Congratulations on your purchase. You have made a wise choice, because you
appreciate the quality of a brand from a company with a name that has exemplified
The PFT N2V mixing pump uses state-of-the-art technology. It was designed in a
task-optimised way so that it can be a trustworthy aid for rough construction site
These operating instructions should always be stored and kept at hand at the
machine’s application site. They give you information on the various functions of the
system. Study the operating instructions thoroughly before starting the machine, as
we accept no liability for accidents or damage to the machine caused by incorrect
The PFT N2V conveying pump will be a trustworthy aid, if it is operated correctly and
handled with care.
It is prohibited to forward this document, even excerpts, without our written
authorisation. All technical specifications, diagrams etc. are subject to copyright law.
All rights, errors and modifications reserved.
An important task of all technicians delivering the PFT N2V conveying pump is the
inspection of the machine settings at the end of the first spraying. The factory settings
can be changed during the first operation. If these changes are not corrected in time,
immediately after run-in, then operating problems can be expected.
After putting the PFT N2V conveying pump into service and giving appropriate
instructions, after about two hours, the technician must always carry out the following
checks / make the following settings:
The enclosed guarantee card must be sent in – no card, no guarantee!
Overview N2V 04/2004
Overview N2V control unit 04/2004
PFT N2 FU 400V 7
Overview N2 FU 400 V 5.5 KW 04/2004
PFT N2 FU 400V 8
Overview N2 FU 400 V 5.5 KW 04/2004
The PFT N2V conveying pump is a small conveying small for applying finishing coats
of up to 3 mm, water-based paints, concrete primer and similar materials using a
spraying gun, paint gun or wool fleece roller.
The machine consists of portable single components of small, handy dimensions and
light weight that allow fast, convenient transport.
*If the N2 FU 400 is connected, the distributor box must be equipped with an FI safety
switch sensitive to all currents. If this is not the case, a PFT intermediate distributor,
type no. 00021223 can be used.
The following terms and symbols are used in this manual for particularly important
Special information for running the machine efficiently.
Special information, regulations and restrictions concerning the prevention of
The machine should only be used if it is in technically perfect condition and in
compliance with the regulations. Pay attention to safety and the operating
instructions. It is especially important to immediately rectify all faults which could
impair safety. Proper machine operation includes following the instructions in the
operating manual and complying with the inspection and maintenance conditions.
In order to make operating our machines as easy as possible for you, we would
like to briefly inform you of the most important safety regulations. If you comply with
these regulations, you will be able to use our machine in a safe and quality-
assuring manner for a long time to come.
When the power supply is switched on, no supply lines may be connected or
disconnected or signals checked.
The DC condenser of the frequency converter is also still charged when the power
supply is switched off. To avoid the danger of injury to personnel or damage to
equipment, the frequency converter must be disconnected from the mains before
maintenance work is performed. Please wait at least five minutes until all LEDs
have stopped glowing.
A voltage withstand check may not be conducted on any component of the
frequency converter. The frequency converter contains semi-conductors which are
not suitable for such voltages. The control unit may not be removed when the
power supply is switched on. In addition to this, the circuit boards may not be
touched when the frequency converter is connected to the mains.
The PFT N2V/N2 FU 400 pump unit should attain a pressure of at least 15 - 20 bar
and a backpressure of approx. 6 - 8 bar when the machine is switched off.
The use of a mortar pressure gauge is absolutely imperative according to the safety
regulations of the Builder’s Guild.
1. Rotor/stator D 6-3 can be used up to 30 bar operating pressure.
2. The minimum conveying distance depends mainly on how the mortar flows.
Heavy, coarse-grained mortar does not flow easily. Fluid mortars, filling com-
pounds and paint flow easily.
3. Use thicker mortar hoses if you exceed an operating pressure of 30 bar.
4. To avoid machine breakdowns and excessive wear on pump motor, pump shaft
and pump, always use original PFT spare parts such as
PFT rotors / PFT stators / PFT pump shafts / PFT mortar pressure hoses.
These components are compatible with one another and form a single
constructive unit together with the machine. If you do not follow these
recommendations, you will not only lose your warranty rights, but the quality of
the mortar you are producing will also suffer.
The N2 FU 400 may only be connected to power supplies with an FI safety switch
sensitive to all currents, e.g. PFT intermediate distributor item no. 00 02 12 23.
N2 FU 400V start-up
1 Connect the power connection (1) to the power supply (1) 400 V, 32 A fuse with
FI safety switch 30 mA sensitive to all currents
Pull the blind plug (2)
1 Main switch (1) ON
Turn the selection switch (2) to the forwards position
22 11
Insert blind plug (1) machine runs
Control lamp (2) glows
or connect remote control
Open tap (1)
Switch on machine using remote control (2)
N2V start-up
2 Connect the power connection (1) to the power supply (1) 400 V, 32 A fuse with
FI safety switch 30 mA
Pull the dummy plug (2)
Operation (1) ON
Plug in blind plug (2), machine runs
When work is interrupted, first switch the machine off using the remote control and
then close the tap on the spraying gun or the paint roller. Start up the system in
reverse order.
Leave the speed at a minimum level, as otherwise the conveying pressure in the
material hose becomes too high.
The green ON button must always be pressed if the control box was without power.
Never let the pump run dry.
