Proper Waste Management and Rate of Dengue Cases in The Residence of Barangay Malvar 7-A, Davao City
Proper Waste Management and Rate of Dengue Cases in The Residence of Barangay Malvar 7-A, Davao City
Proper Waste Management and Rate of Dengue Cases in The Residence of Barangay Malvar 7-A, Davao City
Literature Foundation
Dengue infection has further spread in already endemic areas and to new
areas in Asia. Sri Lanka was one of eight Asian countries where outbreaks of
dengue occurred. Sri Lanka has experienced severe outbreaks 2010 onwards. In
present, an increasing trend in the number of dengue cases had been reported in
Sri Lanka, (from January to June 2019, Epidemiology Unit of the Ministry of
Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine reported 25,216 dengue cases).
Dengue (Aedes) mosquito lays eggs in stagnant water which can survive
up to one year. The eggs can withstand dry conditions and hatch when water is
available. Therefore, it is vital to keep neighborhoods clean and free of
receptacles that attract the dengue-carrying mosquitos. Water storage tanks,
pots, and discarded tires, etc. are all possible sites for mosquitos to breed. As the
eggs can survive up to one year in dry containers, the residence in Sri Lanka
should scrub clean the sites at least once a week (World Health Organization,
The main focus of this study is to find out how environmental wastes will
affect the rate of dengue cases in the area within the Barangay Malvar 7-A. This
study yearns to identify possible causes of the illness to develop awareness and
assist the community about proper waste disposal.
Barangay. This study would help the entire community to mitigate their waste
products. It will also inform them of the dangers of improper waste disposal.
Administrators. This study would help the Administrators to know what policies
and regulations they will implement when it comes to proper waste management
in the Barangay Marval 7-A.
Future Researcher. This study would help future researchers as the basis of
their study and additional literature for their future investigations.
Business World Article, (2019), Dengue cases in Davao Region up 60% highest
Davao City. Retrieved on August 12, 2019. Retrieved from
World Health Organization Sri Lanka (2010). Preventing Dengue in Sri Lanka.
This chapter provides a review of related literature and studies after the
detailed and extensive search done by the researchers. It focuses on the
problems in regards the waste management and dengue prevention faced in this
study. It also includes the theoretical and conceptual framework to fully
understand the research done and lastly the definition of terms for better
Living Environment
In conclusion, this chapter provides the overview related studies after the
detailed and extensive search done by the researchers. This study focuses on
the problems and results in regards to the waste management and dengue cases
faced in this study.
This firm deals explicitly with waste prevention, waste recycling, and waste
disposal. There are models that analyze these aspects but not a neoclassical
model which integrates all three aspects. The economics of exhaustible
resources deals with models of recycling and pollution control. This strand of the
literature looks into the interaction of stocks and flows of natural resources
including those of recyclable resources. These paths are based on the
interdependency between extraction of the resource and the reduction of the
stock of recyclable waste (Conrad, 2009).
Figure 2.1 shows the conceptual framework of the study. The predictor
variable is the proper waste management, while the criterion variable is the rate
of dengue cases of the residence in Barangay Malvar 7-A.
Alvarez, Baguz, and Burog (2017), A Case Study about the Improper Waste
Disposal in Barangay Mojon Tampoy. Retrieved on May 2017. Retrieved
Baltimore Urban Debate League (2012), The Positive and Negative Effects
of Recycling. Retrieved on N/d. Retrieved at
Bhatt, S., Gething, PW. and Brady, OJ., et al. (2013), The global distribution and
burden of dengue. Retrieved on April 7, 2013. Retrieved on
Center of Disease Control and Prevention (2015), Dengue Virus Infections 2015
Case Definition. Retrieved on July 9, 2015. Retrieved at
Gubler, DJ. (2011), Dengue, urbanization, and globalization: the unholy trinity of
the 21st century. Retrieved on August 25, 2011. Retrieved on
Smith, Simon, and Barker (2012), Ross, Macdonald, and a Theory for the
Dynamics and Control of Mosquito-Transmitted Pathogens. Retrieved on
April 5, 2012. Retrieved at
World Health Organization (2012), Global strategy for dengue prevention and
Control. Retrieved on N/d. Retrieved at
World Health Organization (2010), Working to overcome the global impact of
neglected tropical diseases: first WHO report on neglected tropical
diseases. Retrieved on N/d. Retrieved on
This chapter provides the overall research methodology and present the
explanation about the procedures which are taken in this study in order to find out
the answer to the research questions. This study also includes research design,
respondents of the study, population and sample, research instruments, survey
questionnaire, and data gathering procedures.
Research Design
In this study, the target population is General Malvar St. Davao City, while
the accessible population is the residence Barangay Malvar 7-A.
In this study, a stratified sampling procedure was used for selecting the
participants of the study. This technique was employed to ensure a fairly equal
representation of the variables for the study. The stratification would base on
proper waste management and rate of dengue cases among the resident in
Barangay Malvar 7-A. Stratified sampling technique was employed to select a
specific number of respondents.
The target population of this study are the 10 residents in Barangay Malvar
who had experienced dengue. 10% of the total number is given on the records of
the barangay. The researchers would not be using the Slovin’s formula on this to
come up with a specific number of respondents since the number of the target
respondents have been given by the barangay.
Research Instruments
% is the percentage
F is the Frequency
N is the total number of respondents
100 a constant value
Formula: X= Fx / N
Walliman, N. (2011). Your Research Project Designing and Planning Your Work.
Retrieved on May 16, 2011. Retrieved at
Shown in this chapter are the results of the study relative to the questions
posed in Chapter 1. Results are presented and examined under the following
sub-headings: Level of Recycling; Level of Discipline; Level of the Living
Environment of the residents in Barangay Malvar 7-A and Significant Relationship
Between Proper Waste Management and Rate of Dengue cases.
