TD8600005733 03e PDF
TD8600005733 03e PDF
TD8600005733 03e PDF
Order-no.: 22356
Codeword: Neyzar RM
HYDAC-Comm.-no.: 8600005733-03
Material-no.: 3252486
8600005733-03IE.doc // 18.01.2006 // Ebersohl Jörg englisch
Technical Documentation
8600005733-03IE.doc // 18.01.2006 // Ebersohl Jörg englisch
Technical Description
Erection Safety Guidelines
General Information Pertaining to the Installation/Assembly of Hydraulic Systems and
Power Units
These instructions only provide general information on handling and dealing with the equipment supplied. For more information please refer to
the functional descriptions and/or or specific descriptions covering the facility and equipment. We would like to expressly point out that
commissioning, maintenance and repair work and work on functional components may only be performed by authorized and properly
trained/skilled personnel.
Content: page
1 General ................................................................................................................................... 2
2 Maneuvering Loads................................................................................................................ 2
3 Prevention of Falling Accidents ............................................................................................ 3
4 Fire and Explosion Hazard .................................................................................................... 3
5 Welding Work ......................................................................................................................... 3
6 Applicable Rules and Regulations (selection; not purported to be exhaustive)................ 3
Sheet 1 of 3 / created 21.08.1995 Hertzig, A/EN / Simone.doc englisch
changed 07.06.2000 Balzert, HS-ED
Technical Description
1 General
The proper protective clothing and gear is to be worn at all times when performing work (helmet,
protective footwear, closely fitting work clothes). Long hair is not to be worn loosely, no loose
clothing or jewelry including rings are to be worn. A hazard is posed by these items being caught
or pulled in during drilling work etc.
2 Maneuvering Loads
Individual components and assemblies are to be carefully attached and secured to hoisting gear
during erection and installation work. The lifting rings provided for this purpose are to be used and
the ropes to be guided in such a manner so that facility parts or projecting piping components are
not damaged.
Oil tank assemblies can be suspended by inserting extended pipe pieces in the reinforced
corners of the tank feet. In so doing, the rope loads are to be evenly distributed and the load not
allowed to shift in an uncontrolled manner during lifting or maneuvering. If necessary, tie-bars are
to be used.
Only suitable, intact, properly functioning hoisting gear and load suspension devices possessing
sufficient rated carrying load are to be used.
Under no circumstances is work to be performed beneath suspended loads, in other words they
are to be kept clear of at all times.
Sheet 2 of 3 / created 21.08.1995 Hertzig, A/EN / Simone.doc englisch
changed 07.06.2000 Balzert, HS-ED
Technical Description
5 Welding Work
Welding work on piping and the oil tank may only be done by certified welding specialists. Proof
of certification must be evidenced.
Sheet 3 of 3 / created 21.08.1995 Hertzig , A/EN / Simone.doc englisch
changed 07.06.2000 Balzert, HS-ED
Technical Description
Operation Safety Guidelines
General Instructions for Operation of Hydraulic Systems and Units
These instructions only provide general information on handling and dealing with the equipment supplied. For more information please refer to
the functional descriptions and/or or specific descriptions covering the facility and equipment. We would like to expressly point out that
commissioning, maintenance and repair work and work on functional components may only be performed by authorized and properly
trained/skilled personnel.
Content: page
1 General Safety Instructions................................................................................................... 2
2 General Instructions .............................................................................................................. 2
3 Safety Instructions for Pressure Accumulators................................................................... 3
4 Instructions for Use of Pressure Accumulators................................................................... 3
Sheet 1 of 3 / created 30.03.1995 Hertzig, A/EN / Sibete.doc englisch
changed 07.06.2000 Balzert, HS-ED
Technical Description
As the units are pressure producing and all used components are subject to fluid and gas
pressure the units may be dangerous caused by inexpert handling and if untrained personnel is
allowed for operation, maintenance and service.
2 General Instructions
As long as hydraulic systems and units are subject to hydraulic pressure or electric voltage no
interference is allowed.
Pressure accumulators are always to be depressurized at fluid side. Existing cylinder loads have
to be ceased by discharging to the oil tank.
Gas-side working is only allowed after depressuring the gas side.
Hydraulic units are only to be operated through trained personnel.
All security devices have regularly to be checked concerning their good condition.
Adjustment of leaded pressure relief valves is not allowed.
Security devices are not allowed to be removed, to be made ineffective or to be ignored due to
risk of accidents.
This operation and maintenance instruction is only valid for the HYDAC scope of supply. For all
parts not belonging to our scope of supplies please consider the instructions of the corresponding
Sheet 2 of 3 / created 30.03.1995 Hertzig, A/EN / Sibete.doc englisch
changed 07.06.2000 Balzert, HS-ED
Technical Description
For pressure accumulators the prevailing rules for pressure tanks at site have to be observed.
Pressure accumulators which are subject to acceptance have to be controlled by the
corresponding authority.
The allowed operating data, manufacturing data and approved seal have to be stamped on the
outside of the accumulator shell.
Besides that all rules for announcement at site and repeated tests are also valid.
The limits of gas filling pressure (p0), operating pressure during operation and operating
temperature have to be strictly observed in conformity with the allowances of the acceptance and
the stamped data at the pressure accumulator.
No welding or soldering works and no mechanical works are allowed on the accumulator shell.
Mounting or dismounting works are only to be executed after draining the pressure fluid and gas
filling pressure.
Working at the system is only allowed after draining the pressure fluid.
After connection the hydraulic piping has to be vented completely.
A new or repaired pressure accumulator has to be charged with nitrogen before starting up to the
requested gas pressure p0.
Oxygen, air or inflammable gas shall never be used due to highest explosion danger.
The lead of the used type-tested safety valve shall never be removed nor the valve set higher.
Sheet 3 of 3 / created 30.03.1995 Hertzig , A/EN / Sibete.doc englisch
changed 07.06.2000 Balzert, HS-ED
Technical Description
Operating Materials and Supplies
General List for Hydraulic Systems and Power Units
These instructions only provide general information on handling and dealing with the equipment supplied. For more information please refer to
the functional descriptions and/or or specific descriptions covering the facility and equipment. We would like to expressly point out that
commissioning, maintenance and repair work and work on functional components may only be performed by authorized and properly
trained/skilled personnel.
Content: page
1 Application.............................................................................................................................. 2
2 Hydraulic oil............................................................................................................................ 2
3 Grease..................................................................................................................................... 2
4 Oil binding agent .................................................................................................................... 2
5 Corrosion Protection ............................................................................................................. 2
6 Cleaning agents/degreasers: ................................................................................................ 3
7 Nitrogen: ................................................................................................................................. 3
8 Filter elements/tank breather: ............................................................................................... 3
Sheet 1 of 3 / created 24.08.1995 Hertzig, A/EN / Stoffee.doc englisch
changed 07.06.2000 Balzert, HS-ED
Technical Description
1 Application
This list pertains to hydraulic systems and power units operated using mineral oil H-LP according
to DIN 51524 (HM according to ISO TC 131 DP 6074) and are equipped with diaphragm and/or
piston accumulator(s).
2 Hydraulic oil
• Mineral oil HL-P DIN 51524.
• Use filter unit OF ... for filling oil and draining.
• Only the oil used for the initial filling may be used for topping off to compensate for oil loss.
3 Grease
• Lithium-based antifriction bearing grease preferably with MoS2 content for the spherical rod
eyes of the hydraulic cylinders.
• Grease according to DIN 51825/DIN 51502 K 3 N/KH 3 R for the roller bearings of the electric
motors with an insulation class of B or F.
• A grease gun is required for greasing/lubrication work.
5 Corrosion Protection
• Apply Valvoline -Tectyl 846-K-19 (or equivalent) using a brush.
Sheet 2 of 3 / created 24.08.1995 Hertzig, A/EN / Stoffee.doc englisch
changed 07.06.2000 Balzert, HS-ED
Technical Description
6 Cleaning agents/degreasers:
The following are recommended for cleaning and degreasing work:
• ND-150 water-soluble, degreasing action, manufactured by Chemsearch, or equivalent.
• Non-linting, clean paper towels.
• No-linting cleaning cloths.
• Cleaning waste/cotton/wool
Under no circumstances may the cleaning agent be allowed to seep inside the hydraulic system
or individual components.
7 Nitrogen:
Nitrogen for initial charging of the accumulator:
• Standard nitrogen bottles with 200 bar filling pressure
• A FPK or FPU charging and testing unit is required for checking and topping off the
accumulator (diaphragm/piston accumulator)
• A nitrogen charger is required for filling pressures above or slightly below the standard
pressure of 200 bar.
Replacement packages of
• SILIKA-GEL granulate, grain size 2 - 8 mm
are required for tank air breather units featuring desiccate (air dehumidifiers).
Sheet 3 of 3 / created 24.08.1995 Hertzig , A/EN / Stoffee.doc englisch
changed 07.06.2000 Balzert, HS-ED
Technical Description
Disposal of Spent/Used Oil
General Information Pertaining to Commissioning and Changing the Oil in Hydraulic
These instructions only provide general information on handling and dealing with the equipment supplied. For more information please refer to
the functional descriptions and/or or specific descriptions covering the facility and equipment. We would like to expressly point out that
commissioning, maintenance and repair work and work on functional components may only be performed by authorized and properly
trained/skilled personnel.
Content: page
1 Application.............................................................................................................................. 2
2 Draining Hydraulic Components of Anti-Corrosion Oil........................................................ 2
3 Draining an Oil Tank during an Oil Change.......................................................................... 2
4 Disposal .................................................................................................................................. 3
5 Available Equipment .............................................................................................................. 3
Sheet 1 of 3 / created 12.01.1995 Hertzig, A/EN / Entsore.doc englisch
changed 06.06.2000 Balzert, HS-ED
Technical Description
1 Application
The following specifications refer to hydraulic systems using the following mineral oils as the
hydraulic medium:
H-L and H-LP according to DIN 51524 (HM according to ISO TC 131 DP 6074).
The media indicated here are "water pollutants" or substances hazardous to rivers, lakes and
other bodies of water. All national and international rules and regulations currently applicable to
handling such substances are to be adhered to and shall take precedence over the following
general stipulations.
Sheet 2 of 3 / created 12.01.1995 Hertzig, A/EN / Entsore.doc englisch
changed 06.06.2000 Balzert, HS-ED
Technical Description
4 Disposal
High-grade spent/used oil can be re-refined. Re-refining is possible providing the oil has not been
mixed with other types of fluids or other waste. Mixing of these substances is prohibited.
Disposal is considered to be proper when the possibility of re-refining or recycling spent/used oil
is afforded.
Depending on the quantity spilled, spilled oil is to be sopped up with rags, sawdust or a suitable
oil binder. The resulting oil-soaked waste has to be properly collected and disposed of.
The oil types indicated below are classified as belonging to "oil category 1".
"Category 1" is characterized as "re-refinable or reprocessable used/spent oil".
Limit values:
• PCB content less than 20 ppm (parts per million)
• chlorine content less than 0.2 %
5 Available Equipment
The hydraulic stations are equipped with oil trays which catch dripping oil and prevent hydraulic
oil from spilling on the floor or penetrating the foundation while doing repair work or changing filter
elements. Oil tanks and oil trays are equipped with oil drain plugs and drain cocks.
The oil trays are to be cleaned regularly following the instructions given above.
Sheet 3 of 3 / created 12.01.1995 Hertzig , A/EN / Entsore.doc englisch
changed 06.06.2000 Balzert, HS-ED
Technical Description
Scheduled Inspections and Maintenance
General Instructions for Performing Preventative Inspections and Maintenance
These instructions only provide general information on handling and dealing with the equipment supplied. For more information please refer to
the functional descriptions and/or or specific descriptions covering the facility and equipment. We would like to expressly point out that
commissioning, maintenance and repair work and work on functional components may only be performed by authorized and properly
trained/skilled personnel.
Content: page
1 Application............................................................................................................................ 2
2 General ................................................................................................................................. 2
3 Maintenance during Commissioning .................................................................................. 3
3.1 Filters ..................................................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Temperature .......................................................................................................................... 3
3.3 Leaks ..................................................................................................................................... 3
3.4 Fluid Level ............................................................................................................................. 3
3.5 Oil Purity ................................................................................................................................ 3
4 Scheduled Routine Maintenance ........................................................................................ 4
4.1 Alignment............................................................................................................................... 4
4.2 Monitoring of the Nitrogen Charge Pressure of Accumulators ............................................... 4
4.3 Filters ..................................................................................................................................... 4
4.4 Fluid Level ............................................................................................................................. 4
4.5 Checking the Oil Level........................................................................................................... 4
4.6 Piping System........................................................................................................................ 5
4.7 Output/efficiency.................................................................................................................... 5
4.7.1 Pressure check:................................................................................................................... 5
4.7.2 Output check: ...................................................................................................................... 5
4.7.3 Noise check:........................................................................................................................ 5
4.7.4 Check the electrical connections and the control voltage.................................................... 5
5 Scheduled Periodical Maintenance .................................................................................... 5
5.1 General.................................................................................................................................. 5
5.2 Daily to Weekly Maintenance ................................................................................................ 6
5.3 Weekly to Monthly Maintenance ............................................................................................ 6
5.4 Quarterly to Six-Monthly Maintenance ................................................................................... 7
5.5 Yearly Maintenance ............................................................................................................... 7
6 Causes of Malfunction, Troubleshooting ........................................................................... 8
6.1 General.................................................................................................................................. 8
6.2 Type of Malfunction ............................................................................................................... 8
6.3 Locating the Cause of Malfunction ........................................................................................ 8
6.4 Troubleshooting Lists........................................................................................................... 10
6.4.1 Malfunction 1: excess noise in the facility.......................................................................... 11
6.4.2 Malfunction 2: no pressure or insufficient pressure ........................................................... 12
6.4.3 Malfunction 3: unusual pressure or flow fluctuations and vibration ................................... 13
6.4.4 Malfunction 4: insufficient or no delivery............................................................................ 14
6.4.5 Malfunction 5: temperature of hydraulic fluid is excessively high ...................................... 15
Sheet 1 of 15 / created 12.10.1994 Hertzig, A/EN / Warte.doc englisch
changed 19.08.2002 HS-ED R. Hertzig
Technical Description
1 Application
These instructions apply to hydraulic systems and power units equipped with switching valves,
proportional valves and accumulators and are operated using H-LP mineral oil according to
DIN 51524 (HM according to ISO TC 131 DP 6074).
These instructions do not apply to hydraulic systems and power units equipped with highly
dynamic servo valves.
2 General
The basic prerequisites for proper, reliable operation are that the entire facility be kept clean and
properly maintained.
The operating and maintenance personnel must be thoroughly acquainted with proper operation
and applicable safety regulations right from the very beginning and maintain adherence thereto at
all times, these regulations to take precedence over any and all economic interests or production
requirements. If there are any questions concerning operational measures, the individual in
charge of maintenance operations is to be contacted.
Anything out of the ordinary, e.g. strange noises, vibration, defects, malfunction etc., is to be
reported immediately.
