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United States Patent (19) (11) 4,290,904

Poper et al. 45) Sep. 22, 1981

75) Inventors: Maxwell H. Poper, Westminster, "Data on . . . QUADROL" publication of Wyandotte
Calif.; Eric Jungermann, Phoenix, Chemical Corp., Wyandotte, Michigan, Dec. 1, 1959, 6
Ariz. pp.
73) Assignee: Neutrogena Corporation, Los Primary Examiner-Dennis L. Albrecht
Angeles, Calif. Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Nilsson, Robbins, Dalgarn,
Berliner, Carson & Wurst
21 Appl. No.: 211,557
22 Filed: Dec. 1, 1980 A transparent low alkalinity bar soap based on a tetrakis
51) Int, Cl. ......................... C11D 9/30; C11D 9/48; (hydroxyalkyl) ethylene diamine having the formula
C11D 10/06; C11D 17/00
52 U.S. C. .................................... 252/118; 252/117;
252/132; 252/134; 252/53; 252/548; i
252/DIG, 16
58 Field of Search ............... 252/108, 110, 117, 118,
252/122, 132, 134, 174, 153, 548, DIG. 16
(56 References Cited
/ N

2,697,113 12/1954 Lundsted .................... 106/168 XR

2,774,735 12/1956 Becher ................................ 252/117 wherein R is hydrogen or an alkyl group having one to
2,820,768 1/1958 Fromont ...... ... 252/118 four carbon atoms and n is one to four. The soap is
2,835,604 5/1958 Aronberg..... ... 106/243 prepared by adding the tetrakis (hydroxyalkyl)ethylene
2,970,116 1/1961 Kelly et al. ... ... 252A368 diamine to a mixture of caustic soda, saponifiable fatty
3,155,624 11/1964 Kelly ............ ... 252/122 oil, water and a polyhydric alcohol, either before or
3,562,167 2/1971 Kamen et al. .... ... 252/121 after saponification, followed by addition of one or
3,793,214 2/1974. O'Neill et al. ... ... 252/117 more superfatting agents as well as other ingredients
3,864,272 2/1975 Toma et al. ...... ... 252/125
3,903,008 9/1975 Deweever et al. ................. 252/118 designed to affect the properties of the bar for humec
3,926,828 12/1975 O'Neill et al. ...................... 252/117 tant, surfactant and perfuming purposes.
3,969,259 7/1976 Lages ... ... 252/107
4,165,293 8/1979 Gordon ............................... 252/118 34 Claims, No Drawings
1. 2
(HO-CH-CH y-on
The field of art to which the invention pertains in
cludes the field of solid transparent detergent composi
tions and to methods for making the same.
The term "transparent soap' as used herein encom wherein R is hydrogen or an alkyl group having one to
passes soaps having a wide degree of color and gloss but four carbon atoms and n is one to four. The foregoing
which are sufficiently transluscent so that one can effec diamine has a molecular weight of under 1700. It is
tively see through a toilet sized bar. For example, if 14 15 combined with a transparent sodium soap prepared by
point type can be read through a 'bar of soap, the soap saponification of fatty oil and a polyhydric alcohol as
can be regarded as transparent. solvent.
A variety of transparent soaps have been formulated. More particularly, one mixes together caustic soda
A common technique has been based upon the addition (i.e., sodium hydroxide), saponifiable fatty oil to react
of a polyhydric alcohol such as glycerol, glycol, sugar with the caustic soda to form a soap, water and a poly
or the like to a "neat soap' or semi-boiled soap, or to hydric alcohol. The diamine can be added before or
soap prepared by the cold process technique. Another after saponification. After saponification, one must add
method consists of dissolving soap in alcohol to remove a Superfatting agent, preferably one or more fatty acids
saline impurities and then distilling off most of the alco of C12-C18, both fully saturated and unsaturated,
hol. U.S. Pat. No. 3,562,167 describes a transparent soap 25 straight or branched. Examples include stearic acid,
formed from a combination of soap, polyhydric alcohol oleic acid, isostearic acid, fatty acids derived from tal
and, as a surface active agent, a polyalkoxyether of an low oil or coconut oil, i.e. tallow fatty acid, hydroge
alkylphenol. U.S. Pat. No. 3,903,008 describes the for nated tallow fatty acid, coconut fatty acid, and the like.
