CLT Primer PDF
CLT Primer PDF
CLT Primer PDF
Pablo Crespell
& Sylvain Gagnon
Special Publication 52
Financial support for this study was provided by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) under the Transformative
Technologies Program, which was created to identify and accelerate the development and introduction of
products such as Cross laminated timber in North America.
This effort utilized the knowledge and skills developed under the National Research Program (NRP).
FPInnovations expresses its thanks to its industry members, NRCan (Canadian Forest Service), the Provinces
of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick,
Newfoundland and Labrador, and the Yukon Territory for their continuing guidance and financial support for
the NRP.
We also thank the following individuals for their special contributions to the study: Mr. Andrew Waugh (KLH
UK, Waugh & Thistleton), Mr. Wolfgang Weirer (KLH Austria), Mr. Thomas Orskaug (KLH Scandinavia), Dr. Ario
Cecotti (IVALSA, Italy), Dr. Gerhard Shickhofer (Graz University of Technology, Austria), Dr. Erlend Nybakk
(Skog og Landskap, Norway), and Dr. Johan Vessby and colleagues (Linnaeus University, Sweden).
ISBN 978-0-86488-545-6
6 Assemblies 4
7 Features 7
9 Construction Features 11
10 Construction Process 12
11 Building Performance 13
12 Case Studies 14
Cross laminated timber (CLT) is a
novel building system of interest in
North American construction. It is a
cost-competitive wood-based solu-
tion that complements the existing
light and heavy-frame options, and is a
suitable substitute for some applica-
tions which currently use concrete,
masonry and steel.
This publication is mostly based on
European experience. Application of
European results to North America is
The Value Proposition
preliminary until validated for local Lessons from Europe
species and technologies. This primer
Because CLT is made of wood it possesses a number of positive
is not intended for promotional use
environmental characteristics common to all wood products.
but rather it is a compilation of the
These include carbon storage, less manufacturing greenhouse
knowledge gathered on CLT to date.
gas emissions than non-wood materials, and an overall lighter
environmental footprint than non-wood materials, according
North America
CLT appears to be cost competitive for some building types where currently masonry, concrete and steel are
used. Preliminary analyses indicate its feasibility for mid-rise, both residential and non-residential. Other
promising building types include institutional (e.g., educational) and box-type warehouses. Feasible
applications include elevator shafts, stairwells, balconies, stairs and additions.
These building types and applications represent an important opportunity in the US and Canada. This demand,
combined with the high wood usage of CLT may translate into a significant outlet for Canadian lumber.
Figure 1 identifies the different stakeholders and how they may benefit from CLT. These attributes are discussed
in detail throughout the document.
Fig 1
How different LUMBER CLT
stakeholders may
benefit from CLT
Environmental performance Environmental performance Environmental performance Environmental performance Environmental performance
Design flexibility Design flexibility Design flexibility Design flexibility
Structural performance Structural performance Structural performance Structural performance
Large market opportunity
Note: Gold color Construction speed Construction speed Construction speed Construction speed
Cost competitiveness Cost competitiveness Cost competitiveness Cost competitiveness
text indicates Large market opportunity Large market opportunity
Large market opportunity
less importance Livability Livability Livability
No new product is without its challenges. For CLT these include acceptance by the design and building
community, code limitations to building with wood, lumber supply issues, limited production capacity, lack of
generic or proprietary standards, and a delay while manufacturers and builders develop information on
information on safety, performance and economy.
Having the capability to work with CAD and CNC routers is crucial for any CLT manufacturer. The role of the
‘formatter’ is converting architectural drawings into machine code that can be read by the CNC router.
Networking and web capabilities are likely requirements.
