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||||||||||I|| US00541 7876A

United States Patent (19) (11 Patent Number: 5,417,876

Tokosh et al. (45) Date of Patent: May 23, 1995
54 TRANSPARENT SOAP FORMULATIONS 4,822,600 4/1989 Wortzmann .......................... 424/59
AND METHODS OF MAKING SAME 4,839,080 6/1989 Jungermann et al. . ... 252/107
4,851,147 7/1989 Esposito et al. .................... 252/108
75 Inventors: Richard Tokosh, Saddle Brook, N.J.; 4,919,838 4/1990 Tibbetts et al. ..................... 252/108
Mercer A. Baig, Monroe, N.Y. 4,963,284 10/1990 Novakovic et al................. 252/121
4,980,078 12/1990 Verite et al. ........................ 252/118
73 Assignee: Avon Products Inc., Suffern, N.Y. 4,988,453 1/1991 Chambers et al. .................. 252/122
5,002,685 3/1991 Chambers et al. . ... 252/367
21 Appl. No.: 142,707 5,041,234 8/1991 instone et al. ...................... 252/118
22 Filed: Oct. 25, 1993 5,296,218 3/1994 Chen et al. .... 252/DIG. 13
310,495 5/1994 Hill et al. ............................ 52/117
51) Int. Cl. ........................ C11D 9/00; C11D 13/00 5.3 / e 252/
52 U.S.C. .................................... 252/108; 252/128; Primary Examiner-Paul Lieberman
252/129; 252/130, 252/131; 252/122; 252/367; Assistant Examiner-Patricia L. Hailey
252/368; 252/370 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Hopgood, Calimafde, Kalil &
58 Field of Search ............... 252/108, 128, 129, 130, Judlowe
252/131, 122,367, 368,370 57 ABSTRACT
(56) References Cited Formulations for transparent soaps and methods of
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS preparation are disclosed. The transparent soaps are
2,820,768 1/1958 Fromont ............................. sys prepared by combining high and low molecular weight
3,793,214 2/1974. O'Neill et al. ..... . . 252/17 fatty acids in the presence of polyhydric alcohols. Citric
3,926,828 12/1975 O’Neill et al. ..... ... 252A117 acid is added to adjust pH. The formulations do not
3,954,634 5/1976 Monson et al. .... ... 252/8.8 require volatile, short-chain monohydric alcohols to
7 g E.
OOO ...
- - - -- 37I achieve transparency and the end products are able to
4,290,904 9/1981 Poper .........
4,468,338 8/1984 Lindberg ...
4,518,517 5/1985 Eigen et al. ... 252/108 reduce waste.
4,704,223 11/1987 Gupta et al. ....... ... 252A132
4,758,370 7/1988 Jungermann et al. .............. 252/132 28 Claims, No Drawings
5,417,876 2
15 percent volatile, low molecular weight alcohols
TRANSPARENT SOAP FORMULATIONS AND (such as methylated spirits, ethanol and isopropanol)
METHODS OF MAKING SAME which require an aging period of several days to
achieve transparency. In addition, the aging-evapora
FIELD OF THE INVENTION tion procedure releases alcohol vapors which require
The present invention relates to transparent soap expensive measures to reduce the hazards of exposure.
formulations and corresponding methods of manufac Other problems are known to the art. Typical casting
ture. More particularly, the invention is a transparent methods cause shrink deformation resulting from the
soap formulation prepared by combining high and low evaporation of alcohol and moisture. Transparent bars
molecular weight fatty acids in the presence of poly 10 frequently have inferior end-use properties, despite
hydric alcohols. Adjustments to pH are accomplished higher retail prices when compared to opaque counter
with citric acid. parts. Known transparent soaps frequently develop a
sticky, opaque surface layer when placed in contact
with water. And, high alkaline content can cause skin
As used in this specification, the term "transparent dryness. Soap bars which typically display these prob
soap' refers to a one-quarter inch soap section through lems are produced according to the disclosures of Fro
which a person having 20/20 vision can read 14 point mont U.S. Pat. No. 2,820,768; Poper U.S. Pat. No.