mulation of a transparent soap by the combination of Particularly preferred is stearic acid optionally with
soap, polyhydric alcohol and an amphoteric imidazo 30 oleic acid. Other components are those adjuvants that
lene detergent. U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,793,214 and 3,926,808 are known to the art including: a humectant such as
describe transparent soaps produced using branched glycerine, foam boosters and stabilizers, surfactants,
chain fatty acids. U.S. Pat. No. 3,864,272 describes the chelating compounds, and perfume. The saponifiable
use of rather complicated, elaborate mechanical meth fatty oil is preferably a mixture of tallow, coconut oil
ods of working the soap. 35 and caster oil in certain defined ratios, as will be herein
A method of formulating a transparent soap is dis after described. The mixture is agitated and heated until
closed in U.S. Pat. No. 2,820,768 where a sodium soap it is well mixed.
made from tallow, coconut oil and castor is mixed with DETAILED DESCRIPTION
a triethanolamine soap of stearic acid and oleic acid and
an excess of the amine. Small changes in the amount of 40 Although other examples will also be given hereinaf
amine component or of the relative proportions of cer ter, the tetrakis (hydroxyalkyl) ethylene diamine is best
tain ingredients leads to loss of transparency. exemplified by the compound N,N,N',N'-tetrakis (2-
Low alkalinity is a desirable feature of toilet soaps hydroxypropyl)-ethylenediamine, obtainable commer
and some current transparent soaps possess this feature. cially under the trademark Quadrol. This diamine con
When the soap is an alkaline metal salt of a long chain 45 stitutes the basis for the new transparent soap composi
high molecular weight carboxylic acids, it will have a tion. It is combined at a concentration of about 5-20
pH of about 10 even if there is no free titratable alkali weight percent with other ingredients, all of which
present in the solid soap. It is known that the addition of have been used in other soap compositions for various
an alcohol amine, such as triethanolamine, to a Soap purposes but it is found that it is necessary to use certain
results in a substantially non-alkaline soap; a soap hav 50 key components in combination with the diamine in
ing a pH of 7.5 to 9.0 in 10 weight percent aqueous order to successfully formulate a transparent soap hav
solution can be considered to be substantially non-alka ing the desirable qualities described above.
line. One of the key components is a sodium soap prepared
To be commercially acceptable, a transparent Soap by the saponification of fatty oil. It is particularly pre
must have good bar soap characteristics, such as lather 55 ferred that the fatty oil comprise a mixture of tallow,
ing, firmness, hardness, mildness, minimum slushing, coconut oil and castor oil. When tallow alone is used, a
low background odor, and safety in use. The soap must mild soap results but one that does not have the most
keep its transparency under all types of aging condi desirable foaming characteristics. On the other hand,
tions. coconut oil provides superior foaming characteristics
The present invention resides in the discovery that 60 but when used alone, the resulting soap can be some
another class of amine can be used in formulating a what harsh. The castor oil component aids in promoting
substantially non-alkaline, solid transparent Soap. Cer transparency by forming sodium ricinolates which
tain preferred ratios of components are critical, albeit serve to retard crystallization of the finished soap bar. A
different, as with formulations based on the use of tri soap with optimum characteristics is produced when
ethanolamine. the castor oil component constitutes about 10-30
Specifically, the particular amine class that is useful weight percent of the fatty oil mixture with the weight
herein is a tetrakis (hydroxyalkyl) ethylene diamine ratio of tallow to coconut oil being in the range of 50:50
having the formula: to 85:15.
4,290,904 4
A soap is formed from the above mixture of fatty oils chelate metal ions, such as iron, magnesium and other
by saponification with caustic soda. The resultant Soap ions, present in hard water that would otherwise tend to
is alkaline and is therefore not suitable for direct use as combine with the tetrakis (hydroxyalkyl) ethylene di
a mild toilet soap. The sodium soap thus prepared con anine, or that would otherwise tend to form insoluble
stitutes about 10-30 weight percent of the fully formu salts of the fatty acids, colors, antioxidants and per
lated transparent soap of this invention. fumes.