1 Brief History
Initial development of CLT took place in Lausanne and Zurich, Switzerland in the early 1990s. Several companies started
production using proprietary approaches. In 1996 Austria undertook an industry-academia joint research effort that resulted
in the development of modern CLT. For several years progress was slow but in the early 2000s construction with CLT increased
dramatically, partially driven by the green building movement; but also due to better efficiencies, code changes (e.g., Sweden,
Netherlands), and improved marketing and distribution channels. An important factor has been the perception that CLT is a
‘not light’ construction system. European producers have followed a proprietary approach to manufacturing with European
Technical Approval (ETA) reports that allow them to operate, however there are efforts under way to develop a European (EN)
standard. Typical building types include multi-family apartment buildings and educational buildings. The countries leading in
the use of CLT are: Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, and the UK with 0.3 million m3 constructed in place and a
0.6 to 1.0 million m3 forecast for 2015 [15]. New plants are soon to be built in Sweden, Australia1 , and North America2. CLT is
also known as X-lam (‘cross lam’) and ‘massive timber’.
2 European Manufacturers
XX KLH (Austria, UK, Sweden): 71,000 m3 XX Stora Enso (Austria): 60,000 m3
3 Product Description
Andrew Waugh, personal CLT is a multi-layer wooden panel made of lumber. Each layer of boards is placed cross-wise to the adjacent layers for increased
rigidity and stability. The panel can have three to seven layers, or more, normally in odd numbers, symmetrical around the mid
North America: CST Innovations,
layer [7]. The solid wood building system consists of ready-to-use building components which are assembled to form complete
Acier AGF, Nordic (Canada),
and Montana Sustainable frameworks. Dimensional lumber is the main input material. It is possible to use low grade for the interior layers and higher
Building Systems (US) grades for the outside and it can be pre-dressed (planed) or dressed at the factory once the panel is assembled. While softwoods
Thomas Orskaug, personal dominate, it is feasible to manufacture CLT using hardwoods like poplar or even hybrid panels (e.g., OSB, LSL, OSL and LVL).
4 Manufacturing
Lumber Drying
XX The boards must be kiln dried to a moisture
content of 12% ± 2% depending on target
location. Proper moisture content prevents
dimensional variations and surface cracking.
Lumber can be procured dried or further drying
may be needed at the factory.
The right pressure and homogeneity are critical.
Hydraulic presses dominate, however the use of
vacuum and compressed air presses is also
possible, depending on panel thickness and
adhesive used. Vertical and horizontal pressing
are applied.
CNC Router
CNC routers allow high precision. Panels
are cut to size; openings are made for
windows, doors and service channels,
connections and ducts.
Quality Control
Compliance with product requirements
prescribed in the product standard must be
checked at the factory (e.g., bending strength,
shear strength, delamination).
5 Mechanical Properties and Serviceability 6 Assemblies
Different methods have been adopted for the determination of basic mechanical properties of CLT Configuration
in Europe. Some of these methods are analytical in nature while others are experimental. For floor
Assembly configurations are project-dependent.
elements, experimental evaluation involves determination of flexural properties by testing full-size
Below is an example from the Limnologen
panels or sections of panels with a specific span-to-depth ratio. The problem with the experimental
building (Växjö, Sweden):
approach is that every time the layout, type of material, or any of the manufacturing parameters
change, testing is needed to evaluate the bending properties of such products. 4
XX Exterior wall : 3-ply CLT, exterior insulation
In Europe, mechanical properties are provided by each manufacturer on a proprietary basis. In the (100 to 200 mm), facade (e.g., 5 mm stucco),
case of CLT panel products, there is no European standard to date. The approval process includes 1x or 2x gypsum board on furring, optional
preparation of a European Technical Approval Guideline (ETAG) that contains specific characteristics/ 100 mm internal insulation.
requirements of the product as well as test procedures for evaluating the product prior to submission
XX Separation walls: 2 x 3-ply CLT, insu- lation,
to the European Organisation for Technical Approvals (EOTA). The ETA allows manufacturers to place
gypsum on furring on both sides
CE marking (Conformité Européenne) on their products.
XX Partition walls: 3-ply CLT, gypsum on both
i FPInnovations
sides. Wood or metal stud partitions are
quite common and economical. Some load
bearing reinforcement may be needed.