boldface type. This term is not restricted to those soaps 4,290,904 and Jungermann U.S. Pat. No. 4,758,370.
which are clear or colorless because it is often desirable They are sold commercially under the trade name
to add color to transparent soap. The present invention 20 "Neutrogena.”
contemplates both colored and clear transparent soaps. The present disclosure provides, inter alia, formula
For commercial acceptance, transparent soaps must tions which include sodium soap and polyhydric alco
retain all the quality characteristics of conventional, hols in critical weight percentranges. These ingredients
opaque soap (such as good lather, hardness, mildness, 25 are mixed with specific acids to adjust the pH condition.
minimum sluffing and the like). These products must Disclosed formulations produce soap products that do
remain transparent under normal use for extended peri not require aging to obtain transparency, can be re
ods of time. U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,793,214 and 3,926,828 melted and have the ability to accept color. This inven
describe known, but inferior, formulations made by tion also provides a mild formulation which exhibits all
neutralizing a mixture of saturated fatty acids and ali the qualities of a conventional, high quality soap.
phatic monocarboxylic acid with a pH adjusting agent 30 It is an object of the present invention to provide
containing alkanolamines. formulations and methods for making transparent soaps
The present invention includes, interalia, the produc which do not require lengthy aging procedures or the
tion of transparent soaps comprised of sodium tallo use of hazardous, volatile, low molecular weight alco
wate, sodium cocoate and non-volatile polyhydric alco hols to achieve transparency.
hols, in which the pH is adjusted with citric acid. Trans 35 Another object is to provide a transparent soap
parent products made from the presently disclosed soap which can be remelted to achieve acceptable transpar
formulations have all of the desired qualities of conven ency using recycled production scrap.
tional, opaque soap and additional features which per A further object is to provide formulations for mak
mit economic and safe production. ing transparent soaps which do not form undesirable
Currently known soap formulations do not retain opaque sluff-residues during or after end use applica
transparency when remelted, making it impractical to tion.
economically recycle excess waste. Conventional tech Yet another object is to provide transparent soap bars
niques also require aging, a process which evaporates with exceptional gloss-like clarity and enhanced stabil
volatile, short-chain monohydric alcohols. This aging ity to light, heat and oxygen.
process is time-consuming, expensive and potentially 45
hazardous to production personnel. Still another object is to provide transparent soaps
The ability of soap to be remelted and retain all of its having excellent odor profiles with or without incorpo
original qualities is critical for reducing costs. During ration of a fragrance.
production, a large reserve of scrap soap accumulates. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
This scrap is frequently discarded because it cannot be 50
remelted to form a product which exhibits the original The present invention includes formulations and
features. Lages U.S. Pat. No. 3,969,259; Verite U.S. Pat. methods for making a transparent soap composition
No. 4,980,078 and Lindberg U.S. Pat. No. 4,468,338 which contains polyethylene glycol, propylene glycol,
disclose state-of-the-art transparent soap preparations glycerin, triethanolamine lauryl sulfate, alkoxylated
which are subject to these deficiencies. These and other 55 cetyl alcohol, sodium hydroxide, sodium alkyl poly
references demonstrate the need for a remeltable formu ether sulfonate, sucrose, sodium cocoyl isethionate,
lation to dramatically reduce production costs. unreacted free fatty acids, sodium tallowate, sodium
The traditional method for making transparent soap cocoate and other minor ingredients such as fragrance,
involves forming a solution of ingredients in a volatile antioxidants, chelating agents, foam stabilizers, color
solvent (commonly ethanol), casting the pourable mix ants and germicides.
ture into large mold frames and allowing the volatile Maintaining the correct balance of organic solvents
solvent to evaporate. Solidified soap is semi-opaque and free fatty acids will produce an exceptional trans
when initially cast. Solvent evaporation creates the parent product under the correct pH conditions. Or
transparent qualities of each formulation. But, evapora ganic solvents are preferably chosen from polyols hav
tion is time-consuming and commonly causes a weight 65 ing 2 to 6 carbon atoms. The term “polyol' generally
loss in excess of 15 percent. defines a non-volatile, dihydric or higher, polyhydric
For example, soap bars produced according to Cham alcohol such as polyethylene glycol, propylene glycol
bers U.S. Pat. No. 4,988,453 must initially contain 6 to and glycerin.