If work is being done to the pressurized oil system or a component of the hydraulic actuating
devices, the grating actuator is to be de-energized and the hydraulic actuating device to be
(Close the shut-off valve, switch off the pump, relieve the pressure in the accumulator)
A warning sign is to be affixed to the respective switch or shut-off valve containing the following
Do NOT switch on — DANGER —
All hose lines are to be checked under loading for proper installation. This applies in particular to
adherence to permissible bending radiuses, maintenance of the required freedom of motion
without tensioning, twisting or abrasion.
The facility and all its components are to be frequently checked during the first 6 months of
operation subsequent to commissioning as well as after major repair work.
Particular attention is to be accorded to checking screwed fittings. They are to be tightened, if
Never tighten screwed fittings under pressure. Always relieve the pressure beforehand.
Sheet 2 of 15 / created 12.10.1994 Hertzig, A/EN / Warte.doc englisch
changed 19.08.2002 HS-ED R. Hertzig
Technical Description
3.1 Filters
All filters, in particular return-line filters, are to be cleaned daily or the filter elements changed
daily during the initial phase of operation. The advantages of keeping the facility clean and its
effect on serviceable life and functional reliability of the hydraulic systems is to be frequently
impressed upon all those involved.
3.2 Temperature
Check the temperatures of the pump and motor bearings. The temperature of the hydraulic fluid
must never be allowed to exceed 50°C or fall below 30°C during operation.
3.3 Leaks
Leaks in piping and power units are to be attended to and eliminated immediately. Screwed
fittings and mountings are to be tightened frequently during the initial phase of operation.
If necessary clean the oil tank and fill it with new or regenerated oil.
Sheet 3 of 15 / created 12.10.1994 Hertzig, A/EN / Warte.doc englisch
changed 19.08.2002 HS-ED R. Hertzig
Technical Description
4.1 Alignment
The alignment of pumps, motors, valves and cylinders is to be checked at working temperature
and, if possible, under operating pressure as well.
4.3 Filters
The filters are to be cleaned or their elements replaced, at the latest upon clogging being
indicated by the clogging indicator.
Sheet 4 of 15 / created 12.10.1994 Hertzig, A/EN / Warte.doc englisch
changed 19.08.2002 HS-ED R. Hertzig
Technical Description
4.7 Output/efficiency
4.7.1 Pressure check:
Compare all the actual pressures with their setpoint values.
4.7.2 Output check:
Check whether the speeds present are in keeping with their setpoint values.
4.7.3 Noise check:
Check pumps, electromotors and other equipment. Excess vibration of pumps and motors is a
sign that the bearings are damaged or there are air bubbles in the oil.
4.7.4 Check the electrical connections and the control voltage.
5.1 General
The following general preventative maintenance work has to be performed at the intervals
indicated below for the facility when in normal operation.
• The oil has to be changed or regenerated.
• Seals/gaskets in the hydraulic cylinders and valves have to be replaced.
• Pumps, valves and switching devices and magnets, hydraulic motors etc. subject to
considerable loading have to be replaced.
• Pipe connections/joints and mountings have to be inspected.
The extent and frequency of maintenance essentially depend on the facility's operating
The following maintenance intervals are recommended and may have to be adapted as
necessary as the operating conditions require.
Sheet 5 of 15 / created 12.10.1994 Hertzig, A/EN / Warte.doc englisch
changed 19.08.2002 HS-ED R. Hertzig
Technical Description
Sheet 6 of 15 / created 12.10.1994 Hertzig, A/EN / Warte.doc englisch
changed 19.08.2002 HS-ED R. Hertzig
Technical Description
Sheet 7 of 15 / created 12.10.1994 Hertzig, A/EN / Warte.doc englisch
changed 19.08.2002 HS-ED R. Hertzig
Technical Description
6.1 General
Generally speaking, any part of the hydraulic system may be the cause of malfunction.
Successful troubleshooting presupposes sound knowledge about the function and design of the
facility and the hydraulic elements contained in it. First the malfunction cause should be identified
as to whether it is of mechanical, hydraulic or electrical origin. Before looking for the cause on site
thought should be given to the possible cause by referring to the hydraulic diagram, circuit
diagram, and functional description.
Category a) malfunction/failure
is caused by changes in the oil flow rate. These changes may be the result of sudden
internal leakage or pressure relief valves, flow control valves or choker valves being set too
Sheet 8 of 15 / created 12.10.1994 Hertzig, A/EN / Warte.doc englisch
changed 19.08.2002 HS-ED R. Hertzig
Technical Description
Category b) malfunction/failure
If the oil pressure is too low, the pressure generators, pressure relief valves and pressure
regulators along with the switching sequences of pressure switches have to be checked
and leaks searched for in the tubing/piping system and control or pump components as
necessary. Accumulators are to be checked as well (loss of nitrogen, defective bladder etc.)
Category c) malfunction/failure
Malfunction/failure due to the clock rate and cycle time of consumers/actuating elements
can be caused by both electrical as well as hydraulic malfunction. The contact maker
signals of limit switches, pressure switches or timing elements may have failed. Electrical
cabling may have come loose, magnets can have burned out. Control elements such as
directional valves, pressure switches, contact manometers etc. may have failed as the result
of dirt buildup or other defects.
Category d) malfunction/failure
Sudden failure of the entire facility or a part thereof is generally attributable to pump failure,
defective couplings, ruptured springs, power failure or similar causes.
Category e) malfunction/failure
Category f) malfunction/failure
Overheating is the result of the inadvertent blowing of pressure relief valves, insufficient oil
levels, malfunction of cooling equipment, insufficient cooling water. Excess internal leaking
as the result of cumulative wear of control devices can eventually lead to overheating as
well. In the case of pressure-controlled pumps in particular, it has to be ensured that the
settings of the main pressure relief valves of the facility are not below the setting of the
pressure governors. The pressure governor is the setting device for the operating pressure
in this case.
Higher-level pressure relief valves have to be set at a value which is at least 5 % higher.
Sheet 9 of 15 / created 12.10.1994 Hertzig, A/EN / Warte.doc englisch
changed 19.08.2002 HS-ED R. Hertzig
Technical Description
The tips above are designed to facilitate locating the cause of malfunction or failure, however
there is no all-in-one solution for locating the cause of malfunction or failure. If none of the
methods suggested above prove successful, then the search should be begun with pumps and
continued in the direction of the consumers/actuating elements.
Sheet 10 of 15 / created 12.10.1994 Hertzig, A/EN / Warte.doc englisch
changed 19.08.2002 HS-ED R. Hertzig
Technical Description
Sheet 11 of 15 / created 12.10.1994 Hertzig, A/EN / Warte.doc englisch
changed 19.08.2002 HS-ED R. Hertzig
Technical Description
Sheet 12 of 15 / created 12.10.1994 Hertzig, A/EN / Warte.doc englisch
changed 19.08.2002 HS-ED R. Hertzig
Technical Description
Sheet 13 of 15 / created 12.10.1994 Hertzig, A/EN / Warte.doc englisch
changed 19.08.2002 HS-ED R. Hertzig
Technical Description
Sheet 14 of 15 / created 12.10.1994 Hertzig, A/EN / Warte.doc englisch
changed 19.08.2002 HS-ED R. Hertzig
Technical Description
Sheet 15 of 15 / created 12.10.1994 Hertzig, A/EN / Warte.doc englisch
changed 19.08.2002 HS-ED R. Hertzig
Technical Description
General instructions for the Commissioning, Maintenance, Repair and
Troubleshooting of Hydraulic Systems
These instructions only provide general information on handling and dealing with the equipment supplied. For more information please
refer to the functional descriptions and/or or specific descriptions covering the facility and equipment. We would like to expressly point
out that commissioning, maintenance and repair work and work on functional components may only be performed by authorized and
properly trained/skilled personnel.
Content: page
1 Preparation in Advance of Commissioning: ....................................................................... 2
1.1 Documentation required:.......................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Preparatory work:..................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Checking and inspection work: ................................................................................................ 2
1.4 Flushing: .................................................................................................................................. 3
1.5 Filling:....................................................................................................................................... 4
2 Commissioning ...................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Startup: .................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Air venting: ............................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Setting the pressure................................................................................................................. 6
2.4 Concluding setting and inspection/checking work: .................................................................. 6
2.5 Running-in:............................................................................................................................... 7
2.6 Miscellaneous: ......................................................................................................................... 7
3 Maintenance and Repair of the Hydraulic Facility .............................................................. 7
3.1 Maintenance methods:............................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Maintenance in a Nutshell........................................................................................................ 9
4 Inspection, Maintenance and Replacement Work: ............................................................. 9
4.1 Oil level checks: ....................................................................................................................... 9
4.2 Oil temperature monitoring:...................................................................................................... 9
4.3 Pressure checks: ..................................................................................................................... 9
4.4 Checking performance: .......................................................................................................... 10
4.5 Checking for oil leakage:........................................................................................................ 10
4.6 Checking for unusual or funny noises:................................................................................... 10
4.7 Cleaning work: ....................................................................................................................... 10
4.8 Maintenance work: ................................................................................................................. 10
4.9 Monitoring the nitrogen charge pressure in the pressure accumulators: ............................... 10
4.10 Replacement work: ................................................................................................................ 11
4.10.1 Changing the oil: .................................................................................................................. 11
4.10.2 Changing filter elements:...................................................................................................... 11
4.10.3 Changing seals and gaskets: ............................................................................................... 12
4.11 Checks and inspections to be conducted on a daily basis:.................................................... 12
5 Hydraulic Oil Recommendations........................................................................................ 13
6 Causes of Malfunction, Troubleshooting .......................................................................... 13
6.1 CETOP Recommendation (cf. RPIIH):................................................................................... 14
7 Annex .................................................................................................................................... 15
Sheet 1 of 15 / created 13.03.1998 Briam, A/EN / Allgane1.doc englisch
changed 03.06.2005 KelberA
Technical Description
Sheet 2 of 15 / created 13.03.1998 Briam, A/EN / Allgane1.doc englisch
changed 03.06.2005 KelberA
Technical Description
1.4 Flushing:
It is recommended that the entire hydraulic system be flushed in any event. Flushing agent
recommended for practical reasons: the same hydraulic fluid which will be later used to operate the
facility. In most cases the hydraulic fluid used to flush the facility can be subsequently reused
provided it is allowed to settle, followed by being microfiltered and separated. When using a
special cleaning or flushing oil, the oil supplier is to be contacted in order to determine which
flushing oil can be used in connection with the hydraulic fluid subsequently used to operate the
Caution! Take into account the viscosity differentials and the compatibility (or lack thereof) of
various oil brands.
Prior to beginning flushing, bypass the piping upstream of the consumer; completely bypass
control stands as may prove necessary.
When flushing large facilities, the facility should be subdivided into sections, so that the
contamination level can be better gauged.
Caution! Warning!
Remove the servovalves and install flushing plates!
Flushing should be done with the oil at a temperature of between + 40° and +50°C at a flow rate of
3 to 7 m/s.
The duration of flushing depends on the size and contamination level of the facility. It should
amount to between 4 and 24 hours, however no less than 1 hour.
When filling, flushing or draining the flushing medium we recommend using Hydac’s separate,
mobile Oil–Filter Pump Transfer Units. (cf. leaflet 7.900.5/...)
This equipment can also be used for bypass filtering on a constant basis or over extended periods
of time with the facility under full load.
The pump installed in the facility can also be used for flushing. Hydac’s RC 1000 Purity Controlling
System is available for monitoring and documenting the flushing results and for automatically
controlling the flushing unit (cf. leaflet 7.951.2/...)
Generally speaking, the return flow of the flushing oil is to be filtered. Fiber glass filter elements
with a filter rating of between 3 µm and 10 µm have been shown to be suitable for this purpose
(depending on the degree of purity required). Upon completion of flushing, drain the flushing oil,
clean the reservoir, and change the filter element. Flush out long pipe sections with nitrogen.
Sheet 3 of 15 / created 13.03.1998 Briam, A/EN / Allgane1.doc englisch
changed 03.06.2005 KelberA
Technical Description
1.5 Filling:
The crucial prerequisite for the proper functioning of the individual hydraulic components is that a
high-quality hydraulic medium be used with a viscosity of ca. 46 mm²/s at 40°C or a viscosity
adapted to the respective temperature conditions.
Please refer to our hydraulic oil recommendations when selecting the hydraulic medium (cf.
section E).
Follow the special instructions and safety precautions of the manufacturer when using fire-resistant
Prior to filling the facility, make sure to properly clean the bung of the oil drums (drums to be stored
in a roofed-over dry place).
Filling should always be done using a fine screen with a mesh size of 0.04 mm with the facility shut
down and depressurized. The facility return-line filter can be used for this purpose.
However, when filling small hydraulic power units it is better to use Hydac’s mobile OF 7 Oil Filter
Unit as the drum pump; when filling large hydraulic systems we recommend using Hydac’s mobile
OF 5 or OFU Oil Filter Unit (cf. leaflet 7.900.5/...).
Filling should be done slowly in order to prevent air from being trapped (bubbling).
If an oil reservoir supplied by us is used, the maximum oil filling should extend up to the upper end
of the visual area of the inspection glass with the cylinder piston rod retracted and with the
accumulators depressurized on the oil side.
During operation, the oil level should not fall below the lower end of the visual area of the
inspection glass.
When specifications relating to the oil level are made in descriptions specifically relating to the
hydraulic systems or assemblies, then these specifications are to take precedence over all other
If the customer provides the oil reservoir, no general guidelines can be given concerning the oil
supply quantity in the reservoir, as this is dependent on the facility configuration, operation and
In any event, the oil fill quantity is to be ample.
Sheet 4 of 15 / created 13.03.1998 Briam, A/EN / Allgane1.doc englisch
changed 03.06.2005 KelberA
Technical Description
2 Commissioning
2.1 Startup:
Some hydraulic pumps and motors have to be filled with hydraulic fluid prior to being started up for
the first time. Please follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
The facility is to be briefly started up subsequent to checking for the proper sense of rotation of the
pumps and the electric motors. When doing this make sure that the temperature of the hydraulic
fluid upon startup is not too low as certain manufacturer’s viscosity limits may not be fallen short of
(i.e. must be maintained).
The pumps are to initially convey back into the reservoir in a non-pressurized state.
In this connection make sure that the prime mover is properly aligned, that there is no vibration and
that no buzzing sounds or other unusual noises are to be heard.
Check piping, screwed connections, tubing/hoses and hydraulic components for leaking.
When filling the facility as a whole set the pressure setting of the pressure relief valves to low and
switch the header elements so that they enable flow to the consumers.
Warning! Watch out for extending or retracting cylinders or revolving swivel actuators and
hydraulic motors as they may pose an accident hazard.
Sheet 5 of 15 / created 13.03.1998 Briam, A/EN / Allgane1.doc englisch
changed 03.06.2005 KelberA
Technical Description
Sheet 6 of 15 / created 13.03.1998 Briam, A/EN / Allgane1.doc englisch
changed 03.06.2005 KelberA
Technical Description
2.5 Running-in:
It is recommended that the hydraulic system only be subjected to moderate loading during the first
50 to 100 hours of operation in order to improve the surface properties, achieve smooth running,
favorable gliding behavior, and improved sealing action and, thus, to prevent wear and tear.
