Poverty As A Global Issue
Poverty As A Global Issue
Poverty As A Global Issue
Poverty entails more than the lack of income and productive resources to ensure
sustainable livelihoods. Its manifestations include hunger and malnutrition,
limited access to education and other basic services, social discrimination and
exclusion, as well as the lack of participation in decision-making.
Reducing world poverty is arguably the main global challenge of the next twenty
years. Why? First, for moral reasons, and second, for the sake of justice and
balance. A world where less than 20 percent of the people consume 85 percent of
the goods and services just isn’t rational.
it exists in various forms: lack of food and clothing, lack of education or a job to
earn money to raise a family or the lack of a home to stay safe.
Most of the people who are below the poverty line are incapable of pulling
themselves out of the crisis. They are often stuck in a vicious cycle where they
cant risk ;losing their low earning job for something which they may or may not
reap from. They have small businesses that are conditional and depend on
unpredictable factors. More often than not, farmers are the ones that face the
brunt of this global crisis. That is because, their earning and profit or loss factor
completely depends on the climate conditions. They dont have an alternative to
quit doing what theyre doing. They are often stuck in deals with wholesalers and
money lenders that keeps them tied to their job, and with that, poverty.
Poverty is not nation or place specific. It is one of the global issues that the world
is trying to fight. happens all over the world even in the most unexpected of
places. Its not just undeveloped or developing countries. Even first world contries
like the USA has a 12% poverty rate. Even if the gravity of the situation is less, the
issue is not completely eradicated.
But there is yet another reason to see poverty as the planet’s number one
challenge: it connects with many other global issues on our list, and if we don’t
succeed in reducing it substantially, solving the other problems becomes even
harder. Poverty and distress are a “breeding ground for disease, environmental
degradation, internal conflict, and terrorism.
Poverty has directly influenced the amount of terror we’ve encountered. Terror
group instigators often are triggered by the social unacceptance or their lack of
power over their futures. Their motives are stimulated by the increasing gap
between the rich and the poor. A group of these like minded individuals engage
themselves in this supposed rebel attack. They are lured by the money and
resources they might obtain but forget about humanity and do not consider the
price they pay for it.
It has become clear that poverty means more than lack of income: it includes
isolation and powerlessness, insecurity, lack of services, and lack of control over
one’s future. It means spending hours every day gathering water and fuelwood,
suffering from indoor pollution, facing domestic violence, being mistreated by
police and government officials, and feeling constantly exposed to catastrophic
risks—such as just one family member becoming ill
together, we can make a difference and make poverty a thing of the past