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COT 2 - Stat and Proba

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School Grade 11 - Spoliarium

Teacher JUVELYN RIVAS Statistics and Probability
Grades 1 to 12/Daily Lesson Log Area
Teaching Dates
DECEMBER 5, 2019 Quarter III
& Time

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts
of random variable and probability distributions.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to apply an appropriate random
variable for a given real-life problem (such as in decision
making and games of chance)
C. Learning The learner … KRA 3, OBJ. #7
Competencies/Objectives 1. illustrates a random variable (discrete and Plans, manages and implements
(Write the LC Code for each) continuous) (M11/12SP-IIIa-1) developmentally sequenced teaching
2. Distinguishes between a discrete and a continuous and learning processes to meet
random variable (M11/12SP-IIIa-2) curriculum requirements and varied
teaching contexts

MOV --- Knowledge, skill and attitude

is applied in lesson planning objectives
in order to meet curriculum
requirements based on the CG. Parts of
DLP are based on the PPST Modules
II. CONTENT Random Variables Probability Distributions
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages K to 12 CG Statistics and Probability 17 – 22
2. Learner’s Materials pages K to 12 TG Statistics and Probability 17 – 22
3. Textbook pages N/A
4. Additional Materials from N/A
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources PowerPoint Presentation, laptop, Activity Sheets, Pentel KRA 3, OBJ. #9
pen, etc. Selects, develops, organizes, and uses
appropriate teaching and learning
resources, including ICT, to address
learning goals.

MOV – The words, meanings,

pictures, videos, and selections
presented clearly through power point
presentation. Printed materials like
activity sheets are given to the students
to see and read clearly

1. Reviewing previous lesson 1. Determine whether Statistical Questions or Not. KRA 1: CONTENT KNOWLEDGE
 How many hours in a day? AND PEGAGOGY
 What are the market problems met by an Objective 1: Applies knowledge of
Entrepreneurs in Aroroy? content within and across curriculum
 Would Masbatenos prefer eating bananas teaching areas.
rather than apple?
 How long did you sleep last night? MOV --- Contextualization,
 What is the percentage of voters does Localization, and integrations across
Municipality of Aroroy have? learning areas like Entrepreneurship
 What province where you born in? subject (CS_EP11/12ENTREP-Oa-1),
2. What is Data? and Reading and Writing by
3. How can we summarize data? summarizing of data (EN11/12RWS-

KRA 1, OBJ. #2
Uses in teaching highlighting learner-
centered strategies that promote
literacy and/or numeracy skills.

MOV – Questions presented promotes

literacy and numeracy skills of the
learners. They will be able to
summarize data and define data in their
own words. Also, numeracy skills
applies in these questions since
learners will be able determine on how
many hours in a day, how long they
sleep in a night and percentage of
voters of Aroroy.
4. Establishing a purpose for the Imagine that your seatmates are unknown to you. KRA 1, OBJ. #3
lesson What would be three questions you want to ask other than Applies highlighting different teaching
your seatmate’s name, Facebook username, address, strategies that develop critical and
email address, and telephone number creative thinking and/or other HOTS.

Possible answers; (Answers may vary in actual setting) MOV – The questions presented are
1. How old are you? arranged from lower to higher level of
2. What is your Instagram account name? thinking skills. Students are challenge
3. How many are you in a family? to think questions to be asked to their
4. What is an occupation of your father? classmates creatively.
5. How much is the amount of your allowance per

(Teacher writes learners response on the board)

5. Presenting *Presents the lesson KRA 1, OBJ. #3
examples/instances of the When characteristic and properties that is observable or Applies highlighting different teaching
new lesson measurable in every unit of the universe, that is called strategies that develop critical and
Variable. There are two broad classification of variables; creative thinking and/or other HOTS.
Qualitative and quantitative variable. Qualitative variables
express a categorical attribute and answers the question MOV – The questions presented are
“What kind” while Quantitative (otherwise called arranged from lower to higher level of
numerical) data which answers the question “How much” thinking skills. Students are challenge
and “How many”. Quantitative variable is classified into to think questions to be asked to their
two; Discrete can be counted and Continuous can be classmates creatively.

Based from learners response. Distinguish qualitative

variable and quantitative variable – discrete or

Possible answers; (Answers may vary in actual setting)

1. How old are you?
2. What is your Instagram account name?
3. How many are you in a family?
4. What is an occupation of your father?
5. How much is the amount of your allowance per

6. Discussing new concepts and Grade 11 students in Aroroy National High School KRA 1: CONTENT KNOWLEDGE
practicing new skills #1 conducted a study on the Effects of Family Socio- AND PEGAGOGY
Economic Status on Student’s Academic Performance of Objective 1: Applies knowledge of
Grade 12 HUMSS students. Survey questionnaire is an content within and across curriculum
instrument in the said study. Questionaire details the teaching areas.
following information.
MOV --- Contextualization,
 number of family members who are working; localization, gender fair and
 ownership of a cell phone among family members; integrations across learning areas like
 ownership/rental of dwelling; Research and Daily Life (CS_RS12-
 Parental Occupations IId-g-1) and within learning area like
 Parental Educational Attainment predicting the outcome are observable
 Parental Income

Are the information listed considered as variable? What

are qualitative variables? Quantitative variables? Discrete
or Continuous?
7. Discussing new concepts and Group learners into 4 groups. Let them observe the given KRA 2, OBJ. #5
practicing new skills #2 picture and write the variables (Qualitative and Manages learner behavior
Quantitative variables) they can see in the picture. constructively by applying positive and
non-violent discipline to ensure
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 learning-focused environments.
MOV --- To avoid and prevent
misbehavior, house
rules/standards/guidelines are set
before the class starts or before doing
an activity

KRA 2, OBJ# 1
Managed classroom structure to
engage learners, individually or in
groups, in meaningful exploration,
Group 4 Group 5 discovery and hands-on activities
within a range of physical learning

MOV – Teacher arranges seats

according to the group activities to be
done during instruction

8. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment
9. Finding practical application
of concepts and skills in daily
10. Making generalizations and 1. What is variable? KRA 1, OBJ. #3
abstractions about the lesson 2. What are the types of variable? What are Applies highlighting different teaching
qualitative variables? Quantitative variable? What strategies that develop critical and
is discrete? Continuous? creative thinking and/or other HOTS.

MOV – The questions presented are

arranged from ,lower to higher level of
thinking skills. Students are challenge
to think creatively.
11. Evaluating learning Which of the following are qualitative variables? Among
the quantitative variables, classify them as discrete or
 height of students measured in number of
 weight of teachers in school measured in number
of kilograms number of days it rained
 hair color
 Sex
 average daily temperature
 civil status
 brand of soap being used
 highest educational attainment
 total household expenditures last month in pesos
 number of children in a household
 number of customers waiting to be served at a
supermarket counter
12. Additional activities for
application or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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