2.6 Miscellaneous:
Apart from the items detailed above, other operating instructions (if enclosed) for pumps, control
equipment etc. are to be consulted as necessary prior to commissioning.
Sheet 7 of 15 / created 13.03.1998 Briam, A/EN / Allgane1.doc englisch
changed 03.06.2005 KelberA
Technical Description
Model a) According to the “facility operation until failure” method, all the measures for preventing
wear and tear are performed, yet malfunction and failures are not attended to until they
actually occur (maintenance on an individual basis).
Objective: Maximizing the serviceable life of a facility.
Model b) The “status inspections” method includes wear prevention measures. In addition,
scheduled inspections are performed. According to this method, inspections are
performed in certain intervals in keeping with the components which wear out first.
During these inspections the increase in wear and tear is noted for each time period
and individual (topical) damage which might lead to major consequential damage is
Objective: Maximizing the serviceable life of a facility and, to a certain extent,
protecting against unforeseen malfunction or failure.
Model c)Preventative maintenance combines all of the measures of the first two methods. In
contrast to model b), precision measurements are taken to gauge the increase in wear
and tear in certain intervals. By comparing the findings of several measurements it can
be predetermined when a system component is worn to the extent that it has to be
replaced before the functional reliability of the entire system is jeopardized.
Consequently, information is obtained on the serviceable life expectancy of wearing
parts and the necessary precautions can be taken by setting up a component
replacement schedule.
Objective: Maximizing the serviceable life of a facility and protecting against
(precluding) unforeseen malfunction or failure.
Which of the maintenance methods is preferred depends on individual requirements and economic
and operational circumstances.
Sheet 8 of 15 / created 13.03.1998 Briam, A/EN / Allgane1.doc englisch
changed 03.06.2005 KelberA
Technical Description
Sheet 9 of 15 / created 13.03.1998 Briam, A/EN / Allgane1.doc englisch
changed 03.06.2005 KelberA
Technical Description
All of the actual pressures set are to be compared with the set values specified on the circuit
diagrams. Check the maximum system pressure, reduced-pressure circuits, cut-in pressures, filling
and control pressures. Check the cut-off and cut-in pressures on pressure control valves and
pressure switches.
Sheet 10 of 15 / created 13.03.1998 Briam, A/EN / Allgane1.doc englisch
changed 03.06.2005 KelberA
Technical Description
If pressure accumulators are integrated in the facility, make sure to check the nitrogen charge
pressure at regular intervals: every two weeks during the first two months subsequent to
commissioning, after that every four weeks. Checking is to either be done using a charging and
testing unit, or on the oil side as follows, providing this is provided for in the facility:
The pressure accumulator is to be charged up to the maximum working pressure using the pump.
Then the pump is to be switched off, the pressure accumulator to be checked is to be isolated from
the pressure line via the main stop cock. The unloading cock leading to the tank is to be opened
slowly. The continuously falling pressure can be read by referring to a pressure gauge integrated in
the pressure line as long as the oil continues to flow. The nitrogen charge pressure of the pressure
accumulator is the pressure shown just before the pressure gauge needle suddenly jumps to zero.
Sheet 11 of 15 / created 13.03.1998 Briam, A/EN / Allgane1.doc englisch
changed 03.06.2005 KelberA
Technical Description
When no clogging indicator has been fitted, we recommend that elements be changed after ca.
every 100 to 500 hours of operation, depending on system loading, however at least once a year.
When filter elements are subjected to high dynamic loading it may prove necessary to change
them more frequently. The same applies to commissioning, repair work, oil changes etc. in the
hydraulic system.
Standard clogging indicators are not triggered unless there is a flow through the filter. As to
electrical clogging indicators, the signal can also be processed and indicated on the control panel
continuously until acknowledging the fault by eliminating it (i.e. changing the filter element and
cold-starting the system).
If the clogging indicator is only triggered upon cold-starting, this may indicate that the filter element
may not yet require changing.
4.10.3 Changing seals and gaskets:
Change the seals and gaskets of cylinders, valves etc. Change cylinder gaskets after every ca.
3,000 to 5,000 hours of operation.
All of the figures indicated above are standard values. More exact information can be obtained on
the service life of gaskets etc. or system wear by keeping detailed records of replacement work.
Sheet 12 of 15 / created 13.03.1998 Briam, A/EN / Allgane1.doc englisch
changed 03.06.2005 KelberA
Technical Description
Sheet 13 of 15 / created 13.03.1998 Briam, A/EN / Allgane1.doc englisch
changed 03.06.2005 KelberA
Technical Description
Sheet 14 of 15 / created 13.03.1998 Briam, A/EN / Allgane1.doc englisch
changed 03.06.2005 KelberA
Technical Description
7 Annex
VG 68
VG 46
1.000 VG 32
Temp. ( °C )
Sheet 15 of 15 / created 13.03.1998 Briam, A/EN / Allgane1.doc englisch
changed 03.06.2005 KelberA
Technical Description
The unit, together with the hydraulic components direct mounted to the mill, serves for lifting and
swinging the grinding mills for maintenance work.
The system consists of a compact hydraulic unit with mounted drive, safety and control devices.
The lifting of the lift-and-swing column with grinding mill is effected by the force of pressure of the
hydraulic cylinder, the lowering by the dead weight with piston rod retracting.
The swinging of the grinding mill is effected by the rotary actuator.
The pump (item 3), driven by the e-motor (item 6) through coupling (item 5), is mounted in the oil
tank (item 1). The pump supplies the pressure oil of the directional valves with hand lever
(item 12 and 13).
The pressure relief valve (item 8) serves for the pressure protection of the pump.
The control of the functions "Lifting" and "Swinging" is effected by the directional valves with
manual operation (item 12 and 13).
For lifting the lift-and-swing column the directional valve (item 12) is switched into position "b".
Now the passage through the pilot controlled check valve (item 14) and the 1-way restrictor
(item 15) into the piston area of the cylinder is exposed.
For lowering the lift-and-swing column the direction valve (item 12) is switched into position "a".
In order to allow the drive of the pilot operated check valve (item 14), the pump must also be
operated during the lowering process.
Now the piston rectracts due to his dead weight and the one of the lift-and-swing column with its
mounted parts. The speed of this process can be controlled by the 1-way restrictor (item 15).
For swinging the grinding roll the directional valve (item 13) is switched into the corresponding
For both swinging directions (into or out of the mill housing) the operation can be throttled by the
double 1-way restrictor (item 16).
Page 1 von 1 / 03.11.99 Balzert, HS-ED / Hebschw_e.doc englisch
Pos Nr. Stück Benennung Type / Teile Nr. Bemerkung Lieferant Norm Werkst. Änderung
item no. quant. designation part code remarks supplier DIN material modification
Hydraulic Data:
Operating Medium: mineral hydraulic oil,
HLP 46
Electric data:
Motor: 400 V - 50 Hz
Pressure Side: heavy duty type
Suction & Return Side: heavy duty type
Stück / pcs Baugruppe / subgroup Kennwort / code word Kunde / customer Datum / date Name /name 4
1 Compact unit NG40 Iran Gebr. Pfeiffer AG 16.12.05 Hölzer (-jk) 5
Blatt / sheet von / total HYDAC-Komm. / Hydac comm. Ident.- Nr. Kunden Best. Nr. / customer order no. Änderung / modification 6
1 4 8600005733 3272107 22356 Datum / date Name /name Nr. 7
1 8
Pos Nr. Stück Benennung Type / Teile Nr. Bemerkung Lieferant Norm Werkst. Änderung
item no. quant. designation part code remarks supplier DIN material modification
seamless precision steel tube DIN 2391/C
with Walform screwing
units acc. to hydr. diagram with
item labels, aluminium
Language: English
Corrosion Protection:
oil tank including inside: mineral oil resistant
zinc dust primer after
Stück / pcs Baugruppe / subgroup Kennwort / code word Kunde / customer Datum / date Name /name 4
1 Compact unit NG40 Iran Gebr. Pfeiffer AG 16.12.05 Hölzer (-jk) 5
Blatt / sheet von / total HYDAC-Komm. / Hydac comm. Ident.- Nr. Kunden Best. Nr. / customer order no. Änderung / modification 6
2 4 8600005733 3272107 22356 Datum / date Name /name Nr. 7
1 8
Pos Nr. Stück Benennung Type / Teile Nr. Bemerkung Lieferant Norm Werkst. Änderung
item no. quant. designation part code remarks supplier DIN material modification
Stück / pcs Baugruppe / subgroup Kennwort / code word Kunde / customer Datum / date Name /name 4
1 Compact unit NG40 Iran Gebr. Pfeiffer AG 16.12.05 Hölzer (-jk) 5
Blatt / sheet von / total HYDAC-Komm. / Hydac comm. Ident.- Nr. Kunden Best. Nr. / customer order no. Änderung / modification 6
3 4 8600005733 3272107 22356 Datum / date Name /name Nr. 7
1 8
Pos Nr. Stück Benennung Type / Teile Nr. Bemerkung Lieferant Norm Werkst. Änderung
item no. quant. designation part code remarks supplier DIN material modification
Stück / pcs Baugruppe / subgroup Kennwort / code word Kunde / customer Datum / date Name /name 4
1 Compact unit NG40 Iran Gebr. Pfeiffer AG 16.12.05 Hölzer (-jk) 5
Blatt / sheet von / total HYDAC-Komm. / Hydac comm. Ident.- Nr. Kunden Best. Nr. / customer order no. Änderung / modification 6
4 4 8600005733 3272107 22356 Datum / date Name /name Nr. 7
1 8
Kunde Gebr. Pfeiffer AG Auftr. Nr. 22356 Ang. - Nr. Blatt 1 von 3
Customer Order -No Quot. No. Sheet of
Baugruppe Kompaktaggregat Kennwort NG40 Dispos.
Subgroup Compact unit Code Word Layout
Stück 1 Reserve 2
lfd. - Nr. Teil eingebaut Benennung Typ Teile Nr. Gruppe stückzahl Ges.Gewicht Stückpreis
Cons. No. item Inc. Items Designation Type Mat. no. Spares Gr. Qty. of Total weight Unit price
Pieces spares EURO
HYDAC GERÄTELISTE Hydac Komm. / .-Comm 8600005733 Datum/Date 17.01.06 Name M. Raimondo-cg
PARTS LIST Hydac Ident Nr. 3272107
1 Es bedeuten: 1 Explanations: Reserveteillisten unterliegen nicht dem Änderungsdienst
I Reserveteile, die bei Inbetriebnahme vorhanden sein müssen I Spares which should be available on start-up. Maßgebend für die Bestellung sind die endgültigen
II Reserveteile, mit deren Einsatz auf Grund ihres Verschleißes II Spares which are likely to be required within an Ausführungszeichnungen und -stücklisten
während eines 2-jährigen Betriebes gerechnet werden muß. operating period of two years due to the wear.
III Reserveteile, die zur Anschaffung empfohlen werden. III Recommended spares Spare parts lists are not subject to revision. Orders should
2 Preise in EURO ohne Mehrwertsteuer, falls nichts 2 Prices in EURO excluding V.A.T. be placed according to the final workshop drawings and
anderes angegeben ist. unless otherwise specified. parts lists.
Kunde Gebr. Pfeiffer AG Auftr. Nr. 22356 Ang. - Nr. Blatt 2 von 3
Customer Order -No Quot. No. Sheet of
Baugruppe Kompaktaggregat Kennwort NG40 Dispos.
Subgroup Compact unit Code Word Layout
Stück 1 Reserve 2
lfd. - Nr. Teil eingebaut Benennung Typ Teile Nr. Gruppe stückzahl Ges.Gewicht Stückpreis
Cons. No. item Inc. Items Designation Type Mat. no. Spares Gr. Qty. of Total weight Unit price
Pieces spares EURO
8 7 1 Reparatursatz f. RF...30 I, II 4
Repair kit
HYDAC GERÄTELISTE Hydac Komm. / .-Comm 8600005733 Datum/Date 17.01.06 Name M. Raimondo-cg
PARTS LIST Hydac Ident Nr. 3272107
1 Es bedeuten: 1 Explanations: Reserveteillisten unterliegen nicht dem Änderungsdienst
I Reserveteile, die bei Inbetriebnahme vorhanden sein müssen I Spares which should be available on start-up. Maßgebend für die Bestellung sind die endgültigen
II Reserveteile, mit deren Einsatz auf Grund ihres Verschleißes II Spares which are likely to be required within an Ausführungszeichnungen und -stücklisten
während eines 2-jährigen Betriebes gerechnet werden muß. operating period of two years due to the wear.
III Reserveteile, die zur Anschaffung empfohlen werden. III Recommended spares Spare parts lists are not subject to revision. Orders should
2 Preise in EURO ohne Mehrwertsteuer, falls nichts 2 Prices in EURO excluding V.A.T. be placed according to the final workshop drawings and
anderes angegeben ist. unless otherwise specified. parts lists.
Kunde Gebr. Pfeiffer AG Auftr. Nr. 22356 Ang. - Nr. Blatt 3 von 3
Customer Order -No Quot. No. Sheet of
Baugruppe Kompaktaggregat Kennwort NG40 Dispos.
Subgroup Compact unit Code Word Layout
Stück 1 Reserve 2
lfd. - Nr. Teil eingebaut Benennung Typ Teile Nr. Gruppe stückzahl Ges.Gewicht Stückpreis
Cons. No. item Inc. Items Designation Type Mat. no. Spares Gr. Qty. of Total weight Unit price
Pieces spares EURO
HYDAC GERÄTELISTE Hydac Komm. / .-Comm 8600005733 Datum/Date 17.01.06 Name M. Raimondo-cg
PARTS LIST Hydac Ident Nr. 3272107
1 Es bedeuten: 1 Explanations: Reserveteillisten unterliegen nicht dem Änderungsdienst
I Reserveteile, die bei Inbetriebnahme vorhanden sein müssen I Spares which should be available on start-up. Maßgebend für die Bestellung sind die endgültigen
II Reserveteile, mit deren Einsatz auf Grund ihres Verschleißes II Spares which are likely to be required within an Ausführungszeichnungen und -stücklisten
während eines 2-jährigen Betriebes gerechnet werden muß. operating period of two years due to the wear.
III Reserveteile, die zur Anschaffung empfohlen werden. III Recommended spares Spare parts lists are not subject to revision. Orders should
2 Preise in EURO ohne Mehrwertsteuer, falls nichts 2 Prices in EURO excluding V.A.T. be placed according to the final workshop drawings and
anderes angegeben ist. unless otherwise specified. parts lists.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
EPLAN 5.70.4
17.01.06 FRONT PAGE = Z1
02 314 950 4 76427 + A1
Change Date name standard
Änderung Datum Name Norm
Urspr./ source Ers. f. /des.for Ers. d. /des.from 76427 4 Pg.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 3
17.01.06 LIST OF CONTENTS = Z1
02 314 950 4 76427 + A1
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Änderung Datum Name Norm
Urspr./ source Ers. f. /des.for Ers. d. /des.from 76427 4 Pg.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
X1 L1 L2 L3 PE N
ÖLFLEX-110 1 2 3 PE
4 x1,5qmm
1 3 5
2 4 6
1 2 3 PE
U1 V2 V1
3kW PE
2 4
02 314 950 4 76427 + A1
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Änderung Datum Name Norm
Urspr./ source Ers. f. /des.for Ers. d. /des.from 76427 4 Pg.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Component label Quantily Label Type Number Supplyer Article Number
Bauteilbezeichnung Menge Bezeichnung Typen Nummer Lieferant Artikelnummer
=Z1+A1-X1 1 CEE PLUG 400V/16A 619231 MENNEKES 3
=Z1+A1-Q1 1 PROTECTIVE SWITCH 6,3-10A 690559 KLÖCKNER MOELLER PKZM0-10 (072739)
=Z1+A1-Q1 1 BOX 690565 KLÖCKNER MOELLER CI-PKZ0-G (072904)
17.01.06 PARTS LIST = Z1
02 314 950 4 76427 + A1
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Änderung Datum Name Norm
Urspr./ source Ers. f. /des.for Ers. d. /des.from 76427 4 Pg.