Next, one or more fatty acids are added to (a) neutral In preparing the transparent soap of the present in
ize the excess caustic soda and to (b) act as a superfat vention, the primary reaction is the saponification reac
ting agent. It has been found that a superior bar results tion between the caustic soda and the fatty oils in the
when about 6 weight percent to about 16 weight per 10 presence of at least some of the polyhydric alcohol
cent, preferably 12-14 weight percent, of the final soap solvent. The tetrakis (hydroxyalkyl) ethylene diamine
weight is a superfatting agent comprising stearic acid can be added prior to or during saponification, or can be
with up to 4 weight percent of oleic acid. added after saponification. Thus, in one mode of prepa
Another key component is a polyhydric alcohol ration, the tetrakis (hydroxyalkyl)ethylene diamine and
which can serve as a solvent for the diamine and which 15 propylene glycol are admixed with the fatty oil, the
is also a critical component to assure transparency. For caustic soda and water. The mixture is then heated to a
example, one can use glycerine, or a glycol or the like. range of between 90' and 100° C., with agitation for a
Particularly preferred is propylene glycol which serves time sufficient to effect complete saponification. The
not only as a solvent but also as a moisturizing agent in time required ranges between hour and 3 hours, de
the final soap bar and is mild and safe to use on the skin. 20 pending on such physical factors as size of bath and
It will be appreciated that whereas propylene glycol has agitation. After saponification, the remaining ingredi
been used in prior soap formulations, its use has been ents can be added, good practice being to add the super
primarily for its cosmetic values whereas its principal fatting agent first and then the remaining ingredients,
purpose in the present invention is to serve as a solvent with the perfume last. The perfume is added last simply
for the diamine and to aid in providing transparency. In 25 because it is the most volatile of the ingredients.
this regard, the diamine can be added either prior to In an alternative procedure, the caustic soda and
saponification or after saponification, but in either case saponifiable fatty oils are heated together with the poly
the saponification step should be carried out in the pres hydric alcohol as a solvent until saponification is com
ence of the propylene glycol. The propylene glycol plete. Thereafter, the tetrakis (hydroxyalkyl) ethylene
serves as a diluent to thin out the otherwise thick mix 30 diamine is added followed by the other ingredients as
ture of caustic soda and fatty oils. listed above. The result in each case is a transparent,
Another important ingredient is water as the hardness hard soap composition that maintains transparency
and clarity of the finished bar is strongly dependent on under extended aging conditions, has good bar soap
its total moisture content. There are several sources of characteristics, such as lathering, firmness, hardness,
water in this formulation, e.g., in the caustic soda solu 35 mildness to the skin, minimum slushing and low back
tion and as produced by the saponification reaction. ground odor, and is safe for consumer use. The follow
Since it has been observed that more water must be ing examples will further illustrate the invention.
added than is produced, the water content of the bar EXAMPLES I-XV
can be controlled by the addition of water to the bar
during formulation. Generally, the addition of less than 40 The following formulations all provide suitable soap
6% total added (not formed in situ) water from all compositions in accordance herewith. In the formula
sources will usually result in a bar that is too hard and tions, components listed by trademark are identified as
one that tends to form crystals on aging, i.e., lose clar follows:
ity; more than about 15% will usually result in a bar that
is too soft. 45
: Various other ingredients, common to the cosmetic MARK SOLD BY GENERIC
field, can be added, preferably after saponification, to Lanexol
Croda, Inc.
