric acid to about 200 mL of water and dilute to 500 mL.
11.2 Transfer the naphtha fraction from the receiving cylin-
der to the separatory funnel. Using the separatory funnel, wash 14.5 2-Propanol, chloride-free. (Warning—Flammable.
the naphtha fraction three times with equal volumes of the Health hazard.)
caustic solution (1 M KOH). Follow the caustic wash with a 14.6 Silver Nitrate, 0.01 M, standard aqueous solution.
water wash, again washing three times with equal volumes. 14.7 Sodium Biphenyl Reagent5,6—This is packed in 0.5 oz
The caustic wash removes hydrogen sulfide, while the water French square bottles (hereafter referred to as vials). The entire
wash removes traces of inorganic chlorides either originally
present in the crude or from impurities in the caustic solution. 6
The sole source of supply of the sodium biphenyl reagent known to the
After the washings are complete, filter the naphtha fraction to committee at this time is Southwestern Analytical Chemicals, P.O. Box 485, Austin,
remove residual freestanding water. Store the naphtha fraction TX.
positive pole of a 1.6 V battery and the other to the negative sample itself is omitted.
pole. Reverse the polarity for several intervals of a few seconds
each to alternately clean and recoat the receptor electrode 17. Calculation
(connected to the positive pole). When adequately coated, the
17.1 Calculate chloride concentration in the naphtha frac-
receptor electrode tip will turn violet in color. This results from
tion as follows:
the action of light on the fresh silver chloride.
~ A 2 B ! ~ M ! ~ 35 460!
Chloride, µg/g 5 (5)
16. Procedure W
18.6 A constant rate syringe pump or manual dispensing 20.3 Optimize the bias voltage setting for the titration cell
adaptor may be used to facilitate slow injection of the sample null-point by injecting 30 µL of chloride-free water directly
into the combustion tube. It is recommended that the injection into the titration cell using a 6 in. needle. Adjust bias up or
rate not exceed 0.5 µL ⁄s. down to minimize the total integrated value due to this dilution
19. Reagents and Materials
21. Procedure
19.1 Acetic Acid, glacial acetic acid. (Warning—Corrosive,
21.1 Fill a 50 µL syringe with about 30 µL to 40 µL of the
causes severe burns.)
sample of washed naphtha fraction of crude oil, being careful
19.2 Argon, Helium, Nitrogen, or Carbon Dioxide, high to eliminate bubbles. Then retract the plunger so that the lower
purity grade (HP) used as the carrier gas. (Warning—These liquid meniscus falls on the 5 µL mark, and record the volume
gases are normally stored in cylinders under high pressure. of liquid in the syringe. After the sample has been injected,
These gases also dilute the oxygen content of the surrounding again retract the plunger so that the lower liquid meniscus falls
air when they leak.) on the 5 µL mark, and record the volume of liquid in the
19.3 Cell Electrolyte Solution, 70 % acetic acid, combine syringe. The difference in the two volume readings is the
300 mL reagent water (see 6.2) with 700 mL acetic acid (see volume of sample injected.
19.1) and mix well. 21.2 Alternately, obtain the sample injection device mass
19.4 Chloride, Standard Stock Solution, 1000 mg chloride before and after injection to determine the amount of sample
per litre. Accurately dispense 1.587 g of chlorobenzene into a injected. This method provides greater precision than the
500 mL volumetric flask and dilute to volume with 2,2,4, volume delivery method, provided a balance with a precision
trimethyl pentane (isooctane). of 60.01 mg is used and the syringe is carefully handled to
obtain repeatable weighings.
NOTE 2—The exact concentration of chloride may be determined by
multiplying the mass of chlorobenzene by the product of the atomic mass 21.3 Inject the sample into the pyrolysis tube at a rate not to
of chlorine divided by the molecular mass of chlorobenzene and then exceed 0.5 µL ⁄s.
multiplying that result by 2000.
21.4 Below 5 µg ⁄g, the needle-septum blank will become
w 3 m 1 3 2000 increasingly more obvious. To improve precision, insert the
Cl ~ mg/ L ! 5 (6)
m2 syringe needle into the hot inlet and then wait until the
where: needle-septum blank is titrated before injecting the sample or
w = mass of chlorobenzene weighed,
m1 = atomic mass of chlorine, and 21.5 For specimens containing more than 25 µg ⁄g Cl only
m2 = molecular mass of chlorobenzene. 5.0 µL of sample need be injected.