3. 4
The process for making the present transparent soaps -continued
essentially begins with heating a composite mixture of RANGE
selected polyols with other ingredients such as foam OPTI
boosters and agents for providing mildness. A separate MINI- MUM MAXI
blend of selected tallow and vegetable fatty acids is MUM WAW MUM
heated to match the temperature of the polyol mixture. INGREDIENT W/W 9% % W/W 2.
The blend is then added to the polyol mixture. A new Pentasodium Pentatate 0.0 0.05 0.2
composite is formed and heated to a higher tempera Tetrasodium Etidronate
Citric Acid
An aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide is slowly 10 Water 5.0 1.04 15.0
Fragrance 0.0 1.0 3.0
added to the mixture with careful monitoring and con
trol of the reaction temperature. Other ingredients in
the form of sodium salts can be added during this step A broad range of molecular weight fatty acids could
for convenience. The composite is continuously mixed. be substituted to achieve similar results. For instance,
A heated, aqueous sodium chloride solution is added 15 soaps prepared from fatty acids having a distribution of
to the agitated composite, followed by addition of other coconut or other tropical nut oils may provide a lower
ingredients such as solidifying agents which are effec end of the broad molecular weight spectrum (i.e., fatty
tive when the mixture is cooled. Heat is maintained and acids with 6 to 14 carbon atoms); while soaps prepared
the composite is mixed vigorously until all ingredients from fatty acids having the molecular weight distribu
are totally solubilized. tion of peanut oil, grapeseed oil or tallow may provide
After the ingredients are solubilized, the temperature the upper end. In the preferred embodiment, the start
is reduced. During cooling, the pH of the composite is ing formulations have fatty acid components with 70 to
carefully adjusted with a solution of citric acid to 85% tallow and 15 to 30% coconut fatty acids.
achieve the correct pH value and free fatty acid con The amount of fatty acid to be neutralized with a
tent. The composite is then poured into molds and al 25 stoichio-metric amount of a polyol or polyol blend is
lowed to solidify. preferably in range ratio of about 1:1 to 1:3, and more
As the description below further illustrates, the trans preferably within the range of 1:1.9 to 1:2.5, with the
parent soaps of the present formulation are made with optimum ratio being about 1:2.2. In addition to the neu
out lengthy processing and aging procedures. The tralizing role, the presence of non-volatile polyols en
method of the present invention does not require the use 30 hances the clarity of the end product and prevents
of volatile, low molecular weight alcohols to achieve shrinkage of the bar during storage and use. The sodium
transparency. Present formulations also provide a prod hydroxide in the indicated ranges provides further neu
uct that is compatible with hot water wash conditions tralizing activity for production of optimum transpar
without formation of the undesirable, opaque residues ency.
that develop with known transparent products. 35 A correct pH range and the use of an adjusting agent
The soap bar of this invention has exceptional gloss are critical for achieving transparent soap bars from
like clarity, enhanced stability to light, heat and oxygen, starting formulations. It has been unexpectedly discov
as well as excellent odor characteristics with or without ered that adjusting the pH within a range of 9.1 to 9.5
incorporation of a fragrance. Further, the unique for will result in the desired end products. The optimum pH
mulation provides the delivery of other cosmetic mate is approximately 9.2. Obtaining a pH outside the pre
rials and benefits, such as emoliency and deodorancy, ferred range will opacify the product. Excess free alka
while maintaining clarity and superior after-feel. These linity will also produce an opaque soap bar. A free fatty
and other advantageous of the present invention are acid content in the range of 0.1 to 5.0% will provide
further described in this specification. transparent products. The preferred free fatty acid
45 range is between 2.0 to 4.0%.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE Water is an important ingredient because the hard
INVENTION ness and clarity of the finished bar are strongly depen
The preferred formulations for the present transpar dent on its total moisture content. There are several
ent soaps contain the ingredients and ranges outlined in sources of water in this formulation such as the caustic
the following chart. All values are expressed in weight 50 soda solution and the water generated during the forma
percents. tion of sodium tallowate and sodium cocoate produced
by the neutralization reaction. Water is also introduced
with the addition of triethanolamine laury sulfate, alk
RANGE oxylated cetyl alcohol and the like. The addition of free
OPTI 55 water to the bar formulation will also influence the final
MUM W/W MUM product. Generally, water addition of less than 5% total
INGREDIENT W/W 9% % WAW 2. (not formed in situ or introduced by other ingredients)
Polyethylene Glycol 0.1 9.60 15.0 will usually result in a bar that is too hard and tends to
Propylene Glycol 0.1 10.90 20.0 form crystals with associated loss of clarity. Free water
Glycerin 0.1 2.76 200 addition in excess of about 15% will usually result in a
Triethanolamine Lauryl Sulfate 0.1 0.45 200 bar that is too soft.