Technical Documentation
8600005733-03IE.doc // 18.01.2006 // Ebersohl Jörg englisch
Group 1
Gear Pumps
Technical Information
Gear Pumps Group 1
Application Data
Rated System Pressure
Relief Valve Setting
Pump Shaft Rotation
Pump Minimum Speed
(r pm)
Pump Maximum Speed
(r pm)
Drive Gear Helix Angle
(gear drive only)
Belt Type V
(belt drive only) Notch
Belt Tension N
(belt drive only) P
Angular Orientation of
Gear or Belt to Inlet Por t
P102 003E
Hydraulic Power Systems
SAUER-SUNDSTRAND Hydraulic Power Systems - Market Leaders Worldwide
SAUER-SUNDSTRAND is a world leader in the design and SAUER-SUNDSTRAND specializes in integrating a full
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enable SAUER-SUNDSTRAND to offer a wide range of
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Open Circuit Axial Piston Pumps Gear Pumps and Motors Genuine Service Parts
2800 East 13th Street • Ames IA 50010 • U.S.A. Postfach 2460 • D-24531 Neumünster
Phone: (515) 239-6000 • FAX: (515) 239-6618 Krokamp 35 • D-24539 Neumünster • Germany
Phone: (04321) 871-0 • FAX: (04321) 087 122
Via Villanova, 28 • 40050 Villanova di Castenaso (B0) Italy • Tel. +39 051 6054411 • Fax +39 051 6053033
Via C. Bonazzi, 19/21 • 40013 Castel Maggiore (BO) Italy • Tel. +39 051 701745 • Fax +39 051 701386
1LA, 1LB, 1LC, 1LD, 1LF, 1LG, 1LL, 1LN, 1LP, 1LS, 1LT, 1LV,
1PG, 1PB, 1PF, 1PK, 1PP, 1PQ, 1PR
Ausgabe / Edition 11.2003 Bestell - Nr. / Order No.: 5 610 70000 36 006
ã Siemens AG 2003 All Rights Reserved 1
1 General information dust. Where shaft ends face upwards water must not be allowed to
Electric motors have dangerous voltage-carrying and rotating enter along the shaft.
components as well as surfaces that may become hot. All work Do not obstruct ventilation! Discharged air, also from neighbouring
involved in the transport, connection, commissioning and regular equipment, must not be sucked in again immediately.
maintenance must be carried out by qualified, responsible
specialists (note VDE 0105; IEC 364). Improper behaviour may result 5 Electrical connection
in serious injury and damage to property. The applicable national,
local and works regulations and requirements must be complied Work is only permitted to be carried out by qualified specialists on
with. the stationary motor, while disconnected and prevented from
being switched on again. This also applies for the auxiliary power
2 Intended use circuits (e.g. Anti-condensation heaters).
Check that the equipment is potential-free!
These motors are intended for commercial installations. They If the tolerance limits are exceeded that are specified in EN 60034,
comply with the harmonized standards of the EN60034 (VDE 0530) part 1 / IEC 34-1 (voltage ± 5%, frequency ± 2%, shape of curve,
series. Utilization in areas subject to explosion hazard is not symmetry) the heating effect is increased and the electromagnetic
permitted, unless expressly intended for this purpose (see additio- compatibility is affected. Please note the specifications on the rating
nal notes). In certain special cases, for example, on use in non- plate and the connection diagram in the terminal box.
commercial installations, if requirements are more strict (e.g. Connections must be made in such a way as to ensure that a
protection against contact with childrens fingers), it is the permanently safe electrical connection is maintained (no protruding
responsibility of the customer to ensure compliance on installing the wire ends); use the corresponding cable end pieces. Create a safe
equipment. earth continuity connection.
The motors are rated for ambient temperatures of -20°C to +40°C See Fig. 1 for the tightening torques for terminal board connections.
and site altitudes £ 1000 m above sea level. Any contradictory
information on the rating plate must be observed. The conditions on Clearences in air between bare live parts themselves and between
site must correspond to all rating plate specifications. bare live parts and earth must be ³ 5,5 mm (Urated £ 690 V) .
It must be ensured that the terminal box does not contain foreign
Low voltage motors are components for installation in machinery bodies, dirt or humidity. Seal any unused cable entry openings
in terms of the Machine directive 89/392/EEC. Commissioning against dust and water.
must not take place until it has been proved that the end product Inlets in the terminal box (see DIN 42925), other open inlets must
conforms with this guideline (please note EN 60204-1). be sealed with an O-ring or a suitable flat gasket, and the terminal
box itself must be sealed with the original seal so that it is dustproof
3 Transport and storage and watertight.
In the case of damage determined after delivery this must be See Fig. 2.1 for the tightening torques for cable glands and Fig. 3 for
immediately reported to the transport company; if necessary the other screws.
plant is not to be put into commission. During transportation all the Secure the featherkey on test operation without drive components.
available lifting eyes in the motor are to be used and be done up tight For motors with brakes, check that the brakes are operating perfectly
when fitted! They are only designed and built for the weight of the before commissioning.
motor. Do not load additionally. If necessary use suitable adequately
dimensioned transporting means (for example, rope guides). 6 Operation
Remove existing shipping braces before commissioning; and reuse Vibration levels of vr m s £ 3.5 mm/s (PN £ 15 kW) or vr m s £ 4.5 mm/
for subsequent transport. If motors are stored, a dry, dust-free and s (PN > 15 kW) are quite acceptable in the coupled state.
low vibration (vr m s £ 0.2 mm/s) environment is important (to avoid If deviations from normal operation occur - e.g. increased
bearing standstill damage). On long-term storage, the regrease temperatures, noises, vibration - the motor should be switched off
interval of the bearings is reduced. in the event of doubt. Determine the causes and contact the
The state of the grease is to be checked when storing for more than manufacturer if necessary. Do not disconnect protective equipment,
12 months. Should it be determined that the grease has become even under test operation.
contaminated (penetration of condensation water leads to changes Under dirty operating conditions, clean the air channels regularly.
in the consistency of the grease) then the grease must be replaced. Open any closed condensate water holes from time to time!
Irrespective of the number of operating hours, a motor which is in
Insulation resistance use should have its bearing replaced every 3 years because of the
The minimum insulation resistance of new, cleaned or repaired reduction in effectiveness of the grease.
windings should be 10 MW to earth For motors without regreasing points, bearings and/or the grease
Check the insulation resistance before commissioning. For values are to be replaced in accordance with the manufacturers instructions
W 0.5 MW/kV design voltage dry the windings. at least every three years.
For motors with regreasing points, the instructions on the lubrication
4 Installation data plate must be observed! Regreasing should be performed on
After installation, the screwed-in lifting eyes should either be running motors!
screwed in tightly or removed! Damage will be caused when operating at lower than minimum
Ensure an even underlying surface, good foot or flange fixing and radial stress in the case of motors with cylindrical roller bearings for
precise alignment for direct coupling. It is important to ensure that higher radial load. The radial stress is to be minimum 30 % of the
the mounting conditions do not cause resonance with the rotational permissible radial stress in operation (see catalogue).
frequency and the doubled supply frequency. Turn the rotor by hand In the case of motors with separate ventilation, the separately-
and listen for any unusual grinding noises. Check the direction of driven fan must be switched on throughout motor operation.
rotation in the decoupled state (note section 5).
Only mount or remove drive components (belt pulley, coupling, etc.) 7 Further information
using suitable tools (heat up), and cover to shield against contact. Information about any additional equipment, such as the different
Avoid unpermissible belt tensions (see catalogue and technical manufacturers instructions for cable connections including sealing
data). elements, shall be observed. More information is available in our
Balance see shaft end face or the ratings plate (H = Half key detailed operating and maintenance instructions. On request you
balancing, F = Full-key balancing, N = Balancing without featherkey) will be sent further details if you state the type and machine number
DIN IEC ISO 8821. Check the balance when fitting the drive element! or, you can find these under
For use or storage outside, it is recommended that the motor is These notes on safety and commissioning must be retained for
installed under a sheltering object or fitted with an additional cover
future reference!
to avoid the long-term effects of direct sunlight, rain, snow, ice or
Baugrößen (BG) / Frame sizes (BG) / Désignation de carcasse (BG) / Tamaños constructivos (BG) /
Grandezza costruttiva (BG) / Konstruktionsstorlekar (BG) / Velikosti (BG) / ÊåìëíÙãéàíù (BG)
(1MA) (1MA)
* (1MA)
oder oder * oder
or or
ou ou ou
o o
IM V 5 IM V 6 o IM V 18
oppure oppure
eller eller *
IM B 3 nebo IM B 5 nebo IM V 1 IM V 3 IM B 14 nebo IM B 35
åèå åèå åèå IM B 34
IM B 6 IM B 7 IM B 8 IM V 19
Fig. 1 Bauformen / Types of construction / Formes de construction/ * s. "4 EEx e Motoren"/ see "4 EEx e motors"/ voir "4 Moteurs EEx e " /
véase "4 Motores EEx e " / cfr. "4 Motori EEx e " / se "EEx e-Motorer" /
Formas constructivas / Forme costruttive / Monteringssätt/
viz motory 4 EEx e / ñì. ìîòîðû 4 EEx e
provedení / Ìîäåëè
NOTE: If the openings for cables and wiring in the terminal box In the case of converter-fed motors, interference is emitted to a
are sealed with a cast skin (knockout), this must be removed in the greater or lesser degree, depending on the converter version concerned
appropriate manner (see Fig. 4). (type, interference suppression measures, manufacturer). The
Care must be taken not to damage the terminal box, the terminal instructions of the converter manufacturer regarding electromagnetic
board, the cable connections, etc. inside the terminal box! compatibility must be heeded at all times. If the use of a shielded
See Fig. 4.1 for details of the screwed connections for cables and motor cable is recommended, the shield will have the greatest effect
leads. An adapter must be screwed in for PTC thermistor connections! if it is conductively connected over a large area on the metal terminal
The terminal box must be sealed so that it is dust and water-tight. box of the motor (with a screwed metal conduit thread). Noise
voltages may occur on the sensor leads of motors with integrated
The system voltage and the frequency must agree with the data given sensors (e.g. PTC thermistors) as a result of the converter.
on the rating plate. Voltage or frequency deviations of ±5% and ±2% If the motor is operated on a converter at speeds that exceed the
respectively from the rated voltage and frequency values are permitted rated speed, the mechanical critical speeds (safe operating speed
without needing to derate the output. The connection and IEC 60034-1) must be observed.
arrangement of the terminal links must agree with the diagram Noise immunity: If the motor has an integrated sensor (e.g. a PTC
provided in the terminal box. thermistor), the owner is responsible for ensuring adequate noise
Connect the earthing conductor to the terminal with the marking. immunity by choosing a suitable sensor signal lead (possibly with
Wherever terminal clips are used (for example, to DIN 46282), shielding, connected like the motor supply lead) and evaluator.
arrange the conductors so that the clips are virtually level on both The data and recommendations specified in all the instructions
sides. This method of connection means that the ends of single supplied (Information on safety and commissioning), and in all
conductors must be bent in the shape of a U or be fitted with a other related instructions, must always be observed prior to
cable lug (see Fig. 6.1). This also applies to the green-yellow commissioning!
protective earthing conductor and the outer earthing conductor After motor installation, the brake, if fitted, should be checked for
(see Fig. 6.2). proper functioning.
Please refer to Fig. 5 for the tightening torques for the screwed
electrical connections - terminal board connections (except for
terminal strips).
4 Maintenance
The anti-condensation heater must not be switched on during Safety precautions
3.5 Checking the insulation resistance Before starting any work on the motor or other
The insulation resistance of the windings must be measured prior equipment, particularly before opening covers over
to initial startup of the motor, or after long periods of storage or live parts, the motor must be properly isolated from
standstill (approx. 6 months). the power supply. Besides the main circuits, any
While the measurement is being taken and immediately afterwards, additional or auxiliary circuits that may be present
some of the terminals carry dangerous voltages and must not be must also be isolated.
touched. The usual "5 safety rules" (as set forth in DIN VDE
0105) are:
Insulation resistance
- Isolate the equipment
- The minimum insulation resistance of new, cleaned or
- Take effective measures to prevent
repaired windings with respect to ground is 10 MW.
- The critical insulation resistance Rcrit is calculated first by
- Verify equipment is dead
multiplying the rated voltage UN, e.g. 0.69 kV AC, with the
- Earth and short-circuit
constant factor (0.5 MW/kV):
- Cover or fence off adjacent live parts
Rcrit = 0.69 kV x 0.5 MW/kV = 0.345 MW.
The precautions listed above should remain in force
Measurement until all maintenance work is finished and the motor
The minimum insulation resistance of the windings to ground is has been fully assembled.
measured with 500 V DC. The winding temperature should then be
25oC ± 15 oC. ATTENTION
The critical insulation resistance should be measured with 500 V DC
with the winding at operating temperature. The appropriate construction standards must be
Checking observed if any modifications or repairs are made to
If the minimum insulation resistance of a new, cleaned or repaired the motors listed (UL - Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
motor, which has been stored or at standstill for a prolonged period or CSA - Canadian Standards Association). The
of time, is less than 10 MW, this may be due to humidity. The windings markings shown on the left are used to identify these
must then be dried. motors on their respective rating plates.
After long periods of operation, the minimum insulation resistance
may drop to the critical insulation resistance. As long as the NOTE: Where motors are fitted with closed condensed water
measured value does not fall below the calculated value of the openings, these should be opened from time to time to allow any
critical insulation resistance, the motor may continue in operation. accumulated condensed water to drain away.
If it does, the motor must be stopped immediately. Condensed water openings should always be at the lowest point of
The cause must be determined, and the windings or winding sections the motor!
repaired, cleaned or dried as necessary.
Fitting new bearings, type of grease
3.6 Commissioning Under normal operating conditions, with horizontally mounted
motors and the following coolant temperatures and motor speeds,
NOTE: Electromagnetic compatibility the bearings should be changed at the intervals [h] specified below:
... 1800 rev/min approx. 40,000 h
Emitted interference: Where the torque is very ... 3600 rev/min approx. 20,000 h
uneven (the drive of a piston-type compressor, for
NOTE: The permissible axial and transverse forces (see Catalog)
example), the inevitable result is a non-sinusoidal
must not be exceeded!
motor current, whose harmonics can lead to excessive
Irrespective of the number of operating hours, a motor which is in
system perturbation and thus excessive emitted
use should have its bearing replaced every 3 years because of the
reduction in effectiveness of the grease.