Table 4.1 shows the level of knowledge in recycling. The overall mean is
3.86 with a standard deviation of 0.28 (High).
Specific item question yields the following results: Residents’ put their
recyclable in the recycle bin has a mean of 3.40 and standard deviation of 1.43
(moderate); Residents’ separate recyclables and non- recyclables materials has
a mean of 4.20 and standard deviation of 1.17 (High); Residents’ isolate different
types of recyclables has a mean of 4.00 and a standard deviation of 1.00 (High);
Residents’ make use of the renewable materials has a mean of 3.80 and a
standard deviation of 1.08 (High); Residents’ identified what kind of waste their
going to segregate has a mean of 4.00 and a standard deviation of 0.77 (High);
Residents’ are more responsible in disposing the solid wastes has a mean of
3.90 and a standard deviation of 0.70 (High); Residents’ find recycling useful for
the development of our community has a mean of 4.00 and a standard deviation
of 0.63 (High); Residents’ throw the waste in their proper places has a mean of
3.70 and standard deviation of 1.19 (High); Residents’ make use the recyclables
materials as crafting materials has a mean of 3.40 and a standard deviation of
1.43 (moderate); Residents’ believe that one man’s waste is another man’s
treasure has a mean of 3.70 and a standard deviation of 1.10 (High). Item
questions numbers 2 up to 10 except 1 and 9 connote that the item questions are
high and manifested about 9 out of 10 occasions. Item question number 1 and 9
indicates that the question is moderate and manifested about 5 out of 10
The item question number 2 got the highest mean of 4.20 which is
described as high. Results showed that the residents make use the recyclables
materials as crafting materials is a huge factor for them to keep maintaining
proper waste disposal as crafting materials. In line with the finding, Madu (2007)
as cited by Saari (2017), states that defines it as ‘a process of converting
materials that could have been treated as wastes into valuable resources.
Recycling is based on separating recyclable material from other produced waste
and then getting rid of the non-recyclable material and finding new purposes for
the recyclable material. Without recycling there would be greenhouse gases
everywhere. The Compactor Management Company (CMC) stated that these
greenhouse gases pollute the environment and attract insects, flies, and bugs.
When you recycle the waste instead of sending it to landfills, you are directly
reducing the pollution.
On the other hand, item question number 1 and 9 got a moderate mean of
3.40 and with a moderate descriptive equivalent. This means that residents’
separate recyclables and non- recyclables materials is rarely practiced.
The item question number 1 to 10 got the highest mean which is described
as high. The item result shows the residents applied proper discipline in
managing waste.
Table 4.3 shows the level of dengue cases in terms of the living
environment of the Brgy. Malvar 7-A. The overall mean is 3.83 with a standard
deviation of 0.18 (High).
The table shows the level of dengue cases in terms of living environment
is I see mosquitos hovering around and inside my house with a mean of 4.30 and
a standard deviation of 1.19. The lowest level of awareness on the proper waste
management is I burned dry leaves outside my house with a mean of 3.10 and a
standard deviation of 1.22. The overall total for the level of dengue cases in terms
of living environment is 3.83 and a standard deviation of 0.18 and interpreted as
high, therefore, it indicates that the indicators for the level of dengue cases in
terms of living environment is high and manifested about 7-8 out of 10 occasions.
Inline in the study of Alvarez, Bagus, and Burog (2017) stated that without an
effective and efficient waste management program, the waste generated from
various human activities, both industrial and domestic, can result in health
hazards and have a negative impact on the environment. An effective and
efficient waste management program is a way for an area to have a clean and
safe environment. Treatments and disposal methods depends on the type of
problem that any community has.
The table shows the significant relationship between the Proper Waste
Management and Dengue Cases of the residence of Brgy. Malvar 7-A with the
degree of freedom, Pearson r (correlation), P-value and the decision.
Proper Waste Management has a mean of 3.88 and the r-value of 0.37.
While the Dengue cases have a mean of 3.83 and the r-value of 0.37. The
variables both have the same p-value which is 0.009. Therefore the null
hypothesis is rejected.
Summary based on the results of the study; the findings are summarized
as follows:
1. The overall total for the level of awareness on the proper waste
management is 3.86 and a standard deviation of 0.28 and interpreted s
high, therefore, it indicates that the indicators for Proper Waste
Management is high and manifested about 7-8 out of 10 occasions.
2. There are 10 dengue cases reported in the Brgy. Malvar 7-A. The
researchers did not get the overall population because the specific number
of respondents are given by the barangay officials.
3. The overall mean for Proper Waste Management is 3.88 and Dengue
cases is 3.83. The r-value is 0.037 and interpreted as weak positive
correlation and a p-value of 0.009, therefore, the decision is there is a
weak positive significant relationship between the Proper Waste
Management and Dengue cases of the residence of Brgy. Malvar 7-A.
Based on the summary of the study, the following conclusions are shown
2. The 10 dengue cases of this study are the 10 residents in Malvar 7-A
who reported in the barangay.
Barangay. The barangay would help mitigate their waste products throughout the
community. They will also inform them of hazards associated with improper
disposal of waste.
Alvarez, Baguz, and Burog (2017), A Case Study about the Improper Waste
Disposal in Barangay Mojon Tampoy. Retrieved on May 2017. Retrieved
In Partial Fulfillment of
The Requirements in Practical Research STEM
Dulos, Rex
Gono, Leah
Gumama, Alinor
Morales, John Manuel
Raval, Niña
Rincal, Sheine
October 2019