Title Defense Template
Title Defense Template
Title Defense Template
Sub. Problems:
Aspect Exemplary Accomplished (3 Poor Score
(5 pts) pts) (1 pt.)
The content is clear and The content The content is vague
concise and deals with provides persuasive in conveying the point
Content important issue in the information and is of view and does
field of study. Information accurate. create a strong sense
is clear of purpose.
Presents information in Presents Audience has
logical, interesting information in difficulty following the
Organization sequence which audience logical sequence presentation because
can follow. which audience can students jump around
Subject Demonstrates full Answer all Students are
Knowledge knowledge by answering questions but falls uncomfortable with
all questions with to elaborate. information and are
explanation and able to answer only
elaboration. rudimentary
Eye contact Maintains eye contact Occasionally uses Reads all of report
with audience, seldom eye contact but still with no eye contact
returning to notes. reads most of the
Elocution Uses a clear voice and Voice is clear. Mumbles. Incorrectly
correct, precise Pronounces most pronounces terms and
pronunciation of terms so word correctly. speaks too quietly for
that all audience members Most audience can audience in the back
can hear presentation hear the of class to hear
PowerPoint Graphics explain and Graphics relate to Uses graphics that
Slides reinforce screen text. text and are rarely support text
Graphics are clear and readable with minor and presentation. Text
essay to follow. No misspelling and are difficult to read
misspellings and grammatical errors. and understand.
grammatical errors. Texts Texts are readable.
are readable.