51 Madison Avenue
(50), polyoxypro
create a finished bar suitable for consumer use. In this New York, N.Y. 10010 pylene (12), Al
regard, about 4-10 weight percent of glycerine can be koxylated lanolin
added, which performs as a humectant and moisturizer. 50 Hampene W. R. Grace & Co. ethylenediamine
A water soluble emollient or skin conditioner can be (Hampshire) tetraacetic acid
added, for example an alkoxylated lanolin such as that Carsanide
Nashua, N.H. 03060
Quad Chemical Corp. Cocamide DEA
sold under the trademark Lanexol AWS. This particu CA 2779 E. E. Presidio
lar emollient also has some superfatting properties. Long Beach, CA 90810
It is also desirable to add one or more surfactants, in 55 Ammonyx Onyx Chemical Co. Lauryl Dimethyl
a range of about 5-10% by weight, to increase the foam LO Div. Millmaster Oxyx Corp. amixe oxide
710 Wilshire Blvd., S. 312
ing property of the soap. The choice of surfactant is Santa Monica, CA 9040
important since it tends to affect the transparency and Chennadene Richardson Chemical Co. Coco-Amido propyl
the foaming of the finished bar soap. Preferred are ani NA-30 1250 N. Main St. betaine
onic or amphoteric surfactants, including amine oxides. 60 Los Angeles, CA 90012
Simple try-and-see experimentation will suffice to de Solulan 98 Amerchol Corp. Acetylated poly
Affiliate of CPC Inter- oxyethelene deri
termine if a particular surfactant is suitable. It has been national, Inc. vative, lanoline
found that amine oxides are superior surfactants in this P. O. Box 351 Talmadge Rd. (10 moles of EO)
regard, for example lauric dimethylamine oxide. Still Acyl-
Edison, N.J. 08817
Ajinomoto USA, Inc. Disodium salt of
other components that can be added are foam boosters 65 glutamate 700 S. Flower St. Acyl ghetamate
and foam stabilizers, such as lauric diethanolamide or HS-21 Los Angeles, CA 90017 (Acyl radical) is
coconut diethanolamide, a chelating agent, such as a mixture of co
coy) and tallowyl
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) serving to
5 6
-continued -continued
MARK SOLD BY GENERIC Tallow 8.30 8.30
Igepon TC-42 GAF Corp. Sodium N-coconut SE site . s
525 E. imperial Highway acid-N-methyl 5 5..." ater 3.10 3.10
a Habra, CA 90631 Taurate Sr. d 1000 1000
Glycerine 8.90 8.90
The mixed tocopherols serve as antioxidants. The Neo- "E.
Carsamide CA 6.50
6.00 6.50
Prucellin Prime is obtainable from Dragoco, Inc., 10960 AWS 3.00 3.00
Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 904, Los Angeles, Calif. 10 Fragrance 0.70 0.70
% by weight
To a mixture of 85 ml 50% sodium hydroxide and 100
Propylene glycol 19.5 19.5 9.5 19.5
grams of N,N,N',N'-tetrakis (2-hydroxypropyl)-ethy
Quadrol 100 00 0.0 10.0 lene diamine in 195 grams of propylene glycol are
Castor oil 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 added 45 grams of castor oil, 83 grams of coconut oil
Tallow 8.3 8.3 8.3 10.5 and 83 grams of tallow. The mixture is heated, with
Coconut oil 8.3 8.3 8.3 6. mechanical agitation, to 100° C. for 60 minutes. Then 31
Caustic soda, 50% 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.) 20
Stearic acid 3.1 100 10.0 10.0 grams of oleic acid and 100 grams of stearic acid are
Oleic acid - 3. 3.0 3.1 added to the mixture. Thereafter, one ingredient at a
Lauric diethanolymide 6.0 1.8 5.0 2.8 time are added of 18 grams of lauric diethanolamide, 89
Lauric dimethylamine oxide
grams of glycerine, 100 grams of lauric dimethylamine
Lanexol AWS 3.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 25 oxide (40% active), 7 grams of perfume and 66 ml of
Hampene 100 (EDTA) .0 - - - water. The mixture is allowed to solidify by cooling and
Fragrance --- 0.7 0.5 0.6 is then cut into bars suitable for toilet use. A 10% solu
Deionized water
0.1 0.1
0.65 6.6
tion of the soap has a pH of about 8.8. Hardness, deter
-ammammarummim mined using a Precision Scientific Penetrometer, with
% by weight 1/10 mm division, 150 grams weight, is found to be 105.
Propylene Glycol 9,50 19.50 9.50 9.50 19.50
Castor Oil 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 Example V can be repeated with an equivalent
Coconut Oil 6.0 8.30 6.10 8.30 8.30 weight amount of the following diamines as a substitute
Tallow 0.50 8.30 10.50 8.30 8.30
Caustic 8.0 8.20 8.0 8.30 8.30 35 for the N,N,N',N'-tetrakis (2-hydroxypropyl) ethylene
Quadrol 2.00 21.00 20.00 10.00 000 diamine of Example V:
Oleic Acid 3.0 3.10 3.10 3.0 3.10
Stearic Acid 8.00 12.00 400 10.00. 10.00
Carsamide CA 180 1.80 1.80 - 1.82 (HOCH2CH2)2NCH2CH2N(CH2CH2OH)2 Ex. XVI
Glycerine 5.50 5.50 8.00 5.50 8.90 He (H. ?h fH, Ex. XVI
Ammonyx LO
Lanexo AWS
r -
- -
- 5.00
Water .90 7.80 6,90 10.50 8.40
Chennadene NA-30 --- - 5.00 -
Fragrance -- - - 0.70 -
- by weight
X XI XII XIII 45 In each instance a transparent solid bar of toilet soap
Quadrol 10.00 000 000 10.00 with a substantially non-alkaline pH suitable for toilet
Propylene Glycol 19.50 19.50 19.50 19.50 use can be produced.