Alkoxylated Cetyl Alcohol 0. 0.67 3.0 Ingredients to improve mildness are also contem
Tetrasodium Edita 0.1 0.14 0.5
Distyrl Biphenyl Derivative 0.0 0.0 0.1 plated by the present formula. These ingredients may
Tallow/Coconut Fatty Acid T.O 19.00 21.0 include the sodium salt of alkyl polyether sulfonate,
Sodium Hydroxide (50%)
Sodium Alkyl Polyether Sulfonate
65 sodium cocoyl isethionate and alkoxylated cetyl alco
Sucrose 3.0 7.84 12.0
Sodium Cocoyl Isethionate 1.0 3.80 10.0 Foam boosters are also included in the formula to
Sodium Chloride 0. 0.71 2.0 ensure sufficient lather characteristics. These composi
5,417,876 6
tions include triethanolamine lauryl sulfate and sodium The pH conditions were monitored during cooling. A
cocoylisethionate. But, the primary foam characteris 10% solution of citric acid was added until the pH was
tics are provided by the reaction of fatty acid with reduced to 9.1-9.5 and the free fatty content was be
sodium hydroxide. The following, non-limiting example tween 2.0 and 4.0%. After the pH and free fatty acid
demonstrates the preferred embodiment of this inven- 5 were in an acceptable range, the composite was placed
tion. in molds to solidify.
Transparent Soap Bars Moisture Content
Table 1 lists the ingredients and weight percents for a 10 This example demonstrates the importance of main
formula which was used to prepare test soap bars of the taining the correct moisture content. Transparent soap
present invention. Additional examples demonstrate bars (Batch Nos. 141, 144, 151 and 152) were prepared
various properties of soap bars prepared according to in accordance with the formula and procedure of Exam
this invention. 15 ple 1 (with different water content). Moisture content
TABLE was measured and corresponding transparent qualities
were noted for the various conditions. Objective crite
ria for acceptable transparency are described in the
Polyethylene Glycol 9.6000
Background section. Results are indicated in Table 2.
Propylene Glycol 10.8800 20 TABLE 2
Glycerin 12.7618 BATCH % TRANSPARENCY
Triethanolamine Lauryl Sulfate 10.4500 NO. MOISTURE ACCEPTABLE UNACCEPTABLE
Alkoxylated Cetyl Alcohol 0.6650
Tetrasodium Edita 0.1425 141 2005
Distyrl Biphenyl Derivative 0.01.00 19.65
Tallow/coconut Fatty Acid 19.0000 25 19.29
Sodium Hydroxide (50%) 7.6000 18.59
Sodium Alkyl Polyether Sulfonate 3,6100 18.37
Sucrose 7.8400 17.47
Sodium Cocoyl Isethionate 3.8000 17.14
Sodium Chloride 0.7125 i6.60
Pentasodium Pentatate 0.0500 30 15.91
Tetrasodium Etidronate 0.0500 144 16.19
Citric Acid 0.7722 151 13.23
Water 12.0560 152 14.17

Polyethylene glycol, propylene glycol, glycerin, tri-35 In Batch 141 the soap base was maintained at
ethanolamine lauryl sulfate, akloxylated cetyl alcohol, 150-155' F. in a holding tank and periodically sampled.