In the case of motors operating under special conditions, such as The cable entries must be approved for the explosion-endangered
a vertical motor position, heavy vibration, sudden load changes, area and be secured to prevent accidental loosening. Unused openings
frequent reversing operation, etc., the bearing should be changed at are to be closed with approved plugs.
considerably more frequent intervals than the operating hours Where the motor is mounted vertically with the shaft end at the top,
stated above. e.g. models IMV3, IMV6, IMV19 (see Fig. 1), 1MA motors must have
The motors feature deep-groove ball bearings which are provided
a cover fitted so that no objects can penetrate between the cooling
with cover plates (2ZC3 version). The cover plate material should ribs into the motor fan hood. The cover must not obstruct the cooling
withstand temperatures from -30 °C to +150 °C, e.g. polyacryl-rubber of the motor.
Type of grease for standard machines: UNIREX N3 (Esso); synthetic Should no details be given to the contrary in respect of mode of
greases must conform to DIN 51825-K3N. operation and tolerances in the EC sample test certificate or on the
Special greases should be indicated on the rating plate or on a rating plate the electric motors have been designed and built for
separate plate. continuous operation and infrequent repeated start-up with no
Dismantle the motor to the extent necessary. Pull off the rolling- excessive heating up when starting. The motors are only to be used
contact bearing with a suitable device (see Fig. 7). Clean the journal! for the given mode of operation shown on the rating plate.
Heat the rolling-contact bearing evenly to about 80-100 °C and press Section A in EN 60034-1 (VDE 0530, Part 1) - voltage + 5 %, frequency
on. Heavy blows (such as with a hammer, etc.) should be avoided. + 2 %, waveform, power-system symmetry - must be complied with
Any worn sealing elements (such as the shaft sealing ring, etc.) in order to ensure that any increase in temperature remains within
should also be renewed. the permitted limits. Greater deviations from the rated values can
If springless radial shaft sealing rings are used, the replacement lead to non-permissible increases in the temperature of the machine
sealing rings must also be of the springless type. and must be indicated on the rating plate.
The temperature class of the motor given on the rating plate must
Centering recess seal agree with the temperature class of the inflammable gas which may
When reassembling the motor, the bare mounting faces between the occur.
motor casing and the bearing end shields are to be sealed with a Each machine must be protected in all phases in accordance with EN
suitable non-hardening sealing material, e.g. Fluid-D. 60079-14 against unacceptable termperature rise by a current-
Tightening torques for the screws at the end shields (see Fig. 5.2). sensitive delayed circuit-breaker with phase-failure protection in
accordance with EN 60947 or with an equivalent device.
Regreasing device
In the case of motors with a regreasing device, take note of the The overcurrent protection facility with current dependent delayed
information given on the rating plate or the lubrication instruction triggering is to be selected so that the triggering time to be taken
plate! The bearings should be relubricated while the motor is from the switch characteristic curve for the protected motor ratio
running! IA / IN must not be greater than the heating up time tE of the motors.
The ratio IA / IN as well as the heating up time tE are to be found
on the rating plate. The protective device is to be set to the rated
current. In the case of delta-connected windings, the trips are to be
5 1MA and 1MF motors with connected in series with the winding phases and set to 0.58 times
increased EExe protection the rated current. If such a circuit is not possible, additional protective
measures are necessary (e.g. thermal machine protection).
Marking: CE 0158 II 2 G EEx e II T.
If the rotor is blocked, the protection device must switch off the
machine within the time tE indicated for the respective temperature
CAUTION class.
Repairs must be performed in or by authorized Sie- Electrical motors for heavy start up (running up time > 1.7 x tE-time)
mens workshops. Any repair work carried out must are to be protected by a start monitoring system in accordance with
be documented on the motor (e.g. by means of an the details given in the EC sample type test certificate.
additional plate). Thermal machine protection by means of direct temperature
monitoring of the winding is permissible if this is certified and
The information in italics is intended to serve as supplementary or indicated on the rating plate.
special information on these types of motors. Separate, common interlocked protection devices are required for
The increased hazards in areas which are exposed to the danger of each speed stage for pole reversible motors. To be recommended
explosion or firedamp necessitate that the general notes on safety are devices with EC sample type test certificate.
and commissioning are carefully complied with. In Germany, please refer to DIN 57165/VDE 0165 and ElexV when
As to Spare parts, with the exception of standardised, commercially erecting electrical installations in areas exposed to the danger of
available equivalent parts (e.g. roller bearings), only original spare explosion. In countries other than Germany, the relevant national
parts (see parts list) may be used; this applies in particular also with regulations are to be complied with in each case!
respect to gaskets and connectors. Operation on a converter must be certified. The separate instructions
Electrical machines which are protected against explosion are in line of the manufacturer must be complied with. The motors, converters
with the standards EN 60034 (VDE 0530) and EN 50014 to 50020. It and protection devices are to be marked as pertinent to each other
is permitted to use these machines in areas exposed to the danger in the case of the EExe ignition protection mode and the approved
of explosion only in accordance with the stipulations of the responsible operating data is to be laid down in the general EC sample type test
authority which also determines whether a danger of explosion certificate (VDE 0165).
exists (division into zones). The connector cable installed between the inverter and the electrical
To be observed in the case of certification additionally marked device can adversely affect the levels of the voltage peaks produced
with an X are the special stipulations in the EC sample test by the inverter. . The maximum value of the voltage peaks at the
certificate. terminals in the system Inverter-Cable-Eletrical Device must not
exceed the value stated in the manufacturers special notes.
Furthermore, the EMC Guideline must be observed.
.10 Wälzlager .11 Spring band for endshield hub .11 Lame élastique pour moyeu du flasque .20 Escudo portacojinetes
.11 Federband für Lagerschildnabe (not always provided) (pas toujours présente) .23 Anillo obturador
(nicht immer vorhanden) .20 Endshield .20 Flasque-palier
.20 Lagerschild .23 Shaft sealing ring .23 Bague détanchéité 7.00 Sistema de ventilación, completo
.23 Wellendichtring .04 Ventilador
7.00 Ventilation, complete 7.00 Ventilation, complète .40 Capota del ventilador
7.00 Belüftung, komplett .04 Fan .04 Ventilateur
All Rights Reserved
.04 Lüfter .40 Fan cowl .40 Capot du ventilateur ¡No se pueden suministrar los dispositivos para calar y extraer los
.40 Lüfterhaube rodamientos, ventiladores y órganos de accionamiento!
The devices for pressing on and pulling off the rolling-contact Les dispositifs demmanchement et dextraction pour
Auf- und Abziehvorrichtungen für Wälzlager, Lüfter und bearings, the fan and the transmission elements cannot be roulements, ventilateurs et organes de transmission ne sont
Abtriebselemente sind nicht lieferbar! ordered! pas livrables.
Siemens AG 2003 All Rights Reserved
Parti di ricambio disponibili da magazzino (vedere esempi Reservdelar, kan levereras från fabriken (se Náhradní díly, dodávané výrobcem Çàïàñíûå ÷àñòè, âîçìîæíà ïîñòàâêà ñ ôàáðèêè
di ordinazione) beställningsexempel) (viz pøíklad objednávky) (ñì. ïðèìåð çàêàçà)
1.00 Cuscinetti lato albero 1.00 Lager AS 1.00 uloení AS 1.00 Óñòðîéñòâî ïîäøèïíèêîâ AS
.40 Coperchio del cuscinetto .40 Lagersköld .40 loiskový tít .40 ïîäøèïíèêîâûå ùèòû
.43 Anello di tenuta dellalbero .43 Axeltätring .43 tìsnící krouek høídele .43 óïëîòíèòåëüíîå êîëüöî âàëà
.58 Anello elastico .58 Fjäderbricka .58 pérová podloka .58 Óïðóãàÿ øàéáà
.60 Cuscinetto a rotolamento .60 Rullager .60 valivé loisko .60 Ïîäøèïíèê êà÷åíèÿ
.61 Nastro elastico per il mozzo dello scudo .61 Fjäderband för lagersköldsnav (finns ej alltid) .61 pruná objímka pro náboj loiskového títu .61 Ïðóæèíÿùàÿ ïîëîñêà äëÿ âòóëêè ïîäøèïíèêà
di supporto (non sempre inserito) (není vdy k dispozici) (íå âñåãäà â íàëè÷èè)
3.00 Rotor, komplett
3.00 Rotore completo .88 kil för fläkt 3.00 rotor, kompletní 3.00 Âåíòèëÿòîð, êîìïëåêò
.88 Chiavetta per ventilatore .88 pero ventilátoru .88 Ïðèçìàòè÷åñêàÿ øïîíêà äëÿ âåíòèëÿòîðà
4.00 Stator, komplett
4.00 Statore completo .07 Fot för hus, höger 4.00 statorový svazek v kostøe 4.00 Ñòîéêà, êîìïëåêò
.07 Piede di sostegno destro .08 Fot för hus, vänster .07 patka pravá .07 Ëàïà êîðïóñà, ïðàâàÿ
.08 Piede di sostegno sinistro .18 Märkskylt .08 patka levá .08 Ëàïà êîðïóñà, ëåâàÿ
.18 Targhetta dei dati .19 Skruv .18 typový títek .18 Ôèðìåííàÿ òàáëè÷êà ñ óêàçàíèåì ìîùíîñòåé
.19 Vite .20 Lock .19 roub .19 Âèíò
.20 Coperchio .30 Kontaktvinkel .20 ucpávka .20 Ïîêðûòèå
.30 Angolare di contatto .31 Jordingsvinkel .30 kontaktní úhelník .30 Êîíòàêòíûé óãîëîê
.31 Angolare di messa a terra .31 zemnící úhelník .31 Óãîëîê äëÿ çàçåìëåíèÿ
5.00 Uttagslåda, komplett
5.00 Cassetta terminale completa .03 Packning 5.00 svorkovnice, úplná 5.00 Êëåììíàÿ êîðîáêà, êîìïëåêò
.03 Guarnizione .04 Packning .03 tìsnìní .03 Óïëîòíèòåëü
.04 Guarnizione .10 Kopplingsplint, komplett .04 tìsnìní .04 Óïëîòíèòåëü
.10 Morsettiera completa .11 Kontaktplint (t.ex. för anslutning av .10 deska svorkovnice , úplná .10 êëåììíûé ùèòîê, êîìïëåêò
.11 Morsettiera ad es. per il collegamento di PTC-termistor) .11 svorková lita (napø.pro pøipojení termistoru) .11 Çàæèìíàÿ ïëàíêà (íàïðèìåð äëÿ òåðìîðåçèñòîðà)
termistori PTC .44 Överdel till uttagslåda .44 skøíò svorkovnice vrchní èást .44 Âåðõíÿÿ ÷àñòü êëåììíîé êîðîáêè
.44 Parte superiore della cassetta terminale .70 Klämbygel .70 upínací objímka .70 Çàæèì
.71 upínací objímka
/ Ïðèëîæåíèå
.70 Staffa .71 Klämbygel .71 Çàæèì
.71 Staffa .83 Packning .83 tìsnìní .83 Óïëîòíèòåëü
.83 Anello di tenuta .84 Lock till uttagslåda .84 víko svorkovnice .84 Êðûøêà êëåììíîé êîðîáêè
.84 Coperchio della cassetta terminale .85 Packning .85 tìsnìní .85 Óïëîòíèòåëü
.85 Guarnizione .90 Överdel till uttagslåda 4 x 90 Dgrader vridbar, .90 svorkovnice,horní èást .90 Âåðõíÿÿ ÷àñòü êëåììíîé êîðîáêè
.90 Parte superiore della cassetta komplett (för montering i efterhand) otoèná o 4x90 stupòù, úplná 4x90ãðàä. ðàçâîðîòîñïîñîáíîñòü, êîìïëåêò
orientabile 4 volte di 90°, completa (per .92 Lock till uttagslåda (pro dodateènou montá) (äëÿ äîïîëíèòåëüíîãî ìîíòàæà)
montaggio successivo) .93 Packning .92 svorkovnice - víèko 92 Êðûøêà êëåììíîé êîðîáêè
.92 Coperchio della cassetta terminale .95 Överdel till uttagslåda .93 tìsnìní .93 Óïëîòíèòåëü
.93 Guarnizione .98 Packning .95 skøíò svorkovnice .95 Âåðõíÿÿ ÷àñòü êëåììíîé êîðîáêè
.95 Parte superiore della cassetta terminale .99 Adapterplatta .98 tìsnìní .98 Óïëîòíèòåëü
.98 Guarnizione .99 adapter skøínì svorkovnice .99 Ïåðåõîäíàÿ ïëàñòèíà
.99 Piastra adattatore 6.00 Lager BS
.10 Rullager 6.00 uloení BS 6.00 Óñòðîéñòâî ïîäøèïíèêîâ BS
6.00 Cuscinetti lato opposto albero .11 Fjäderband för lagersköldsnav (finns ej alltid) .10 valivé loisko .10 Ïîäøèïíèê êà÷åíèÿ
.10 Cuscinetti a rotolamento .20 Lagersköld .11 pruná objímka pro náboj loiskového títu .11 Ïðóæèíÿùàÿ ïîëîñêà äëÿ âòóëêè ïîäøèïíèêà
.11 Nastro elastico per il mozzo dello scudo .23 Axeltätring (není vdy k dispozici) (íå âñåãäà â íàëè÷èè)
di supporto (non sempre inserito) .20 loiskový tít .20 Ïîäøèïíèêîâûé ùèò
.20 Coperchio dei cuscinetti 7.00 Ventilation, komplett .23 tìsnící krouek høídele .23 óïëîòíèòåëüíîå êîëüöî âàëà
.23 Anello di tenuta dellalbero .04 Fläkt
.40 Fläktkåpa 7.00 vìtrání, úplné 7.00 Âåíòèëÿöèÿ, êîìïëåêò
7.00 Ventilatore completo .04 ventilátor .04 Âåíòèëÿòîð
.04 Ventilatore .40 kryt ventilátoru .40 Êðûøêà âåíòèëÿòîðà
.40 Cappa del ventilatore
Nasazovací a stahovací pøípravky pro valivá loiska, Ïðèñïîñîáëåíèå äëÿ ñúåìà è ìîíòàæà ïîäøèïíèêà êà÷åíèÿ,
I dispositivi per il calettamento e lestrazione di cuscinetti, På- och avdragningsanordningar för rullager, fläkt och vìtráky a prvky pohonu nedodáváme ! âåíòèëÿòîðà è âåäîìûõ ýëåìåíòîâ íå ïîñòàâëÿþòñÿ
ventilatori e elementi di trasmissione non possono essere drivdonselement kan inte levereras!
DE - Normteile sind nach Abmessung, Werkstoff und Oberfläche im freien Handel zu beziehen.
EN - Standard commercially available parts are to be purchased in accordance with the specified dimensions, material and surface finish.