Castor Oil 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50
Coconut Oil 8.30 8.30 8.30 8.30 EXAMPLE XXI
Tallow 8.30 8.30 8.30 8.30
Caustic 8.30 8.30 8.30 8.30 50 A combination of 45 grams of castor oil, 105 grams of
Water 1.90 140 4.50 3.60 tallow, 61 grams of coconut oil and 195 grams of propy
Oleic Acid
Stearic Acid
lene glycol are mixed with a 50% concentrated aqueous
Carsanide CA 600 6.00 6.00 -
alkaline solution containing 40.5 grams of sodium hy
Glycerine 8.90 8.90 5.00 8.90 droxide. The mixture is heated for 90 minutes at 100 C.
Ammonyx LO 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 55 with agitation. After saponification is completed 100
Lanexol AWS 1.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 grams of N,N,N',N'-tetrakis (2-hydroxypropyl) ethyl
Hampene 100 - 1.00 - ---
enediamine and 131 grams of stearic acid are added and
Neo-Prucellin Prime
Mixed Tocopherols
- thoroughly mixed with the saponified soap mixture. 18
Solulan 98 50 - m - grams of lauric diethanolamide, 89 grams of glycerine,
Fragrance 0.70 0.70 - - 60 100 grams of lauric dimethylamine oxide (40%) and 6
Acylglutamate HS-21
lgepon TC-42
- -
- 3.00
grams of perfume are added and mixed in the order
Hommamm listed. The mixture is then cast in the form of bars and
% by weight allowed to cool. The resulting transparent bars have a
XIV XV substantially non-alkaline pH and are suitable for toilet
Propylene Glycol 15.50 5.50 65 Se.
Hexylene Glycol 4.00 4.00 We claim:
Quadrol 9.00 10.00 1. A transparent, low alkalinity soap composition in
Castor Oil .50 4.50
Coconut Oil 8.30 8.30 solid form, comprising:
4,290,904 8
about 10-30 weight percent of a sodium soap pre constituting about 5-20 weight percent of the
pared by Saponification of fatty oils; transparent soap composition, a polyhydric alcohol
about 5-20 weight percent of a tetrakis (hydroxyal in an amount sufficient to assure transparency and
kyl) ethylene diamine having the formula Water;
5 saponifying said fatty oil with said sodium hydroxide;
adding to said saponified mixture a fatty and Superfat
HO-CH-CH2) train. ting agent.
16. The method of claim 15 in which said superfatting
agent comprises stearic acid.
------ O of said superfatting agent comprises oleic acid.
17. The method of claim 16 in which a minor portion
18. The method of claim 15 in which said superfatting
agent is selected from one or more fatty acids derived
from tallow oil or coconut oil.
wherein R is hydrogen or an alkyl group having 15 19. The method of claim 15 in which said fatty oil is
one to four carbon atoms and n is one to four; a mixture of tallow, coconut oil and castor oil.
a polyhydric alcohol in an amount sufficient to assure 20. The method of claim 19 in which said castor oil
transparency; and constitutes about 10-30 weight percent of said fatty oil
a fatty acid superfatting agent. mixture and the weight ratio of tallow to coconut oil is
2. The composition of claim 1 in which said superfat 20
about 50:50 to 85:15.
ting agent comprises stearic acid. 21. The method of claim 15 in which water is added
3. The composition of claim 2 in which a minor por to said saponification mixture prior to said saponifica
tion of said superfatting agent comprises oleic acid. tion step.
4. The composition of claim 1 in which said fatty oil 22. The method of any one of claims 15-21 in which
is a mixture of tallow, coconut oil and castor oil. 25
said polyhydric alcohol comprises propylene glycol.