tetrasodium EDTA and distyrl biphenyl derivative Results showed that transparency was maintained as
were added to a tank equipped with a heating jacket and long as the moisture content was greater than 17%.
variable speed mixer. This composite was heated and Batches 144, 151 and 152 were also prepared with mois
mixed until a temperature of 150-155 F. was attained. ture values below 17%. In each instance, the transpar
A 85% tallow acid 15% coconut oil fatty acid blend ency of the product was rated as “unacceptable.”
was heated to approximately 150 F. and added to the EXAMPLE 3
mixed composite. The new composite was further
mixed and heated until a temperature of 160-165 F. pH and Free Fatty Acid Content
was achieved. 45
Experiments were conducted to show the critical
A 50% aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide was balance between pH and free fatty acid content in order
slowly added to the mixture. Since the neutralization of to obtain an acceptable transparent product. Soaps were
the fatty acid is an exothermic reaction, sodium hydrox made according to Example 1 with modifications for
ide addition must be controlled so the temperature will pH values. Batches were identified as numbers 163, 165
not exceed 195' F. After all of the sodium hydroxide 50 and 166. Free fatty acid content and pH were measured
was added, the composite was mixed for 15 minutes at as citric acid was added, then later correlated with
approximately 195 F. The sodium alkyl polyether sul objective observations for transparency in the relevant
fonate was added and mixed for approximately 10 min end products. Adding citric acid increased the free fatty
Water and the sodium chloride were mixed and 55 acid content of the product while decreasing pH.
heated in a side kettle. After the sodium chloride was As shown by Table 3A, the transparency of end prod
totally solubilized, the water/sodium chloride solution ucts was maintained as long as the pH did not fall below
was added to the mixing tank, followed by sucrose and 9.1 and the free fatty acid content did not exceed 4.0%.
sodium cocoyl isethionate. This composite was mixed
vigorously, at approximately 170°-185 F. for 15 min TABLE 3A
utes, or until all of the ingredients were in solution. % TRANSPARENCY
After the ingredients were solubilized the tempera BATCH FATTY UN
ture was reduced to approximately 160-165 F. Penta NO. pH ACID ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE
sodium pentetate and tetrasodium etidronate were 163 9.44 2.0 X
added after cooling. The composite was mixed for 10 65 9.31
minutes to achieve uniformity. At the same time, the 9.02 5.83 X
temperature was lowered to 150-155' F. and the mixer
speed was reduced to minimize entrapped air bubbles.
7 8
It was discovered that end products should have a be within the scope and spirit of this invention as de
free fatty acid content of about 2.0-4.0%. Soaps which fined by the following claims.
had higher relative free alkalinity (about 0.055%) dem What is claimed is:
onstrated unacceptable transparency. Measurement of 1. A transparent soap formulation which comprises:
free alkalinity in separate experiments confirmed these 5 (a) about 0.3 to about 45.0% polyol component;
findings. The results are set forth in Table 3B. (b) a transparency enhancing amount of about 17.0 to
TABLE 3B about 21.0% fatty acid component formulated
BATCH NO, 9% FREEALKALINITY TRANSPARENCY from a combination of tallow and vegetable oil
163 0.055 UNACCEPTABLE 10 fatty acids;
0.055 UNACCEPTABLE (c) a transparency enhancing amount of about 6.0 to
about 9.0% sodium hydroxide;
(d) a transparency enhancing amount of about 0.1 to
EXAMPLE 4 REMELTABILITY about 1.5% citric acid;
Tests were conducted to demonstrate the ability of 15 (e) about 3.0 to about 12.0% sugar component; and
the present formulations to be remelted and retain trans (f) a transparency enhancing amount of about 5.0 to
parent qualities. Batch No. 150 was prepared according about 15.0% water.