FR - Les pièces normalisées peuvent être obtenues dans le commerce daprès leurs dimensions, le matériau et létat de surface.
ES - Las piezas estándar se comprarán en comercios del ramo según las dimensiones, material y superficie especificados.
IT - Le parti standard sono reperibili sul mercato secondo le dimensioni, il materiale e la finitura della superficie.
SV - Normerade detaljer kan erhållas i öppna handeln, och skall specificeras beträffande storlek, material och ytbehandling.
CS - Normované díly lze v pøísluných rozmìrech, materiálech a povrchu nakoupit v bìných obchodech.
RU - ñòàíäàðòíûå ÷àñòè ìîæíî ïðèîáðåñòè â ñâîáîäíîé òîðãîâëå ïî ðàçìåðàì, ìàòåðèàëó è ïîâåðõíîñòè
DE - Ersatzteile sind über den Vertrieb bei den jeweiligen Produktionsstätten zu bestellen.
EN - Spare parts can be ordered from the Sales departments of the particular production sites.
FR - Les pièces de rechange doivent être commandées auprès du service de vente des lieux de production respectifs.
ES - Los recambios se piden a través de la distribución de las plantas de producción respectivas.
IT - I pezzi di ricambio vanno ordinati presso i centri di distribuzione dei rispettivi stabilimenti di produzione.
SV - Reservdelar ska beställas på respektive fabriks distributionsavdelning.
CS - Náhradní díly je tøeba objednat pøes odbyt u pøísluných výrobních závodù.
RU - Çàêàçû íà çàïàñíûå ÷àñòè ïðèíèìàþò îòäåëåíèÿ ïðîäàæè ñîîòâåòñòâóþøèõ ïðîèçâîäñòâåííûõ çàâîäîâ.
E Bad Neustadt / D
UD Mohelnice / Cz
UC Frenstat / Cz
E Áàä Íåéøòàäò / Ãåðìàíèÿ Order example
UD Ìîõåëüíèöå / ×åõèÿ Exemple de commande 1.40 Lagerschild
UC Ôðåíøòàò / ×åõèÿ Ejemplo de pedido 1LA7 163-4AA60
Esempio di ordinazione Nr. E4A6 4567 890077
Pøíklad objednávky
Ïðèìåð çàêàçà
5.91 certificar uniones atornilladas (5.1) In the case of aluminium bearing plates (1.40 AH90) a spring strip (1.61) is inserted in the hub
certificare collegamenti a vite (5.1) (hook-in bead in undercut) .
5.92 intyga skruvförband (5.1) Sur les flasques aluminium (1.40 AH90), un ressort à ruban (1.61) est inséré dans le moyeu
(Accrocher le jonc par dégagement par rainure).
schválený roubový spoj (5.1)
5.98 En las placas de cojinete de aluminio (1.40 AH90) en el cubo se halla montado un fleje de
2003 All Rights Reserved
5.98 5.44
2x 5.96
5.78 5.03
5.10 5.19
5.99 5.10
5.04 5.78
6.10 6.23
5.71 5.11
7.40* 7.49*
4.18 4.19
4.30 * Teile entfallen bei
3.00 3.38
* Parts not included with
1.60 4.38 * Certaines pièces sont
1.43 1.58 4.39 supprimées pour le type
1.49 * Pazas inexistentes en 1LP, 1PP, 1MF
1MA7/1MF7 * Parti non
1.49 * Delar ingår inte för
* díly odpadají u
Fig. 2 BG 56...90L
* ×àñòè îòñóòñòâóþò â
1LA 6/1MA 6 Bei Aluminium-Lagerschilden (1.40/6.20) ist in die Nabe entweder ein Federband (1.61/6.11)
**) 1MA/1MF: EEx e - bescheinigte Verschraubung (5.1)
eingelegt (Sicke im Freistich einhaken) oder ein Stahlring eingegossen.
5.91 certify screwed connections (5.1) 5.79 With aluminium end shields (1.40/6.20), either a spring band (1.61/6.11) is inserted (bead
hooked in undercut) or a steel ring is cast in the hub.
certifier presse-étoupe (5.1)
certificar uniones atornilladas (5.1) 5.70 5.78 Les flasques-paliers en aluminium comportent (1.40/6.20) soit une lame élastique (1.61/6.11)
5.92 certificare collegamenti a vite (5.1)
introduite de telle manière que le bossage vienne se placer dans la gorge, soit un anneau en
acier inséré par coulée.
intyga skruvförband (5.1) En el cubo del escudo portacojinetes de aluminio (1.40/6.20) puede haber una banda elástica
schválený roubový spoj (5.1) (1.61/6.11) cuyos abultamientos se enganchan en el canal, o hay embebido un anillo de acero.
ðåöèíçèðîâàííîå ðåçüá.ñîåäèíåíèå (5.1) Nel mozzo degli scudi in alluminio è stato (1.40/6.20) inserito o un anello in acciaio fuso, o un
5.93 nastro flessibile (1.61/6.11) il cui rilievo è innestato nelle gole.
I Lagersköldar av aluminium (1.40/6.20) är ett fjäderband (1.61/6.11) antingen inlagt i nevet
1MA/1MF: 5.98 (vulsten inpassad i underskärningen) eller ingjutet i en stålring.
U hliníkových títù (1.40/6.20) je do loiskového náboje vloena buï pruná objímka (1.61/6.11
5.90 5.94
prolisy musí zapadnout do zápichu) nebo je zde zalit ocelový krouek
 àëþìèíèåâûõ ïîäøèïíèêîâûõ ùèòàõ (1.40 /6.20) âî âòóëêó ëèáî æåëîáîê âëîæåíà ïðóæèíÿùàÿ
5.89 ïëàñòèíà(1.61/6.11) (æåëîáîêíàñàäèòü íà êðþê) èëè âëèòî ñòàëüíîå êîëüöî
ã Siemens AG 2003
1.60 3.38
1.43 1.58 4.19 1MA6/1MF6
1.49 4.31 4.38 4.18
All Rights Reserved
BG 100...160L
Fig. 4
DE - Ausschlagen der Öffnungen für Kabel und Leitungen im Anschlußkasten
EN - Knocking out the openings for cables and leads in the terminal box
FR - Rupture des membranes de fabrication aburant les entées de câbles et de conducteurs sur la boîte á bornes
ES - Martillando las aberturas pasacables de la caja de bornes
IT - Asportare la pellicola per cavi e conduttori nella cassetta terminale
SV - Utslagning av öppningarna för kabel och ledningar i uttagslådan
CS - Vyraení otvorù pro kabely a vedení ve svorkovnici
RU - Âûáèâàíèå îòâåðñòèÿ äëÿ êàáåëåé èëè ïðîâîäîê â êëåììíîé êîðîáêå
Ausbrechöffnung (Gußhaut)
Cast iron skin
Membrane de fabrication
Membrana de fundición
Pellicola residua della colata
Vylamovací otvor (èepièka)
âûáèòûå îòâåðñòèÿ (ëèòåéíàÿ êîðêà)
Mutter O-Ring
O-Ring (Fig. 5.1)
Nut O-ring (Fig. 5.1) O-ring
Ecrou Joint torique (Fig. 5.1) Joint torique
Tuerca junta tórica (Fig. 5.1) junta tórica
Dado Guarnizione a o-ring(Fig. 5.1) Guarnizione a o-ring
Mutter O-ring (Fig. 5.1) O-ring
Matka O-krouek (Fig. 5.1) O-krouek
Ãàéêà Î-êîëüöî (Fig. 5.1) Î-êîëüöî
Nut Reduktionsstück
Ecrou Adapter
Wall of terminal box
Tuerca Pièce de réduction
Paroi de la boîte á bornes
Dado Pieza reductora
Pared de la caja de bornes
Mutter Riduttore
Cassetta termina l parete
Vägg till uttagslådan Matka Reduceringsstycke
Stìna svorkovnice Ãàéêà Redukce
ñòåíêà êëåììíîé êîðîáêè M M íàñàäêà
Einbaulage Blechmutter
Installation length sheet metal nut
Emplacement pour écrou à tôle
posición del montaje tuerca para chapa
Posizione di montaggio dado di lamiera
Monteringsläge påtmutter
Poloha plechové matky
ìåñòî ïîñàäêè ãàéêè
Montage / Assembly / Montage / Montaje / Hinweis / Note / Note / Note / Nota / Observera / poznámka /
Montaggio / Montering / Montá / Ñáîðêà Óêàçàíèÿ/ïðèìå÷àíèÿ
1 DE - Verschraubung in Gehäuse einschrauben oder mit Gegenmutter befestigen, 1 DE - Die Verschraubungen dürfen ausschlieslich für Kabel ohne Bewehrung oder
(Drehmoment M). Umspinnung sowie nur für feste Installation verwendet werden.
EN - Screw connection into housing or tighten with locknut , (Torque M). EN - The cabel entries may be used only for non-armouring cables and only for
FR - Visser le raccord à vis dans le carter ou fixer avec un contre-écrou, solid installation.
(couple de serrage M). FR - Les raccords à vis ne peuvent être utilisés que pour les câbles sans armature
ES - Enroscar la atornilladura en la carcasa o sujetarla con la contratuerca, ou guipage ainsi que pour uniquement les installations fixes.
(par de giro M). ES - Las atornilladuras pueden usarse solo y exclusivamente para cable sin
IT - Avvitare il collegamento a vite sulla carcassa o fissare con controdado, armadura ni trenzado, así como sólo para la instalación fija.
(momento torcente M). IT - I collegamenti a vite devono essere utilizzati solo per cavi senza armatura
SV - Skruva i förskruvningen i huset eller fäst den med en kontermutter, o calza ed esclusivamente per installazioni fisse.
(vridmoment M). SV - Förskruvningarna får endast användas för kabel utan armering eller
CS- Naroubujte roubové spojení do bloku nebo jej upevnìte pojistnou maticí, omflätning samt endast för fasta installationer.
(toèivý moment) CS- roubová spojení se smìjí pouívat výluènì pro kabely bez výztue
RU- Ââèíòèòü ðåçüáîâîé ýëåìåíò â êîðïóñ èëè çàêðåïèòü åãî êîíòðãàéêîé, nebo opøedení a jen k pevné instalaci.
(ìîìåíò çàòÿæêè Ì). RU- Ðåçüáîâûå ñîåäèíåíèÿ äîëæíû èñïîëüçîâàòüñÿ òîëüêî äëÿ
ïðîâîäîâ áåç êàáåëüíîé áðîíè èëè îáìîòêè, à òàêæå òîëüêî äëÿ
2 DE - Leitung einführen. ñòàöèîíàðíîãî ìîíòàæà.
EN - Put cable through.
FR - Introduire la conduite. 2 DE - Bei mehrmaliger Verwendung ist auf Unversehrtheit des Kunststoffein-
ES - Introducir el cable. satzes zu achten.
IT - Introdurre il cavo. EN - The plastic insert must be undamaged at multiple use.
SV - Skjut in ledningen. FR - En cas dutilisation à plusieurs reprises, veiller vous assurer que la garniture
CS- Zaveïte vedení en plastique ne soit pas endommagée.
RU- Ââåñòè êàáåëü. ES - Al usarse varias veces, se tiene que comprobar si está intacto el inserto de
3 DE - Hutmutter festziehen,(Drehmoment M). IT - In caso di uso ripetuto, fare attenzione che la guarnizione di plastica non sia
EN - Tighten nutcap, (Torque M). danneggiata.
FR - Serrer lécrou borgne, (couple de serrage M). SV - Vid upprepad användning är det viktigt att kontrollera att plastinsatsen inte
ES - Apretar la tuerca de sombrerete, (par de giro M). har tagit skada.
IT - Stringere il dado cieco, (momento torcente M). CS- Pøi opakovaném pouití je tøeba dbát na to, aby nedolo k pokození
SV - Dra åt toppmuttern, (vridmoment M). plastové vloky
CS- Utáhnìte uzavøenou matici, (toèivý moment) RU- Ïðè ìíîãîêðàòíîì èñïîëüçîâàíèè ïðîâåðÿòü íåïîâðåæäåííîñòü
RU- Ïðî÷íî çàòÿíóòü êîëïà÷êîâóþ ãàéêó, (ìîìåíò çàòÿæêè Ì). ïëàñòìàññîâîãî ñåðäå÷íèêà.
ã Siemens AG 2003 All Rights Reserved
Fig. 5
DE - Anziehdrehmomente für Schraubenverbindungen der elektrischen Anschlüsse - Klemmenbrettanschlüsse (außer Klemmenleisten)
EN - Tightening torques for screwed electrical connections - terminal board connections (except for terminal strips)
FR - Couples de serrages des bornes de la plaque à bornes (ne concerne pas les borniers)
ES - Pares de apriete para uniones atornilladas de las conexiones eléctricas en la placa de bornes (exceptuando las regletas de bornes).
IT - Coppie di serraggio per le viti di attacco di collegamenti elettrici / dei portamorsetti (escluse morsettiere)
SV - Åtdragningsmoment för motorns huvudkopplingsplintar. (utom för hjälpkopplingsplintar)
CS - Utahovací momenty pro roubové spoje elektrických pøípojek svorkovnice (mimo svorkových lit)
RU - Ìîìåíòû çàòÿæêè ðåçüá. ñîåäèíåíèé ýë. ïîäêëþ÷åíèé-ïîäêëþ÷åíèéíà êëåììíûõ ùèòàõ(êðîìå ïîäêëþ÷åíèé íà êëåììíîé ïëàíêå)
Gewinde- Æ / Thread- Æ
Æ du filetage / Æ de la rosca
Diametro del filetto / Gängdimeter M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 M12 M16
Závit-Æ / ÐåçüáàÆ
Tightening torque
Couple de serrage
min 0,8 1,8 2,7 5,5 9 14 27
Par de apriete Nm
Coppia di serraggio
Utahovací moment max 1,2 2,5 4 8 13 20 40
Çàòÿæíîé ìîìåíò
Fig. 5.1
DE - Anziehdrehmoment der Kabelverschraubungen aus Metall (*) und Kunststoff (**) für direkten Anbau am Motor. Bei weiteren
Verschraubungen (z. B. Reduzierungen) sind die entsprechenden Momente gemäß Tabelle anzuwenden.
EN - Tightening torques of the cable screw connections made from metal (*) and plastic (**) for direct installation on the motor.
For other threaded attachments (e.g. reducers) the appropriate torques in the tables are to be used.
FR - Le couple de serrage des passe-câble à vis en métal (*)et en plastique (**) pour le montage direct sur le moteur.
Pour les autres raccords à vis (par ex. réductions), il faut utiliser les couples correspondants indiqués dans le tableau.
ES - Par de apriete de los racores para cables en metal (*) y plástico (**) para el montaje directo en el motor.
Tratándose de otras atornilladuras (p.ej., reductores), se tienen que aplicar los pares correspondientes de conformidad con el cuadro.
IT - Coppia di serraggio dei collegamenti a vite dei cavi in metallo (*) e materiale sintetico (**) per il montaggio diretto sul motore.
In caso di altri collegamenti a vite (p. es. riduzioni), applicare i momenti riportati nella tabella.
SV - Åtdragningsmoment för kabelförskruvningar av metall (*) och plast (**) för direkt montering på motorn.