The protection grille of the material hopper may not be removed while the machine is
being set and the PFT N2V/N2 FU 400 conveying pump is in operation.
Before starting the spraying or pumping process, all hoses must be rinsed with water
and then completely emptied. The hoses must be then lubricated with lime milk if
necessary (depending on the manufacturer's specifications).
The PFT N2V/N2 FU 400 conveying pump can be loaded with a screw mixer (e.g.
HM 2002, HM 2006, HM 22 / 24, HM 106, HM 200, HM 5, HM 6, etc.) or from ready-
mixed containers.
Interruption of work
Depending on the material, longer interruptions should be avoided as the material
may solidify in the pump and hoses. The manufacturer's guidelines should be
observed at all times (processing time, weather influences such as sun and heat,
It is recommended to clean the pump prior to longer interruptions.
Every interruption of the spraying procedure results in minor irregularities of the mortar
consistency. This normalises itself however, as soon as the machine has been
working for a short while.
In accordance with the safety regulations of the Builder’s Guild, all personnel clearing
hoses should wear safety goggles and should position themselves in such a way as to
avoid injury through discharged mortar. No other persons should be near the
Clearing blockages
- Allow the pump motor to run in reverse for a short while until the mortar pressure
gauge shows no pressure is present (change the direction of rotation with the
main reversing switch or with the stop for air tap switch on the N2 FU 400).
- Cover the pressure flange with fabric reinforced film or similar material.
- Loosen the tie rods on pressure flange lightly so that residual pressure is
- Release the hose coupling.
- Clean the hose.
The mortar hoses must be cleaned immediately. Cleaning can be done at the water
mains. To do this, connect the mortar hose to the mains supply with a cleaning
adapter. Force the mortar out by opening the water valve and then clean with water-
soaked sponge balls. Repeat this process twice.
Remove the pump, press the screw out of the stator and clean in carefully. Then clean
the entire pump, reassemble it and prepare it for operation.
Depressurise all mortar hoses before opening the mortar hose couplings. This can be
done by changing the direction of rotation of the pump mortar.
The mortar pressure gauge must show “0”.
Only transport the PFT N2V/N2 FU 400 secured to a Euro pallet.
How can problems with the PFT N2V/N2 FU 400 be avoided or quickly rectified?
20 17 61 00 Pump tube F2
PFT N2 FU 400V 21
N2 FU 400V circuit diagram 04/2004
Putz-und F÷rdertechnik
Anschlu▀ ³ber FI-Schalter
PFT N2 FU 400V 22
N2 FU 400V circuit diagram 04/2004
Putz-und F÷rdertechnik
Vor. 0
PFT N2V 23
N2V circuit diagram 04/2004
PFT N2V 24
N2V circuit diagram 04/2004
PFT N2V 25
N2V circuit diagram 04/2004
PFT N2V 26
Replacement parts lists 04/2004
N2V gearbox subassembly with sealing unit spare parts list ...........................................................................27
Material hopper subassembly replacement parts list .......................................................................................29
N2V control box subassembly spare parts list .................................................................................................31
Pressure control subassembly replacement parts list......................................................................................33
N2 FU 400 gearbox subassembly with sealing unit replacement parts list......................................................35
N2 FU 400V control box subassembly replacement parts list .........................................................................37
PFT N2V 27
N2V gearbox replacement parts list 04/2004
PFT N2V 28
N2V gearbox replacement parts list 04/2004
PFT N2V 30
Material hopper subassembly replacement parts list 02/2003
PFT N2V 31
N2V control box subassembly spare parts list 04/2004
PFT N2V 32
N2V control box subassembly spare parts list 04/2004
PFT N2 FU 400 V 35
N2 FU 400V frame, gearbox and sealing unit replacement parts list 04/2004
PFT N2 FU 400 V 36
N2 FU 400V frame, gearbox and sealing unit replacement parts list 04/2004
PFT N2 FU 400 V 37
N2 FU 400V frame, gearbox and sealing unit replacement parts list 04/2004
PFT N2 FU 400 V 38
Control box replacement parts list 04/2004
Drive Gearbox 5.5 kW, 400 V three phase, Vario motor 3.0 kW, 400 V three
25-70 Hz phase, 50 Hz
Frequency 25-70 Hz 50 Hz
Control unit 25 kg 18 kg
Suggested tests for open conveying pumps, e.g. SWING, N2, ZP3
Inspector: ________________________________________ Type: ___________________________
Date of inspection: ________ Signed:____________________ Serial no.: ___________________________
Suggested tests for open conveying pumps, e.g. SWING, N2, ZP3
Inspector: ________________________________________ Type: ___________________________
Date of inspection: ________ Signed:____________________ Serial no.: ___________________________
Subassembly Component Condition Mainte- Function Remarks
Visual nance
inspection required
Control box condition
3 Control box Functional check
Warning sticker
Main switch (single phase)
Main reversing switch
Grounding wire system
Motor protection switch
Automatic protection
Fine fuse
Control box seal
Control lamps
Cable connections
Blind plugs
4 Air manifold Couplings ewo
(SWING only) Air quantity switch
PFT N2V/N2 FU 400V 42
Suggested tests for open conveying pumps, e.g. SWING, N2, ZP3
Inspector: ________________________________________ Type: ___________________________
Date of inspection: ________ Signed:____________________ Serial no.: ___________________________