19.5 Chlorine, Standard Solution, 10 mg chloride per litre. 21.6 Verify the system recovery, the fraction of chlorine in
Pipet 1.0 mL of chloride stock solution (see 19.4) into a the standard that is titrated, every 4 h by using the standard
100 mL volumetric flask and dilute to volume with 2,2,4, solution (see 19.5). System recovery is typically 85 % or better.
trimethyl pentane (isooctane). 21.7 Repeat the measurement of the calibration standard at
19.6 Chlorobenzene, reagent grade. least three times.
19.7 Gas Regulators, two-stage gas regulator must be used 21.8 Check the system blank daily with reagent grade
on the reactant and carrier gas. isooctane (see 19.8). Subtract the system blank from both
sample and standard data. The system blank is typically less
19.8 Isooctane, 2,2,4-trimethylpentane, reagent grade.
than 0.2 µg ⁄g chloride once the needle-septum blank has been
19.9 Oxygen, high purity grade, used as the reactant gas. titrated (see 21.4).
it differs significantly from the calibration standards when Allow sufficient time for instrument electronics to stabilize.
calculating the final results. Perform any instrument checkout procedures required. When
possible, the instrument should be run continuously to maintain
25. Sampling and Specimen Preparation optimum stability.
25.1 Samples shall be taken in accordance with the instruc- 26.1.1 Use the count time (T) recommended by the instru-
tions in Practices D4057 or D4177 when applicable. ment manufacturer for the lowest chlorine concentration ex-
25.2 When reusable sample cells are used, clean and dry
cells before each use. Disposable sample cells shall not be 27. Calibration
reused. For each sample, an unused piece of X-ray film is
required for the sample cell. Avoid touching the inside of the 27.1 Prepare a set of calibration standards bracketing the
sample cell, the portion of the window film in the cell, or the expected concentration range in the samples by careful mass
instrument window (if the instrument is so equipped) that is dilution of a chlorine dopant (CD, see 24.3) with a chlorine{
exposed to X-rays. Oil from fingerprints can affect the reading free white mineral oil (WMO, see 24.8) or other suitable base
when analyzing for low levels of chlorine. Wrinkles in the film material. Trichloroethylene and 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene have
will affect the intensity of the chlorine X-rays transmitted. been found to be suitable chlorine dopants (see 24.3). The
Therefore, it is essential that the film be taut and clean to concentrations of the unknown samples must lie within the
ensure reliable results. calibration range that is used. All standards used in the analysis
must be from a reliable and consistent source, which can
25.3 Use the appropriate film for the sample type. Samples include commercially available standards. Recommended
of high aromatic content may dissolve polyester, polypropyl- nominal chlorine concentration standards are listed as follows
ene and polycarbonate films. In these cases, other materials for the scope of this test method: 0 mg ⁄kg (base material),
besides these films may be used for X-ray windows, provided 5 mg ⁄kg, 10 mg ⁄kg, 25 mg ⁄kg, 50 mg ⁄kg, and 100 mg ⁄kg.
that they do not contain any elemental impurities. Follow
instrument manufacturer’s recommendations where possible. NOTE 7—It is recommended to calibrate the XRF analyzer higher than
the expected organic chloride concentration in the crude oil, because
25.4 Because impurities and thickness variations can occur distillation of the crude oil will concentrate organic chlorides in the
in commercially available transparent films and vary from lot naphtha fraction. Use the amount of naphtha collected (Eq 3) to optimize
the calibration curve. For example, if the naphtha fraction is 0.5, the
to lot, use calibration-check samples (see 24.2) to verify
measured concentration of chloride in the naphtha fraction can be
calibration integrity after starting each new batch of film. The expected to be twice the amount of the crude.
analyzer may need recalibration if the type or thickness of the
window film is changed. 27.1.1 Take into account any chlorine in the base materials
when calculating the chlorine content (mg/kg) in each of the
25.5 Place the sample in the cell using techniques consistent calibration standards as shown in Eq. 10:
with good practice for the particular instrument being used.
Cl 5 @ ~ CD 3 Cl CD ! 1 ~ WMO 3 Cl WMO ! # □⁄□ ~ CD 1 WMO!