För övriga förskruvningar (t ex reduceringar) gäller de i tabellen angivna åtdragningsmomenten
CS - Utahovací toèivý moment kabelových roubových spojení z kovu (*) a O-Ring - Dicke
plastu (**) k pøímé montái na motor. U dalích roubových spojení (napøíklad (*) (**) Joint torique
redukcí) pouijte pøísluné momenty uvedené v tabulce. junta tórica
RU - Ìîìåíòû çàòÿæêè ðåçüáîâûõ êàáåëüíûõ ââîäîâ èç ìåòàëëà (*) è Guarnizione a o-ring
ïëàñòìàññû (**) äëÿ íåïîñðåäñòâåííîé óñòàíîâêè íà ýëåêòðîäâèãàòåëå. O-ring
Ïðè èñïîëüçîâàíèè äîïîëíèòåëüíûõ ðåçüáîâûõ ýëåìåíòîâ (íàïðèìåð ïåðåõîäíûõ Nm Nm O-krouek
äåòàëåé) ñîáëþäàòü ìîìåíòû çàòÿæêè, ïðèâåäåííûå â òàáëèöå. Î-êîëüöî
min max min max mm
M 12 x 1,5 4 6
M 16 x 1,5 5 7,5 2 3
M 25 x 1,5 6 9 2
M 32 x 1,5
8 12 4 6
M 40 x 1,5
Fig. 5.2
DE - Anziehdrehmomente für Schrauben am elektrischen Anschlußkasten, Lagerschilden und Schutzleiter-Schraubverbindungen
EN - Tightening torques for screws at the electrical terminal box, endshileds and protectice conductor-screw connections.
FR - Couples de serrage pour vis - sur larmoire électrique, .flasques et raccords à vis de fils de protection
ES - Momentos de apriete para los tornillos en la caja de conexiones eléctricas, placas de los cojinetes y conexiones del conductor de puesta a tierra y conexiones roscadas.
IT - Coppie di serraggio per avvitamenti alla scatola di giunzione elettrica, scudi e collegamenti a vite del conduttore di protezione
SV - Åtdragningsmoment för skruvar på kopplingsskåp, lagerskyltar och skyddsledaranslutningar
CS - Utahovací momenty roubù v elektrickém pøípojném pouzdøe, loisek ve títu a roubových spojení na ochranném vedení.
RU - Çàòÿæíûå ñîåäèíåíèÿ äëÿ âèíòîâ íà êëåììíîé êîðîáêå, ùèòîâ ïîäøèïíèêîâ è ðåçüá. ñîåäèíåíèé çàùèòíîé ïðîâîäêè
Gewinde- Æ / Thread- Æ
Æ du filetage / Æ de la rosca
Diametro del filetto / Gängdimeter M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 M12 M16 M20
Závit-Æ / ÐåçüáàÆ
Tightening torque
Couple de serrage
min 2 3,5 6 16 28 46 110 225
Par de apriete Nm
Coppia di serraggio
Utahovací moment max 3 5 9 24 42 70 165 340
Çàòÿæíîé ìîìåíò
DE - Die obigen Anziehdrehmomente gelten soweit keine anderen Werte angegeben sind!
EN - The above values of tightening torque are applicable unless alternative values are given elsewhere.
FR - Les couples de serrage indiqués ci-dessus sont valables pour autant quaucune valeur spécifique ne soit donnée.
ES - Estos pares de apriete rigen mientras no se indiquen otros.
IT - Le coppie di serraggio indicate qui di sopra sono valide se non sono indicati altri valori.
SV - Ovanstående åtdragningsmoment gäller om ej andra värden angivits!
CS - Výe uvedené utahovací momenty platí, pokud nejsou udány ádné jiné hodnoty!
RU - Âûøåóêàçàííûå ìîìåíòû- äåéñòâèòåëüíû â ñëó÷àå îòñóòñâèÿ äðóãèõ óêàçàíèé
Fig. 6
DE - Anschließbare Querschnitt je nach Klemmengröße (ggf. reduziert durch Größe der Leitungseinführungen)
EN - Conductor cross-sections connectable to the various terminals (may be reduced by size of cable entries)
FR - Sections raccordables suivant la taille de la borne (réduction éventuelle par la taille des entrées de câbles)
ES - Sección conectable según tamaño del borne (en caso dado, más pequeña debido al tamaño de las entradas de línea)
IT - Diametri dei collegamenti a sec. delle misure dei morsetti (eventualmente sono ridotte le dimensioni delle aperture per i conduttori)
SV - Anslutningsbara ledarareor för olika klämstorlekar (ev. reducerat med hänsyn till genomföringens storlek)
CS - Pøipojitelný prùøez podle velikosti svorek (pøíp. zmenený velikostí kabelových vývodek)
RU - Ïîäêëþ÷àåìîå ñå÷åíèå â çàâèñèìîñòè îò ðàçìåðà êëåìì (ïðè íåîáõîäèìîñòè óìåíüøàåòñÿ çà ñ÷åò ðàçìåðà ââîäà)
... 25 mm2 ... 10 mm2 ... 25 mm2 ... 10 mm2 ... 25 mm2
Bei Anschluß mit DIN- Kabelschuh Anschluß eines einzelnen Leiters Anschluß von zwei etwa gleich dik- Anschluß eines einzelnen Leiters Bei Anschluß mit DIN- Kabelschuh
ist dieser nach unten abzuwinkeln! mit Klemmbügel. ken Leitern mit Klemmbügel. unter äußerem Erdungswinkel. unter äußerem Erdungswinkel.
If connections are made with DIN Connecting a single conductor If connections are made with DIN
cable lugs, bend the cable lugs Connecting a single conductor with Connecting two conductors of al- under the outer earthing angle. cable lugs, under the outer ear-
downwards. a terminal clip. most equal thickness with a terminal thing angle.
Lorsque le raccordement est clip. Raccordement d'un seul Lorsque le raccordement est
réalisé par cosses DIN, celles-ci Raccordement d'un seul conduc- Deux conducteurs de diamètre à conducteur à une équerre extérieu- réalisé par cosses DIN, à une
doivent être pliées vers le bas. teur à une borne à étrier. peu pré équivalents, raccordés à re de mise à la terre. équerre extérieure de mise à la
une borne à étrier. terre.
Si la conexión se efectúa con Conexión de un solo conductor bajo Si la conexión se efectúa con
terminales para cables DIN, habrá Conexión de un solo conductor con Conexión de dos conductores de el angular exterior de puesta a tierra. terminales para cables DIN, bajo
que doblarlos hacia abajo. un pisacables. diámetro aproximadamente igual, el angular exterior de puesta a tierra.
con un pisacables. Allacciamento di ogni singolo con- Nel collegamento con capocorda
Nel collegamento con capocorda Allacciamento di ogni singolo con- duttore sotto angolare di messa a conforme alle norme DIN, sotto
conforme alle norme DIN, questo duttore con staffa. Allacciamento di due conduttori di terra esterno. angolare di messa a terra esterno.
va piegato verso il basso. stesso o pressocchè indentico Vid anslutning med kabelsko enl.
Vid anslutning med kabelsko enl. Anslutning av en enkelledare med spessore con staffa. Anslutning av en enkelledare under DIN under extern jordningsvinkel.
DIN skall denna bockas nedåt. klämbygel. Anslutning av två ungefär lika tjocka extern jordningsvinkel.
ledare med klämbygel. Pøi pøipojení kabelovým oèkem
Pøi pøipojení kabelovým oèkem Pøipojení jednotlivého vodièe Pøipojení jednotlivého vodièe pøi DIN pøi vnìjím zemnícím
DIN musí být toto ohnuto smìrem upínací objímkou. Pøipojení dvou zhruba stejnì vnìjím zemnícím úhelníku. úhelníku.
dolù! silných vodièù upínací objímkou.
Ïîäêëþ÷åíèå îäèíî÷íîãî Ïîäêëþ÷åíèå îäèíî÷íîãî Ïðè ïîäêëþ÷åíèè ñ ïîìîùüþ
Ïðè ïîäêëþ÷åíèè ñ ïîìîùüþ ïðîâîäà ñ ïîìîùüþ çàæèìà. Ïîäêëþ÷åíèå äâóõ ïðèìåðíî ïðîâîäà ïîä âíåøíèì DIN- êàáåëüíîãî íàêîíå÷íèêà ïîä
DIN- êàáåëüíîãî íàêîíå÷íèêà åãî îäèíàêîâûõ ïî òîëùèíå çàçåìëÿþùèì óãîëêîì. âíåøíèì çàçåìëÿþùèì óãîëêîì.
ñëåäóåò çàìîòàòü âíèç. ïðîâîäîâ ñ ïîìîùüþ çàæèìà.
Fig. 7
DE - Lagerwechsel
EN - Changing bearings
FR - Remplacement des roulements
ES - Cambio de cojinetes
IT - Sostituzione dei cuscinetti
SV - Lagerbyte
CS - Výmìna loiska
RU - çàìåíà ïîäøèïíèêà Zwischenscheibe (Schutz der Zentrierung im Wellenende)
Spacer washer (to protect centring bore in shaft end)
Rondelle (protection du centrage en bout darbre)
Disco intermedio (protege el centrado en el extremo del eje)
Spessore (protezione della centratura nullestremità dalbero)
Distansbricka (skydd av centreringen l axeltappen)
Vloená podloka(ochrana centrování na konci høídele)
Ïðîìåæóòî÷íàÿ øàéáà (çàùèòà öåíòðèðóþùåãî ýëåìåíòà â êîíöå âàëà)
DE - Zum Aufziehen von Abtriebselementen (Kupplung, Zahnrad, Riemenscheibe usw.), Gewinde im Wellenende benutzen und - sofern
möglich - Abtriebselemente nach Bedarf erwärmen. Zum Abziehen geeignete Vorrichtung verwenden. Es dürfen beim Auf- und Abziehen
keine Schläge (z.B. mit Hammer oder ähnlichem) oder größere als die laut Katalog zulässigen radialen oder axialen Kräfte über das
Wellenende auf die Motorlager übertragen werden.
EN -Use the tapped hole provided in the end of the shaft for fitting drive components such as couplings, gearwheels, belt pulleys, etc. and,
if possible, heat the components as necessary. Use a suitable puller tool for removing the components. Do not strike the components,
e.g. with a hammer or similar tool, when fitting or removing them and do not exert more than the maximum value of radial or axial
force - according to the catalog - transmitted to the motor bearings through the shaft extension.
FR - Pour monter les organes de transmission (accouplements, roues dentées, poulies à courroie, etc.), utiliser le taraudage du bout darbre.
Au besoin et lorsque cela est possible, chauffer les organes de transmission. Pour le démontage, utiliser un dispositif approprié. Aucun
coup (par ex. marteau) supérieur aux efforts axiaux et radiaux admissibles mentionnés au catalogue ne doit être transmis par larbre
aux roulements en cours de montage ou de démontage.
ES - Para calar los órganos de transmisión (acoplamientos, rueda dentada, polea, etc.) utilizar la rosca en el extremo del eje y - siempre
que sea posible - calentar convenientemente dichos órganos. Utilizar el dispositivo adecuado para la extracción. Durante las operaciones
de calado o extracción no golpear (p. ej. con martillo o similar) ni ejercer sobre los cojinetes del motor a través del extremo del eje
fuerzas axiales o radiales superiores a las admisibles según catálogo.
IT - Per calettare gli elementi di transmissione (giunti, ruote dentate, pulegge, ecc.), utilizzare il foro filettato nellestremità dalbero e,
se possibile, riscaldare gli elementi di transmissione . Per lestrazione vanno adoperati attrezzi adatti. Sono da evitare colpi o martellate,
e forze radiali o assiali trasmesse dallestremità dalbero ai cuscinetti maggiori di quelle consentite sec. il catalogo.
SV - Använd axeltappens gänga vid pådragning av drivdon (koppling, kugghjul, remskiva etc) och värm om möjligt upp drivdonen om så behövs.
Använd lämpliga verktyg för avdragningen. Några slag (t.ex. med hammare e.dyl.) får aldrig förekomma vid på- och avdragning, och
radiella och axiella krafter som är större än de som anges i katalogen får inte överföras till motorlagren via axeltappen.
CS -Pro nasazování hnacích prvkù (spojka, ozubené kolo, øemenice a pod.) pouijte závit na konci høídele a pokud to je moné zahøejte podle
potøeby hnací prvky. Pøi stahování pouijte vhodný pøípravek. Pøi nasazování a stahování nesmí být pouívány ádné údery (napø. kladivem
a podobnì) nebo pøenáeny pøes konec høídele na loisko motoru ádné radiální nebo axiální síly vìtí, ne je uvedeno v katalogu.
RU - Äëÿ ìîíòàæà âåäîìûõ ýëåìåíòîâ (ðåäóêòîð, çóá÷àòûé ðåìåíü, ðåìåííàÿ øàéáà è ò.ä.) èñïîëüçîâàòü ðåçüáó íà êîíöå âàëà ïî
âîçìîæíîñòè íàãðåâàòü âåäîìûå ýëåìåíòû, åñëè åñòü íåîáõîäèìîñòü. Äëÿ ñíÿòèÿ èñïîëüçîâàòü ñïåöèàëüíîå ïðèñïîñîáëåíèå. Äëÿ
ñíÿòèÿ èëè ìîíòàæà ñëåäóåò èçáåãàòü óäàðîâ(íàïðèìåð ìîëîòêîì èëè ïîäîáíûìè ïðåäìåòàìè). Íåëüçÿ äîïóñêàòü, ÷òîáû ÷åðåç êîíåö
âàëà íà ìîòîð ïåðåäàâàëèñü àêñèàëüíûå èëè ðàäèàëüíûå ñèëû, áîëüøèå ÷åì óêàçàííûå â êàòàëîãå.
Fig. 9
DE - Auswuchtung mit halber Paßfeder
EN - Balancing with half featherkey TP
FR - Equilibrage avec demi-clavette
ES - Equilibrado con media chaveta
IT - Equilibratura con mezza chiavetta
SV - Balansering med halv kil
CS - Vyváení polovièními lícovanými pery
RU - Áàëàíñèðîâêà ñ ïîëîâèíîé ïðèçìàòè÷åñêîé
INSTRUCTIONS Before fitting the filter into the
system check that the permissible
operating pressure of the system
FILTERS On no account must any does not exceed the operating
This pressure unit complies with alterations (welding, drilling, or pressure of the filter.
the regulations of the Pressure opening by force…) be carried
Observe type code label on the
Equipment Directive (97/23/EC), out on the pressure unit.
Article 3 Paragraph 3, and as
such is not permitted to carry the
CE mark. Check that the correct filter
element is fitted. Fit cover plate
and screw in cover plate bolts
It is the responsibility of the alternately (except RF 30 cover
operator to comply with the plate).
water regulations of the
country concerned. For torque values of cover plate
bolts, see point 1.4.
