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Project PDF
Project PDF
Polarized Unpolarized
Methods of Polarizing Light
It is possible to transform unpolarized light into polarized
light. Polarized light waves are light waves in which the
vibrations occur in a single plane. The process of
transforming unpolarized light into polarized light is
known as polarization. There are a variety of methods of
polarizing light. The four methods discussed on this page
Polarization by Transmission
Polarization by Reflection
Polarization by Refraction
Polarization by Scattering
Polarization by Polarization by
Transmission Reflection
Polarization by Refraction
Polarization by Scattering
When light strikes the atoms of a material, it will often set the
electrons of those atoms into vibration. The vibrating electrons
then produce their own electromagnetic wave that is radiated
outward in all directions. These vibrating electrons produce
another electromagnetic wave. This scattered light is partially
Polarizing Material
A Polarizing material will only allow the passage of that
component of the electric field parallel to the polarization
direction of the material
I = I0 cos2q
Polarization In Everyday Situations