Visual Color Evaluation Metamerism (Based On ASTM D-4086)
Visual Color Evaluation Metamerism (Based On ASTM D-4086)
Visual Color Evaluation Metamerism (Based On ASTM D-4086)
Viewing Conditions
Color can be measured instrumentally or viewed Samples being evaluated must be prepared and
under controlled lightings to provide an objective color presented correctly with consistency as the viewing
evaluation. Chroma Meters and spectrophotometers orientation can affect the appearance. An object that
are used to measure color and light booths or cabinets is viewed from a slightly different angle, for example,
are often used as visual grader. A light booth is a may make the object appear brighter or darker.
lighting cabinet with standard light sources such as
D65 (Daylight 6500K), F2 (Cool White Fluorescent), • Position samples flat in the light booth or at
Illuminant A (Tungsten) or industry specified light 45 degree angle and swap their positions left
source. These light sources are useful in the evaluation to right, top to bottom to observe any color
of color and metamerism. changes.
There may be problems experienced when performing • When making comparisons between a sample
visual color evaluation. They could result from the and the standard, position them side by side so
incorrect choice or use of a light source, improper that they are parallel with each other for better
viewing conditions and observer difference. Listed color judgement.
below are some of the best practices for accomplishing
accurate results for visual assessments. • Other colors will affect the color perception.
Always perform the evaluation with a common
Observer Conditions background and keep the light booth clean. Do
All humans perceive color differently because the not place any other foreign objects in the light
sensitivity of the human eye varies from person to booth other than the samples that are being
person which often cause the perception of color to assessed so as not to affect the appearance for
appear differently to each individual. their color.
Lighting Conditions
Light sources can be specified by an industry, company or an individual when establishing a procedure for
visual assessment. A conventional light bulb can be considered an actual emitting device, although it might
not be a commonly used source for color evaluation. A light source can be considered characterized when
its spectral output has been documented. Most of the light sources in the market are characterized by the
developer or the manufacturer. Common standardized sources include:
Standardizing lighting conditions are required to maintain consistency as different light sources often lead to
different judgement. Hence it is important to:
• Evaluate within a controlled environment of a light booth to maintain standardized lighting conditions.
• Switch off all room lighting except the light source of the light booth. This is to minimize the influence of
ambient light interference.
Test for Metamerism • For best results in a visual test, always compare the
Metamerism is a very common problem, though most samples using three light sources. Incandescent
people do not realize this. It occurs when a pair of for its high red energy content, D65 for its high
sample is deemed to match under one light source blue energy and CWF for its high green energy.
but not under another. This happens when the color • It is important that metamerism is identified and
batch or recipe for dyes, paints, inks or other pigments kept to a minimum using a light booth. In some
is changed during production, leading to a mismatch cases, an instrument test is performed using a
of colors. spectrophotometer to confirm the presence of
this phenomenon.
Metameric effects are best observed under two or
more different light sources and illuminants such as You may be doing visual evaluation correctly but is the
daylight (D65) and incandescent light (illuminant A). person you communicate with doing it right? Are they
Visual test can be conducted using the following steps: using the same light sources and evaluation methods?
Make sure that good practices and procedures are in
• Visually compare a pair of metameric sample place within the organization as these will save you
under one light source within the light booth. countless hours and money.
• Change the light source, for example D65 to
illuminant A, and observe the samples for any To know more information on the proper tools and
color mismatch. evaluation procedures, you can contact Konica Minolta
• Samples are considered metameric if they match Sensing Singapore Pte Ltd at 6563 5533 or email us at
under one light source but not under another.