Common types of connections in CLT assemblies
XX Wall to foundation
Wall details from Limnologen (Exterior, separation, partition) [14] XX Wall to wall (junction)
i Utilities
XX Floor to floor
XX Wall to floor
XX Wall to roof
FPInnovations is conducting
research on ‘Design Guidelines Electrical, HVAC and water distribution are
The basic panel to panel connection can be
on Durability for Cross typically placed in the suspended ceiling space
established through half-lapped, single or double
Laminated Timber Construction or in cavities above the panels [9,11]. Sound and
splines made with engineered wood products.
in North America’. fire insulation are important factors when
Metal brackets, hold-downs and plates are used
deciding how to run distribution lines.
to transfer forces. Innovative types of connection
systems can also be used, including mechanical
and carpentry connection systems.
screws Plywood or LVL
Two major mechanical fasteners are used for connecting
CLT panels and assemblies:
XX Dowel-type fasteners:
iFPInnovations is
• Nails currently
• Screws (traditional and proprietary self-tapping)
effective connection
• Glulam rivets systems for wood
• Dowels
• Bolts
XX Bearing-type fasteners:
• Split rings
• Shear plates
i 7 Features
Environmental Performance Fire Performance
FPInnovations CLT likely has better characteristics XX CLT assemblies can inherently have excellent fire-resistance due to the thick
than functionally equivalent con- cross-sections which, when exposed to fire, char at a slow and predictable rate.
is currently
crete and steel systems in several
investigating the aspects of environmental perfor- XX CLT construction typically has fewer concealed spaces within wall and floor
environmental mance. assemblies which also can reduce the risk of fire spread.
profile of CLT.
European marketing literature on XX Charring rate experiments conducted in Switzerland found that the adhesive used
CLT often refers to the renewability in the manufacturing of CLT panels can have a significant impact on the charring
of wood, recyclability, recoverabili- rate. This was because the protective char layer that forms and insulates the
ty, carbon storage, etc. unburned wood from fire, fell off in layers when some polyurethane adhesives
CLT’s cited positive environmental were used. When CLT panels with more traditional adhesives were used, the
attributes have also been identified charring rate was found to be the same as that assumed for solid timber and
as key advantages for CLT in North Glulam members [5].
America [18].
1. A state-of-the-art paper on fire design of CLT systems will be prepared and
pressure Canada: STC: Airbone sound transmission class; IIC: Impact sound insulation class
Benchmark from [8] (Adjusted to Europe via personal communication)
iFPInnovations in
XX The low damping ratio (about 1% critical
i FPInnovations is
See in box left.
damping ratio) is one of the weaknesses of
working on
collaboration with CLT floors. Seismic Performance
Sintef Byggforsk ‘Design Guidelines
XX Damping to a large extent is affected by on Durability XX Three-and 7-storey full-scale CLT buildings were
developed a
the degree of integration of the floor to the for Cross- tested by IVALSA (Trees and Timber Research
design method surrounding structural parts, especially by the Institute of Italy) in Japan on the largest shaking
to determine laminated Timber
addition of partitions [14]. table in the world. The buildings performed
vibration Construction
remarkably well even when subjected to severe
controlled spans XX Any measures for increasing the damping in North America’. earthquake motion like that of the devastating
ratio through CLT product design and CLT Kobe earthquake (magnitude of 7.2 and
for CLT floors that
floor construction details will make CLT accelerations of 0.8 to 1.2 g).
accurately predicts floor systems more cost-effective and better
the vibration positioned to compete with concrete slabs. XX In the case of the 7-storey building there was no
performance of residual deformation at the end of the test. The
CLT floors. XX Elevators can be detailed in such a way that maximum inter-storey drift was 40 mm (1.3%),
their operation does not create perceptible while the maximum lateral deformation at the
vibrations. top of the building was only 287 mm7 [13].
i FPInnovations
Thermal Performance
XX European sources often suggest that CLT
provides thermal mass for a building, which
can be associated with heating and cooling
XX The CLT buildings showed ductile behaviour
and good energy dissipation. Such behaviour
was mainly influenced by the mechanical
connections used.
conducted a
energy reductions [17].