5. The composition of claim 4 in which said castor oil 23. The method of any one of claims 15-21 in which
constitutes about 10-30 weight percent of said fatty oil said diamine is N,N,N',N'-tetrakis (2-hydroxypropyl)-
mixture and the weight ratio of tallow to coconut oil is ethylene-diamine.
about 50:50 to 85:15.
6. The composition of claim 1 including added water. 30
24. The method of claim 23 in which said polyhydric
7. The composition of claim 1 including an anionic or alcohol is propylene glycol.
amphoteric surfactant. 25. A method for the preparation of a transparent
8. The composition of claim 7 in which said surfac soap composition in solid form, comprising:
tant is lauric dimenthylamine oxide. mixing together sodium hydroxide, saponifiable fatty
9. The composition of any one of claims 1-8 in which 35
oil to react with said sodium hydroxide to form a
said polyhydric alcohol comprises propylene glycol. sodium soap constituting about 10-30 weight per
10. The composition of any one of claims 1-7 in cent of the transparent soap composition, polyhyd
which said diamine is N,N,N',N'-tetrakis (2-hydroxy ric alcohol in an amount sufficient to assure trans
propyl)-ethylenediamine. parency, and water;
11. The composition of claim 10 in which said poly saponifying said fatty oil with said sodium hydroxide;
hydric alcohol is propylene glycol. 40 thereafter adding to said mixture a tetrakis (hydroxy
12. A transparent soap composition in solid form alkyl) ethylene diamine constituting about 10-30
comprising: weight percent of the transparent soap composi
about 10-30 weight percent of a sodium soap pre tion; and
pared by saponification of a mixture of tallow, adding to said saponified mixture a fatty acid super
coconut oil and castor oil, said castor oil compris 45 fatting agent.
ing about 10 to about 30 weight percent of said 26. The method of claim 25 in which said superfatting
misture, the weight ratio of tallow to coconut oil agent is stearic acid.
being about 50:50 to about 85:15; 27. The method of claim 26 in which a minor portion
about 5-20 weight percent of N,N,N',N'-tetrakis (2- of said superfatting agent comprises oleic acid.
hydroxypropyl)-ethylenediamine; 50 28. The method of claim 25 in which said fatty oil is
about 10-40 weight percent of propylene glycol as a mixturu of tallow, coconut oil and castor oil.
solvent for said diamine; 29. The method of claim 28 in which said castor oil
about 6-16 weight percent of superfatting agent com constitutes about 10-30 weight percent of said fatty oil
prising stearic acid; mixture and the weight ratio of tallow to coconut oil is
about 5-10 weight percent of an anionic or ampho 55 about 50:50 to 85:15.
teric surfactant; and 30. The mixture of claim 25 in which water is added
about 6-15 weight percent of added water. to the mixture prior to said saponification.
13. The composition of claim 12 in which said super 31. The method of any one of claims 25-30 in which
fatting agent is present in a range of about 12-14 weight said polyhydric alcohol comprises propylene glycol.
percent and comprises up to 4 percent of oleic acid.
14. The composition of claim 12 or 13 including a 60 32. The method of any one of claims 25-30 in which
small amount of glycerin as a humectant. said diamine is N,N,N',N'-tetrakis(2-hydroxypropyl)
15. A method for the preparation of a transparent ethylenediamine.
soap composition in solid form, comprising: 33. The method of claim 32 in which said polyhydric
bringing together sodium hydroxide solution, saponi alcohol is propylene glycol.
fiable fatty oil to react with said sodium hydroxide 65 34. The method of any one of claims 25-30 in which
to form a sodium soap constituting about 10-30 said polyhydric alcohol is present during the saponifica
weight percent of the transparent soap composi tion step.
tion, a tetrakis (hydroxyalkyl) ethylene diamine k k 2. x:
O PATENT NO. : 4,290,904
DATED ; September 22, 1981
INVENTOR(S) : Maxwell H. Poper
It is Certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent
are hereby Corrected as shown below:

In Column 7, line 47, delete "misture" and substitute

O In column 7, line 59, after "4" insert --weight--.
eigned and Scaled this
second Day of March 1982
O Attest:

Attesting Officer Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks


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