02 Introduction To LP
02 Introduction To LP
02 Introduction To LP
Linear Programming
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Jones Investment
Evaluation Results on Some Alternatives
Potential Expected Jones's Liquidity Risk
Investment Return Rating Analysis Factor
Savings Account 4.0% A Immediate 0
Certificate of Deposite 5.2% A 5-year 0
Atlantic Lighting 7.1% B+ immediate 25
Arkansas REIT 10.0% B immediate 30
Bedrock Insurance Annuity 8.2% A 1-year 20
Nocal Mining Bond 6.5% B+ 1-year 15
Minicomp Systems 20.0% A immediate 65
Antony Hotel 12.5% C immediate 40
Jones Investment
• Portfolio goals
– Expected annual return of at least 7.5%.
– At least 50% invested in “A-Rated” investments.
– At least 40% invested in immediately liquid investments.
– No more than $30,000 in savings accounts and
certificates of deposit.
• Problem summary
– Determine the amount to be placed in each investment.
– Minimize total overall risk.
– Invest all $100,000.
– Meet the investor goals (diversify).
Contoh 2
Suatu perusahaan manufaktur memproduksi tiga jenis pakaian:
baju, celana pendek dan celana panjang. Untuk memprodusi tiga
jenis pakaian tersebut perusahaan memerlukan berbagai mesin
yang berbeda yang harus disewa. Untuk membuat baju
diperlukan pemakaian mesin A dengan ongkos sewa Rp 200 juta
per minggu; Untuk membuat celana pendek diperlukan
pemakaian mesin B dengan biaya sewa Rp 150 juta per minggu.
Untuk membuat celana panjang diperlukan pemakaian mesin C
dengan sewa Rp 100 juta per minggu. Kebutuhan kain dan
tenaga kerja ditunjukkan dalam tabel berikut. Sedangkan waktu
tenaga kerja yang tersedia adalah 150 jam per minggu dan 160 sq
yard kain tersedia.
Jenis pakaian Kebutuhan Jam Kebutuhan kain
tenaga kerja
Baju 3 4
Celana pendek 2 3
Celana panjang 6 4
Baju 12 6
Celanan pendek 8 4
Celana panjang 15 8
Introduction to LP
The most often model used in OR is Linear
Programming (LP)
A Linear Programming model seeks to maximize
or minimize a linear function, subject to a set of
linear constraints.
The linear model consists of the following
• A set of decision variables.
• An objective function.
• A set of constraints.
Introduction to LP
The Importance of Linear Programming
Many real world problems lend themselves to
linear programming modeling.
Many real world problems can be approximated
by linear models.
There are well-known successful applications in:
Finance (investment)
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Introduction to LP
Assumptions of the linear programming model
The parameter values are known with certainty.
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Linear Programming Modeling
Stages of an application:
Problem formulation
Mathematical model
Deriving a solution
Our Very First Example
The Opti Mize Company manufactures two products
that compete for the same (limited) resources.
Relevant information is:
Labor-hrs/unit 1 2 20 hrs/day
Machine hrs/unit 2 2 30 hrs/day
Cost/unit $6 $20 $180/day
Profit/unit $5 $15
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Management is seeking a production
schedule that will increase the company’s
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The Model
Decision Variables
Let X = number of units of product A to manufacture
Y = number of units of product B to manufacture
Max Profit = z = 5 X + 15 Y
subject to:
X + 2 Y <= 20 (labor-hours)
2 X + 2 Y <= 30 (machine hours)
6 X + 20Y <= 180 ($ - budget)
X >= 0, Y >= 0
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I want another
I’ll give you
more !!
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The Galaxy Industries Production Problem
A Prototype Example
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The Galaxy Industries Production Problem –
A Prototype Example
Marketing requirements
Total production cannot exceed 700 dozens.
Number of dozens of Space Rays cannot exceed
number of dozens of Zappers by more than 350.
Technological inputs
– Space Rays requires 2 pounds of plastic and 3 minutes of
labor per dozen.
– Zappers requires 1 pound of plastic and 4 minutes of labor
per dozen.