Although chlorine radiation will emerge from only a small
distance into the sample, scatter from the sample cell and the (10)
sample can vary. Laboratory personnel shall ensure that the where:
sample cell is filled above a minimum depth, beyond which Cl = mass fraction of the chlorine of the prepared
additional sample does not significantly affect the count rate. standards, mg/kg,
Generally, fill the sample cell to a minimum of one-half of the CD = actual mass of the chlorine dopant, g,
cell’s capacity. After the sample cell is filled and film is ClCD = the mass fraction of chlorine in the chlorine
attached, provide a vent above the sample to prevent bowing of dopant, mg/kg, typically 0.8095 mg ⁄kg for trichlo-
the film by accumulating vapors. roethylene and 0.861 mg ⁄kg for 1,2,4-
25.6 Ensure the sample is not leaking after preparation, and trichlorobenzene,
perform the analysis of the specimen promptly after preparing WMO = actual mass of white mineral oil, g, and
ClWMO = mass fraction of chlorine in the white mineral oil,
the specimen. Do not let the specimen remain in the sample
cell any longer than necessary before collecting the data.
29.3.1 The use of the factor F to correct the counting rate of 29.8 The concentration of the organic chloride in the origi-
chlorine is optional. nal crude oil sample specimen can be obtained by multiplying
29.3.2 Calculate the chlorine content (Cl) of the sample by the chlorine concentration in the naphtha fraction, Cl in Eq 11
inserting the corrected net counting rate in the calibration Eq and Eq 12 (see 27.3), by the naphtha fraction, f, in Eq 3 (see
12 from 27.3. In many cases the instrument vendor will provide 12.1).
software for the required calculations.
29.4 For EDXRF spectrometers, the concentration of chlo- 30. Report
rine in the sample is automatically calculated from the calibra- 30.1 Report the organic chloride content of the original
tion curve. crude oil sample specimen in µg/g (or mg/kg) as calculated in
29.5 If the specimens have ≥0.5 mass % sulfur, then it is accordance with 17.2 for Procedure A, 22.2 for Procedure B,
recommended that matrix corrections for sulfur be made. In and/or 29.8 for Procedure C.
some systems, the sulfur lines might be interfering with the 30.1.1 The organic chloride content of the naphtha fraction
intensity of chlorine. In that case, line overlap corrections is also expressed as µg/g (or mg/kg) and is calculated in Eq 5
might be required. Manufacturer’s software typically provides for Procedure A, Eq 7-9 for Procedure B, and/or Section 29 for
a method to correct for matrix effects and interferences. In Procedure C. These results are used to calculate the organic
some instances, both matrix correction and correction for chloride content of the original crude oil sample specimen in
interference may be required. In other specimens only one of 30.1.
these corrections must be applied, and in other specimens still 30.2 Indicate that the organic chloride in crude oil results
no correction at all is required. Follow manufacturer recom- were determined by Test Method D4929, Procedure A; Test
mendations for applying sulfur correction. Method D4929, Procedure B; or Test Method D4929, Proce-
29.6 If the test specimen was prepared from a quantitatively dure C. For Procedure C, also report whether the result was
diluted sample, correct the measured concentration for sample obtained by MWDXRF, MEDXRF, or EDXRF. Denote if
dilution. The chlorine concentration (Clo) in the original, method modifications, such as described in Appendix X2, were
undiluted sample is calculated as follows: used during the analysis.
analyzing <20 mg ⁄kg chlorine level samples, it is necessary to
32.1.1 Repeatability—The difference between successive
open and clean it according to manufacturer’s recommenda-
results obtained by the same operator with the same apparatus
tions before further use.
under constant operating conditions on identical test materials
31.3.2 It should be noted that in order to obtain a good fit for
would, in the long run, in the normal and correct operation,
the calibration at low concentrations, it may be necessary to
exceed the following values only in one case in twenty.
change the weighting factor in the regression. It may also be Procedure A—Values can be obtained for
beneficial to change the weighting method used. Many soft-
organically-bound chlorine for any given concentration above
ware packages default to square root error weighting but have
1 µg ⁄g Cl (in the original crude oil specimen) as follows:
the possibility of using linear error weighting or no error
weighting. r 5 0.32 ~ X10.33! 0.644 (17)
31.3.3 Results Validation—Once a standard or sample has where:
been measured, a procedure should be carried out to validate
X = µg/g chloride.
that measurement. This requires the operator to check for
See Table 2 for calculated values. See Note 9 for details of
the ILS. Procedure B—Values can be obtained for
organically-bound chlorine for any given concentration above
1 µg ⁄g Cl (in the original crude oil specimen) as follows:
r 5 1.01 ~ X 2 0.17! 0.467 (18)
X = µg/g chloride.
