Washing Full
Washing Full
Washing Full
This report summarises the findings of one of the problems presented at the 2006
MISG. The problem, presented by Fisher and Paykel, was to develop a better un-
derstanding of the dynamics of modern washing machines that use ‘balance rings’.
Balance rings are toroidal chambers that are partially filled with fluid. The wash-
ing machine is a complicated system so several simplified systems were examined
instead of attempting to model the complete system. These approaches included
1 experimental work using a washing machine with transparent balance rings
and a strobe-light to observe the fluid-flow in the balance rings,
2 developing a 2D model of a balance ring and examining the system behaviour,
3 developing a simplified 3D model of a washing machine, without balance rings
or an out-of-balance mass, and examining the system behaviour,
4 developing a simplified model to describe waves that might occur in the fluid
within the balance rings.
1. Introduction
1.1. The product
The industry partner manufactures washing machines which have a
cylindrical drum (with a nominally vertical axis) suspended within a
cuboid outer box (called the envelope). The drum has a non-rotating
outer part and a rotating inner bowl where the clothes (load) are placed.
The centre of mass of the load will not usually lie on the axis of symmetry
of the inner drum and thus there will be an out of balance load (OOBL)
when the drum rotates. This causes the drum to rotate about an axis
other than its axis of symmetry and causes the motion to be eccentric.
The industry partner seeks to maximise the size of the inner drum
(to maximise capacity) whilst minimising the size of the envelope (space
required in laundry) and thus the clearance between the bowl and the
envelope needs to be minimised (it is typically 25mm). This constrains
the amount of eccentricity that can be tolerated before the drum collides
with the envelope. Eccentricity is reduced by the use of balancing rings
on the inner drum and by the design of the suspension system of the
1.2. Objective
The industry partner seeks a more comprehensive understanding of
the dynamics of the system and in particular what causes the motion to
be eccentric. They have always been able to successfully design balance
rings and suspension rods which keep the eccentricity to acceptable levels
for all reasonable OOBLs but the design approach has been somewhat
“trial and error”.
1 2D refers to the fact that the model is assumed to lie completely in the horizontal plane.
2 3D refers to 3 spatial dimensions.
2. Experimental work
2.1. Introduction
Fisher and Paykel provided a washing machine with transparent bal-
ance rings and a strobe-light so that the group could observe the dy-
namics of the fluid within the rings.
1 Precession is when the axis of spin rotates so that it describes a cone shape. Nutation is
when the angle that the cone of precession describes changes periodically.
2.3. Summary
At high speed (say greater than 250rpm) and below a threshold (typi-
cally 180rpm), the motion is predominantly a simple 1dof rotation with
the axis of rotation slightly tilted with respect to the axis of symmetry
and slight (but acceptable) eccentricity. The balance rings operate well
with the water stationary within them and the MISG 2000 model ade-
quately describes the behaviour of the system. At intermediate speeds
(say 180 to 250rpm) the motion is non-simple with excessive (potentially
unacceptable) eccentricity. Three candidate causes have been identified:
2 Waves occur in the balance ring sectors and these force the rota-
tional motion to be non-simple.
4.2. Preliminaries
First, some notation must be defined. Figure 1 shows a set of unit
vectors E = {e1 , e2 , e3 } fixed in the earth and a set of unit vectors
B = {b1 , b2 , b3 } such that b3 is in the direction of the axis of symmetry of
the bowl and b2 is perpendicular to e3 . The steps in the transformation
required to get from E to B are:
1 Start with the axis set defined by E and rotate the axes by an angle
φ about the e3 axis. Call this intermediate axis set C = {c1 , c2 , c3 }.
2 Then rotate the axes by an angle θ about c2 . This axis set is B.
1 The springs that support the washing machine bowl are oriented
vertically and are assumed to be long so that they remain vertical
at all times. See Figure 2.
3 The bowl is allowed to spin freely and there are no external mo-
ments such as motor torque acting on the bowl.
4 The vertical bounce mode of the bowl and any horizontal transla-
tions of the bowl are ignored.
