Ulllted States Patent (19) (11) Patent Number: 6,028,044: Harris (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 22, 2000
Ulllted States Patent (19) (11) Patent Number: 6,028,044: Harris (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 22, 2000
Ulllted States Patent (19) (11) Patent Number: 6,028,044: Harris (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 22, 2000
[54] METHOD FOR CLEANING HARD AND 5,061,763 10/1991 Moss, III et al. ..................... .. 525/502
SOFT SURFACES WITH MULTLPURPOSE 5,789,361 8/1998 Talley ........................ .. 510/218
CLEANER/DEGREASER AND CARPET/ 5,858,281 1/1999 Dellinger, Jr. et al. ............... .. 252/353
[75] Inventor: Adrian James Harris, Baton Rouge; WO 96/11249 4/1996 WIPO .
La' Primary Examiner—Yogendra Gupta
[73] Assignee: Adrian J. Harris, Baton Rouge, La. Assistant Exammer_]0hn R‘ Hardee
[21] Appl. No.: 09/316,576
Multi-purpose cleaner utilizes emulsifyng surfactants and
[22] Filed? May 21, 1999 Wetting agents to provide all purpose cleaning and degreas
_ _ ing of hard and soft surfaces. The unique combination of
Related U-s-Apphcatlon Data chemical components produces rapid emulsi?cation and
alloWs easy removal of a Wide variety of carpet and fabric
[63] continuation'in'part of application NO‘ 08/946,866’ Oct‘ 8’ stains also. Formula consists essentially of the folloWing
1997, abandoned.
Int. Cl. ................................................... .. (e) Weight Sodium Sulfosuccinate
[52] US. Cl. ........................................... .. 510/280; 510/278 Surfactants,
[58] Field of Search ............................... .. 8/137; 510/278, (f) 3_1_15% by Weight emulsifying Surfactants, preferably
510/280; 134/42 NPE 9_12,
[56] References Cited (g) 1.9—10% by Weight isopropanol, and
(h) 70—94.2% by Weight Water.
4,861,501 8/1989 Pfeifer .................................... .. 252/86 1 Claim, N0 Drawings
1 2
FABRIC STAIN REMOVER Water solubility: Dispersible
Appearance: Clear liquid
Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 08/946,860, Oct. Ph: Near neutral
8,1997, noW abandoned. Toxicity Non
Reactivity Data:
BRIEF SUMMARY Stability: Stable
10 Hazardous polymerization: Will not occur
The following speci?cation details the application, Biodegradable
composition, uses, properties, reactivity data, mixing and
?rst aid measures associated With the speci?ed multi
purpose cleaner/degreaser With carpet and fabric stain Additional unique properties: acceptable foaming prop
erties and fast drying.
remover. Once applied properly, this non-toxic, biodegrad 15 Wetting agents are preferably a solution of dialkyl sodium
able solution is specially formulated to rapidly remove sulfosuccinate of the formula:
grease and dirt stains from a variety of hard and soft
surfaces; fabrics and carpet included. It is also formulated ROOC— CH2
for rapid drying after use and leaves no sticky residue.
The chemical solution for the multi-purpose cleaner With
carpet and fabric stain remover utiliZes the folloWing types Wherein R=C8—C18
of components: dialkyl sodium sulfosuccinate surfactants Preferably the solution should be mixed With the folloW
(anionic), nonionic emulsifying surfactants—preferably 25 ing proportions of ingredients: 0.8—5% by Weight dialkyl
nonylphenol ethoxylate 9—12, isopropanol and Water. sodium sulfosuccinate surfactants; 3.1—15% by Weight
Uses and Application emulsifying surfactants, preferably nonylphenol ethoxylate
This cleaner can be used to degrease, clean and/or remove 9—12 (NPE 9—12); 1.9—10% by Weight isopropanol;
spots and stains from the folloWing: Walls, vinyl surfaces, 70—94.2% by Weight Water.
Solution can be obtained by mixing solvents ?rst. Mix
?oors, tiles, tubs, ceilings, furniture, vents, equipment 30
until homogeneous. Add Water sloWly With stirring.
surfaces, carpets, various fabrics and other surfaces. Solu
I claim:
tion emulsi?es stains caused by spills from food, soda,
1. A method of cleaning a rug or a carpet, Wherein a rug
coffee, Wine, kool-aid, oil, etc. or carpet in need of cleaning is contacted With a cleaningly
For general cleaning, spray directly on heavy-duty dirt.
Do not dilute. For light-duty cleaning, add 2—4 ounces to 1 35 effective amount of a composition consisting of
quart Water. For carpet cleaning, vacuum loose dirt prior to a) 0.8—5% by Weight of dialkyl sodium sulfosuccinate,
use. Spray entire stain completely. HoWever, do not saturate. Wherein the alkyl groups are of 8—18 carbons;
Blot gently With a clean, damp, color-fast sponge or cloth. b) 3.1—15% by Weight of an ethoxylated nonylphenol
For fabric cleaning, completely cover stain and rub in to bearing 9—12 equivalents of ethylene oxide;
penetrate. Launder With regular detergent in Warmest Water 40 c) 1.9—10% by Weight of isopropanol;
fabric Will accept. Re-apply and Wash again for tough stains. d) 70—94.2% by Weight of Water.
For best results, treat stain While fresh and alloW cleaner
to set 3—5 minutes. Properties: * * * * *