See Table 2 for calculated values. See Note 9 for details of
the ILS. Procedure C—Values can be obtained for
organically-bound chlorine for any given concentration above
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D02-1293 for Procedures A and B,
and RR:D02-1875 for Procedure C. Contact ASTM Customer Service at
FIG. 1 Recovery of Organic Chloride Spikes
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Confirm the performance of the instrument and the test criticality of the quality being measured, the demonstrated
procedure by analyzing a QC sample. stability of the testing process, and customer requirements.
Generally, a QC sample should be analyzed on each day of
X1.2 Prior to monitoring the measurement process, the user
testing routine samples. The QC frequency should be increased
of the test method needs to determine the average value and
control limits of the QC sample (see Practice D6299 and when a large number of samples are routinely analyzed.
MNL79). However, when it is demonstrated that the testing is under
statistical control, the QC testing frequency may be reduced.
X1.3 Record the QC results and analyze by control charts or The QC sample precision should be periodically checked
other statistically equivalent techniques to ascertain the statis- against the ASTM test method precision to ensure data quality.
tical control status of the total testing process8 (see Practice
D6299 and MNL79). Any out-of-control data should trigger X1.5 It is recommended that, when possible, the type of QC
investigation for root cause(s). The results of this investigation sample that is regularly tested be representative of the samples
may, but not necessarily, result in instrument recalibration. routinely analyzed. An ample supply of QC sample material
X1.4 In the absence of explicit requirements given in the should be available for the intended period of use and must be
test method, the frequency of QC testing is dependent on the homogeneous and stable under the anticipated storage condi-
MNL7, Manual of Presentation of Data Control Chart Analysis, 6th ed.,
Section 3: Control Chart for Individuals, ASTM International, W. Conshohocken, X1.6 See Practice D6299 and MNL79 for further guidance
PA. on QC and control charting techniques.
X2.1 Under certain conditions, salt (inorganic chlorides Removal of inorganic salts prior to analysis can provide “false
such as MgCl2 and CaCl2) contained within many crude oils negative” results when considering refinery operations. The
can undergo hydrolysis during the Test Method D86 distillation user of the method should consider how the data is to be used
step used to isolate the <204 °C fraction for analysis. The before choosing to implement a pre-distillation water wash. It
hydrolysis results in the formation of hydrochloric acid (HCl), is advised to conduct the method as written, without pre-
which can subsequently react with available organic chloride distillation wash. Then, if deemed necessary, conduct the
precursors such as olefins, alcohols, and esters that are present evaluation with the pre-distillation water wash in place, and
in the naphtha fraction, and form organic chlorides. These report both results.
formed organic chlorides remain in the naphtha fraction and
are reported in the final test result. As a result, some users have X2.3 In the event that a sample was prepared for Test
adopted the practice of water washing neat crude samples prior Method D4929 testing by water washing the neat crude, the
to distillation, in order to remove what is often deemed a reported results shall include a statement indicating what
potential interference. sample preparation technique was employed, such as
“D4929A-Modified with Crude Pre-Wash.”
X2.2 This crude oil sample preparation practice has the
potential to bias the final test results since the act of distillation X2.4 While Test Method D4929 permits water washing of
simulates the conditions of an atmospheric crude distillation the distilled naphtha, it does not include neat sample prepara-
tower. Any organic chlorides that are present in the naphtha tion by water washing of the crude oil sample prior to testing,
pose a risk to refinery operations. Therefore, their presence or and the information provided in this appendix shall not be
absence in the Test Method D4929 test results are relevant. interpreted as support for this preparation practice.
Subcommittee D02.03 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D4929 – 17) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved July 1, 2019.)
(1) Revised subsections 1.6.1, 23.1, 23.2.1, 23.2.2, 23.3.1, (5) Revised Note 8.
23.3.2, 23.4.1, 23.4.4, 23.5.2, 23.5.3, 24.6, 25.7, 27.1, 27.1.2, (6) Removed Table 1 Recommended Chlorine (mg/kg) Stan-
28.6, 30.1, 30.1.1, 30.2,,,,, dard Calibration Ranges and renumbered subsequent tables., and (7) Replaced Table 3 Calculated Precision Values, Procedure C
(2) Deleted subsections 23.2.7, 23.3.5, and 23.4.6. XRF with Table 2 and Table 3 which contain calculated
(3) Added subsection 23.5.1 and renumbered rest of section. precision values for all procedures.
(4) Added Note 7 and Note 9, and renumbered subsequent
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
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