Figure 3. Pictorial representation of the radius of the bowl and stiffness of the
U = Rk sin2 θ (5)
1 1 1 2
T = I⊥ θ̇ 2 + I⊥ φ̇2 sin2 θ + I3 ψ̇ + φ̇ cos θ . (8)
2 2 2
Equations (5) and (8) may be used to calculate the Lagrangian,
L = T −U (9)
1 1 1 2
= I⊥ θ̇ 2 + I⊥ φ̇2 sin2 θ + I3 ψ̇ + φ̇ cos θ − Rk sin2 θ. (10)
2 2 2
∂L d ∂L
0 = − , (11)
∂θ dt ∂ θ̇
∂L d ∂L
0 = − , (12)
∂φ dt ∂ φ̇
∂L d ∂L
0 = − . (13)
∂ψ dt ∂ ψ̇
= sin θ (I⊥ − I3 ) φ̇2 cos θ − ψ̇ φ̇I3 − 2Rk cos θ , (14)
= 0, (15)
= 0, (16)
= I⊥ θ̇, (17)
∂ θ̇
= I⊥ φ̇ sin2 θ + I3 ψ̇ + φ̇ cos θ cos θ, (18)
∂ φ̇
= I3 ψ̇ + φ̇ cos θ . (19)
∂ ψ̇
d ∂L
= I⊥ θ̈, (20)
dt ∂ θ̇
d ∂L
I⊥ sin2 θ + I3 cos2 θ φ̈ + I3 cos θ ψ̈
dt ∂ φ̇
+2 (I⊥ − I3 ) sin θ cos θ θ̇φ̇, (21)
d ∂L
= I3 ψ̈ + φ̈ cos θ − φ̇θ̇ sin θ . (22)
dt ∂ ψ̇
4.4. Discussion
Examining the equations of motion for the 3D rigid-body model (2)
to (4), it can be seen that there is a spin motion, precession and nuta-
tion. These equations are non-linear and coupled so characterising the
motion is difficult. It is believed that computer simulations would be
the best way to examine this system further. Unfortunately, there was
not sufficient time to complete computer simulations during the MISG
meeting. Once an understanding of the equations of motion have been
gained, additional complexity, such as an out-of-balance load, could be
added to the model. This method would allow the effects of changes to
the model to be assessed.
5.2. Method
We follow [4]. We wish to study the resonances of the fluid motion
under the assumption that the drum is rotating with constant angular
velocity about a fixed axis. If such resonance modes exist, it is possible
that they could be excited by perturbations to the rotational motion of
the drum. If this were to happen, the resulting oscillations could grow in
amplitude to those observed for rotational frequencies between 180rpm
and 250rpm. Thus our goal is to see if there are any such resonances for
rotational frequencies in this range.
5.3. Analysis
Let q be the velocity of water in the balance rings measured in a
co-ordinate system which is fixed relative to the motion of the drum.
We assume that the drum is rotating with constant angular velocity Ω.
Thus the vector Ω points in the direction of the axis of rotation (which
is vertical) and its length ω = |Ω| is the angular speed.
The equations of motion of the fluid in this co-ordinate system are for
conservation of mass (water is assumed to be incompressible)
∇·q =0 (23)
and conservation of momentum
∂q 1
+ q · ∇q + 2Ω × q = − ∇p − ν∇ × (∇ × q). (24)
∂t ρ
Here ν and ρ are respectively the kinematic viscosity and density of
water. The scalar p is the reduced pressure which is related to the actual
pressure P by the equation
p = P + ρgz − ρω 2 r 2 , (25)
in which r and z are the radial and axial co-ordinates in a cylindrical
co-ordinate system with axis Ω.
ω2 2
z= r + constant, (26)
showing that the shape is a paraboloid.
When ω = 0 the paraboloid of course degenerates to a plane horizontal
surface. But we are more interested in what happens near 200rpm, for
which ω ≈ 21. The balance rings have a radius of approximately 220mm,
so the slope of the interface,
dz ω2r
= ≈ 10,
dr g
is quite steep at such frequencies.
ν U
E= (Ekman number), ǫ= (Rossby number),
ωL2 ωL
are small. Here, U and L represent typical velocity and length scales for
the motion of the liquid.