This pressure unit must only Switch on hydraulic system and
be operated in conjunction Statutory accident prevention vent filter.
with a machine or a system. regulations, safety regulations
and safety data sheets for Check filter for leakage.
fluids must be observed. 1.4. TOOLS REQUIRED FOR
When working on, or in the Int. hex.
vicinity of, hydraulic systems, bolt,
naked flames, spark generation Torque Allen
The pressure unit must only be
and smoking are forbidden. Size value key
used in accordance with the
requirements of the operating RF 30 Hand-tight
instructions of the machine or Hydraulic oils and water RF 60/110 25 Nm SW 6
system. polluting fluids must not be
allowed to enter the soil or RF 160/240 25 Nm SW 6
watercourses or sewerage RF 330 40 Nm SW 8
systems. Please ensure safe RF 660 150 Nm SW 14
and environmentally friendly RF 950/1300 250 Nm SW 17
disposal of hydraulic oils.
The relevant regulations in the
The user must, by appropriate country concerned with regard Torque Ext.
action, (e.g. venting) prevent to ground water pollution, Size value hexagon
the formation of air pockets. used oil and waste must be
complied with. RF 2500/4000 150 Nm SW 24
RF 5200 250 Nm SW 30
Whenever work is carried out RF 6500/15000 250 Nm SW 36
on the filter, be prepared for
Caution hot oil to escape which can 1.5. SERVICE ADDRESSES
cause injury or scalding due to
Repair, maintenance work and Oil service:
high pressure or high
commissioning must only be HYDAC International
carried out by trained Servicetechnik, Werk 6
personnel. Industriegebiet
Ensure the pressure unit has D-66280 Sulzbach/Saar
cooled down before handling. Tel.: 06897/509-333
Fax.: 06897/509-846
The stipulations of the
operating instructions of the
machine or the system must be Customer service:
followed. HYDAC International
Zentraler Kundendienst, Werk 6
D-66280 Sulzbach/Saar
Tel.: 06897/509-412
Fax.: 06897/509-634
2.1. GENERAL ELEMENT 1. Moisten sealing surfaces on the
filter housing and cover plate, as
This section describes 3.1. REMOVING THE ELEMENT well as the O-rings, if necessary,
maintenance work, which should 1. Switch off hydraulic system with clean operating fluid.
be carried out periodically. and release filter pressure.
The operational safety and life
expectancy of the filter, and CAUTION: 2. When fitting a new element,
whether it is ready for use, When fitting as inline filter: before check that the designation
depend to a large degree on opening the filter, slowly open the corresponds to that of the old
regular and careful maintenance. vent screw and release pressure. element.
2.2. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES (Release possible pressure in the
– Spare parts must fulfil the 3. If present, fit the contamination
technical requirements specified retainer onto the new or cleaned
by the manufacturer. This is 2. Remove cover plate bolts. element by turning clockwise.
always guaranteed for HYDAC (RF 30: Unscrew cover plate
original spare parts. manually)
4. Place filter element onto the
– Keep tools, working area and element location spigot in the
equipment clean. 3. Remove cover plate. filter housing (the position of the
– After disassembling the filter, handle must be taken into
clean all parts, check for damage account).
4. Pull out filter element (with
or wear and replace parts if contamination retainer, if present)
necessary. by the handle. Examine element 5. Replace filter cover plate.
– When changing a filter element a surface for dirt residues and
high level of cleanliness must be larger particles; these can indicate
observed! 6. Screw in cover plate bolts
damage to the components.
manually; tighten alternately
2.3. INTERVAL BETWEEN (for torque values, see point 1.4.;
CHANGING ELEMENTS 5. Remove contamination retainer for RF 30: screw in cover plate
We recommend fitting the filter (if present) by turning to the left - manually).
with a clogging indicator (visual bayonet fitting.
and/or electric or electronic) to
7. Switch on hydraulic system and
monitor the filter element.
6. Replace or clean filter element vent filter at an appropriate point
If the clogging indicator responds, (only W/HC, W, V and T elements in the system.
it is necessary to change or to can be cleaned).
clean the filter element without
delay. (Only W/HC, W, V and T 8. Check filter for leakage.
elements can be cleaned). 7. Clean housing, cover plate and
contamination retainer.
If no clogging indicator is fitted,
we recommend changing the
elements after specified intervals. 8. Examine filter, especially sealing
(Changing the filter element surfaces, for mechanical damage.
depends on the design of the
filter and the conditions.) Higher
dynamic loads across the 9. Check O-rings on the clogging
element might necessitate indicator and the cover plate and
shorter intervals between replace if necessary.
changes. Shorter intervals can
also be expected during
commissioning, repairs, oil
changes etc. on the hydraulic
Filter elements which cannot be cleaned
must be disposed of in accordance with
environmental regulations.
2.2 / 4.3
1.2 / 4.1 3
4.2. SPARE PARTS LIST RF 30 - 1300
4.3. SPARE PART DRAWING RF 2500 - 15000
2.2 / 3.3 3.4
1.2 / 3.1
4.4. SPARE PARTS LIST RF 2500 - 15000
5.1. MODEL CODE (R Element (also order example)) 0060 R 010 BN3HC /-V-KB
0030, 0060, 0110, 0160, 0240, 0330, 0660, 0850, 0950, 1300
Filtration in µm
BN3HC, V : 3, 5, 10, 20
BN/AM : 3, 10
P/HC : 10, 20
W/HC : 25, 50, 100, 200
AM : 40
Filter material
BN3HC Betamicron® P/HC Paper
AM Aquamicron® W/HC Stainless steel wire mesh
BN/AM Betamicron®/Aquamicron® V Stainless steel fibre
Supplementary details
V = FPM seals, filter suitable for biodegradable oils and phosphate ester (HFD-R)
W = NBR seals, filter suitable for oil water emulsions (HFA, HFC)(only for V and W/HC elements)
KB = without bypass valve
B. = special bypass cracking pressure (B1 = 1 bar, B6 = 6 bar)
The information in this brochure relates to the operating conditions and applications described. For applications or
operating conditions not described, please contact the relevant technical department. Subject to technical
1.1.2. Selection table - Return line indicators 1.2. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS
suitable for filter types 1.2.1. Return line indicators
RFM (except NFD...
75/165 MFD ELF7
Designation size 75/165) 1.0
VR 2 B.1 l l
VMF 2 B.1 l
VR 2 C.0 l l
VMF 2 C.0 l
General details
VR 2 D.0/-L l l
Designation of VR 2 B.1 VMF 2 B.1 VR 2 E.0 VMF 2 E.0 VR 2 ES.0
VMF 2 D.0/-L l clogging indicator (not illustrated) (not illustrated)
VMF 1 UE.0 l 1)
Electrical details
VMF 0.2 UF.0 l 1)
Switching type - - -
1) only when used in suction applications
Max. switching voltage - - -
Electrical connection - - -
Only NBR (Perbunan) seals can be used
in the temperature range - 30° C to - 10° C.
High voltage peaks sometimes occur when
inductances are switched off. Therefore the
use of protection diodes should be considered.
3 4
1.1. GENERAL FLUTEC pressure relief valves
DB4E are used:
According to DIN–ISO 1219,
FLUTEC pressure relief valves – as safety valves for limiting
DB4E are valves for oil hydraulic A pressure to the maximum
systems used for controlling permissible
pressure by opening the outlet to – as safety valves for cylinders,
the tank when the inlet pressure B pumps and other pressure
exceeds the spring force. generators
The damping unit fitted on the – for limiting pressure in hydraulic
pressure side ensures that a C units and control blocks
stable operation is maintained – for pressure control of hydraulic
over the whole capacity range circuits
and that the noise level is kept to D
Areas of application could be, for
a minimum. An excellent
constant–pressure performance is
achieved by means of the – hydraulic units
hydrodynamic lift support. Further – elevating platforms
advantages of these valves are E 2 – mobile hydraulics
as follows:
– clamping hydraulics
– standardised installation
dimensions means that they are – relief valves on hydraulic motors
suited to many different F – force or torque limiting on drive
applications 1 elements
– their compact design provides 1.4. NOTE
space–saving installation in A Adjustment device
B Valve body When fitting the valves into
connection housings, control C Spring control blocks and housings the
blocks, etc. especially in confined D Spring plate with hydro– given torques must be observed!
installation conditions dynamic lift support
E Closing cone with damping Note port configuration!
– low hysteresis and high stability piston
ensure accurate pressure control Important
F Valve seat
– optimum system adaptation by 1 Pressure port If the connections are incorrect, or
means of various pressure ranges 2 Tank port the pressure has been incorrectly
set above the operating pressure,
– simple assembly by means of 1.2. FUNCTION the safety function of the valve is
service–friendly cartridge valve FLUTEC pressure relief valves no longer operational.
technology DB4E are direct–operated, Max. pressure across tank port 2:
– a wide range of connection spring–loaded cone seat valves 350 bar
housings is available for optimum for oil hydraulic systems. The
adaptation to a multitude of valve basically consists of a valve Please note
applications body with built–in valve seat, a The cracking pressure of the
– the zinc–plated surface is suitable hardened and polished closing valve increases by the amount of
for use in mobile applications cone and the adjustment device pressure across tank port 2!
without additional coatings. for setting the initial spring
tension. The spring applies this
In accordance with pressure force to the closing cone and
vessel regulations pressure set pushes it against the valve seat.
and lead sealed pressure relief On the opposite side of the
valves are available for oil closing cone the system pressure
hydraulic systems. acts via port 1 of the valve. If the
The corresponding valve hydraulic pressure force is below
specifications are set out in the the pre–set spring tension, the
brochure ”FLUTEC Pressure valve is closed. If the hydraulic
Relief Valves DB4 pressure set pressure force exceeds the
and lead sealed” no. E 5.163../.. pre–set spring tension, the
closing cone is lifted off the valve
seat and the operating fluid flows
from pressure port 1 to tank port
2. This limits the pressure across
port 1. To ensure that a stable
operation is maintained, the
closing cone is securely located
in the damping piston which has
to displace oil in an aperture with
each movement of the closing
cone. This produces a damping
force each time, opposing the
direction of movement.
4/10 Bosch Rexroth AG Industrial Hydraulics Types WMR, WMU, WMM and WMD(A) RE 22280/02.04
Function, section
Valve types WM.. are mechanical, manual operated directional
spool valves.
They control the start, stop and direction of a flow.
2 1 3 4
The directional valves basically consist of the housing (1), an
operating element (2) (roller/plunger, hand lever, rotary knob),
the control spool (3), and one or two return springs (4).
In the unoperated condition, the control spool (3) is held in
the neutral or initial position by the return springs (4) – or by a
detent with rotary knob operation.
The control spool (3) is pushed into the required control
position by means of the operating element.
Detent A T B
Directional valves with rotary knob operation are supplied with Type 4WMR 6 E5X/… (P)
a detent as standard. Directional valves with hand lever
operation are available as 2 or 3 position valves with detent.
Directional valves with a roller/plunger are generally without
detent. When using an operating element with detent, it is pos-
sible, according to the valve type, to fix any switched position.
Throttle insert
Use of the throttle insert is necessary when the operating
conditions are such, that during the switching process larger
flows can occur than the performance limits of the valve allow. 2 1 3 4
It is fitted in the P line of the directional valve.
P (P)
Type 4WMM 6 D5X/F
Type 4WM. 6 ..5X/..B..
2 1 3 4
Type 4WMDA 6 E5X/F (P)
RE 22280/02.04 Types WMR, WMU, WMM and WMD(A) Industrial Hydraulics Bosch Rexroth AG 5/10
Technical data (for applications outside these parameters, please consult us!)
Installation Optional
Ambient temperature range °C – 30 to + 80 (NBR seals)
– 20 to + 80 (FKM seals)
Weight kg Approx. 1.4
Maximum operating Ports A, B, P bar 315
pressure Port T: For symbols A or B, port T must be used as a drain
• For WMM, WMD, WMDA bar 160 port if the operating pressure is higher than the
• For WMR, WMU bar 60 permissible tank pressure.
Maximum flow L/min 60
Pressure fluid Mineral oil (HL, HLP) to DIN 51524 1); fast bio-degradable
pressure fluid to VDMA 24568 (also see RE 90221); HETG
(rape seed oil) 1); HEPG (polyglycols) 2); HEES (synthetic
ester) 2); other pressure fluids on request
Pressue fluid temperture range °C – 30 to + 80 (for NBR seals)
Cleanliness class to ISO codes Maximum permissible degree of contamination of the pressure
fluid is to ISO 4406 (C) class 20/18/15 3)
Viscosity range mm2/s 2.8 to 500
1) Suitable for NBR and FKM seals 3) The cleanliness class stated for the components must be
2) Only suitable for FKM seals adhered too in hydraulic systems. Effective filtration prevents
faults occurring and at the same time increases the
component service life.
For the selection of filters see data sheets:
RE 50070, RE 50076 and RE 50081.
Operating force/torque
Operating pressure
Ports A, B, P bar 100 200 315
Operating force on the roller/plunger
Without tank pressure N 100 112 121
With tank pressure N 184 196 205
(pT = max. 60 bar) corresponds to 1.4 N per bar tank pressure
Operating torque max. Ncm – 150
Without tank pressure,
N 20 –
with and without detent
150 bar tank pressure N 30 –
Valves type Z2FS 6 are double throttle/check valves of sandwich plate Flow flowing back from the actuator port A2 moves the valve seat
design. (2) against spring (5) in the direction of the throttling spool (3), causing
They are used to limit the main or pilot flow of one or two actuators. the valve to act as a check valve and allowing free-flow. Depending
upon the way in which the valve is installed, the throttling effect can
Two symmetrically arranged throttle/check valves limit the flow in
be arranged as a meter-in or meter-out control.
one direction and allow free-flow in the opposite direction.
Limiting the main fluid flow (version ..2Q..)
For meter-in control fluid passes from port A1 to port A2 via the
In order to change the velocity of an actuator (main fluid flow), the
throttling point (1), which is made up of the valve seat (2) and the
double throttle/check valve is installed between the directional valve
throttling spool (3). The throttling spool (3) is axially adjustable via
and the subplate.
the adjustment screw (4), thus allowing the throttling point (1) to be
adjusted. Limiting the pilot fluid flow (version ..1Q..)
In pilot operated directional control valves, the double throttle/check
valve is installed as a pilot choke adjustment (pilot fluid flow). It is
fitted between the main valve and the pilot valve.
4 5 2
A1 B1
3 1 A2 B2
Technical data (for applications outside these parameters, please consult us!)
Installation Optional
Ambient temperature range °C – 20 to + 80
Weight kg Approx. 0.8
Maximum operating pressure bar 315
Maximum flow L/min 80
Pressure fluid Mineral oil (HL, HLP) to DIN 51 524;
Fast bio-degradable pressure fluids to
VDMA 24 568 (also see RE 90 221); HETG (rape seed oil);
HEPG (polyglycols); HEES (synthetic ester);
Other pressure fluids on request
Pressure fluid temperature range °C – 20 to + 80
Viscosity range mm2/s 10 to 800
Cleanliness class to ISO code Maximum permissible degree of contamination of the pressure
fluid is to ISO 4406 (C) class 20/18/15 1)
1) The cleanliness class stated for the components must be adhered too in hydraulic systems.
Effective filtration prevents faults from occurring and at the same time increases the component service life.
For the selection of filters see catalogue sheets RE 50 070, RE 50 076 and RE 50 081.