to the formula and procedure of Example 1 with modifi 2. The formulation for making transparent soap of
cations for moisture content. Because test conditions claim 1, wherein said polyol component is selected from
were designed to simulate high temperature recycling, 20
the group consisting of polyethylene glycol, propylene
the water content was raised above the ranges previ glycol, glycerin and combinations thereof.
ously disclosed in this specification. 3. The formulation for making transparent soap of
In the first set of experiments, the formulations were claim 2, wherein said polyol component comprises:
held at a high temperature for the time periods indicated (a) about 0.1 to about 15.0% polyethylene glycol;
in Table 4. At each time interval, moisture content and
- a 25
(b) about 0.1 to about 20.0% propylene glycol; and
objective transparent qualities were noted. (c) about 0.1 to about 20.0% glycerine.
TABLE 4 4. The formulation for making transparent soap of
claim 2, wherein said polyol component comprises:
(a) 9.60% polyethylene glycol;
PERCENT TRANSPARENCY 30 (b) 10.90% propylene glycol; and
150-60 F. WATER ACCEPTABLE UNACCEPTABLE (c) 12.76% glycerine.
0 Hour 20.87 X
5. The transparent soap formulation of claim 2,
1 Hour 2009 X wherein said fatty acid component comprises from
2 Hours 1963 X about 70 to about 85% soap derived from tallow and
35 from about 15 to about 30% soap derived from vegeta
5 Hours 18.32 X
ble oil.
6 Hours 1940 X 6. The transparent soap formulation of claim 1 which
7 Hours 17.40 X comprises about 7.6% of sodium hydroxide.
8 Hours 15.35 X 7. The transparent soap formulation of claim 1 which
"Water was added to keep moisture content in the desired range. 40 comprises about 0.77% of citric acid.
8. The transparent soap formulation of claim 1,
The Table 4 results demonstrate that the present wherein said sugar component comprises about 7.84%
formulations are able to maintain transparency even at of sucrose.
extreme temperatures, as long as proper moisture con 9. The transparent soap formulation of claim 1 which
tent is maintained. For instance, at 4 and 6 hours, the 45 comprises about 11.04% of added water.
addition of water maintained transparent qualities with 10. A transparent soap formulation which comprises:
out sacrificing hardness. (a) about 0.1 to about 15.0% polyethylene glycol;
The above product was discharged from the tank and (b) about 0.1 to about 20.0% propylene glycol;
allowed to solidify. After 24 hours, the solidified prod (c) about 0.1 to about 20.0% glycerine;
uct (Batch No. 151, simulating scrap soap) was placed in SO (d) a transparency enhancing amount of about 6.0 to
a reaction tank and remelted at 150-160 F. As shown about 9.0 sodium hydroxide;
by Table 4B, the correct moisture content was achieved (e) a transparency enhancing amount of about 0.1 to
by adding approximately 5% water. Remelted products about 1.5% citric acid;
had acceptable transparency resulting from the higher (f) about 3.0 to about 12.0 sucrose;
moisture content. 55 (g) about 0.1 to about 20.0% triethanolamine lauryl
TABLE 4B sulfate;
BATCH NO. 51 (h) about 0.1 to about 3.0% alkoxylated cetyl alcohol;
TME INTERVAL (i) about 0.1 to about 0.5% tetrasodium EDTA;
PERCENT TRANSPARENCY (j) 0.0 to about 0.1% distyrd biphenyl derivative;
150-160 F. WATER ACCEPTABLE UNACCEPTABLE 60 (k) a transparency enhancing amount of about 17.0 to
O Hour 18.17 X about 21.0% tallow/vegetable oil fatty acids;
Hour 18.79 X (l) 0.1 to about 8.0% sodium alkyl polyether sulfo
2 Hours 16.59 X nate;
3.5 Hours 13.23 X
(m) 1.0 to about 10.0% sodium cocyl isethionate;
65 (n) 0.1 to about 2.0% sodium chloride;
Various modifications and alterations to the present (o) 0.0 to about 0.2% pentasodium pentatate;
invention may be appreciated based on a review of this (p) 0.0 to about 0.05% tetrasodium etidronate;
disclosure. These changes and additions are intended to (q) 0.0 to about 3.0% fragrance; and
5,417,876 10
(r) a transparency enhancing amount of 5.0 to about 14. The method of claim 13 for making transparent
15.0% water. soap, wherein said first temperature range is from about
11. The transparent soap formulation of claim 10 150 to about 155 F.
which comprises: 15. The method of claim 13 for making transparent
(a) 9.60% polyethylene glycol; 5 soap, wherein said second temperature range is from
(b) 10.90% propylene glycol; about 160 to about 165 F.