Assessment of XX CLT has the same fundamental thermal
Hygrothermal properties as the wood from which it is
made. In terms of heat capacity and thermal FPInnovations is collaborating with
Performance of Watch the video at: http://
resistance wood is average among building IVALSA in the development of seismic
Cross Laminated wwwbinderholzbausysteme.
materials. Values for CLT are improved simply design procedures and parameters for CLT
Timber Wall com/fileadmin/
through the virtue of its thickness. construction. FPInnovations is developing
Assemblies using
kobe100-3-Dexp.mpg Rd and Ro factors.
hygIRC and WUFI’. XX Good air tightness may be achieved. Foam
tape is normally used at the joints for this
purpose. Edge-gluing of the boards also helps. Ario Cecotti, personal communication
8 CLT as a Building System
XX Versatile: CLT’s versatility as a building system is a feature that architects and engineers
may find appealing. CLT’s versatility comes from the fact that panels can be used for
all assemblies just by varying the thickness. Furthermore, long spans are possible to
• Cassette’ floors allow longer spans (e.g., 2x3-ply CLT slabs with Glulam beams
in the middle). Cassette is also suitable for cantilever applications [1].
• Floors can be put directly on columns without carrying beams because of the
effective potential of spreading point-loads [3].
9 Construction Features
CLT has all the advantages of prefabricated buildings plus some distinctive features
given its massive nature and structural makeup.
XX Rapid construction time: Fast construction is probably one of the main attributes
of CLT. Outputs from 1,000 to 8,000 SF/day can be achieved with small crews
and little equipment. Crews of 2, 4, or 8 carpenters plus one or two mobile crane
operators are typically employed in Europe. Some advantages include lower capital
cost, faster project turnaround and potential insurance benefits due to fast and
safe erection. Being wood-based follow-on contractors come in quicker and finish
This stability plus the use of CNC routers allows pre-installed windows and/or
cladding. Pre-installed piping, electrical, insulation and HVAC are also possible.
These installations can be placed in the cavity between the plasterboard and the
CLT panels.
XX Less disruption to neighbours: It is a quick and quiet process, and takes up less
space, making it suitable for infill sites and/or additions.
Courtesy of KLH
10 Construction Process
Photo Credit FPinnovations
XX Assemblies are divided into ‘elements’. These elements are numbered and
shipped according to an assembly plan.
XX A crane, light power tools and a small crew are needed to build the structure.
Panels are lifted using inserted hooks.
XX Walls are placed on top of a grout bedding (lumber board) and foam tape.
XX Some walls are temporarily held together until the ceiling is installed, then
the walls are secured and the construction moves on.
Weather Protection
XX Wall elements may be protected with vapour barriers.
11 Building Performance
Transport XX Stability is gained out of the diaphragm action of the wall to
floor connections.
XX Wall elements are covered by a tarp and transported (typically on
edge) in open trucks. Panels can be delivered with a waxed surface
XX Cross lamination provides dimensional stability and static
or wrapped in plastic film.
strength in all directions.
XX Floor elements are transported stacked, covered by a tarp.
XX Settlement effects are negligible (e.g., 20 mm for 7-storey
Limnologen building after 1 year).
XX Unloading is done with a forklift.
XX High axial load capacity for walls due to large bearing area.
XX High shear strength against horizontal loads.
XX Only mobile cranes are used, not tower cranes.
XX High buckling capacity.
XX The size and number of cranes will depend on the project and
whether panels or preassembled ‘elements’ will be lifted. For
instance, Limnologen used a 3.3 ton overhead crane (2 ton elements),
Customer Satisfaction
integrated with the optional tent (see case study page 15). Surveys and anecdotal experience indicate high satisfaction from
both occupants of CLT buildings and those involved in the design
and construction process:
12 Case Studies MURRAY GROVE
Building Type Residential: 1+8 stories
Building Type Residential: 1+7 stories (last as duplex)
Building Type Educational: 3 stories
Building Type Equestrian Center
Cost “Competitive”
Part 2 presents an assessment of the potential market and cost analysis for CLT in North America, with an emphasis on the US.