We seek oscillatory solutions
q = Qeiλt ,
p = constant + Φeiλt ,
Substituting these expressions into (23) and (27) gives the equations
that must be satisfied by Q and Φ:
∇ · Q = 0, (28)
iλQ + 2Ω × Q = − ∇Φ. (29)
The normal flux of water at solid boundaries must be zero. Thus if Γ0
denotes the portion of the inner surface of the balance rings in contact
with the water, and if n denotes the outward unit normal vector on Γ0
then we must have
n.Q = 0 on Γ0 . (30)
Let Γ1 denote the water surface in contact with air inside the balance
rings. Fluid particles on this surface will stay on this surface so they
experience constant pressure P = P0 . Thus dP/dt = 0 on Γ1 , where
d/dt denotes the time derivative following the water,
d ∂
= + q · ∇.
dt ∂t
Applying this operator to (25), we find
dp 1
= q · ∇(ρgz − ρω 2 r 2 ) on Γ1 .
dt 2
But the unit normal n to the steady state surface (26) is given by
∇(ρgz − 21 ρω 2 r 2 )
n= .
|∇(ρgz − 12 ρω 2 r 2 )|
dp ∂p ∂p
= + q · ∇p ≈ .
dt ∂t ∂t
Thus the free surface boundary condition for our linear waves is given
iλΦ = Θn · Q on Γ1 , (31)
where Γ1 is given approximately by (26) and
1 p
Θ = |∇(ρgz − ρω 2 r 2 )| = ρ g2 + ω 4 r 2 .
We see then that the water waves must satisfy equations (28), (29)
and the two boundary conditions (30), (31).
The videos provided by Fisher & Paykel and the experiments per-
formed at MISG showed strong fluid oscillations within the cells during
the resonant motion of the washing machine. The fluid flow for these
oscillations appeared to be two dimensional, the direction of motion be-
ing perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the drum. The fluid flow
from one cell to another seemed to be on a slower time scale (period ≈ 4
seconds) than the oscillations within each cell.
These observations partly justify some simplifying assumptions:
The flow is two dimensional.
The oscillations of fluid within each cell are not significantly af-
fected by the flow of fluid through the slots connecting adjacent
cells. Hence we ignore the slots in this analysis.
The shape of the cells themselves will affect the oscillation frequency.
However, in order to get a rough idea of the nature of these oscillations,
we assume a simplified geometry for the cells. This is shown in Figure
5, which also illustrates a local co-ordinate system for a cell.
With respect to this co-ordinate system, equations (28), (29) for Q =
(Q1 , Q2 , 0) and Φ take the form
∂Q1 ∂Q2
+ = 0, (32)
∂x ∂y
1 ∂Φ
iλQ1 + 2ωQ2 = − , (33)
ρ ∂x
1 ∂Φ
iλQ2 − 2ωQ1 = − . (34)
ρ ∂y
y direction of rotation
free surface
0 L x
Figure 5. Simplified cell geometry and local co-ordinate system
6. Conclusions
Modern washing machines with balance rings are complicated sys-
tems and it was not possible to build a 3D model including balance
rings and an out-of-balance load in the time available.
nondimensional eigenfrequency σ
2 1
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
relative depth h
It is clear that the motion of the water in the balance rings exac-
erbates the resonant behaviour of the washing machine. It is also
clear that this is because the water moves away from its balancing
state, possibly even adding to the effect of the out of balance load.
Our analysis of water oscillations within the balance ring does not
rule out the possibility that the oscillations themselves start the
unwanted motion. However, further work is needed to see if this
is the case.
A good starting point for future research on the effect of the bal-
ance rings is Equation 33, which for low frequency (λ ≈ 0) oscilla-
tions becomes
1 ∂Φ
2ωQ2 = − .
ρ ∂x
This shows that motion of the balance ring in the y-direction in-
duces a pressure gradient in the x-direction. It is conceivable that
such pressure gradients cause pressure jumps between adjacent
cells which force the motion of water from one cell to another.
It would be interesting to analyse this effect more closely to see if
it is the mechanism for the onset of the resonance.
[1] VanKirk J. and Burmeister L., “An automatic balancer design for a vertical-axis
clothes washing machine”, Proceedings of ASME Design Engineering Conference
& Show, Chicago, Ill., (1994).
[2] Whiten W. J. and Broadbridge P., “A washing machine balancing problem”,
Proceedings of MISG 2000, Adelaide, (2000).
[3] Churchill R. V. and Brown J. W., Complex variables and applications, 4th Ed.,
McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, (1984).
[4] Greenspan H.P., The theory of rotating fluids, Reprint of the 1968 original,
Cambridge Monographs on Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, Cambridge
University Press, (1980).