(c) 12.76% glycerine; 16. The method of claim 13 for making transparent
(d) 7.6% sodium hydroxide; soap, wherein said third temperature range is from
about 170 to about 185 F.
(e) 0.77% citric acid; 10 17. The method of claim 13 for making transparent
(f) 7.84% sucrose; Soap, wherein said polyol composite is selected from the
(g) 10.45% triethanolamine lauryl sulfate; group consisting of polyethylene glycol, propylene
(h) 0.67% alkoxylated cetyl alcohol; glycol, glycerin and combinations thereof.
(i) 0.14% tetrasodium EDTA; 18. The method of claim 13 for making transparent
(j) 0.01% distyrl biphenyl derivative; 15 soap, wherein said fatty acid blend comprises from
(k) 19.0% tallow/vegetable oil fatty acids; about 70 to about 85% soap derived from tallow and
(l) 3.61% sodium alkyl polyether sulfonate; from about 15 to about 30% soap derived from coconut
(m) 3.8% sodium cocylisethionate; oil.
(n) 0.71% sodium chloride; 19. The method of claim 13 for making transparent
(o) 0.05% pentasodium pentatate; 20 soap which comprises a neutralizing reaction for mixing
(p) 0.05% tetrasodium etidronate; said fatty acid blend and said polyol composite in a ratio
(q) 1.0% fragrance; and which ranges from about 1:1 to about 1:3.
(r) 11.04% water. 20. The method of claim 19 for making transparent
12. The transparent soap formulation of claim 11, soap, wherein said ratio of said fatty acid blend to said
wherein said fatty acid component comprises from 25 polyol composite ranges from about 1:1.9 to about 1:2.5.
about 70 to about 85% soap derived from tallow and 21. The method of claim 20 for making transparent
from about 15 to about 30% soap derived from coconut soap, wherein said ratio of said fatty acid blend to said
oil. polyol composite ranges from about 1:2.2.
13. A method for making transparent soap which 30 22. The method of claim 13 for making transparent
comprises the following steps: soap, wherein said pH ranges from about 9.1 to about
(a) heating a composite of selected polyols to a first 9.5.23. The method of claim 22 for making transparent
temperature range;
(b) heating a transparency enhancing amount of a soap, 24.
wherein said pH is about 9.2.
The method of claim 22 for making transparent
blend of selected tallow and vegetable fatty acids 35 Soap, wherein
to about the temperature range of said polyol com uct with aboutsaid 2.0
pH adjustments provide a final prod
to 4.0% of said fatty acid blend.
posite; 25. The method of claim 17 for making transparent
(c) mixing said blend with said polyol composite at a soap which comprises the addition of triethanolamine
second temperature range; lauryl sulfate, akloxylated cetyl alcohol, tetrasodium
(d) adding a transparency enhancing amount of a EDTA and distyrl biphenyl derivative.
50% aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide to said 26. The method of claim 13 for making transparent
mixture of step (c) at a temperature not to exceed soap which comprises the addition of sodium alkyl
about 195° F.; polyether sulfonate.
(e) adding heated, aqueous sodium chloride solution 27. The method of claim 13 for making transparent
to the mixture of step (d) and mixing at a third 45 soap which comprises the addition of sucrose and so
temperature range until all ingredients are solubi dium cocoylisethionate.
lized; 28. The method of claim 13 for making transparent
(f) cooling the mixture from step (e); and soap which comprises the addition of pentasodium
(g) adjusting the pH with a transparency enhancing pentetate and tetrasodium t k
sk k sk
amount of citric acid. 50



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