CLT represents a large market opportunity.
Cost Competitiveness
CLT is a suitable substitute building system for certain concrete, masonry and steel building types, with an overall weighted
saving of 25% in shell costs (Table 1).
Manufacturing Costs
Simulations yield a variable cost of approximately $17-20 per
cubic foot (for a lumber cost of $300/mbf). In CLT manufacturing,
Market Size
lumber accounts for over 50% of the variable costs. The market
opportunity assessment used this cost for CLT, marked up by In order to quantify the market
25%. Similarly, simulations for eastern Canada using MSR S4S opportunity, a cost competitiveness
redried lumber yielded a variable cost of $17 per cubic foot and a factor10 was assigned to each building
total cost of $20 per cubic foot at the plant. type by storey class (low- and mid-
Manufacturer’s Capital Investment (Europe) Market Opportunity for CLT
XX Small operation: $5 to 6M (4,000 m /year, 1 line)
For 5% and 15% market penetration
scenarios, the potential demand for
XX Large operation: $20 to 30M (70,000 m3/year, 2 lines)
lumber comes to 0.8 to 2.5 billion
board feet. Under the same scenarios
Market Analysis CLT demand would range from 40 to
130 million ft3 or 1 to 3 million m3
Table 2 shows the total annual US market. CLT is cost competitive
approximately. The estimated value
in 66% of the non-residential market, the most competitive
of shell construction is 1.5 to 4.5
being the mid-rise segment at nearly 75%.
billion dollars (Table 2).
Floor area CLT Lumber Shell Value
(Million ft2) (Million m3) (BBF) ($ Billion)
Table 3
Market Opportunity by Storey class 5% 15% 5% 15% 5% 15% 5% 15%
Scenario (Adapted from
McGraw-Hill, US 2008)
Low-rise (1 to 4) 52 156 0.9 2.7 0.6 1.8 1.1 3.3
Note: The Canadian market can be estimated at 5 to 10% of the US market on a floor area basis.
The short-term opportunity is limited by code limitations and it will depend on the number of early adopters
willing to sign off [18]. Besides direct savings, carbon storage may be a driver for adoption and market penetration.
Other Applications
XX Elevator shafts and stairwells: 0.2 to 0.4 BBF
XX Additions: Low weight, flexibility of design and easy construction make prefabricated systems well suited
for additions. Additions represent 15 to 20% of the value of construction ($43 billion in 2008)[10]
4 stories, 141 stalls, 127 mm CLT floor.
iFPInnovations developed a code
standards roadmap for CLT. It
provides strategies for acceptance
of CLT under ‘alternative solutions’
for early adopters and also
strategies for adoption in the
building codes as an ‘acceptable
solution’ for general practitioners.
2 Research Initiatives
i Research on cross laminated timber has reached a critical mass. These are some of the most important players to date:
1. Boellaard and Lootens. 2007. An Application of the Massive Timber Structure in a Multi-Storey Housing Design. Lulea University
5. Frangi, A., Fontana, M., Hugi, E., Jöbstl, R. 2009. Experimental analysis of cross-laminated timber panels in fire. Fire Safety Journal,
44, 1078-1087.
6. Frangi, A., Bochicchio, G., Cecotti, A., Lauriola, M., 2006. Natural full-scale fire test on a 3 storey XLam timber building.
Proceedings of the 10th EWPA World Conference on Timber Engineering.
13. Quenneville, P. and H. Morris (2008). NZ Timber Design Journal, 4(15), 3-8
18. Canadian Wood Council. 2010. Plan to accelerate commercialization and use of CLT in North America. Edited by Paul Perkins and
Kelly McCloskey.
For more information contact:
Pablo Crespell Sylvain Gagnon