AI Chapter 1
AI Chapter 1
AI Chapter 1
The AI Problems
Before we get started with the topic, let us first get an idea about its
background. Have you ever given a thought as to how many cats does
it take to identify one cat?
In this article we will cover the five types of problems that people face
with Artificial Intelligence (AI) i.e. we will address the all important
question of – in which situation must one make use of AI (artificial
Just some time ago, we conducted a strategy workshop for a bunch of
senior executives who are running a large multinational company. In
that workshop, someone asked this question – “How many cats will it
need to identify a cat?”
In this post, we will discuss the problems which can be uniquely
resolved through Artificial Intelligence. While this may not be the exact
taxonomy, but it still is pretty comprehensive. The main reason we have
added extra emphasis on Enterprise AI issues, because we believe that
this subject will have a deep impact on many mainstream applications,
but despite that a lot of media attention focuses at the more esoteric
avenues. Further, information about these concepts are available in
our Machine Learning training course.
But before we delve into AI application types, we must discuss the
main distinguishing characters between AI / Deep Learning / Machine
The term Artificial Intelligence by definition implies that machines can
reason with the help of this feature. However, here is a better more
complete list of AI characteristics:
History of AI
Early Days
During the Second World War, noted British computer scientist Alan
Turing worked to crack the ‘Enigma’ code which was used by German
forces to send messages securely. Alan Turing and his team created
the Bombe machine that was used to decipher Enigma’s messages.
The Enigma and Bombe Machines laid the foundations for Machine
Learning. According to Turing, a machine that could converse with
humans without the humans knowing that it is a machine would win
the “imitation game” and could be said to be “intelligent”.
AI Winters
Some AI funding dried up when the dotcom bubble burst in the early
2000s. Yet machine learning continued its march, largely thanks to
improvements in computer hardware. Corporations and governments
successfully used machine learning methods in narrow domains.
What is AI Technique?
In the real world, the knowledge has some unwelcomed properties −