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The Galaxy Industries Production Problem –
A Prototype Example
The current production plan calls for:
Producing as much as possible of the more profitable
product, Space Ray ($8 profit per dozen).
Use resources left over to produce Zappers ($5 profit
per dozen), while remaining within the marketing
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The Galaxy LP Model
Decisions variables:
X1 = Weekly production level of Space Rays (in dozens)
X2 = Weekly production level of Zappers (in dozens)
Objective Function:
Weekly profit, to be maximized
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Static Workforce Scheduling
Number of full time employees on different days of the week
are given below.
Each employee must work five consecutive days and then
receive two days off.
The schedule must meet the requirements by minimizing the
total number of full time employees.
Day 1 = Monday 17
Day 2 = Tues. 13
Day 3 = Wedn. 15
Day 4 = Thurs. 19
Day 5 = Friday 14
Day 6 = Satur. 16
Day 7 = Sunday 11
Solution: Static Workforce Scheduling
LP Formulation:
Min. z = x1+ x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7
subject to
x1 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 17
x1+ x2 + x5 + x6 + x7 13
x1+ x2 + x3 + x6 + x7 15
x1+ x2 + x3 + x4 + x7 19
x1+ x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 14
x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 16
x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 11
x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 0
The Classical Diet Problem
Mr. Arman has been placed on a diet by his Doctor (Dr.
Nunuk) consisting of two foods:
milk and ice cream. The doctor warned him to insure
proper consumption of nutrients to sustain life.
Relevant information is:
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Summary - Solution Procedures
two or three variables only
solve systems of equations
for corner points
Simplex algorithm
numerical, iterative
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Capital Budgeting Problem
Five different investment opportunities are available for
Fraction of investments can be bought.
Money available for investment:
Time 0: $40 million
Time 1: $20 million
Maximize the NPV of all investments.
Inv.1 Inv. 2 Inv. 3 Inv. 4 Inv. 5
Time 0 cash $11 $5 $5 $5 $29
Time 1 cash $3 $6 $5 $1 $3
NPV $17 $16 $16 $14 $39
Multi-Period Financial Models
Determine investment strategy for the next three years
Money available for investment at time 0 = $100,000
Investments available : A, B, C, D & E
No more than $75,000 in one invest
Uninvested cash earns 8% interest
Cash flow of these investments:
0 1 2 3
A -1 + 0.5 +1 0
B 0 -1 + 0.5 +1
C -1 + 1.2 0 0
D -1 0 0 + 1.9
E 0 0 -1 + 1.5
Solution: Multiperiod Financial Model
Decision Variables:
A, B, C, D, E : Dollars invested in the investments A, B, C, D, and E
St: Dollars invested in money market fund at time t (t = 0, 1, 2)
Maximize z = B + 1.9D + 1.5E + 1.08S2
subject to
A + C + D + S0 = 100,000
0.5A + 1.2C + 1.08S0 = B + S1
A + 0.5B + 1.08S1 = E + S2
A 75,000
B 75,000
C 75,000
D 75,000
E 75,000
A, B, C, D, E, S0, S1, S2 0
Multi-Period Workforce Scheduling
Requirement of skilled repair time (in hours) is given below.
At the beginning of the period, 50 skilled technicians are
Each technician is paid $2,000 and works up to 160 hrs per
Each month 5% of the technicians leave.
A new technician needs one month of training, is paid $1,000
per month, and requires 50 hours of supervision of a trained
Meet the service requirement at minimum cost.
Solution: Multiperiod Workforce Scheduling
Decision Variables:
Minimize z = 1000(x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5) + 2000(y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 + y5)
subject to
160y1 - 50 x1 6000 y1 = 50
160y2 - 50 x2 7000 0.95y1 + x1 = y2
160y3 - 50 x3 8000 0.95y2 + x2 = y3
160y4 - 50 x4 9500 0.95y3 + x3 = y4
160y5 - 50 x5 11000 0.95y4 + x4 = y5
xt, yt 0, t = 1, 2, 3, … , 5